[frame_right][/frame_right]Labarum (Chi-Rho) is the Rx Alchemy Symbol (Man becoming god); an astrological clock reflected (viewed from the earth) as the Sun rising through the X formed by the Ecliptic (Sun, Moon, Planets) and Zodiac (Fixed Stars of the Milky Way). Worship of the Sun, Moon and Planets originated with the Sabians of Harran 4000 years ago; the Labarum is the timing God set in motion in Gen 1:14; the Labarum is therefore called by Gnostics (Sabians originated post flood Gnosticism in Ur “Chaldea” and then Harran on the Turkey/Syria border) “Heaven’s Gate”. No other date than 12/21/2012 could possibly fill this role; Art 24 “Covenant of One-Heaven” http://one-heaven.org/covenant/heaven_0240.htm lists this date as “Day of Divine Redemption” and provides an 18 (3 groups of 6) digit membership number for the New World Order ruled by “Symbols” “The world is ruled not by words or laws, but by symbols”-Confucius. the Labarum is the “Crowned Osiris” ie Sun.
The Quran lists Jews, Christians and Sabians as “People of the Book”; Sabah is Arabic for “Sunrise”; in Eze 8 God shows Ezekiel men with their backs to the Temple of the LORD facing east, worshipping the rising sun; this act caused the Glory of the LORD to depart the threshold where women wept for Tammuz (Tam=Purify; Muz=Fire). Egypt called Tammuz, Horus; the combination became the source of the name Hormuz where 40% of the world’s oil transits. Sabians are often considered converts to Islam (Muslim means One who Submits) where Allah is the 4000 year old Assyrian/Akkadian moon (reflection of the Sun) god “Sin”, a word denoting out of Covenant with God. the Masonic Axiom “Liberty, Fraternity, Equality” and “Freedom” all mean equality with God, fraternity among believers and Freedom of God’s Laws. Sabianism is therefore associated with “Shahada” (belief Muhammad is God’s prophet and Allah is God) and the Din of Noah (Din means Religion, Law and Judgment), today represented as 7 Noahide Laws or Sharia Law. Worship of Jesus is considered Blasphemy, punishable by death under these laws.
Obama proclaimed “A New Beginning for Islam” in Cairo (Cairo=Chi=Rho, the birthpalce of the Arab League ie Din of Noah) and bowed to Wahhabist Sunni King Abdullah (Abd=Servant; Ullah=Allah), yet signed the 2012 NDAA (Defense Authorization Bill) legalizing Sodomy and Bestiality as well as Extraordinary Rendition, torture and indefinite detention of US Citizens; the US Military are US Citizens.
On Jan 26th, an Atlanta Federal Court will hear the case for Obama’s Eligibility to serve as President and Commander in Chief; US Military authority to wage war rests solely with this eligibility and congressional war declaration. “We have never made the case Osama bin Laden had any involvement with 9/11”-Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld. The Libyan War was never authorized by Congress. Saddam Hussein was never been identified with Al Qaeda or 9/11; furthermore, he was a Carlyle Group investor with Bush Jr/Sr. The US Military is seen as “Rogue”, with the eligibility of the President in question. The Mormon White Horse Prophecy claims elders of the Mormon Church will save the Constitution which will be hanging by a thread; interesting that today John McCain backed Mitt Romney whose ancestor Parley Pratt wore an oath against this nation and the Gentile Race (Gentile means non Israelite) to the 4th genertation ie Mitt’s generation.
The US is sending Patriot missiles to the UAE; Blackwater (Mitt’s political advisor Cofer Black is a Blackwater founder) is training mercenaries for the UAE; the US is sending F-15’s to Saudi Arabia and Chairman of the Joint Chief’s of Staff Martin Dempey is headed to Israel ahead of a masive exercise, US troop deployment and THAAD and Aegis missile batteries to Israel in January. Iran has Russian N-22 Sunburn, Onyx anti-ship missiles, Zelzal-2 rocket artillery and 230 MPH super-cavitating torpedoes ringing the Persian Gulf, rendering all ships including aircraft Carriers “Floating Coffins”. Enough warning a Bad Moon is rising? FEMA is currently posting camp guard job openings at Civilian Inmate Detention Facilities.
When the President and Congress authorize torture and incarceration of its own citizens, abandons all morality within its military (Wiccan rituals is one thing; Bestiality is another), violates UN rules of war (Depleted Uranium, White Phosphorus) and neighbors become willing jailors of theri neighbors; it’s about as Rogue as one can get. If you want to be part of Israel (one who wretles with God) ask Jesus Christ; it was He who wrestled with Jacob and He who will restore Jacob’s 12 sons.”When men forget God, tyrants forge their chains”-Partick Henry Pretty prophetic eh?
you my friend have never heard of the celestial chi-rho…the labarium came from the pagan roman peace sign…the roman peace sign predates christianity… infact the cross at all comes from the egyptian ankh.or keys of life..worship sun gods..ever heard of the cross of lorraine very similar to the cross of atlantis who some claim it as a wormhole gateway..nothing more than pagan worship is what christianity is..sunday is sun worship from the horses mouth…they all worship the god of our solar sun…Mithra. the winter solstice born on dec 25 th just like jesus ……guess who is the god of easter it is ishtar…she is the reason for your seasons as venus is the morning star…AND IF YOU WANT ANY MORE EVIDENCE THERE IS NO FREAKING LETTER J IN GREEK HEBREW LATIN OR ARAMAIC …HEBREWS ARE NOT JEWS…..
