My best guess is 9/11/2015. Why? The 8th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses on Passover ends on Feast of Tabernacles Sept 28. Sunday (Dies Solis) Sept 13 will see a Solar Eclipse to end the 7th Shemitah and start of a Satanic Jubilee (50th year from 1966 “Anno Satanae” or “Year One”. Stock Markets are closed Sunday; Friday Sept 11, 2015? Check out US currency; it’s all “On the Money” and the “Love of Money is the root of all Evil”.
Cailtlin Jenner means Catharsis of the Family of John; John means “Jehovah has favored”; the New Covenant is purely SPIRITUAL through JEHOVAH, Hebrew JAH (Ps 68:4 KJV) and Greek JESUS (Mat 1:25 KJV) Waiting on a human Messiah? You are waiting on the Antichrist aka Beast. Catharsis means “Discharge of pent up emotion”. When? The Basilica of St John Lateran was dedicated to John the Baptist in the 10th and to John the Evangelist in the 12th centuries. The combination seen in St John the Divine. The Cathedral of St John the Divine features an idol of St George killing the Dragon standing atop a Crab representing Cancer (June 21-July 22); the crab seen with Satan’s severed head in its claw. This same St George Statue is also at the UN next to a Golden Globe giving birth to a much smaller Globe for a reason.
G-7 (G=7th letter; Liber 77: Book of the Goat) was held June 9-10. Topics: Relations with Russia; Fighting ISIS; TTIP; Ebola. Note: Russian Ship Mol Comfort split in half last June with 50,000 Tons or Russian weapons heading for ISIS.
“5th Congress (Congredi means “To meet for War”) of World Leaders and Traditional Religions” met in Astana, Kazakhstan June 10-11.Topics: Global Ethics, Inter-religious Dialogue, Peace and Security. “For when they shall say, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape” 1 Thess 5:3. Who’s the child? Antichrist. Bilderberg meets June 11-14 as the US Congress pushes forward with Fast Track Approval of TPP and TTIP.
Pope Benedict released Doves of Peace from the Vatican apartment a month before resigning; they were attacked by Ravens. The night he resigned the Papacy, lightning hit St Peter’s basilica Twice. Pope Francis was elected on 2 Nisan, (3/13/13) Red Heifer Day; the day commemorating the sacrifice of an unblemished Red Heifer whose ashes consecrate the Chief Priest and Cornerstone for the 1st, 2nd and soon the 3rd Temple.
Pope Francis released 2 Doves which were attacked by a Crow and a Seagull. Just coincidence? Guess again. Why 3/13? There are 313! in the KJV, the last dealing with the fall of Babylon. 3/13 is the anniversary of the 1st Muslim Battle of Badr with 313 loyal soldiers of Muhammad; when there are 313 loyal followers of Shia Islam today, al-Mahdi will re revealed.
5th Congress of World Leaders and Traditional Religions sounds a bit like the 5th Ecumenical Lateran Council 700 years ago. The final declaration was read by a Jesuit (Gesu) French (Free) Catholic (Universal) Cardinal (Cardo=Door) President of the Pontifical Council of Interreligious Dialogue named Jean (John) Louis (Famous in War) Pierre (Peter) Tauran (Bull) who also just happens to be Carmerlengo of the Catholic Church responsible for distribution assets of the Holy See and determination of death of the Pope. The Prophecy/Plan of St Malachy (Molech) may ring a Baal; Pope Francis I is the Last Roman Catholic Pope elected to preside over the burning of Rome. The symbol of the Carmerlengo is 2 Keys, one Gold and one Silver “Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. But in his estate shall he honour the God of Forces and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, silver, and with precious stones and pleasant things” Dan 11:37-38. God Particle and Transgender had better be ringing a Baal here folks.
Cardinal-Priest, Carmerlengo Tauran announced the election of Pope Francis on 13 Mar 13 and bestowed the Pallium “Wool Cloak”. 2015: Year of the Sheep appears on Silver Shield coins with 2 Wolves eating a Lamb. Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes ringing a Baal here? Carmerlengo is the “Administrator of the Papal Household” Jesus warned “A men’s foes shall be they of his own household” Mat 10:36. You may recall the movie Angels and Demons ended with the death of the Pope and self immolation of the Carmerlengo with an explosion of CERN Antimatter; the Blasphemous un-scientific material CERN will attempt to create Sept 24, 2015 on Feast of Atonement.
Jenner was Tel Aviv’s “Guest of Honor” at the Pride Festival June 12; Tel Aviv means “Mound of Deluge”. Jesus described Satan’s Family as a “House Divided against itself”; one such example is Jesuit, Luciferian Mason, Hospitaller, Bohemian Grove, Bilderberger, CFR Traitor John Kerry (Kohen) being shot twice meeting with Black Water and US State Department trained Tajikistan Police Captain turned ISIS Commander Gulmorod Khalimov in Switzerland May 31. Why not? In iraq alone, ISIS has some 2500 Humvees, 74,000 heavy machine guns, 52 M-1 Abrams Battle Tanks, and 14 Mobile Howitzers courtesy of the US. An International airlift on a French Military Helicopter to an awaiting C-17 Flying Hospital is a bit extreme for a broken leg riding a bike eh? Last June Kerry was waiting on a shipment of 50,000 Tons of Russian weapons aboard the Russian ship Mol Comfort in Saudi Arabia when it capsized.
Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, Jordan, UAE, the US all arm ISIS because ISIS is the Throne of the Black Virgin, the lap of Antichrist. The Theory of Everything (TOE) are the Toes of the “Great Image” in Dan 2:31 (Gold Head, Silver Breast and Arms; Brass Belly and Thighs; Iron Legs; Toes of Iron and Clay. Why Iron? The 4th Beast of Iron devours the entire world (Dan 7:7). The Theory of Everything is made up Jesuit Bull Shit. Iron is the center of the Periodic Table of Elements; even in theory, nuclear fusion cannot explain the creation of heavier elements than Iron. Below Iron the equations are Exothermic; above Iron is Endothermic meaning it takes more energy than is produced by Fusion. This was why Dark Matter was invented.
Jesuit Pope Francis, Vicarious Jesus on the Earth believes in the Big Bang, God Particles, Dark Matter, Alien Baptisms and Evolution; he will have Professor John Schnellnhuber, founder of the Potsdam Inst for Climate Impact Research and visiting Professor at Oxford University deliver his Encyclical (Teaching Paper) on Global Climate Change on June 18th, at the Vatican; the day is not coincidentally the start of Ramadan 2015.
Schnellnhuber believes Earth is overpopulated by 6 Billion people “The triumph of Science is knowing the carrying capacity of Earth is under 1 Billion people”; the Rosicrucian Georgia Guide Stones agrees with him. He advocates a Global Council and Planetary Court to enforce an Earth Constitution and Carbon limit for every person on Earth for those of us not wealthy enough to purchase Carbon Credits from Leonardo DiCaprio’s Carbon Sequestering Forest. The utter Blasphemous anything but Scientific Bull Shit here should be obvious. Plants need CO2 to create O2; Humans and Animals need O2 to create CO2 Temperatures increases are accompanied by Ocean evaporation increases; water vapor is lighter than air and rises to the saturation level where opaque, white, light reflecting clouds form which correct any imbalance; just say no to Jesuit Bull Shit!
Jesuits manufacture Bull Shit at the St John Lateran Basilica; Lateran means “Hidden Frogs” the unclean spirits of Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet; Jesuit Papal Encyclicals dome from the Cathedra “Teaching Seat”. “They worshipped and served the Creature more than the Creator who is blessed forever, Amen” Rom 1:25 Jesus refers to worshippers of the Creature (Creation) as Earth Dwellers beginning in Rev 13 at the start of the Great Tribulation. Folks, the last 1260 days are about here; time to get JESUS as your teacher!! He said “Go forth and multiply” not kill your neighbor for breathing.
Writings of Phoenician trained Carthage “Church Father” St Augustine in “City of God” were largely the basis of Islam and Zionism; ISIS is the Throne and WWIII will pit these forces against each other as planned in 1871. Grand Orient Masons such as Ayathollahs Ali Khonmeini, Ali Khameini, Ali Sistani and Hashemite King of Jordan Abdullah II are all initiated in Paris “House of Isis”. Ramadan means “Burn or Scorch”; June 18th celebrates the revealing of the Quran to Muhammad (and a dozen more Islamic milestones) by Angel Gabriel. Sodomy is also derived from CeDom “To Burn or Scorch”; Ritual Sodomy the initiation requirement for high level Mason, Jesuit and Templar initiations.
Catholic means “Universal”; Jesuits lead the Universal Church; Jesuits are the “Society of Gesu”; 7th Letter is the Masonic “G” for Grand Architect of the Universe and “G” for “God Particle”. The Jesuit Mother Church is the Basilica of St John Lateran. Outside is the world’s largest Obelisk dating from the Exodus. Inside are 7 Silver Altars, “Scala Sanctus” and the Lateran Cathedra.
Mother Church of all Churches Worldwide is the Basilica St John Lateran; Lateran means “Hidden Frogs”; The Hidden Frogs are the 3 Unclean Spirits in Rev 16:13 “Dragon, Beast, False Prophet Rev 12:9 further defines “Dragon, Serpent, Satan and Devil as the same entity. Paul further defines Satan as the “Angel of Light” 2 Cor 11:14. Lucifer means “Light Bearer”
In the Basilica is the Cathedra “Teaching Seat” atop the Scala Sancta (Steps Jesus took to receive Pilate’s Judgment) Pilate found no fault in Jesus; the Pharisees did. A Papal Encyclical is a “Teaching Paper” delivered by the person deemed the Vicar or Vicarious Christ on Earth. Pope Francis not only believes in Evolution , Big Bang, God Particles, Global Warning and Alien Baptisms, he believes Earth is overpopulated by 6 Billion people and wants a Global Council empowered to enforce Carbon Allowances.
June 18 is the start of Ramadan; under the Papal Cathedra is the Shahada “There is no God but Allah”.
The announcement of Prof Schnellnhuber delivering a speech in favor of the Encyclical was made on the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta, (June 15, 1215) a follow on to Man-made Laws in opposition to God’s Laws that began with Naram-Sin, grandson and successor to Sargon the Great of Akkad. This followed by Lipit-Ishtar and the Amorite Code of Hammurabi in Nimrod’s day. Cathars are the Church of Amor.
Amor means Love, the change in new bibles in 1 Cor 13 from Charity to Love reflects this. Charity is the esteem and regard for God. Jesuits have no regard for God and desire Freedom and Liberty from God instead.
The reason Family Guy and Married with Children predicted Caitlin Jenner is Caitlin means Katherine or Cathar; this being 700 years after the 5th Lateran Council which directly led to the Reformation under Martin Luther who declared the Pope was the Antichrist (Beast).
THE ROMAN POPE IS NOT THE ANTICHRIST/BEAST. This is Jesuit revenge pure and simple.
The Pope is carried of the Chair of St Peter; a misreading of Mat 16:18 declared Peter the Foundation Stone of the Catholic Church; Jesus’ Divinity is however the true Foundation. The Shadada “There is no god but Allah” is written under this chair. Above the Chair are usually Peacock Feathers carried by attendants representing Melek-Taus the Persian Peacock Angel worshipped by the Yezidis and Zoroastrians (Medeans).
Arguably, the Cathedra of Science is the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics at Cambridge once occupied Rosicrucian, Luciferian Mason Isaac Newton. Stephen Hawking means “Crown of Horus”; the God Particle allegedly gives Mass to Matter and Order to the Universe, If Hawking has survived ALS 45 years (usually a 2 yr death sentence) why does he appear on flight manifests of the “Lolita Express”, a B-727 owned by billionaire pedophile Jeff Epstein, traveling to a private island with underage male and female hookers servicing the likes of Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Henry Kissinger and the King of Saudi Arabia? Family Guy anticipated Caitlin Jenner and called out Stephen Hawking as a fraud, but it’s a cartoon, right?
Jesuits are the “Militia of Zeus”; Romans called Zeus, “Jupiter”; MERS CoV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus) was developed by Dr Ron Fouchier and the CDC into a Bio-weapon. Fouchier said “A virus of even moderately fatal proportion will become a plague of in-imaginable proportion” The WHO is issuing travel restrictions to South Korea due to an “accident” are the JUPITR Bio-warfare Project releasing MERS-CoV. The recent movie “Jupiter Ascending” is about human harvesting on a worldwide scale to create the “Elixir of Immortality” All coincidence?
The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius begins when the Vernal Equinox Sun rises in Aquarius; the Sphinx was made to sight the Vernal Equinox Sunrise between the Lion’s Paws; heralding Regulus? No way, that date would have been 8840 BC; Creation is not quite 6000 years old, not 12,000 years old. You may recall the movie “10,000 BC”; Hollywood loves to put out garbage for Sheeple consumption.
The Age of Aquarius is measured using Alpha Leo “Regulus” (ancient name Rex means “Law Giver”) at 1500 Ecliptic longitude west of the eastern boundary of Aquarius. Since each Astrological House is 300 we have 1800 or 1/2 of the Egyptian “Great Year”. “As Above; So Below” may ring a Baal,
Jesus is the “Lion of Judah” and Lawgiver “Shiloh” (Gen 49:10); this Lion is the Alternative Christ aka Antichrist or Beast.
According to IGN (Institut Geographique National France) Spring Equinox 2014 marked the start of the Age of Aquarius. Others measure 1500 as happening in 2011; either way Aquarius is here or getting very close.
A 2014 beginning of Aquarius, although debatable coincided with he start of the 8th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses on Passover in 2014. The Aquarius symbol was carved into the Gnomon Pillar at St Sulpice Cathedral in Paris (Par=House of IS or Islamic State) to mark the event. The Brass (3rd Beast Kingdom is Brass) Line or Rose Line figures prominently in French occult circles with the Holy Grail myth.
On Glastonbury Tor near London, Whollistic World Vision installed the Aquarian Cross featuring the Labrys (Fish Symbol) at the spot where the King Arthur/Knights of the Round Table (Constellations of the Zodiac) myth originated. Need more signs?
The Sun will hit the Brass oval at the Altar in St Sulpice on the Autumnal Equinox of Sept 22, 2015. September means 7th Month. Jesus was circumcised on the 8th day of Tabernacles the 7th month 23rd day which begins at Even on the 22nd day.
22/7 approximates Pi; the Circle of Heaven (Compass) brought to Earth (Square) is plainly visible to Masons. Rev 22:7 “Behold I come quickly”. 500 days earlier, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius warned of “Global Climate Chaos” on 9/22. Ain’t that a coincidence? NOT! Talmudic Rabbis will celebrate 9/22/2015 with Kol Nidre (All Vows) forgiving the Congregation of Sins and absolving Oaths for the coming year. Only Satan could dream up such Blasphemous garbage. Rest assured, God will not be causing this; rather Man delivering a Catharsis of sorts.
Enough to sit up and take notice but on Passover 2014, the Corner Stone on the English facing (one of 8 such stone faces) of the Georgia Guide Stones was removed and replaced by Blood on the Roof. The Rosicrucian monument calls for the killing of all but 500M people from Earth. Jesus said His return would be as the days of Noah were. Jesus is coming, of that you can be sure, but after an Alternative Messiah is presented and accepted.
Aquarius “Water Pourer” is symbolized by Ganymede, the beautiful Cretan youth abducted by Zeus in the form of an Eagle (Symbol of both God and Esau as well as the Americas; North, Central and South) to Mt Olympus for Pederastic Rearing if you will. The coming of the Alternative Messiah will be a falsification of the 2nd Coming of Jesus, similar to the “Days of Noe” (Noah) and the Flood. Seen any LGBT Rainbows or Flags lately?
April 25th is Robigalia (Robigus is the ambiguous trans-gender god of agriculture disaster equivalent with Mars/Aries/Nergal the UNKNOWN GOD of the Areopagus) Bruce Jenner announced his castration/sex/name change to Caitlin Jenner April 25, the same day CERN restarted, timed precisely with the Nepal Earthquake (Everest means Chumolomgmo or Earth Mother) in Kathmandu. (Note “Kath”).
2 separate episodes of Family Guy and one from Married with Children predicted the transformation of Caitlin Jenner over 6 years ago.
Pope Francis’ Focus on Marriage and Family Summit seems eerily similar eh? On the subject of Gay Catholic Priests “If a man is Gay and searches the Lord, who am I to judge?” Jenner means “Family of John”; Caitlin is derived from Catharsis “Discharge of Pent up emotions” Get ready; this discharge has been a long time coming, no pun intended.
Tel Aviv (Mound of the Deluge) invited Caitlin Jenner to be LGBT Guest of Honor for its June 12, 2015 Gay Pride World Festival. Tel Aviv is named after Tel Abib in Babylon, the city where Judah was held captive in Babylonian Exile. Think Judah returned to Tel Aviv in 1948? Guess again; Jesus (Shiloh means He whose it is) gathers Jews to the Holy Land at the 2nd Coming. These are the Rothschild-British fakes listed in 2 Ki 17:30 who replaced Israel. Pride Rock in the movie Lion King may come to mind.
Caitlin means “Pure”, seen in Catherine. St Catharine’s Monastery sits at the base of the fake Mt Sinai in the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt where the Syriac Peshitta was found in a trash can at the site Constantine I’s mother and Druid Princess Helena proclaimed the real Mt Sinai. It should have stayed there; the real Mt Sinai is in Saudi Arabia as Gal 4 states.
Geo-engineered, FEMA planned Hurricane Katrina (Katherine again) hit on the Feast Day of the beheading of John the Baptist precisely timed with a Gay Pride Event in New Orleans. On Sept 10, 2001 FEMA spokesman Tom Kennedy said FEMA had #1 priority, a Terrorist Act in NYC; #2 a Hurricane in New Orleans and #3 a massive Earthquake along the San Andreas Fault. Good call Tom!
Cathars “Pure Ones” taught castration/celibacy and had female priests. Female Anglican Reverends now want a name change of God to “She”. The Anglican Church is also considering re-baptism of Trans-gender persons. Scripture readings from the Queen James Bible perhaps?
Gay means “Happy”; Happy is a Welsh word meaning Wise. In America, citizens have no rights to Property, only Happiness. A lot of blissfully ignorant, Laodicean (Luke Warm) Americans may find themselves wishing they had known the Authorized Bible better one day soon.
It seems God was mistaken in His condemnation of Lesbian/Gay relations. Published Nov 5, 2012, just after CERN announced 99.99% proof of the “God Particle”, the Queen James Bible with its Rainbow Cross on White (Sinless) cover removes references to Homosexuality as a Sin in places such as Lev 18:22; Rom 1:27; 1 Cor 6:9; Jude 1:7; 1 Ti 1:10. Why a Rainbow? The Great Tribulation has 42 months of 30 days. Water drops divide, refract and reflect light at 420. 7 the number of perfection X 6 the number of man is 7X6=42. At the Rainbow Arch degree in Freemasonry, initiates commit the Unforgivable Sin by ritually Blaspheming the Holy Ghost. The new Name of God becomes Jah-Baal-On (Jahbulon), a Blasphemous combination of Jah-Baal and Osiris. Jah is not JESUS or JAH. The King James bible is the only Bible I know of to use JAH in Ps 68:4 and JESUS in Mat 1:25. Why? The New Covenant is strictly SPIRITUAL through the Holy Ghost; JESUS is the Holy Ghost; reject JESUS, you Blaspheme the Holy Ghost. It’s that simple.
America is not “Babylon” of Rev 18 anymore than the Roman Catholic Church is MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…”of Rev 17. They are the Scapegoats for the Alternative Messiah or “Antichrist”. When? 42 months before Jesus returns (Rev 19) When is that? When Creation is 6000 years old. “But beloved be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise…” Jesus promised to return when Creation is 6000 years old as promised in 2 Pet 3:8.
How old is Creation? God created the Sun, Moon and Stars for “signs, seasons, days and years” Gen 1:14. The Stellar Year and Solar Year differ slightly because the Flood produced mountains, causing axis precession (Wobble). 2160 years Aries to Pisces + 2160 years Pisces to Aquarius. Aquarius begins when Alpha Leo “Regulus” is 1500 Ecliptic longitude from Alpha Virgo “Spica”. That’s now. There were 1656 years with no Earth wobble before the Flood which is why God made sure we knew how many years it was from Creation to Flood. 1656 + 2160 + 2160=5976 years. Sargon the Great was named Legitimate King at 21, his Natal Zodiac at the cusp of Taurus and Aries. Add 21 years, the biblical age of Accountability or Adulthood and 2015 may very well be the start of Great Tribulation.
Signs? 8 Tetrads of Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles will end at Feast of Tabernacles on Sept 28, 2015. A Solar Eclipse on Sept 15 (Tishrei 15 is the 15th day of the 7th month and the real day of Jesus’ birth; He returns the day following the 7th Trumpet) 7/15/15 is “Feast of Trumpets” the Rabbinical Rosh Hashanah “Head of the Year” is not God’s “New Year”, rather the Rabbis who Crucified Him. These “Signs” were set in motion with the Flood. The 7th Tetrad accompanied the 6-Day War and founding of the Church of Satan on “Year One Satan”. This makes 2015 the 49th year. Odd enough, but this was exactly one Jubilee Cycle (7 Shemitas of 7 Years=49 Years, the 50th a Jubilee) ago. Occultists are watching, why aren’t you?
