“My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy Capitalism”
– Karl Marx
High Priest of Satan and Crypto Jew Karl Marx was born on Cinco de Mayo 1818. Charles Darwin set sail on the Beagle, launching “Evolution Theory” on Cinco De Mayo 1834. The European Union was born on Cinco de Mayo 1949. NASA launched the first man Alan Shepard into space on Cinco de Mayo 1961 (No, NASA has never gone to the Moon). One of the Mercury 7 aboard Freedom 7; Mercury refers to Toth-Hermes and the Emerald Tablet “That which is above shall become that which is below” illustrated by the Masonic Square and Compass and the Talmudic phrase “Tikkun Olam” (Repair the Earth). Repairing the Earth entails eliminating God and His followers and returning Earth to the conditions in the Garden of Eden. One problem; God isn’t going anywhere and a 4 faced Cherubim is guarding every entrance to the Tree of Life.
What will happen on May 5, 2015? 2015 is unique in all of human history in terms of God’s Holy Calendar. 5/5/15 can be read as 5+5+5; Masons are buried in coffins with 555; 5+5+2+1+5=18; America was set up to be the Satanic Scapegoat for Revelation 18 “Economic Babylon”; 18=6+6+6, which can also be reduced to 8, the number of Eternity; 555 is the Roman equivalent of the Hebrew 666, the number of the 3rd Adam=Red=Edom) Lucifer is the Devil, Dragon, Serpent and Satan who deceives the whole world, cast to earth with his angels (Rev 12:9) 2015 is 7X7=49 years or 7th Shemita after the founding of the Church of Satan in San Francisco; a Satanic Jubilee is underway, marked by the 8th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses and 2 Solar Eclipses on God’s Holy Days of Passover and Tabernacles and the Ecclesiastical and Civil New Year.
At the Cathedral of St Sulpice is the Rose Line used to measure the Ubliquitory Angle of the Ecliptic, Easter, and Solar Year between Summer and Winter Solstice. On the Gnomon Pillar is the Aquarius Symbol marked as the zenith on Dec 21st.; Yule or Geole and Good Friday-Easter have nothing to do with Jesus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnomon_of_Saint-Sulpice The Priest stands behind the Brass Oval which marks the Equinoxes; and limits of Paschal Easter (Sunday following the Full Moon after Mar 21) which in 2015, aligned with Passover during a celestial event unique in all of human history. Edomite King Herod celebrated Easter, by murdering James and attempting to murder Peter; Christians never celebrated Easter and should not today. The Council of Nicaea in 325 AD fixed the date on Sunday “Dies Solis” because Constantine and his Druid Princess Mother St Helena were Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes desperate to destroy true Christianity; his council representative St Nicholas aka Santa Claus or Sol Invictus did that as no other could, which is why JESUS hates Esau (Mal 1:3; Rom 9:13; Heb 12:16) and Nicolaitane Doctrine (Rev 2:6;15). 1656 years can be counted from Creation to the Flood + 2160 years from Aries to Pisces + 2160 years from Pisces to Aquarius, measured by many astrologers and apparently the St Sulpice Society to be starting now. The Age of Adulthood and Accountability is 21 1656+2160+2160+21=5997 years. Sar means “Prince”; Sargon “Legitimate King” conveyed at age 21, his birth Zodiac being significant as Taurus precessed into Aries. Zeus/Lucifer is the Celestial Bull Taurus. The Sun, Moon and Stars are God’s Clock placed for us to tell Time and Seasons. “But, beloved., be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise…” 2 Pet 3:8 Jesus promised He would return. He also said a Messiah who comes in his own name would be accepted, and that a “Strong Delusion” (2 Thess 2:11)would come over the world to believe his lies. The term “Earth Dweller”, beginning Rev 13:8 is used during the last 3 1/2 years of “Great Tribulation” to describe these people. 13/8=Phi the Golden Mean or Ratio of Life. Venus and Earth are in this 13/8 ratio with respect to the Sun. Don’t be fooled folks, JESUS is waiting at the door but you need to open it! Don’t be played for a fool!
Jesuit (Society of Gesu) Pope Francis and UNification Church “Moonie” Sec Gen Ban Ki Moon will host the Man-made Global Climate Change Summit over Beltane. Is Pope Francis the Antichrist or False Prophet? No.
“From the East” is changed to “To the East” in new bible versions of Gen 11:2, “They came from the East…” being from Mt Everest aka Chumolongo “Earth Mother” not the Turkish fake Mt Ararat west of Babylon. 8 people survived the Flood by following Noah into the Ark; will you survive? A Spiritual Baptism from JESUS is the only way.
Earth Mother
A 7.8 Earthquake occurred in Nepal (Birthplace of Siddhartha Guatama “The Buddha” or World Pillar) on “Robigalia” April 25. April 25 is a major Rogation Day for the Catholic (Universal) Church; Prayers invoke the mercy of God on Creation. God didn’t cause the Nepal Earthquake; Man did!
April 25th is also the Feast Day of St Mark, instructed by Peter. Verses Mk 9-20 KJV are removed from Vaticinus because the verses speak of Spiritual Baptism of the Holy Ghost is the only mechanism for Salvation and Miracles; these gifts of God are in opposition to the Church of St Peter, built upon a misreading of Mat 16:18. The Divinity of Jesus is the Rock that Saves and Heals, not the Small Stone of Peter who denied Him 3 times or Buddhist reincarnation. Rev 12:4 “And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered” Not ready for the Beast from the Earth (Buddha, al Mahdi, Krishna) to be delivered? Me either, but that day is fast approaching; on Beltane “Birth of Baal”? Time will tell.
