The Big Bang Theory, Gravity Theory, Heliocentric Theory, Atomic Theory, Evolution Theory, Special Relativity and General Relativity Theories, Space-Time Theory, and String Theory are all lies.
“Oh mortal man, is there nothing you cannot be made to believe?” – Jesuit Professor Adam Weishaupt
“Einstein is a beggar given a purple robe and made king who uses dazzling mathematics to obscure the truth” – Nikola Tesla
Science: Scire means “To Know”. The Gnostic world is a “Matrix” exactly opposite the Word of God. An inscription on the Cross of Hendaye in southern France describes Science “Knowledge, Study and Learning is the last of all, but for us, the fist. Save for a small number all must perish”.
HAARP receives the most attention but HAARP is not the only problem. There are many Nations posessing Microwave and Electro-magnetic Radar technology far more capable than HAARP; eg SuperDarn, SOUSY, EISCAT, Wood Pecker Grid etc. HAARP’ patent “Method and Apparatus for alterng the Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere and Magnetosphere.
Here is my nutshell version of the technology that will destroy most life on Earth.

“Solar Radiation contacts Earth’s Magnetic Field as Gamma, X-Ray, Ultra-violet “UV” and Visible Light. Gamma and X-Rays are guided through and on the Earth’s surface; they are “Electrons” with a Negative charge which makes Earth an infinitely recharging “Ground”. Visible Light travels through the Magnetic Field contacting Nitrogen and Oxygen in the Atmosphere; Electrons knock Electrons out of Atoms forming “Auroras”. Ozone is created when “Ions” of Oxygen recombine; Ozone absorbs life harming UV Light. The Ionosphere is a net positively charged region ranging from about 15 miles to 200 miles above Earth. The Potential “Voltage” between Earth and the Ionosphere is 50Volts/ft and constantly recharging. This energy differential forms a Battery used to power Electro (Solar)-Magnetic (Earth) powered devices.
Visible Light refracts (Bends) in the Atmosphere and Oceans ie the Speed of Light slows down. Slowed Light becomes Microwave and IR (Infrared) “Heat Energy”. Uneven heating caued by Night and Day cycles and evaporation over the Earth produces Weather.
Radars collect and discharge Electro (Solar)-Magnetic (Earth) energy back to the Atmosphere. These Electrons bounce off the positively charged Ionosphere (eg HAM or HF Radio) to form Standing “Scalar” Waves. Note: Waves (Gravity, Light or Radio) do not travel in Space; Space is a Vacuum. Copernicus, Newton, Einstein and Hawking lied.
Nikola Tesla pioneered this type of free energy transmission 120 years ago. For the past 66 years Gnostics have used this energy to control Weather using Hurricanes, Guided Lightning, Tornadoes, Droughts, Floods. The energy is also used to modify the Earth using Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions.
Revelation has 22 chapters; divide it by the number of days in Creation “7″ and Pi results; the same ratio as the Perimeter divided by Height of the Great Pyramid in Egypt.
Israel was in Egyptian captivity the same time as the Inter-testament “Silent” years; multiply it by the distance between the Earth and Moon and the distance to the Sun results. Multiply the Moon’s diameter by that number (400) and the diameter of the Sun results. This relationship is the basis of Solar and Lunar Eclipses. This is no coincidence.
The Lunation Cycle is equal to a woman’s Menstrual Cycle and Earth’s Tidal Cycle; no other animal has this characteristic. This did not Evolve. Darwn also lied.
The Great Tribulation is 1260 days; add the Day of Wrath and 1261/1260 is the ratio of Equatorial to Polar Curcumference of the Earth.
Science: Scire “To Know” Greek “Gnosis” An activity that appears to require study and method.
Religion” Belief and reverence for a supernatural power accepted as creator and governor of the universe. An objective pursued with fervor and devotion
Philosophy: Science of aesthetics, ethics, metaphysics, logic, cosmology
Metaphysics: Speculative philosophy
Cosmology:Philosophy dealing with the structure of the Universe.
Where does one find Gnostics today? Universities of course.
- …keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called – 1 Tim 6:20
- He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing – Job 26:7
- And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed…So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day. And there was no day like that before it or after it… – Joshua 10:13
- …the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved – Psalm 93:1
- …the world also shall be stable, that it be not moved. – 1 Chr 16:30
- The sun and moon stood still in their habitation… – Hab 3:11
- The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose – Ecc 1:5
- And God said, Let there be light… – Gen 1:4 (1st Day)
- And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven… – Gen 1:14 “4th Day
- So God created man in his own image…God created…male and female – Gen 1:27 (6th Day)
A person’s first experience is usually to be “Weighed”; then he or she is warned not to “Fall Down”. Weight=Mass X Gravitational Constant (32 ft/s2 on earth). Gravity is a Gnostic Lie; Matter does not have “Weight” and there is no such thing as “Falling”. Sounds strange, but the world is a Gnostic “Matrix” of Lies in opposition to the Word of God; this “Inception” begins at birth and only a relationship with God can provide real “Truth”.
