Barack: Arabic for Blessed and Flash of Lightning
Hussein: Arabic for Good; Handsome
Obama: Kenyan for Crooked; Bent. Farsi (Persian): O Ba Ma “He is with us”
[frame_right][/frame_right]This article is not intended to judge, condemn or incite chaos or law breaking in any way; as Jesus told the Pharisees “Render unto Caesar…” It is merely an investigation into the 44th President and his role in world affairs. In my opinion, Barack Obama is a “Usurper” and “Crypto”. He is foreign born and not legal by the Constitution to hold the office of President. He is likely not even capable of being in possession of a valid US Passport. He is not Christian, Jewish or Muslim by religion; he is Pagan, likely of Sabean origin; in other words, an Arab Moon god worshipper. He wears the Yarmulke at the Wailing Wall; that’s an Edomite Wall. He is not related to Judah; he is not the Alternative Messiah. He is not a Merovingian, nor is he related to the Tribe of Dan. I believe there is sufficient evidence to connect him with Pagan Sabeans and Mineans (Yemenites/Ethiopians), Joktanites (earth was divided by water during Peleg and Joktan’s day), Midianites (in-Laws of Moses), Kennites (Jael and Sisera; Judges 4-6), Nabattaean Arabs, Koreish Bedouins, the bloodline of Esau “Edomites”, and/or Ishmael as well as Abraham and Keturah and or Abraham and Hagar. In the Bahai religion, Obama is a very big deal; to the Druse Bedouins he is also a big deal. Time will tell, but the US may have the Arab “Holy Grail” in the White House who will serve as the fuse for WW3.
Genesis 27:40 (KJV) is reversed in every new bible version; the Authorized Bible (KJV) makes perfectly clear, it is Esau who achieves “Dominion” (Sovereign Authority to Rule) prior to the 2nd Coming and his intent is to slay Jacob. Amos 7:2-3; 5-6KJV is also reversed or muddied in new versions; again the Authorized Version makes clear God did not raise Jacob “Israel”; in other words, modern Israel are Usurpers of the biblical House of Jacob like Obama the Usurper of the biblical House of Joseph. Big claims here for sure, but Obadiah states clearly the House of Jacob and Joseph shall be fire and flame. The name Obadiah means “Servant of JEHOVAH”; nothing is known about his ancestry much like Melchisedek, the author of the Abrahamic Covenant. Plainly stated, I believe Melchisedek and Obadiah are Jesus Christ the “King of Salem” and “Servant of JEHOVAH”. How would it make you feel to read words given by God Himself totally condemning Esau? That’s Zionism and true hatred of God; something most of us, thank God will never understand. While Obadiah is open, notice verse 20 is also changed in new versions “…the captivity of Jerusalem, which is in Sepharad” KJV. This may be a bitter pill, but Jerusalem is held captive by Sepharad; the “cities of the south” refer to Mt Sephar in SW Arabia, the ancestral home of the Sabeans. Israel is still in Assyrian Captivity and Jews from Judah are still in Babylonian Captivity; God instituted “Diaspora” for their punishment and protection. Diaspora means “Scattered”, this is why so many people are slated to die; Satan needs to kill every last person from the 12 tribes of Israel and all truly Born Again Christians. Born Again Christians are grafted on to the House of Jacob spiritually; persecution unlike anything the world has yet experienced is likely not very far off. Now, what makes a person Arab?
Joktan and Peleg are brothers who lived as Flood waters receded; Joktan’s 13 sons are the real “13th Tribe” (Gen 10:25-30). Arthur Koestler’s 13th Tribe and others claim Khazars are Dannites and the 13th Tribe of Israel in order to connect Kabbalah, the Talmud and men like Maimonides and Jacob Frank, the British Monarchy; Zionists Theordr Herzl, Edgar Bronfmann or the ADL’s Abe Foxman; the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion as well as the Six Pointed Star and Wailing Wall with Jacob; nothing is farther from the truth; Zionism and Kaballah are not Jewish in any sense of the word; they are Arab as I will show. God physically and spiritually “Separated” Arabs “Joktanites” from Peleg’s descendants which included Abraham and of course Jesus Christ. Peleg is the source name of “Archipelago” which means “Land surrounded by Water”; this obviously has both a spiritual and physical connotation; Jesus is the “Living Water”. Joktanites lived from Mesha to Sephar; Sephar became the source of “Sephardic Jews”; the obvious problem is they aren’t Semitic let alone Jewish. History records them as Crypto or Marrano; Jesus calls them Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing a Leaven in the Church. Sabeans descend from Seba, a son of Cush and presumed brother of Nimrod. Sabean religion was Pagan, primarily Lunar based and Female dominated; Queen of Sheba for example. The symbol of “Sin” was in fact the Crescent Moon; they are Sin worshippers with a hatred of God few can fathom. Their ancestral home was Sephar which has root with “To Count”, “Numbering”, “Census”, “Mathematics” and “Calculating”. Sabeans controlled what is called the Incense Road from Yemen (Sephar) to Midian (Mesha), the place God tapped Moses to rescue Jacob from Egyptian captivity. Sabeans claim to be the oldest religion; “Bahai” claims Sabean religion began with a Divine Messenger from Chaldee “Ur”; they regard Jesus much the same for the Christian religion. Bahai claims Abraham was the founder and a follower of Sabeanism. This is utter nonsense; Abram had nothing to do with Chaldean religion, which is why God sent him to Canaan. Sabean claims include that Abraham was an Akkadian who went to Harran and fathered “Sabean Harrians” through his concubine Keturah. Folks, anyone claiming inheritance rights to rule the Earth always; always, always claims Abraham; sorry to rain on their parade, but Abraham is descended from Shem, his 3rd son Arphaxad, his son Eber (Hebrews) and Peleg. What Akkadians did give us however is the Tower of Babel; Secret Societies holding “Slime” (Corruptible Men) together under Oath and Initiation Rights. Nimrod took the blame for Babel but “They came from the East”; not the West to Babel. Nimrod became the first post-flood “Scape Goat”. Another Akkadian gift is “Blood Libel”; “Puru” is the Akkadian word for “Lots”; deciding when and who suffers death in their stead; Purim is our modern day “Holy” Day; Gulf War I and II began on Purim; the 2010 Purim begins at the Olympic Closing Ceremonies, so stay “Sober”!
Arab comes from “Arabah” meaning “Wilderness”; “Mixture of People” and “Steppe”; it has nothing to do with Muhammad or Islam. Scottish would use the term “Highlander”; Tartan, the Assyrian Army Chief who took Israel captive replaced the 10 tribes with a mixture of people who identify their “Clans” (Kinsmen) with Tartan Cloth aka Phoenician Cloth. Braveheart? Arab for spiritual reasons; Egyptian/Scythian likely by genealogy. Iraq, for example became home to Mandean Gnostics, Johnitters (progenitors of Knight Templars who venerated the Severed Head “Death’s Head” under the guise of John the Baptist) and Yezhidis (Devil worshippers focused on Water Baptism). That’s the Northern component; Sabeans are the Southern component holding Jerusalem captive.
Facing the Rising Sun “East”, Sabeans “Yemenites” are the “Right Hand”; Obadiah refers to as cities of the South. Recall the 2 Thieves hanging next to Jesus; He didn’t ask them what they did or what family they came from because none of that mattered; the one on His “Right” was with Him in Paradise. Sabeans like Phoenicians (Canaanites, Sidonians, living in Lebanon who supplied materials for Solomon’s Temple and about 1000 wives and concubines for him) were very proficient Sea Traders. Their story will center in Meroe, Ethiopia due its proximity at the south end at the Red Sea I realize this is very difficult to understand; I’m quite sure I don’t, but I’ll just say 2 things about Meroe. The Queen of Sheba and King Solomon did not foster a Priestly bloodline, nor do Ethiopian Priests have the Ark of the Covenant. Even if they produced it, it wouldn’t be of any consequence to a Born Again Christian. Meroe has absolutely nothing to do with “Merovingian” or the “Prieure of Sion”. These claims will start flying around, but folks, there is no Bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. All this nonsense comes from Mary’s husband Joseph being related to Solomon. Bottom line: Mary and Joseph had no sexual relations prior to the Immaculate Conception; there is no Holy Grail; Jesus is God in flesh and Sabeans will go to any length to discredit that fact. Claims are being made that Obama’s father came from a long line of Sabean Priests and Michelle comes from the same stock; I’ll point them out, but who cares? Sabeans are Pagans separated from God by an impassable gulf.
Sabeans “Yemenites” were ruled by their Queens; Michelle is Barak’s Queen. Arabs are not Muslim, Christian or Jewish; they are mixed of mostly Hamitic “Ham” and “Semitic” Shem and their religion is Pagan. Sabean leaders were chosen from among their Priests, by their own Priests who held the reigns of power in that society. The northern counterpart is evident in the Celtic Druidic Priesthood. One cannot convert into Sabeanism; it is a Sephardic bloodline. Priests were chosen by “Divination”; our word Inauguration is derived from Augury “Divine by Portent”; without doubt, the Arab world noticed Jesuit John Roberts did not administer Obama’s Oath of Office correctly. Sabean Monarchs were chosen by a woman serving as the Oracle of Jupiter Ammon. Jupiter is of course the Cretian Zeus and Ammon, one of 3 groups that escape the hand of Antichrist in 11:41. Edom “Esau”, Moab and the children of Ammon. Amman Jordan is named after Ammon; the Hashemite Kingdom east of the Jordan Valley. History records Desolation “Wilderness” left behind Arab occupation; I expect no less from Obama. The sad fact is it is now mathematically impossible for America to pay off its $13 Trillion National Debt; there are not enough dollars to cover the debt and printing more causes more debt. America is in the proverbial “Rock and Hard Place” with an Arab Usurper for its leader.
America is coming down, but America is not the biblical house of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh). Native Americans are not descended from Joseph’s son Manasseh, nor are white Americans descended from Ephraim; these are Zionist and Mormon lies. Shamanist Native religion is claimed by some to be of Sabean origin; this may be true, but one thing is certain; now would be a great time to accept the offer of Jesus Christ to cover your Sins with His blood, because it’s very likely a lot of blood will soon be spilled.
Obama is believed by some to be the physical blood tie between Abraham, Ishmael and Esau, the “Sons of Birthright”. Edomites and Ishmaelites violated Abraham and Isaac’s admonition not to take wives of Canaanites by marrying into the Hittites (Canaanites). Abraham’s concubine Keturah had offspring who settled southern Arabia (Yemen). The recent “Crotch Bomber” episode was a ridiculous excuse to install Millimeter Wave and Backscatter X-Ray machines and likely a prelude to a National ID of some sort designed as a virtual American prison. Sabeans worked and inter-married with Edomites to deny Israel passage to the Promised Land; they in particular became wealthy in the trade of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh; ever heard of them before?