When Plutonium (Pluto is the Roman god of destruction) was first created in the “”Trinity” (Father, Mother, Son) detonation, Luciferian Mason J Robert Oppenheimer quoted the Shiva “The Destroyer” in the Bagavad Ghita “I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds”. Upon hearing news of the first Hydrogen detonation Edward Teller said “It’s a Boy!” 800 Trillion Bq of Cs-137 is expected to be deposited along the west coast of CA-US-MX in 2016. This is estimated (likely far underestimated) at 5% of the total release by the University of Fukushima; How is this possible? Fukushima was loaded with Uranium-Plutonium MOX Fuel provided by the US; cooling water was intentionally shut-off which started the core melt down. Melted MOX Fuel was then mixed with Saltwater. A Hydrogen reaction (not a hydrogen bomb) occurred and the Nitrogen Inerting System was also shut-off. The highly radioactive white hot fuel then formed Neutrally Buoyant “Bucky Balls” (named after New Age mentor of Barbara Marx Hubbard, Buckminster Fuller. Marx said “We are the riders of the Pale Horse Death. God creates, we decide who lives and who dies. We do this for the benefit of the Earth” Fukushima is the only location on Earth capable of accomplishing this, and it was planned well in advance.
- The Atmospheric Pacific Jet Steam originates south of Fukushima
- The Pacific Ocean Current passes directly offshore from Fukushima headed both North and South
- An underground river originates under the now melted Reactors at Fukushima
- Three Tectonic Plates converge at Fukushima
As Uranium-Plutonium Fuel melts into the Rock and mixes with Seawater, it forms cores similar to the Plutonium enhanced Fission Weapon “Fat Man”, used on Nagasaki. Earth is filled with Water, not molten rock; “Earthquakes in Diverse Places” can manifest themselves from “Shock Waves” originating from Fukushima once a Fission Chain Reaction begins. Jesus returns to “Destroy them which destroy the earth” Rev 11:18 This will do it!
Over Beltane, Congress will listen an address by Japan (Rising Sun) Shinto mass-murderer PM Shinzo Abe during the Vatican/UN Climate Change Summit both coincident with Beltane. Fukushima is destroying the Earth and will soon be the reason for the world’s largest Exodus across the Silk Road passed Earth Mother (Karakoram Hwy was built for this purpose) to Islamabad, across Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq (Babylon), and Jordan to Armageddon “Mount of Slaughter”. Do yourself an eternal favor and “Just say no”
America is the Scapegoat for Economic “Babylon” (Rev 18) The Roman Catholic Church is the Scapegoat for MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…(Rev 17). They were designed this way in order for the Alternative Messiah to be accepted.
Jade Helm 15 is already underway http://beforeitsnews.com/military/2015/04/jade-helm-train-with-massive-military-equipment-headed-for-west-coast-from-canada-video-2470450.html The massive amount of US Military equipment traveled through Canada in mid-April headed for the West Coast. Jesus said in both Testaments “A man’s foes shall be the men of his own household” Mic 7:6; Mat 10:36
On Earth Day, the US Senate approved a TPP Fast Track Bill virtually assuring passage of the Secretly Negotiated, Un-Constitutional TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership); no debate, no alteration and no reading the treasonous treaty. TTIP (Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) will follow close behind; the TPP Corporate Agreement could come as early as Beltane.
“Behold, thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from above; And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shale have the dominion, that thou shall break his yoke from off thy nbeck…The days of mourning for my father are at hand; then I will slay my brother Jacob” Gen 27:39-41 KJV) Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of Red Beans (Gen 25:31-33); TPP is the US Corporate agreement with God rejecting Edomites of the Banu Hashim; Hashemites are Quyraish or Korahites of Mecca; the alternative Priesthood to Moses and Aaron God punished in Num 16. Today they are called the Kingdom of Trans-Jordan, Sultanate of Sulu or Kingdom of Sabah (Sabah means Rising Sun) and the British Empire. Confiscated Gold in the Pacific is called the Golden Lily Treasure or Marcos’ Gold (Ferdinand Marcos’ father was a Sultan of Sulu).
There are no Star Wars Satellites, Reagan or rather Bush Sr stole $2.7T with that myth. Star Wars is really about the revealing of the Dark Lord. Project Blue Beam uses Satellites to project pictures onto the Ionosphere exactly as Television does. Gene Roddenberry was a 330 Luciferian Mason who created Star Trek series coincident with the founding of the Church of Satan, you may recall Sulu was the navigator of Star (Chaldean STUR is the Six Pointed Star of Molech) Trek’s (Bedouins or Merchants) Enterprise (Bold Undertaking) NCC 1701. Rev 17:1 describes the Whore of Babylon sitting on many waters. Scotti is the name of the pagan explorers of Ireland (Oz or Emerald Isle; Emerald is the mythical Stone cut from Lucifer’s Crown; Scots-Irish Kings falsely claim descent from King Zedekiah as does the Mormon Church leadership) and Scotland aka Tuatha de Danaan or Sons of Anu/Zeus/Lucifer. James T Kirk is an anagram for Knights of St John; Kirk is Scottish for Church; Kirkin O Tartan an annual celebration of the Presbyterian Church celebrating the Assyrian Army Captain Tartan; taking Israel captive; after making a treasonous pact with Ephraim; America and its British immigrants are falsely claimed to be Ephraim by Brit-AM-Israel false teachers and the Mormon (Mormo means “god of the living dead”) Church; Tartan means “Phoenician/Canaanite Cloth”. Bones is the Brotherhood of Death aka Thule Society, Society 322 or Skull & Bones; a Hospitaller or Knights of St John Doctor. Ahura is the God of Light “Lucifer” in Zoroastrian Religion. 1st Officer Spock the 1/2 breed Vulcan used the Talmudic Sign of Shin used to open Synagogues of Satan; Shin means Nails used to fasten Jesus to the Tree. The Master Mason password “Who is Tubal-cain?” is answered by “Vulcan of the Canaanites”. Why 1st Officer? In Gen 9:26-27 Canaan is described as Japheth and Shem’s Servant. America is not “One Nation Under God”; it is a CORPORATION headed by Lucifer.