The image actually shows the Greek letters chi and rho, the first two letters of the word “Christos” in Greek. Displayed with them are the Greek letters alpha and omega, which is how Jesus refers to himself in the biblical book of Revelation. The alpha-omega symbol was often displayed with the chi-rho, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_and_Omega
and it always referred to Jesus Christ.
Claiming this is some alchemical symbol is just idiotic.
you my friend have never heard of the celestial chi-rho…the labarium came from the pagan roman peace sign…the roman peace sign predates christianity… infact the cross at all comes from the egyptian ankh.or keys of life..worship sun gods..ever heard of the cross of lorraine very similar to the cross of atlantis who some claim it as a wormhole gateway..nothing more than pagan worship is what christianity is..sunday is sun worship from the horses mouth…they all worship the god of our solar sun…Mithra. the winter solstice born on dec 25 th just like jesus ……guess who is the god of easter it is ishtar…she is the reason for your seasons as venus is the morning star…AND IF YOU WANT ANY MORE EVIDENCE THERE IS NO FREAKING LETTER J IN GREEK HEBREW LATIN OR ARAMAIC …HEBREWS ARE NOT JEWS…
Cross of Lorraine, Cross of Free French Forces (Vichy Traitors a good example) or Double Cross is exactly what Jesus warned of “A man’s enemies shall be they of his own household” Cicero noted the same thing; Traitors inside the gates being far more dangerous than an army outside the gates.
The Infinity sigh below the Sulfur/Satan/Brimstone/Leviathan Cross refers to Satan eliminating the Millennium; what self respecting Satanist would believe a book delivered to an old man in a cave on a rock island in enemy territory 66 years after the Crucifixion that says Satan shall chained for a thousand years in the Bottomless Pit?
Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles and Circumcised on the 8th Great Day of Tabernacles because He represented fulfillment of the 7th Covenant, born on the 7th Holy Feast of the LORD; He was not born on Dec 25 and Circumcised on Janus 1; Constantine or rather his Druid mother and advisers decided to mingle Jesus birth with Horus, Mithras, Dionysus, Attis, Helios, Solis Invictus and the Evergreen Booths with the Evergreen Tree (Dan 10 warns against this; Lk 1; Mat 2 provide the information on the birthdate)
Sunday (Solis) is not the Sabbath and neither is Saturday (Saturn) all 7 days are rest of the LORD.
Easter was originally a fixed date of Mar 25 celebrating the death/resurrection of Horus, Tammuz, Attis, Mithras etc 260 days/9months prior to the annual Dec 25 birth. The day took on Ishtar, Oestre from a pronunciation of Ishtar as Easter and associated with Venus as the Eastern Star and Light Bearer Lucifer, called Allah (Manat and Uzza form the Trinity Sun-Moon-Venus) by Arabs who sold this lie
to Muslims
The J came to English with the 1611 translation of the Masoretic Texts; in Ps 68:4 JAH and Mat 1:25 JESUS represented a SPIRITUAL Covenant rather than Chiliasm, the false idea of installing a physical Jah/Jehovah on the Throne of a 3rd Temple. Satanists just don’t understand the idea of accepting JESUS into your heart to become the Temple of Flesh He once was. There is no Temple in the Millennium, Jesus returns and destroys everything in front of Him.
The celestial Chi-Rho or Labarum is the Cross made by the Ecliptic and Milky Way surmounted by the Celestial Pole aka Staurogram. It has nothing to do with Roman anything. The Peace Sign today is used n Witchcraft initiations, an upside down broken cross called Witch’s Foot
“The wise will understand and instruct many” The truth is unwavering and easy to understand; People will run to and fro; let them. Everyone is seeing the hypocrisy now, in one way or another. Just be solid in the word. Jesus didn’t mince words, why on earth should we. There is no middle ground; it’s either Hell or Heaven; recall the 2 thieves, one made it to heaven with Jesus, one did not, solely based on recognizing Jesus was God in the same predicament on the Tree
There is no middle ground, no 2nd chances and no purgatory.
Earth is fixed, no evolution, no gravity no chances to get it right after the Strong Delusion comes over the world.
Judgment is not based on what we know, it is based on knowing Jesus is God and on what we did with our gifts. Feel good Bull Shit on Sunday isn’t going to get anyone to Heaven.
I say follow what Jesus did, tip the tables over, drop the sword, call the liars “Wolves in sheeps clothes”, “Whited Sepulchres”, Vipers”, “hypocrites” etc. Polite doesn’t get people to heaven, truth does.
I am fed up with smiling liars in my kids school, in Government and in churches; why not raise your hand in Church and call a spade a spade.
Anyway, that’s my take