[frame_right][/frame_right]Four Obelisks tell the story of history and the future; the 5th Dynasty (2494-2345 BC) Vatican (Vatis=Divining; Can=Serpent) Obelisk (Baal’s Shaft) from Heliopolis “City of the Sun”; the Twin Obelisks in New York and London “New Troy” deceptively called “Cleopatra’s Needle” actually came from the Hyksos (Hyksos=Amalekite Shepherd Kings ie they were Ishmaelite-Edomite-Canaanite rulers during Israelite captivity) period of Hatshepsut (1479-1425 BC), the aunt, stepmother, cross-dresser and consort of Thutmose III “Toth is Born” (Toth=Hermes; the Obelisk wrapped by Twin Serpents is the Cadeuces used by medical practitioners; the Emerald Tablet of Toth is the oldest document in the world which begins with “That which is above, shall be that which is below”. The 4th Obelisk is the Luxor Obelisk in Paris (Paris comes from the Trojan Prince who caused the Trojan War) dates from the time of Ramses II (Freemasons Cecil B DeMille, Charleton Heston and Yul Brynner used Hollywood to place the Exodus during Ramses II’s reign 1279BC; They Lied, it was in 1492BC) at the Place de la Concorde (Concorde means Harmony; Agreement) stands between the Tuilleres (Tile=Brick Works; Laban=To Make Bricks and To make White ie Sinless or Purify; Tam=Purify; Muz=Fire; Cathar=Pure Ones; let’s call this Freemasonry shall we? Bricks=People held together by Slime=Bitumen=Organic Mortar ie Death; Tuilleres was built by Black ie Satanic Nobility Queen Catherine de Medici) and the Champs-Elysees (Roman Elysian Field).
See the pattern yet? The Roman (Romani=Gypsy) Pope “White Pope” as Vicarious Christ faces the world’s oldest Obelisk, dating to the time of the Flood (2348 BC by Ussher’s Chronology, Sargon the Great’s reign 2334-2279 BC and astrological dating of Aries-Pisces-Aquarius ie 4320 years). This Obelisk is set as a Gnomon (Gignoskein means “Come to Know”; read about this sort of “Knowing” in the account of Sodom and Gomorrah) in an astrological sundial which forms the Yin Yang symbol.
The NY Obelisk was financed by Sodomite, CNN reporter, Yale “Manuscript Society”, CIA intern Anderson Cooper’s GGG Grandfather Cornelius Vanderbilt (same time frame as Mitt Romney’s GGG Grandfather Parley Pratt’s “Oath of Vengeance”).
The Luxor Obelisk in Paris was originally built over the Hyksos capital of Avaris as a Temple of Set; the current leader of the Temple of Set is Gen Michael Aquino, the co-founder of the Church of Satan in 1966 (same year Romney’s Welsh Congregationalist wife Ann LaFount “A Child” converted to Mormonism) with Anton LaVey; Aquino is the hidden yet highest ranking member of the NSA, currently building its largest facility in Salt Lake City Utah where Mitt Romney receives his marching orders and is sworn to avenge the blood of the prophets upon America and the Gentile Race; odd as it sounds, Mitt believe he is not a Gentile but and Israelite. The Paris Obelisk was built over the original “Rose Line” (Prime Meridian moved to London about 1883); financed by Sephardic (Sepharvaim worship Moloch ref 2 Kings 17:30; Amos 5:26; they are not Israelite or Jewish in any sense of the word; it is no wonder Mitt made his fortune as a Corporate Raider and his son Tagg is at the center of an $8.5 Billion Pyramid Scam) Banker Isaac Pereire.
Figured out the future yet? Esau will obtain “Dominion” (Gen 27:40; Dan 7:6); let’s call the leader Sargon III “3rd Legitimate King”, “Thrice Great Hermes aka Hermes Trismegistus” or “3rd Beast”. Synarchy means a theocracy ruled by secret societies, so we can add the title “Alternative Messiah” ie “Antichrist”. He will build a 3rd Temple in Jerusalem in 490 days (Spiritual Sodom and Egypt; Rev 11:8; Dan 9:24-27) and turn over the reigns of power to a 4th Beast (Dan 7:7; Rev 9:11); Jesus will return to cast down the thrones (Dan 7:9; Rev 16; Obadiah)
Figured out the initiation requirements? Marriage. To Jesus its the Marriage of the Lamb (Rev 19:7); to Satan/Set/Lucifer its the “Sacred Marriage”. Know what I mean here? Now cut the crap and ask Jesus to forgive you before it’s too late. You can tell it’s getting late in the game when Sodomite drug addict, tithing thief Rev. Ted Haggard can appear on “Celebrity Wife Swap” with Gary Busey telling us “God loves everyone”; No Ted, God hates Esau (Rom 9:13) and Nicolaitanes (Rev 2:6;15) posing as Reverends.