Obama is claimed to be a blood relation of Muhammad through the Koreish Bedouin Tribe; thus he is the connection to Muhammad Sunni Muslims are looking for. Muhammad is claimed to have descended from Korah (Core of Jude 11), the leader of the rebellion against Moses who became “Koreish Bedouins” of the Golan Heights. “Druse” as they are called have dual citizenship between Syria (Aramaeans) and Venezuela, just as many Israelis have dual citizenship in Russia, Britain and the US. The Golan Heights is Mt Hermon aka Mt Sion the place in Gen 6 where sons of God saw Daughters of men and took wives of them. Folks, “Giants” have nothing to do with fallen angels “Nephilim”; the connection to Mt Hermon has more to do with Baalbek, considered the “Birthplace of Baal”; the Temple of Baalbek (Romans re-named it a Temple of Jupiter) is shaped like a Man holding a Key in his Left “Sinister” hand; it is an example of Cyclopean Masonry (very large blocks). It is the area where Dannites had interaction with Phoenicia; Sidon named after the Zidonians means “Hunter”; Dan was perhaps the first tribe of Israel to fall from God’s Covenant, as such their name is not to be found among the “Saved” in Revelation 7. Jacob prophesied Dan would Judge as a tribe of Israel; they will certainly do that but at the end of the Millennium; before that fake Dannites will Judge humanity. Who are these Usurpers?
Sabean’s traded Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh, fashioned coins with their Kings on the front and an Owl on the reverse. The same Owl of Wisdom is called Molech by 2000 world leaders who attend Bohemian Grove each summer in Santa Rosa, CA. The Owl is a symbol of Diana/Artemis the goddess of Witchcraft; Sabeans called this goddess “Shamsh”, an obvious connection to Shamash, the center candle on the Chanukkah Menorah. Shamash originally came from the Akkadians as did “Puru” the source word for “Purim”. Am I saying “Purim” Feb 28th 2010 will be a big deal? We’ll just have to watch the Olympic Closing Ceremony and see; interesting that the movie 2012 was filmed there though! Guess what Druids call Owls in the Trees watching their Sacrifice Rituals? Parliament. Is it coincidence Ur in Chaldee is now the URI “Parliament of world religion”? Now that’s a hoot eh?
Sabean Priests were, like Israel’s Priests called “Levites”; their connection to Moses and Aaron is based on Moses’ brother in law, a Cinite (settlers of Mt Sinai, Arabia), the mountain of the Law which is called Agar after Abraham’s Egyptian handmaid Hagar. Notice our surroundings for a moment. Osama bin Laden, hired by the CIA under George Bush Sr starts the “War on Terror” by blowing up the USS Cole in Yemen “Sabean” and is the sole reason for the US invasion of Afghanistan “Steppe”. Bush Sr’s other business partner Saddam Hussein becomes the sole reason for the Iraq invasion due his supposed connection to bin Laden and Al Qaeda. Who is Al Qaeda? The phrase was taken from a speech by Sunni philosopher Ibn Sayyid Qutb meaning “A Solid Foundation”. Definitely not Jesus Christ is it? So, we have the Chinese in Vancouver and the Panama Canal, owning $5 Trillion of obviously toxic US Debt and ownership of 80% of US Ports. Venezuela “Druse” and Columbia lie just south of the Canal; 10,000 US troops in Haiti in between and a 1100 mile border fence with Mexico. Anything seem wrong with this picture yet?
Like the true Levites, Sabean Priests had Sin Offerings; Levites to JEHOVAH; Sabeans to their gods ”Il-Mukah” and “Shamsh” a husband/wife or husband/sister duo. Daniel fainted when Jesus in the appearance of a Man and Gabriel told him Daily Sacrifice would begin the final 2300 days; Levites had animal sacrifices; Sabeans venerated “Man Slaying”. Change is coming to America; remember?
[frame_right][/frame_right]Sabean wives were called “Mistresses of the Castle”; Michelle wore a black Widow dress on election night and held Abraham Lincoln’s bible as homosexual Jesuit Supreme Court Justice John Roberts failed to administer the only 35 words necessary that day under the Constitution. Read the upper level Jesuit Oath and you will see why this happened; it ain’t pretty. Inauguration comes from the word “Augury” meaning “Divine by Portent”. Notice the similarity to Mervovingian Kings who were managed by “Mayors of the Palace”. I’ll state this plainly now; Merovingian Kings of France (Clovis to Charlemagne) are not blood related to Jesus Christ in any way shape or form, nor are they related to Ethiopians from Meroe, the Queen of Sheba, King Solomon or the Tribe of Dan. This likely sounds very strange, but in my opinion, Obama will be blamed for finishing the Tower of Babel (MYSTERY, BABYLON…) the Cushite King Nimrod was blamed for beginning began. Particular praise was given to Sabean Kings for Man Slaying, success with arms, health, and theft of booty. A budget deficit of $1.4 Trillion this year and a projected deficit of $1.56 Trillion with $15.1 Trillion total debt should make China a little uneasy about their investments eh?
Obama is also claimed to be an Ethiopian related to the Tribe of Dan; specifically a Nubian King related to the Egyptian Pharaoh Taharqa (690BC-664BC), Pharaoh right after Assyrian Captivity. Assyrians descend from Asshur the eldest son of Shem who built Nineveh; Like Babel, Nimrod is blamed for this in new bible versions as well. Nubia is now Sudan and was part of Ethiopia. It is believed by some that the Tribe of Dan migrated to Meroe, Ethiopia to escape Assyrian Captivity; if this claim is in scripture (Eze 27), I can’t find it. The story wreaks of 13th Tribe Dannite nonsense to me; Meroe is not the source of “Merovingian” as some claim; there is no Prieure of Sion “Guardians of the Holy Grail”; Dannites are not the supposed 13th Tribe; there is no Holy Grail bloodline between Jesus and Mary Magdalene much less between King Solomon and the Ethiopian Queen of Sheba and I quite frankly could care less about Ethiopian Orthodox Priests hiding a fake Ark of the Covenant like some stupid shell game. As Bush Jr took office Orthodox Rabbis paraded a fake Ark of the Covenant through NYC and into the Pentagon; that’s stupid as well. In Jan of 2008, Orthodox Rabbis took Tony Blair and Bush Jr into Zedekiah’s Cave for a Black Mass and proclaimed Bush “Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal”; that’s stupid as well, but no more stupid than Bush Sr being given the new name “Magog” in his Skull & Bones initiation I suppose. Lovely family eh? Barbara Bush, alleged by many researchers to be a Grand Dame in the “Mothers of Darkness” takes this oath “Satan is the way, and the light. I (Cult Name) by my free choice commit to serve my body & spirit in union with the father of light for the total prosperity and insurance of the victory of Satan and the father of light Antichrist”. Barbara (Orthodox Church “Great Martyr”) has a husband named Magog and son named Gog, both Presidents, Bohemian Grove Members and Skull & Bones Initiates and now they are schilling for money in Haiti. Can you see how this Rising Sun thing works now?
Zedekiah did evil in sight of the LORD; Nebuchadnezzar slew him and his sons as Jer 52 1:11 and 2 Kings 25:7 make perfectly clear, yet Mormons claim one of his mythical sons Mulek survived and sailed to the Americas in wooden submarines. Voile, Mormon men are now Melchisedek Priests like Jesus, carry on the Levite Priesthood from the wrong Tribes; Ephraim (Whites) and Manasseh (Black/Native), and Mormon Prophets are now Dannites; Sweet!
I’m sure most of you have heard the claims (earliest claim of this I can find is the Book of Kells) that Dan changed their Tribal Standard to the Eagle and moved into Europe and the US where Mormon Prophets claim Dannite ancestry; Sorry to be blunt, but it is all provable BS; specifically the type of BS than comes from Cretin Bulls, Egyptian Apis Bulls, and Golden Calves from Mt Sinai (Hagar), Beth-el, Dan and Wall St. The Eagle is and always has been the symbol of Esau usurping Jacob’s purchase of his Birthright; it is the original Arabian Phoenix Bird. The Tribe of Dan is prophesied to become “Judges” at the end of the Millennium (Eze 48), not now; their symbol is like it always has been, the Serpent. Fake Dannites will “Judge” humanity on Sharia and Noahide Law on the date their “Oroborus Serpent” eats its own tail at 11:11 GMT on 12/21/2012 “” so get ready to stand ready to give your life for Jesus Christ or figure out what you will tell him after you die! The truth of the matter is that Michelle has more claim to Ethiopian ancestry than Barack. Her cousin Capers Funnye is a prominent Chicago Rabbi who heads the Beth Shalom B’Nai Zaken Ethiopian Hebrew Congregation. In addition, Capers is a converted Methodist “Crypto” and a Senior Research Associate at the Institute of Jewish and Community Research in San Francisco. Folks, real Jews would not put a Crypto Methodist in charge of anything. The new movie Book of Eli just happens to end with the New King James bible being orally dictated to the survivors of a post Civil War America in San Francisco. Will Smith starred in I am Legend which had a similar theme that connected Ethiopia, Rastafarianism, Bob Marley and Ethiopian PM Haile Selasi who believed himself to be an incarnation of God just as Eli is portrayed by Denzel Washington who claims in public to be Christian. Will Smith, an active Scientologist is now set to produce and star in a movie about Pharaoh Taharqa called The Last Pharaoh; Obama said if anyone were to play him in a movie, he would want Will Smith. This is how Cryptos have always worked; Sephardic Jews are Crypto but they are anything but Jewish much less Christian. Can you see why Jesus said never call any man Rabbi now? (Mat 23:8) Rabbis are not Jewish!
