[frame_right][/frame_right]Mitt Romney began Bain Capital to launder money during Iran-Contra drugs for weapons scandal, and the Iran-Iraq War during the Reagan presidency; initial seed money came from elite El Savadoran families (eg Francisco, Orlando, Herbert de Sola) in Miami funding Death Squads in El Savador guarding the Cocaine pipeline. Iran and Iraq WMD’s were delivered under the table using these profits; Bain made 175% per year for 10 years, only possible through drugs like Cocaine and its highly profitable Crack derivative (Gary Webb’s expose’ in the San Jose Mercury News can be researched for details) or Heroin. After the Iran-Iraq genocide, these WMD’s were used as a pretext for George Bush Sr’s Gulf War I invasion. These same WMD’s were later used as the main pretext for George Bush Jr’s Gulf War II. Saddam’s WMD’s were in fact US WMD’s because Saddam and George Bush Sr are both business investors in Carlyle Group as well as 330 Freemasons. Iraq’s WMD’s were shipped to Syria ahead of Gulf War II and will be used as the pretext for World War III, set to begin in Syria and Iran.
The Romney family begins in Cistercian Abbey of Dalton in Furness the grave of George Romney. Dalton aka Daltune in the “Doomsday Book” commissioned by William the conqueror (Mitt’s claimed ancestor) was a survey of all assets and land claimed by the Normans; for the sake of simplicity, the entire world. Knights Templar were and still are Cistercian Order International Bankers acquiring and consecrating the world’s real estate and assets to “Sons of Israel”, the band of Medes, Babylonians, Canaanites and mixed blood Samaritans (2 Kings 17:30) who replaced Israel in 722BC during the reign of Sargon “Legitimate King” II. Mitt Romney has been told for 40 years he is “The One, Strong and Mighty” who will usher in the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ as one of his progeny “Holy Grail” bloodline. There is no Holy Grail or Royal Bloodline! King Arthur, Zedekiah’s “Grail” line, Joseph of Arimathea’s “Grail Cup”, Mary Magdalene’s “Sangreal” is all fabricated nonsense! Mormo means “Gates of Hell”, the same meaning as Babylon; Romney is the Samaritan Melchidedek Priest, the Tsaddiq “Chief Priest” of Moloch who will usher in the Pale Horse.
Mitt Romney is not eligible under the Consititution to be President. Both President and Vice President must be Natural Born US Citizens. The US is Illegitimate on every level. If you don’t believe this is important, it is because of Public Relations aka “Spin Doctors” in the “Media”. Media comes from Medes whose Priests were “Magi”, the hereditatory caste of Priests of Zoroaster “Star Seed”. Magic and Media have 3 parts: Pledge, Turn and Prestige; WW III is the Prestige, the collapse of America and presentation of the “Alternative Messiah”.
The Latin expression of the “Natural Born Citizen” Constitutional requirement is “Jus Sanguinis”: Born to parents who are US Citizens at the time of birth and “Jus Solis”: Born in the US. (There are exemptions for Foreign Service or Military deployment). Barack Obama’s claimed (Lelo Soetero, Barack Obama Sr. Frank Marshall Davis and Malcolm X aka Bari Malik Shabazz are all contenders; I believe the latter to have more proof) father (Soetero) was not a US Citizen; doubt also exists as to his birthplace and citizenship (Indonesia does not have Dual Citizenship). Obama has stated his father served in WWII; Obama Sr would have been 6 yrs old. The point? This shouldn’t be a mystery when the legitimacy of the Commander in Chief is in question. Obama did not bow to Saudi King Abdulluh by accident, nor did he proclaim “A new beginning for Islam” in Cairo standing next to Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarack (Barack means Lightning) by accident.
Mitt Romney’s father George was born in Mexico and never Naturalized a US Citizen (records need to be made public and dated prior to Mitt’s 1947 birth); George like George Bush Sr’s father “Curious George Scherf” (Nikola Tesla’s lab assistant Prescott Bush) aided the Nazi Reich through Alcoa Aluminum; George Bush Sr’s father financed the Nazi Reich through the Union Bank. A bit odd Stalin lost the war and received 12 time zones of land isn’t it?