TTIP is also Edomite Corporate Agreement; a Brithish or B’Rith-ish (Birthright) creation of the City of London Corporation; Gold there is called Black Eagle Trust (Eagle is the symbol of Esau). The US Corporation is Bankrupt and its CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES nearly dissolved. Citizens have no rights nor a “Constitution for the United States”. The US has little to no gold as collateral for $18T Debt; $50T in underfunded liabilities; $700T Derivatives; the US has however Trillions of Bbls of oil in the Gulf of Mexico, ANWR and Bakken Formation, 25% of the world’s most accessible fresh water, millions of acres of farm and cattle land fed by the Ogallala Aquifer, the world’s most capable military and 545 traitors in Congress who know this.
On Earth Day the CA Senate voted to prevent school for un-vaccinated children Vaccine means “Of the Cow”, the Jesuit Holy Cow Hathor is meant here. Bill passage could come as early as Beltane. The upcoming and likely soon to be mandatory Measles-Ebola Vax will cause your own body to attack itself! No greater Love than for a man to lay down his life for his friends eh? (Rev Jn 15:13)
On Earth Day, USC Earth Science Professor James Dolan predicted “The Big One”, the Big Earthquake in CA is inevitable and will trigger similar size Earthquakes from the San Andreas Fault; perhaps not coincidentally San Andreas: We knew this day would come” debuts May 29, 2015. I wonder if the burned out suicidal 27 year old pilot Andreas Lubitz (Cross of Andrew=X=Messiah; Lubitz = “Peace and Love”) knew/knows this? AL and Anno Lucifer match the UN Year of Light after all.
Communism was born on Beltane 1945 in where else but Red Square (Red Square means Edomite Earth; Hammer of Thor and Sickle of Saturn/Kronos). The Communist Flat Hand Salute, Fist, and V-Sign all mean “Victory” and are the same as the Talmudic Rabbis “Sign of Shin” (Nimoy and avid Kabbalist “Sign of Vulcan”, the fire god of the Canaanites and Master Mason Password). Again, in Hebrew, Shin or 6 is equivalent with the Roman V or 5; both mean Nail; the Nails used to Nail God to the Tree of Knowledge. In 2 Ki 17:30 the Rabbit Idol of Easter symbolizes Molech as Anammelech; the shadow of the V Sign popularized by Churchill, Lenin, FDR, Nixon etc forms this Rabbit.
JESUS is the Narrow Path to Salvation; COEXIST is the Wide Path to Destruction of the Soul. This motto can be seen in “Live and Let Live” in the newest Nation “Liberland” (Liber is Dionysus, Bacchus, Lucifer) and in the motto of Satanist Aleister Crowley (Gramps to Jeb and George Bush Jr; cute how Crowley’s book Liber:77 ended up on George HW Bush Aircraft Carrier CVN 77 and American Flt 77 allegedly hit the 77ft tall Pentagon on 9/11/2001 on the 77th Meridian eh?) “Do what thou wilt. shall be the sum of the Law”
Writing on the Wall
Satanic Prophecy of St Malachy declares Rome will burn when Peter the Roman, Pope #112 from Celestine II is elected; Pope Benedict is #111 and resigned on cue Feb 28, 2013 after releasing 2 White Doves on “Peace Day”; they were attacked by a Seagull. Francis had the same thing happen on the same day in 2014 by a Crow and Seagull. There was no person St Malachy; Malachy is Baal-Moloch, Chiun, Remphan, Milcom, Saturn. The prophecy was written by Amalekites at war with God from generation to generation (Ex 17:16)
Satanic Prophecy of Benjamin Solari Parravincini 1938 “The Pope shall leave the Vatican in his travels and reach America whilst mankind falls”. A Brass oval on the altar at St Sulpice Cathedral marks Sept 22; the Solstice is marked by an Aquarius symbol on the Gnomon Pillar. The movie Evan Almighty highlighted Sept 22, the Papal visit to America and Kol NIdre “All Vows” coincide to conclude the UN and CERN “Year of Light”
“In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again” Cathar Prophecy On 1/13/1313, the King of France and Pope Roman Pope illegally confiscated Templar wealth and made a new Concordat with the Knights of Malta called “Licet Pridem” Catharsis means “Discharge of pent up emotion”. The “Council of Vienne” ended March 20, 1313 and Jacques de Molay, the last Cathar Military Banker was executed in Paris 3/18/1314. Do the Math. The Laurel is the Crown of Bacchus/Dionysus/al-Khidr=Saturn/Satan “Green Man”. French President Francois Hollande is honorary Canon of the “Mother and Mistress Church of Rome and the earth” (Lateran Archbasilica), the seat of Jesuit Pope Francis as Bishop of Rome.
