7/20-7/27 is called the “Grand Climax”; the “Exorcism of the Crown of Anu”; Anu or Danu is equivalent with Zeus (Day); the British Isles having been mythically conquered by the Tuatha de Danaan “Offspring of Anu”. “God said, Let there be Light” on Day 1; Gnostics reject that Light “Holy Ghost” in favor of the “Lights” God created on Day 4; Sun, Moon and Stars. As the Sumerian Ritual “Begone Dull Care” ended at Bohemian Grove in Santa Rosa, CA, the world’s largest 27 ton Bell rang to inaugurate the Dark Knight Rising aka birth of the fake Jewish Messiah “Antichrist” in the Olympic Stadium, shaped much like the Oval Office; the White House; Washington Monument and Pentagon are lined up along the A side of a Pythagorean Right Triangle “Federal Triangle” under the constellation Virgo (Celestial Virgin) for this reason, the symbolic birth of the “Divine Child”.
The Ritual Ceremony did not disappoint; held on the “Grand Climax” of an ancient Sumerian Ritual and the “Saddest Day” of the Hebrew calendar “9 Av”. Tisha b’ Av commemorates Jewish calamities:
- Rejection of the 12 Spies report of Canaan in 1492 BC leading to the death of adults 21 and over during 40 years wander in the Arabian Desert; I repeat “Arab Desert” NW of Mecca at Jebel al Laws not the fake Mt Sinai in Egypt.
- The destruction of Solomon’s Temple (ref Eze 8) in 585 BC; God does not appreciate “Ancients of Israel” committing abominations on the altar as women “weep for Tammuz” on the porch!
- The destruction of the 2nd Temple in 70 AD. God was rejected as King of Jerusalem and Priest of the Most High “Melchisedek”; an “Alternative Christ” will be born/revealed on 9 Av who comes in his own name; Daniel refers to him as the “God of forces”.
- Failure of the Bar Kokhba Revolt and subsequent massacre of 100,000 Jews; Talmud, Zohar, Kaballah, Rabbis are like the Pharisees of old, anything but Jewish.
- The razing of the Temple site and re-dedication “Zeus Capitolina”; Zeus’ Capitol can also be seen in Washington DC at the opposing apex of the Federal Triangle.
- The 1st Crusade in 1096; instigated by the same people who instigate all wars.
- Expulsion of fake “Jews” from England in 1096; Rothschild is anything but Jewish; the name “Bauer” means “Farmer” the profession of Cain; Cainites, or their religion at least came through the Flood with Noah’s wife, who produced Canaan from incest with Ham and Edomites married women of this incest. Bauer became Rothschild whose street address 666 Am Mein was written in Red; Rothschild means Red Shield. The Zion/Sion London Olympics are the Rothschild Olympics.
- The Alhambra Decree, forced conversion and expulsion of Jews from Spain. Rosicrucian Christopher Columbus’ (Christ=Messiah; Taufr is Norse for Red=Red Messiah; the Red Cross on his sails and the British Flag is a dead giveaway) voyage to “New Jerusalem aka America in 1492 AD. No coincidence with Moses date 1492 BC either; this date is critical because it was at the end of the Hyksos (Amalekites are Edomites/Ishmaelites) Era, Moses was raised up.
- WWI began in 1914 on 9 Av; the Nazi build-up planned in advance by 330 Masons Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazini
- WWII began in 1939 on 9 Av; ever wonder where Hitler got the incredible sums of money, steel and aluminum to build the Nazi War machine? Hint: Prescott Bush and George Romney are 2 names that should ring a 23 tonne Bell. Again, WWII was planned in advance as recorded by Albert Pike on 15 Aug 1871
- Mass deportations of real Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto initiated the Holocaust on 9 Av 1942. 6 million God fearing Jews who rejected Rothschild’s British version of Israel and the Zionist Star of Molech were gassed, burned or shot. Dwight Eisenhower gets a free pass in history for murdering 1.7 million German citizens after the war.
- George Bush Sr began with Gulf War I on 9 Av 1991 with “Shock and Awe”; a promise made via Iraq Ambassador April Glaspie to allow business partner and fellow 330 Saddam Hussein to control the Kuwait Oil Fields; the oil is now being sent to Haifa, Israel; on 9/11/1991 Bush Sr aka “Magog” and the illegitimate son of British M-5 Agent Aleister Crowley “The Beast” made his famous “New World Order” speech; that year he also founded his “1000 pts of Light” foundation to vacuum up charitable donations destined for the Iraq people. Iraq is physical “Babylon”; “Operation Iraqi Freedom” hides the true meaning “Liberation of Babylon”; no wonder his son “Gog” started Gulf War II 9 years ago; “Operation New Dawn” is the name of the War today; pretty tough to figure out, the Red Dawn will Reveal the Dark Knight eh. The Question is Why in 2012?