Nimrod was a Cushite from Nubia/Sudan/Ethiopia who traveled East to Babylon; the builders of the Tower of Babel came from the East in the KJV, so it was not him. In regards to the New King James Bible featured in Book of Eli notice 2 subtle changes from the Authorized Bible KJV. The Tower of Babel builders use “Asphalt” for Mortar; Nubia is west of Babylon and the KJV uses the word “Slime”. Folks, Slime means corrupted Men, not road base, and the builders came from modern day Iran/Afghanistan, not Nubia! Notice next that Nimrod builds Nineveh in the NKJV and all new bible versions whereas Shem’s son Asshur builds it in the KJV. Asshur is of course Semitic and the source name for the Assyrians; Nimrod was not Semitic. Obama is a modern day Nimrod; a non-Semite blaming Semites for abominable acts. Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner failing to pay Taxes, $Trillions given to International Bankers, escalating war in Afghanistan, 32 Czars, Census (recall Sephar means “to Count” and “Census”; well you can count me out) conducted by Rahm Emanuel “Supreme god is with us” should be enough to see this man is not who he says he is. In 2 Kings 19:9 says the Ethiopian King Tirhakah fought against the Assyrians; I suspect his claimed descendant Obama will also fight against Iran in similar fashion to begin Daniel 8. An Angel of the LORD smote 180,000 Assyrians forcing the King Sennacherib (biblical “Pul” from an Ethiopian Tribe) to return to the Assyrian Capital of Nineveh in 2 Kings 19:35; Jonah was even sent by God to warn Nineveh of their impending destruction; God said there were 120,000 people in Nineveh who could not discern their right hand from their left (Good-Evil) Jonah 4:11. This same condition exists in America today. Can you see why some people have such hatred against God now? Flood, Language Confusion, Sodom & Gomorrah, Red Sea, Jericho were all God’s set backs for them. Oh, I can hear your questioning of Obama being a Sodomite; answer is definitely yes, but I will not go there. Bush Jr was even worse; Look into Larry Sinclair and Jeff Gannon and make up your own mind. A gravesite with more than 1 million remains is all that remain of Sodom now; the melted marble amid the once thriving city should be enough warning not to tempt God. I like everyone else wish a decent human being would come along soon, but folks, the writing is on the Wall just like it was for Belshaszzar in Babylon “MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN”; Menes was Egypt’s 1st Pharaoh and it’s quite likely Taharqa “Obama” may be America’s first and last Pharaoh. Egyptians let the Amalekites “Hyksos” in as Foreign Rulers and America now has an Amalekite (Edomite) ruler. MENE is capitalized because America has become Spiritual Sodom and Egypt just like Jerusalem will be during the Great Tribulation. This time the only difference is Medes and Persians will be Spanish and Chinese. The Vancouver Olympics Feb 12-28; Vancouver is China’s North American base, but they control 80% of US Ports as well as the Panama Canal and hold title to $5Trillion of US Treasury Notes. What would you do if you were them? On Feb 28th the only book where God is absent “Esther” will be read in Synagogues to commemorate “Purim”. The word Purim comes from the East of Babylon in Akkadia from “Puru” meaning “Drawing of Lots”; Gulf War I, II began on Purim to lay the groundwork for the Iran War; I wonder if Obama remembers Esther and Mordechai tricking the Persian King Xerxes into hanging his Edomite Prime Minister Haman? I’ll bet you he does; remember Edom, Moab and Ammon escape Antichrist. Obama will be the Scape Goat; Nimrod was blamed for starting the Tower of Babel; Obama will be blamed for finishing it. It’s time to start conversing with the LORD; His name is Jesus Christ and in case its not obvious yet the Gallows have been constructed.
[frame_right][/frame_right]Ahmadinejad does not call the shots; the Shiite Grand Ayatollah al-Kamini does; like Obama, Zbignew Brzenziski writes the play books of this Grand Chessboard. Whether Obama is regarded as Imam Mahdi to Shiites remains to be seen, but Barack Hussein Obama are all Arabic names and connected to Arab Mythology. “El-Barack” was Abraham’s Winged White Horse; “al-Buraq” was Muhammad’s Winged White Horse. Both likely took their names from Barak, Israel’s 5th Judge. Obama’s Logos are the Rising/Setting Sun and Red and White Stripes. It was designed by Prince Hall Masons and “Sol Sender” for their lodge brother. It is also the identical logo used by Carbonfund LLC. For Pagans the biblical phrase “By his stripes we are healed” does not refer to Jesus but possibly to Obama who may be the one to sacrifice America for the Sins of the world in preparation for the vaunted world Crucifixion/Passover on 12/21/2012, the date of the Pagan “New Age”.
Obama bowed in June to King Abdulluh, the 5th Son of 37 sons of the Saudi Arabian Dynasty founding father. Remember, Arab has nothing to do with Islam, likewise Qutb and Wahhab have nothing to do with Islam. Shiite/Sunni/Wahhabist are merely divisions much like Catholic/Protestant or Torah/Talmudic Judaism; they are simply designed to “Divide and Conquer”. Obama bowed in November to Emperor Hirohito’s 5th son, Emperor Akhito; these events were bigger deals than one may suspect. Shem also had 5 sons Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud and Aram; founders of Persepolis, Nineveh, bloodline of Jesus Christ, Satan’s Seat/Temple of Artemis, Damascus in order. It’s a giant Family Feud with Jews and Born Again Christians caught in the middle as it always has been. Obama’s Universal Health Care Bill was dealt a blow when Knight of Malta (Hospitaller and/or Knight of St John of Jerusalem) Ted Kennedy passed; the good news is a cousin of Obama Scott Brown took his place. Obama’s Logo is the Winged Staff of Mercury and the same Red and White stripes. These stripes refer to mixed marriage “Sephar”; Satan established his throne at Pergamos which also means “Mixed Marriage”. The “Caduceus” is the symbol of Toth/Hermes and Mercury, the god of Alchemical Transformation and Healing. My article Tikkun Olam goes into more detail about what “Repairing the World” means to Pagans; for now I’ll just say it means liberation from matter by fire, the perfect method of cleansing Death and Disease. Guess where these Sabean/Phoenician/Arab/Edom/Moab/Ammon “Templars” hide from this Fire? Jesus says in rocks and dens of the mountains; seems like Cheney’s “Undisclosed Location” on 9/11 “Mt Weather” will be crowded when the Weather Weapons start heating up eh? Now, please people just wash your hands and get your N1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine.
God is not the author of confusion and I am trying my best not to be as well. To that end, I do not believe Obama is the Antichrist, nor do I believe the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ is imminent; rather that day is more than 2300 days in the future. I believe Daniel 9:24-27 “70 Weeks” means exactly as it is written ie 490 days and all of those days are yet to be fulfilled. Further, I believe no Man can “cleanse” the house of God; Judas Maccabeus called the “Hammer of God”, cleansed the 2nd Temple following Antiochus Epiphanes (Aramaean) sacrifice of a pig on the altar. The date was Dec 25, and he built a new altar likely of cut stone which violates God’s commandment in Exodus 20:25 on the date originally called Sol Invictus. This came to be called Hanukkah “Feast of Dedication” and later Christmas. Christ-Mass means “Ritual sacrifice and distribution of a suitable host”. In this case Jesus Christ was the host; when Daily Sacrifice begins, it will be Man unwilling to progress into the New World Order. When God was Crucified, Judaism ended; by definition, Christmas is the sacrificial killing of Christ and Hanukkah is the Feast. The dedication is in fact to the solar god “Sol Invictus”, not JEHOVAH who was born in flesh on Feast of Tabernacles. Amos 7:2,5KJV state clearly God did not raise Israel up. Judaism and the Levitical Priesthood ended at the Crucifixion of God. As Melchisedek, He is the author of the Levitical Priesthood, specifying only Aaron’s descendants could hold the office. As Melchisedek, Jesus is the fulfillment of the Zadokite Priesthood who kept God’s Commandments; only Jesus has the ability to author a New Covenant and deliver it through the Holy Ghost.
The rest of this article is going to get a lot stranger so let’s pause once again to look at our surroundings…
Wolves are circling and a lot of Red Eyes are staring back. Communist China owns 80% of US Ports, $5 Trillion in US Treasury Notes, Vancouver (Games end on Purim; 5 circles represent 5 Canaanite Kings killed by Joshua and the 5 that remain today; the 4 “Labrys” connecting them are the 4 Beast Kingdoms), the Panama Canal and Obama hoisted their flag at the White House in honor of the 60th anniversary of Yale Grad, Communist butcher Mao Zedong. US Troops are surrounded in Iraq (Babylon) by Iran (Persia), Turkey (Ephesus/Pergamos), Syria (Aram), Yemen (Sabean) and Saudi Arabia. Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab (1703-1792) provided the name of “Wahhabist” and Ibn-Sayyid Qutb (1906-1966) first quoted “Al Qaeda” meaning “A Solid Foundation”. “Wahhab” is similar to Ahab, for a reason. Ahab’s descendant Mordecai hung Haman (Amalekite) to begin the celebration of Purim and Qutb is regarded as the spiritual father of Osama bin Laden. Again, I’ll be straight to the point here, bin Laden is not Sunni or Wahhabist; he is a CIA asset. The exit path is through the Persian Gulf, surrounded by Saudi Arabia and Iran. The path to the sea is past Basra, a town meaning Edom’s Sheepfold, roughly coincident with Daniel’s vision of Dan 8 on the banks of the River Ulai and Susa, “Ground Zero” for Assyrians and Achamaenid (Usurping Medians) Persians. Ormaizd is as best I can discern, the spot occultists believe the Garden of Eden to be. Today, it seems to take the name Bandar e Bushehr (I’m guessing); Saudi Prince Bandar was called Bandar Bush due his close relationship with the Bush family; I remember something about a Burning Bush in Midian, but I digress. The Society of Ormus, uses the symbol of Virgo to represent Orm “Star Fire/Elixer of Life”, Horus, Tammuz, the celestial Virgin, and M the 13th Phoenician Letter. Susa, Persepolis “City of Persephone” and Ormaizd (Bandar e Bushehr) form a triangle; draw it on a map and if I’m not mistaken, it looks just like the Federal Triangle (White House, Washington Monument, Capitol) used to represent the Celestial Virgin and the Pythagorean Triangle. The narrowest point “Strait of Hormuz” is named after Horus and Tammuz, the occult version of the Divine Child. Iran “Aryan” has Russian and Chinese made supersonic cruise missiles and 230 mph torpedoes which render US Aircraft Carriers, essentially floating coffins. Arya is derived from “Noble Caste”. At home, Colorado Springs is home to NORTHCOM and its potential 1 million foreign/domestic troops. Couple all this with US funding of Black Water “Xe”, the largest Private Army in world history founded by an Evangelical Methodist and Ted Haggard’s New Life Church will pale in comparison. Folks, tithing goes to God not for homosexual prostitution and crack dealing!
