Fukushima began on Lent 2011 with an electro-magnetic scalar wave induced earthquake. Reactor number 3 contains MOX (Mixed Plutonium Oxide) fuel, perhaps the most toxic, sea and airborne man-made material known.
Timeline:The 48 hour EM signal ends precisely as the Earthquake hits.
Reactor coolant is intentionally shut off prior to the Tsunami by Siemmens Corp controllers.
Neutron absorbing control rods are withheld from the reactor core; predictably, fission reactions within reactors #1-4 continue unabated generating uncontrollable heat.
Fuel Rods melt; shutting down fission reactions now becomes impossible due to reactor core deformations. Photographs show, fires had broken out well before the arrival of the Tsunami wave.
Zirconium “Zircalloy” fuel rod cladding melts, causing a hydrogen reaction.
Melted Uranium and MOX (6%Plutnoium/Uranium Oxide) Fuel is intentionally flooded with Seawater. “Uranyl Peroxide” reactions begin. Melted, radioactive
Uranium/Plutonium forms neutrally buoyant, radioactive, carcinogenic “Bucky Balls” capaple of traveling very long distances in the Ocean. Named after the Geodesic Dome creator Buckminster Fuller, their multi-faceted spherical structure is perfectly buoyant in seawater much like nano-particulate Barium and Aluminum used in Atmospheric “Chemtrails”.
Hydrogen gas is vented from the reactor core. The Nitrogen inerting system is intentionally turned off. Hydrogen explosions blow the roof off the spent fuel containment buildings.
Deepwater Horizon caught fire on 4/20/2009 “Weed Day” and sank on “Earth Day”. When an Oil Drilling Rig catches fire from a well blowout, the well head shear ram is closed and the rig is severed from its mooring; this did not happen. Shear Rams, 7 separate Door Rams, and 2 annular valves all mysteriously failed during this orchestrated disaster.
Oil, Methane and Corexit destroyed and continues to destroy the Gulf of Mexico and blocked the Thermohaline Ocean Conveyor in the Atlantic. Having several million galllons of the UN banned Glyphosphate “Round Up” weed killer called Corexit on hand does not happen by chance. Gulf of Mexico means “Place where the World’s Ocean Currents Converge”. This location was not chosen by chance; like Fukushima, it was the perfect location for this type of destruction.
Macondo Prospect in Mississippi Canyon sits in 5000ft of water; oil sits 18,000 below that at a pressure of 7000psi. The drill pipe filled with rapidly expanding supersonic methane reportedly at pressures of 100K psi; when drill mud was replaced with seawater and Halliburton well head cementing failed, methane laced sand quickly eroded the drill pipe walls. When the well cap was finally installed; the methand and oil sought the path of least resistance and still does; leaking out of the pipe and casing into the surrounding geology. The amount of oil and frozen methane hydrates is estimated to be on the order of the volume of Mt Everest; in other words, the event may never end.
Phosphate fertilizers, used in commercial farming travel down the Mississippi river to the Gulf of Mexico where they cause Algae blooms. Corexit is Glyphosphate weed killer; as the algae dies, it robs the ocean of oxygen; mixed with benzene, pneumonias and blood disorders result in fish and humans. 2 years on, Fish deformities are becoming very apparent. This is how Earth Destroyers operate and why Jesus returns to “Destroy them which destory the Earth” Rev 11:18.
Why at the Gulf of Mexico and Why at Fukushima?
Atlantic Ocean Currents converge in the Gulf of Mexico. Traveling up the eastern seaboard, the Atlantic Gulf Stream Current is predictable and well known for bringing warm lighter equatorial water to high latitude colder water; this creates relatively mild conditions in the north eastern US and British Isles. Deepwater Horizon blocked this Thermohaline flow.
The Pacific Ocean currents (Black Stream and Liman Currents) converge at Fukushima; the radioactive “Wave” is now coursing down the west coast of the Americas carried along by the predictable Pacific Ocean Currents. Radiation is infecting the Earth’s Food Chain from the bottom up. Phytoplankton is taken up by Zooplankton which is taken in by fish of increasing size, plentiful at the intersections of the Pacific Ocean currents just offshore from Japan.