“In 700 years, the Laurel will grow green again”
– This Cathar saying predicted the confiscation of Knights Templar assets at the Council of Vienne 1312-1313 AD. Catharsis means “Discharge of pent up emotion”
Talmudic Rabbis and Sages (Sabbateans, Chabad Lubavitch, Shas, Ultra-Orthodox etc) teach the “Jewish” Messiah will be born on 9 Av. Take note, “Black Virgin” Idols are presenting the Child “Dark Knight”, not giving birth to an infant. In a sense, Revelation is the “Revealing” of Jesus’ testimony via the Holy Ghost whereas Revelation for the occultist is the “Revealing” of the Alternative to the Holy Ghost “Antichrist”. The fertility, birth pains, ghosts/demons, descent by fire, repairing of the earth to pre-flood “Unity”, and return to paradise with the Tree of Knowledge alone in the Grove are all themed in this Opening Ceremony/Ritual. Now is the time to head for your Prayer Closet and establish a relationship with Jesus Christ. Time is getting short!
Sumerians were ruled by a mysterious “Council of 9”; Av 9 ends a period called “Nine Days” The Ritual began in Aurora, Colorado “Red Dawn” with the Red Haired Jesus impersonator “Joker” (James Holmes was a Scapegoat; the shooter and Holmes look nothing alike) began with the sacrifice of 12 shortly after midnight 7/20; 7+20=27=9+9+9 or 33 where 9 is the number associated with “Finality of Judgment” 7/27 is the closing of the “Grand Climax” of this 4000+ year old Sumerian exorcism ritual; 7 is the number associated with perfection and thus the perfection of Judgment seen in the “Zion” Olympic Logo. A blood sacrifice is required, and whether real or mock, the Olympic Ritual featured this.
The Olympics originated in Minoan era Crete with “Bull Leaping”; Zeus originated here as well; Zeus represented as the Bull with the Sun between the Horns. Cretans are always Liars as Titus said. Traveling to Egypt as Hyksos and Priests of On (Osiris=Zeus) they venerated the Apis Bull; the Word made Flesh as the Bull; BS is lying; funny eh? As Kahn-Baals “Priests of Baal” in Palestine “Land of Philistines” they wore the fish mitre seen on Orthodox, Anglican and Roman Catholic Bishops, Cardinals, and Popes; scripture refers to Crete as Caphtor, the home of the Philistines. The Medean Magi then brought the Olympics to Greece at the Battle of Marathon; the 30th XXX Olympiad featured the Torch of Illumination brought by “Light Bearers” (Luciferians knowingly or un-knowingly) from Greece where the Eleusinian Mystery Religions were held. From Greece, the home of Financial Austerity (Aus=Shine) to London, the modern day home of International Banking, Material Wealth, Paganism, Witchcraft, Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry. 60 years ago, Queen Elizabeth II blasphemously declared herself “Queen of thy people, Queen of Jerusalem”; since Jesus is Melchisedek “King of Jerusalem” that makes Him her husband. NOT! Her actual husband Phillip wants to be reincarnated as a “Killer Virus”, certainly not something Jesus would condone eh?
An advertisement featured the 5 Olympic Rings as 5 Continents pulled together to form one ie the pre-flood world before the Tower of Babel. Since there are 8 continents, I assume these rings represent the 5 cities of Canaan more likely. 5 symbolizes “Illuminated Man” made from Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Quintessence (Sacred Knowledge); the 5 elements of Witchcraft. An example of this type witchcraft is the 5 sided, 5 story, 5 walled, 77ft tall Pentagon being hit by Flt #77 on the 77th Meridian on 9/11/2001 and the London Subway Bombing following on 7/7/2005 forming a 777. Masons put 555 (Roman V=5=Hebrew 6=Vav=Nail) on their coffins to illustrate the 3 Nails used to fasten Jesus to the Tree in fact killed God; Oops! The 5 Rings form 4 Labrys representing the “4 Beasts” of Daniel’s famous Statue; Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron mixed with Clay or Lion, Bear, Leopard and the Dreadful 4th Beast with Iron teeth.. The Labrys “Birth Canal” can be seen atop Glastonbury Tor, a 7 tiered burial mound, centered on an equal arm Cross constructed in Jerusalem in 1991, the year Bush Sr, the illegitimate grandson of Aleister Crowley started the first War in Babylon on Av 9, the same day as the “Grand Climax” and later proclaimed his vision of “A New World Order” on 9/11/1991. The Ropes used to unite the continents pulled by Olympians (Mt Olympus is the abode of Zeus) resemble “Super String” Theory pulling Planets around the Sun, and Stars around the “Black Hole”, known to the ancients as “Tula”, the Central “Black Sun”. It’s all BS of course, as Sir Francis Bacon aka Shakespeare said “Science in its higher form is magic”.
The Ceremony (Ritual) Countdown began with a Red London Bus with the #9; Red=Edom=Esau; London means “New Troy”; British means “Covenant Men” of Birthright; Esau’s birthright sold to Jacob for a bowl of Red Beans. Orbit, the Red spiral and arguably damaged DNA Tower was designed with inspiration from the original Tower of Babel; the damaged DNA having come from Ham’s son Canaan, born from incest of his father and presumably Cainite grandmother (only Noah was perfect in his generations). Ishmael and Esau did not heed the Abraham Covenant “Thou shalt not take wives of the daughters of Canaan”; this became the basis of the Holy Grail (Bloodline) and corruption of the human genome.
The fist 2 songs were themed around Babylon, the “City of Man”; (Bab=Gate; On=Allah, Sin, Heliopolis, Osiris, Zeus, Marduk, Molech etc) and Jerusalem the “City of God”; take note physical Jerusalem is “Spiritually Sodom and Egypt” as stated in Rev 11:8; spiritual Jerusalem is in Heaven, removed from Earth at the Crucifixion of God in Flesh (ref Gal 4). The Olympic Logo “Zion” is Man’s idea of the “City of God” envisioned by St Augustine in his book of that name; Augustine was educated in Carthage by Phoenicians; the Labrys is a Phoenician symbol of the Fisher King; make sense? Now take a closer look at the “Zion” Logo; it is in actuality “Sion”, the name of Mt Hermon in the Golan Heights where “Sons of God saw daughters of men and took wives of them” in Gen 6. Again, take note, there are no Alien, Spirit or Demon “Seed” meant here; no Nephilim, Anunaki or Planet X; all that is once again BS. What is meant here is the same twisted/damaged DNA from incest promoted by Canaanite culture. The band Enigma sang Nimrod; Enigma means “Riddle” and Nimrod means “Rebel”; the song Jerusalem (Salem means Peace) was sang by a boy presumably signifying innocence.
The Maypole Dance begins; the Maypole of May Day (5/1=6) is the Phallus aka Obelisk “Baal’s Shaft”; the Ribbons represent enclosing the Phallus by the Goddess; this represents “Fertility”. Red Square events in Moscow 1945 were planned ahead of Hitler’s fake suicide in the Berlin Bunker because both Stalin and Hitler knew the plan. British Gentiles with Mutton Chops, Top Hats and Black Suits gather on the Meadow next to a Green Burial Mound topped by a solitary Tree of Knowledge; the Tree of Life, Jesus Christ is not there because He was Crucified; remember? This is symbolic of Glastonbury Tor, the mythical birthplace of King Arthur. No such person existed nor the Knights of the Round Table; Arthur represents Ursa Major and Arcturas circling the Pole Star “Polaris”; the end of Pisces (Fishers of Men aka Evangelization) and beginning of Aquarius (Scales of Judgment) is represented by the “Big Dipper” as Judgment, a revenge for God flooding the Earth.
Lines are read from Shakespeare’s “Tempest”, written in 1611, the year the Authorized Bible was published. The story was written by Sir Francis Bacon as the basis for his book “New Atlantis” written in 1620; the story lines being travelers arriving in New Jerusalem, an island ruled by an Elite Magus (Magician) named “Prospero” in the Tempest and an Elite Society of God Men called Salomon’s House in New Atlantis. No misspelling here, Salomon refers to Salomon Rothschild, George Washington’s American Revolution financier and whose family host the Olympics as International Bankers; Rothschild means “Red Shield”; there’s the Edomites in full view once again, but the family name is actually “Bauer” meaning “Farmer”; there’s the Cainite legacy in full view. The ½ Man ½ Beast in the Tempest is a Giant like Gog and Magog, the statues that guard the entrance to the City of London (take note: the real battle of Gog and Magog is at the end of the Millennium, 1000 years after the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ); this Giant has a Magic Wand indicating he is made the Magus (Merlin) through Esoteric Knowledge passed on by Secret Societies and their initiates in the “Blue Lodge”. At this point, take note America is Salomon’s House aka New Atlantis whose self destruction will form New Atlantis, the return to the pre-flood world ruled by Zeus during the “Golden Age”
The 27 Tonne Olympic Bell, costing 27 Million Pounds was rung on 7/27 for 3 minutes (3X60 sec=180sec); people formed the Bell shape in the document Work #1197. Phoenicians refer to Bel as the “Confounder”; in the number, 119 likely refers to the Country Code for Iran and Iraq and the connection of the US Trans-continental Railroad in “Zion” (Salt Lake City, Utah) by Engine #119 and the Jupiter (Zeus); note the digits also add to 18, an occult representation of 666 and Rev 18 “Babylon” (Note: we are approaching the Pale Horse of Rev 8, not Rev 18). An inscription on the Bell says “Be not afeared, the isle is full of noises”, a line from “The Tempest”. The Bell represents the Male and Female where the Male “Hammer” fertilizes the Female with sound vibrations.