Salvation is not available under any “Works” based religious system be it Judaism, Kabbalah, Mormonism, Protestantism, Catholicism, Shamanism, Voodoo, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism or Science. Yes, Science is a Religion and the most apostate of all which goes to great lengths in every discipline to deny the existence of God. Dan 8:14 says the final 2300 days begin with Daily Sacrifice. Since Old Testament Jewish religion is over, this article will now focus on when the Daily Sacrifice of Man might begin, and why Obama may be the one to begin it. By my count that day may be President’s Day 2010. CIA director William Casey said “Our disinformation campaign will be complete when everything the American Public believes is false”. Jesus began the New Covenant by shedding His blood; this in accordance with Hebrews 9:22 “…without shedding of blood is no remission”. Communion at the Last Supper was His symbolic Body and Blood; God gave His physical body and blood as remission of Sin for everyone who is willing to accept it. Michelle wore the Black Widow dress on election night; the female Black Widow eats the body of her mate after consummation. Deborah was Israel’s 4th Judge; it has a Canaanite equivalent “Dabar” which means “Word” or “Bee”. Barak was Israel’s 5th Judge; responsible for the Nail in Sisera’s Temple and his decapitation (Judges 4-5) by Heber’s (Kennite) wife Jael; Heber descended from Moses’ brother in law Hobab (Koreish Tribe related to Muhammad and perhaps Obama). Gideon was Israel’s 6th Judge descended from Manasseh, the eldest son of Joseph who delivered them from the Midianites, killed Ishmaelites and began the jealousy with Ephraim that continues to this day; particularly noticeable within the Mormon Church as most all claim to be from Ephraim. Folks, you may believe the bible is a story book or you may think everyone forgives and forgets, but many do not; when WW3 begins America will be in the crosshairs.
Antiochus the Aramaean (Shem’s youngest son was Aram) ruler of Syria called himself “Epiphanes” which means “Illustrious”. He sacrificed a pig “Swine” on the altar in the Holy of Holies of the 2nd Temple; Herod the Edomite’s Temple. This article will illustrate that Barack Hussein Obama may in fact have the same intention; to sacrifice people he considers to be “Swine” in order to cast out the demons of the world. Mathew and Luke 8:30-33 describe different events but the same outcome; when Satan’s demons enter a person and Jesus cast them out, they enter Swine and commit suicide. 8 is the number God associates with Sovereignty; 33 is the age when Jesus attained it upon His rejection by the world. Likely the 8th contract God has made with Man will end on 12/21/2012, the demons having entered “Swine” and burned by fire will have completed what Toth/Hermes stated in the Emerald Tablet “As above, so Below”. If you are not spiritually ready for the Capstone to be lowered onto the Unfinished Pyramid, now would be a great time.
Barack Hussein Obama means “Blessed, Good, Handsome, Flash of Lightning” in Arabic, and “He is with us” in Farsi (Fars is near Persopolis). The White House released a photo of a Vedic “Aryan” Idol of Hanuman, a monkey god representing good luck in war, a deceased US Soldier’s ID Bracelet, a Madonna with Child (this is not Mary and Jesus; it’s the Black Virgin and Divine Child) and a Gambler’s Lucky Chit. This summarizes the pure definition of Paganism and would be shunned by every Born Again Christian. His Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is in charge of the US Census; his father was an arms dealer for Irgun, an Israeli terrorist group. Rahm is Ram, the symbol of the Persian King Cyrus the Great as well as the Greek homosexual would-be King of the World Alexander the Great; his name means “Supreme God is with us”. God’s title is “I am” and “I am he”. “he” is the 5th Hebrew letter which means “God is with us”. The 6th is “Vau” which means “Nail”. When Jesus was Crucified, “he” was Nailed to the Sacred Tree, and “he” went with him from Juda when “he” gave up the Ghost. As the author of the Levitical Priesthood, “he” is also the author of the Covenant with Abraham, going by the title “Melchisedek” (ref Gen 14:18 and Heb 7) which means “King of Salem”. Thus the Covenant with Abram which changed his name to Abraham is authored by Jesus Christ. This article will seem strange, but often, truth is stranger than fiction.[frame_right][/frame_right] All I’m asking is for you to put yourself in Daniel’s place some 3500 years ago standing on the Banks of the River Ulai, near the ancient Persian capital of Susa founded by Cyrus the Great and modern day Basra. Jesus in the appearance of a man and the Angel Gabriel informed him the last 2300 days would begin with “Daily Sacrifice”. He got sick and fainted not because his life was in danger, but because most of the lives of humanity would one day be in danger. The future is not for the faint hearted; when God’s timing is right 4 symbolic horsemen will make War, remove Peace, spread disease and enslave most of humanity before another brings Death and Hell. By that point “Messiah will be cutoff” and the Great Tribulation (final 1260 days) will begin. The only escape is a 1 on 1 relationship with Jesus Christ through the Holy Ghost made while the offer is still available. If you are waiting for a Peace Treaty in Jerusalem, that’s too late. The Covenant you make with Jesus Christ is solely up to you as it always has been. Now would be as good a time as any to make it.
On Aug 5, 2009 Obama was asked to define Sin. His response was “Sin is being out of alignment with my values”. Just WHO does “he” think he is? Hawaii became a State on Aug 21, 1959. Interestingly, there was no legal transfer of Hawaiian lands to the US making the recent 50th anniversary of Statehood a sham. Obama or whoever made his Myspace page lists his age as 52, making his birth during the time before Statehood and therefore his presidency Un-Constitutional.. Hawaii is the Archipelago surrounded by the most water in the middle of the Pacific Ocean; Pacific meaning “Peace and Ocean meaning “Limitless Expanse”, usually of “Water”. Considered by many to be the true Arabs, Joktanites separated by water from the genealogy of Jesus Christ “Living water” (Eber to Peleg…) during his and his brother Peleg’s (source of the terms Hebrew and Archipelago) day between 100 and 239 years after Noah’s Flood; “For in his days was the earth divided” Gen 10:25 Needless to say, there is quite a long history here of (roughly 4330 years or 2300BC; Jesus was not born at 1 BC-AD, that is Anno Domini (Year of our Lord). Domini means Mask and DM means Red. This Red Messiah will begin his entrance on the scene 2300 days before Jesus, in a Satanic copy of Jesus’ birth 2300 days before the Solstice of AD-BC on Feast of Tabernacles 6 BC. I cover this in my Christmas article as best I can, so this will suffice. The Aramaic Bible “Syriac Peshitta” (Aram was Shem’s 5th son) is a Gnostic document written about 5th century AD and miraculously found, much like the Dead Sea Scrolls at the St Catharine’s Monastery near Mt Sinai, Egypt. Too bad the real Mt Sinai is in Arabia. It claims Melchisedek and Shem are one in the same person and the author of the Abrahamic Covenant; BS! Hebrew 7 records Melchisedek as Jesus Christ and having no beginning or end; Shem obviously had both. Joktanites are therefore regarded by some Arabs as being in the priestly line of Shem; the Word of God records no such priestly line of Shem. Obama’s father was Arab, and Joktanites consider themselves to be the only pure blood Arabs. That makes them Incestuous Pagan Moon god “Sin” worshippers.
Hawaii means “Homeland”. The occult trinity is Father, Mother, Son (Sun); in keeping with this concept, Hitler established National Socialism “Nazi” as the “Fatherland”, Stalin established the Communists as the Motherland and Reagan established America as the Homeland with the creation of FEMA and later the Dept of Homeland Security after 9/11. FEMA was in place for the event. Hawaii stems from Ha “Breath of Life” and Wai “Freshwater”. The Capitol is on Latitude 21.60. 216 is the primary number of “Sacred Geometry”. 33+43+53=216. The 3-4-5 Triangle represents Male (Vertical)+Female (Horizontal)=Son (Hypotenuse). The Son here is called the Divine Child, originally typified by Tammuz in Mesopotamia and Horus in Egypt. In Ezekiel 8, veneration of Tammuz is one of primary reasons the Glory of the LORD departed the 1st Temple. The first Solar Priests taught a Holy Bloodline to Shem existed and across the Flood to Cain, survivors with hidden knowledge as well. The earliest being Akkadian “Kon Torrs” which means “Priests of the Enclosure”. These “Highlanders” swept into Mesopotamia (Babel) from Persia and at the other end of the Fertile Crescent, the Shemsu Horus “Followers of Horus” taught Pharaoh’s descended from the Benben Stone, a Pyramid shaped stone having base angles of 520 which fell from Heaven to provide a sort of “Divine Seed”. This lie became known as the Holy Grail. “As above, so Below” is the concept of recreating the Stars on Earth. An example is the Egyptian Pyramids representing “Orion”, the Sphinx “Leo” and 72 degrees east of them, Angkor (Ankh Horus) Wat representing “Draco” considered the Navel of the Universe.
The Earth wobbles on its axis, precessing at the rate of 1 degree every 72 years or 1 astrological “House” every 2160 years. New bible versions change Luke 10 “70” to “72” likely for this reason. Jesus sent 70 men to Samaria at Feast of Tabernacles (His real birthday) providing them with the ability to tread on serpents and scorpions, and possessing guaranteed Salvation. John Calvin “Calvinism” alters 1 Thess 1:4 “your election of God” to “God’s election of you”. His real name was Cohen, an alleged priestly genealogy for Samaritans, and he too lied. Salvation is contingent upon our relationship with Jesus Christ and His rules to Love God and Love our Neighbor. Calvin’s lie simply divided in order to conquer Christians via war between Catholics and Protestants. 72 is an alternative number related to Geometry, Astrology and the future judgment of Man under the Sanhedrin (70 Samaritan Priests) plus Antichrist and his False Prophet. This concept is echoed today by the Vatican’s College of 70 Cardinals and the Mormon Quorum of Seventy.
Highlanders are Aryan originators of Vedic religion; in Vedic Maya means “Illusion”. The Mayan Calendar is not Mayan; it was derived from the same Egyptian/Babylonian Solar Priest knowledge called “Gnosis”. Earth precession was measured and divided into “Baktuns” of 144,000 days. The end of the 13th Baktun arrives at 11:11 GMT on Dec 21, 2012 when the Sun will hang upon the Sacred Tree. In Gen 13, Abram and Lot separated over the issue of Sodom and Gomorrah and in Rev 13, the Beast from the Sea (New Age Religion) rises. Melchisedek made the Covenant with Abraham over this issue some 4000 years ago and today the world is dividing over this same issue; primarily homosexuality, divorce and freedom of God’s rules.
Paganism is non-Abrahamic, meaning the goal is “Freedom from God and His rules”. Pagans will ultimately foster WW3 between Islam, Christianity and Judaism under the banner of 3 Idols; Crescent, Cross and Hexagram. These symbols have nothing to do with their respective religions. Pagan means “To Fix” or “To Rig”. The outcome of this war is therefore “Fixed” and written in Dan 8:19-27. Paganism is “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…” It is veneration of High Places, Groves, Obelisks, Idols, Talismans, and Symbols; the Swastika being the oldest. It is Humanism, Poly-theism, Hellenism, Wicca, Druidism, Clan Totenism, Shamanism, Atheism and Agnosticism. It is Aryan Religion which culminates with the final Crucifixion of God, His genealogy and His followers.