According to Global Warning enthusiast Pope Francis whose encyclical on man-made Global Climate Change is due June 18, 2015, God was also mistaken about “Go forth and Multiply”; He obviously left out Go forth and multiply until Global Warning destroys the environment and kills you”. Why June 18th? 6th month of the Roman calendar, 18th day, 2015 generates 6 Sixes (6 + 6+6+6 + 2 15’s or 2 6’s=6 6’s) This is reflected in the Seal of Solomon aka Hexagram or Six Pointed Star, the Star of Chiun, Molech, Saturn, Milcom. This flag or ensign of Molech is the Standard of Israel and Jerusalem. Jerusalem is called “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” in Rev 11:8. Salem being the Canaanite god equivalent with Venus as Evening Star.
“Remember, Remember the 5th of November” became the Jesuit rallying cry to kill King James; Why? For one thing, James was rounding up Witches. For another; in 1605, James assembled 54 men to translate the Inspired Texts; Jesuits led by Thomas Percy (Pierce as in Mother of Darkness, Barbara “Babalon” Pierce aka Barbara Bush may ring a Baal) attempted to kill James and blow up the British Parliament; Guy Fawkes took the fall and became the symbol of Anonymous. Anonymous to everyone but God it seems. Queen James proponents claim King James was homosexual and translated the Bible accordingly. BS! James had nothing to do with the KJV; it’s title is the Authorized Bible, the 7th Purified Word God promises in Psalm 12:6 and Jesuits know this. “Sex by 8 or its too late” Right Jesuit Fr Paul Shanley; founder of NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Ass)
Lateran means “Hidden Frogs”; the Lateran Basilica has the Papal Cathedra (Cath again) “Teaching Seat” of the Jesuits; the Frogs being the Jesuit Scapegoats for the 3 Spirits; Beast, False Prophet and Satan in Rev 12. Under the seat is the Shahada “There is no god but Allah; Allah being the Arab moon god Sin. Offspring of Sin? Shamash, the center candle of the 9 Branch Hanukkah Menorah created by the Maccabees. Shamash, the god of Justice, Law and Salvation wrote the Amorite (Cathars were the Church of Amor) Code of Hammurabi, Lipit-Ishtar and Naram-Sin (Sargon the Great’s father). Shamash “Helper or Servant” was worshipped in Babylon as Marduk, in Canaan as Baal Shamash, in Phoenicia Melqart, El or Saturn, by Philistines as Dagan, in Syria as Shemsu, in Egypt as Shemsu-Hor (Horites), in Persia and across the Roman Empire as Mithra (Priest Miters are Miters of Dagan) and Sumeria as Utu. Shamash is depicted slaying the Lion; Jesus is the Lion of Judah, thus Maccabean-Nabbattean-Pharisees ordered the Crucifixion of Jesus.
Pope Francis elevated Dominican (Order of Preachers) Fr Timothy Radcliffe to head the Pontifical Office of Justice and Peace; known for celebrating “Gay Mass”, Radcliffe says “Gay sex expresses Christ’s self gift” Lev 18:22; Rom 1:27; Jude 7 say differently. Radcliffe says “Gay Priests need not be excluded. Priests opposing this should be excluded”. Oxford University recently gave Most Reverend Radcliffe an honorary Doctor of Divinity.
Lesbian Rabbi Karen Bender says “Displaying the Hanukkah Menorah is the same as displaying the Rainbow Gay Pride Flag. Elton John’s song Daniel was about the scars that won’t heal, pain inflicted on same-sex couples.
Alfalfa (Alfalfa is Arabic for “Fresh Fodder”; Squires, Pages and Soldiers are the “Fresh Fodder”) Club President Bob Gates repealed “Don’t ask don’t tell” prohibiting openly gay from serving in the military. Ashton Carter mandated protections for LGBT persons in the military June 2015. As President of the Boy Scouts, Bob Gates now allows openly Gay Scout Masters as of June 2015. Nothing new, Theban, Spartan, Teutonic and Templar militaries were based on Pederasty; the Rearing (pun intended) of young boys seen in the Knight Templar Logo of a Man and a Boy on one Horse. Alfalfa is Horse Fodder after all.
Canada is about to remove Gender from Birth Certificates. Nothing new here either; the Gender Neutral New International Version, hidden in Today’s New International Version is promoted by Focus on the Family Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes James Dobson.
Pope Francis’ Focus on Family and Marriage Summit may seem like a great idea but remember Jesus warned “A man’s foes shall be they of his own household” Mat 10:36 Pope Francis believes in the Big Bang, Evolution, and Global Warming; as Vicar of Jesus he falls a bit short because there is no Vicarious Christ and certainly not one with his Cathedra (Teaching Seat) at St John Lateran (Hidden Frogs: Beast, False Prophet and Dragon). Pope Francis’ “Family” is physical, JESUS’ family is SPIRITUAL.
Evangelical Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes Tony Campolo said “After days of prayer, God told me full acceptance of homosexuals is necessary for the churches”. Homosexual or Anal Sex used in high level Jesuit, Masonic and Sufi Initiations is called Satan’s Sex.
Sodom and Gomorrah were melted and preserved as a record by God for “Abominations”. Sodom s derived from CeDom “To Burn or Scorch” both physically as well as spiritually as stated in Rom 1:27 “they burned in lust…” Sulfur and Brimstone are Sulfur, Magnesium and Aluminum, which ignites at white hot temperature (5000+F). Thermate Demolition Munitions were used as revenge on 9/11/2001 with the professional demolition of WTC #1; #2 and #7. Jet Fuel? No way. Thermite? No way, this was a planned event using US Patented demolition methods.
Caitlin Jenner is Tel Aviv Guest of Honor at the Pride Parade June 12 The sex reassignment highlighted in episodes of Married with Children and Family Guy. Think all this is just coincidence? Guess again.
Berlin ,where the Throne of Pergamon aka Satan’s Seat is housed, is installing unisex-transgender-intersex public restrooms, and like Vienna, crosswalks feature same-sex couples on lighted signs.
7 LGBT US Ambassadors called for the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership), TTIP (Trans-Atlantic Partnership) and TISA (Trade-In Services Agreement) agreements to reflect America’s Core Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Trans-gender Values. Globalization ie TTIP and TISA will be top on the agenda at Bilderberg 2015 at the Inter-alpen Tyrol Hotel in Austria June 11-14. What a coincidence! Congress will debate Fast Track Authority for TPP, TISA and TTIP coincident with Bilderberg 2015. Here is a partial attendee list
War Fodder supplier Henry Kissinger and his underling Benghazi ISIS arming traitors Gen John Allen (Jill Kelly trist; yeah sure) and Gen David Petraeus, Domestic spy Eric Schmidt (Google), 9/11 Architect Richard Perle and NATO WWIII architect Jens Stoltenberg all there to guide humanity and the Hillary Clinton Presidential express.
Foreign Corporations and their hand picked Lawyers enforcing Sodomy Laws in the United States? Sure, POTUS is a Foreign Sodomite living with a Trans-gender/Cross-dresser not sworn to defend the US Constitution by a Jesuit trained LGBT lawyer who is also SCOTUS Chief Justice presideing over a Bench with 2 Lesbian Justices, Kagan was Obama’s Solicitor General and Harvard U guardian for Pete’s sake! “One Nation Under God”? Now you know who the real God behind the All Seeing Eye hovering over the Pyramid is.
The CONSTITUTION FOR THE UNITED STATES is not the original Constitution of the United States; the change made by Sodomite Skull & Bones Chief Justice Morrison Waite following the Civil War. Plans for WWIII to pit Zionism versus Islam were also publicized by Sodomite Confederate Luciferian Mason Albert Pike on the Feast Day of Lucifer Aug 15, 1871. Confederate President Jeff Davis’ New Confederacy in Texas is beginning now. On June 12th Univ of Texas grad and fake paraplegic (Hawking isn’t the only actor out there) Gov Greg Abbott announced the creation of a Gold/Silver Bullion Depository with $1B in Gold Bars; when Gold goes ballistic with respect to the paper $US currency Texas will be the new US Capital. You see, Texas is not subject to the US Constitution which is why a Texas Magistrate Judge declared BITCOIN legal tender last year; now Gold will return and as the Rothschild motto states “He who has the gold makes the rules”; it was an Edomite Civil War then as it will be today.
Alfalfa Club “2015 Man of the Year” award went to Henry Kissinger “Soldiers are dumb stupid animals to be used as fodder in our wars” “Control oil you control nations. Control food, you control people”. Hunger Games anyone? Fukushima radiation is killing the Pacific Ocean food supply. The base of the food supply Phyto and Zoo-Plankton are being killed off with X-Band Radars (SBX-1 is stationed in Pearl Harbor; this is essentially New Pearl Harbor) which open holes in the Ozone layer allowing UV Radiation to destroy every living thing in its path. CA drought is also caused by X-Band radars; aquifer depletion is causing the CA Central Valley to subside and FEMA, NOAA and the US Navy are planning for exactly that. Deep Water Horizon Methane has never stopped dissolving the Salt Dome overlying perhaps the world’s largest oil deposits near the New Madrid Fault and yes, FEMA, NOAA and the US Navy have maps planning for the inundation of 20M people from New Orleans to St Louis.
Melchisedekians (Mormons are a big part of this) wait the arrival of “Prince Melchisedek” at the 10th Jubilee (500 years) from the 5th Lateran Council 1512-1517 which started the October 31 “Halloween” Protestant Revolution of Martin Luther; Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes Martin Luther declared the Pope was the Antichrist. THE JESUIT POPE IS NOT THE ANTICHRIST; ONLY THE SCAPEGOAT
Hunger Games star Catniss (Catniss=Catherine and Sagittarius “Archer”) Everdeen’s father said “Find yourself and you will never go hungry”; Geo-engineered California drought; Fukushima Radiation induced Ocean die-off and a Bird Flu Emergency culling of millions of poultry tends to cause food shortages. Jupiter rules Sagittarius; the word Sagitta means Penis or Obelisk and serves as the root of Intoxication or Poison (Whore of Babylon drunk with the blood of Saints may ring a Baal), Scuttle (Jade Helm: Jade the Stone of Imperial China=Sina=Sin=Allah=Wilderness=Heth=Cathay=Hittites; Helm=Steer a Ship ie Scuttle), Shoot Arrows (symbol of Jade Helm is crossed arrows, sword and wooden shoe used in concentration camps), and Scire “To Know”, the root of Science. Scripture calls Science “Chaldean Language” and “Vain Babblings” (Dan 1:4; 1 Tim 6:12. Want to vote for someone to fix this treason? Sorry SCYTL (Scuttle) controls the voting.
Pope Francis teaches Big Bang Theory, derived from Sumerian/Egyptian theology. Sumerian Enki (Earth/Sky) masturbates to form the Tigris “Arrow River” of the Universe. Same in Egypt where the same god “Atum (Atom) masturbates the Nile (Milky Way) and the Universe into existence. The God Particle gives Mass to Matter and Order to the Universe according to CERN. Tigris means “Arrow River”. How does Hunger Games look now?
Queen Elizabeth II claims the title “Queen of Jerusalem”; Jesus is Melchisedek “King of Jerusalem” so the Blasphemy is evident. William and Katharine’s wedding in a forest of trees at Westminster Abbey by Anglican- Druid Rowan Williams special because Kate (Cath) is a man who underwent sex reassignment surgery like Caitlin Jenner; the fake pregnancy covered up by Royal Gynecologist Dr Alan Farthing who murdered news anchor Jill Dando after the Jimmy Saville scandal broke. No sense letting Chateau Amerois “Castle of Kings” and the ritual sacrifice of an innocent child every day get in the way of the New World Order eh? British means B’Rith or Birthright Covenant. That being Cain, Canaan, Joktan (Arabs), Ishmael and Esau.
Cathar means Cath=Sons of Heth=Hittites (sons of Canaan) whose wives married Ishmael and Esau, symbolized by the Hittite Red Dragon (Satan=3rd Frog Spirit) in China=Sina=Sinai=Wilderness of Sin, original home of the Alternative Priesthood of the Korahites God swallowed in the Earth (Num 16). Fake Priests, Fake Mt Sinai making sense now?
Think Chaldeans have forgotten and forgiven God for the Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, Thera (Santorini), Korahite burial, Mt Carmel (450 Prophets of Baal burned) Pompeii, Templar executions? Guess again. Jesus returns to destroy them one final time and they all know it (Ref Obadiah).
2015: Year of the Sheep
“Behold I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves” Mat 10:16
2015 is the UN “Year of Light”; 2015 is also CERN “Year of Light”. Both have their Big Days coming up Sept 22-27.
Lunar (Moon=Allah=Sin) Silver Shield has named 2015 the “Year of the Sheep”
There are 7 Silver Altars in St John Lateran for a reason Scapegoats are trained to lead Sheep to the Slaughter. If your bible has Azazel (Goat that Departs) in Lev 16:8-10 instead of Scapegoat, you are reading a Luciferian/Edomite version. Scapegoats have Red painted legs; Esau is Edom=Red the other Sheep can’t see because they are color blind. Followers of JESUS are blind to Satan’s clever devices until they ask JESUS for the Holy Ghost. “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing” are on the altar at your favorite Church, Mosque and Synagogue. Bee Careful; Bee means “Word” in Chaldee.
“Democracy is 2 Wolves deciding what’s for dinner” Benjamin Franklin. “Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf…” Gen 49:27 Ravin means “Seize upon” Franklin means “Free”.
Ben Franklin was a 330 Luciferian Mason, Hellfire Club Initiate (remains of several ritually tortured/sacrificed children were found under the kitchen floor and radio-carbon dated to the time he lived in Trafalgar Square house), Rosicrucian and Traitor. Franklin and British Freemason/Astrologer Ebeneezer Sibly decided on July 4, 1776 as the Birthdate of America because of a rare 5 planet occultation by the Sun. CERN (Cernunnos=Horned One) decided on July 4, 2012 as the date to announce 99.99% proof of the “God Particle”. On the Silver Coin are 2 Wolves devouring a Sheep, on the back is one lone Sheep Dog howling a warning; Can you hear it?
“The fining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold: but the LORD trieth the hearts” Prov 17:3 On American gold coins was the Phoenix (Pa Hanok or House of Enoch), a mythical Arabian bird which connects Egypt with Arabia by self-immolation in the flames every 500 years. The Prince Melchisedek scroll 11Q13 says “After 10 Jubilees, Prince Melchesedek will return” Jesus is Melchisedek, this one will be the Antichrist.
It’s perch in Heliopolis Egypt was the Ben-ben or Pyramidion, the capstone of the 13 courses in the Pyramid on the $US. Pyramid means “Amid the Flames”. Fining Pots separate silver using a hole in the ground. Ben Franklin design map of the 1st 13 colonies connected by a segmented serpent and the slogan “Join or Die”; the serpent was also used on America’s 2nd Flag in 1776; the first was an Evergreen Tree identical to Lebanon (Phoenicia) and the Ismaili dictatorship of Qatar. The 3rd Flag was also a Masonic Flag of 13 “Hexagons”, 6 Pointed Stars of Molech arranged in a circle (the Betsy Ross Flag was later changed to 5pt Stars; a bit too obvious with Stars of Molech, Chiun, Chemosh, Saturn.
A Hex is a Curse used in Witchcraft (Masonry is called Craft); 2015 is the Masonic Year of the Sheep when Wolves intend to seize their prey and divide the spoils.
At the Denver Airport is a Nazi soldier in a gas mask, carrying a Scimitar Sword standing above an ore cart with Au Ag, the symbols for Gold and Silver? Perhaps, but Australian Antigen is a man-made plague that goes by the same symbol.
“Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves”. The Dove symbolizes the Holy Ghost, but the Dove is also used by Samaritans impersonating Jews and Christians; Simon Magus may ring a Baal. The New Covenant is made solely through the Holy Ghost; JESUS is the Holy Ghost (Ref 1 Jn 5:7 KJV) “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified 7 times” Ps 12:6 That Word is also JESUS purified 7 times with the Authorized Bible aka KJV. Don’t have one? Get one!
When Pope Benedict XVI released a dove 1 month before he resigned; Lightning hit St Peter’s Basilica twice that night and a Raven attacked the dove. When Pope Francis I released 2 doves from the same window 1 yr later, a Seagull and Raven attacked the doves. The message is clear, the Holy Ghost will soon be removed from Earth as Leonardo da Vinci depicted in the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel (God and Man separated by a Crack); Francis means Free; this is the goal of Gnostics and 2015 is the year. Are you SPIRITUALLY ready to be tried in the “fiery trial”? (Ref 1 Pet 4:12) You had better get ready.
Scapegoats lead Sheep to the Slaughter. If your bible has Azazel (Goat that Departs) in Lev 16:8-10 instead of Scapegoat, you are reading a Luciferian version. Scapegoats have Red painted legs; Esau is Edom=Red the other Sheep can’t see because they are color blind. Followers of JESUS are blind to Satan’s clever devices until they ask JESUS for the Holy Ghost. “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing” are on the altar at your favorite Church, Mosque and Synagogue.
A giant FC Koln (German Soccer Club) “1.FC” Billy Goat Logo was put up on the Hoover Dam 5/29/2015
The $50 Bill shows the Hoover Dam being destroyed and Hoover Dam was a focus in the Transformer Movies. They installed the Hoover Dam By-pass Bridge so traffic can transit even with a Dam failure.
The $20 shows the Twin Towers and Pentagon being hit exactly as they were on 9/11/2001.
The $10 shows the AP Murrah Bldg being blown up exactly as it was on April 20, 1995.
The $100 shows a Missile, Radiation and Tidal Wave hitting New York.
US Gold Coins have the Phoenix on them. Pa Hanok means House of Enoch. Cain’s Enoch not Seth’s.
2015 Silver Shield Coins have 2 Wolves eating a Lamb with “Year of the Sheep”
On the new “Game Show” “500 Questions” with CNN Liar Richard Quest, the question “What did CERN detect on July 4, 2012? (America’s Birth was selected in 1776 based on Sabaean Astrology, a 5 planet occultation by the Sun) was answered “God Particle” at 6.66Sec.
CERN uses a stylized 666 Logo.
The moment CERN started up at full power, the Nepal Earthquake occurred with an Earth Sciences team from Cambridge (Stephen Hawking’s Lucasian Math Chair) in place briefing residents on “The Big One” when it hit.
When CERN began particle collisions on May 29, San Andreas the movie made its debut as 2 giant earthquakes occurred on the Aleutian Is and off the coast of Japan.
CERN is not causing this; EM weapons are and CERN is being set up to be the Scapegoat for “Earth will reel to and fro as a drunkard” Is 24:20
CERN starts full power particle collisions on Feast of Atonement the day after Kol Nidre forgives the Satanic (Edomite) Congregation of Sins they plan to commit the following year.
Jesuit Pope Francis I will be in Philadelphia (Synagogue of Satan/City of Brotherly Love=Edomites) for the final Lunar Eclipse of the 8th Tetrad and start of the Satanic Jubilee 50 years after the Church of Satan was founded in 1966 coincident with the 7th Tetrad..
A Billy Goat on the Hoover Dam? May as well have put a Flag with all 50 Stars Upside down like Hillary did
“…their backs toward the temple of the LORD and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east” Eze 8:16 Sabah means Sunrise and the goal is to piss God off enough for Him to depart as He has done twice already. When the Spirit of the LORD departs for a 3rd Time All Hell will break loose.
3rd Beast “Dominion” of Esau (Dan 7:6); in the Pacific (Pacific means Peace; Peace Sign is the Broken Jew, used in Witchcraft to Blaspheme the Holy Ghost; turning a Cross upside down, urinating on it and rejecting JESUS tends to do that sort of thing) centers on Spratly Is in South China (China=Cathay=Cathar=Hittite) Sea, part of the Ismaili-Edomite Kingdom of Sulu and Sabah. Sabaeans of Haran were/are Planetary Astrologers; Sabah means “Sunrise”. Sulu? Funny how Lt Sulu navigated the Enterprise eh? Inthe Indian Ocean the Kingdom of Ormus (Snake) is an Ismaili Dictatorship as well, sitting at the Straits of Hormuz (Horus=Horites; Tammuz). Most of the world’s Oil transits these choke points; Oil is the Old French word for Oui, thus the Language of Yes. “Yes We Can” is Obama’s mantra and means “Thank You Satan”. It also refers to Oc or “Sight” and Languedoc “Language of Oc”. Ouissex is “Bird”, thus it is the Enochian “Language of Birds” aka “Green Language”.
The Cult of Subud began in Indonesia in the 1920’s as part of Sulu and Sabah under Mohammad Subuh Sumohadwidjojo (another candidate for Obama’s real father with Malcolm X (Bari Malik Shabazz).