The location of Fukushima at the origin of the Pacific Jet Stream and the use of Seawater in the reactors caused the world’s greatest disaster by orders of magnitude. Far worse than Chernobyl which released radiation into the atmosphere during the explosion; Fukushima is releasing radiation constantly into the Ocean where its course east takes it to the North and South American continents, and into the Atmosphere where its course follows the Jet Stream east full circle.
Swarms of earthquakes are converging on Fukushima; if the Reactor #4 Spent Fuel Pool collapses, an ELE (Extinction Level Event) will likely result. At that point, atmospheric radiation will shower North America, Europe and northern Asia; local radiation will likely soon cause an Exodus from Japan along the ancient “Silk Road” from the “Rooftop of the World” aka Chomolongo “Earth Mother” to Islamabad, Kabul, Tehran, Baghdad and Har Megiddo where God slew 450 of Baal’s prophets. Russia and Japan Governments are currently (April 2012) planning for forced relocation of 40 million Japanese to the Kuril Islands in the event Reactor #4 SFP collapses or becomes dry.
America’s Role updated 4/23/2012
The US Navy has Aircraft Carrier Groups, Abraham Lincoln, Enterprise and John Stennis are at the Straits of Hormuz; Carl Vinson near Socotra Is in the Arabian Sea; HW Bush off the Syrian coast. George Washington is in the China Sea for US-Philippine exercises during China-Russia naval exercises and the Amphibious Group (Bataan) at the Gulf of Aden (Yemen-Ethiopia). Why? America is named after Amurru the Edomite Shepherd god. The US will Shepherd the largest Exodus in the world as a Scapegoat for Rev 18 “Babylon”. Note: This Exodus will be associated with the revealing of the Alternative Christ, not Jesus Christ.
Radiation is entering the Pacific Jet Stream and Pacific Ocean Conveyor constantly from the one place on earth capable of doing so. The Silk Road connects the 38th Parallel (Fukushima, Japan and Incheon “DMZ” Korea) to the Valley of Megiddo through SW China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Jordan. This Exodus will precede the arrival of Antichrist, in Persia called “al-Mahdi”; in India “Krishna”, in China “Buddha”. America “Amurru” will Shepherd the sheep to slaughter. My guess is that the USS Enterprise will sink near the Straits of Hormuz, creating a similar event to that in Fukushima with it’s 8 reactors; simultaneously, Oil shipping will cease.
Language of Birds “Inauguration” (Bird is Yes and Oil in French)
The Golden Age will be Inaugurated (Augurs foretell the future by the flight of entrails of birds. Nikolka Tesla patented and demostrated free Electro (Sun) Magnetic (Earth) powerd energy transmission; he was murdered by his lab assistant Prescott Bush and Hitler’s bodyguard Otto Skorzeny in New York; his inventions were sent to another Theosophical Society “Brotherhood of Death” initiate Joseph Stalin. These weapons alter Jet Streams, crate Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions on command. “Yes We Can”, a familiar Obama campaign slogan means the Language of Oil is at its conclusion. In America alone, the Bakken Oil Field in MT-SD contains an estimated 500Billion Bbls of oil; the ANWR a similar amount and the Gulf of Mexico a similar amount. Deep Water Horizon, another intentionally created disaster put a stop to oil production.
Diesel is the world’s Achille’s Heel. Worldwide shipping by Land via Train or Truck; by Sea via Ship or by Air via Commercial airlift (Jet Fuel and Kerosene are roughly equivalent with Diesel Fuel) depend on Diesel Fuel which is why its price is outpacing that of gasoline (intentionally). The price of Diesel translates directly to the price of Food. “Control Oil you control Nations. Control Food you control People”-Henry Kissinger
The Bible tells us Jesus returns to:
“Destory them which destroy the Earth” Rev 11:18
This is how it’s done…
Daily Progression Updates
Fukushima Headlines April 9th, 2012
- Okhotsk Plate riding above Pacific Plate. Large earthquake closer to Fukushima likely.
- The fate of Japan and indeed the world rests on the integrity of Reactor #4 and the Spent Fuel Pool next to it. 460 tons in 6375 rods are at risk of destroying civilization. This letter was signed by Dr Arnie Gunderson, Dr Fumaiki Koide and written by Ambassador Mitsuhei Murata to UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon.
- Artic Polar Bears show signs of radiation sickness; patchy fur, lethargy and bleeding.
- Video shows MOX (Mixed Plutonium Oxide) Fuel core in #3 Reactor may have been ejected on 3/11/2011.
