My best guess is 9/11/2015. Why? The 8th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses on Passover ends on Feast of Tabernacles Sept 28. Sunday (Dies Solis) Sept 13 will see a Solar Eclipse to end the 7th Shemitah and start of a Satanic Jubilee (50th year from 1966 “Anno Satanae” or “Year One”. Stock Markets are closed Sunday; Friday Sept 11, 2015? Check out US currency; it’s all “On the Money” and the “Love of Money is the root of all Evil”.
Cailtlin Jenner means Catharsis of the Family of John; John means “Jehovah has favored”; the New Covenant is purely SPIRITUAL through JEHOVAH, Hebrew JAH (Ps 68:4 KJV) and Greek JESUS (Mat 1:25 KJV) Waiting on a human Messiah? You are waiting on the Antichrist aka Beast. Catharsis means “Discharge of pent up emotion”. When? The Basilica of St John Lateran was dedicated to John the Baptist in the 10th and to John the Evangelist in the 12th centuries. The combination seen in St John the Divine. The Cathedral of St John the Divine features an idol of St George killing the Dragon standing atop a Crab representing Cancer (June 21-July 22); the crab seen with Satan’s severed head in its claw. This same St George Statue is also at the UN next to a Golden Globe giving birth to a much smaller Globe for a reason.
G-7 (G=7th letter; Liber 77: Book of the Goat) was held June 9-10. Topics: Relations with Russia; Fighting ISIS; TTIP; Ebola. Note: Russian Ship Mol Comfort split in half last June with 50,000 Tons or Russian weapons heading for ISIS.
“5th Congress (Congredi means “To meet for War”) of World Leaders and Traditional Religions” met in Astana, Kazakhstan June 10-11.Topics: Global Ethics, Inter-religious Dialogue, Peace and Security. “For when they shall say, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape” 1 Thess 5:3. Who’s the child? Antichrist. Bilderberg meets June 11-14 as the US Congress pushes forward with Fast Track Approval of TPP and TTIP.
Pope Benedict released Doves of Peace from the Vatican apartment a month before resigning; they were attacked by Ravens. The night he resigned the Papacy, lightning hit St Peter’s basilica Twice. Pope Francis was elected on 2 Nisan, (3/13/13) Red Heifer Day; the day commemorating the sacrifice of an unblemished Red Heifer whose ashes consecrate the Chief Priest and Cornerstone for the 1st, 2nd and soon the 3rd Temple.
Pope Francis released 2 Doves which were attacked by a Crow and a Seagull. Just coincidence? Guess again. Why 3/13? There are 313! in the KJV, the last dealing with the fall of Babylon. 3/13 is the anniversary of the 1st Muslim Battle of Badr with 313 loyal soldiers of Muhammad; when there are 313 loyal followers of Shia Islam today, al-Mahdi will re revealed.
5th Congress of World Leaders and Traditional Religions sounds a bit like the 5th Ecumenical Lateran Council 700 years ago. The final declaration was read by a Jesuit (Gesu) French (Free) Catholic (Universal) Cardinal (Cardo=Door) President of the Pontifical Council of Interreligious Dialogue named Jean (John) Louis (Famous in War) Pierre (Peter) Tauran (Bull) who also just happens to be Carmerlengo of the Catholic Church responsible for distribution assets of the Holy See and determination of death of the Pope. The Prophecy/Plan of St Malachy (Molech) may ring a Baal; Pope Francis I is the Last Roman Catholic Pope elected to preside over the burning of Rome. The symbol of the Carmerlengo is 2 Keys, one Gold and one Silver “Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. But in his estate shall he honour the God of Forces and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, silver, and with precious stones and pleasant things” Dan 11:37-38. God Particle and Transgender had better be ringing a Baal here folks.
Cardinal-Priest, Carmerlengo Tauran announced the election of Pope Francis on 13 Mar 13 and bestowed the Pallium “Wool Cloak”. 2015: Year of the Sheep appears on Silver Shield coins with 2 Wolves eating a Lamb. Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes ringing a Baal here? Carmerlengo is the “Administrator of the Papal Household” Jesus warned “A men’s foes shall be they of his own household” Mat 10:36. You may recall the movie Angels and Demons ended with the death of the Pope and self immolation of the Carmerlengo with an explosion of CERN Antimatter; the Blasphemous un-scientific material CERN will attempt to create Sept 24, 2015 on Feast of Atonement.
Jenner was Tel Aviv’s “Guest of Honor” at the Pride Festival June 12; Tel Aviv means “Mound of Deluge”. Jesus described Satan’s Family as a “House Divided against itself”; one such example is Jesuit, Luciferian Mason, Hospitaller, Bohemian Grove, Bilderberger, CFR Traitor John Kerry (Kohen) being shot twice meeting with Black Water and US State Department trained Tajikistan Police Captain turned ISIS Commander Gulmorod Khalimov in Switzerland May 31. Why not? In iraq alone, ISIS has some 2500 Humvees, 74,000 heavy machine guns, 52 M-1 Abrams Battle Tanks, and 14 Mobile Howitzers courtesy of the US. An International airlift on a French Military Helicopter to an awaiting C-17 Flying Hospital is a bit extreme for a broken leg riding a bike eh? Last June Kerry was waiting on a shipment of 50,000 Tons of Russian weapons aboard the Russian ship Mol Comfort in Saudi Arabia when it capsized.
Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, Jordan, UAE, the US all arm ISIS because ISIS is the Throne of the Black Virgin, the lap of Antichrist. The Theory of Everything (TOE) are the Toes of the “Great Image” in Dan 2:31 (Gold Head, Silver Breast and Arms; Brass Belly and Thighs; Iron Legs; Toes of Iron and Clay. Why Iron? The 4th Beast of Iron devours the entire world (Dan 7:7). The Theory of Everything is made up Jesuit Bull Shit. Iron is the center of the Periodic Table of Elements; even in theory, nuclear fusion cannot explain the creation of heavier elements than Iron. Below Iron the equations are Exothermic; above Iron is Endothermic meaning it takes more energy than is produced by Fusion. This was why Dark Matter was invented.
Jesuit Pope Francis, Vicarious Jesus on the Earth believes in the Big Bang, God Particles, Dark Matter, Alien Baptisms and Evolution; he will have Professor John Schnellnhuber, founder of the Potsdam Inst for Climate Impact Research and visiting Professor at Oxford University deliver his Encyclical (Teaching Paper) on Global Climate Change on June 18th, at the Vatican; the day is not coincidentally the start of Ramadan 2015.