The Earth and Ionosphere function as a Capacitor of nearly infinite energy. Man is capable of transmitting Power and Information without wires everywhere on Earth. Transportation, Education, Personal Security, Water pumping/de-salinization/purification, Weather modification/Crop enhancement, Heating/Cooling have all been demonstrated; unfortunately, Gnostics are using this gift from God to destroy Earth and Man.
Militarizes, Oil/Coal/Natural Gas/Dams/Atomic energy, News, Security, Education are all unnecessary corrupted Gnostic $Quadrillion industries designed to enslave humanity and siphon resources into the hands of the Gnostic “Elite”.
Earth is not moving; there are no Orbits, Heliocentric Solar Systems, no mysterious Force of Gravity.
Space is made of Nothing ie Vacuum; there is no Dark Matter, Black Holes or Space-Time fabric. The firmament of Stars are “Stretched”, not “Stretching”; there was no Big Bang, Red Shift has nothing to do with Universe Expansion. Light produced by Stars is not the Light God made on the 1st Day; Sunlight is not a Wave(waves cannot travel without a medium). Evolution is a lie. Man was created in the image and likeness of the Creator, not Aliens. Man cannot “Evolve” into God; that’s the primal Gnostic Lie.
Here is how far Astrophysicists have taken their “Vain Babblings”: WIMPS “Weakly Interacting Massice Particles”; MACHOS “Massive Astrophysical Compact Halo Objects”; RAMBOS “Robust Association of Massive Baryonic Objects”; Antimatter (Opposite of Creation), Dark Matter (Virtual Particles), Black Holes (Infinitely warped Space-Time); Pulsar (Highly Magnetized, Rotating Neutron Star; Neutrons magnetic eh?); LGM-1 “Little Green Men 1″ (no I’m not kidding); Strangelet “Antihypertriton” (clears that up eh?); CASTOR “Centauro and STrangelet detecTOR”; “M Theory” (Proxima Centauri=Red Dwarf=M Star; Stephen Hawking’s new BS theory; Star Trek M Planets had Carbon based life), “11 Dimensional Super Strings”, Kaons, Peons, Quarks, Baryons, God Particles. Heard of the Mothman Prophecies? Astrophysicist M.Othman is now the United Nations World Alien Ambassador. You want Vain Babblings? or do you want Truth?
Simple experiments:
1. Space is a vacuum. How is it possible for a vacuum cleaner to lift debris against the theoretical “Force of Gravity”, yet the Atmosphere remains attached to Earth? You just disproved Gravity Theory and Dark Matter Theory.
2. Use a tetherball or golf ball on a string to simulate the “Force of Gravity” and “Planetary Orbits”. The path Circular rather than Elliptical, an impossibility in Gravity Theory. Imagine cutting the rope or letting go of the string; the ball would immediately fly off tangentially (straight line); if the Sun were removed or Gravity turned off would the planets immediately do the same? You just disproved Newton’s Gravity Theory, Copernicus’ Heliocentric Theory, and Einstein’s Relativity Theory
3. V=AT (Velocity=Acceleration X Time) Human beings can function between 0 and 1.5 G’s max about 15ft/sec2 more than you are at right now; Man, much less imaginary Aliens cannot travel distances of 117,000,000,000,000 miles (20 Light-years), the claimed distance to Gliese 581g; Stephen Hawking’s “Golidilocks Zone” (no I’m not kidding, but Hawking is) much less the claimed 13.7 Billion Light-years across the Universe. You just proved long distance space travel is impossible.
4. Imagine riding the Tea Cup at an Amusement Park; the Cup rotates in 3 different circles increasing in size, just like Astronomers claim Earth does, Spinning, and Orbitting around the Sun, Orbitting in the Milky Way Galaxy. Now imagine the entire Tea Cup Ride is traveling at near Light-speed; talk about a head spinner! Truth is, Earth is Fixed.
5. Nikola Tesla proved the Earth conducts electricity becoming the “Ground”; the Magnetosphere attracts Solar Radiation (Gamma, X-Ray etc) as a shield; the Ionosphere is charged when visible light creates “Ions” in the Atmosphere to millions of volts of “Free Energy”. Gamma Rays pass through all materials and kill all life. X-Rays at far lower energy levels than found in the Magnetospohere cause cancer yet Lunar Astronauts appear unaffected? Are you sure NASA tells the truth? If you still do, why is so populated by lying, oath swearing, Luciferian Freemasons?