Public Relations aka “Spin” was handled by Joseph Goebbels for Hitler’s Germany and by Talmudic Zionist Edward Bernays in America, the nephew of Dr Sigmund Freud. George Romney supplied Nazi aluminum through IG Farben as an intern, lobbyist and later executive at ALCOA (Aluminum Corp of America), and with Bernays, ALCOA’s “PR Adviser” convinced the American Dental Association and Municipal Governments such as NYC “Water Fluoridation” was safe; it is not. The purpose, was to create a more compliant populace, riddled with diseases such as bone fluorosis and ADHD. The first thing Hitler and Stalin did was fluoridate water supplies for this reason. ALCOA was the world’s largest Fluorine producer; what better way to dispose of this industiral toxin than in making Atomic weapons and fluoridating Water supplies.
“Manipulation of public opinion is a necessary part of Democracy”
– Edward Bernays in his book Propaganda
“Tell a big lie often enough and people will begin to believe it”
– Joseph Goebbels
If you believe the Mormon Church is based on teachings of Jesus Christ, it is because of “PR”. “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himlelf is transformed into an angel of light.” 2 Cor 11:13-14
Ever heard Jesus and Lucifer are brothers? Good PR eh?
The US never had a choice: Ron Paul an initiate of Lambda Chi Alpha (meanng; Sacrifice of Alpha Messiah ie Jesus Christ). Michelle Bachmann, IRS attorney who “Beards” for her husband Marcus; Norway shooter Anders Breivik was trained at his Lake Elmo homosexual training Camp under the name Andrew Berwick, the name he used on his 1000 page Nazi-Israeli-Sodomite promoting manifesto. Rick Santorum is a Jesuit and Knight of Mallta as is Marco Rubio. Newt Gingrich is a 330 Mason, Bohemian Grove, CFR initiate recently converted to Jesuit Catholic, Opus Dei initiate from Southern Baptist. All were role players.
Marco Rubio, the short list VP choice for Mitt Romney. His parents were Naturalized 4 years after his 1971 birth. He is not a not eligible under the US Consittution to be Vice President or President. Rubio is a Knight of Malta. If you haven’t read the Extreme Oath of Jesuit induction, you can do it now http://arcticbeacon.com/books/Extreme_Oath_of_the_Jesuits.pdf ( I do not promote Arctic Beacon, just the oath). Rubio was born Catholic to Cuban immigrants (Castro is Jesuit) in Miami. South Florida is part of Aztlan “To make White”: Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, West Texas (west of the NAFTA Superhighway aka I-35W), SW Colorado, Southern Utah. La Raza Unida (United Race), MEChA (Mestizo, Chicano Movement of Aztlan) and Voz de Aztlan (Voice of Aztlan; remember CS Lewis’ Aztlan was a Lion?). The goal of America’s immigration program is “To make White” (Aztlan=Aztec “To make White”), the age old plan of Chaldean Magi from Laban (Laban also means “To make White” and “To mke Bricks” as in bricks for the Tower of Babel); America is to be sacrificed on the altar of the “New World Order”.
Rubio was baptized Mormon at 8; he still considers himself a Mormon Church member; remember, Mormons claim the Aaronic and Melchisedek Priesthoods. Rubio is now a Latin “Tridentine” Rite (Latins were one of the pagan tribes that created Rome) and Byzantine “Orthodox” Rite (Maronite aka Church of the East “Rising Sun”) Rite practicing Catholic. In addition, he is aChrist Fellowship Southern Baptist. iThe Southern Baptist Convention is run by 33 0 Masons such as Richard Land. In other words, Rubio is a Crypto/Marrano “Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes”. The Latin terms “Marrano” or “Allumbrado” were used in Iberia during the days Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain sent their murdering pirate Columbus to America; Allumbrado means “Illuminated One”; the age old term for people who change from Luciferianism (Sabbatean Talmudism or Kaballah) to the outward practice of many religions in public (500 years ago it was Islam or Catholic) while swearing oaths in secret is “Sabian”; a Luciferian in private, a variety of New Age and Eastern religions in public. Sabah means “Sunrise”. This form of Luciferian religion originated in Haran. Syria/Turkish border; notice in Is 7:2 “Syria is confederate with Ephraim”; Mitt claims to be descended from Ephraim; Haran became the hotbed of false religions when Chaldean Priests followed Abram out of Ur of the Chaldees. Today, Syria is Baathist Sunni meaning “Sunni Rennaissance”; remember the Italian Rennaissance? “Black Nobility” started that and run the show now. Romnichel means “Black Gypsy”.
