[frame_right][/frame_right]Cinco de Mayo: Spring Tide, Super Moon, Birth of the term “Latino” and the Birth of Communist father Karl Marx. Tide means “Division, Point or Due Time; High or Spring Tide means High Day or Festival”. Tidal was the Canaanite “King of Nations” interpreted as “King of Goyim”; Shabboz (Sabbath) Goyim are people whose profession is to serve Talmudic Rabbis in the vain effort to kill God and negate the Word of God, especially Christianity, the New Covenant and anything to do with Jesus Christ. Rabbis are not Jewish and neither were the Pharisees who first tried to kill God in Flesh!
Cinco de Mayo has nothing to do with Mexican Independence, rather it commemorates Napoleon III’s initial defeat at the Battle of Puebla. Napoleon III first brought the term “Latino” (Latins were one of the confederacy of pagan tribes that founded Rome) to Mexico. There is more to Cinco de Mayo than meets the eye as it is also the birthdate of High Priest of Satan, Freemason, Karl Marx aka Karl Moses Mordecai Levi Marx, the arch enemy of Christianity.
Why Puebla? Puebla is the location of the Popocateptl “Smoking Mountain” Volcano, under whose shadow 30 million people live; it was once the inland empire of Tenochtitlan and the scene of unbridled Aztec sacrifices to the sun god. Soon it will be the location of the 2012 Solstice sunrise which stone monuments all over the world were built to calculate; Why? Read 2 Pet 3:8; Satanists know exactly when Jesus will return; why don’t you?
The Sun will pierce the X (Chi=Christ) formed by the Zodiac and Galactic Disc, recorded on the falsely called Mayan Calendar; it’s a Venus/Lucifer Calendar and Mayans had nothing to do with it. Assyrians venerated the Moon as “Sin”; May 5, 2012 is unique in that the Full Moon “Sin” occurs within 1 minute of Lunar Apogee (Closest position to Earth). Isaac Newton’s “Gravity Theory” proposes the Force of Lunar Gravity causes Spring Tides; he lied. Newton after whom units of Force are named was a 330 Luciferianie Venus Freemason (Lucifer=Venus “Light Bearer”); a Rosicrucian Shabboz Goy far more adept at the architecture of re-making Solomon’s Temple than his unproven Force Theories. How does God keep “Time”?
The Solar Cycle of Venus compared to Earth is 584/365 or 8/5=Phi “Ratio of Life”; the Rosicrucian symbol is a Cross and 5 Petal Rose surmounted by an 8 petal Star of Isis (Easter). Lucifer/Venus Bears ie Gives birth to the Sun on “Dies Natalis Solis Invicti” aka Christmas Day. May 5th is the 5th day of the Gregorian 5th month; 8 months later is Jan 5 known in Orthodox and many other (Ortho means Having the correct interpretation) churches as Feast of the Epiphany. Folks, the Nativity of Sol Invictus (Christmas) has nothing to do with Jesus Christ; the Magi arrived when Jesus was a “Young Child”, not lying in a manger in Bethlehem in winter. God Created Animals (Rabbis equate Goyim with Animals) on Day 5 and Man on Day 6. Adam is of the same root as Edom and Red as in Rosicrucian; Edom is the title God gave to Esau after selling his Birthright. Make Sense yet? Read Gen 27:40KJV Esau obtains Dominion! Not Jacob! Esau’s goal is to kill Jacob’s God which is why God hates Esau (Rom 9:13) Herod was an Edomite, remember? Esau married Canaanite women, remember?
God Created the Sun, Moon and Stars for telling Signs, Seasons, Days and Years on Day 4. Tides are part of those “Signs”. Psalm 93 “…the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved.” Earth is not moving! The Michelson-Morley experiment, Michelson-Gale-Sagnac experiment, George Airy experiments all proved Earth is fixed in space. Newton’s “Gravity Theory” is simply a follow up lie to support “Heliocentric Theory” put forth by Rosicrucian/Astrologer/Alchemist Nicolas (Nico means To Conquer ie St Nick replacing Jesus Christ) Copernicus; he lied too. The Sun became accepted as the center of the Solar System by repeating this lie in Universities; Gravity was later introduced as the cause of “Order”; Chaos or Cronus (source of Chronometer) came to be called “Time”, which was used to tell Seasons, Days and Years “Order out of Chaos”. Einstein came along later to bend Space-Time with Relativity Theory; he lied too. God says Space is “Nothing” just as experiments have shown and folks, you cannot bend or send a “Wave” through “Nothing”. Gravity was then identified as the cause of “Signs” such as “Tides” by Charles Darwin’s son Sir George Darwin (Lunar Tidal Friction) or other “Signs” such as “Earthquakes” or “Volcanic Eruptions”. Now can you see why Daniel refers to Antichrist as the “god of forces” in Dan 11:38? All this is an Alternative to God and His Word. Nobody is “Forcing” anything on us; believe God’s Word, or believe Looney Theories of Rosicrucians like Copernicus (Heliocentric Theory), Kepler (Gravity based Orbital Theory), Newton (Gravity Theory), Niels Bohr (4 Force Atomic Theory), Georges LeMaitre or Edwin Hubble (Expanding Universe Theory), Erasmus, Charles, or Sir George Darwin (Evolution Theory), Einstein (Relativity Theories) or Hawking (Dark matter/String Theory). My son took a golf ball and string into his 8th grade Earth Science class and disproved Gravity, Special and General Relativity Theories; you can too!
Cinco de Mayo: A celebration of Mexican Independence? No. Battle of Puebla? Not likely. How about the birthday of High Priest of Satan, Karl Moses Mordecai Levi aka Karl Marx on May 5th 1818? Enough “Jewish” names there to choke a Pale Horse but he was no more Jewish than his Kabbalist Rabbi ancestors on both his father and mother’s side who also pretended to be Jewish when not convenient to pretend to be Protestant; Why? Saba means “Sunrise” ie Lucifer; Sabaeans of Haran have “Converted” into every religion on Earth.
“Marx will surely chase God from His heaven and will even sue Him”-Moses Hess Can you see why Jesus said “Woe unto you Lawyers?” “God is dead, and will remain dead…we have killed him with our science” Frederich Nietzsche Can you see why Paul warned Timothy about “Vain Babblings” called Science? (1 Tim 6:20) Marx said this of Charles Darwin “You have given me the basis for my system” What system? Communism which has claimed the lives of 200 million people regarded as nothing more than animals.
Now, why was Cinco de Mayo 1818 birth of a Prussian/Amsterdam family of Talmudic Rabbis regarded as a special day? 8/5=Golden Mean 8X5=40; another way of writing 58. 58-18=40. 1818 may have caught someone’s attention. 40 is the number associated with Moses on Mt Sinai, the spies of Canaan, Elijah on Mt Horeb, Jonah’s warning to Nineveh, Ezekiel laying on his side and temptation of Jesus. 5+8=13 the number associated with rebellion and Cain’s descendants and the judgment of Sodom in Gen 13:13. Kabbalist Moses Hess inducted young Karl Marx into the “League of the Just” and the Dialectic (Thesis + Anti-thesis=Synthesis) philosophy of Georg Hegel when he was 23 years old, perhaps because they also knew Cinco de Mayo 2012 not only lines up with the Mayan Calendar 2012 Solstice, but would be a Full Moon at Lunar Perigee once that year. Bad Moon Rising? We’ll see, but this is quite a coincidence and 30 million people can see the 18,000ft mountain is indeed smoking.