[frame_right][/frame_right]April “Month of Venus” Assyrian “Apru”, Aprile, Averil or Avril + Mensis (Month) is April, the Anglo-Saxon “Eostre” or Old English “Eastermonad”; all variously represent the month of fertility for the goddess Venus or Aphrodite. Happy Easter? I think not; think Green through Photo (Light) synthesis here. In that vein note the Chlorophyll molecule uses Light and Water to make Life and has 33 atoms; the same number of degrees to attain Masonic Sovereignty is the age of Jesus at the Crucifixion and number of Vertebra in the human spine. The Skull & Bones Symbol “Jolly Roger” aka Jolie Rouge or Red Cross also symbolizes this concept.
Worship of the planet Venus originated in Abraham’s day with the Sabaeans (Saba means To leave one’s religion to enter that of another’s; Sabah means Sunrise) of Haran (Abram’s elder brother). Sabaeans today go by the title Father, Master, Rabbi, Reverend and the like.
Over the course of 8 years, Venus brackets the Sun with a Pentacle (5pt Star) and Pentagram; symbols used in Witchcraft to denote mastery over Earth, Air Fire, Water. In Egypt the 4 directions, Forward, Backward, Left and Right, to which a 5th direction Upward or element Quintessence was added. Recall the song Age of Aquarius by the rock group 5th Dimension? The Solar Cycle of Venus compared to Earth 584/365 conforms to this 8/5 Ratio as well. Now go back to the Skull atop the X and compare it with the Chi-Rho; take note we are 1 human gestation cycle away from the Sun rising through the X (Ecliptic/Zodiac and Milky Way) to form the symbol Masons refer to as the Crowned Osiris aka Sol Invictus “Unconquered Sun”. Merry Christmas? I think not.
Venus is not Satan! Venus, the 2nd planet from the Sun and 2nd Roman month, became associated with the term Light Bringer “Lux-Fer” because 8/5=1.618 Phi aka “Golden Mean” or “Ratio of Life” visible in all of God’s Creation from Life, to Poetry to Music etc. Venus is the “Morning Star”; Jesus and Lucifer are both described in this way; hence Venus became connected with Lucifer. The Light Bearer creates Life through Photosynthesis; Phosphorus translated to Latin becomes Lucifer and Phosphorus is considered an essential element to life. Can you see why Luciferians often reject the notion they are Satanists? 2012 is exactly 700 years after the Cathar prediction “Every 700 years the Laurel grows green again” coincident with the Age of Aquarius “Water Pourer”; Light and Water make Green Life. Coincidence? I think not. On 4/8/12 is Easter Sunday “Solis Dies”; Guess who the Eastern Star is?
Mormons are taught Jesus and Lucifer are brothers. They aren’t of course and here is why. On Day 1 God said “Let there be Light”; on Day 4 God said “Let there be lights” and He created the Sun, Moon and Stars. Must have been dark eh? Phosphorus has the quality of glowing in the dark or giving off light in darkness; does this make Phosphorus equivalent with the Holy Ghost and Glory of God? Of course not, but for Luciferians it’s all they have. Phosphorus aka Morning Star or Lucifer or Hesperus “Bringer of the Dawn” are the Son of Dawn “Eos” from where the Anglo-Saxon “Esotre” (Easter) comes from. The point is Jesus has nothing to do with Easter, the Bunny or the colored eggs your Sabaean Priest will have ready on Easter.
Melchisedek means King of Salem and Priest of the Most High to whom Abram paid Tithes; Mormon men like Mitt Romney claim the title Melchisedek Priest; spiritual brothers and equals of Jesus or of Lucifer? The Hebrew word for Lucifer is Heylel or Halal meaning Brightness, Foolish, Shine, Boast, Celebrate, Commend, Praise or Give Light of Glory. As Mormon men accept the title Melchisedek Priest, they say Pale Heylel, Heylel, Heylel, a glorifyinhg of Lucifer the Light Bringer. To whom? Ishtar (Easter), How? Immaculately of course, at First Light on Solis Dies following the Full Moon after Spring Equinox. What happens to that little Hot Cross Bun in the Oven in a Gestation Cycle of 9 months or 10, 28 day Lunar Cycles? My best guess is birth of the Pale Heylel aka Lucifer the Light Bringer who rises 3 days after 12/21/2012 at Christmas.
Christmas means Sacrifice and consumption of the Host. When the Pale Horse rides (ref Art 24 Covenant of One heaven) Jesus Christ will allow the Light Bringer to rule an “Age of Enlightenment”. Pale means Chloro “Green”; the same root in Chlorophyll; this will be none other than the Knight Templar “Green Man”. Is is just coincidence the Iranian (Iran=Aryan=Noble Caste) Green Revolution was 33 years ago too? Is is also coincidence Lucifer was the title applied to the King of Babylon in Isaiah’s day and Operation New Dawn is the current name of the Iraq (Babylon) War? Is is coincidence the 2nd token of the Mormon Melchisedek Priesthood is the “Sure sign of the Nail”? Those Nails held Jesus to the Tree on Passover folks! Happy Eostre? I think not. Time to wake up folks! Jesus is in your Prayer Closet not hiding Easter Eggs!