Schnellnhuber believes Earth is overpopulated by 6 Billion people “The triumph of Science is knowing the carrying capacity of Earth is under 1 Billion people”; the Rosicrucian Georgia Guide Stones agrees with him. He advocates a Global Council and Planetary Court to enforce an Earth Constitution and Carbon limit for every person on Earth for those of us not wealthy enough to purchase Carbon Credits from Leonardo DiCaprio’s Carbon Sequestering Forest. The utter Blasphemous anything but Scientific Bull Shit here should be obvious. Plants need CO2 to create O2; Humans and Animals need O2 to create CO2 Temperatures increases are accompanied by Ocean evaporation increases; water vapor is lighter than air and rises to the saturation level where opaque, white, light reflecting clouds form which correct any imbalance; just say no to Jesuit Bull Shit!
Jesuits manufacture Bull Shit at the St John Lateran Basilica; Lateran means “Hidden Frogs” the unclean spirits of Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet; Jesuit Papal Encyclicals dome from the Cathedra “Teaching Seat”. “They worshipped and served the Creature more than the Creator who is blessed forever, Amen” Rom 1:25 Jesus refers to worshippers of the Creature (Creation) as Earth Dwellers beginning in Rev 13 at the start of the Great Tribulation. Folks, the last 1260 days are about here; time to get JESUS as your teacher!! He said “Go forth and multiply” not kill your neighbor for breathing.
Writings of Phoenician trained Carthage “Church Father” St Augustine in “City of God” were largely the basis of Islam and Zionism; ISIS is the Throne and WWIII will pit these forces against each other as planned in 1871. Grand Orient Masons such as Ayathollahs Ali Khonmeini, Ali Khameini, Ali Sistani and Hashemite King of Jordan Abdullah II are all initiated in Paris “House of Isis”. Ramadan means “Burn or Scorch”; June 18th celebrates the revealing of the Quran to Muhammad (and a dozen more Islamic milestones) by Angel Gabriel. Sodomy is also derived from CeDom “To Burn or Scorch”; Ritual Sodomy the initiation requirement for high level Mason, Jesuit and Templar initiations.
Catholic means “Universal”; Jesuits lead the Universal Church; Jesuits are the “Society of Gesu”; 7th Letter is the Masonic “G” for Grand Architect of the Universe and “G” for “God Particle”. The Jesuit Mother Church is the Basilica of St John Lateran. Outside is the world’s largest Obelisk dating from the Exodus. Inside are 7 Silver Altars, “Scala Sanctus” and the Lateran Cathedra.
Mother Church of all Churches Worldwide is the Basilica St John Lateran; Lateran means “Hidden Frogs”; The Hidden Frogs are the 3 Unclean Spirits in Rev 16:13 “Dragon, Beast, False Prophet Rev 12:9 further defines “Dragon, Serpent, Satan and Devil as the same entity. Paul further defines Satan as the “Angel of Light” 2 Cor 11:14. Lucifer means “Light Bearer”
In the Basilica is the Cathedra “Teaching Seat” atop the Scala Sancta (Steps Jesus took to receive Pilate’s Judgment) Pilate found no fault in Jesus; the Pharisees did. A Papal Encyclical is a “Teaching Paper” delivered by the person deemed the Vicar or Vicarious Christ on Earth. Pope Francis not only believes in Evolution , Big Bang, God Particles, Global Warning and Alien Baptisms, he believes Earth is overpopulated by 6 Billion people and wants a Global Council empowered to enforce Carbon Allowances.
June 18 is the start of Ramadan; under the Papal Cathedra is the Shahada “There is no God but Allah”.
The announcement of Prof Schnellnhuber delivering a speech in favor of the Encyclical was made on the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta, (June 15, 1215) a follow on to Man-made Laws in opposition to God’s Laws that began with Naram-Sin, grandson and successor to Sargon the Great of Akkad. This followed by Lipit-Ishtar and the Amorite Code of Hammurabi in Nimrod’s day. Cathars are the Church of Amor.
Amor means Love, the change in new bibles in 1 Cor 13 from Charity to Love reflects this. Charity is the esteem and regard for God. Jesuits have no regard for God and desire Freedom and Liberty from God instead.
The reason Family Guy and Married with Children predicted Caitlin Jenner is Caitlin means Katherine or Cathar; this being 700 years after the 5th Lateran Council which directly led to the Reformation under Martin Luther who declared the Pope was the Antichrist (Beast).
THE ROMAN POPE IS NOT THE ANTICHRIST/BEAST. This is Jesuit revenge pure and simple.
The Pope is carried of the Chair of St Peter; a misreading of Mat 16:18 declared Peter the Foundation Stone of the Catholic Church; Jesus’ Divinity is however the true Foundation. The Shadada “There is no god but Allah” is written under this chair. Above the Chair are usually Peacock Feathers carried by attendants representing Melek-Taus the Persian Peacock Angel worshipped by the Yezidis and Zoroastrians (Medeans).
Arguably, the Cathedra of Science is the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics at Cambridge once occupied Rosicrucian, Luciferian Mason Isaac Newton. Stephen Hawking means “Crown of Horus”; the God Particle allegedly gives Mass to Matter and Order to the Universe, If Hawking has survived ALS 45 years (usually a 2 yr death sentence) why does he appear on flight manifests of the “Lolita Express”, a B-727 owned by billionaire pedophile Jeff Epstein, traveling to a private island with underage male and female hookers servicing the likes of Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Henry Kissinger and the King of Saudi Arabia? Family Guy anticipated Caitlin Jenner and called out Stephen Hawking as a fraud, but it’s a cartoon, right?
Jesuits are the “Militia of Zeus”; Romans called Zeus, “Jupiter”; MERS CoV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus) was developed by Dr Ron Fouchier and the CDC into a Bio-weapon. Fouchier said “A virus of even moderately fatal proportion will become a plague of in-imaginable proportion” The WHO is issuing travel restrictions to South Korea due to an “accident” are the JUPITR Bio-warfare Project releasing MERS-CoV. The recent movie “Jupiter Ascending” is about human harvesting on a worldwide scale to create the “Elixir of Immortality” All coincidence?