On Dec 21, 2012 the Mayan “Illusion” Calendar will read The age of the 5th Sun begins with the Sun passing through the center “Dark Rift” of the Milky Way, intersecting with the Path of Horus (Ecliptic). Once per year is a Solstice; once every 25,990 years the Solstice will begin the Age of Aquarius, but only once will it begin and end during the day. Jesus was Crucified according to the Law He authored in Deut 21:22. He was hung upon the Tree and His body removed before night began. Now, what does this have to do with America, Britain, Israel and Obama’s role?
11:11 GMT is measured from the Prime Meridian in Greenwich, England. Stonehenge was one of the first astronomical calculators using the Metonic Cycle. Every 19.5 years, the Sun and Moon repeat their celestial dance. It was used to predict Solstices and Equinoxes as well as Solar and Lunar Eclipses; the Druids did not make Stonehenge; the source is from the same Solar Priests. British means B’Rith-ish “Birthright Covenant”; the primary brothers in question here being Cain-Abel, Joktan-Peleg, Ishmael-Isaac and Esau-Jacob. Speculative Masonry, HQ’d in London uses the 2-ball Cain symbol for Tubal-cain, the first artificer of metal. The Union Jack divides the calendar into 4 Quarters and 8 points as does the Greek Cross (Templar/Hospitaller Cross and the Chi-Rho “Cross of Constantine”) Those 8 points are the Northern and Southern Rise/Set points for the Sun and Moon. Brit-Am-Israel researchers claim Israel, America and Britain (primarily) represent in various ways the lost tribes of Israel; A LIE. God put Israel and Judah in Diaspora (scattered among Gentile Nations) and that’s where they are today. Edomite usurpers are in control of all 3 of these nations. Israel by Edomites (ref Obadiah) and Samaritans (men from Babylon, Cuthah, Ava, Hamath; ref 2 Kings 17:24) who replaced Israel during Assyrian captivity. Britain is figuratively controlled by the House of Windsor who falsely claim the Covenant of Birth through Jacob. QE II claims to be the Queen of Jerusalem and she may be correct, Jesus called Jerusalem “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” in Rev 11:8KJV so that makes her the spiritual leader of Sodom and she reportedly owns several million acres of land. Realistically however, Britain is controlled by the City of London, the repository of most of the world’s material wealth. Currently, America is led by Barack Obama an Edomite claimed to represent the bloodline from Abraham to Muhammad. Respectively, these nations are claiming to be the biblical House of Jacob and Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh), an obvious LIE.
The discrepancy on Obama’s MySpace page ( should be alarming; it says he is 52; if true he is not eligible to be US President. Why 52? I’ll admit this might seem like a stretch, but I didn’t put 52 on his page, he or one of his handlers did. Mark Twain said “Truth is stranger than fiction because fiction is obliged to stick to the possibilities whereas truth is not”. So here goes. A2 + B2=C2 for the 3-4-5 triangle where the vertical represents the Male (god), horizontal the Female (goddess) and hypotenuse the Divine Child (Horus/Tammuz). Egyptians initiated into the Solar Cult came to know Mr Triangle as having sides Mr, Akh, Ba for “Merkabah” in the religion of Kabbalah. “Mir” also the name of the Russian Space Station and the angles of the Benben Pyramidion “Capstone” used to unite upper and lower Egypt under the rule of Pharaoh Menes. Noteworthy is that Menes was also the same root word for Minos the Cretin King of Minoan Civilization whose wife sired the famous Minotaur through intercourse with the god Zeus assuming the shape of the bull. This became the Golden “Apis” Bull of Egypt, the Golden Bull altar built as Moses received the 10 Commandments on Mt Sinai in Arabia, the Golden Bull altars Jeroboam built at Dan and Beth-el and the symbol of Wall St. The Benben as the “Seed of the gods” is the “All Seeing Eye” hovering over the Unfinished Pyramid on the US $1 Bill. Merkabah means “Chariot”; associated with Ezekiel’s Wheel by occultists it is the “Chariot of Ascension” in Kabbalist Religion or for King Arthur fans the Holy Bloodline/Grail which are also obvious Lies. This Mayan “Illusion” or “Lie” is called “BS” for this reason. It is in fact the “Sacred Tree” the Word of God refers to as the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil”; the same one portrayed by the Mayan Calendar.
Symbolically the “Benben” (Stone from Heaven) will cap the Unfinished Pyramid when the Great Work “As above, so Below” is done. Fortunately or not, America has a very large “Sacrificial” role to play; Amurru was both the Edomite and Nabattaean Shepherd and Serpent god. America has Shepherded the world into the New World Order militarily since at least the Spanish (Spanish means Sephardic, referring to Mt Sephar in Yemen) American War which was not coincidentally used as the spring board for US acquisition of the Philippines and Hawaii. The symbol in Egypt for world Dominion was the Djed Pillar, a kind of Surveyor’s Transit and the connection to the gods through Pharaohs claiming to be of semi-Divine lineage; also an obvious LIE.
3-4-5 forms the dimensions for the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid; it is not a burial chamber, but rather an initiation chamber and these same dimensions form the Federal Triangle in Washington DC (Washington Monument, Capitol “Temple of Jupiter” and White House) which mimics Virgo the Celestial Virgin who will give birth to the Divine Child. This is why Obama carries the Madonna and Child. In Kenya and Ethiopia it is known as the Black Virgin. This is not Racist as there is only 1 Race of Man on Earth. This represents the Alternative Christ aka Antichrist. Noteworthy here is the Nazi use of the Swastika, a Vedic Aryan symbol; the SS were Knights of the Swarze Sonne “Dark Sun” initiated into the same Vedic Aryan Solar Cult as Obama, currently a 320 Prince Hall Freemason. Maybe now it makes more sense why John McCain (Scottish for Son of Cain) picked Sarah Palin; her Rouge Cou Marketing Business means Red Coup (Edom’s sudden decisive political move) and in April, she declared a holiday in honor of Prince Hall Masonry.
Written in stone in Arizona is an interesting Hopi Prophecy “When the Sun is seen rising in the East and the sign of Life “Swastika” is reversed, and tilted East, you know the Great Death is come upon the Earth”; Hitler indeed reversed the Swastika “Sun Wheel”, but his Great Death of the 3rd Reich will Pale in comparison to the 3rd Beast.
The Oval Office represents the Sacred Egg and Virgo is represented by the “Statue of Freedom” which stands atop the Capitol Rotunda facing East at 19½ ft. to illustrate the Metonic Cycle of the Sun and Moon over 19.5 years. The Phoenicians simply called this mythical goddess “Our Lady” and used the mythical Phoenix Bird (Egyptian Bennu Bird) as the connection between Egypt (Hagar) and Arabia (Joktan/Sephar) with the rest of the world. They are in fact the “Merchants of Spiritual Death” and Kahn-Baals from where the English language and its word “Cannibal” originates. The cult the Nazi’s were initiated into was called the “Thule Society”; Stalin was also an initiate. It is the “Brotherhood of Death” into which 4 generations of the Bush family have also been initiated called the Skull & Bones Society. All these are of Vedic Aryan origin broadly called the Theosophical Society. Not surprising, its HQ in NYC is also shaped like an Oval and make of Red Granite just like every other Egyptian Obelisk..
[frame_right][/frame_right]Two Equilateral Triangles superimposed form the familiar Hexagram aka Seal of Solomon (a Witchcraft symbol of his Phoenician initiation). It is also the Moabite Star of Chemosh, the Ammonite star of Chiun, the star of Remphan and Molech brought into Israel with Solomon’s Phoenician wives and concubines, the Roman Star of Saturn and the current symbol of Israel called the Red Shield. Moabites and Ammonites were produced by Lot’s incest with his daughters and will escape the hand of Antichrist with Edom during the reign of Spiritual Sodom and Egypt on Earth. (ref Dan 11:41) Israel is not God’s gathering of Jews; it’s the Rothschild (Red Shield) and British (Birthright Covenant) gathering before the slaughter.
Viewed from the Sun, the Earth is tilted about 230.The Hexagram tilted back by this amount forms a 520 Isosceles Triangle. Flattening 2 Equilateral Triangles so the base angles are 520 and superimposing them 1 pointing down, the other up, forms an Oval Enclosure bound by the Hexagon representing the Sacred Egg and the Diagonals change from 300 to 230, the angle which matches the Earth’s Inclination. No shadow is cast by an Obelisk or Vertical Shaft Grave or Hole at mid-day on the Winter and Summer Solstice at the 230 Latitude of the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. The critical point to understand is these constellations indicate the rising Sun only during the time of the Crucifixion, long after many of the Temples were designed. The Word is set in Stone and not subject to interpretation of change! One such Stone Temple was constructed to mark this event and is now underwater at Yonaguni near Taiwan. If one were to believe Science claims that the last Ice Age over 11,000 years ago caused Sea Levels to rise, so are we to believe the builders of Yonaguni knew about the Crucifixion back then? Like Climate Change, the Ice Age is myth and its proponents are Liars; Noah’s Flood buried that monument and now, god-men with Weather modifying weapons (solar powered electro-magnetic radars) are getting set to exact revenge. Katrina was merely a test. Just north of the Theosophical Society Red Granite Oval is an Obelisk from Heliopolis called Cleopatra’s Needle. It should be called Hatsepshut’s needle as likely Moses was alive when it was cut from Aswan quarries; note that is standing atop the Crab of Cancer with an inscription proclaiming the return of the Divine Child Horus. Gnostics venerated John the Baptist rather than Jesus Chris; on your visit to NYC, visit the St John Divine Cathedral where the Sun and Moon also sit atop this same Crab. Jesus said John was the greatest person in the Old Covenant but less than anyone in the New Covenant. Jesus never referred to John as Divine!
The Star of Molech, inclined away from the Sun 230 , represented in 3 Dimensions by 2 Interlocking Tetrahedrons with the Equinox Points (4 side angles) separated by 19.50 becomes the Merkabah. Have a Kabbalist explain it to you, but in my opinion, it is the supreme symbol of Earth “Mammon” Worship; an Earth based calculator representing Equinixes, Solstices, Sun/Moon Rise and Set Points, Seasons, Precession Cycle, Pythagorean Geometry and likely a lot else I have no idea of, but it keeps people like Madonna entertained I’m, sure.