“al-Mahdi” arrives after the great war in the 40th generation; the 40th Sayyid of Muhammad” http://www.al.kidr.org/ Sheikh Nazim adul al-Haqqani, the 40th in the “Golden Chain” of Sayyids died May 7, 2014 al-Khidr is “Green Man” aka Bacchus/Dionysus/Hermes/St George. War seems inevitable in 2015.
11Q13 Prince Melchisedek Scroll After 10 Jubilees, the Trumpet blast will herald the coming Melchisedek. Folks, Jesus is Melchisedek! This will be an Alternative Messiah. 10 Jubilees=500 years from what? Black Cloistered Rosicrucian Monk nailed 95 Thesis against the Catholic Church to the Church of Wittenburg on Halloween 1517. Black Pope Leo X in 1513 bankrupted the Vatican Bank and signed the Ecumenical Council of the Lateran in 1517 (The first recognized by the Catholic Church and last before the Reformation of Martin Luther. Hatshepsut, the Cross Dressing Female Pharaoh of the Exodus built the 2 largest Obelisks in the world, one broke in pieces, the other stands in front of the Archbasilica of the “Christ”, a combination of John the Baptist and John the Evangelist called St John Lateran or St John the Divine (NYC Cathedral of St John the Divine echoes the UN Bldg theme). Black Nobility (Khazar/Sarmation/Sepharvite) Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel with a crack separating Man from God for a reason.
Mormon White Horse aka Blood in the Streets Prophecy states “Elders of the church will step up to save the Constitution as daughter rises against mother, son against father, neighbor against neighbor and blood runs down the street from Ogden to Salt Lake as water down a storm drain”
Hopi “Great Purification” Prophecy States the 5th age will begin with the arrival of Blue Star; Disease, Great Dying, Earthquakes and the World rocking to and fro. Sochi is the ancestral home of Circassians (goddess Circe=Circle) the “White People”. Prophecy Rock in AZ puts this plan in stone. “When Blue Star comes Red Kachina will remove his mask in the plaza before the Unitiated” and White Brother “Pahana” will be revealed. White Brother is Lucifer; the White bearded Jesus is a Gnostic creation. You will want to be “Uninitiated”!
Nostradamus “Last Pope will flee Rome in December when there are 2 Suns in the sky to usher in Judgment Day” The Sun will reach the Aquarius symbol on the Gnomon Pillar of St Sulpice Cathedral on Dec 21. “The death of “Mabus” will herald thirst, hunger and a cataclysm when the comet runs” Obama nominated Ray Mabus to Sec of Navy; Navy means Navel. Mabus is a CFR Traitor, RAND Center, ex-Saudi Ambassador who will head the Navy salvage of Deep Water Horizon in 2015.
Edgar Cayce: The Sleeping Prophet channeled a demon who predicted Russia would be die and be re-born to become the hope of the world…Freedom; Christ’s kind of Communism. The Sochi Olympic Logo was a Bear Cub; the Re-birth of the Russian Bear. Tobolsk (Tobol River) has nothing to do with Tubal and Meshech (sons of Japheth) in Eze 38:2; the battle of Gog and Magog is at the end of the Millennium (Rev 20:7) not now! Baphomet means “Union of Logos and Sophia”; the Tobolsk Kremlin and Sophia-Assumption Cathedral in Tobolsk were made for the “Prestige” the 3rd and final act of the “Great Work” of Lucifer.
C Alan Martin published a vision in 1971 predicting the last US President would be #12 from Harry Truman; Obama means “He is with us” in Farsi (Zoroastrian Persian; language of Mithraism) is #12. Michael Robinson aka Michelle Obama wore #44 playing football in college; Obama is President #44; the Obama Nation becomes the Abomination in occult jargon.
Condor and Eagle Prophecy says 500 years after Columbus discovered America, and nearly wiped out the Condor people (Heart, Intuition, Mystical), a merging with the Eagle people (Brain, Rational , Material) will herald the New Age. Jesus says “where the carcase is, Eagles will gather”. Seen any Eagles on US Government or Currency lately? Pope Francis I is a Jesuit, “Operation Condor” operative who took over the Vatican on 9 Mar 1513.
Mother Shipton aka Ursula Southhill, a medium/witch burned at the stake in 1641 predicted wars, airplanes, TV, earthquakes, fires and 1/2 the world dying just before the return of the Golden Age; those predictions are the Demonic Playbook.
http://www.pyramidtlc.org/mother.htm/ The last Prophecy is a real hoot!
North Georgia Guide Stones erected by RC Christian (Rosicrucians) iin the Gravestone capital of Georgia calls for killing all but 500 Million people. 4 pillars and 8 languages recorded in 8 languages record this Earth Worship goal. On the English language face was a Corner Stone engraved with “2014”; the Cornerstone was removed in April at the start of the 8th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles. On top of the monument is Blood, also recently placed. Pretty obvious the Blood is America, soon to be offered as a sacrifice. When? Sept 22 is 9/22 “And almost all things are by the law purged by blood” Heb 9:22 The 8th Tetrad of Lumar Eclipses ends Sept 28, 2015.
Bab and Baha’u’llah: Bahai prophecy says “Russia will rule the earth at the end of times” This lie is the source of Edgar Cayce’s lies. Russia is not Gog (Rev Eze 38:1; 20:7) America is not “Babylon” (Rev 18) The Roman Catholic Church is not MYSTERY, BABYLON…(Rev 17).
Feel like a Sheep being led to Slaughter? Jesus set it up that way. He is the only escape! “For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter” Rom 8:36; Ps 44:22. Problably coincidence the US has President #44, a Cross-dressing First Lady who wore #44 playing football for Oregon State, and scripture ends with Chap 22 eh? NOT!
Martial Law? Obama Confiscates National Guard Helicopters From All 50 States!
14 mostly western/southern state governors warned with letters threatening charges of treason not to use State Defense Forces. Funny as this comes from a Foreign born President, not sworn to defend the Constitution whose SS# does not E-Verify for employment in the US.
An eyewitness post warning is going viral that shares one Vietnam Veterans recent experience down in Dallas, Texas. The warning, reposted by American Gun Rights-Texaswho are requesting confirmation of this post, warns of 30 United Nations vehicles, fully loaded with combat prepared troops, driving down I-30 towards Garland, Texas. Are these UN troops here preparing for economic collapse in America? Is this related to Iran ships approaching the US border
Obama Signs Executive Order Removing Texas from Nation
WASHINGTON – In an effort to calm Texans’ fears about a rumored Pentagon takeover of their state, President Obama today signed an executive order removing Texas from the nation. While the President’s order is expected to face a thicket of legal challenges, an instant poll suggested it was wildly popular, garnering the support of eighty-nine percent of the American people. The harshest criticism of the President’s action came from those who expressed chagrin that he did not choose Arkansas or Alabama, while others warned of a new immigration crisis, as refugees pour into the United States from Austin. More: http://nyr.kr/1jTdlr4
Jefferson Davis believed he would be installed as US President of the Confederacy in Texas after the Civil War.
Jeb Bush said in Manhattan today, he relies on his brother George W for advice on dealing with US and Israel’s common enemies. Good choice for 2 Skull & Bones Satanists illegal to run for President (George HW is George Scherff Jr, Nazi party, German born). Sodomite George W was pronounced “Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal” by the Temple Mount Inst and Sanhedrin on 1/8/2008 in Zedekiah’s Cave. These are the tunnels Mormons claim Zedekiah’s son Mulek (Molech) escaped the Babylonian Army with daughters of Ishmael to found Zion in America. They traveled up the Mississippi River which they believe is the Euphrates to Adam Ondi Amman aka Nod, the land Cain was cast our ot Eden. Barbara is a Mother of Darkness Grand Dame at Chateau Amerois where the ceiling of 100 “Points of Light” is George HW’s “1000 Points of Light Foundation”; Babs is Aleister Crowley’s daughter “Babalon”; HW is “Magog” and W is “Gog”. Why wouldn’t Jeb seek the wise counsel of his brother whose Talmudic Rabbi advisor Dov Zakheim bankrupted Texas, lost $2.3 Trillion from the DOD Accounts on 9/10/2001 and whose wise son Roger became US adviser in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Check this out occult communication and Significant of some sort. Brandon Kiel (36) also if you check the video he also wearing Green clothing like Ebola crisis Actor T. Duncan Green Man goat of Mendes god of Knight Templar. I thinks its some sort cover up dog whistle here. Check it out Maxine Waters Rep and Bill Clinton LeMorsy masonry.
On Cinco de Mayo CERN smashed the first Photons in preparation for proving Dark Matter and Mirror Universes. One problem: Modern Physics regards Einstein’s theoretical Photons as Massless and having no electric charge. CERN is once again lying for their Dark Lord Cernunnos
JC let’s start with a firm foundation here. There is no Rapture nor 7 yr Tribulation mentioned in Scripture. Both are Dispensationalist Jesuit created Lies.
Daniel’s 70th Week is not 7 yrs, it is 7 days; the final Week is called the Covenant with Many; mid-week the 2 Witnesses will be killed and rise 3 days later, on the 7th and final Trumpet. Jesus unleashes 7 Vials the next day.
This is a pretty good round-up of Dispensationalist thinking and how CERN figures in. CERN is complete BS! There is no Force of Gravity, Dark Matter, or Star Gate (Worm Holes). Satan is the god of Forces in Dan 11:38 who promises Freedom and Liberty
The Pope’s visit to Washington DC, NYC and Philadelphia (Brotherly Love refers to Esau and the escape of Edom, Ammon and Moab from the Alternative Messiah in Dan 11:48, not a Rapture of the Church of Philadelphia.
The Liberty Bell has Lev 25 “Proclaim liberty throughout the land…” referring to the Jubilee. The problem here is Israel and the Star of Molech are not Jewish nor the gathering of Jews by Shiloh (Gen 49:10) because JESUS is Shiloh.
Notice the French Foreign Minister and John Kerry (SMOM/Jesuit/Luciferian Mason/Samaritan Kohen=fake Levite) are wearing Tekhelet Blue; this is the false color of the Levites (Kohens are fake Levites) made using Canaanite techniques. They are flatly saying Climate Chaos will happen Sept 24-25, matching the Jesuit Pope’s visit on Feast of Atonement. On the night prior on Kol NIdre, Talmudic Rabbis will forgive the sins of the Synagogue of Satan for sins they plan to commit the following year. That year is the Satanic Jubilee, 50 years after the founding of the Church of Satan in San Francisco in the “Hotel California”
70 years ago Ben Paravacini announced his demonic plan much like C Alan Martin did in 1971 (Pres 44=Obama=the Last American President) saying the Pope would travel to “America and humanity would fall down”.