The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius begins when the Vernal Equinox Sun rises in Aquarius; the Sphinx was made to sight the Vernal Equinox Sunrise between the Lion’s Paws; heralding Regulus? No way, that date would have been 8840 BC; Creation is not quite 6000 years old, not 12,000 years old. You may recall the movie “10,000 BC”; Hollywood loves to put out garbage for Sheeple consumption.
The Age of Aquarius is measured using Alpha Leo “Regulus” (ancient name Rex means “Law Giver”) at 1500 Ecliptic longitude west of the eastern boundary of Aquarius. Since each Astrological House is 300 we have 1800 or 1/2 of the Egyptian “Great Year”. “As Above; So Below” may ring a Baal,
Jesus is the “Lion of Judah” and Lawgiver “Shiloh” (Gen 49:10); this Lion is the Alternative Christ aka Antichrist or Beast.
According to IGN (Institut Geographique National France) Spring Equinox 2014 marked the start of the Age of Aquarius. Others measure 1500 as happening in 2011; either way Aquarius is here or getting very close.
A 2014 beginning of Aquarius, although debatable coincided with he start of the 8th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses on Passover in 2014. The Aquarius symbol was carved into the Gnomon Pillar at St Sulpice Cathedral in Paris (Par=House of IS or Islamic State) to mark the event. The Brass (3rd Beast Kingdom is Brass) Line or Rose Line figures prominently in French occult circles with the Holy Grail myth.
On Glastonbury Tor near London, Whollistic World Vision installed the Aquarian Cross featuring the Labrys (Fish Symbol) at the spot where the King Arthur/Knights of the Round Table (Constellations of the Zodiac) myth originated. Need more signs?
The Sun will hit the Brass oval at the Altar in St Sulpice on the Autumnal Equinox of Sept 22, 2015. September means 7th Month. Jesus was circumcised on the 8th day of Tabernacles the 7th month 23rd day which begins at Even on the 22nd day.
22/7 approximates Pi; the Circle of Heaven (Compass) brought to Earth (Square) is plainly visible to Masons. Rev 22:7 “Behold I come quickly”. 500 days earlier, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius warned of “Global Climate Chaos” on 9/22. Ain’t that a coincidence? NOT! Talmudic Rabbis will celebrate 9/22/2015 with Kol Nidre (All Vows) forgiving the Congregation of Sins and absolving Oaths for the coming year. Only Satan could dream up such Blasphemous garbage. Rest assured, God will not be causing this; rather Man delivering a Catharsis of sorts.
Enough to sit up and take notice but on Passover 2014, the Corner Stone on the English facing (one of 8 such stone faces) of the Georgia Guide Stones was removed and replaced by Blood on the Roof. The Rosicrucian monument calls for the killing of all but 500M people from Earth. Jesus said His return would be as the days of Noah were. Jesus is coming, of that you can be sure, but after an Alternative Messiah is presented and accepted.
Aquarius “Water Pourer” is symbolized by Ganymede, the beautiful Cretan youth abducted by Zeus in the form of an Eagle (Symbol of both God and Esau as well as the Americas; North, Central and South) to Mt Olympus for Pederastic Rearing if you will. The coming of the Alternative Messiah will be a falsification of the 2nd Coming of Jesus, similar to the “Days of Noe” (Noah) and the Flood. Seen any LGBT Rainbows or Flags lately?
April 25th is Robigalia (Robigus is the ambiguous trans-gender god of agriculture disaster equivalent with Mars/Aries/Nergal the UNKNOWN GOD of the Areopagus) Bruce Jenner announced his castration/sex/name change to Caitlin Jenner April 25, the same day CERN restarted, timed precisely with the Nepal Earthquake (Everest means Chumolomgmo or Earth Mother) in Kathmandu. (Note “Kath”).
2 separate episodes of Family Guy and one from Married with Children predicted the transformation of Caitlin Jenner over 6 years ago.
Pope Francis’ Focus on Marriage and Family Summit seems eerily similar eh? On the subject of Gay Catholic Priests “If a man is Gay and searches the Lord, who am I to judge?” Jenner means “Family of John”; Caitlin is derived from Catharsis “Discharge of Pent up emotions” Get ready; this discharge has been a long time coming, no pun intended.
Tel Aviv (Mound of the Deluge) invited Caitlin Jenner to be LGBT Guest of Honor for its June 12, 2015 Gay Pride World Festival. Tel Aviv is named after Tel Abib in Babylon, the city where Judah was held captive in Babylonian Exile. Think Judah returned to Tel Aviv in 1948? Guess again; Jesus (Shiloh means He whose it is) gathers Jews to the Holy Land at the 2nd Coming. These are the Rothschild-British fakes listed in 2 Ki 17:30 who replaced Israel. Pride Rock in the movie Lion King may come to mind.
Caitlin means “Pure”, seen in Catherine. St Catharine’s Monastery sits at the base of the fake Mt Sinai in the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt where the Syriac Peshitta was found in a trash can at the site Constantine I’s mother and Druid Princess Helena proclaimed the real Mt Sinai. It should have stayed there; the real Mt Sinai is in Saudi Arabia as Gal 4 states.
Geo-engineered, FEMA planned Hurricane Katrina (Katherine again) hit on the Feast Day of the beheading of John the Baptist precisely timed with a Gay Pride Event in New Orleans. On Sept 10, 2001 FEMA spokesman Tom Kennedy said FEMA had #1 priority, a Terrorist Act in NYC; #2 a Hurricane in New Orleans and #3 a massive Earthquake along the San Andreas Fault. Good call Tom!
Cathars “Pure Ones” taught castration/celibacy and had female priests. Female Anglican Reverends now want a name change of God to “She”. The Anglican Church is also considering re-baptism of Trans-gender persons. Scripture readings from the Queen James Bible perhaps?
Gay means “Happy”; Happy is a Welsh word meaning Wise. In America, citizens have no rights to Property, only Happiness. A lot of blissfully ignorant, Laodicean (Luke Warm) Americans may find themselves wishing they had known the Authorized Bible better one day soon.
