“My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy Capitalism”
– Karl Marx
High Priest of Satan and Crypto Jew Karl Marx was born on Cinco de Mayo 1818. Charles Darwin set sail on the Beagle, launching “Evolution Theory” on Cinco De Mayo 1834. The European Union was born on Cinco de Mayo 1949. NASA launched the first man Alan Shepard into space on Cinco de Mayo 1961 (No, NASA has never gone to the Moon). One of the Mercury 7 aboard Freedom 7; Mercury refers to Toth-Hermes and the Emerald Tablet “That which is above shall become that which is below” illustrated by the Masonic Square and Compass and the Talmudic phrase “Tikkun Olam” (Repair the Earth). Repairing the Earth entails eliminating God and His followers and returning Earth to the conditions in the Garden of Eden. One problem; God isn’t going anywhere and a 4 faced Cherubim is guarding every entrance to the Tree of Life.
What will happen on May 5, 2015? 2015 is unique in all of human history in terms of God’s Holy Calendar. 5/5/15 can be read as 5+5+5; Masons are buried in coffins with 555; 5+5+2+1+5=18; America was set up to be the Satanic Scapegoat for Revelation 18 “Economic Babylon”; 18=6+6+6, which can also be reduced to 8, the number of Eternity; 555 is the Roman equivalent of the Hebrew 666, the number of the 3rd Adam=Red=Edom) Lucifer is the Devil, Dragon, Serpent and Satan who deceives the whole world, cast to earth with his angels (Rev 12:9) 2015 is 7X7=49 years or 7th Shemita after the founding of the Church of Satan in San Francisco; a Satanic Jubilee is underway, marked by the 8th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses and 2 Solar Eclipses on God’s Holy Days of Passover and Tabernacles and the Ecclesiastical and Civil New Year.
At the Cathedral of St Sulpice is the Rose Line used to measure the Ubliquitory Angle of the Ecliptic, Easter, and Solar Year between Summer and Winter Solstice. On the Gnomon Pillar is the Aquarius Symbol marked as the zenith on Dec 21st.; Yule or Geole and Good Friday-Easter have nothing to do with Jesus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnomon_of_Saint-Sulpice The Priest stands behind the Brass Oval which marks the Equinoxes; and limits of Paschal Easter (Sunday following the Full Moon after Mar 21) which in 2015, aligned with Passover during a celestial event unique in all of human history. Edomite King Herod celebrated Easter, by murdering James and attempting to murder Peter; Christians never celebrated Easter and should not today. The Council of Nicaea in 325 AD fixed the date on Sunday “Dies Solis” because Constantine and his Druid Princess Mother St Helena were Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes desperate to destroy true Christianity; his council representative St Nicholas aka Santa Claus or Sol Invictus did that as no other could, which is why JESUS hates Esau (Mal 1:3; Rom 9:13; Heb 12:16) and Nicolaitane Doctrine (Rev 2:6;15). 1656 years can be counted from Creation to the Flood + 2160 years from Aries to Pisces + 2160 years from Pisces to Aquarius, measured by many astrologers and apparently the St Sulpice Society to be starting now. The Age of Adulthood and Accountability is 21 1656+2160+2160+21=5997 years. Sar means “Prince”; Sargon “Legitimate King” conveyed at age 21, his birth Zodiac being significant as Taurus precessed into Aries. Zeus/Lucifer is the Celestial Bull Taurus. The Sun, Moon and Stars are God’s Clock placed for us to tell Time and Seasons. “But, beloved., be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise…” 2 Pet 3:8 Jesus promised He would return. He also said a Messiah who comes in his own name would be accepted, and that a “Strong Delusion” (2 Thess 2:11)would come over the world to believe his lies. The term “Earth Dweller”, beginning Rev 13:8 is used during the last 3 1/2 years of “Great Tribulation” to describe these people. 13/8=Phi the Golden Mean or Ratio of Life. Venus and Earth are in this 13/8 ratio with respect to the Sun. Don’t be fooled folks, JESUS is waiting at the door but you need to open it! Don’t be played for a fool!
Jesuit (Society of Gesu) Pope Francis and UNification Church “Moonie” Sec Gen Ban Ki Moon will host the Man-made Global Climate Change Summit over Beltane. Is Pope Francis the Antichrist or False Prophet? No.
“From the East” is changed to “To the East” in new bible versions of Gen 11:2, “They came from the East…” being from Mt Everest aka Chumolongo “Earth Mother” not the Turkish fake Mt Ararat west of Babylon. 8 people survived the Flood by following Noah into the Ark; will you survive? A Spiritual Baptism from JESUS is the only way.
Earth Mother
A 7.8 Earthquake occurred in Nepal (Birthplace of Siddhartha Guatama “The Buddha” or World Pillar) on “Robigalia” April 25. April 25 is a major Rogation Day for the Catholic (Universal) Church; Prayers invoke the mercy of God on Creation. God didn’t cause the Nepal Earthquake; Man did!