This is timed with the end of the 8th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses on Tabernacles and Solar Eclipse on Rosh Hashanah, the Rabbinical “Head of the Year”.
The movie Noah with fake Jew Steve Carrell also mentioned Sept 22 mid-day; on that day Priests at St Sulpice in Paris will mark the spot on the Brass oval in the altar where the Sun hits to begin the Jubilee.
Remember, Satan promised Freedom and Liberty, God promises eternal life and a rule with inviolable rules; during the Millennium for example, Feast of Tabernacles is the only mandatory Pilgrimage and Holy Feast in Jerusalem (Ref Zech 14:18)
The Nepal (Mt Everest is Chumolongmo “Earth Mother” because Noah’s Ark settled there) Earthquake hit at the exact minute/second CERN started its particle stream at 7 TeV. 7 Hz is called the Earth Beat because the Speed of Light divided by the Earth’s circumference is 7. In Sept, they plan to increase power to 13 TeV (13 is the number of Rebellion and Rev 13 is the start of the Great Tribulation). An earthquake? Likely so, Jade Helm 15 wraps up then, so everyone will be in place for the San Andreas earthquake (Andreas Lubitz means X=Messiah or Peace and Love; Germanwings was a Sandy Hook style fake designed for occult communication) Notice the Volcano is now erupting along the Straits fo Juan de Fuca, so a Tsunami is likely as well.
No question Sept 23-25 is shaping up to be a big deal, but Rapture? No Way. Begin of 7 yr Trib? No Way. Rev 9:11? No Way. Start of Great Tribulation? Remember the Doves released by Benedict XVI and Francis were attacked by a Seagull and a Crow/Raven? The night Benedict resigned, lightning hit St Peter’s Basilica twice. God is noticing and warning us! Pope Francis is Pope #112 and Last Pope according St Malachy; real person? Hardly, Molech=Malach=Satan. He will certainly not lead the Congregation through the Tribulation as the book Petrus Romanus claims. When the Great Tribulation begins, the world will be Free of God and the restraints on Esau will be removed. Even the Hopi planned for this at Prophecy Rock “Red Kachina=Esau will remove his mask at the plaza before the un-initiated” Will this be at the UN Plaza in Sept 22-25, 2015? Time will tell, but we do not have the luxury of Time on our side to warn others. We need to do this now!
Pres. Obama Cinco de Mayo speech
As one of my predecessors, Franklin Roosevelt once said, “Remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists. Immigrants and revolutionists: now, that’s not the story of looking backwards, that’s the story of looking forward.
“That’s what we’re doing today.”
JADE HELM in FAMILY GUY: TANK Levels WALMART! Tunnels Beneath Store Episode. Hell Of the Quahog Peter (Small Stone)
3.6(666 )#earthquake #conThe USGS says the first quake, a magnitude 3.2, was centered east of Highway 242 in Concord and struck at about 7:01 a.m. PDT Wednesday. The second and largest, a 3.6-magnitude, struck at 7:32 a.m. It was later downgraded to a 3.5. The third, a 2.6-magnitude, hit shortly after at 7:35 a.m.
Over 100 people, mostly in Pleasant Hill, reported feeling the earthquakes, according to USGS’ online “Did You Feel It” survey.
cord in pleasant hill this morning. …
On April 12 1861 the American Civil War started, billed as the ‘Blue vs the Grey’. April 12 2015 The ‘Boys in Blue’ hoax kill the ‘Grey’ man.
First shots fired by the father of Luciferian Mason Jesse James, Robert James on Ft Sumter.
Alfalfa Club http://rense.com/general96/alfalfa%202011.pdf members honor Confederate General Robert E Lee and Confederates of the James family who were given the honor of firing the first shots. Albert Pike’s statue stands at the Justice Dept to this day. He wrote the letter on Feast Day of Lucifer Aug 15, 1871 outlining the plan for 3 World Wars: 1. Build-up Nazi Germany 2. Replace Nazism with Communism and 3. Put Islam against Political Zionism to the point of physical, moral and economic exhaustion, at which point Nihilists will be unleashed to direct the worship of the bewildered masses toward the Doctrine of Lucifer.
The Horses Jesus described in Revelation eat Alfalfa, Alfalfa Club members are the Jockeys.
My prayer over and over is that this material will wake people up and into the Spiritual arms of God in Flesh, no in Spirit JESUS.
Obama Could Become Supreme Court Justice (Skull and Bones) TAFT Bruce Wayne
Obama could end up like President William Howard Taft, who became chief justice of the Supreme Court after leaving the White House. Taft decided life on the Supreme Court
Obama Could Become Supreme Court Justice
Obama could end up like President William Howard Taft, who became chief justice of the Supreme Court after leaving the White House. Taft decided life on the Supreme Court
So Howard did you know Charles Darwin was buried Near by Issac Newton ???