It seems God was mistaken in His condemnation of Lesbian/Gay relations. Published Nov 5, 2012, just after CERN announced 99.99% proof of the “God Particle”, the Queen James Bible with its Rainbow Cross on White (Sinless) cover removes references to Homosexuality as a Sin in places such as Lev 18:22; Rom 1:27; 1 Cor 6:9; Jude 1:7; 1 Ti 1:10. Why a Rainbow? The Great Tribulation has 42 months of 30 days. Water drops divide, refract and reflect light at 420. 7 the number of perfection X 6 the number of man is 7X6=42. At the Rainbow Arch degree in Freemasonry, initiates commit the Unforgivable Sin by ritually Blaspheming the Holy Ghost. The new Name of God becomes Jah-Baal-On (Jahbulon), a Blasphemous combination of Jah-Baal and Osiris. Jah is not JESUS or JAH. The King James bible is the only Bible I know of to use JAH in Ps 68:4 and JESUS in Mat 1:25. Why? The New Covenant is strictly SPIRITUAL through the Holy Ghost; JESUS is the Holy Ghost; reject JESUS, you Blaspheme the Holy Ghost. It’s that simple.
America is not “Babylon” of Rev 18 anymore than the Roman Catholic Church is MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…”of Rev 17. They are the Scapegoats for the Alternative Messiah or “Antichrist”. When? 42 months before Jesus returns (Rev 19) When is that? When Creation is 6000 years old. “But beloved be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise…” Jesus promised to return when Creation is 6000 years old as promised in 2 Pet 3:8.
How old is Creation? God created the Sun, Moon and Stars for “signs, seasons, days and years” Gen 1:14. The Stellar Year and Solar Year differ slightly because the Flood produced mountains, causing axis precession (Wobble). 2160 years Aries to Pisces + 2160 years Pisces to Aquarius. Aquarius begins when Alpha Leo “Regulus” is 1500 Ecliptic longitude from Alpha Virgo “Spica”. That’s now. There were 1656 years with no Earth wobble before the Flood which is why God made sure we knew how many years it was from Creation to Flood. 1656 + 2160 + 2160=5976 years. Sargon the Great was named Legitimate King at 21, his Natal Zodiac at the cusp of Taurus and Aries. Add 21 years, the biblical age of Accountability or Adulthood and 2015 may very well be the start of Great Tribulation.
Signs? 8 Tetrads of Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles will end at Feast of Tabernacles on Sept 28, 2015. A Solar Eclipse on Sept 15 (Tishrei 15 is the 15th day of the 7th month and the real day of Jesus’ birth; He returns the day following the 7th Trumpet) 7/15/15 is “Feast of Trumpets” the Rabbinical Rosh Hashanah “Head of the Year” is not God’s “New Year”, rather the Rabbis who Crucified Him. These “Signs” were set in motion with the Flood. The 7th Tetrad accompanied the 6-Day War and founding of the Church of Satan on “Year One Satan”. This makes 2015 the 49th year. Odd enough, but this was exactly one Jubilee Cycle (7 Shemitas of 7 Years=49 Years, the 50th a Jubilee) ago. Occultists are watching, why aren’t you?
According to Global Warning enthusiast Pope Francis whose encyclical on man-made Global Climate Change is due June 18, 2015, God was also mistaken about “Go forth and Multiply”; He obviously left out Go forth and multiply until Global Warning destroys the environment and kills you”. Why June 18th? 6th month of the Roman calendar, 18th day, 2015 generates 6 Sixes (6 + 6+6+6 + 2 15’s or 2 6’s=6 6’s) This is reflected in the Seal of Solomon aka Hexagram or Six Pointed Star, the Star of Chiun, Molech, Saturn, Milcom. This flag or ensign of Molech is the Standard of Israel and Jerusalem. Jerusalem is called “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” in Rev 11:8. Salem being the Canaanite god equivalent with Venus as Evening Star.
“Remember, Remember the 5th of November” became the Jesuit rallying cry to kill King James; Why? For one thing, James was rounding up Witches. For another; in 1605, James assembled 54 men to translate the Inspired Texts; Jesuits led by Thomas Percy (Pierce as in Mother of Darkness, Barbara “Babalon” Pierce aka Barbara Bush may ring a Baal) attempted to kill James and blow up the British Parliament; Guy Fawkes took the fall and became the symbol of Anonymous. Anonymous to everyone but God it seems. Queen James proponents claim King James was homosexual and translated the Bible accordingly. BS! James had nothing to do with the KJV; it’s title is the Authorized Bible, the 7th Purified Word God promises in Psalm 12:6 and Jesuits know this. “Sex by 8 or its too late” Right Jesuit Fr Paul Shanley; founder of NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Ass)
Lateran means “Hidden Frogs”; the Lateran Basilica has the Papal Cathedra (Cath again) “Teaching Seat” of the Jesuits; the Frogs being the Jesuit Scapegoats for the 3 Spirits; Beast, False Prophet and Satan in Rev 12. Under the seat is the Shahada “There is no god but Allah; Allah being the Arab moon god Sin. Offspring of Sin? Shamash, the center candle of the 9 Branch Hanukkah Menorah created by the Maccabees. Shamash, the god of Justice, Law and Salvation wrote the Amorite (Cathars were the Church of Amor) Code of Hammurabi, Lipit-Ishtar and Naram-Sin (Sargon the Great’s father). Shamash “Helper or Servant” was worshipped in Babylon as Marduk, in Canaan as Baal Shamash, in Phoenicia Melqart, El or Saturn, by Philistines as Dagan, in Syria as Shemsu, in Egypt as Shemsu-Hor (Horites), in Persia and across the Roman Empire as Mithra (Priest Miters are Miters of Dagan) and Sumeria as Utu. Shamash is depicted slaying the Lion; Jesus is the Lion of Judah, thus Maccabean-Nabbattean-Pharisees ordered the Crucifixion of Jesus.
Pope Francis elevated Dominican (Order of Preachers) Fr Timothy Radcliffe to head the Pontifical Office of Justice and Peace; known for celebrating “Gay Mass”, Radcliffe says “Gay sex expresses Christ’s self gift” Lev 18:22; Rom 1:27; Jude 7 say differently. Radcliffe says “Gay Priests need not be excluded. Priests opposing this should be excluded”. Oxford University recently gave Most Reverend Radcliffe an honorary Doctor of Divinity.
Lesbian Rabbi Karen Bender says “Displaying the Hanukkah Menorah is the same as displaying the Rainbow Gay Pride Flag. Elton John’s song Daniel was about the scars that won’t heal, pain inflicted on same-sex couples.
