Alleged High School groping from a woman who admits to being a sexually easy, underage alcoholic, with 64 sexual partners HS-College, and a GoFundMe page with $500K in 10 days. A dead pigeon nailed to his gay roommate’s door at Yale and paid protesters dressed as Handmaids and 24/7network coverage of the Senate obsessed with […]
Daily Updates

Red and blue are the colors of Quetzalcoatl the “Feathered Serpent”; Visible Light spans Blue to Red. Superman has 8 letters in his name; he’s the King of Kings of superheros. Kal-El/Clark Kent/Superman was sent to earth by his father Jor-El; El is Saturn. Like Jesus Christ, Superman’s earth-parent’s names begin with J and M. […]
February 2018

Kremlin List 210 Russian MAFIA gangsters including Putin to be made public; Skull & Bones Satanist Steven Mnuchin promises more Russian sanctions. FISA Memo made public Feb 2; Clinton, FBI and Russian collusion to derail Trump election? Don’t bet on it. Dialectic is 2 Wings of the same Foul Bird, controlled by Jesuits aka Militia […]
November 2017

Martin Luther Vatican Stamp issued by Jesuit Pope Francis on Samhein (Halloween) in preparation for possible Equipollent Canonization ie Papal Canonization as Vicar of Jesus (Jesus has no Vicar). Martin Luther was a Rosicrucian and Black Cloistered (Saturnian) Monk who posted 95 objections to the Roman Catholic Church and the office held at the time […]
August 2017 (in progress)

Fake Rapture dead ahead David Ray Daniel Matson “Signs of the End”; Mark Biltz; Chuck Missler Koininia House, Joseph Farah World Net Daily, Louis B Vega,, Scottie Clarke Steve Cioccolanti JD Faraq, Zeus Mossbender, Rev Donna Larson, Paul Begley (Coming Apocalypse; […]
July 2017

iWorld Debt is now $217 Trillion; 3X World GDP. Who else but Satan with no legal right to Title (Jesus is Shiloh “He whose is is” Gen 49:10) could indebt the entire World with Usury? Who gains “Dominion” (Sovereign Authority to rule the World)? Esau (Rothschild=Red=Edomite Central Banks) You thought they were Jewish didn’t you? […]
June “Pride Month” 2017

Trump Theme “I have never apologized to God; I do however take Communion”-Donald Trump FBI Director James Comey (Clinton Iran-Contra Lawyer) firing and Russian spy (Flynn Intal Group) Gen Mike Flynn are not coincidental; they are the set up for a Trump Impeachment/Assassination. President Pence would be a nightmare of unimaginable proportion, an initiate of […]
Third Temple
Temple Mount now under Israeli control as of July 20, 2017 (Cusp of Leo). “The virgin of Israel has fallen, she shall no more rise” Amos 5:2 Jordanian Waqf (Waqf means “Perpetual Donation”; Jordan is Idumea, the land of Edom, Moab and Ammon) loses control over “False Flag” incident at Lion’s Gate. Ref Sept 20 […]
May 2017

Knight of Malta Donald Trump gets a new boss Giancomo Della Torre del Templo di Samguinetto as head if the Hospitallers aka SMOM (Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Cyprus, Rohodes and Jerusalem). Giancomo’s brother Giuseppe Della Torre is President of the Tribunal of the Vatican State; both are Jesuit vassals along with Pope Francis. SMOM […]
April 2017

April Fool’s Day is an especially Blasphemous Holy Day which is why Donald Trump chose it to reaffirm his unwavering support for Zionism and Islam’s Cornerstone UN Res 2334. 2334 Holida Isis is the Whore about to give Birth. The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow […]