[frame_right][/frame_right]Jesus as Melchisedek “King of Jerusalem” riding an ass of a colt (Symbolizing Peace rather than War) rode in the East Gate of Jerusalem amid Palm Branches to proclaim Himself Melchisedek “King of Jerusalem”. The Sabbath was 7 days before the Passover, 1 day, ending at Even which begins the 7 day Feast of Unleavened Bread (15-21 Abib/Nisan); the year was 28 AD; He was 33 years old having been born on the 8th day of Feast of Tabernacles in 6 BC; Proof? Herod died violently in the Spring of 4 BC for the “Slaughter of Innocents” 2 and under when Jesus was a “Young Child” of 1 1/2 years. 7 days later Jesus was rejected, Crucified (Hung on a Tree) and laid in a Sephuchre on the eve of the 8th day, 15 Nisan “Feast of Unleavened Bread”; He then rose on 17 Nisan “First Fruits” fulfilling the Spring Feasts of the Law in Lev 23.
April Fool’s Day 2012 is somewhat unique as it also happens to be Palm Sunday; Easter Sunday is 4/8/12; note that the date adds to 24. Passover begins Saturday, April 7, 2012 and ends Sunday “Dies Solis”, April 14 because the 2 Holidays have nothing to do with each other. Depending on how the Lunar Cycle coincides with the Vernal Equinox, Passover and Easter can differ by 28 + 7=35 days. This year is significant because Easter “Passion Week” of 2012 leads into the Feast of Passover.
Jesus was born on the 8th day of the 7th and last Feast of Tabernacles on 22 Tishrei; the 22nd day of the 7th month as the “Word made Flesh”. The Word ends with chapter 22; 22/7=Pi; the Circle of Heaven brought to Earth, thus ended the 7th Contract between God and Man called the “Law” or “Old Covenant” with His Crucifixion between 2 Thieves on 1 Tree which formed the 7 Branched Candlestick (6 uplifted arms surrounding Jesus) Moses built for the Tabernacle. The New Covenant is the 8th and final covenant which began 7 Weeks after His Crucifixion at Pentecost (50 Days) with the descent of the Holy Ghost. With this event, the 4 Spring Feasts were completed. 9 months from now is Hanukkah; the 8 branched Menorah thus replaced the 7 Branched Candlestick; Christians have come to know the day as Christmas. So when does Heaven actually return to Earth? The 2nd Coming which is not coincidentally promised in Rev 22:7 “Behold I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book”. He is speaking about the entire 66 books not just Revelation. Freemasons and Kabbalists will try to Square the Circle until the very end and fail every time!
In Jn 12:31 Jesus warns “Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world cast out”; Jesus was thus rejected as King of Jerusalem; Mormon men assume the role today as Melchesidek Priests; pretty bold eh? The Judges of this world? The Sanhedrin. The Son of God was rejected in favor of the Sons of Light “Lucifer” in Eastermonad. Make sense yet?
In Jn 12:35 Jesus warns “Walk while ye have the light…believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light”. Now go back to Day 1 “God said let there be light” 3 days before He created the Sun, Moon or Stars. The “Light of the World” departed the Earth on First Fruits by the same exact route the Glory of the LORD departed in Eze 8 and for the exact same reason; Man had turned their backs to the LORD (Jesus is Lord) and worshipped the Rising Sun. Happy Easter? I think not.
Palm Trees are the sacred Assyrian (Semites descended from Shem’s 2nd Son Asshur) and Arab, Trees connecting Earth to Heaven through Ishtar (Easter). The Egyptian God “Huh” (Which is what people usually say when you tell them Easter has nothing to do with Jesus) is the god of eternity, depicted carrying 2 Palm reeds. The Greek Apollo “Sun god” is depicted by the Palm Tree. The Sumerian Inanna is the “One who makes dates abundant”.
Occultists (Gnostics) posing as Christian Ministers celebrate Lent and Easter; they consider Jesus the April Fool, Lord of Misrule or Jack O Lent. Jesus is represented as a Gaunt, Nobody, Simpeton, Puppet or Dwarf dressed in rags, misused 40 days from Lent to Good Friday when they form a Straw Man effigy made of Palm Branches, burn them and use them the following Ash Wednesday to form a “T” for Tammuz on their foreheads. Read Eze 8 until you understand Jesus will only put up with this blasphemy so long. How long? Easter 2012 is 4/8/12 added they equal 24; X is the 24th English letter, and on 12/21/2012 the Sun will pierce the X (Chi=Christ=Messiah) formed by the Ecliptic and Zodiac with the Milky Way, rising to form the Crown; 3 days later, the Dawn of the New Age will begin on Christmas with the birth of the Sun god “Sol Invictus”. Is it coincidence the Venus Calendar (Maya is the mother of Toth-Hermes; “Emerald Tablet of Toth” begins with “As Above, So Below”) will read and Jesus describes the “Beast rising from the Sea” in Rev 13? Is it also coincidence 12/21/2012 (1+2+2+1+2+1+2)=11 and Jesus describes the Great Tribulation in Rev 11? Don’t bet your Soul on it. I suggest Easter 2012 will be the last; whether it is or not, is replacing an Easter Egg hunt and chocolate bunny with establishing a relationship with Jesus really going to hurt you?