Alfalfa (Alfalfa is Arabic for “Fresh Fodder”; Squires, Pages and Soldiers are the “Fresh Fodder”) Club President Bob Gates repealed “Don’t ask don’t tell” prohibiting openly gay from serving in the military. Ashton Carter mandated protections for LGBT persons in the military June 2015. As President of the Boy Scouts, Bob Gates now allows openly Gay Scout Masters as of June 2015. Nothing new, Theban, Spartan, Teutonic and Templar militaries were based on Pederasty; the Rearing (pun intended) of young boys seen in the Knight Templar Logo of a Man and a Boy on one Horse. Alfalfa is Horse Fodder after all.
Canada is about to remove Gender from Birth Certificates. Nothing new here either; the Gender Neutral New International Version, hidden in Today’s New International Version is promoted by Focus on the Family Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes James Dobson.
Pope Francis’ Focus on Family and Marriage Summit may seem like a great idea but remember Jesus warned “A man’s foes shall be they of his own household” Mat 10:36 Pope Francis believes in the Big Bang, Evolution, and Global Warming; as Vicar of Jesus he falls a bit short because there is no Vicarious Christ and certainly not one with his Cathedra (Teaching Seat) at St John Lateran (Hidden Frogs: Beast, False Prophet and Dragon). Pope Francis’ “Family” is physical, JESUS’ family is SPIRITUAL.
Evangelical Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes Tony Campolo said “After days of prayer, God told me full acceptance of homosexuals is necessary for the churches”. Homosexual or Anal Sex used in high level Jesuit, Masonic and Sufi Initiations is called Satan’s Sex.
Sodom and Gomorrah were melted and preserved as a record by God for “Abominations”. Sodom s derived from CeDom “To Burn or Scorch” both physically as well as spiritually as stated in Rom 1:27 “they burned in lust…” Sulfur and Brimstone are Sulfur, Magnesium and Aluminum, which ignites at white hot temperature (5000+F). Thermate Demolition Munitions were used as revenge on 9/11/2001 with the professional demolition of WTC #1; #2 and #7. Jet Fuel? No way. Thermite? No way, this was a planned event using US Patented demolition methods.
Caitlin Jenner is Tel Aviv Guest of Honor at the Pride Parade June 12 The sex reassignment highlighted in episodes of Married with Children and Family Guy. Think all this is just coincidence? Guess again.
Berlin ,where the Throne of Pergamon aka Satan’s Seat is housed, is installing unisex-transgender-intersex public restrooms, and like Vienna, crosswalks feature same-sex couples on lighted signs.
7 LGBT US Ambassadors called for the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership), TTIP (Trans-Atlantic Partnership) and TISA (Trade-In Services Agreement) agreements to reflect America’s Core Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Trans-gender Values. Globalization ie TTIP and TISA will be top on the agenda at Bilderberg 2015 at the Inter-alpen Tyrol Hotel in Austria June 11-14. What a coincidence! Congress will debate Fast Track Authority for TPP, TISA and TTIP coincident with Bilderberg 2015. Here is a partial attendee list
War Fodder supplier Henry Kissinger and his underling Benghazi ISIS arming traitors Gen John Allen (Jill Kelly trist; yeah sure) and Gen David Petraeus, Domestic spy Eric Schmidt (Google), 9/11 Architect Richard Perle and NATO WWIII architect Jens Stoltenberg all there to guide humanity and the Hillary Clinton Presidential express.
Foreign Corporations and their hand picked Lawyers enforcing Sodomy Laws in the United States? Sure, POTUS is a Foreign Sodomite living with a Trans-gender/Cross-dresser not sworn to defend the US Constitution by a Jesuit trained LGBT lawyer who is also SCOTUS Chief Justice presideing over a Bench with 2 Lesbian Justices, Kagan was Obama’s Solicitor General and Harvard U guardian for Pete’s sake! “One Nation Under God”? Now you know who the real God behind the All Seeing Eye hovering over the Pyramid is.
The CONSTITUTION FOR THE UNITED STATES is not the original Constitution of the United States; the change made by Sodomite Skull & Bones Chief Justice Morrison Waite following the Civil War. Plans for WWIII to pit Zionism versus Islam were also publicized by Sodomite Confederate Luciferian Mason Albert Pike on the Feast Day of Lucifer Aug 15, 1871. Confederate President Jeff Davis’ New Confederacy in Texas is beginning now. On June 12th Univ of Texas grad and fake paraplegic (Hawking isn’t the only actor out there) Gov Greg Abbott announced the creation of a Gold/Silver Bullion Depository with $1B in Gold Bars; when Gold goes ballistic with respect to the paper $US currency Texas will be the new US Capital. You see, Texas is not subject to the US Constitution which is why a Texas Magistrate Judge declared BITCOIN legal tender last year; now Gold will return and as the Rothschild motto states “He who has the gold makes the rules”; it was an Edomite Civil War then as it will be today.
Alfalfa Club “2015 Man of the Year” award went to Henry Kissinger “Soldiers are dumb stupid animals to be used as fodder in our wars” “Control oil you control nations. Control food, you control people”. Hunger Games anyone? Fukushima radiation is killing the Pacific Ocean food supply. The base of the food supply Phyto and Zoo-Plankton are being killed off with X-Band Radars (SBX-1 is stationed in Pearl Harbor; this is essentially New Pearl Harbor) which open holes in the Ozone layer allowing UV Radiation to destroy every living thing in its path. CA drought is also caused by X-Band radars; aquifer depletion is causing the CA Central Valley to subside and FEMA, NOAA and the US Navy are planning for exactly that. Deep Water Horizon Methane has never stopped dissolving the Salt Dome overlying perhaps the world’s largest oil deposits near the New Madrid Fault and yes, FEMA, NOAA and the US Navy have maps planning for the inundation of 20M people from New Orleans to St Louis.