Subud uses the Seven Pointed Star Logo; in Witchcraft tand or Druid his Star is the Elven or Farie Star representing the 7 Planets used in Sabaean (Sabaeans of Haran) Astrology (Planetary Astrology). It represents the 7 Covenants between God and Man, the 7th being the “Law”. It is also the Ensign (Flag/Standard) of Hashemite Jordan, the Idumean capital of Edom and their prophesied “Dominion”. This Dominion began taking shape in Egypt with Priests of On (Horites or followers of the Solar Christ “Horus”) after Moses was given the 10 Commandments on Mt Sinai in Arabia (not Egypt silly!). The Alternative Korahite Priesthood (Num 16) formed at this time and continues to this day; Jesus refers to them as “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes” aka Priests, Imams, Rabbis etc. Christmas and Easter are Edomite Holy Days folks!
The Cult has “Regional Helpers” like recently murdered? Loretta Fuddy, facilitator of the Obama Hawaii Birth Certificate Forgery and subsequent Cult leader in Seattle. Subud Cult followers are encouraged to join Judaism, Christianity and Islam in public as were Cryptos 500 years ago. The goal of Subud is the “Life Force of God” (CERN calls this the God Particle) referred to as Great Life Force, Power of God and Regulatory Order of the Universe. These are the same goals CERN has and Sept 24 “Feast of Atonement” is D-Day.
The God Particle is claimed to give Mass to Matter in the Atom, so named after the Egyptian creator Atum as well as giving Order to the Universe (Gravity Strings, Membranes) or as fraud Stephen Hawking calls M-Theory “P-Brane”. God will not find this humorous in the slightest, and no this is not a joke. Horus is the Hawk headed God; Son of the Sun if you will on the lap of his mother Isis (Throne) aka “Black Virgin”. Not Black Skin, but Dark Matter; Astrophysics calls Isis a “Black Hole”. Stephen means “Crown”, literally the Crowned Horus.
Chaldean Konn-Tors (Priests of the Torriod ie Magnetic Field) came to Egypt as Priests of On (Heliopolis “City of the Sun”) aka Shemsu-Hor (Horus worship being the source for Chanukah and Christmas aka Saturnalia and the Six Pointed Star of Saturn). From Egypt to Haran as Sabaeans of Haran (Solar Priests; Haran being Abraham’s elder brother/Lot’s father ie Ammonites and Moabites) Edomites, Ammonites and Moabites escape the hand of Antichrist (God of Forces) in Dan 11; God of Forces being CERN’s “God Particle” which purports to give Mass to Matter at the Atomic (Atum is the Supreme Egyptian god=Atom) Level via Gravity and Order to the Cosmos via Gravity Strings (Super Strings, Dark Matter). This final Blasphemy will occur Sept 24, 2015.
Chaldean Priests (Pharisees) ordered the Crucifixion of God in Flesh; today they are Zionists set to wage World War III with the other side of the Chaldean “Dialectic” Islam; all sides managed by Jesuits managing their Sovereign Masonic dupes.
WWIII in the Pacific (Peace; Peace Sign is the Broken Jew used in Witchcraft Initiations) Spratly Is mean “One who comes from Sproatley”; Sproatley is Yorkshire, Britain; British means “B’Rith” or Birthright Covenant. Ismail and Edom rejected this Covenant; Isaac and Jacob did not. Time to choose sides; Hint: Stay on the Porch with Judah nor the Altar with Ephraim/Israel (Eze 17; Rev 11). Gen 27:39-41 KJV states Esau is Wealthy (Fatness of the Earth) and Priests (Dew of Heaven); Ishmael controls Commerce (Malacca St, South China Sea) and Straits of Hormuz; respectively the Kingdom of Sulu-Sabah and Ormus (Sunrise-Snake)
Sproatley has “Righful Heirs” in Romania (Chaldean Gypsies ie Romani or Romanichal); these are the same Chaldeans, Dom, On, Sabah, Sulu “Vampires” who make their fortunes off Blood; the spilled Blood of Wars they create. ISIS “Throne” is the Throne of Antichrist aka “Satan’s Seat” (Pergamon) moved from Pergamos (Turkey) to Berlin under the Quadriga of Apollo (Apollyon/Abaddan means “Destroyer”. Shiva also means “Destroyer” hence God Particle physicists at CERN walk passed Shiva everyday. Nepal was hit with an EM created Earthquake the moment CERN started up; in Sept CERN will finish the job timed with Pope Francis I visit to America (Ameru=Serpent; Amar=Canaanite god of the setting sun; Shalom in Hebrew “Peace” aka Lucifer/Vesus “Evening Star”)
Satan’s Seat is the Throne of Zeus; Zeus was mythically born on Crete hence the self stylized moniker “Cretan” (Liars, Evil Beasts, Slow Bellies in Titus). Europe the name associated with Europa, Cretan mother of the MInotaur (Bull); the same Apis (Honey Bee=Chaldean Word=Bullshit) Bull, Golden Bull of Dan (Judge) and Beth-el (House of El/Saturn) Wall St Bull No more obvious Cretans than British Royalty, King Abdullah (Servant of Allah), Jordan’s Edomite Nintendo junkie King Abdullah II, Mr and Mr Obama, Sultan of Brunnei (Sabah) etc.
The Dannite Judges of America will end up being Mormons (Mormo “God is the Graveyard; King of the Ghouls) who allegedly came from Nimrod (Babylon) to America with Ishmaelite women claiming Dannite lineage. “Limited Atonement” refers to the shedding of one’s blood for not accepting Antichrist rule. Iran-Contra drug for weapons money launderer Mitt Romney (Romanichal Gypsy of Norman descent) knows well America is accounted in the Doomsday Book, lands claimed by Normans such as the Vikings (6-Kings), part of the original Donation of Constantine and his Druid mother Helena. The White Horse Prophecy refers to Mitt “The one mighty and strong, clothed in light who will usher in the One” White Horse is also called Blood in the Streets Prophecy.
Chaldeans will seek Revenge for the Flood (Line of Cain), Sodom and Gomorrah, Thera, Crete, 10 Plagues, Red Sea, Battle of Qadesh, Phillistine destruction (Samson Option is killing everyone; North Georgia Guide Stones call for killing all but 500M; Jesus said unless He shortened those days no flesh would remain), 1st and 2nd Temple destruction, International Banker expulsion from all 160 nations, Templar Arrests, deMolay execution, Alhambra Decree (Cryptos/Marranos came to America murdering 10’s of millions with disease).
Al-Qaeda means “Solid Foundation”; ISIS means “Throne” they are one in the same mythical enemy whose goal is adherence to Sharia Law (Revealed Law of Shahar “Morning Star” Lucifer) “Recite aloud “There is no God but Allah” and mean it, and Hell for eternity awaits.
Followers of JESUS are not battling Flesh and Blood enemies; Jesus won that battle already. Followers of JESUS are fighting a SPIRITUAL Battle. The only weapon available is a One on One relationship with JESUS via the Holy Ghost and His Word, the Authorized Bible (KJV) minus Study Notes or any “Private Interpretation”. No Rapture, No Israel Dispensation, No 7 Yr Tribulation (Daniels’s 70th Week is 7 Days not 7 Years). Daniel’s 70 Weeks (Dan 9:24-27) is 490 Days not the convoluted mess your Study Bible Notes claim. Dan 8 “2300 Days” is already here. You need to be in your Prayer Closet asking JESUS for help and you need to do this now. Your Priest, Pastor, Rabbi, Guru, Master and Imam are “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes”.
Holy means “Separate” not “Congregate” Time to Get Out, before the greatest sacrifice in human history begins at the Altar of Antichrist.
Charleston had an Active Shooter Drill in progress during the alleged Shooting; Lightning even hit the Washington Monument at the precise moment it occurred in the city where Masonry took hold of America.
No cop would holster his weapon and put his face in the window of a car pulled over by a suspected mass murderer.
Rhodes Initiate, Gen Wes Clark (nee Samaritan Kohen), want Disloyal Americans in Internment Camps as was done in WWII.
It’s ok to violate Posse Commitatus that was designed to prevent the Waco Branch Davidian Mass Murderer from using Tanks with Sonic Cannons and Flame Throwers. It’s ok to invade the Balkans and ethnically cleanse whomever you choose, just be loyal to Uncle Sam.
U.N. Security Council endorses Iran nuclear deal
September 15th – The 70th session of the UN General Assembly begins on this date. It is being reported that France plans to introduce a resolution which would give formal UN Security Council recognition to a Palestinian state. Up until now, the United States has always been the one blocking such a resolution, but Barack Obama is indicating that things may be much different this time around.
September 25th to September 27th – The United Nations is going to launch a brand new sustainable development agenda for the entire planet. Some have called this “Agenda 21 on steroids”. But this new agenda is not just about the environment. It also includes provisions regarding economics, agriculture, education and gender equality. On September 25th, the Pope will travel to New York to give a major speech kicking off the UN conference where this new agenda will be unveiled.
Sept 22 “Kol Nidre” to Dec 6 “Hanukkah”=75 days, the difference between 1260 Day Great Trib and 1335 Days “Blessing” in Dan 12:12 is 75 days. Note the date 12/6 matches Ps 12:6 “Word purified 7 times” is JESUS and Dan 12:6 “man clothed in linen” is JESUS and Rev 12:6 “woman fled to the wilderness 1260 days”
The 1290 Days in Dan 12:11? Remember, Remember the 5th of November”
In 2013 in his State of the Union address in February, President Obama made an affirmation to an emerging federal science project with an incredibly lofty goal: to understand how the human brain works. Called The BRAIN Initiative, BRAIN stands for “Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies. Obama’s off-the-wall mention, delivered before the project was announced he said “Today, our scientists are mapping the human brain to unlock the answers to Alzheimer’s” spurred a suggestive tweet from the leader of the National Institutes of Health and a barrage of questions and speculations from the scientific community with big budgets ($300 million a year for 10 years) and big goals (measuring every spike from every neuron in the brain) the project was seeking to do for the brain what the Human Genome Project did for genetics but not all have privy information concerning behavior modification or Jade Helm 15.
Obama-has-announced-a-100-million-dollar-brain-mapping-projectThe Department of Energy was also eager to sign on, in part because it wanted to learn about how radiation causes genetic mutations. The agency’s lobbying helped convince everybody else. In 1990 the Department of Energy and the National Institutes of Health officially launched the HGP with an anticipated $3 billion budget—$200 million per year for 15 years. And it wasn’t just the president or DOE on board. “Mapping the human brain is exactly the type of research we should be funding,” Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said in a statement.
593279010001_1222372914001_vs-1222347035001By the time Obama officially announced this “next great American project,” in a 12-minute speech in April 2013, its scope had narrowed to technology development, with a relatively modest budget of $110 million for 2014 and each year after I hope you beginning to see the picture that I am trying to show you. Human behavior state profile mapping based on recalibrated speech affective space model People typically associate health with only physical health. However, health is also interconnected to mental and emotional health. People who are emotionally healthy are in control of their behaviors and experience better quality of life. Hence, understanding human behavior is very important in ensuring the complete understanding of one’s holistic health. In this paper, we attempt to map human behavior state (HBS) profiles onto recalibrated speech affective space model(rSASM). Such an approach is derived from hypotheses that:
1) Behavior is influenced by emotion,
2) Emotion can be quantified through speech,
3) Emotion is dynamic and changes over time and
4) The emotion transmission is conditioned by culture. Experimental results proved that the future approach can complement other types of behavior analysis in such a way that it offers more instructive modules from the viewpoint of emotion primitives (valence and arousal).
smartclothesFour different driving HBS; namely: distracted, laughing, sleepy and normal are profiled onto the rSASM to visualize the correlation between HBS and emotion. This approach can be incorporated in the future behavior analysis to predict better performance or not so good behavior performance. rSASM is “Rough set model for discovering single-dimensional and multidimensional association rules” the mining of association rules with rough set technology is investigated as the algorithm RSASM. The RSASM algorithm is introduced for mining of single-dimensional association rules, which is constituted of three steps:
(1) Generalizing database to discretize quantitative attributes and decrease quantity of data;
(2) Finding candidate itemsets with the concept of equivalence class derived from indiscernibility relation in rough set theory; and
(3) Finding frequent itemsets with multiple minimum supports. The RSASM can be expanded to multidimensional association rules mining easily. It can be seen from experiments that the mining algorithm is elegant and efficient, which can obtain more rapid computing speed and sententious rules at the same time.
Stephen Hawking (Stephen=Crown; Hawk=Horus) Branes are Bubbles of 11 Dimensional Space-Time; our Dimension is the “P-Brane”. Black Holes are tightly Warped “MACHOS” called “RAMBOS” detectable by observing the Weak (Radiation) Force called “WIMPS”. Dimensions are connected by “Worm Holes”; Alien Universes full of “ALICE Matter” or “Mirror Matter” CERN plans to discover on Sept 23, 2015.
The Earth is being buffeted by Gravity from Planet X according to the newly “Leaked” NASA and CIA “X-Files” (X=Christ=Messiah) due to arrive Sept 23, 2015. The Vatican has been aware of Planet X for some time using the Jesuit LUCIFER Telescope.
Are we really going to put up with this Bull Shit? God is not a Bubble Headed P-Brane with a Dark Matter Nemesis; He is tired of people believing Satanic garbage from the Lateran (3 Hidden Frogs: Lucifer/Satan/Dragon/Serpent; Antichrist and False Prophet) Basilica.
11 Dimensions of Branes? Lambda the 11th Letter (Lamed in Hebrew) means “Hobble or Injure” one’s feet; mixing the Clay and Iron in the Beast’s 10 Toes (Theory of Everything) is accomplished by Radiation and Fukushima is doing exactly that to everyone on Earth. Lambda Baryons? 2 Up (Truth) and 2 Down (Beauty) Quarks plus a Charm Quark with its Antimatter Pair? Come on, Baphomet the Androgynous GOAT next to a Crucified Homeless Jesus too hard to figure out? Quark means “Rubbish, Curds” to Meta-physics Quark means “Ace” or “Trump”. Ace in the Hole ringing a Baal?
Gov. Jerry Brown, Bay Area mayors head to Vatican for climate-change meeting
The two-day event, hosted by the Pontifical Academies of Sciences and Social Sciences, aims to drive local awareness, dialogue and action on climate change and modern slavery, two pressing issues highlighted in the pope’s recent encyclical. Brown will attend sessions on “Modern Slavery and Climate Change: The Commitment of the Cities” on Tuesday, as well as Wednesday’s sessions on “Prosperity, People and Planet: Achieving Sustainable Development in Our Cities.”
Enoch built the 1st Cities to control the population. Enochian Magic is the Language of Creation (Birds, Oil, Yes, Green). Francis will open the UN Sustainability Summit Sept 23; 11 chairs in front of the Satanic Altar, Poseidon and his Trident (3 Teeth of the 2nd Beast) a Golden Globe reduced in size, St George and an Ark in the out front are really not that difficult to understand. The UN is Green for a reason
Enoch is derived from hnk or Hanukkah meaning Inaugurate, Train, Dedicate or my personal favorite “Fish Hook”. Dec 6, 2015 begins Hanukkah the 8 branches surrounding Shamash (Sun). Probably no coincidence 12/6 matches Rev 12:6 Inaugurating the 1260 days either
“Nothing happens in politics by chance. IF it happened it was planned” FDR
Chattanooga: Abdulazeez is declared a Radicalized ISIS Jihadist and Domestic Terrorist.
Israel whore Rand Paul is set to introduce an ISIS War Declaration early August.
October 5 is the 8th Day of Feast of Tabernacles; Jesus was Circumcised on this day; for occultists, cutting away unnecessary flesh has an entirely different meaning; on this day, NATO begins a 36K soldier War on ISIL exercise “Trident Juncture 2015” as Russia packs the Ukraine border with 70K of its own.
Trident is not only the weapon used by Poseidon seen at the UN, t also means “3 Teeth”; the 2nd Beast is a Bear on its side shaped just like Russia was intentionally shaped like at the Yalta Conference by Satanic 33 degree Mason buddies Truman, Stalin and Churchill. This Bear has 3 Ribs between it’s Teeth and rises to devour much flesh.
Is this Bear the ancient Mede-Persian Empire like your Study Bible notes (Dan 7:5) say? Absolutely not; no more than the 3rd Beast (Dan 7:6; note: this 76 symbol has just been placed on the Gnomon Pillar at St Sulpice in Paris corresponding to the Winter Solstice) is the Grecian Empire under Alexander the Great as he failed to obtain “Dominion”.
Folks, get ready, this is the part in Titanic where we walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death as the Ship goes down; economically this may be on 9/11/2015 as 9/13 Solar Eclipse is a Sunday. JADE HELM and the CERN Pentaquark ringing a Baal here? They are calling the Pentaquark a “Charm-Antiquark Pair” Charmonium Quark” The Witchcraft series Charmed may ring another Baal; Charmed means “Persuade by Incantation or Magic Spell”. The Charmonium Quark is considered the key to “Quantum Chromodynamics”; Chromo means “Color” as in the Rainbow, but is also means “Prostitute”.
CERN claims to have discovered the Charmonium Quark measuring Lambda B Baryons; Lambda is the 11th Greek and 12th Hebrew Letter Lamed meaning disabled in the feet (feet of clay and iron of the Beast); the measurements were called SPring 8, and why not? The 8th Tetrad ends this Sept and begins the Satanic Jubilee. 8 is Eternity springing from Lucifer.
JESUS is of course the Anti-quark here and Lucifer the Charm Quark who Charms the whole world using the 3 unclean Spirits of the 3 Frogs: Dragon, Beast of the Sea and Beast of the Earth. Pope Francis will have just declared an Earth Mother Holocaust at the UN.
The Charmonium Quark has 2 Up and 2 Down Quarks plus a Charm-Antiquark Pair. Now compare this to Baphomet with 2 fingers up and 2 down. The Charm-Antiquark is the Union of Male-Female; the Trans-gender, or Hermaphrodite god representing the union of Spirit and Wisdom (Baph + Metis); CERN is Cernunnos “Horned One”, same as Baphomet or Herne.
The Statue of Baphomet in Detroit (Straits) is paired with the Jesuits Crucified Jesus on a Park Bench. In other words folks, it’s one or the other, JESUS or the Charmonium Quark. Better make up your mind fast!
Cuban Flag to hang at State Department on Monday 7-20
Cuban Flag to hang at State Department on Monday 7-20
July 17, 2015 Cuban Flag to hang at State Department
Obama’s fundamental transformation comes to the State Department on Monday when Cuba’s Communist flag will be on display with the flags of other nations. What’s next? Is Iran’s flag going to go up at the State Department too? If Obama and Iranian born Valerie Jarrett have anything to say about it, then it probably will. This will be the first time in 54 years that Cuba’s flag will be shown at the American State Department.
The Chinese Flag flew over the White House last year. Rainbow light bathed the White House. Obama bowed to Shinto Emperor Akahito and Saudi dictator King Abdullah; he also sang “God save the Queen” to Queen Elizabeth. Sodomite 33 degree Mason Albert Pike’s larger than life (he was a 300+ Lb Hedonist) statue is at the base of the Justice Dept. No big surprise to me
Pentaquarks and J.A.D.E. Helm
These are two of the most powerful events in recent history — and they are forever connected by their timing, structure, function and symbolic representation.
July 14, 2015
CERN discovers “The Pentaquark”
A Pentaquark is the smallest known subatomic particle, it
consists of four quarks and one antiquark bound together.
On July 14th, CERN released a diagram of the Pentaquark and its 5 subatomic particles energetically bound by a PENTAGRAM.
July 15, 2015
The Department of Defense and its Global Information Grid began running “The J.A.D.E”. Computer Program in the American south west to study its citizens in war type scenarios. The Global Information Grid is a computer program that analyzes and connects information about Air, Sea, Ground, and Cyber Space in regards to the Human population— aka JADE masters the Human Domain.
Oddly, a diagram of how the Global Information Network operates is also laid out in a PENTAGRAM.
Earth (Land), Air, Sea (Water), Fire (Cyber) is nothing more than disguised Witchcraft. No wonder the God Particle is a Pentaquark to these Satanists.
July 14=7/14 Daniel 7:14 describes Eternity as the Spirit of the LORD re-unites with Jesus “God in Flesh”. Ancient of Days and Son of man uniting in everlasting “Dominion”.
Occultists have a slightly different plan however that was announced clandestinely on 7/14 with the Pentaquark or Chrominium Quark.
They must think we are just so stupid and they are so clever eh?
While I was scouring the net today I ran across this Congressional Record from 1910. It clearly shows how the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments have not passed with the required “two thirds” votes needed as per Article V.
Here it is in government print.
14th Amendment provided equal rights to former Slaves. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness does not include any rights to Property, because we are all and always have been Slaves.
15th Amendment provides the right to vote regardless of color or sex. “He who votes counts for nothing. He who counts votes counts for everything” Stalin “No matter who people vote for they always vote for us” Stalin or Goebbels I can’t recall which Satanist said this.
16th Amendment provided for Income Tax. This is voluntary and most Elite do not pay any of it. The IRS will however toss you in Debtor Prison for not paying it if they choose to do so.
Amendments like these are never passed legally because getting 2/3 of anyone including criminals to agree is impossible.