Right, at Westminster Abbey aka Church of St Peter (Small Stone). Percy’s have the family vault there; Earls of Northumberland started every war with Scotland; some executed for treason including Thomas Percy for the 5 Nov 1605 Gunpowder and Treason Plot to murder King James for his crusade against Witchcraft and hiring of 54 men to bring the Masoretic Texts into English. In Ps 12:6 God promised to purify the Word as Silver is 7 Times in Fire; the Authorized Bible is the 7th so it was of prime importance to stop God’s promise; as we know, that as all plots to foil God do.
Percy is Jacobite peerage ie Norman as were the Cathars executed at Montsegur in 1244, some 700 years before D-Day.
William the Conqueror had his Usury Bankers write the Doomsday Book claiming physical assets acquired by Usury for the model for Austin Powers’ character “Fat Bastard”, the illegitimate bastard William. Bankers were ejected in 1290 some 700 years before George Bush Sr (Married to Aleister Crowley daughter Barbara Pierce/Percy/Bush). The NSA/CIA hacker group Anonymous used the Scapegoat Guy Fawkes mask to hide their Jesuit foundation.
Mitt Romney descends from George Romney, his father but also of George Romney the Norman Usury Banker of Wales.; by far the biggest Drug-Weapon launderer in history by my count. Iran-Contra and Bain Capital returned 190%/yr since 1984 partnered with Saudi Arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi and Rev Oliver North. Afghanistan now accounts for 96% of the world’s heroin supply; proceeds laundered by Bain Capital and Israeli Orit Gadeish. The US has not seen the last of Mitt; the torture and death of his GGGGrandfather Parley Pratt (CFR HQ Bldg is Pratt Bldg) looms large with this Romanichal Gypsy Satanist.
Coronations at Westminster on Jacob’s Pillow install the King and Queen of England; the next may very well be the Alternative Messiah or Sargon III “Legitimate King”. My guess is still Thomas Plantard, but this is just a guess.
Barbara Bush is “Babalon”, the object of Crowley’s Sex Magick Rituals; Jeb of course a Skull & Bones Satanist like 5 generations of his Nazi born (Scherff) family who murdered Nikola Tesla to prevent free energy distribution.
Interesting development I didn’t see coming did you hear about George Soros owes 5-7 bill on dollar in taxes?? Why would they put that out now
George Soros aka Grigori Schwartz used $700B in TARP funds to short Silver on it’s planned run from $34 to $47 (Silver’s Atomic Number) and back, netting him $Trillions. $7B is chump change for this world class criminal. Schwartz (Black), Kissinger (Heinz) and Brzezinsky are Black Nobility in the same vein as Elena Kagan and Robert Kagan
Plague That Killed 200 Million In Middle Ages Breaks Out In Colorado
Socalled Black(African) are Inferior Nonsense JEB BUSH likes
Charles Murray is a darling of the right-wing because of his book “The Bell Curve” which declares that socalled black people are not as smart as white people because of their inferior genes. No, seriously, that’s exactly what the book is about. Here’s what the Southern Poverty Law Center says about Murray:
According to Murray, disadvantaged groups are disadvantaged because, on average, they cannot compete with white men, who are intellectually, psychologically and morally superior. Murray advocates the total elimination of the welfare state, affirmative action and the Department of Education, arguing that public policy cannot overcome the innate deficiencies that cause unequal social and educational outcomes.
As you can imagine, this speaks deeply to the unmitigated racism of the conservative movement. I regularly see right wingers cite his work and claim, in the same sentence, that they’re not racist at all. They just think black people are inferior. What’s racist about that?
In a sane world, a presidential candidate endorsing a White Supremacist would be the immediate end of their bid for the White House. It would be like a Democratic candidate endorsing Louis Farrakhan. But, of course, this is the real world and Republicans are held to a radically different standard. The “liberal” media would rather slit their wrists than point out the blindingly obvious racism of Republicans
Baltimore “Pharaoh’s Town”
Freddie Gray was arrested, handcuffed, shackled inside a Police Van and his neck broken for legally carrying a pocket knife inside his pocket; not a Switchblade, a Pocket Knife. Trashing the 2nd Amendment and Posse Commitatus Act is the Criminal Act here and it was pre-planned. The use of the word “Thugs” by Obama and the Baltimore Mayor tells the story; Thugges or Thugs were/are trained professional assassins (Hashishim refers to Hashish) usually Muslim who originated in India. The looters were trained an brought in by George Soros’ Open Society and Luciferian Rev Al Sharpton to cause Riots the Mayor and Police facilitated.
What a surprise! American Pharaoh wins the Kentucky (Kennite) Derby.
Follow up to American Pharaoh. Barack=Lightning; Hussein=Handsome; Obama is Persian for “He is with us”. President #44 was predicted by C Alan Martin in his demonic vision of the 12 houses; Michael Robinson wore jersey #44 playing football for Oregon St.
Barack and Michael have admitted numerous times his birthplace was Kenya, named after the Kennites as is Kentucky (Abraham’s wife Keturah was a Kennite as was Moses’ wife Zipporah).
Will Smith will play Ethiopian Pharaoh of Egypt Taharqa, whom Barack claims ancestry albeit secretly; a falsely claimed descendant of the Queen of Sheba (Notice Sheba plays a part in “Gog and Magog” in Eze 38 1000 years after the 2nd Coming) and Solomon (No such descendant is mentioned in Scripture but Sheba’s 666 Talents of Gold is). Michelle/Michael is related to Ethiopian Priest of Ameru (Ameru means Serpent and is one of the sources for the name America) Rabbi Funye Capers in Chicago.