23 is a number representing several things. 2+3=5 is the 5th Sun when the Alternative Messiah usurps God’s role. “He” means “God is with us”; Obama means “He is with us” but Obama is most definitely not Antichrist. His claimed genealogy is not though Jacob, but Antichrist’s as Alternative Christ will be. The Roman numeral “V” is also the Hebrew 6th letter “Vau” which means Nail. Paganism means “To Fix” and Nails were used to “Fix” Jesus to the Tree. 2X3=6, the number of Man, and 2/3=.666 the number of the Perfected Man aka the Beast of Revelation (666). Talmudic Rabbis read in Mat 23 Jesus said to call no man on earth Rabbi so they open Synagogue with this “Sign of Shin”. Jesus is not happy about this! By the time Psalm 74 was written these Solar Priests had burned up all the Synagogues of God (ref Ps 74:8); the rest are as Jesus described them “Synagogues of Satan”. Isn’t it odd that Christians seem to flock to congregations when that word is only used in the Old Testament? In Acts 13:43 Paul waited for the Congregation of Jews to break up and he told them to continue in the grace of God. May be wise for all of us to heed that advice!
The Great Pyramid’s sides are 52°, precession is 1 degree every 72 years and Earth’s Axis is tilted about 23 degrees. Wholistic World Vision ( installed the Aquarian Cross atop Glastonbury Tor, Jesus’ testimony “Revelation” ends at Chapter 22; theirs has a Chapter 23; I guess they don’t like God’s version of events because it says none of the House of Esau shall remain. At the time of the Crucifixion, the Sun rose in Capricorn and Cancer at the Solstices; for this reason at the Cathedral of St John Divine in NYC the Sun and Moon are merged atop the Crab of Cancer and the Obelisk “Cleopatra’s Needle” (It should be called Hatsepshut’s Needle as it’s date matches the Red Sea Crossing, she may have been Moses’s adoptive mother) is placed atop the same Crab. Note: Christmas and St John’s Day (June 24) have nothing to do with either John or Jesus; they were born on Passover and Feast of Tabernacles respectively. 520 is the angle a Great Circle makes over NYC which joins the Pyramid of the Sun with Baalbek (Baal’s Birthplace); the Temple of Jupiter at Baalbek is shaped as a Man holding a key in his left “sinister” hand.
[frame_right][/frame_right]Beginning at the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan, at Latitude 19.50; the Great Circle passes over Washington DC where World’s largest Obelisk at 555ft (3 Nails) marks the 77th Meridian where Flt #77 supposedly hit the 77ft tall Pentagon. 77 is Cain’s 5th son Lamech’s revenge. The District of Columbia is a private district named after the Roman Goddess of Freedom not subject to the laws its politicians write. The circle continues to link America’s first 5 colonies.
Baltimore means Great Fire Altar of Baal, the Battle of Ft McHenry occurred on 9/11/1772 creating what amounted to an 11 year American Revolution. The fort is a Pentagon inside a 5 pt Star.
Philadelphia means “Brotherly Love”; Jesus referred to the Church at Philadelphia as the Synagogue of Satan ie those who claim to be Jews but are not. He said this because Esau, Jacob’s brother is impersonating Jews and do to this day. There was nothing Jewish about the Pharisees and there is nothing Jewish about te Talmud or Kabbalah. The cracked Liberty Bell from London’s White Chapel Foundry symbolizes Tikkun Olam (Repair the World) ie restore the paradise lost by the Flood without God in it. The motto Novus Ordo Seclorum means New Secular Order and is prominently displayed on the $1 Bill. Esau’s Dominion is based on Chaldean Magic “Jegar-sahadutha”; nothing more than a Vedic Aryan Maya Illusion. Guessing; Obama may be the Prestige Act.
New York is named after Yorkshire, England’s “White Rose” and symbol or the Rosicrucians and Bloodline “Merovingian” Royalty of the Plantegenet Family. This is only a guess, but Thomas Plantard may be the one to watch; his name means “Twin Vine Cutting”; a Pagan “Holy Grail” if you will. Yorkshire means “Place of Yew Trees”; ancient trees used by Celtic Priests in sacrifice rituals on Samhein which Martin Luther turned into “All Saints Day” or “Halloween”. Yew trees are burned on Ash Wednesday to mark a T on one’s forehead, a practice which began in Babylon and its branches are carried on Palm Sunday. The T refers to Tammuz, the Babylonian Divine Child, not Jesus Christ. Its Red Heartwood and White Sapwood are the reasons why Obama uses the Solar Disc in Red and White Stripes for his logo and yes I know you find this hard to believe, but the Red and White stripes go all the way back to Jacob and Laban’s separation of their flocks at Beth-el and Jacob’s Pillow. Antiochus Epiphanes and his sacrifice of a pig on the altar, Laban was Aramaean (Syrian) descended from Shem’s 5th Sun. The 5th Sun is a very big deal to Pagans. The Circle then continues to Boston which means “Town by the Woods”.
Freemasons in the Society of Red Men dressed as Indians, left the Green Dragon Tavern for the Boston Tea Party. The site was also where Puritans clashed with Pilgrims and instigated religious persecution in the Salem Witch Trials. Entering Britain the Circle crosses Stonehenge, an ancient solstice, equinox, solar and lunar eclipse calculator and place of human sacrifice meaning “Hanging Stones” or “Gallows” The altar where sacrifices were made is of course inside an Oval enclosure called the “Adytum”. From there, te circle goes to Hagia Sophia, Bulgary.
Constantine was allegedly baptized by his mother Helena in York; in fact, Helena was a Pagan (recall Sabean women held the power) and the real power behind her son; she fixed Mt Sinai in Egypt rather than Arabia, blamed the Jews for the Crucifixion and began the veneration of relics such as the Seamless Robe, pieces of the True Cross and Nails used to hold Jesus to it. She is obviously a liar as Jesus was Crucified on a Tree despite new bible versions changing Tree to Cross to hide that fact. 300 years before she started her search. Jesus was as Jewish as anyone could be and He never once blamed the Jews. Constantine in turn brought the “X” symbol of Osiris into the Christian Church and later fixed the Byzantine Empire here. Hagia Sophia means “Wisdom of Sophia”; Sophia was the last Holy Grail in Dan Brown’s “DaVinci Code”. The stone called the “Eye of Sophia” is not unlike the Chintamani Stone called “Lapis Exilis” supposedly located in NYC by Nicholas Roerick after his visit to a Vedic Aryan Monastery in Tibet. Roerick was FDR’s Rosicrucian mentor; the symbol is the same White Rose of York. This Exiled Stone was supposedly cut by Archangel Michael from the crown of Lucifer during a war in Heaven. An obvious Lie, Satan is cast to Earth 18 months before the 2nd coming at the 5th Trumpet in Revelation 9:11. 9/11 was chosen for this reason; notice Archangel Michael at St John Divine Cathedral in NYC and at the UN slaying the dragon.
Troy is next, just south of the Dardanelle Straits created when the Black Sea overflowed into the Mediterranean Sea after the Flood. The Trojan Horse became the symbol of destroying from within and Jesus said our foes are the men of our own house. Hellene means “People of Stones”; Helen of Troy caused this Greek victory as Constantine’s mother Helen would later do. Interestingly, the Trojan Horse was likely filled with dead and diseased men rather than soldiers, and the event seems to be repeating.
Baalbek means “Birthplace of Baal” and finishes the circle which began at the Pyramid of the Sun at the 19.50 Latitude. The Sun and Moon conduct a celestial dance over this number of years and symbolically were represented by the annual Sacred Marriage. This ritual was usually ritual intercourse between the reigning King and Queen who were quite often Mother and Son, Father and Daughter or Twin Brother and Sister in order to propagate the so-called Royal Bloodline. The Temple of Baalbek is an example of Cyclopean Masonry (Large Ashlar blocks) built in the shape of a Man holding a key in his left hand. Note: The thief on Jesus’ left did not recognize He was God. For this reason, at the Israeli Supreme Court building, 33 steps are ascended to the judges chambers with smooth (tool worked) stones on the left and rough stones on the right. This is a rejection of God’s commandment not to lift a tool to the stones when an altar is made (Ex 20:25) Baalbek sits on the 330 Latitude representing “Sovereignty” in Freemasonry.
How does this pertain to Obama? H1N1: H=8; N=14’ 22+11=33. I hate to bear what may seem like bad news, but the “Swine” is Jews and Born Again Christians. Now look at the Idols Obama “He is with us” carries: Madonna & Child, a deceased US Soldier’s ID Bracelet, a Vedic Idol and a Lucky Gambling Chit. I mean no disrespect to US soldiers; I was 13 years in the Military before becoming a Born Again Christian, but Veteran comes from Latin “Veteranus” which means “Beast of Burden”. Lucky Gambling Chits are derived from Gypsies; they are also of Vedic Aryan Origin.
Glastonbury began as a burial mound “Tor” (Akkadian Kon-Torrs were Priests of the Enclosure). This enclosure is the intersection of 2 Circles to form the Labrys (fake Christian Fish Symbol). It symbolizes the Golden Mean aka Ratio of Life. phi is 1.618 to 1 or 8/5 which is evident in Man, Stars in the Galaxy, music, poetry and much else. My article on the Aquarian Cross goes into more detail. 8/5 also represents the 8 people saved by the Flood from God’s Wrath which occultists are betting the 5th Sun will deliver them from. A LIE. This 8th Covenant with Man may end on Dec 21 2012; I believe this date to be the most logical date for “Messiah to be cutoff” in Dan 9:26. Pardon the expression, but with the restraint on evil provided by Jesus Christ; the world will be SOL. Now look at what Obama may represent for occultists well versed in esoteric knowledge.
Obama’s Oath of Office was botched and his repeated oath did not use a bible. His first official act following Inauguration on Jan 20, 2009 was to sign Executive Order #13489 on Jan 21 preventing the release of his records. He needed help from Congress with this. Moving to Indonesia at 5, his school records list him as an Indonesian citizen of Muslim religion. Indonesia had no dual citizenship laws, so there is no way I can think of for him to have kept his US Citizenship then. In 1981, he visited Pakistan while under military rule. US Passports were not normally accepted for entry then. A 1991 Illinois Bar registration claims he used no former names yet he used Barry Soetero throughout his youth. Natural-born Citizen is a constitutional requirement and citizenship is acquired by place of birth in the United States as tested in “Dred Scott v Sandford 1857. One has to admit, there are some real questions that should be answered. The reason for this is that Usurpers have managed to sneak in to nearly every Nation for the last 4300 years for the purpose of destroying it from within. Jesus (Mat 10:36) and Micah (7:6) noted this as did the Roman Philosopher Cicero. The Trojan Horse became the universal symbol of sneaking in undetected; perhaps this idea began with the Akkadians in Babylon and the Hyksos, foreign rulers of Egypt who were none other than Amalekites (Edomites). Their goal was to destroy Jacob but God intervened. There is no such written guarantee in scripture for America. We are not the biblical house of Jacob or Joseph and the Freemasonic Founding Fathers did not found America as a Christian Nation because they weren’t Christian themselves. “Double Cross” means “To betray” and a Double Cross was formed on Lugnash (Harvest of Souls) when the Twin Cities Bridge fell to the north of the Trans-continental Railroad and the NAFTA Superhighway (I-35).