April 25th is also the Feast Day of St Mark, instructed by Peter. Verses Mk 9-20 KJV are removed from Vaticinus because the verses speak of Spiritual Baptism of the Holy Ghost is the only mechanism for Salvation and Miracles; these gifts of God are in opposition to the Church of St Peter, built upon a misreading of Mat 16:18. The Divinity of Jesus is the Rock that Saves and Heals, not the Small Stone of Peter who denied Him 3 times or Buddhist reincarnation. Rev 12:4 “And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered” Not ready for the Beast from the Earth (Buddha, al Mahdi, Krishna) to be delivered? Me either, but that day is fast approaching; on Beltane “Birth of Baal”? Time will tell.
When Plutonium (Pluto is the Roman god of destruction) was first created in the “”Trinity” (Father, Mother, Son) detonation, Luciferian Mason J Robert Oppenheimer quoted the Shiva “The Destroyer” in the Bagavad Ghita “I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds”. Upon hearing news of the first Hydrogen detonation Edward Teller said “It’s a Boy!” 800 Trillion Bq of Cs-137 is expected to be deposited along the west coast of CA-US-MX in 2016. This is estimated (likely far underestimated) at 5% of the total release by the University of Fukushima; How is this possible? Fukushima was loaded with Uranium-Plutonium MOX Fuel provided by the US; cooling water was intentionally shut-off which started the core melt down. Melted MOX Fuel was then mixed with Saltwater. A Hydrogen reaction (not a hydrogen bomb) occurred and the Nitrogen Inerting System was also shut-off. The highly radioactive white hot fuel then formed Neutrally Buoyant “Bucky Balls” (named after New Age mentor of Barbara Marx Hubbard, Buckminster Fuller. Marx said “We are the riders of the Pale Horse Death. God creates, we decide who lives and who dies. We do this for the benefit of the Earth” Fukushima is the only location on Earth capable of accomplishing this, and it was planned well in advance.
- The Atmospheric Pacific Jet Steam originates south of Fukushima
- The Pacific Ocean Current passes directly offshore from Fukushima headed both North and South
- An underground river originates under the now melted Reactors at Fukushima
- Three Tectonic Plates converge at Fukushima
As Uranium-Plutonium Fuel melts into the Rock and mixes with Seawater, it forms cores similar to the Plutonium enhanced Fission Weapon “Fat Man”, used on Nagasaki. Earth is filled with Water, not molten rock; “Earthquakes in Diverse Places” can manifest themselves from “Shock Waves” originating from Fukushima once a Fission Chain Reaction begins. Jesus returns to “Destroy them which destroy the earth” Rev 11:18 This will do it!
Over Beltane, Congress will listen an address by Japan (Rising Sun) Shinto mass-murderer PM Shinzo Abe during the Vatican/UN Climate Change Summit both coincident with Beltane. Fukushima is destroying the Earth and will soon be the reason for the world’s largest Exodus across the Silk Road passed Earth Mother (Karakoram Hwy was built for this purpose) to Islamabad, across Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq (Babylon), and Jordan to Armageddon “Mount of Slaughter”. Do yourself an eternal favor and “Just say no”
America is the Scapegoat for Economic “Babylon” (Rev 18) The Roman Catholic Church is the Scapegoat for MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…(Rev 17). They were designed this way in order for the Alternative Messiah to be accepted.
Jade Helm 15 is already underway http://beforeitsnews.com/military/2015/04/jade-helm-train-with-massive-military-equipment-headed-for-west-coast-from-canada-video-2470450.html The massive amount of US Military equipment traveled through Canada in mid-April headed for the West Coast. Jesus said in both Testaments “A man’s foes shall be the men of his own household” Mic 7:6; Mat 10:36
On Earth Day, the US Senate approved a TPP Fast Track Bill virtually assuring passage of the Secretly Negotiated, Un-Constitutional TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership); no debate, no alteration and no reading the treasonous treaty. TTIP (Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) will follow close behind; the TPP Corporate Agreement could come as early as Beltane.
“Behold, thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from above; And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shale have the dominion, that thou shall break his yoke from off thy nbeck…The days of mourning for my father are at hand; then I will slay my brother Jacob” Gen 27:39-41 KJV) Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of Red Beans (Gen 25:31-33); TPP is the US Corporate agreement with God rejecting Edomites of the Banu Hashim; Hashemites are Quyraish or Korahites of Mecca; the alternative Priesthood to Moses and Aaron God punished in Num 16. Today they are called the Kingdom of Trans-Jordan, Sultanate of Sulu or Kingdom of Sabah (Sabah means Rising Sun) and the British Empire. Confiscated Gold in the Pacific is called the Golden Lily Treasure or Marcos’ Gold (Ferdinand Marcos’ father was a Sultan of Sulu).