How do you get the whole town of Sandy Hook to enact a hoax? Buy them off with a nice Christmas present
Chattanooga shootings happen simultaneously with ISIS Twitter posts released by rabid lying Zionists Pam Geller and Rita Katz (SITE and US ARMY propaganda). Media all chime in unison “Domestic Terrorism”. “WWIII will pit Islam against Political Zionism to the point of physical, moral and economic exhaustion in order the true doctrine of Lucifer can be revealed and accepted” Sodomite 33 degree Mason Albert Pike, his letter likely penned by Belgian Jesuit handler Jean Pierre DeSmet who also happened to be 33 degree Mason, Witch, Mormon Church leader Brigham Young’s handler. Chock up another False Flag on the day the Quran was published.
Sorry I meant beginning of Islamic Calendar not Quran. The day not only began Islam, it divided the East (Orthodox) West Catholic Church; birth of the District of Columbia; March to Bull Run beginning the Civil War; 1st Atomic Bomb 33 degree Luciferian Mason Oppenheimer quotes Shiva “I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds”; Watergate (funny how Obama released convicts and visited a Prison as Nixon Hatchet Man 33 degree Luciferian Mason Rev Chuck Colson found guilty and imprisoned over Watergate now manages the very lucrative Prison Fellowship; 33 degree lying Masons in Apollo 11 launched the world’s greatest TV fakery up to that time and our buddy 33 degree Mason Saddam Hussein took over Iraq in a coup.
Rita and Pam are quite a pair; Rita “Pearl” + Katz=Kohannim + Tzaddiq. Heck most people fell for the James Holmes Theater Shooting, never noticing Alexis Israel was his attorney, Sandy Hook’ Adam Lanza’s (Red Spear) classmate and fake beheading victim James Foley’s sister; nice timing on the guilty verdict today eh?
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez? Sure Aziz means Oz or 77 Liber Oz; Book of the Goat may ring a Baal; heck even 33 degree Mason George Bush Sr even fell down today and made the news with his lovely bride Babs “Babalon” Aleister Crowley’s ritual born daughter. Great day of news for the mesmerized sheeple eh?
I’ll say its also was destination spot of active shooter police training as well.It’s been planned for 83(Gematria) for JESUS’. Chat TN was on the list
Psalm 83 lists the Satanic Confederacy we see today
FBI create them comes in save the days. Like Satanist due play both in sides
Chattanooga shooter worked at Perry Nuclear Power Plant; Medra Marketing
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez may have recently lived and worked in Cleveland suburbs 2013
San Diego Convention Center
A group of young “witches and warlocks” calling on the “mother and father of darkness and light” to come down where we were preaching.
Aztlan means “To Make White” as does Laban, Jacob’s uncle. A new White Flag is flying over the Sovereign Occupied Territory of Texas with a new Cuban Embassy housed in the recently Jade Helm 15 closed WalMart Supercenter. No Confederate Flag allowed, the Confederate Flag over Austin will be burned and replaced with a White Flag of Aztlan (TX, CO, UT, AZ, NM, So CA) all headed back to Mexico. The Rainbow Flag parody of the US Flag is fine and flying at Davis-Monthan AFB in Tuscon. The Statue of Confederate President Jefferson Davis will be torn down and replaced with Sodomite Barack Obama.
Samaritan Satanist Traitor John Kerry said the new Cuban Embassy in Sovereign Texas is a great sign. Obama OK’s FEMA and NATO joining Cuban occupation invasion of Texas.
Now can you see why these Satanists have been kicked out of every nation on earth except the US?
Heads Up! SPEC-OPS to Hold ‘Planned Power Outages’ As Jade Helm 15 Begins
A very disturbing alert has gone out about “planned power outages” being initiated on the California- Nevada border in the “Ant Hill and Tejon Ranch” area where SPEC-OPS are conducting operations on land owned by a power company under false pretenses, from July 15 – 20th, 2015.
The original alert sent over to Steve Quayle will be shown below, followed by Quayle’s MAJOR RED LIST warning.
Read more at http://investmentwatchblog.com/heads-up-spec-ops-to-hold-planned-power-outages-as-jade-helm-15-begins/#GceDbsIXbIdrpb7f.99
Sept 22 “Fake Rapture” Event. http://www.amightywind.com/rapture/renee_moses_false.html
Renee Moses in a pseudonym (Moses) for the new name 1/2 Truth, 1/2 Lies she tells as an Initiate of “Legion”. Same as Jesuit Alex Jones “Legion” and the Jesuit Organization “Anonymous” who uses the phrase “We are Legion”. These are the same Demons Jesus allowed to enter the Swine Herd before they ran down the cliff and drowned in Samaria.
No question al lot of Hollywood material and the Papal Visit to America is pointing to Sept 22, 2015 but not the Jesuit made up nonsense called the “Rapture” promoted by Jesuits Francisco Ribera Sj and Manual Lacunza Sj, and later Plymouth Brethren (Aleister Crowley’s Church) minister John Nelson Darby using 14 yr old Margaret McDonald, and later by Kansas Con Man Cyrus Scofield whose Jesuit Study Bibles are now used extensively in Evangelical Churches.
JESUS comes for His own at the Last Trump (7th Trumpet; 1 Thess 4:17; 1 Cor 15:52) on the last day before His Wrath destroys everything on earth in front of Him, “Legion” are the 200M Demons currently locked under the Euphrates River in Babylon; they are released by Satan at Rev 9:11 18 months (30 day months) 1 Week (Covenant with Many in Dan 9:27) and 1 Day (Day of Wrath) before the 2nd Coming.,
Renee Moses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sG1p8hiIdas has all the information in a 4 part series that points to Sept 22, 2015. Why? Sept=7th month; 22/7=Pi “Behold I come quickly” Rev 22:7. “All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died” Gen 7:22. Now you know why Jesuit Pope Francis has declared a Holocaust of 6.3 Billion people sinning against “Mother Earth”.
Why else? September is the 9th month Heb 9:22 “Almost all things are by the law purged with blood; without shedding of blood is no remission. It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens would be purified with these…” Heb 9:22-23 These days are “Kol NIdre” (All Vows) and Feast of Atonement.
I say get the word out; Sept 13 is a Solar Eclipse that begins the Civil New Year, not God’s New Year, Man’s New Year and begins the Satanic Jubilee (Trumpet) on Feast of Trumpets. Sept 22-28 ends the 8th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses on Jesus’ Birthday. Will Jesus be arriving then? Absolutely NOT! This is His Doppleganger called Antichrist or Beast from the Sea. The Beast from the Earth? Washington DC which is why Pope Francis will be there. The goal? Liberty from God. Esau is currently Yoked to Jacob (Gen 27:40-41KJV), but not for long; his stated intent is a Holocaust of everyone in covenant with God
Pope Francis (Free) will be at the Liberty Bell (Cast in White Chapel ie Sinless or Purified House of God) in Philadelphia (City of Brotherly Love is Esau’s love for Jacob and Cain’s love for Abel) Philadelphia is the Synagogue of Satan; Rev 2:9; 3:9) Lev 25:10 is inscribed on the Liberty Bell for this reason; “Smyrna” means “Bitterness or Suffering” This was the time before Constantine adopted the policy of mimicking Christians rather than persecuting them. Sept 13 begins the Jubilee “Liberty to the Captives” only this is the Satanic version.
Pope Francis will then head to NYC to the Satanic Altar in the United Nations for the Sustainability Earth Summit; Mother Earth can only sustain 1 Billion people living under a new 11 Commandments without prohibition on Homosexuality or Adultery; Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost promoted by Renee Moses is SPIRITUAL ADULTERY and is Unforgivable.
Folks, the Writing is on the Wall and Earth will be 3 1/2 years from 6000 on Sept 22, 2015. For years, I believed the Jesuit Bull Shit, Creation happened on Rosh Hashanah (Head of the Year); WRONG! Creation could only happen on God’s New Year 1 Abib; the New Moon on or after Spring Equinox. 1656 years Creation to Flood + 2160 years Aries to Pisces + 2160 years Pisces to Aquarius=5976 years. The Aquarius symbol was put on the Rose Line at St Sulpice in Paris for this reason at the start of the 8th Tetrad (Patterns in Heavens Heb 9:22-3). Sargon “Legitimate King” could only have been declared “Legitimate” at 21, the age of adulthood and accountability; children are subject to their parents teachings, not so for adults.
There you have it 5976 +21=5996 years, the age of Earth as the 8th Tetrad began (in 2014? or 2015? I’m not sure). Ready for Antichrist? Mark your calendar Sept 13-Oct 5 (Feast of Trumpets to 8th Day of Feast of Tabernacles)is shaping up to be quite a ride.
Got JESUS in your life? Now is a great time. 2 minutes in your Prayer Closet is an easy Yoke to bear isn’t it?
Like much of your work ! However Howard a personal relationship with Jesus ? Really, come on Howard I know you can do better than that.. There are already over 2 Billion people who have a personal relationship with Jesus.. Does this sound like the narrow road? (few be who find it !). Yahuah is calling his people out of the Great Whore/Deception. ( if they speak not according to the Law and Prophets, it is because there is No Light in Them !! Shabatt Shalom..
Karl, The Law and Prophets were until John the Baptist. Shalom is Salem the Canaanite god of Peace. The Peace Sign is the Broken Jew commemorating the Crucifixion of Jesus. I’ve had enough of your Bull Shit Karl. Yahuah is Jah the human Messiah JESUS calls Antichrist or the Beast. HU is the Syllable Gnostics believe was the Word of Creation. Yahuah is Satanic nonsense.
Great Whore Karl? Really, Babylon is the Gate of Osiris aka Jah and Salem. Shabat? The Sabbath is all 7 days in Covenant with JESUS. Do you keep the Sabbath Karl? What day would that be? Dies Solis or Saturn’s Day? JESUS says if we keep the law and offend on one aspect of any of the law, we are guilty of all the law. You are spouting dangerous ungrounded doctrine Karl. I’d appreciate it if you would pack up and leave this site.
• “For by grace are ye SAVED through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: NOT OF WORKS, lest any man should boast” (Eph 2:8,9).
• “Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of WORKS? NAY: but by the law of faith” (Rom 3:27).
• “But to him that WORKETH NOT, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness” (Rom 4:5).
• “Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness WITHOUT WORKS” (Rom 4:6).
• “NOT BY WORKS of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy He saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost” (Titus 3:5).
• “And if by grace, then is it NO MORE OF WORKS: otherwise grace is NO MORE grace. But if it be of works, then it is NO MORE grace: otherwise work is no more work” (Rom 11:6).
The Apositle Paul who you were quoting, Kept the Tora ! He Kept the feasts and new moon days! The messiah Yahusha/some call Jesus, said he came Not to Destroy the Law, but to Uphold it. He is our example? If he is your example, he kept the law perfectly and if he would not have he would not qualify as mine or your savior. There is. No forgiveness without repentance. Don’t you get it? Paul said Is the grace of Yah a lisence to Sin ? He said Yah forbid, No… Read his words before you spout off nonsense , Please use your head. Judgement is at the door.. Jade Helm, ect ect, can’t you see it. Today is the day of salvation and repentance . Tomorrow you could be dead and in Hell. This is not a Joke. Eturnity in Hell, does that sound like a Joke to you? You treat the Grace of Yah as an opportunity to sin. May Yah have mercy upon you, because to burn for all eternity, please shake yourselfs out of your Drunken Stuper. The Beast has devoured the whole earth, they are drunken on her teachings.. It’s still not to late to repent, but the gates to the Kingdom/ Marriage supper are closing. Repent put on Clean unstained garments (except what Yahusha did for you on the cross) Hebrews (do not keep signing and if you do paul said you have recrusified the Messiah Yahusha/Jesus and there remains no more forgiveness for your sins.. (Howard don’t make me call you a different name, I love you man and I do care where you end up.in your own words Wake Up, )
Acts 16:30 “Sirs, what must I do to be saved? …bbelieve on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved and thy house” Really the entire chapter of Acts 16 tells how we are to be Saved. Believe the Lord Jesus Christ is God in Flesh, the only path to remission of Sins. Then be Baptized; not with Water, but with Fire and the Holy Ghost. You do this privately in your Prayer Closet not in Church.
The Covenant Name is JESUS, which is strictly SPIRITUAL; the shortened version is JAH (Ps 68:4; Mat 1:25 KJV) other bibles confuse this by using Lower Case Jah and Jesus; these are the human Messiah people are deceived into worshipping (Adonnay, El, Elohim, Yashua, Yehoshua, Joshua, Jahuah, Yahweh and the like all sound close but are in fact the human Messiah coming in his own name the world will accept just as Jesus said would happen.
Baptism is between you and JESUS, who is the Holy Ghost; when you receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost you will know without question what just happened. For me it was in a hotel room October 15, 2004
Glen I do care greatly what happens to you and Karl, I just don’t want to keep at this incessant argument over Old Covenant Feasts; they no longer apply in the New Covenant.
You are only lying to yourself if you think you do not sin. NOBODY has ever been able to keep the law except the Lord.
If you break just one of the laws you are guilty of all.
It’s a free gift, quit trying to add works to it – you are working iniquity when you do this.
It’s not about you it’s about what Jesus did.
Your law keeping is nothing but filthy rags.
The narrow gate is believing in the Lord without adding any works to salvation. You have it ALL backwards.
You are mixing up salvation with the fruit of the spirit.
Amen Glenn
If you truly care about us, and I have no reason to believe otherwise, tell us exactly how we get saved.
What steps do we need to take initially as well as daily to get this salvation?
Check this Finding Howard Preprogramming Sept 23 Little House of Horrors WE know about 3rd rock also Godizllia( Google Doodle comes to mind http://www.anonymousmags.com/september-23-2015-satan-receive-full-reign-world/
Who would have known “In the beginning Kanye created the heavens and the earth” New American Bible “Book of Yeezus. I really had no idea Caitlyn Jenner’s family was so talented.
Brucie fits better Brother Howard ahhaha. Yeah, Kanye and the Karashians show ing their Armenian satanic communication on the Rollstone Mag. Interesting Kim (K-9) with a Captain cap on her head covering stone from alRollingstone. As well Roll with the double LL looking like 11. Some Definitely occult communication as well with So-called Yeezus bible. JADE HELM TOMORROW.. AFTER BARACK MADE HIS 46-80 COMMUTERS OUT OF PRISONS. INTERESTING PRISON PRISON NETWORKS AND FEMA ,ARE WORKI ING TOGETHER.
Atheist Legal Counsel, Richard Nixon “Hatchet Man” and Watergate 7 turned fake Christian, 33 degree Luciferian Mason Chuck Colson set up BreakPoint and Prison Fellowship to capitalize on the Privatization of the Prison system. 15 honorary PhD’s and Sodomite Pres Bush “Presidential Citizen Medal”, his program is endorsed by Prisons and Evangelical Churches alike because Prisons and Churches are one in the same “Sheep Pens”.
I can see why Tel Aviv (Mound of Deluge) had Caitlyn (Cathar;Catharsis) as their “Person of Honor”; Kanye (Give Honor or Tribute) is having an open affair with Gay designer Ricardo Tisci; he released his Book of Yeezus and Yeezus Rap Tour on Ash Wednesday to celebrate 40 days “Weeping for Tammuz” before the Easter (Ishtar) Conception.
It’s all about public Blasphemy now; Arizona’s Davis-Monthan AFB is flying the Rainbow Flag as a parody of the US Flag on its Federally owned taxpayer funded installation, just as the White House was bathed in Rainbow light in honor of what Newsweek called on its cover “The first Gay President”; the Rainbow Halo was just so special. His cross-dressing partner Michael must be so proud.
Joaquin El Chapo Guzman escapes Maximum Security Prison in a ventilated, lit mile long tunnel; US in angry over escape; Atty General Loretta Lynch pledges assistance in his capture.
Hillary Clinton used State Dept off books account “US Direct Commercial Sales” to finance body armor, automatic weapons, night vision equipment, 50 cal sniper rifles, anti-aircraft rockets sent to El Chapo’s Sinaloa Drug Cartel; the program managed by the BATFE in Phoenix Az by Gov Jan Brewer and Romney’s pal Sherriff Joe Arpaio; weapons stored in Columbus NM by Gov Susanna Martinez and transported through Ross Perot’s Alliance Airport by Gov Rick Perry. Sinaloa works with the Iranian Republican Guard (remember the Iranian used car salesman/hit man?) Sinaloa works with Chicago and Mayor Rahm Emanuel to transport drugs into the US via the massive US Army complex in El Paso “Ft Bliss” (Bliss= Perfect Happiness; Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness ringing a Baal?)
The US is now angry at El Chapo’s escape? Bull Shit. Obama even admitted last week “Progress was going to slow so we stepped up training and arming of ISIL” What will it take to wake people up?
McCain and SITE producing faked beheading videos and bin Laden videos is reminiscent of Stan Kubrick and NASA faking Moon landing videos to justify unrestrained spending. “A man’s foes shall be they of his own household” Jesus in Mat 10:36 illustrating the same problem in MIcah’s (750-710 BC) time when Israel fell to the Assyrians. The traitors then were Ephraim making deals with Tartan the Assyrian Army Commander today celebrated by the Presbyterian Church “Kirkin O Tartan”. “Ephraim is confederate with Syria” Is 7:2 “The head of Ephraim is Syria” Is 7:9 Think the Mormon Church who claims to be Ephraim knows this? Bet your Golden Plates on it
Donald Trump Donates Over $100,000 to Israeli Emergency Rescue Service
Hoover Dam: Government Orders 52,000 Rounds of Ammunition For “Security”
U.S. agency responsible for water and power is shopping to buy 52,000 rounds of ammunition for the security officers who protect the Hoover Dam and Lake Mead recreational area.
The Bureau of Reclamation put out a bid in June for 41,600 rounds of hollow-point ammunition and 10,400 rounds of shotgun ammunition.
The ammo is paid for by revenue from utility companies that buy electricity from Hoover Dam, but the bureau won’t say how it will be used or offer details on its law enforcement plan at the popular tourist destinations. A 2008 review of federal law enforcement indicated 21 officers patrolled Hoover Dam, the Las Vegas Sun
Restored 1813 presentation flag, Betsy Ross & the Lost Dauphin
A rare presentation flag the United States government gave to the Six Nations Iroquois in 1813 has been restored and is now on display at the New York State Museum in Albany. The flag measures 60 inches by 118 inches, has 15 horizontal stripes (eight red, seven white) and a painted eagle with the shield of the United States in the blue canton instead of stars. The number of stripes matches those on the official US flag at the time — from 1795 there were stripes for each state until 1818 when Congressional passed a law requiring flags to have 13 stripes representing the original colonies while a star would be added to the canton every time a new state was admitted to the Union — including the most famous of them all, the Star Spangled Banner.
Philadelphia ornamental painter William Berrett. Berrett’s friend and neighbor, one Elizabeth Claypoole, was his colleague in flag production. Elizabeth Claypoole has gone down in history as Betsy Ross. Ross was the name of her first husband John who died in 1776. She remarried and was widowed again. Her third marriage in 1783 was to John Claypoole, and it was under this name that Betsy had her greatest success as a flagmaker.
The Star Spangled Banner written by 33 degree Freemason Francis Scott Key as he watched the bombs bursting in mid air because fuses were set intentionally short; the song set to Anachreon in Heaven, a Greek Poem and put to music of an Irish Drinking Song. The same flag was originally the Flag of the Confederacy until the X Flag was adopted. Betsy and John, her 33 degree Luciferian Mason husband originally designed the flag with 13 6 pointed Stars of Molech, but that was deemed to obvious. 9/11/1813 was the date the British anchored in Baltimore Harbor
Billionaire businessman Donald Trump has a plan to pay off the national debt, grant a middle class a tax cut, and keep Social Security afloat: tax rich people like himself.
Trump, a prospective candidate for the Reform Party presidential nomination, is proposing a one-time “net worth tax” on individuals and trusts worth $10 million or more.
By Trump’s calculations, his proposed 14.25 percent levy on such net worth would raise $5.7 trillion and wipe out the debt in one full swoop.
The U.S. national debt decreased by $9.7 billion in September but remains at $5.66 trillion, according to the latest U.S. Treasury figures.
The net worth tax is the cornerstone of Trump’s economic plan released Tuesday morning.
“No one has put forward a plan to make this country entirely debt free as we enter the next millenium,” Trump said in a written statement.
“The plan I am proposing today does not involve smoke and mirrors, phony numbers, financial gimmicks, or the usual economic chicanery you usually find in Disneyland-on-the-Potomac,” Trump said.
Trump would exempt the value of an individual’s principal home from the net worth total.
“By my calculations, 1 percent of Americans, who control 90 percent of the wealth in this country, would be affected by my plan,” Trump said.
“The other 99 percent of the people would get deep reductions in their federal income taxes,” he said.
Eliminating the national debt would save the federal government $200 billion a year in interest payments, Trump said. He proposes to earmark half the savings for middle class tax cuts, and the other half for Social Security.
Trump said depositing $100 billion annually in the Social Security trust fund would generate $3 trillion “over the next 30-years, when the trust fund is scheduled to go broke” and instead keep the fund “solvent through the next century.”
The tax also would lead to the repeal the current federal inheritance tax “which really hurts farmers and small businessman and women more than anything else,” Trump said.
Trump, whose own net worth is an estimated $5 billion, says the wealthy would not suffer if his economic plan were enacted.
“Personally this plan would cost me hundreds of millions of dollars, but in all honesty, it’s worth it,” Trump said.
