[frame_right][/frame_right]Gog and Magog is a worldwide gathering around Jerusalem, King David and Jesus Christ at the end of the Millennium (Rev 20:7-8; Eze 38-39; Dan 7:14; Zech 14:8) Note: Rosh was added to Meshech and Tubal in new bible versions and Zondervan’s KJV AMP to imply Russia is involved; This is a Lie! Meshech and Tubal are simply descendants of Japheth (Gen 10:2) and Meshech is also the name of a son of Aram (Syria) whom Isaiah 7:2 informs us “Syria is confederate with Ephraim”. This is why Russia is aiding Syria in preparation for WWIII.
Armageddon is a gathering around Jerusalem, Antichrist (Alternative Messiah) and False Prophet at the end of the Great Tribulation (Rev 16:16; Dan 7:6) Dan 11:37-41 describes Edom, Moab and Ammon escaping the hand of Antichrist; he honouring the “God of Forces” (Graviton) not desiring women (Sodomite); Jordan’s King Abdullah is a fake Hashemite (descendant of Muhammad-Quyraish bedouins-Korah “Rebel Priesthood” are fake Levites); he is of Abbasid descent through Muhammad’s daughter Fatimah and Abd al Mutallib (“Christmas Bomber” Abdulmutallib also had this name cool eh?); US-NATO troops are now amassing on the Jordan-Syrian border. Not ready for WWIII? Get ready; it is designed to fake Armageddon, Gog and Magog and the judgment of Edom in Obadiah.
WWIII is a planned 13 week war designed to fake both at the end of the “Age of Grace” The Age of Grace ends at Rev 6:14-Rev 7 not at the end of the Great Tribulation; wait for the 2nd Coming and you waited 1260 days too late.
The Roman Catholic Church will be the Scapegoat for MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT… (Rev 17); the United States, the Scapegoat for Rev 18 “Babylon” (aka Economic Babylon). The path to the Scapegoat Armageddon is the Silk Road (Karakoram Hwy-Islamabad-Kabul-Kandahar-Herat-Tehran-Baghdad-Har Megiddo; the path to the Scapegoat Gog and Magog will largely come from the north ie Russia-Georgia-Eastern Turkey-Syria (Sanliurfa=Edessa=Harran, named after Abraham’s elder brother and Lot’s father; Lot is regarded as a prophet in Islam)-Syria. When? (This is my best guess; it’s a guess meant to help you see the urgency of establishing a relationship with Jesus Christ, not false prophecy) Black Horse at the 2011 Solstice; WWIII begins Purim 2012 (Mar 7-8), ends 13 weeks later on June 6, 2012 on a rare transit of Venus across the Sun. Pale Horse (Antichrist) at the 2012 Solstice. Why 13? The first Rebellion against Chedorlaomer (Elam=Persia) was in the 13th year; the wicked men of Sodom are described in Gen 13:13; Ishmael, prophesied to be a “Wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him” Gen 16:12 was 13 at circumcision; Joktan (Arabs) had 13 sons (for a complete Gematria workup on the number 13 EW Bullinger Number in Scripture) Why Purim? Edomites use Purim for Revenge; the first Purim was in Persia (Sushan=Susa where Daniel lived; the prophecy of Dan 8 was near Basra, the exit point on Hwy 8 for US troops). Purim was chosen by George Bush Sr for the slaughter on Hwy 80 and Hwy 8 in 1991. Bush Jr announced to the world “We will wage war on Saddam Hussein at a time of our choosing”; this was Purim 2003; the Libyan War began on Purim 2011. “Time of Our Choosing” is based on Man’s idea (Purim) not God’s as Purim and Hanukkah/Christmas (Sol Invictus) are not part of God’s “Holy Days”. Recent developments.