[frame_right][/frame_right]Assyria refers to the Land of Assyria; the land East of Eden; Assyria means Pertaining to Assyria and it’s national god Asshur, a title derived from the Assyrian word for Prince “Sar” and it’s “Legitimate Kings” Sargon the Great (ca 2300BC) and Sargon II (ca 722BC), both periods of Assyrian captivity; 2012 is the 3rd period of Assyrian captivity.
One river fed the Garden of Eden; from there it divided into 4 Rivers: Pison, Gihon, Hiddekel and Euphrates. The Hiddekel, translated as Tigris flowed east of Assyria. After Cain killed Abel and lied to God about his knowledge of the art of killing, he was banished to Nod “Wandering” as a Vagabond, east of Eden ie to Assyria, the land of the “Rising Sun”. How many of today’s “Religions” are of Assyrian origin? All of them. They all deny the active influence of God through the Holy Ghost and therefore everyone in them, willingly or not, commits the only “Unforgivable Sin”.
Monophysite is derived from Mono: Alone, Single and Physis: Nature. The Assyrian Church is Monophysite, the doctrine denying God’s influence in the affairs of Man and acknowledging only one nature of Jesus Christ. From this foundation, the Chaldean Church changes the Word of God, delivered to Man through the Holy Ghost. Examples are the Syriac Peshitta, Vaticinus and all new bible versions based on BF Westcott and FJA Hort’s rendering of Greek texts from Alexandrian manuscripts 130 years ago; it is no coincidence Cain’s offspring had a 130 year reign before Seth was born either.
The New International Version (NIV), for example, omits 1 John 5:7 because it is Monophysite; in other words, Jesus cannot be One with the Father, Word and Holy Ghost. In this view, the Crucifixion ridded the world of the Holy Ghost and Monophysite religion took over, notably in the form of the Catholic Church under Constantine. The Commandment “Thou shalt not kill” is changed to “Thou shalt not murder” because killing for any reason places a person in transgression of the Law as James 2:11 states plainly. Denying Jesus is the sole mediator between God the Father and Man makes this error possible.
Religion and Salvation based on the Rising Sun is Chaldean aka Assyrian or Luciferian. Names include, “Chaldean Church of the East”; “Chaldean Orthodox Church”; “Chaldean Catholic (Catholic means Universal) Church”; they are all Assyrian, but there are more.
Hidden terms are “Jacobites” prominent in Syria and Scotland or in America going by the term “Presbyterian”. Kirkin O’ Tartan for example, is an annual Presbyterian celebration of Assyrian captivity and Israel’s treasonous pact with “Tartan” the Assyrian Army Commander. John Knox, father of the Scottish Presbyterian Church was a disciple of John Calvin, whose TULIP (Total Depravity, Un-conditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace and Pre-destination) are all Assyrian based lies; if one is to be a Christian “Crusader”, it pays to be pre-ordained for Heaven eh? Nice thought but a lie nonetheless.
Orthodox Judaism uses an 8 or 9 branched Menorah with the Assyrian sun-god “Shamash” as the center candle to commemorate the cleansing of the 2nd Temple on 25 Kislev by Judah Maccabee; Jewish? No, Assyrian.
Christians flock to Church on Easter, the name of the Chaldean “Ishtar” and Christmas to witness the birth of the Savior. Jesus Christ? No, the Assyrian “Solis Invictus”. Terms like Easter, Dawn, Vesper, Phosphorus and Lucifer are also Assyrian. Renaissance, Enlightenment and Illuminism are also Assyrian concepts, but so is the Sunni Baathist Party of Saddam Hussein and Syria’s Bashar al-Assad and the Italian Renaissance of Black Nobility. Sunni Baathists originated as Mono-physite Alawites. Maronite “Christians”, prevalent in Syria and Lebanon are also Monophysite; again, these are of Assyrian origin.
The Chi-Rho symbol is the Crowned Solar Messiah; this symbol not only points to the 2012 Solstice, but found a name in Cairo. Gypsies did not originate in Egypt, Greeks simply called the land and people worshiping Pharaoh as an incarnation of the sun and Priests of Heliopolis “On” by the name Aegyptus or “Land of Gypsies”. The modern version in Egypt is Coptic, a Greek rendering of “Gyptios” which means “native Monophysite Christian of Egypt. Sorry folks, there are no Monophysite Christians; only Born Again Christians of the Holy Spirit.
Orthodox means “Of the right or correct opinion”; derived from Ortho: Right, Straight, True; Dokein: To Seem and Dek: To accept. Orthodox Judaism is a mix of Kaballah, and Talmudic philosophy enforced by the Sanhedrin. Same Sanhedrin that ordered the Crucifixion of the only true Jew I know of, Jesus Christ. The banner of Moloch (Six Pointed Star) over Israel is the Assyrian banner of Marduk (Molech); all totaled, these have nothing in common with Old Testament Judaism based on the 10 Commandments and the Levitical Priesthood. Hard to imagine how this “Seems Right” within religions such as Syrian Orthodox, Armenian, Coptic or Jacobite Churches isn’t it.
Assyrian religion is the system Cain designed to return to the Garden of Eden; it may “Seem Right”, but it is not. Folks, it’s time to wake up and ask Jesus Christ for the Holy Ghost. There is only one way back and your must pass through Jesus Christ.