Fukushima Headlines April 10th, 2012
- Radioactive Wave to hit US Food Supply.
- San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant shut down indefinitely.
- Four hundred plus pages of emails released from TEPCO’s Fukushima boss Mr. Yoshida say the nuclear power plant was damaged and on fire before the Tsunami hit.
- Japan Magazines claim the Gov’t is building a 88KM wall around the Fukushima evacuation zone.
Fukushima Headlines April 11th, 2012
- Professor Yukio Hayakawa sampling Radioactive Black Dust at 9 Microsieverts/Hr in Sendei Japan.
- San Francisco Bay milk contains 2X EPA limit Iodine-131.
- Japan seaweed contains Iodine 131 (Iodine 131 is a Fission product).
- Reactor #4 Spent Fuel Pool likely to collapse on its side in 7.7 Quake. An ELE “Extinction Level Event” is likely should this occur.-Ambassador Murataone
Fukushima Headlines April 12th, 2012
- MOX Fuel #3 Reactor Spent Fuel Pool is worse off than Reactor #4 and the total Spent Fuel Pool. Mechanically it’s rubble; the pool is structurally unsound and nobody has yet been able to get near it”- Dr Arnie Gunderson
- Swarm of powerful earthquakes; 5.5 to 5.9 happening this morning near Fukushima.
- Fukushima Fuel Rods still active; could go critical (Fission) at any time.
- US Military stockpiling anti radiation pills (These Iodine pills are designed to plug the thyroid to prevent uptake of radioactive Iodine)
Fukushima Headlines April 13th, 2012
- Irradiated, melted fuel mixed with Seawater created Uranyl Peroxide “Radioactive Bucky Balls”. Indestructible, neutrally buoyant in seawater, they are capable of traveling long distances, infesting the Ocean Food Chain and now arriving on the America’s West Coast. This report from UC Davis Physics Dept; Sandia National Labs and Notre Dame Civil Eng Dept.
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute reports this “wave” is highly radioactive.
Perhaps now you can see why the US Coast Guard sank the Japanese fishing vessel floating in this “wave”. - #4 Reactor Spent Fuel Pool in danger of catching fire; leaking and cracked.
- TEPCO admits a 35 Ton Crane fell into the Reactor #3 Spent Fuel Pool.
- USGS says 10 Earthquakes swarmed Fukushima ranging around 5 Richter Magnitude today.
- 172X Gov’t safe limit on Cesium in Sendei measured.
- Wave of radioactive Uranium/Plutonium neutrally buoyant “Bucky Balls” infecting Zooplankton, Phytoplankton and the Pacific Ocean food chain heading down the west coast of the America’s.
Fukushima Headlines April 20th, 2012
- Russian and Japanese officials discussing plans to force relocate 40 million radiated Japanese people to the disputed Kiril Islands. The situation in Fukushima may soon require the forced relocation and quarantine of 40 million people…the situalion is dire.
Fukushima Headlines April 22nd, 2012
- 30% of children; 1143 or 3765 tested near Fukushima have Thyroid Lumps. This due to radioactive Iodine uptake in dairy products. Cesium 137 mimics potassium, accumulating in heart muscles is causing heart attacks in the US
Fukushima Nori seaweed purchased in LA has 100% higher Alpha radiation; 1000X more dangerous than Gamma or Beta emmitters, it is uptaked into the body and constantly radiates. Detection is difficult as packaging blocks Alpha particles and is not being detected by inspectors. - Cesium 137 accumulating in bones in America; FDA and Red Cross increased max safe levels 12X above that of Japan to avoid alarming the public.
Fukushima Headlines April 23rd, 2012
- 100 ft underground wall begins construction to mitigate radiation spreading at Fukushima.
- All 4 Reactors are riddled with meltdown holes
- 1000 tons of radioactive water per day is leaking into the Ocean.
Fukushima Headlines April 28th, 2012
- Fukushima released radiation already 10X that of Chernobyl…SFP near Reactor #4 has a seismicity rating of “0” meaning any earthquake could topple the leaking Spent Fuel Pool and 1565 fuel rods, many of which are MOX fuel, some 2 million times as toxic to the environment as Uranium fuel.
- #2 Reactor at highest hydrogen concentration; radiation levels at 73 Sv/Hr.