13 Triangles with Lights made to resemble “All Seeing Eyes” illuminate the Oval (Oval shape resembles the Adytum of Stonehenge) shaped Olympic Stadium; smaller triangles within the larger triangles form the Tetrahedron “Dragon’s Eye”, a 3 sided shape “Breadth, Length, Width and Height” listed in Ephesians 3:18; Height is the Holy Ghost by the way! Occultists deny this however. 13 is the number associated with Rebellion; eg. Ishmael was 13 when he was circumcised; Esau was 13 Isaac was born; Sodom and Gomorra were burned in Gen 13:13; 13 years the kings of Canaan served Chedorlaomer the Elamite; and in Rev 13:13, the Beast of the Great Tribulation makes fire come down in sight of the people.
The Olympic Rings come down as fire in sight of the people. Recall this is the saddest day for Jews on 9 Av; with that in mind, read Rev 9 “5th Trumpet”; Satan is cast to Earth after a war with Archangel Michael, the patron saint of Israel. He is given the keys to the “Bottomless Pit” where he releases 200,000 demons. 5 Rings: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Quintessence forming 4 Labrys representing the 4th Beast? Pretty hard to miss that when you are tuned in eh? Britons Green Isle is supplanted by the Industrial Revolution. Smokestacks? Nah, Asherah Poles every Mason passes into the Lodge. Note: Asherah refers to the Moon goddess; Phoenicians called her “Our Lady of the Sea”; the correct interpretation of Asherah is Grove in the KJV; these are the areas set up to do “Evil in Sight of the Lord”; men of Babylon called these Groves Succoth-benoth “Booths of Daughters” for ritual incest.
On 7/27 “Grand Climax”, a child sacrifice is required; whether mock or real, the Olympic Ceremony featured a sacrifice to a giant hooded demon as the Olympic Cauldron was raised to form a giant flaming “All Seeing Eye” similar to Sauron in Lord of the Rings. Children in the Hospital “GOSH” are arranged like Ezekiel’s Wheel and tormented by smaller demons. GOSH is a euphemism for “God” and the Great Ormond Street Hospital in London. Ezekiel’s Wheel is made of Beryl, a precious blue-green seawater stone whose name is derived from Viller “To become Pale” On 12/21/2012 at 11:11GMT the Pale Horse is scheduled to be released on the Day of Divine Judgment according to www.One-heaven.org/ and 6 other similar sites such as www.One-Jerusalem.org/ Guess how many Smokestacks (Asherah Poles/Groves) there were? 7. Notice the Doctors and Nurses keep the children under Blue Light; this symbolizes the Un-initiated “Porch Brethren” as opposed to the Initiated Red Lodge of Esoteric or Speculative Masonry. Folks, you want to stay on the porch as Rev 11:1 makes perfectly clear. Hopi Shaman symbolize this as the arrival of the Blue Star (Planet X) and Red Kachina removing his mask in the plaza before the Un-initiated. (Google Prophecy Rock or read my article “19”) The Red Kachina? The Edomite Messiah of course.
A Giant Baby Head is revered, no body, just the head. A parachutist descends under the British Flag as the “Star Child” is freed from earthly existence (Sacrificed) and given new life by the Dark Knight “Sorcerer”. His magic wand made of Holly Trees in Druid Groves, the sacrifice hung on Thor’s Oak Sir Paul McCartney sings “Hey Jude”. Lucifer is the parachutist, arriving at Rev 9:11; the British Flag, a combination of the Equal Arm Celtic Cross and the X, a symbol of 12/21/2012 when the Sun rises through the X formed by the Ecliptic and Dark Rift “Tula” at the Galactic Center of the Milky Way. Jude is the last book of scripture before the Revelation of Jesus Christ; it was written in 66 AD for those living during the last days to avoid “Spirit Communication”, the sins of “Sodom and Gomorrah” (LBGT) “Gainsaying of Core” (Korah rebelled against the word of God delivered to Moses; Korah is the fake Edomite Priesthood pretending to be modern day Israel) and the “Error of Balaam” (False Teachers aka Priests, Rabbis, Reverends, Imams, Masters and hired False Prophets like Joseph Smith, Charles Taze Russell etc). Jude is the Hellenized form of Judah; through Hellenization, Jews were infected with false doctrine of the Mother Goddess, seen today in Easter (Ashtoreth, Ishtar); I suppose GOSH is a lot like “Holy Cow”, but I advise strongly against “letting her into your heart of under your skin” as Sir Paul wrote. By the way, Sir means “Knight in service to the Queen of Heaven”, and Sgt Pepper? None other than Aleister Crowley.