6X6X6=216; the Cubes of 3, 4 and 5 added=216, the latitude of Obama’s falsely claimed birth in Hawaii (means Water and Breath of Life; the exact meaning of Pharaoh). 3-4-5 is represented in the dimensions of the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid, Federal Triangle and 13,000Lb Satanic 3X4 Ft Altar in the UN Meditation Room.
“Change is coming to America”; “Yes We Can” and “A new beginning for Islam” are Obama’s campaign promises. Read the lyrics to The Who song “We won’t get fooled again”; it describes what Baltimore (Town of Pharaoh) began and relates the story of Esau being fooled by Jacob into selling his Birthright.
Kennites claim descent from Cain through Ham (Black) and his incest with his mother which carried the “Seed” across the Flood with Canaan, “Cursed” by this illicit union.
Need more? Michelle is Michael a Cross-dresser with claimed ancestry to Priests of Ameru. Ramses II was not the Pharaoh of the Exodus, the Cross-dressing Hyksos Pharaoh Hatshepsut was. Hated so much for allowing the Israelites to escape across the Red Sea to ARABIA and 10 Plagues, her name was removed from Hieroglyphics. Hyksos were Amalekites at War with God from Generation to Generation, an Ishmaelite, Edomite, Hittite people known as the Priests of On or Priests of Horus. They were called “Foreign Shepherd Kings” who originally came from Crete (Cretans) to Egypt and once kicked out, they went to Thera where a Volcanic Eruption and Earthquake buried them alive in Lava and a Tsunami destroyed Knossos in Crete.
Obama is exactly that, a Foreign born Shephard King taught to believe he is the incarnation of the Pharaohs.
And followed by Firing Line!
Odd you mention Firing Squad Carol, they are being legalized right now in many States. The idea of an anonymous killing must have an appeal. “Hey I only shot blanks”.
Barack aka Bari Malik Shabazz (Solar Barque of Horus) believes he is a Kenyan (Kennite) relation to Taharqa, the Last Pharaoh related to Menelik, the son of the Queen of Sheba and Solomon; a Foreign Shepherd King aka Hyksos or Amalekite Pharaoh illegally occupying the Great House (White House) with his cross-dressing partner Michael, a Priest of Ameru (Serpent Priest) from Ethiopia (Cush), guiding America (Serpent) just as Nimrod did 4300 years ago. Michael even wore #44 playing football for Oregon St and Obama is Pres #44. MIchael is thus believing he is related to the Cross-dressing Hyksos Pharaoh of the Exodus Hatshepsut, so hated her name was removed from Hieroglyphics.
It’s really quite an amazing accomplishment so many people are mesmerized by this charade.
A horse name American Pharoah Huh hmmm what was the Name of The Jockey
Victor (Victory) Espinoza (Thorny Thicket), no doubt referring to the Thorny Thicket the Ram was caught up in, as a substitute sacrifice for Isaac on the Temple Mount. Seems like occult message the American Pharaoh, Obama is about to see why Michael/Michelle wore a Black Widow dress on Election Night on the same spot Abe Lincoln took won the Election.
Federal means “Covenant, Treaty, Treaty, Alliance and Faith in what? Isis, the Throne of Satan. Maryland and Virginia are named for the Celestial Virgin Isis; both contributed land that became Sovereign “Federal City” named after Order of Cincinnati (American-British Bloodline Royalty) founder George Washington “Washington DC”. British means B’Rith-ish or “Covenant Men” with what? Isis, “Lady Freedom” who stands atop the Capitol Rotunda facing East to the Rising Sun as the Statue of Liberty represents Isis in NYC facing East holding the torch for Lucifer.
I agree, just like Haiti and the Indonesian Tsunami. Sandy Hook famous non-victim Emily Parker even had a donation/memorial page posted before the event.
What I wanted to get out is the phrase “Big One” was used and Cambridge Earth Sciences led a team to Nepal in advance. USC Earth Sciences also predicts the “Big One” on the San Andreas and Yellowstone and the movie San Andreas comes out May 29 with who else but “The Rock” as the Saviour.
CERN is being blamed for the Earthquake as power up and beam injection occurred simultaneously with the Nepal Earthquake. Proving Gravity exists in the Graviton aka Black Hole or God Particle finishes Newton’s work, who said “My theories depend on a force the ancients have searched in vain for in all of Nature”. Newton (Unit of Force=Newton) was a close associate of the Cambridge Apostles, a Secret Society; His chair of Mathematics at Cambridge is now occupied by Stephen Hawking whose Dark Matter theories all rest on Newton’s. His “M Theory” means Mundi Theory or Earth Theory; Liber Mundi an occult compendium of Earth creation theories.
The Dark Sun of the Nazis was the Egyptian Dark Sun “Tula” called today the “Brotherhood of Death”.
How in the world is this going to get more obvious? We will have a Covenant with JESUS or we will end up in Hell. It is really just that
CERN powers up and Nepal gets hit with an Earthquake while 50 Earthquake experts were preparing residents for “The Big One”. A bit too coincidental?
Scalar Electro-Magnetic Weapons can cause Earthquakes. CERN producing a mythical God Particle and Dark Matter? Don’t think so
Must say Howard its hard realize whats real and Fake Now. Nepal within 24 hours already having DONATION pages Gofundme and such. Seen Video where people certain areas roofs tops look intach look like controlled Demoltion