Trump predicts his debt elimination combined with his tax cuts would trigger a 35 to 40 percent boost in economic activity, with more business start-ups, more jobs, and more prosperity.
“It is a win-win for the American people, an idea no conventional politician would have the guts to put forward,” Trump said.
Last month, Trump formed a committee to explore seeking the presidential nomination of the Reform Party, which will automatically be on the ballot in 21 states next year.
Knight of Malta Donald Trump is as usual putting out nonsense to distract sheeple from the truth. The National Debt is $18.7 Trillion + $50 Trillion in unfunded Social Security, Medicare, Gov’t Pensions and Gov’t backed private pensions (PBGC), + $800-$1.4Quadrillion in Derivatives ready to pop like the wind bag he is.
This was from a 1999 CNN interview an was page exposing his empty rhetoric. I cant believe how people are so gullible, to his immigration talk. When his Militia(COMPANY Jesuit) is creating the madness in Mexico as they did in El Salvador, Iran-Contra as well. Drug Running thru Americas as well.
You can find the soft sell experts filtered through the media giving a host of explanations for this phenomenon. As usual it is ‘disclosure” in a “limited hangout” or DLH. We can consider the COTO possibilities as well.
That’s the killer, he’s the one. No we better cut him open and see whats in that slow metabolic belly. Aha, a Louisiana licence plate. Bingo!
777 is the sheeples 11
Navy DoD scalar test . Sonar -radar, weapon heating ionospheric water based experimentation. We know how crazy the kids get and the research of Cellular microwaves that has been accepted now even by major nations like Germany and others who now warn and advise against the dangers, especially for young brains. Why would we not see the sonar testing of the past as a reason for porpoise and whale beachings?
Church of Cannabis Uses Indiana’s Religious Freedom Law to Challenge Anti-Marijuana Law
The First Church of Cannabis and its founder and Grand Poobah Bill Levin have filed suit under the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (pdf) (RFRA) claiming the state’s drug laws are putting an undue burden on his parishioners’ ability to practice their religion, which includes using pot during services.
“The aforementioned statues have substantially burdened and may substantially burden Plaintiffs’ exercise of religion in that Plaintiffs are in a position to be prosecuted for the described offenses for use of the sacrament of their religion,” the complaint states, according to Courthouse News Service. Marijuana “brings us closer to ourselves and others. It is our fountain of health, our love, curing us from illness and depression,” according to the suit.
Now Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts) and John McCain (R-Arizona)—along with Senate co-sponsors Angus King (I-Maine) and Maria Cantwell (D-Washington)—have introduced legislation that would restore Glass-Steagall’s restrictions on how commercial banks may invest their deposits.
The 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act (pdf) would “clarify regulatory interpretations of banking law provisions that undermined the protections under the original Glass-Steagall” and would make “too-big-to-fail” institutions smaller and safer, minimizing the likelihood of a government bailout, according to ThinkAdvisor.
The bill, McCain said in a statement, wouldn’t end the concept of banks being too big to fail, but “would rebuild the wall between commercial and investment banking that was in place for over 60 years, restore confidence in the system and reduce risk for the American taxpayer.”
The bill would separate commercial banks, which manage checking and savings accounts for consumers, and investment banks.
“Despite the progress we’ve made since 2008, the biggest banks continue to threaten our economy,” Warren said in a statement. “The biggest banks are collectively much larger than they were before the crisis, and they continue to engage in dangerous practices that could once again crash our economy.”
The bodies of 36 US Marines have been found on a remote Pacific island more than 70 years after they died in a bloody World War II battle, a member of the recovery team said.
The remains of the men were discovered after a four-month excavation on Betio Island in Kiribati, director of US charity History Flight Inc., Mark Noah, told Radio New Zealand.
The Secret Soci running joke, a conspiracy, a challenge, a raspberry to authority and (at least formerly) an exclusive club, the members of the Order of the Occult Hand are those journalists who have successfully snuck the meaningless phrase “occult hand” past their editors and into published newspaper articles.
How did this all start? According to two of its founding fathers, Joseph Flanders and R.C. Smith, in the fall of 1965, a group of Charlotte News reporters, while purportedly enjoying a few alcoholic beverages, began to critique a recent piece written by their colleague, the aforementioned Joseph Flanders. Into a “complicated story of evil-doing,” Flanders had placed the phrase “It was as if an occult hand had reached down from above and moved the players like pawns upon some giant chessboard.”
One of the contingent supposedly teased, “Now that is what I call prose.”
From that point on “The Order of the Occult Hand” was formed and Flanders’ colleagues became committed to secreting the phrase into their work. According to founding father R.C. Smith, “virtually all succeeded.” And as they moved on to other papers, word spread, and the Order grew.
In 1967, Victor McElheny, a reporter with the rival, Charlotte Observer, who was apparently aware of the Order, if not a member, moved to Boston where the phrase became so popular that eventually it was banned from The Boston Herald.
One of the Order’s early evangelists was Jay Sharbutt, who had picked up the “occult hand” while in Boston and joined the Order in 1978 (when he put it in an article published by the Associated Press). Not long after, he moved to The Los Angeles Times, and in 1983 Sharbutt told several Times reporters about it.
ety of Journalists Known as the Order of the Occult Hand
Occult means “Hidden” Sounds a bit like “Hidden Hand” http://www.wanttoknow.info/secret_societies/hidden_hand_bloodlines
These people believe they are a different Race descended from Lucifer and the Nephilim; the Hidden Hand Sign used by Karl Marx, Napoleon and Churchill for example are simple a way of identifying men who have sold their soul in ritual such as the Rainbow Arch Degree of Masonry or Lateran meaning “Hidden Frogs”. There is not secret bloodline, it’s simply the deception of the Dragon, Beast and False Prophet that deceives the entire earth.
: PresidentIn a visit where he is expected to push for criminal-justice reform, President Barack Obama will become the first sitting president to visit a federal prison when he travels to Oklahoma next week.
On Thursday, Obama will meet with law enforcement officials and inmates at El Reno Federal Correctional Institution outside Oklahoma City. According to a White House press release, the president will also be conducting an interview for a “Vice” documentary focused on the criminal justice system in this nation.
Obama To Become First Sitting President To Visit Federal Prison
The evidence appears to back up this theory as Hatshepsut could easily have ordered Thutmose III’s death while pharaoh, ridding herself of anyone who had as good of a claim on the throne as herself. Instead, she made sure he received a top notch education typically reserved for scribes and priests, creating something of a future scholar-king. Later Thutmose III joined the military. After he gained some experience there and proved himself worthy, Hatshepsut ultimately named Thutmose III the supreme commander of her armies. In this position, had he so chosen, he could have relatively easily overthrown her, but made no such move.
So it would appear the pair were on good terms and comfortable in their respective positions. All evidence indicates she was raising him to be the next pharaoh, and did a phenomenal job of it as well. Like Hatshepsut, he would become one of the great pharaohs in history, in his case both in administration and in battle strategy, since being called “the Napoleon of Ancient Egypt.”
Tagged global temperature, sea level
Pope Francis repeats the Urban Blunder; Setting the Record Straight on Galileo
Posted on July 2, 2015 | Leave a comment
Recently, The Guardian published the article “Pope Francis recruits Naomi Klein in climate change battle“ written by Rosie Scammell. This article praises the Vatican for getting involved in “climate change” and for recruiting anti-capitalist Naomi Klein to join with the Vatican to address environmental issues.
In the article reference is made to Galileo, who’s rocky relationship with the Vatican has been well-studied by many scholars. The article states:
“Nearly 500 years since Galileo was found guilty of heresy, the Holy See is leading the rallying cry for the world to wake up and listen to scientists on climate change. Multi-faith leaders will walk alongside scientists and campaigners, hailing from organisations including Greenpeace and Oxfam Italy, marching to the Vatican to celebrate the pope’s tough stance on environmental issues
Obama says “We stepped up training of ISIL in Anbar…things were going to slow”
Galileo was a Rosicrucian fraud who. My how times have changed, Pope Francis believes in Evolution, Homosexual Marriage, Adultery, Evolution, Big Bang and Gravity; he now wants us to believe the Global Climate Change Liars who claim Earth can only support 1 Billion people.
Pope Francis teaches from the Cathedra of St John Lateran, the “Hidden Frogs” of the 3 unclean spirits of Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet, behind Hatshepsut’s Hyksos (Amalekite) Obelisk. He wears the Pallium (Wool Coat) worn by “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes”, answering to “Father”, the title Jesus said never call any man on Earth. He carries the Pagan “Twisted Crucifix”, the symbol of Pagan Victory over Jesus. He wears the Philistine “Mitre of Dagan” over the “Kippah” (Cap of Cybele) in formal rejection of Jesus tearing the Temple Veil.
Trust this man? Who swore to act as a Protestant among Protestants, a Jew among Jews, a Catholic among Catholics (No he is not Catholic; he is Satanist), swearing to kill on command of his superior (Adolfo Nicholas) to the point of ripping babies from their mother’s wombs and swinging their heads against the rocks (Google “Extreme Oath of Jesuit Induction”). The man is a Robed Devil calling for the extermination of 6+Billion people and the death of America before 535 Traitors inn Congress who willfully violate their Sworn Oaths to protect the Constitution.
Trust this man? No more than I would Satan himself.
Madonna is depicted as Eris, the Goddess of Chaos in a popular cartoon
Eris is very similar to to the word heiress. Eris is a Greek goddess, the Latin form of her name being Discordia
Eris is UB313 the Dwarf Planet or 10th Planet aka Planet X (X=10) Star Wormwood? Who knows. Asteroid that hits San Juan on Sept 23, 2015? Your guess is as good as mine. Nibiru or the Annunaki garbage of Zecharia Sitchin? Absolutely not. Eris is opposite Concordia; Pope Francis will visit the RC Holy Trinity Church in Philadelphia “Meeting of Families” RC stands for Rosicrucian seen in Mary holding the Roses, the All Seeing Eye, In Hoc Signo Vincces (Sign of the X from 313 Edict of Milan and the 312 Battle of Milvian Bridge Constantine versus his Satanic brother in law Maxtentius) and the Dove (Symbol of the Holy Ghost as well as Samaritan Fake Jews ie Edomites aka Synagogue of Satan) on the Rosicrucian Trinity. Francis released Peace Doves as did Benedict the year before and both were attacked by Crows.
3/13/2016 is the 50th anniversary of LGBT Rights (Signs are all over Philly) the Jubilee Year of the Church of Satan founding in America soon to be destroyed by Eris. There are 313 ! in the KJV for a reason Jesuits put the Crucified Jesus on a Park Bench in Detroit Area Code 313 for a reason. Pope Francis was elected on 3/13 for a reason. The world is about to find out the hard way
Yeah she also made a Pedophilia(Planned) Joke on Jimmy Fallon Show as well last week
Sodomite Man Files $70M Suit Against Bible Publishers Over ‘Homosexual’ Verses
The Court has some very genuine concerns about the nature and efficacy of these claims,” the judge wrote.
Fowler, who is representing himself in both cases, claims that Zondervan manipulated Scripture by using the term “homosexuals” in 1 Corinthians 6:9 of their 1982 and 1987 revised edition Bibles. He also contends that the reference to homosexuality were deleted by the publisher in later versions without informing the public.
He alleges that since the older Kings James Version containing the term “homosexuals” is used by his family pastor, he has been outcast by his family.
The 39-year-old is suing the Grand Rapids publisher for compensation of 20 years of “emotional duress and mental instability,” he told WOOD-TV in Grand Rapids.
Zondervan is Knight of Malta Rupert Murdoch (Merodach=Marduk=Molech) owned and all its bible versions are copyrighted. FATCA legislation protects Copyrighted material. The suit may indeed win, but the KJV aka Authorized Bible will still remain as the inerrant Word not copyrighted by Man.
Karl Marx and Frederich Englels had the brilliant idea of killing God with Science and Suing Him. His misfit followers are not doing just that
Howard did check what LiarDHS Jeh Johnson utter were not the result of any nefarious actor. Also Zero(Like Zero Hour Hedge) reported
Chinese DDOS hackers focusing on St. Louis all morning…
Others are pointing to an ominous tweet from an account associated with the online hacker collective known as Anonymous that read: “Wonder if tomorrow is going to be bad for Wall Street,” … “We can only hope I don’t believe this Crap. Inside hatchet Job
Yeah I saw that. Jeh the Liberian (Liber=Dionysus=Green Man) Chief who saved his grandpa. St Louis Arch is the Masonic Gateway to the West; a Modified Catenary Arch shaped as an anchor chain with links thinned in the middle (population reduction) named after the Sun King Louis XIV. Some claim (BS) it’s a Tuning Fork that will be used much like the Tuning Fork Angels of Hoover Dam split the US and potentially drain the Great Lakes of water.
It’s all happening so fast now isn’t it? I am praying and trying to figure out the timeline; 9/22=Heb 9:22; 3:22=Gen 3:22. Any help on this? Bohemian Grove in full swing in Ramadan. July 16 is the start of the Mayan Calendar and Islamic Calendar and July 25 the end of Boho Grove (Grand Climax of Begone Dull Care) on 9 Av Tisha b’ Av when every war and genocide seems to begin.
Let’s all put our collective noggins together to get a realistic timeline before the internet goes dark. I have a sneaking suspicion that is not far off.
I believe I was wrong in assuming the Rabbinical tradition of Creation occurring on Feast of Tabernacles. I now believe Creation occurred on God’s New Year 1 Abib and that we are now at 5996 years with 1 Abib 2016 marking the final 3 1/2 years. The only Feast of the Millennium will be Feast of Tabernacles (Zech 14:19) The St Sulpice Society claims 2014 was the start of Aquarius and carved the symbol into the Dec 21st Gnomon Pillar on the Rose Line. Pope Francis visiting the RC Trinity (Rosicrucian Trinity) Church in Philly on 9/22 on Kol Nidre when the Synagogue of Satan (Church of Philadelphia) forgives themselves of Sins they plan for the upcoming year. Come on guys we can do this. Put on the Thinking Caps not the Sleeping Caps of Mithra
Eiji Tsuburaya’s 114th Birthday Google Doodle About Nuclear Em Weaponry
The lights dim. Cameras start to roll. A film crew silently watches. Suddenly! From behind a hand-built skyline, a towering beast appears! Shaking off a layer of dust, the massive foam-and-rubber monster leans back to act out an amazing roar (the sound effect will be added in later). Then, stomping towards the camera, the giant moves closer, and closer, until…”Cut!”
Seen this film before? This live action genre, known as “Tokusatsu” (特撮) in Japanese, is unmistakable in its style, and still evident in many modern beast-based thrillers. In today’s Doodle, we spotlight one of Tokusatsu’s kings, Eiji Tsuburaya, the quiet pioneer who created Ultraman, co-created Godzilla, and brought Tokusatsu to the global cinematic mainstream. Doodler Jennifer Hom led us through the inspiration behind the interactive Doodle:
New York Stock Exchange unexpectedly halts ALL trading over ‘technical issue’, two hours after United was forced to ground all its flights nationwide also blaming an unexplained ‘computer glitch’
Yep about 4 hours worth hmmm
25% of China’s markets are halted as well. United Airlines flights stopped 3 1/2 hours.
Godzilla Google Doodle is pretty telling. Zillah is the mother of Tubal-cain the instructor of all metal workers; Uranium Radiation created Godzilla in Japan (Land of the Rising Sun) just as Fukushima 3/11 matches Babylonian New Year on 2016 is destroying the Earth with Radiation. God + Zillah? Tubal-cain is also called Vulcan the Canaanite fire god; Rabbis use Spock’s Vulcan “Sign of Shin” to open Talmudic Synagogues of Satan with the Sign of the Nails (made by Tubal-can/Vulcan) to fasten Jesus to the Cross. NO wonder Luciferian Masons regard Tubal-can as their god. “Who is Tubal-cain?” Ans “Vulcan of the Canaanites”-Passphrase of Master Masons.
The Beast from the Sea is rising and with it comes a drastic reduction in Pope Francis’ call for reducing C02, Methane and Nitric Oxides (Industrial pollution)
Desert means “Uninhabited land, returned to nature where plants gain the upper hand” This is the theme of the movie “Transcendence” and UN Agenda 21. Pope Francis’ Encyclical on Nature is precisely this release of Godzilla in a figurative sense. Hiroshima was in fact the Jesuits 2nd land acquisition after Tehran. Jesus’ 2 Commandments were “Love God” and “Love our Neighbor”. Pope Francis puts Jesus Crucified on a Twisted Crucifix and now on a Detroit Park Bench (Park means Enclosure for Beasts) with 11 Commandments eliminating the prohibition on Homosexuality and Adultery yet condemning Selfies (All Facebook users) and consumers of GMO Food (Everyone). His Nature Encyclical from the Cathedra (Teaching Seat) of the Hidden Frogs: Devil, Antichrist, False Prophet behind the Exodus Obelisk calls for killing 6/7th of humanity.
Also had the Statue of liberty being drag by a ship. Didn’t you talk about this couple weeks ago ????
New American History Books in Texas Public School (No KKK, No Jim Crow Laws, and Civil War About State Rights Not Slavery) C<OMMON CORE
Pope Francis: God Has Instructed Me to Revise the Ten Commandments
Travis nice Catch ! So you don’t sound like Pope tampering with the 10 Commandments, right on. If that’s the case you could consider the fact that he already changed the commandments by changing the Creators Calander ? Creators Calander Sun starts the year when it crosses the vernal equinox . Moon Starts the Month. Let the priests sound the 2 silver trumpets at the sighting of the new moon to announce to the Camp the Month has begun. If you, me or anyone else wants to keep the 10 commandments we must keep them all ? If we want to meet with our creator we must meet with him when he says we should ? 4 th. Comand, keep the Sabboth. 1st Day=new Moon Day a time we will all meet with Yah, or Howard says Jah. Then 6 work Days and 8 day is. Sabboth. 6 more work days and 15 or 7 day of that week is the next Sabboth and so on for the rest of Month ! (Read Is:66). After the new Heavens and new earth, from one New Moon to the Next, and from one Sabboth to the next all flesh shall come up before Yah..
The Confederate Flag symbolizes States right to secede from the United States; it has nothing to do with Black Oppression or Slavery. Esoterically, the X is the Masonic Christ as Masons were on both sides of the self-inflicted blood bath now repeating itself right on schedule.
The original Confederate Flag had 13 stars in a circle just as the Betsy Ross Flag (her husband a 33 degree Luciferian Mason).
33 degree Mason George S James was given the privilege of firing the first cannon shot at Ft Sumter to start the war, as 33 degree Luciferian Mason Henry Kissinger (Heinz) said “Soldiers are dumb stupid animals to be used as cannon fodder in our wars” George’s son 33 degree Mason Jesse James robbed trains and banks and changed his name to Williams Andrew Clark to get elected (hand picked) as US Senator.
“Nothing in politics happens by chance, if it happened you can bet it was planned” Luciferian Mason FDR
These people will rot in Hell for eternity in a fire that never dies; I suggest you don’t join them
The episode Gettysburg in Outer Limits http://www.senatorjessejames.com/ is pretty telling Rosicrucian Sodomite Liar “Honest Abe” Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address was a Freedom from God manifesto echoing Rosicrucian, Luciferian Mason, Traitor, Child Sacrificer Ben Franklin’s Declaration of Independence. The right to Property changed to Happiness because Happiness is Wisdom in Welsh. The Civil War was fought over property nobody in the US owned; it was and still is claimed by the British Crown.
Obama took the stage on election night on the same spot Lincoln did; his Sodomite partner Michael wore the Black Widow Dress standing behind 4 in thick Rocket Proof Glass; he then took the same train stops to Washington DC from Springfield and was not sworn in using a Bible; Michael held the Lincoln Bible as Sodomite Chief Justice and Jesuit John Roberts intentionally screwed the Oath of Office up. Roberts later cast the deciding vote on ObamaCare precisely at 10:22PM Sunday 3/22/10 because it was Midnight in Thule Greenland and 3:22 on 3/22 in Greenwich England. Society 322 or Thule Society is called the Skull & Bones Society; Hitler, Stalin and the entire Bush Klansmen are initiates as is PNAC author, Russian-Syrian-Iran War instigator Robert Kagan (Kagan is a title of Khazar Kings of Russia; Sodomite SCOTUS Justice Elena Kagan Obama’s handler/advocate with Marxist Valerie Jarret)
Confederate President Jeff Davis was all set to start the breakaway Republic in Texas after the war, the plan however was to do this in 2015 on the Civil New Year Solar Eclipse it seems. Texas has a $2B Gold Depository Bank, Nuclear arsenal, and equal standing with the Federal Government except they have the Gold. The exact conditions of the Civil War are now present and the same Satanic: Jesuits and Masons guiding America into the Abyss beyond the Outer Limits.
Just listen to Rod Serling “We can shape your world into anything your imagination can conceive…” Tomorrowland” (Brazil May 1; London and Belgium July 23; Atlanta (Jeff Davis surrendered here) Sept 25 echoes the Tomorrowland movie “Shaping reality into anything your imagination can conceive”. The selection of Sodomite CFR initiate George “Gravity” Clooney was no accident. The 2014 theme? Key to Happiness; CERN’s motto? Key to the Abyss in Rev 9:11 The 2015 motto? Secret Kingdom of Melodia, the New Song JESUS’ followers will sing after having been martyred in Rev 5:9; Rev 14:3. NOtice the M in Melodia is the same M-Theory Stephen Hawking (Crown of Horus) conceived; in his Jesuit inspired garbage theory God is a Bubble Headed P-Brane full of Dark Matter.