Melchisedekians (Mormons are a big part of this) wait the arrival of “Prince Melchisedek” at the 10th Jubilee (500 years) from the 5th Lateran Council 1512-1517 which started the October 31 “Halloween” Protestant Revolution of Martin Luther; Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes Martin Luther declared the Pope was the Antichrist. THE JESUIT POPE IS NOT THE ANTICHRIST; ONLY THE SCAPEGOAT
Hunger Games star Catniss (Catniss=Catherine and Sagittarius “Archer”) Everdeen’s father said “Find yourself and you will never go hungry”; Geo-engineered California drought; Fukushima Radiation induced Ocean die-off and a Bird Flu Emergency culling of millions of poultry tends to cause food shortages. Jupiter rules Sagittarius; the word Sagitta means Penis or Obelisk and serves as the root of Intoxication or Poison (Whore of Babylon drunk with the blood of Saints may ring a Baal), Scuttle (Jade Helm: Jade the Stone of Imperial China=Sina=Sin=Allah=Wilderness=Heth=Cathay=Hittites; Helm=Steer a Ship ie Scuttle), Shoot Arrows (symbol of Jade Helm is crossed arrows, sword and wooden shoe used in concentration camps), and Scire “To Know”, the root of Science. Scripture calls Science “Chaldean Language” and “Vain Babblings” (Dan 1:4; 1 Tim 6:12. Want to vote for someone to fix this treason? Sorry SCYTL (Scuttle) controls the voting.
Pope Francis teaches Big Bang Theory, derived from Sumerian/Egyptian theology. Sumerian Enki (Earth/Sky) masturbates to form the Tigris “Arrow River” of the Universe. Same in Egypt where the same god “Atum (Atom) masturbates the Nile (Milky Way) and the Universe into existence. The God Particle gives Mass to Matter and Order to the Universe according to CERN. Tigris means “Arrow River”. How does Hunger Games look now?
Queen Elizabeth II claims the title “Queen of Jerusalem”; Jesus is Melchisedek “King of Jerusalem” so the Blasphemy is evident. William and Katharine’s wedding in a forest of trees at Westminster Abbey by Anglican- Druid Rowan Williams special because Kate (Cath) is a man who underwent sex reassignment surgery like Caitlin Jenner; the fake pregnancy covered up by Royal Gynecologist Dr Alan Farthing who murdered news anchor Jill Dando after the Jimmy Saville scandal broke. No sense letting Chateau Amerois “Castle of Kings” and the ritual sacrifice of an innocent child every day get in the way of the New World Order eh? British means B’Rith or Birthright Covenant. That being Cain, Canaan, Joktan (Arabs), Ishmael and Esau.
Cathar means Cath=Sons of Heth=Hittites (sons of Canaan) whose wives married Ishmael and Esau, symbolized by the Hittite Red Dragon (Satan=3rd Frog Spirit) in China=Sina=Sinai=Wilderness of Sin, original home of the Alternative Priesthood of the Korahites God swallowed in the Earth (Num 16). Fake Priests, Fake Mt Sinai making sense now?
Think Chaldeans have forgotten and forgiven God for the Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, Thera (Santorini), Korahite burial, Mt Carmel (450 Prophets of Baal burned) Pompeii, Templar executions? Guess again. Jesus returns to destroy them one final time and they all know it (Ref Obadiah).
2015: Year of the Sheep
“Behold I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves” Mat 10:16
2015 is the UN “Year of Light”; 2015 is also CERN “Year of Light”. Both have their Big Days coming up Sept 22-27.
Lunar (Moon=Allah=Sin) Silver Shield has named 2015 the “Year of the Sheep”
There are 7 Silver Altars in St John Lateran for a reason Scapegoats are trained to lead Sheep to the Slaughter. If your bible has Azazel (Goat that Departs) in Lev 16:8-10 instead of Scapegoat, you are reading a Luciferian/Edomite version. Scapegoats have Red painted legs; Esau is Edom=Red the other Sheep can’t see because they are color blind. Followers of JESUS are blind to Satan’s clever devices until they ask JESUS for the Holy Ghost. “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing” are on the altar at your favorite Church, Mosque and Synagogue. Bee Careful; Bee means “Word” in Chaldee.
“Democracy is 2 Wolves deciding what’s for dinner” Benjamin Franklin. “Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf…” Gen 49:27 Ravin means “Seize upon” Franklin means “Free”.
Ben Franklin was a 330 Luciferian Mason, Hellfire Club Initiate (remains of several ritually tortured/sacrificed children were found under the kitchen floor and radio-carbon dated to the time he lived in Trafalgar Square house), Rosicrucian and Traitor. Franklin and British Freemason/Astrologer Ebeneezer Sibly decided on July 4, 1776 as the Birthdate of America because of a rare 5 planet occultation by the Sun. CERN (Cernunnos=Horned One) decided on July 4, 2012 as the date to announce 99.99% proof of the “God Particle”. On the Silver Coin are 2 Wolves devouring a Sheep, on the back is one lone Sheep Dog howling a warning; Can you hear it?
“The fining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold: but the LORD trieth the hearts” Prov 17:3 On American gold coins was the Phoenix (Pa Hanok or House of Enoch), a mythical Arabian bird which connects Egypt with Arabia by self-immolation in the flames every 500 years. The Prince Melchisedek scroll 11Q13 says “After 10 Jubilees, Prince Melchesedek will return” Jesus is Melchisedek, this one will be the Antichrist.
It’s perch in Heliopolis Egypt was the Ben-ben or Pyramidion, the capstone of the 13 courses in the Pyramid on the $US. Pyramid means “Amid the Flames”. Fining Pots separate silver using a hole in the ground. Ben Franklin design map of the 1st 13 colonies connected by a segmented serpent and the slogan “Join or Die”; the serpent was also used on America’s 2nd Flag in 1776; the first was an Evergreen Tree identical to Lebanon (Phoenicia) and the Ismaili dictatorship of Qatar. The 3rd Flag was also a Masonic Flag of 13 “Hexagons”, 6 Pointed Stars of Molech arranged in a circle (the Betsy Ross Flag was later changed to 5pt Stars; a bit too obvious with Stars of Molech, Chiun, Chemosh, Saturn.
A Hex is a Curse used in Witchcraft (Masonry is called Craft); 2015 is the Masonic Year of the Sheep when Wolves intend to seize their prey and divide the spoils.
At the Denver Airport is a Nazi soldier in a gas mask, carrying a Scimitar Sword standing above an ore cart with Au Ag, the symbols for Gold and Silver? Perhaps, but Australian Antigen is a man-made plague that goes by the same symbol.
“Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves”. The Dove symbolizes the Holy Ghost, but the Dove is also used by Samaritans impersonating Jews and Christians; Simon Magus may ring a Baal. The New Covenant is made solely through the Holy Ghost; JESUS is the Holy Ghost (Ref 1 Jn 5:7 KJV) “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified 7 times” Ps 12:6 That Word is also JESUS purified 7 times with the Authorized Bible aka KJV. Don’t have one? Get one!