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If you can’t see the Holy Ghost or understand the Word of God, it’s because you are using the wrong Light. 12/10/2009
Is it a 6000 year old earth at the center of the universe, created perfectly, without evolution, forces or global climate change caused by man? Or, is it a 13.7 billion year old universe with aliens, slime evolving into human beings that are gravitationally bound to their nearest sun? The choice is yours. 1/7/2010
Gen 1:3 God creates Light and declares it good. Satan assumes the title Lucifer “Light Bearer” and delivers it to man in the Tree of Knowledge. In Revelation 13, Satan achieves Dominion. Gravity unifies Kabbalah, Science, Hermetic Mysticism, Alchemy, Astrology, Philosophy, Psychology and Gematria. It is Dark Matter, the solution to the “Uncertainty Principle” in Quantum Physics, the “Theory of Everything”, the solution to the “Great Mystery” and the sum of Wisdom and Prophecy. The Sun and Earth will pass through it on the 2012 Solstice; it is the 4th Beast. 10/14/2009
Flash Forward
Atomic Number 137 absorbs Light, has infinite gravity and energy, solves Quantum Physics “Uncertainty Principle”, predicts the date of the 2nd Coming, solves Photosynthesis and Alchemy, turns Men into gods, proves Gravitational, Big Bang and Evolution Theories and unifies Kabbalah, Philosophy, Psychology and Science. Only one problem; its all BS. 10/11/2009
Global Warming 2
Oct 24, 2009; 1st “Global Climate Action Day”. Dec 7, 2009 another “Day of Infamy” when the US will sign the UN Climate Change Treaty. Global Warming is self correcting and is quite literally pure BS. It’s the religion used to justify the slaughter of most of humanity. Foreigners will be deciding that by America’s Stripes, the world can be healed. 10/22/2009
Weather Modification
Weather Modification: Shaman took credit for controlling the weather, now it is being used as the ultimate, anonymous weapon and God is being blamed for it. Careful! We reap what we sow. 2/19/2009
Paul told Timothy Science is falsely so called vain babblings in opposition to Scripture; I hope this convinces you he was right. 3/26/2010
Explorer, Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Shuttle, International Space Station, Orion and the “Artemis Project”… It’s all tax dollars buying rocket loads of BS. 1/23/2010
Lies My Science Teacher Told Me
Lies my science teacher told me: This article should make you want to spend thousands on a University Science education and trust Einstein rather than the Word of God. 4/14/2009
Zionist with a foundation on Relativity – i.e. a Liar. Material added to previous article on the CERN Collider trying to create the “God Particle” Good luck with that! 7/17/2008
Astrobiologists say humanity descends from Alien pond scum that hitched a ride on a meteorite. Considering my family album has monkeys and refuse from another galaxy, I look pretty darn good!
Evolution 1
Reversing basic thermodynamics and physics laws to create a god man. 2/7/2008
The Word of God says there is only one race of man. “Race” is used only four times in reference to a contest of speed. What is Race discrimination? What does Inter-racial mean? Racism: differences in various human races determine individual achievement. I agree; I am smarter than every 5th Grade Monkey I know! Just a thought; it might be wise to get answers from God rather than Jesse Jackson, LaRaza or David Duke. 1/26/2008
The Big Bang
The Big BANG? Creating matter and energy out of nothing and reforming it with imaginary forces while violating the most basic physics and thermodynamics Laws. 2/23/2008
Zero Gravity is not falling, it’s Floating
Space Shuttles, satellites, moons, planets and stars are floating at “0″ G’s, not being pulled into orbits by gravity. Newton, Einstein and Hawking lied and NASA does too, and why not, NASA was founded by NAZI’s. 8/28/2008
God wrote the Bible, declaring the end from the beginning. Time is Chaos is Cronus is Lucifer is Satan and he tells followers he can Time Travel. He also tells them he is light too! He is the Father of Lies after all. 9/29/2008
The Human Race
There is only one Human Race.
Fifth Grade Physics
It’s as simple as 5th Grade Physics..
Star Wars
Star Wars, Blue Beam, Left Behind and the Rapture. Ooo boy.
The Speed of Light
The speed of light affects our perception of the universe more than you think.
The Global Warming Survival Guide
The Global Warming Survival Guide. Did you know the earth’s carbon cycle makes it unique among all other objects which have been observed in the solar system and the entire known universe so far?
Is this really Aliens sending DNA to earth? Or is this something humanity is doing to itself after listening to Pan? 10/10/2007
The Musical Number 13
Thirteen is the number of music, life and rebellion.