Folks, it’s time to Wake Up! You have until Sept 23 to Wake the Hell Up!
Black US President Buries Confederate Flag in Outer Limits Episode 15 Years ago!
Outer Limits back in the year 2,000 that actually predicts a black President burying the Confederate Flag once and for all! This mirrors exactly what President Obama has just tried to do with his completely illegal actions by getting Amazon, Walmart and Ebay to stop selling the Confederate Flag! And now even NASCAR showed it’s true colors and turned on their fans and said they might make fans remove shirts and flags if they bring them to the races!
At the beginning of the show, two young men, Andy and Vince are excited to be participating in the re-enactment of the battle of Gettysburg. A strange man shows up and wants to take their photograph with a special camera that transfers the men back in time on the day before the battle of Gettysburg. One of the msn is horrified by the battle to come but the other is excited to get a chance at battle because he’s tired of being pushed around by Cops, IRS agents, and illegal aliens!
I’m not going to go over the rest of the episode but in the last few minutes you’ll see a black President in a ceremony to bury the Confederate Flag forever! The strange photographer tells the two men that this black President is the greatest President of all time to boot! Yeah that part will make you vomit a bit!
The black President says he is going to lay to rest forever, a symbol of separation and conflict – the Confederate Battle Flag!
Attorney General Holder Announces the First Six Pilot Sites for the National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice | OPA | Department of Justice
US Hedge Funds Get Bailed Out if Greeks Pass Bailout Referendum
Pope Francis has released his encyclical on climate change, with Indigenous Peoples’ cultural and land rights as major factors both underlying the issues and in seeking solutions.
Indigenous Peoples’ spiritual connection with the environment makes common sense, the 192-page document implies.
“Many intensive forms of environmental exploitation and degradation not only exhaust the resources which provide local communities with their livelihood, but also undo the social structures which, for a long time, shaped cultural identity and their sense of the meaning of life and community,” the Pope wrote. “The disappearance of a culture can be just as serious, or even more serious, than the disappearance of a species of plant or animal. The imposition of a dominant lifestyle linked to a single form of production can be just as harmful as the altering of ecosystems.”
Tomorrowland Festival Belgium July 23-27, 2015 aligns with 9 Av and the Grand Climax Ritual at Bohemian Grove beginning the Dog Days of Sumer; Sirius being hidden 77 days begins 8/8, 2015 (88 was featured extensively in the movie Transcendence); in Gematria JESUS is 888.
Sirius is the Spiritual Sun, the ultimate manifestation of Spirit in Matter being 77 according to Aleister “Beast” Crowley or Bab’s (Bab=Gate Babalon Bush/Pierce) in Liber Oz or 77 “Book of the Goat”)https://news.beatport.com/watch-tomorrowland-belgium-reveals-its-theme-for-2015/ The theme of Tomorrowland 2015 is the Secret Kingdom of Melodia meaning New Song of Rev 5:9 and Rev 14:3; last year’s theme was the Key to Happiness. Notice the children entering the door of the Castle and the logo a Butterfly (Monarch Programming) Clock Gears and “M” under the All Seeing Eye. M, the 13th Letter refers to Rebellion in Gen 13/Rev 13 (Men of Sodom were wicked sinners…Gen 13:13) Liber Mundi “Book of the World” is seen in Stephen Hawking’s (Crown of Horus) “M Theory” CERN will vainly attempt to prove M Theory (Gravity Strings) on Sept 23.
9 Av celebrated the destruction of the Temples, WWI, WWII and start of Gulf Wars among much else. Notice the Happy New Year Fireworks in the video; this New Year is the Mayan Calendar 13 month Calendar; the Dog (Sirius) Days end Sept 23 with the Tomorrowland Festival in Atlanta (Mayor Kasim Reed attended Bilderberg last year)
Why is Tomorrowland in Belgium and why Children? Ask Tomorrowland star Sodomite George Cloney. Chateau Amerois “Castle of Kings” in Muno Bel and SWIFT Interbank (WWIII will start when Russia is excluded from SWIFT). The blood of ritually sacrificed children is used at the Castle by Mothers of Darkness like Bab’s Bush to write the progress of the New World Order under the 1000Pts of LIght Cupola (GHW Bush 1000 Pts of Light foundation)
Happy New Year folks, the Satanic Jubilee (Notice the Hummingbird with a Trumpet) begins on Feast of Trumpets 2015 with the Solar Eclipse.
M-Theory is Magic, Mystery or Membrane Theory, the Unified Field Theory of all Forces of Nature; this is the “god of Forces” described in Dan 11:38. P-Branes describe Gravity giving Mass to Matter and Order to the Cosmos in 11 dimensions also called the “Coupling Constant” in Heterotic M Theory; Heterosis is the Cross Breeding of parents producing offspring greater than the parents. CERN producing the God Particle on July 4, 2012 will end Sept 24, 2015 producing the Membrane (Bubble) opening the door to other dimensions full of Aliens more advanced than the Bubble Headed P-Brane we call God.
Don’t fall for this Jesuit Bull Shit people. The Great Tribulation described in Rev 11, 12 and Rev 13 begins Sept 2015.
Everyone on Earth has 2 months to establish a personal Covenant with JESUS or face Eternity in Hell.
Blacklivematter Sandra Bland had the let it be t-shirt of the Beatles. We know that Aleister Crowley was the on one their albums. We also know Beatles came to be thru the brain trust know as Tavistock institute . 33parallel is link to Texas a as well as the skulls and bones sorority that Sandra made an pledge unto
Sandra was pledged to a Skull & Bones Fraternity and suicided just like Whitney Houston. She was dead when her mug shot was taken. http://mindcontrolblackassassins.com/2015/07/25/sacrifice-sandra-bland-sisterhood-of-death-illuminati-sacrifice/
Open Day kicks off Talisman Sabre 2015 operations in Darwin
U.S. and Australian forces showcased equipment and personnel at Darwin Showgrounds July 5 during the 2015 Talisman Sabre Open Day, kicking off the area’s participation in the bilateral exercise.
Jade Helm 15 officially goes live in a few weeks. It will span 10 US states… And nearly simultaneously, from July 4th through the 19th, several thousand miles away more than 33,000 United States and Australian military personnel will be engaged in Operation Talisman Sabre.
This show of military power comes at a time when tensions with China over their man-made naval stations in the South China Sea are reaching a steady boil.
Early last month China concluded “Crossing 2015, a full scale live fire military exercise deep in the Mongolian desert.
And wouldn’t you know… At the exact same time Talisman Sabre 2015 goes live with Jade Helm 15 – China has issued a warning – complete with naval coordinates – for all navies to steer clear of their latest live fire exercises in the south China Sea.
China is more than ready – and making sure the world knows.
Did Pentagon expert leak Jade Helm psyop objectives?
MAX BOOTS RUSSIAN YALE CFR member Public Opinion From
There are no “Leaks” Max Boot is a Senior CFR adviser to the War Department and World Affairs Council (WAC Job). The Am Revolution was not a fluke; it was 7 years of Hell on Earth created by the Bankers, managed by Rosicrucian Freemason, Hell Fire Society Ritual Sacrficer Ben Franklin and their man “Cincinnatus” the Roman farmer turned war hero Sodomite Order of Cincinnati George Washington financed by Haim Solomon.
Jesuit Vatican Astronomer Guy Consolmagno runs the LUCIFER Telescope and NASA “WISE” Telescope and sums up the “Key to Happiness” (Welsh for Wise) as finding intelligent life in the universe by opening a door to dimensional travel; CERN is the complete Bull Shit experiment trying to Open that Door on Sept 23, 2015. Bab=Gate or On “Gate of the Sun”. Cardo=Hinge; Pedophile Cardinal Carmerlengo Tauran (Bull) in Angels and Demons was the Carmerlengo who saved the Vatican from a Pedophile scandal becoming a Saint for destroying the “Dark Matter” bomb developed at CERN. Doro=Door as in Dorothy in Emerald (Lightning) City.
Francis wants to Baptize Extra-terrestrials’ Reagan’s speech on Feast of Atonement emphasized Unity of Nations in dealing with the threat of Extra-terrestrial invasion just like Pope Francis; Naval Intel Officer Will Cooper’s book “Behold a Pale Horse” even spelled out the place on the White House Lawn which is where Francis will meet Sodomite American Pharaoh Pres Obama and first cross-dresser Michael (Queen Hatshepsut was also a Cross Dresser Pharaoh of the Exodus)
JADE HELM ends as the Serpent descends the 91 steps at the Temple of Kukulkan; Ps 91 “Deliver us from the Noiseome Pestilence” matching the 500 day “Climate Chaos” date warning given by Jesuit Traitor John Kerry and Laurent Fabius and Asterioid Impact date given in a dozen movies like Evan Almighty and Chaplain LIinsey Williams; 9/23 is spelled out in Hebrew 9:23; the 266th day by the 266th Pope warning the Earth is overburdened by 6/7th’s
Remember Francis is also Pope #112 in the St Malachy (Saint Molech) Plan and Obama is President #44; both scheduled to be the last. Jesuit Joe Biden would then step in to finish the job with Jesuit Carmerlengo Tauran controlling world finances and the Black Pope Jesuit General Adolfo Nicholas directing his army of Satanic Initiates in the Jesuits, Knights of St John, the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcre and Freemasons above the Rainbow Arch level;
This will not only be some king of fake Alien event, it may also be a fake Rapture event (Rapture invented by the Jesuits Fr Francisco Ribera)
Nobody is seeing JADE HELM for what it is. China is Heth=Hittites ie Sons of Heth=Cath=Cathay=Cathars=Catharsis “Discharge of pent up emotion”; HSBC is the Hittite Bank now in control of every single US Port and Airport; ready to create America as the Scapegoat of Rev 18 “Babylon”. The US will become the Jesuit Scapegoats sent into the Desert with the world’s sins as Pope Francis says “A large Debt is owed to the South by the North”. Desert means “Deserted” it has nothing to do with the climate in the Southwest US, rather it is UN Agenda 21; land that has been left to Fallow (7th Shemitah ends as the Satanic Jubilee begins) and is devoid of people where Plants ie Nature has the upper hand. Francis is the Nature Pope whose God of All Things is the GOAT and CERN plans to open the door when Capricornus ie Pan is visible in the North in September 2015.
It is no coincidence Tomorrowland Festival is in Atlanta where the Georgia Guide Stones call for the same elimination of people Pope Francis is calling for and Sodomite CFR Initiate George Clooney is calling for in Tomorrowland the movie. The theme is Completion of the Rainbow Bridge, Jacob’s Ladder, Stairway to Heaven (Buying the Stairway to Heaven was featured in the movie 2012; the Arks leaving from Mt Everest, “Earth Mother” where Noah and his family landed; not the Jesuit inspired Mt Ararat in Turkey) and Cycle of Time (Ouroborus Serpent) on SEpt 23-27, the exact time Pope Francis will visit DC (Columbia is ISIS, Cybele), Philly (Synagogue of Satan) and the UN (13,000 Lb Satanic Altar in front of 11 Chairs, Golden Globe, Gun with its barrel tied in a knot, St George killing the double headed Dragon and farmer turning a sword into a plowshare. “When they say Peace and Safety destruction will come upon them…” 1 Thess 5:3 These are Francis’ exact themes.
Rabbi Jonathan Kahn (Harbinger) and Tom Horn (Petrus Romanus) are fooling Evangelical Christians with the 2nd Coming theme of Sept 13-28, 2015. Folks, JESUS gave His warning to Thyatira (Catholic Church); it is just not that severe except for the Jesuit Satanists leading them. Pope Francis is not the Antichrist nor is the Roman Catholic Church the “Whore of Babylon”,.
Everyone on Earth now has 2 months to establish a personal one on one relationship with the creator of the Universe JESUS. No Priests or Pastors, just your Prayer Closet with Melchisedek (Priest of the Most High and King of Jerusalem). JESUS is waiting outside your Door, but you need to Open it. Is 2 minutes of your Time worth Eternity?
The implications of the Army’s unified approach
to operational testing, acquisition and deployment are
clear. Capability Set 13 will give Soldiers a signifi
cant advantage over adversaries by enhancing their
situational awareness, improving maneuverability,
speeding decision cycles and connecting Soldiers at
the lowest level with one another and their higher
As the Army continues to incrementally modernize the network and fields the follow-on CS 14 to additional units, including BCTs from the 82nd Airborne Division, this training concept will give Soldiers more time to learn the new systems and capabilities and maximize their effect. The right mix of technology and training will continue to evolve as the Army works to simplify the network, making it easier to use, train, maintain and sustain.
Why is this important to the Army?
Found this guy who has advocating for Child molester aka Rapist falsely called pedophiles. Hastag speak with Pedophiles https://tomocarroll.wordpress.com/2015/06/18/a-less-weird-approach-to-children-and-sex/
Sept 22 at Mid-day was highlighted in Evan Almighty.
At Mid-day on Sept 22 the Sun will reach the Brass altar on the Rose Line at St Sulpice. The Society claims the Age of Aquarius began with the 8th Tetrad in 2014-15 and carved the Aquarius symbol on the Gnomon Pillar attesting to this.
Quetzalcoatl “God of the Morning Star” as the Feathered Serpent descends the steps of the Temple of Kukulkan (KKK) called “El Castillo” (Castle/Fortress) on Sept 22, the 9 levels and 91 steps match the 13 week plan for WWIII. This matches the Zoroastrian battle of Ahriman (Dark) and Ahura Mazda (Light) seen in Quetzalcoatl and his twin nemesis Tezcatlipoca (same in Horus and Set, Jacob and Esau). Quetzalcoatl has incest with his sister and makes Chalchiutlicue “She of Jade Green Skirt” (JADE HELM 15 ringing a Baal?) “Goddess of the 4th Sun” (4th to 5th Sun was the period emphasized by Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society of which Hitler and Stalin were initiates).
“El Castillo” is called a “Precessional Alarm Clock” because the Rattle Snake Altar on top of the 4 sides of 91 steps is the 365th or last day of the year marking the May 20 zenith of Alcyone following the Spring Equinox descent of the Serpent. Alcyone is the Star depicted at the entrance to Hoover Dam. The destruction of the Hoover Dam is seen on the $50; this corresponding to the 50th “Jubilee Year” beginning Sept 13, 2015 following the 7th Tetrad and founding of the Church of Satan.
The Sun is “HItched or Tied to the Pole” at Machu Picchu on Sept 22
Pope Francis after calling for a Holocaust of 6.3 Billion people will address Congress between the Fasces on Sept 22, then Philadelphia (Liberty Bell) “City of Brotherly Love” aka “Synagogue of Satan” and finally the UN Planetary Summit “Focus on the Family”. (Earth Dwellers ringing a Baal here?) UN Planetary Initiative motto “Nobody shall enter the New Age unless he/she accepts a Luciferian Initiation”
“And almost all things are purged by blood” Heb 9:22 How is your 9/22/2015 shaping up? Talmudic Rabbis who claim Jesus is “Boiling in His own excrement in Hell” will celebrate the day of “Kol Nidre” forgiving Sins and Oaths of the Congregation they plan to commit during the Jubilee Year beginning on Sept 23, 2015 “Feast of Atonement”.
How many more warnings will you need before accepting the Blood of JESUS for remission of Sin?
Fake Rapture and Fake Alien event scheduled for Sept 23-24, 2015. Rapture is a Jesuit invention. Pope Francis has repeatedly said “He won’t be Pope for long” he is Pope #112 and the first Jesuit and last Pope before Rome burns according to St Malachy Prophecy/Plan. Francis is Pope #266 Sept 23rd “Atonement” is Day #266 which matches the human gestation period of 266 days. Cybele is about to give birth and the earth will reel to and fro as a drunkard.
Left Behind, Volcano, Tomorrowland, NCIS: Last Man Standing, Evan Almighty, the Band Israel Vibration and Black Eyed Peas all point directly at Sept 23, 2015. Birmingham England EMS Drill, Rabbi Jonathan Kahn all point to a giant Earthquake timed with CERN creating “Dark Matter” on the day John Kerry and Laurent Fabius warned of Climate Chaos.
Pre-Trib Rapture and Aliens are Satanic Lies. Don’t believe the Apis (Honey Bee) Bull Shit of these Chaldean Bee (Word) Keepers. Time to get right with JESUS and understand His Word; not this Satanic Garbage from Hell.
We are looking LAST YEAR HOUSTON from July 4-6th. Actors will be responsible for portraying different emergency scenarios in a simulated government terror drill. No experience is needed. Confidentiality agreements are required.
Howard, Travis,
I just wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading your comments and I check for updates multiple times each day. Keep up the good work! You’ve taught me so much and I’m very grateful.
“US woefully unprepared for a Chemical Weapons attack” US Dept of Homeland Security Report July 1. “We were aware US Chemical weapons given to Saddam Hussein during Iran-Contra were transferred to Bashar al Assad in B-747’s in 2003 just ahead of the US invasion” Sec of Def, CIA Director, US Geo-spatial Div Chief, Boy Scouts of America Pres, Alfalfa Club Pres and Obama Mujuhideen mentor in Pakistan Bob Gates. Gee I can’t understand how ISIS is getting these weapons?
Lightning hit as the Charleston False Flag happened. Charleston is the 33rd Latitude Supreme Council HQ of Masonry; Wash Monument is the largest Obelisk on the 38th or Akh=Light side of the Mr “Peace” Triangle formed by the Great Pyramid at 52-38-90 degrees; the 38 angle is the Queen’s Chamber; Cybele is the Virgin who gives birth Dec 25, impregnated as the “Vessel of Light” on Easter Sunday at First Light. Ezekiel’s Wheel is made of Mr-Akh-Bah Triangles according to Satanic Rabbis. Langue d’ Oc or Language of Light (Birds, Green, Oil and Light or Sight) is this Enochian Magick language. Federal Triangle mimics this 3-4-5 Triangle of Father-Mother-Son seen at the Great Pyramid in Egypt; on Aug 15 the annual inundation of the Nile corresponds with the Heliacal Rising of Sirius behind the Wash Monument on the Feast Day of Lucifer aka Assumption of the Virgin Mary/Cybele.
77th Meridian is seen in CVN-77 George HW Bush carrier because he is married to Aleister Crowley’s daughter “Babalon” hence Barbara is Babs and it sits on the 77th Meridian with the 77ft tall Pentagon, hit by Flt #77 (Raytheon Cruise Missile) on its 60th anniversary on 9/11/2001. 77 is what Crowley said was the Ultimate manifestation of Spirit in Matter.
The Mr Triangles 3-4-5 or Father-Mother-Son are seen in Ezekiel’s Wheel, a 3-D representation occultists build Cathedrals on Pagan Ley Line Sites according to this; the cubes of 3, 4 and 5 added=216 the number associated with God’s Time of 2160 years/astrological house. 7X7=49 the years of the Shemitah end on Sept 13-28 with the beginning of the 50th year Jubilee from the founding of the Church of Satan on the 7th Shemitah and 7th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses on Sept 28; Solar on Sept 13.
Detroit means Straits; Jesus the “Strait Gate” Crucified and His body on a Park (Enclosure for Beasts) Bench (Table) in a Bankrupt City by the Bankers He turned the Tables on 2000 years ago) consecrated by Jesuits of Peter (Jews) and Paul (Gentiles) expecting a Flood of Foreclosures (Homeless) and a Satanic Statue of Baphomet (Baph=Spirit; Metis=Wisdom) Statue seems normal; hell Don Rumsfeld gave Luciferian Mason Saddam Hussein the keys to the City before the War.
socalled atheist Satanic Temple to unveil Pagan goat-headed statue in Detroit
The Satanic Temple — which identifies itself as an organized religion — is preparing to unveil a new statue of the Pagan icon Baphomet in the city of Detroit in July.
Black Cubes are also at Mecca, on foreheads in Phlacterys with the Mezuzah “The LORD our God is One” and at the Hoover Dam between the 11 11 Angels with the Star Map featuring Alcyone in Pleaides. The serpent descends the steps of the Temple of Quetzalcoatl in Chitzen Itza on Sept 22 as Alcyone is marked by a 7 rattle snake on top at mid-day. The Sun will be on the Altar of St Sulpice Cathedral in Paris at that exact moment.
Hoover Dam is on the $50 because 50 is the Jubilee Year; it is a Flood depicted because Cybele is about to give birth to the Antichrist.
J Edgar Hoover said “People are handicapped coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous they can’t believe it actually exists” The Sodomite 33 degree Freemason and 40 yr FBI director was telling the truth
Baphomet (Baph=Spirit + Metis=Wisdom) is Gnosticism; July 25 the statue will be unveiled in Detroit the day before the Grand Climax Ritual at Bohemian Grove on 9 Av “Tisha b’ Av” before being taken to Oklohoma City to be placed next to the 10 Commandments. OK Sign is the GOAT or 666 Sign.