The Southwest Quarter of the world in Nimrod’s (Abraham’s) day was Amurru.. Amurru is also the name of the Edomite (Jacob and Esau’s day about 200 years later) and after them the Nabattaean Arab (Macabbaean time frame) Shepherd and Serpent god. As the Shepherd he is portrayed with the Djed Pillar mostly represented as a Pillar with 4 rings representing the transition from 4th to 5th Sun and as the Serpent he is portrayed as the Oroborus, a serpent coiled into a circle eating its own tail. My article on Bahai goes into detail about these Rings; it’s their symbol as well. Basically, Bahai sits between Sabean/Phoenician “Templar” religion in the West and Hindu religion in the East.
Obama claims his birthday is Aug 4, 1961; the 216th day of the year. On Aug 4th FOX (F=5; O=15, X=24) put up an advertisement for The Cauduces (Winged Staff of Hermes) and a countdown timer to Rosh Hashanah, the first “Day of Awe” on the “Feast of Trumpets” which comes 10 days before Yom Kippur “Day of Atonement”. Sorry but these dates are about as Jewish as the Pharisees. Jesus called Herod “An old Fox”; Herod was Edomite, Nabattaean (Pagan Arab) and by marriage Hasmonean (Macabbean Priesthood). During the Inter-testament Period, the Macabbees cleverly switched Feast of Tabernacles (Jesus’ true birthday) with Hanukah and finally Hanukah was merged with Christmas. Sorry to be blunt, but Christmas is the original Pagan Arab “Sol Invictus”, a day celebrated by the Divine Marriage (Sun and Moon) for 4300 years. Like Israel, the US has a FOX (666) in the hen house. The Oroborus Serpent not only eats its own tail, it surrounds a Swastika rotated 450 to indicate shift of the calendar from 15 Tishri (Feast of Tabernacles) to 25 Kislev (Feast of Dedication aka Hanukkah/Christmas). Thus, the birth of God in flesh has been superimposed on Sol Invictus. Clever eh? Ornaments on the Tree represent sacrifices; presents represent monetary reward provided by the solar god; the Tree itself is nothing more than a Grove; lights symbolize the lighting of the Temple as it was done on Feast of Tabernacles; Santa is noting but a Hittite god wearing a Red Edomite Suit, and Rudolph a red nosed Stag pulling the Chariot of Osiris.
At 51, Muhammad was visited (A Lie) by the Angel Gabriel, led to a Winged White Horse, Abraham once owned (also a Lie) called “El-Barack” and brought face to face with Allah. Al-Allah is also very old, being the pagan Arab Moon god and offspring of the Divine Marriage of the Sun and Moon. His symbol is the Crescent Moon representing “Waxing Sin”. Notice the connection Barack “The Blessed” might claim to have with Abraham, but remember it was not the Man, Shem (source of Semite) who gave it, but rather Melchisedek (Jesus Christ). Druze Bedouins claim Obama is related to Abraham, Keturah, Hagar, Sarah, Ishmael, Esau and through the Koreish Tribe to Muhammad. This is the essence of Paganism; undue reverence of one’s ancestors. The White Horse Muhammad surveyed the world and eventually Jerusalem on was another version of Barack called “al-Buraq”. Reincarnation forms the basis of Shinto religion as well. Notice Barack Obama’s Freemasonic designed Logo uses the Rising/Setting Sun is also used by the Shinto oriented Emperor Hirohito, regarded as God incarnate; Obama bowed in submission to his 5th and last son Emperor Akhito on Nov 14, 2009. Arab mythology says El-Barack will return at the end of days to a reincarnated Muhammad thus tying in the bloodline of Abraham, Ishmael, Esau and Muhammad in the one called “Barack”.
Druze reside in the Golan Heights and most have dual citizenship between Syria and Venezuela. This is the area where Sons of God saw daughters of men as fair and took wives from whomsoever they chose in Rev 6 and where the Jordan River originates. Jordan means “Going down the Dan” where Dan means “Judge”. Unfortunately, most Christians don’t realize the tie in between Samson, a Dannite Judge who destroyed the Philistine Temple of Dagan by pulling down its Twin Pillars and 9/11/2001 when Wall Street’s Twin Pillars killed a similar amount of people, destroying American Capitalism. For this reason, Obama and King Abdulluh gave approval to Mossad Chief Meir Dagan (his name means Giving Light to Dagan) for Israeli overflights of Saudi Arabia into Iran.
Water Baptism was practiced by Johnitters, Mandaeans, Manichaeans, Gnostics, Essenes, Yezidis of Iraq, Cathars and nearly every “Christian” Church since. Remember, John the Baptist was the greatest of the Old Covenant; Jesus does the Baptizing in the New Covenant! Read the response John gave the Pharisees standing in the Jordan River; despite the fact he said he was not worthy to untie Jesus’ sandals and He would baptize with fire and the Holy Ghost, these groups manage fool people to this day that priest water baptism actually cleanses sin. When Jesus does it, you will know that only He can do this and best of all, it requires no earthly priests. Just ask.
In Revelation 7 144,000; 12,000 from each of the Tribes of Israel are marked out by God in their foreheads (this is not the ash “T”); they are Born Again Christian, and not adherents of Jewish religion. Note: The Tribes of Ephraim and Dan are absent from the list (Mormon Church claims these tribal affiliations. A LIE) and the “he” is missing from Juda. Jesus is the “he”. 144,000 “Baktun” divided by 666=216.216216…. 63=216. 144,000 divided by 216 is 666.666666…. and 33+43+53=216. Obama being born on the 216th day at latitude 21.6 and occupying an office with a zip of 60606 has more than a casual connection here.
Theologians claim Dan 9:24-27 “70 Weeks” mean 490 years with the Inter-testament Period accounting for all but the open ended “Age of Grace”. They claim a Rapture of the Christian Church will end this period and God will re-establish His dealings with Israel in a 7 yr Tribulation Period. A LIE. Amos 7:2, 5 says God repented but shall not raise Israel up; this being a response to Jeroboam’s worship at Dan and Beth-el representing God as a Golden Bull. To be blunt, Christmas is likely just as offensive to God as the Six Pointed Star of Saturn flying over Israel or the Rabbit laying golden eggs at Easter. Like Obama they are Usurpers.
Kenya is the home of his Arab father. Kenya is named after the Kennites and means “Abode of the gods” Some theologians claim Kennites were like the Nephilim, produced when Sons of God saw daughters of men and took wives of them in Gen 6. Any sort of talk about a mixed race of gods and men is simply a LIE. The word is “Giant” and Giants were produced by incest, selective breeding and culling, not by rape of the gods or fallen angels. Several lawsuits claim Obama was born in Kenya; I agree with them. Judges 4-8 describe the destruction of the Canaanite King, Sisera by Barak and Deborah using the Lethal Weapon, a Nail through his Temples. Barak was the 5th Judge; note the similarity with the Mayan Calendar transitioning to the 5th Sun; it may be more than coincidence. Hitler called his Nazi regime the 3rd Reich and used the Panzer (Leopard) and Swastika (Broken Sun Wheel) to fool the world into believing his “Reich” was to be the prophesied Millennium. Hitler’s “Fatherland” was merely a Rothschild ”Red Shield” financed Cog in the New World Order, planned from the start to end at Beltaine 1945 with the birth of Communism “Motherland”. The Leopard will be the 3rd Beast Empire described in Dan 7:6 and Obama, claiming to have been born in the Homeland and leading the Homeland will likely have far more to do with it than Hitler.
Gideon, Israel’s 6th judge descended from Joseph’s son Manasseh; he became his brother Ephraim’s envy, plus he killed the Midianites, Amalekites (Edomites) and smote the heads off 700 Ishmaelites, turning their gold earrings into a Golden Ephod (Breastplate) to remind Israel he was not a God, Priest or King but merely a man serving God. Note here the claimed relationship Obama has to Ishmael. The story of Barak, Deborah (Chaldean Dabar means Word and Bee) and Gideon is being replayed today (I believe) by Barack and Hillary Clinton or by Barack and Michelle. Not too sure how it will all play out, but if you think these people forgive and forget, you may want to rethink that. Hillary is far more Adept at Witchcraft than Barack and Michelle claims ancestry to the Sabean Priests of Meroe, Ethiopia. It may be Funnye to ask her cousin Capers? Sorry, couldn’t resist. At the 2007 running of the Kentucky (also named after the Kennites) Derby, she predicted “8 Belles” would win. 8 Belles means “Mutiny” and the horse was Euthanized at the end of the track. Barack predicted Big Brown would win; perhaps not coincidence Yew Trees are called Brown Trees. As a weapon, the Swine Flu Vaccine may prove to be the ultimate tool of Mutiny and Euthanasia of Swine, and the odd thing is we are just clamoring to get it.
Nimrod, a Cushite came from Sudan/Nubia, Kenya, Ethiopia. He was blamed for building the Tower of Babel and the Assyrian capital Nineveh. 2 LIES. “They” came from the East to build the first Secret Society Religion using “Slime” (Bitumen Mortar is Organic Mortar ie People) for mortar held together by Oaths of Initiation. Shem’s 2nd son Asshur built Nineveh not Nimrod as Gen 10:11 and 11:2KJV makes clear. No nation on Earth but the US could possibly fool the world into believing “Babylon has Fallen” (Rev 18). Obama is from Kenya which also means “Cradle of Mankind”. Cushites descend from Ham but their connection to Joktanites is through Sheba and Havilah. This is not important to you and I but critical for Pagan Cushites claiming a bloodline relationship to Abraham. If Obama is at the helm of America’s destruction, he will fill a similar role to the biblical Nimrod.