When Pope Benedict XVI released a dove 1 month before he resigned; Lightning hit St Peter’s Basilica twice that night and a Raven attacked the dove. When Pope Francis I released 2 doves from the same window 1 yr later, a Seagull and Raven attacked the doves. The message is clear, the Holy Ghost will soon be removed from Earth as Leonardo da Vinci depicted in the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel (God and Man separated by a Crack); Francis means Free; this is the goal of Gnostics and 2015 is the year. Are you SPIRITUALLY ready to be tried in the “fiery trial”? (Ref 1 Pet 4:12) You had better get ready.
Scapegoats lead Sheep to the Slaughter. If your bible has Azazel (Goat that Departs) in Lev 16:8-10 instead of Scapegoat, you are reading a Luciferian version. Scapegoats have Red painted legs; Esau is Edom=Red the other Sheep can’t see because they are color blind. Followers of JESUS are blind to Satan’s clever devices until they ask JESUS for the Holy Ghost. “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing” are on the altar at your favorite Church, Mosque and Synagogue.
A giant FC Koln (German Soccer Club) “1.FC” Billy Goat Logo was put up on the Hoover Dam 5/29/2015
The $50 Bill shows the Hoover Dam being destroyed and Hoover Dam was a focus in the Transformer Movies. They installed the Hoover Dam By-pass Bridge so traffic can transit even with a Dam failure.
The $20 shows the Twin Towers and Pentagon being hit exactly as they were on 9/11/2001.
The $10 shows the AP Murrah Bldg being blown up exactly as it was on April 20, 1995.
The $100 shows a Missile, Radiation and Tidal Wave hitting New York.
US Gold Coins have the Phoenix on them. Pa Hanok means House of Enoch. Cain’s Enoch not Seth’s.
2015 Silver Shield Coins have 2 Wolves eating a Lamb with “Year of the Sheep”
On the new “Game Show” “500 Questions” with CNN Liar Richard Quest, the question “What did CERN detect on July 4, 2012? (America’s Birth was selected in 1776 based on Sabaean Astrology, a 5 planet occultation by the Sun) was answered “God Particle” at 6.66Sec.
CERN uses a stylized 666 Logo.
The moment CERN started up at full power, the Nepal Earthquake occurred with an Earth Sciences team from Cambridge (Stephen Hawking’s Lucasian Math Chair) in place briefing residents on “The Big One” when it hit.
When CERN began particle collisions on May 29, San Andreas the movie made its debut as 2 giant earthquakes occurred on the Aleutian Is and off the coast of Japan.
CERN is not causing this; EM weapons are and CERN is being set up to be the Scapegoat for “Earth will reel to and fro as a drunkard” Is 24:20
CERN starts full power particle collisions on Feast of Atonement the day after Kol Nidre forgives the Satanic (Edomite) Congregation of Sins they plan to commit the following year.
Jesuit Pope Francis I will be in Philadelphia (Synagogue of Satan/City of Brotherly Love=Edomites) for the final Lunar Eclipse of the 8th Tetrad and start of the Satanic Jubilee 50 years after the Church of Satan was founded in 1966 coincident with the 7th Tetrad..
A Billy Goat on the Hoover Dam? May as well have put a Flag with all 50 Stars Upside down like Hillary did
“…their backs toward the temple of the LORD and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east” Eze 8:16 Sabah means Sunrise and the goal is to piss God off enough for Him to depart as He has done twice already. When the Spirit of the LORD departs for a 3rd Time All Hell will break loose.
3rd Beast “Dominion” of Esau (Dan 7:6); in the Pacific (Pacific means Peace; Peace Sign is the Broken Jew, used in Witchcraft to Blaspheme the Holy Ghost; turning a Cross upside down, urinating on it and rejecting JESUS tends to do that sort of thing) centers on Spratly Is in South China (China=Cathay=Cathar=Hittite) Sea, part of the Ismaili-Edomite Kingdom of Sulu and Sabah. Sabaeans of Haran were/are Planetary Astrologers; Sabah means “Sunrise”. Sulu? Funny how Lt Sulu navigated the Enterprise eh? Inthe Indian Ocean the Kingdom of Ormus (Snake) is an Ismaili Dictatorship as well, sitting at the Straits of Hormuz (Horus=Horites; Tammuz). Most of the world’s Oil transits these choke points; Oil is the Old French word for Oui, thus the Language of Yes. “Yes We Can” is Obama’s mantra and means “Thank You Satan”. It also refers to Oc or “Sight” and Languedoc “Language of Oc”. Ouissex is “Bird”, thus it is the Enochian “Language of Birds” aka “Green Language”.
The Cult of Subud began in Indonesia in the 1920’s as part of Sulu and Sabah under Mohammad Subuh Sumohadwidjojo (another candidate for Obama’s real father with Malcolm X (Bari Malik Shabazz).
Subud uses the Seven Pointed Star Logo; in Witchcraft tand or Druid his Star is the Elven or Farie Star representing the 7 Planets used in Sabaean (Sabaeans of Haran) Astrology (Planetary Astrology). It represents the 7 Covenants between God and Man, the 7th being the “Law”. It is also the Ensign (Flag/Standard) of Hashemite Jordan, the Idumean capital of Edom and their prophesied “Dominion”. This Dominion began taking shape in Egypt with Priests of On (Horites or followers of the Solar Christ “Horus”) after Moses was given the 10 Commandments on Mt Sinai in Arabia (not Egypt silly!). The Alternative Korahite Priesthood (Num 16) formed at this time and continues to this day; Jesus refers to them as “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes” aka Priests, Imams, Rabbis etc. Christmas and Easter are Edomite Holy Days folks!
The Cult has “Regional Helpers” like recently murdered? Loretta Fuddy, facilitator of the Obama Hawaii Birth Certificate Forgery and subsequent Cult leader in Seattle. Subud Cult followers are encouraged to join Judaism, Christianity and Islam in public as were Cryptos 500 years ago. The goal of Subud is the “Life Force of God” (CERN calls this the God Particle) referred to as Great Life Force, Power of God and Regulatory Order of the Universe. These are the same goals CERN has and Sept 24 “Feast of Atonement” is D-Day.