Rubio is 41 years old, his memoir An American Son has hidden meaning just like Obama’s Dreams of my Father or Audacity of Hope. Remember Tea Party darling, Pentecostal fake Christian Sarah Palin’s Going Rogue? The symbol used in Piracy is identical to the Skull & Bones symbol; it is the “Jolly Rogue”; a Red Coat right on the cover? Pretty hard to figure this out eh?
Mitt Romney is also a Chaldean “Gypsy” Pratt-Romney both use a Red Scallop on their Coat of Arms; CFR is Headquartered in “Pratt House” named after Standard Oil magnate Harold Pratt; the statue of Prometheus in front of Rockefeller Center is symbolic of Langued’Oc the Language of Yes (Obama matra “Yes We Can” means “Thank you Satan”), Birds (Augury=Inauguration), Green (Bacchus) and Oil as in Standard and British Petroleum aka Anglo-Iranian Oil; Make sense yet? Prometheus, the Statue of Liberty and the Standard Oil Logo all have the Torch of Lucifer. simply modern day versions of the Colossus of Rhodes.
Culdee is the coastal land from Cornwall to Wales where Welsh Gypsies like “Romnichel” settled, often becoming Druids “Knowers of Trees” or “Groves”. The Lundy Triangle in Wales was in fact used to mimic and create Stonehenge using the ancient art of “Earth Measurement” (Geodesy or Geomancy); Druid initiations are/were inducted there as well; Anglican Arch-bishop Rowan Williams is a practicing Druid as well as head of the Church of England; remember Ferdinand and Isabella’s daughter Anne Boleyn started this schism with King Henry VIII. Mitt’s wife Ann Davies is also Welsh Gypsy converted from Anglican to Mormon. Jon Huntsman, a CFR and Bilderberg Group initiate is also a Mormon; and ex Governor of Utah and ex Chinese Ambassador for Obama; he participated in the Tiananmen Spuare Tea Party demonstrations, and is fortunate not be in prison for doing so. Huntsman, also a Welsh Gypsy, attended the 2012 Bilderberg Conference in Chantilly VA with Henry Kissinger (330 Mason, CFR, Tri-lateral Commission, Pilgrim Society, Bohemian Grove Satanist). Is it any wonder Henry is headlining a July 12, 2012 $2500/plate fundraiser for Mitt Romney? As for Jon, he is Chairman of the Huntsman Cancer Intitute; his Dad, mentored by Soviet spy and Occidental Petroleum founder Armand Hammer (Russian shield is an Arm and Hammer; cute eh?) is asking for donations currently Jon funds Cancer research and causes Cancer by being a Director of Huntsman Chemical Corp, one of the largest producers of cancer causing BPA (Bisphenol-A) used in canned food, and plastic containers such as baby bottles. Just a little conflict of interest eh?
One World Globalists are necessarily opposed to the US constitution, and by definition they are Traitors. “We need to energize and lead a united coalition with European Nations”-Marco Rubio. No we don’t Marco. God separated the Nations for this very reason!
Owning all the horses in a race ensures a predictable outcome. The other VP choice (as of 6/17) Chris Christie is a Jesuit, who said this about Palestine on a recent AIPAC (Israel Lobby) sponsored trip “I will defer to the wise counsel of King Addullah II of Jordan” Abd=Servant; Ullah=Allah=Sin; he is a Hashemite ie Edomite descendant. Read Gen 27:39-41KJV folks! Esau ie Edomites obtain “Dominion” not Jacob; this same scripture is described by Daniel in Dan 7:6 Jesus said Leopards do not change their spots! Edom means “Red”; now how does Sarah Palin’s Red Coat look?