In Farsi, Obama means “He is with us” and Daniel 8 describes the final 2300 days beginning with war between the Grecian Rough Goat and Mede-Persian Ram. That’s the US and Iran. Farsi are primarily Zoroastrians who believe the writings of Zarathustra (Gr Zoroaster) a 6th century Mede Prophet “Magi” who taught a final battle of “Good vs Evil” will bring in the rule of their fire god Ahura-Mazda. This is why Ahmadinejad calls America “The Great Satan” and receives Ivy League help (Columbia U) when he comes to the UN in NYC. Confused yet? 144,000 divided by the Lunar/Hebrew calendar year of 360 days= 400. On 9/11/1609, Henry Hudson claims to have discovered Manhattan; the 400 year anniversary comes up on 9/11/2009 and Obama said on Aug 17 “The men who attacked us on 9/11 are plotting to do so again” That’s the first honest thing I have heard from him. Jesus (Mat 10:36) and Micah (7:6) said “Our enemies are the men of our own house” That’s truth spoken there. On his claimed birthday of Aug 4, FOX ran an ad for This site has a Caudeces matching his Obama Care Logo counting down the days to Rosh Hashanah 10 days after the 8th anniversary of 9/11/2001. No need to E-mail me if nothing happens, but the WHO is gearing up for schools to give Swine Flu Vaccines this fall as well as directed by Kathleen Sebelius “ex governor of the Heartland and Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a proponent of Euthanasia. Whose name literally means “God will strengthen the god within us”. Sorry Zeke, but that’s Pantheism and a god-man complex.
After Columbia Law School, Obama heads for Chicago to an office with the Zip Code 60606. Illinois is Iroquois for “Tribe of Superior Men”. I am not judging any Native Americans here; not all of them believed their Shaman just as not all Jews believe their Rabbis and not all Christians believe their Pastors or Priests. Personally, I have never met a Pastor or Priest who knows Scripture. Rahm Emanuel becomes his Chief of Staff.
Rahm: Supreme. Emanuel: God is with us.
For true Jews (non Talmudic or Kabbalah) and Born Again Christians JEHOVAH (Spirit of the LORD) and Jehovah (JEHOVAH in flesh; Jesus Christ) is not synonymous with Allah as Supreme God. Allah is simply an Arab moon god. Rahm’s father Benjamin Emanuel was an Irgun (Israeli Underground) Terrorist turned Chicago doctor. Rahm’s brother Ezekiel is Obama’s Science and Health Advisor.
Ezekiel: God will strengthen. Emanuel: God is with us.
Obama put Rahm in charge of the US Census (Sephar means Census), replacing the US Commerce Dept. This treasonous act sidesteps Congressional approval and it was Rahm who put most of the current Congress in their jobs.
Obama put Ezekiel in charge of the Swine Flu Vaccine and his Universal Health Plan that neither Obama nor anyone from the Senate or Congress will likely put their families under. Their brother is Ari.
Ari: Lion; Brave. Sanskrit: Sin.
Ari Emanuel is Michael Moore’s Hollywood agent in charge of the documentaries “Bowling for Columbine”, “Fahrenheit 9/11” and “Sicko”. While these documentaries have elements of truth, the primary reason for them was Dialectic. Columbine was a NORTHCOM staged event and the documentary to end 2nd Amendment rights. Charleton Heston is a 330 Freemason, Bohemian Grove member, promoted to “Sovereign Grand Master” because of his lies in Cecil B DeMille’s “10 Commandments”. The Pharaoh during the Red Sea Crossing was not Ramses II; that was 200 years too late. If truth was to be told, Yul Brynner would have been Hatsepshut, a female Pharoah who dressed as a man led by or related by blood to the Hyksos who were Amalekite (Edomite). The Red Sea Crossing was 1492 BC and it was no coincidence Christopher “Christ-Taufr” Columbus set sail in 1492 AD under his Red Templar Cross; Taufr means Red.. “Fahrenheit 911” essentially blamed George Bush for 9/11. Wrong; it was Israel and he knew it. “Sicko” illustrates the Health Industry failure used to justify giving the White House control over decisions of life or death. Those decisions belong to God, not Man. That’s why Ari means Sin in the Vedic language Sanskrit.
Logo means Knowledge or Wisdom. True knowledge begins with fear of the LORD for Born Again Christians and true Jews who know God’s Word is perfect and means what it says. Obamas’s Logo is the Sun rising or setting from Red and White Stripes. He first painted this logo on his 757 campaign jet. Stretch? 7+5+7=19. Another stretch? Obama is basically an American Idol which also uses a Red 19 for their Logo. My article Esau goes into biblical detail concerning 19, the 7th Prime Number; suffice to say i Rev 19 Jesus comes to collect His bride one day ahead of the conclusion to Armageddon. The false teaching of Rapture originated from this single day, so don’t be fooled when a fake Rapture occurs. Tim LaHaye used the symbol of the Freemasonic degree of Knight Templar on the cover of his “Left Behind” books; he is a rich Liar. In Gen 19, Sodom & Gomorrah are burned. I won’t get into Larry Sinclair’s claims here; look them up for yourself and decide what you want about Barack Obama. To sum up my feelings about him; he is a Sodomite usurper claiming a false bloodline to Abraham, not sworn in to defend the US Constitution who is not legally entitled to hold his job, trained from birth for this single role. I really hope I’m, wrong but in case I’m not, I suggest you ask Jesus for forgiveness of Sin and to provide you with the Holy Ghost. Now see how he looks. Do you believe me, but are afraid of speaking up or telling others? Realize that God is in control of everything and Satan plays by His rules. Masons kill each other for leaving; Christians don’t.
[frame_right][/frame_right]Obama’s Health Plan Logo is the Cauduces rising out Red and White stripes. Esau and Jacob’s mother Rebekah set up the current state of world affairs. She dressed Jacob in Esau’s clothes and obtained Isaac’s blessing for the 1st born. If Isaac was fooled, God wasn’t. Priests, Pastors and Rabbis are doing this today and only by checking their teachings against the Word of God without any sort of Interpretation can wise begin to see the Lies. A heap of stones as Witness was set up at Beth-el. Laban lied to Jacob about his agreement to marry his daughters and their cattle were separated by peeled rods (Red and White Stripes). One is the Chaldean Witness (Jegar-sahadutha), the other is God’s witness (Galeed) aka the Holy Ghost. The sun god will rise out of these stripes and obtain “Dominion” as the 3rd Beast “Leopard” ahead of the 2nd Coming by 1260 days. Daily Sacrifice of Man will begin 1040 days prior to that. Amos asked “Can a leopard change his spots?” Through disguise and deceit they can fool Man but never God. With the Holy Ghost, you won’t get fooled so I suggest you ask Jesus Christ for the Pearl of Great Price before continuing.
Maya is Vedic for Illusion and the source name for the Mayans. Maya is the mother of Hermes, known to the Egyptians as Toth and to the Greeks as Hermes Trismegistus. Maya is also carved into the Library of Congress. Mayans, like the Aztecs, were made “White” through Priest sanctioned human sacrifice; 20,000 at one time during the peak. Laban also means “To Make White” as does the word Aztec and Aztlan. Obama nominated and Congress confirmed Justice Sotomayor, a member of LaRaza Unida united with Voz de Aztlan and MeCHA (Chicano student movement of Aztlan) to obtain Spanish revenge on America. She is also a member of Belizian Grove; sister organization to Bohemian Grove. Grove rituals are doing “Evil in sight of the LORD” (ref 2 Kings 17). Maia is Mercury’s mother; mercury being the primary culprit in Autism is put in vaccines preserved with Thimerisol. Obama’s HHS secretary Kathleen Sebelius was Kansas Governor, picked to give the rebuttal to Bush Jr’s last State of the Union Address. Given from the Heartland of America where the Transcontinental Railroad forms a Cross with the NAFTA Superhighway, she used the word “Heartland” over a dozen times in a bi-partisan plea to come together. To the north on Lugnash “Harvest of Souls” in 2007, the Twin Cities Bridge demolition, formed a Double Cross to make way for the NAFTA Superhighway connecting Mexico, America and Canada. Minneapolis means “Water City”; the trains connecting the Trans-continental Railroad at the Golden Spike on Promontory Summit in Salt Lake City were the 119 and the Jupiter with Jupiter being the Roman name of Zeus and Water Pourer in the Age of Aquarius. Her speech followed the 2008 Superbowl featuring Tom Petty and the Heart Breakers featuring an arrow piercing a heart. Sebelius has ordered schools to become Swine Flu Vaccine clinics this fall.
El-Barack, the mythical winged white horse of Abraham has Eagle’s wings; the symbol of America is the Eagle; the symbol of Esau is the Eagle (Obadiah); the Eagle Gate is just south of the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake, home to the claimed House of Joseph and Dan; and Babylon is symbolized as a Lion with Eagle’s Wings (Dan 7:4). Potentially, what we have is an Kenyan Arab, not sworn in to defend the US Constitution, with a bloodline extending back to Abraham and related to the Allah’s prophet Muhammad. 216, the number that has governed Sacred Geometry and Earth precession is imprinted all over this Man, but just remember, all of it is merely claimed. For me, Obama fills the role of the rider of the White Horse of Rev 6. He is not the Antichrist or the False Prophet, but he may indeed usher in war with Iran to begin the last 2300 days as well as the Red, Black and Pale Horse. Pale will be Antichrist. Having said all this, I stress many have gone before Obama and been cut down before obtaining Dominion. Jesus gave us signs to watch for and I’m trying my best to take notice.
[frame_right][/frame_right]It’s hard to overestimate how much the world economy is tied to the US dollar; the paper currency with the Benben Pyramidion hovering over the Unfinished Pyramid with 13 courses of stones and the Eagle, a symbol of Esau clutching 13 arrows. America is named after Amurru the Edomite and Nabbataean Arab Shepherd and Serpent god, and Cain, the world’s first person to deny the Holy Ghost and lie to God.. Our Red and White Stripes are Laban and Esau’s versus Jacob’s and the wood found in the Brown Yew Trees. Red, White and Blue represent the colors of Witchcraft; Blue=Initiates; Red=Adept and White=Elite who believe themselves to be incarnated gods. For me, Obama may fill the role of the Scape Goat much like Nimrod did before him, but only time will tell. The world was divided by water in Peleg and Joktan’s day in more than a 3 dimensional way; Nimrod was the first Unifier of Babylon, Menes (Menes and Minos stem from Minotaur; ½ bull god; ½ man of Crete) of Egypt and Obama may well be the last simply because of the Dec 21, 2012 date looming in the future. 2000 years ago the Son was hung upon the Sacred Tree; on this solstice date the Sun will hang upon the Sacred Tree in an event that will never repeat. This date may well be the point where “Messiah is cutoff” (Dan 9:26). When Jesus refuses to hear our prayers we are indeed SOL. This date will occur 434 days after the order to rebuild Jerusalem is given; 1260 days before the 2nd Coming and 1004 days (2300-1335 days in Dan 12:12) after Daily Sacrifice begins. I have no idea what if anything will happen on Rosh Hashanah 2009, but I wouldn’t take any chances; that date is about there. Go into your Prayer Closet, repent of Sin and ask Jesus to give you the Holy Ghost. Fear Him and He will give you eternal life.
Take Him for granted and you will hear “Depart from me…I never knew you”.