The God Particle is claimed to give Mass to Matter in the Atom, so named after the Egyptian creator Atum as well as giving Order to the Universe (Gravity Strings, Membranes) or as fraud Stephen Hawking calls M-Theory “P-Brane”. God will not find this humorous in the slightest, and no this is not a joke. Horus is the Hawk headed God; Son of the Sun if you will on the lap of his mother Isis (Throne) aka “Black Virgin”. Not Black Skin, but Dark Matter; Astrophysics calls Isis a “Black Hole”. Stephen means “Crown”, literally the Crowned Horus.
Chaldean Konn-Tors (Priests of the Torriod ie Magnetic Field) came to Egypt as Priests of On (Heliopolis “City of the Sun”) aka Shemsu-Hor (Horus worship being the source for Chanukah and Christmas aka Saturnalia and the Six Pointed Star of Saturn). From Egypt to Haran as Sabaeans of Haran (Solar Priests; Haran being Abraham’s elder brother/Lot’s father ie Ammonites and Moabites) Edomites, Ammonites and Moabites escape the hand of Antichrist (God of Forces) in Dan 11; God of Forces being CERN’s “God Particle” which purports to give Mass to Matter at the Atomic (Atum is the Supreme Egyptian god=Atom) Level via Gravity and Order to the Cosmos via Gravity Strings (Super Strings, Dark Matter). This final Blasphemy will occur Sept 24, 2015.
Chaldean Priests (Pharisees) ordered the Crucifixion of God in Flesh; today they are Zionists set to wage World War III with the other side of the Chaldean “Dialectic” Islam; all sides managed by Jesuits managing their Sovereign Masonic dupes.
WWIII in the Pacific (Peace; Peace Sign is the Broken Jew used in Witchcraft Initiations) Spratly Is mean “One who comes from Sproatley”; Sproatley is Yorkshire, Britain; British means “B’Rith” or Birthright Covenant. Ismail and Edom rejected this Covenant; Isaac and Jacob did not. Time to choose sides; Hint: Stay on the Porch with Judah nor the Altar with Ephraim/Israel (Eze 17; Rev 11). Gen 27:39-41 KJV states Esau is Wealthy (Fatness of the Earth) and Priests (Dew of Heaven); Ishmael controls Commerce (Malacca St, South China Sea) and Straits of Hormuz; respectively the Kingdom of Sulu-Sabah and Ormus (Sunrise-Snake)
Sproatley has “Righful Heirs” in Romania (Chaldean Gypsies ie Romani or Romanichal); these are the same Chaldeans, Dom, On, Sabah, Sulu “Vampires” who make their fortunes off Blood; the spilled Blood of Wars they create. ISIS “Throne” is the Throne of Antichrist aka “Satan’s Seat” (Pergamon) moved from Pergamos (Turkey) to Berlin under the Quadriga of Apollo (Apollyon/Abaddan means “Destroyer”. Shiva also means “Destroyer” hence God Particle physicists at CERN walk passed Shiva everyday. Nepal was hit with an EM created Earthquake the moment CERN started up; in Sept CERN will finish the job timed with Pope Francis I visit to America (Ameru=Serpent; Amar=Canaanite god of the setting sun; Shalom in Hebrew “Peace” aka Lucifer/Vesus “Evening Star”)
Satan’s Seat is the Throne of Zeus; Zeus was mythically born on Crete hence the self stylized moniker “Cretan” (Liars, Evil Beasts, Slow Bellies in Titus). Europe the name associated with Europa, Cretan mother of the MInotaur (Bull); the same Apis (Honey Bee=Chaldean Word=Bullshit) Bull, Golden Bull of Dan (Judge) and Beth-el (House of El/Saturn) Wall St Bull No more obvious Cretans than British Royalty, King Abdullah (Servant of Allah), Jordan’s Edomite Nintendo junkie King Abdullah II, Mr and Mr Obama, Sultan of Brunnei (Sabah) etc.
The Dannite Judges of America will end up being Mormons (Mormo “God is the Graveyard; King of the Ghouls) who allegedly came from Nimrod (Babylon) to America with Ishmaelite women claiming Dannite lineage. “Limited Atonement” refers to the shedding of one’s blood for not accepting Antichrist rule. Iran-Contra drug for weapons money launderer Mitt Romney (Romanichal Gypsy of Norman descent) knows well America is accounted in the Doomsday Book, lands claimed by Normans such as the Vikings (6-Kings), part of the original Donation of Constantine and his Druid mother Helena. The White Horse Prophecy refers to Mitt “The one mighty and strong, clothed in light who will usher in the One” White Horse is also called Blood in the Streets Prophecy.
Chaldeans will seek Revenge for the Flood (Line of Cain), Sodom and Gomorrah, Thera, Crete, 10 Plagues, Red Sea, Battle of Qadesh, Phillistine destruction (Samson Option is killing everyone; North Georgia Guide Stones call for killing all but 500M; Jesus said unless He shortened those days no flesh would remain), 1st and 2nd Temple destruction, International Banker expulsion from all 160 nations, Templar Arrests, deMolay execution, Alhambra Decree (Cryptos/Marranos came to America murdering 10’s of millions with disease).
Al-Qaeda means “Solid Foundation”; ISIS means “Throne” they are one in the same mythical enemy whose goal is adherence to Sharia Law (Revealed Law of Shahar “Morning Star” Lucifer) “Recite aloud “There is no God but Allah” and mean it, and Hell for eternity awaits.
Followers of JESUS are not battling Flesh and Blood enemies; Jesus won that battle already. Followers of JESUS are fighting a SPIRITUAL Battle. The only weapon available is a One on One relationship with JESUS via the Holy Ghost and His Word, the Authorized Bible (KJV) minus Study Notes or any “Private Interpretation”. No Rapture, No Israel Dispensation, No 7 Yr Tribulation (Daniels’s 70th Week is 7 Days not 7 Years). Daniel’s 70 Weeks (Dan 9:24-27) is 490 Days not the convoluted mess your Study Bible Notes claim. Dan 8 “2300 Days” is already here. You need to be in your Prayer Closet asking JESUS for help and you need to do this now. Your Priest, Pastor, Rabbi, Guru, Master and Imam are “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes”.
Holy means “Separate” not “Congregate” Time to Get Out, before the greatest sacrifice in human history begins at the Altar of Antichrist.