9 Av is the day the 1st and 2nd Temples were destroyed for this very reason. In addition the Alhambra Decree forced out Crypto (fake Jews) to America where Smallpox was used to murder 90% along the East Coast of the Americas from Canada to South Am. The Bar Kochba Revolt killed 500K Christians; Gulf Wars and the Slaughter on Hwy 80 killed well over 100K perhaps 1M Iraqi soldiers leaving their nation riddled with Depleted Uranium, the gift that keep’s on killing.9 Av “Tisha b’ Av”
“9 Av”. Tisha b’ Av commemorates Jewish calamities; 9 Av is called “The saddest day in Jewish History” Jesus was Jewish; His followers are “Born Again Christians”, grafted on to the covenant God (Jesus) made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 9 Av may go down in history as the “Saddest day in Christian History”
Rejection of the 12 Spies report of Canaan in 1492 BC leading to the death of adults 21 and over during 40 years wander in the Arabian Desert; I repeat “Arab Desert” NW of Mecca at Jebel al Laws not the fake Mt Sinai in Egypt.
The destruction of Solomon’s Temple (ref Eze 8) in 585 BC; God does not appreciate “Ancients of Israel” committing abominations on the altar as women “weep for Tammuz” on the porch!
The destruction of the 2nd Temple in 70 AD. God was rejected as King of Jerusalem and Priest of the Most High “Melchisedek”; an “Alternative Christ” will be born/revealed on 9 Av who comes in his own name; Daniel refers to him as the “God of forces”
Bar Kochba Revolt in 135 AD by fake Jew and self proclaimed Messiah of the Star Simon Bar Kochba. 500,000 real Jews are massacered because Kochba was believed to be Jewish; Talmud, Zohar, Kaballah, Rabbis are like the Pharisees of old, anything but Jewish.
The razing of the Temple site and re-dedication “Zeus Capitolina”; Zeus’ Capitol can also be seen in Washington DC at the opposing apex of the Federal Triangle.
The 1st Crusade in 1096; instigated by the same people who instigate all wars.
Expulsion of fake “Jews” from England in 1096; Rothschild is anything but Jewish; the name “Bauer” means “Farmer” the profession of Cain; Cainites, or their religion at least came through the Flood with Noah’s wife, who produced Canaan from incest with Ham and Edomites married women of this incest. Bauer became Rothschild whose street address 666 Am Mein was written in Red; Rothschild means Red Shield. The Zion/Sion London Olympics are the Rothschild Olympics.
The Alhambra Decree, forced conversion and expulsion of Jews from Spain. Rosicrucian Christopher Columbus’ (Christ=Messiah; Taufr is Norse for Red=Red Messiah; the Red Cross on his sails and the British Flag is a dead giveaway) voyage to “New Jerusalem aka America in 1492 AD. No coincidence with Moses date 1492 BC either; this date is critical because it was at the end of the Hyksos (Amalekites are Edomites/Ishmaelites) Era, Moses was raised up.
WWI began in 1914 on 9 Av; the Nazi build-up planned in advance by 330 Masons Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini
WWII began in 1939 on 9 Av; ever wonder where Hitler got the incredible sums of money, steel and aluminum to build the Nazi War machine? Hint: Prescott Bush and George Romney are 2 names that should ring a 23 tonne Bell. Again, WWII was planned in advance as recorded by Albert Pike on 15 Aug 1871
Mass deportations of real Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto initiated the Holocaust on 9 Av 1942. 6 million God fearing Jews who rejected Rothschild’s British version of Israel and the Zionist Star of Molech were gassed, burned or shot. Dwight Eisenhower gets a free pass in history for murdering 1.7 million German citizens after the war.
George Bush Sr began with Gulf War I on 9 Av 1991 with “Shock and Awe”; a promise made via Iraq Ambassador April Glaspie to allow Carlyle Group business partner and fellow 330 Freemason Saddam Hussein to control the Kuwait Oil Fields; the oil is now being sent to Haifa, Israel; on 9/11/1991 Bush Sr aka “Magog” and the illegitimate son of British M-5 Agent Aleister Crowley “The Beast” made his famous “New World Order” speech; that year he also founded his “1000 pts of Light” foundation to vacuum up charitable donations destined for the Iraq people. Iraq is physical “Babylon”; “Operation Iraqi Freedom” hides the true meaning “Liberation of Babylon”; no wonder his son “Gog” started Gulf War II 9 years ago; “Operation New Dawn” is the name of the War today; pretty tough to figure out eh? Get Ready people!
Was just thinking about the gay pride flag then this came to mind Denver airport and the mural showing the rainbow could this be depicted as the rainbow being used to pass SACRED marriage and the scene underneath is what is going to come after it was passed. I just noticed this has got to do with being passed Gods rainbow has 7 colors in it the SOCALLED GAY pride rainbow only has six just as in the murial
Indigo is missing from the 6 color Gay Pride Flag and the Rainbow. Indigo Children or Star Children are said to be Avatars of the New Age; teachers of humanity in their progression to the New Age. Navy Blue where Navel is Omphalos or Center of the World; Hell or the Abyss if you will. French Foreign Minster and Satanist John Kerry mentioned the Abyss several times concerning the 500 day warning expiring Sept 22 at Mid Day.
After Gay Marriage Decision: Blood Moon Displays in Sky Only Over America Blood Moon Displays in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina ..Heard about this?? Also it mention about WILDfireS cause this…. im no CHEMIST but that’s is a BUNCH OF bs
Howard did you hear about the Fire that broke out in Taiwan with sodomiteparade? Also the lighting bolt that hit Washington Monument on last Tuesday? Huge Black Cube Spotted Over Texas
BP Alaska Oil Pipeline Chaplain Linsey Williams predicts an asteroid impact off Puerto Rico causing a devastating Tsunami destroying the East Coast. Looks like Demons gave Dr Patty the same vision as did the demons who gave the same vision to artists of the $100 Bill. Ben Franklin gave birth to the US on a rare 5 planet occulation on July 4, 1776, so it makes sense the Rosicrucians would plan our death on a rare event like the 8th Tetrad/Solar Eclipse in the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Water and Pederasty/Pedophilia (Ref Zeus and Ganymede on Mt Olympus by the Eagle ie US). Pretty coincidental, the Rainbow covers the White House hours after the SCOTUS committed Treason deciding a matter outside their Jurisdiction. Newsweek put Obama in a Rainbow Halo under the caption “First Gay President” several years ago; his Transgender Sodomite partner Michael must be ready to come out eh?
Pretty coincidental TPP was just Fast Tracked with LGBT Rights attached eh? Now Pedophiles want the same Constitutional protections as “A man’s attraction to a young boy is perfectly natural”; Platonic Greece all over again.
There is no Tribulation or pre-Trib Rapture; the 7yr Trib and Rapture are Jesuit originated Dispensationalism Lies putting Israel in the spotlight; Amos 5:26; 7:2-3; 5-6 tell very clearly Israel’s days were over 2700 years ago. Scripture only details a 1260 day Great Tribulation and that may very well begin Sept 24. God’s New Year begins on 1 NIsan not 1 Tishrei (13 Sept) which is Man’s Civil New Year the Rabbis call Rosh Hashanah or “Head of the Year, a Mirror Image of what God intends. CERN will attempt to create Mirror Matter that day and as has happened twice before, Earthquakes will likely occur. Hoover Dam, East Coast and bang 100 Million people in dire straits in the US alone; Columbus couldn’t be more proud.
The Sun will hit the Brass Oval on the Altar at St Sulpice as the Serpent Descends Chitzen Itza middday Sept 22, just as Evan Almighty predicted for the Flood and Alcyone is overhead tracked by the altar on top of the pyramid; this too is encoded at the Hoover Dam on the Black Boxes between the 11 11 Angels on a Star Map of Pleaides. Bang, another 40 million without water or drowned as indicated on the $50 exactly as the 50th year Jubilee begins; What a coincidence eh?
This Hoover Dam event will be Cybele (aka Black Madonna) giving birth to the Antichrist as demonstrated by Madonna/Ishtar (Cybele is Ishtar) at the 2012 Super Bowl Halftime in “Ishtar’s Descent into Hell” Those Silver Bullion Coins with 2 Wolves feeding on a Sheep under the caption 2015 Year of the Sheep will make more sense now. Pope Francis will be at the Satanic Altar that day at the UN for the Earth Summit offering Cybele a Holocaust Sacrifice on Feast of Atonement having been relieved of Sins the previous day on Kol Nidre; this is his “Family”, people who voluntarily reject JESUS; he will be wearing the Cap of Cybele (Kippah) to demonstrate his rejection of the Holy Ghost.
The Jesuit Induction Oath to pretend to be Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish while tearing open women’s wombs to swing their babies heads against the rocks detailed on Rev 12; all this begins at the start of the Great Tribulation. and begins at the annual inundation of the Nile on the Feast Day of Lucifer on Aug 15 aka Feast of Assumption of Mary/Cybele, the day the Jesuit Order first took their Vows in the Crypt of St Denis in Paris (Denis is Dionysus; Paris is House of ISIS the “Black Virgin” aka Cybele” and the day Jesuit Fr Jean Pierre De Smet (same names as Pope Fraincis’ Carmelengo Jean Louis Pierre Tauran) penned Freemason Albert Pike’s letter detailing 3 World Wars in 1871. Sounds like a scene from Angels and Demons because it is. Earth, Air Fire and Water, the 5 elements of Witchcraft combined with Antimatter aka God Particle. What a script eh?
Planet X? X means Christ; the Christ seen on the Confederate Flag will bring the long awaited “Order out of Chaos” and place the Pyramidion Capstone on the Pyramid; the Funeral Pyre for 6.3 Billion people Sinning against “Mother Earth” as Pope Francis said in his Encyclical (Teaching Paper) from the Cathedra (Teaching Seat) of St John Lateran (Hidden Frogs) of the Devil, Antichrist and False Prophet which “Deceiveth the whole world” as JESUS said would happen.
2nd Coming? We will have to wait through this period; it won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.
Rare Bethlehem “Superstar” Tonight: Venus and Jupiter Converging for First Time in 2,000 Years
The internet is buzzing about this sign of the 2nd Coming; it is not. Venus is Lucifer “Light Bearer” of the Sun. Jupiter is Jah + Pater “Father Jah”. Jah is the False Messiah long awaited; the theology is called “Chiliasm”, putting a human Messiah from the House of David on the Throne of Pergamon “Satan’s Seat” in Jersualem (Salem is the Canaanite god of the setting sun ie west or land of the dead), the city Jesus refers to as “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” at the start of the Great Tribulation (Rev 11:8 KJV) Ps 68:4 and Mat 1:25 need to read JAH and JESUS as they do in the KJV because this Jah is the Antichrist.
The Mormon Church is giddy because Joseph Smith was buried in a Masonic coffin with his Ritual Athame (Dagger used in his Jesuit Initiation) and a Talisman of Jupiter (Jah). This conjunction opposes the Full Moon in Cancer, seen at the Cathedral of St John Divine is the statue of St George killing the Dragon/Satan in Cancer; same statue is at the UN. Cybele carries the Orb of the Full Moon; the Eternal Virgin giving Birth to the New Age; my guess would be the 13 week start of WWIII which would end during Feast of Tabernacles, the 8th day Jesus was Circumcised in accordance with the Law. “Almost all things are purged by blood, for without the shedding of blood is no remission” Heb 9:22. Hey isn’t Sept 22 the day the Pope will visit and Rabbis will forgive Sins of the Synagogue of Satan; Sins they plan to commit the following year? Isn’t this also MIchaelmas? War in Heaven?
2015·Dr Patricia Green shared her visions and dreams which is related to end times. This is from BlogTalkRadio, Tribulation Now on June 14, 2015. Dr Green had a dream about tsunami was coming to the east coast. God warns us to get out of east coast of USA because huge tsunami is coming. She said it was 100 ft. There will be famine, drought, huge hurricane and economic hardship in USA. Russia will invade and there will be nuclear bomb explosion in USA. This is time to repent our sins, seek Jesus wholeheartedly.
Its be a year since the FATCA Legislation July 1, 2014 will control flight of capital and conversion of Cretan Fiat Currency TPP clauses???
Thoughts all eyes are now on Greece.. They failed to make a payment to the IMF..
The domino effect, may have started..
Dominoes are the game everyone plays at Bohemian Grove which begins July 2 and ends on 9 Av. Anno Domini “Year of our Lord” should read Year of Satan because Jesus was born on Tabernacles 6 BC
3rd Beast is Grecian Goat versus Mede-Persian Ram in WWIII, Zoroaster died at 77; Aleister Crowley said in LIber 77: Book of the Goat “77 is the ultimate incarnation of Spirit in Matter”; Augustine said 7X11 is the “Limit of Sin”
Jesuits rule from St John Lateran Basilica which they call the “Mother Church of every church in the world”. Francis is the White Pope; Adolfo Nicholas the3 Black Pope aka Jesuit General. G is the 7th Letter; the Society of Gesu controls Masonry; the Masonic G is Gesu or Jah the human Messiah; God Particle, Graviton and Gravity Strings giving Mass to Matter and Order to the Universe. As Frederich Nietzsche said “God is dead and will remain dead. We have killed him with our Science” Dan 1:4 describes Science as the “Language of the Chaldeans”; 1 Tim 6:1`2 describes Science as “Vain and profane babblings”
Francis wears the Pallium the Wool cloak worn by Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes.
Jesuits are a teaching organization from the Cathedra “Teaching Seat” of St John Lateran; Lateran means “HIdden Frogs” of the 3 Unclean Spirits of Satam, Antichrist and False Prophet.
An example of Jesuit control over teaching is S-1177 (1+1+7+7=16=7; 11X7=77; 11+77=88=16=7) ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act) the Senate debate is scheduled for 7/7; Lamech’s Revenge is 77; the number 50 is used 77 times in Scripture; 50 States Medicaid Funds will be used to indoctrinate children in Common Core (Core is described in Jude 7) Core is Korah, the Korahite Priests of Num 16 1+6=7; 9/11 is Muhammad’s Birthday, but is really the 11th day of the 7th month. 11X7=77 These 2 flights were used on 9/11, neither of which were scheduled to fly that day on Sept (7th month) 11. Iridium is Atomic #77 meaning “Rainbow” the name of the Bridge spanning Hoover Dam upon which the Goat was projected on 5/5/15 (5+5+15=25=7; 5+5+1+5=16=7)
The Gesu (G is the Grand Architect and God Particle and Jah “Jupiter” Pope (Father) will speak to representatives of 50 States in Congress in the Womb of Jupiter (Father Jah), Washington DC on the 77th Meridian at the end of the 8th Tetrad on the Full Moon called MacFarlane’s Lantern used for livestock raids such as the birth of the Lamb of God at the start of the 50th year “Jubilee”. He will wear the Cap of Cybele, rejecting Jesus in favor of the Eternal Virgin giving birth to the Alternative Messiah Attis, the Tree upon which Jesus and 2 Thieves were Crucified forming the 7 Branch Candlestick Moses constructed; replaced by the 8 Branch Menorah. There are 77 generations from Adam to Jesus.
Do you think His Assholiness knows all this?
: Jesuits and their One World Religion Scam
Pope Francis needs to bring both the Greek and Russian Orthodox churches back into the Vatican tent to shore up his power base and make Roman Catholicism the world’s largest religion. We believe that Francis is the False Prophet outlined in Revelation, and will create the One World Church that will herald the arrival of the Antichrist on Earth. Getting the Russian Orthodox church back with Rome would be a giant leap forwards towards his end times goal.
Pope Francis’ Encyclical on Nature “Laudato Si” calls for eliminating 6.3Billion of Earth’s 7.3 Billion people committing Sins against “Mother Nature”. Jesus hates Nicolaitane Doctrine (Elevating the Clergy) which began with the Church of Ephesus. The Council of Ephesus introduced worship of Mary by declaring her the “Mother of God” and later “Immaculately Conceived”, the precise attributes of Cybele. Catholics worship Mary as Cybele, the warning to the Church of Thyatira (Continual Sacrifice) applies here; Pope Francis and his Jesuit/Masonic followers intend to Sacrifice 6/7th’s of humanity.
Mother Nature is Cybele; the Pope wears the Kippah (aka Zuchetti or Yarmulke; Red is the Color of Edom) aka Cap of Cybele openly rejecting the Temple Veil torn by Jesus in favor of the Immaculately Conceived Goddess of Nature and Mother of All “Magna Mater”.
Cybele (Cybele means Stone as does Peter and Petra the Edomite Eagle’s Nest), the “Black Virgin is depicted seated with a Crown of 12 Stars and her feet on the Moon; described in Rev 12. The Encyclical “Teaching Paper” from the Cathedra (Teaching Seat) of the Hidden Frogs, Spirits of the Dragon, Beast and False Prophet (St John Lateran means Hidden Frogs) was delivered on the 200th anniversary of Waterloo, start of Ramadan 2015 and conception of John the Baptist. All coincidence I’m sure, NOT! 800 years ago on 15 June 1215 the Magna Carta placed English assets (City of London Corp controls most of the world’s Gold, Diamonds and Property) under control of the Holy See; Pope Francis is slated (Prophecy of St Malachy) to be the last; when he dies his Sodomite Carmerlengo Cardinal Tauran (Lunar Bull) will decide the fate of the assets, handing them over to the “God of Forces” described in Daniel 11:48; the God Particle (Gravity or Graviton) represents this “God of Forces”. On the game show 500 Questions (500 is 10 Jubilees in the Prince Melchisedek Scroll) 6.66 Sec was the time elapsed for the answer to the God Particle question.
Bohemian Grove 2015 aka Sumerian Ritual Begone Dull Care begins with the Full Moon (Cybele’s Shield or Orb is the Full Moon) on July 2 and ends on July 26 on 9Av when the Sun enters Leo. Cybele’s Lions rise as the Lunar Bull sets; the Lion dominating the Full Moon falsely copies Jesus the Lion of Judah conquering the Moon “Sin” (Arab moon god Sin=Allah) at the 2nd Coming.
9 Av “Tisha B’ Av” represents the Golden Calf on Mt Sinai in Arabia, Destruction of the the 1st and 2nd Temples, Bar Kochba Revolt, Razing of the Temple Mount and renaming Zeus Capitolina, 1st Crusade, Expulsion of fake “Banker” Jews from England, France and Spain, WWI, WWII, Holocaust, and Gulf Wars is cause for celebration only if you are a Satanist.
Sept 13 (29 Elul is Sept 14) at Even ends the Shemitah (7 Years), specifically the 7th Shemitah since the 7th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles, 6-Day War, and founding of the Church of Satan on Year One Satan (Anno Satanae) in 1966. On 29 Elul 2001 (Sept 17) the DJIA dropped exactly 7% or 684 pts from its 9/11 close of 9651.51
On 29 Elul 2008 7 years later the DJIA dropped 7% or 777pts. 7 yrs later is Sun Sept 13, 2015. The stock market will close on Friday 9/11/2015, therefore the stock market will reflect value on the 7th Shemitah from the Church of Satan founding and begin the Satanic Jubilee. On 9/11/2009 exactly 8 years after 9/11/2001, the DJIA hit the exact same number of 9651.51. On 3/6/9 the NYSE hit 666. How’s that for control?
Sept 15 a Solar Eclipse on Feast of Trumpets (1 Tishrei). The 70th UN General Assembly begins on that day to unveil its Worldwide Sustainable Development Plan (Killing Humans). On Sept 22 Talmudic Rabbis will forgive Sins their Congregations plan to commit between Feast of Atonement 2015 (Sept 23) and 2016 o Kol Nidre “All Vows”
On Sept 22 Pope Francis will address the US Congress between 2 Fasces Symbols decrying US Capitalism; the US will be the Scapegoat for “Babylon has fallen” in Rev 18.
On Sept 24 Pope Francis will visit Philadelphia (Church of Philadelphia is the “Synagogue of Satan”) symbolically repairing the cracked Liberty Bell. Jesus brings “Liberty to the Captives”, this is the Satanic copy meaning “Liberty from God”. The same day CERN starts up Particle Collisions to prove Dark or Mirror Matter. “The triumph of Science is realizing the carrying capacity of Earth is under 1 Billion people”- Pope Francis. Esau’s “Brotherly Love” of Jacob includes murdering every single one of them (Gen 27:39-41 KJV).
Pope Francis will conclude his visit addressing the United Nations “Sustainability Summit”. Out front is St George (Geo=Earth) killing the Dragon; inside is Satan’s Altar, a 13,000Lb Lodestone Altar illuminated by a single shaft of light in front of 11 Chairs.
On 2 previous 2015 start-ups Earthquakes occurred in Nepal and Japan. On Sept 25 Pope Francis will address the UN Assembly decrying Capitalism (US) and propose his remedies for Global Climate Change. On Sept 28 will be a Supermoon Lunar Eclipse to end the 8th Tetrad. If you are not in a personal Covenant with JESUS by then, it may very well be too late.
DETROIT — A statue of a homeless Jesus sleeping on a park bench has been unveiled in front of a downtown Detroit church that serves as a warming center for the homeless.
The bronze sculpture was unveiled after Sunday Mass at Ss. Peter and Paul Jesuit Ca Church, across from the Renaissance Center.
The sculpture shows a life-size man lying on a park bench. Feet protruding from a blanket feet bear the marks of crucifixion.