There are no Star Wars Satellites, Reagan or rather Bush Sr stole $2.7T with that myth. Star Wars is really about the revealing of the Dark Lord. Project Blue Beam uses Satellites to project pictures onto the Ionosphere exactly as Television does. Gene Roddenberry was a 330 Luciferian Mason who created Star Trek series coincident with the founding of the Church of Satan, you may recall Sulu was the navigator of Star (Chaldean STUR is the Six Pointed Star of Molech) Trek’s (Bedouins or Merchants) Enterprise (Bold Undertaking) NCC 1701. Rev 17:1 describes the Whore of Babylon sitting on many waters. Scotti is the name of the pagan explorers of Ireland (Oz or Emerald Isle; Emerald is the mythical Stone cut from Lucifer’s Crown; Scots-Irish Kings falsely claim descent from King Zedekiah as does the Mormon Church leadership) and Scotland aka Tuatha de Danaan or Sons of Anu/Zeus/Lucifer. James T Kirk is an anagram for Knights of St John; Kirk is Scottish for Church; Kirkin O Tartan an annual celebration of the Presbyterian Church celebrating the Assyrian Army Captain Tartan; taking Israel captive; after making a treasonous pact with Ephraim; America and its British immigrants are falsely claimed to be Ephraim by Brit-AM-Israel false teachers and the Mormon (Mormo means “god of the living dead”) Church; Tartan means “Phoenician/Canaanite Cloth”. Bones is the Brotherhood of Death aka Thule Society, Society 322 or Skull & Bones; a Hospitaller or Knights of St John Doctor. Ahura is the God of Light “Lucifer” in Zoroastrian Religion. 1st Officer Spock the 1/2 breed Vulcan used the Talmudic Sign of Shin used to open Synagogues of Satan; Shin means Nails used to fasten Jesus to the Tree. The Master Mason password “Who is Tubal-cain?” is answered by “Vulcan of the Canaanites”. Why 1st Officer? In Gen 9:26-27 Canaan is described as Japheth and Shem’s Servant. America is not “One Nation Under God”; it is a CORPORATION headed by Lucifer.
TTIP is also Edomite Corporate Agreement; a Brithish or B’Rith-ish (Birthright) creation of the City of London Corporation; Gold there is called Black Eagle Trust (Eagle is the symbol of Esau). The US Corporation is Bankrupt and its CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES nearly dissolved. Citizens have no rights nor a “Constitution for the United States”. The US has little to no gold as collateral for $18T Debt; $50T in underfunded liabilities; $700T Derivatives; the US has however Trillions of Bbls of oil in the Gulf of Mexico, ANWR and Bakken Formation, 25% of the world’s most accessible fresh water, millions of acres of farm and cattle land fed by the Ogallala Aquifer, the world’s most capable military and 545 traitors in Congress who know this.
On Earth Day the CA Senate voted to prevent school for un-vaccinated children Vaccine means “Of the Cow”, the Jesuit Holy Cow Hathor is meant here. Bill passage could come as early as Beltane. The upcoming and likely soon to be mandatory Measles-Ebola Vax will cause your own body to attack itself! No greater Love than for a man to lay down his life for his friends eh? (Rev Jn 15:13)
On Earth Day, USC Earth Science Professor James Dolan predicted “The Big One”, the Big Earthquake in CA is inevitable and will trigger similar size Earthquakes from the San Andreas Fault; perhaps not coincidentally San Andreas: We knew this day would come” debuts May 29, 2015. I wonder if the burned out suicidal 27 year old pilot Andreas Lubitz (Cross of Andrew=X=Messiah; Lubitz = “Peace and Love”) knew/knows this? AL and Anno Lucifer match the UN Year of Light after all.
Communism was born on Beltane 1945 in where else but Red Square (Red Square means Edomite Earth; Hammer of Thor and Sickle of Saturn/Kronos). The Communist Flat Hand Salute, Fist, and V-Sign all mean “Victory” and are the same as the Talmudic Rabbis “Sign of Shin” (Nimoy and avid Kabbalist “Sign of Vulcan”, the fire god of the Canaanites and Master Mason Password). Again, in Hebrew, Shin or 6 is equivalent with the Roman V or 5; both mean Nail; the Nails used to Nail God to the Tree of Knowledge. In 2 Ki 17:30 the Rabbit Idol of Easter symbolizes Molech as Anammelech; the shadow of the V Sign popularized by Churchill, Lenin, FDR, Nixon etc forms this Rabbit.
JESUS is the Narrow Path to Salvation; COEXIST is the Wide Path to Destruction of the Soul. This motto can be seen in “Live and Let Live” in the newest Nation “Liberland” (Liber is Dionysus, Bacchus, Lucifer) and in the motto of Satanist Aleister Crowley (Gramps to Jeb and George Bush Jr; cute how Crowley’s book Liber:77 ended up on George HW Bush Aircraft Carrier CVN 77 and American Flt 77 allegedly hit the 77ft tall Pentagon on 9/11/2001 on the 77th Meridian eh?) “Do what thou wilt. shall be the sum of the Law”