Rejected as Melchisedek (King of Jerusalem and Priest of the Most High) the Jesuits meaning is clear. Followers of Jesus will be Homeless and Crucified as Jesus was. Whose is this? Esau, prophesied to obtain Dominion (Gen 27:39-41 KJV) over the Earth and kill every single follower of Jacob and Jesus.
Crucified Jesus on Park Bench? Park means “Enclisure for Beasts of Prey”‘ Bench means Table, the Table Jesus overturned at the Temple made into a Den of Thieves by the Money Ghangers and Bench Judges use to determine Guilt or Innocence. Who are the Judges? Dan=Judge; The Tribe of Dan is not mentioned in Rev 7 among the Saved Tribes for this reason.
Uses of the word “forest” in English to denote any uninhabited area of non-enclosure are now considered archaic.[16] The word was introduced by the Norman rulers of England as a legal term (appearing in Latin texts like the Magna Carta) denoting an uncultivated area legally set aside for hunting by feudal nobility (see Royal Family) Any socalled royal family with an seal of an forest??
DoD Flu Vaccine Awards to GSK, BioCSL
GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, has been awarded a maximum $11,775,022 firm-fixed-price, indefinite-quantity contract for influenza vaccine and prefilled syringes.
BioCSL, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, has been awarded a maximum $10,233,601 firm-fixed-price, indefinite-quantity contract for influenza vaccine and prefilled syringes.
Each award is for a one-year base contract with no option periods and with a June 14, 2016, performance completion date.
Using services are Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and federal civilian agencies. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2015 through fiscal 2016 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (SPE2DP-15-D-0004).
– See more at
San Andreas movie a 7.1 earthquake brought down the Hoover. Is that a signal to 7/1/2015? Also from 6/22/15 to 9/22/15—the much signaled date—is 3 months or about 13 weeks.
That is the data that I have at this time. It appears that the time of 9:06 was signaled and it occurred in the SC shooting. Thus the question remains; is the 9:06 PM SC shooting a signal of another event on 6/21-22/2015 and or 7/1/2015?
Is the SC Church Shooting Signaling a Nuclear Attack in the USA?
You are all aware of the terrible tragedy that just took place in SC. Unfortunately satan gained control of another individual to do his bidding. My thoughts and prayers are with those affected by this horrible tragedy.
Unfortunately it appears that this terrible event may be signaling yet another horrific event—an ISIS nuclear attack. Take a look at the email that I received on May 27, 2015.
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 10:21 AM
To: email@thecomingepiphany.com
Subject: Jade Helm revelation…
I’ve noticed rearranging the letters in “Jade Helm” yields…”Ele Mahdj”…transpose the ‘j’ and drop the ‘e’ reveals…”El Mahdi”…(google “el mahdi”) who is to follow Muslim Jesus (Isis) and usher in the apocalypse. Based upon the hidden message of the isis Texas threat I believe this will occur July 1st 2015.
Also note that if you don’t drop the ‘e’ then ELE might also refer to “extinction level event”. Based upon all the hype lately I’m guessing July 1st brings an emp attack on the us for which the Mahdi claims credit.
Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem … – justpaste.it
“We have 71 trained soldiers in 15 different states ready at our word to attack any target we desire. Out of the 71 trained soldiers 23 have signed up for missions like Sunday, We are increasing in number bithnillah. Of the 15 states, 5 we will name… Virginia, Maryland, Illinois, California, and Michigan. The disbelievers who shot our brothers think that you killed someone untrained, nay, they gave you their bodies in plain view because we were watching.”
Note 71 soldiers in 15 states can be taken as 7-1-2015.
Naming only 5 states is kinda odd, begging decoding. Consider the first letter of each of the five states named..VMICM…as Roman numerals…
…and could be taken as time in 24 hour format, or 9:06 pm. Perhaps something is to occur 6 minutes into a national speech by Obama or the Pope?
Also note that 71 – 23 = 48…indicating (only) the lower 48 states will be afflicted.
This suggests that on July 1st 2015 at 9:06 there will be an event that will affect the lower 48 states…which might be an emp (or Yellowstone or Earthquake…).
In any event it is really strange to me that extinction level event is encoded within jade helm along with Mahdi whose purpose is to usher in the apocalypse.
It’s been 145years since America Officially made Christmas an national Holiday in significants (June 26 1870?
Wait a minute! NASA Working With National Nuclear Security Administration On Plan To Use Nukes On Doomsday Asteroid has just been splattered all over the web???????? Hmmmmm.
Does the Shoe fit or does the Foo shit?
You’ll have to wait to see if the Pope on a Rope Francis is killed in Philadelphis 38th parallel or another sacrifice is staged on this remarkable proned imaginary line. Jefferson City is quite the point for the real JADE HELM project which may include the Bluebeam Teams introduction to America and the UN Agenda 21, boys in blue.
Jefferson City is commonly referred to as “Jeff” and abbreviated as “JCMO”.= 8, 9 18, and 666. midway betweenSt. Louis and Kansas City (Federal Reserve Banks)
Read more at http://investmentwatchblog.com/un-base-camp-hidden-in-plain-sight-in-middle-of-missouri-america/#MjUVsfihhhA0ze8z.99
This was an active nine hole golf course hidden by trees less than 600 feet from the JC (Jefferson City, Missouri) airport and they are building something. Idk what’s about to happen but that white tent is surrounded by Mercedes vans that have no licensing and UN stickers on them. I need to get this out because idk how much more is going on but people need to know.
Read more at http://investmentwatchblog.com/un-base-camp-hidden-in-plain-sight-in-middle-of-missouri-america/#MjUVsfihhhA0ze8z.99
Jefferson City, Missouri Coordinates: 38°34′36″N 92°10′25″W
811-811 vortex 9 hole golf with the lake. Now focus on the JADE HELM logo
Government in the Rothschild Financial Banking Shadow Corporation structure is a monlith of corruption. While Detroit may be bankrupt on CAFR terms, their second set of books may be funding eugenics in Somalia. It’s just Zebranomics to them. It’s the American Dream to get elected by fraud and be made CEO of a billion dollar corporation in the Cayman Islands. Just don’t read what the attorney asks you to sign and you’ll get that trip to the Islands one day after you leave office as I am sure their is a pension attached to these CAFR2’s
If you are not aware of Walter Burien and the Biggest Game in Town, there are links posted on the side bar down at #0 GOVERNMENT THEFT – CAFR & THE FED. Here is a recent development in the New World Order Capital Crime syndicate located in Clayton County Georgia, NWO capital east like Denver Colorado in the west.
Go to 32minutes 14 seconds and listen for about 5 minutes.
CLAYTON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Regular Business Meeting June 2, 2015 7:00 P.M.- Carl Swanson
6. Carl Swanson spoke in regards to Clayton County government as a whole. He asked questions of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Mr. Swanson stated that there were “shadow corporations” running and operating in the background. He stated that one is named the Clayton County Government and Service Corporation of which Chairman Turner is named the CEO. He stated that there is nowhere on the report where funds are allocated for this company. Chairman Turner asked Mr. Swanson when the corporation meets because he may need to be there. Mr. Swanson also went on to state that Ms. Barnes was affiliated with this corporation as well. He stated that there were also international corporations. He stated that he called a number listed for one of the corporations, and it rang back to the County Commissioner’s Office.
Chairman Turner addressed Mr. Swanson in stating that he is totally unaware of what he is speaking of. He requested for Mr. Swanson to provide information of which he is speaking so that some answers can be given, as no one is aware of this
Why did CNN mistake this sex toy banner at a London Pride march for the ISIS flag?
Brookings Inst has the playbook in writing. Policy Papers “Project for a new American Century outlined 9/11/2001 as a comparison to WWII Pearl Harbor. “Which path to Persia” and “Deconstructing Syria..” outline the planned upcoming wars in Syria and Iran.
Pope Francis must be reading “Planned relocations following natural disasters and climate change”
“Operational guidance for planned relocations from Climate Change”
“Planned relocations from Hurricane Haiyan”
“Planned relocations in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam”
“Model for Climate Change adaptation”
Who believes man is causing Climate Change? “Common Core Politics and Climate Change”
Where did the Supreme Court get the idea ObamaCare could be called a “Tax”? “IRS meets Affordable Care”
Skull & Bones Robert Kagan is Victoria Nuland (Nudleman) husband a fellow at Brookings writing this garbage. Where does this witch get her policy on Kiev?
Lightning strikes the Washington Monument on Tuesday. This is a 6-second exposure that looks blurry because of the rain.
(Photo by Paul Varnadore, Your Take)
Hmmmm….remember ..
Flashback…the Vatican hit by lightening on 666 time as pope picked wink emoticon
Prince of the air he’s called…..
Dylann Roof’s picture was first posted by SITE founder, fake bin Laden video and ISIS beheading, and Jordanian pilot immolation video maker Rita Katz. There was an Active Shooter Drill in progress in Charleston just as there was at Sandy Hook. 2 James Holmes (Aurora CO), 2 (Adam Lanzas) and now 2 very different Dylann Roof pictures.
Rita means Pearl. JESUS is the Pearl of Great Price. Katz means Kohannim + Tzaddiq for Righteous Priest seen in the title of JESUS “Melshisedek”: This is why Obama said the word Grace 33 times and sang “Amazing Grace” amid a chorus of chuckles by people who know this is nothing but a Hoax.
Obama spoke of Freedom because the Secessionist Flag of South Carolina featured a Cross of St George, Crescent Moon and Palm Tree.
The first sighting of the Crescent Moon (Hilal means Lucifer/Allah) signaling the start of Ramadan coincided with the incident.
The idol of St George at the UN and Cathedral of St John the Divine point to June 21-July 22 (Cancer). The Crescent and Palm Tree are Arab symbols used by Islam and ISIS. The Palm Frond a symbol of Victory; Jesus of course entered Jerusalem amid Palm Fronds but was rejected. The victory meant here is Victory over JESUS and His GRACE.
Great Find prospective Howard…
vote of five to four, same-sex couples may now marry in all 50 states, striking down the bans of states who have attempted do so. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Jim Obergefell in Obergefell v. Hodges, a conglomerate of cases suing for the recognition of same-sex marriage. Jesuit Judge John Roberts told the sodomites to goe celebrate
14th Amendment gave equal rights to previous Slaves and has nothing to do with Marriage. TX Atty General promptly ordered Clerks to refuse Gay Marriage Licenses; Secession is underway and TX has a $1B Gold Stash.
Bristol Palin pregnant for 2nd time out of wedlock? How about 3rd Time. Sarah was not pregnant; Sarah attended Rick Perry’s Governor’s Conference in TX, giving a speech 3 hours after she told here doctor her water had broken (6AM). She then boarded an Alaska Air flight (no airline would board a woman in labor and no doctor would condone this) to Seattle, then to Anchorage followed by a 2 hr drive to Wasilla to give birth to a child with Down’s Syndrome the following morning in a clinic?
Universities and High Schools pay $20,000 per Abstinence Speech to Bristol. Can parents get a tuition refund?
Abbas and Netanyahu are 33 degree Luciferian Masons; Francis is a Jesuit (same animal) ISIS Dinars have the al-Aqsa Mosque on them because the Throne of Pergamon “Satan’s Seat” will be set up next to” the Abomination of Desolation once the Temple is constructed in “Troublous Times” Dan 9:25.
JESUS is “King of Jerusalem” not a Prince; Messiah the Prince is the Alternative Messiah. The Mark of the Beast will be given after one rejects JESUS by reciting the Shahada and or accepts Noahide Law. The latter may be as simple as reciting the Mezuzah (Deut 6:4) “The Lord our God is One” rather than “The LORD our God Is one LORD”.
Under the Jesuit Cathedra “Teaching Seat” at St John Lateran Basilica (Mother of all Churches in the World) is the Shahada “There is no God but Allah”. Lateran means “Hidden Frogs”; the Frogs are the 3 unclean Sprits of the Dragon (Satan, Lucifer, Serpent, Satan, Devil in Rev 12:9 and Rev 16:13)
It’s show time alright.
The largest capacity reservoir in the United States has hit its lowest water level in history following years of severe drought that have dramatically reduced flows from the Colorado River, water managers said on Wednesday.
Officials said Nevada’s Lake Mead, the 79-year-old reservoir created by the massive Hoover Dam, registered 1,074.98 feet (327.7 meters) above sea level late on Tuesday, but was able to rise above a critical mark by early on Wednesday morning.
A water level of below 1,075 feet projected for January would translate to water cutbacks in 2016 for two U.S. western states, Arizona and Nevada. An announcement would be made this August.
But a U.S. Bureau of Reclamation spokeswoman said cutbacks are not expected to be implemented and that projections are for the water level to be 6 feet (1.8 meters) above the trigger point.
“We don’t expect that to happen right now,” spokeswoman Rose Davis said, referring to possible cutbacks. “Right now the probability of a shortage for 2016 is negligible.”
Davis said the reservoir’s water level could again fall to record lows in the next six to eight weeks, but that it would rebound by the end of December.
Lake Mead supplies water to roughly 40 million people and agricultural customers in Nevada, Arizona, Southern California and northern Mexico.
About 96 percent of the water in Lake Mead is from melted snow that falls in Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and Wyoming, officials said.
Credit to Yahoo News
Hoover Dam was built to resemble the Throne of Pergamon “Satan’s Seat”. It has 4 pillars now exposed in the lake forming 11 and 11; mirror image is below the Dam with 2 Angels with uplifted wings sitting in front of a Star Map centered on Alcyone, the Star in Pleaides tracked at the Temple of Quetzalcoatl (Feathered Serpent). This Serpent descends the Pyramid on Sept 22; in 2015 “Year of Light” according to CERN and the UN, this corresponds to “Kol Nidre”; All Vows and Sins committed in the coming year will be forgiven; neat trick eh?
In Transformers, the “All Spark” was hidden in Hoover Dam in 1935 (1+9+3+5=18 or 666) America is being set up to be the Scapegoat of Rev 18 “Babylon has fallen”. NIcholas Roerich, the Rosicrucian mentor of FDR put the Great Seal on the $US in 1935, the same year Sodomite Luciferian Mason J Edgar Hoover started the FBI.
Black Canyon Surveyor JG Tierney (Tierney means Lord and Master) was the 1st person killed in building Hoover Dam; his son Patrick (Ptah Rek) was the last, killed 13 years to the day later.
A recent Toyota Camry (Camry means “Crown”) commercial featured Rainbow Bridge and Hoover Dam; a dog in the foreground reflected by the car door morphed into a rabid dog.
Hoover Dam is seen destroyed on the $50; 50 years ago the Church of Satan and 6-Day War for the Temple Mount were timed with the 7th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles. The Jubilee Trumpets will blow on 9/13 on Feast of Trumpets amid a Solar Eclipse.
Just please be careful with this site; Nephilim are not Fallen Angels who mated with human women. the other info seems dead on
ISIS means Throne; Madonna enacted Ishtar’s (Ishtar is ISIS) Descent into Hell at the 2012 Super Bowl on a Throne made to give birth, exactly shaped like the Hoover Dam. The $50 Water Marks depict Water breaking over the Dam.
ISIS Dinar is out; the value is $139. ISIS means “Throne”; Dinar means Denarius or “Islamic State Penny”. The Islamic State Coin is stamped with the World and Stalks of Wheat. The ISIS Flag is Black with the Shahada “There is no god but Allah” Sharia Law enforces this rejection of God and Pope Francis agrees with it. Rev 6:6 tells the story of Economic meltdown; the Black Horse, Balances (Judgment Scales) and a Denarius (Penny) for a day’s wages. It won’t get more obvious than this. Got JESUS in your life? He is waiting in your Prayer Closet.
UN Rapporteur on human right to safe drinking water Catarina de Albuquerque (Catharsis of the White Oaks) reports to the UN on Agenda 21. Nestle drains the Great Lakes and CA Aquifers saying “Drinking Water is not a human right”
T Boone Pickens was allowed to purchase 1/2 of the water shares and control the other half of the Ogallala Aquifer. He plans to sell the water back to Citizens at a profit.
Sun Myung Moon was allowed to purchase water rights and control over the Algonquin Aquifer in Paraguay, the world’s largest aquifer.
Muammar Qadaffi was developing the GMMR (Great Man Made River) project when French warplanes and US Tomahawk Cruise Missiles destroyed the pipeline and factories making the pipes.
There’s that darn Catharsis again!
His Assholiness Pope Francis says “the Quran and the Bible are the same…Jesus, Muhammad, Jehovah, Allah all names of the same God” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-00yFHNXDJ4&feature=share
Allah is the Arab moon god Sin; Muhammad was a Quyraish (Koresh=Korahite Num 16) Bedouin; Jehovah is the Covenant Name of God equivalent with Jah or Jesus, the man hanging from the Twisted Crucifix he carries was carried by Pagans in the 2nd Century as a Victory symbol over God at the Crucifixion.
The Quran says Abraham offered Ishmael; the Bible says Abraham offered Isaac. Ishmael was born out of disbelief; Isaac from a promise made by God.
Anyone who can read should be able to see the Big Bang, Evolution, Global Warming, Alien Baptizing Pope is a world class fraud.
Bill Gates and Monsanto Funding A “Doomsday” Seed Vault
Society will collapse by 2040 due to catastrophic food shortages, says study
“Order out of Chaos” is the planned collapse of society. “Control oil you control nations. Control food you control people” Henry Kissinger
GRACE Satellite says the world is running out of Water. A lie as all water recycles into the atmosphere and can go nowhere.
SEE: http://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/on_the_front_lines/us_supreme_court_rules_against_confederate_flag_license_plates_declares_spe; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
June 18, 2015
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Delivering a sharp blow to the First Amendment, a 5-4 U.S. Supreme Court has declared specialty license plates to be “government speech” and not private speech and, thus, subject to censorship by government officials. The Rutherford Institute warns that the ruling could set a dangerous precedent, paving the way for the government to censor private speech whenever it occurs in a public or government forum. At issue in Walker v. Texas Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Inc., was whether Texas officials violated the First Amendment when they denied a Civil War heritage group’s request for a specialty plate bearing the Confederate battle flag, allegedly because the Department of Motor Vehicles was concerned some people would be offended by the Confederate flag.
In weighing in on the case, The Rutherford Institute had urged the Court to affirm that specialty license plates—which run the gamut in Texas from college alumni associations and fast food chains to real estate brokers and Dr. Pepper—are private speech which may not be censored on the basis of viewpoint. Institute attorneys also argued that by inviting groups to engage in private speech and contribute to the marketplace of ideas, the government surrendered the right to treat the license plate as “government speech” subject to any censorship the state deems appropriate.
“This ruling sanctions total government censorship. We are witnessing an elitist philosophy at play, one shared by both the extreme left and the extreme right, which aims to stifle all expression that doesn’t fit within their parameters of what they consider to be ‘acceptable’ speech, ” said John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute and author of Battlefield America: The War on the American People. “There are all kinds of labels put on such speech: it’s been called politically incorrect speech, hate speech, offensive speech, and so on, but really, the message being conveyed is that you don’t have a right to express yourself if certain people don’t like or agree with what you are saying.”
Like many states, Texas allows motorists to use specialty license plates, which display a message or symbol supporting a cause or nonprofit group. By law, any nonprofit organization is allowed to apply for a specialty plate by submitting a design to be approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles. In 2009, Texas SCV, a nonprofit organization that works to preserve the memory and reputation of soldiers who fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War, applied for a specialty license plate and submitted a design that featured the SCV logo, which is a Confederate battle flag framed on all four sides by the words “Sons of Confederate Veterans 1896.” When the matter reached the DMV, it asked for public comment on approval of the application, and in response received comments both supporting and against the application. Eventually, the DMV voted to deny the application, explaining that some of the public comments found the Confederate flag portion of the propose plate offensive. The SCV then filed suit, alleging that the denial of the application constituted viewpoint discrimination in violation of the First Amendment. A district court subsequently ruled that the state did not violate the Constitution. On appeal, however, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit reversed that decision, holding that the specialty license plates are private speech protected by the First Amendment. Moreover, the Fifth Circuit ruled that the DMV unconstitutionally discriminated against the SCV by classifying as offensive its view that the Confederate flag is a symbol of sacrifice, independence, and Southern heritage.
Affiliate attorneys D. Alicia Hickok and Todd N. Hutchinson of Drinker, Biddle & Reath LLP, in Philadelphia, assisted The Rutherford Institute in advancing the arguments in the amicus brief before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Monsanto Supplied US And Israel With Chemical Weapons According To Declassified Documents
Read More: http://www.trueactivist.com/monsanto-supplied-us-and-israel-with-chemical-weapons-according-to-declassified-documents/?utm_source=fb&utm_medium=fb&utm_campaign=antimedia
Archbishop Nienstedt Resigns
he hadn’t made the lavender mafia so angry, Pope Francis would have kept him in. Will the enabling Bishop Pates be brought in from Iowa to fill the gap?
ST. PAUL, Monday, June 15, 2015 (ChurchMilitant.com) – Archbishop John Nienstedt announced this morning that Pope Francis has accepted his resignation as archbishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis.
After a string of controversies over his mismanagement of sexual abuse cases, Abp. Nienstedt will be leaving the archdiocese after seven years of service.
In his statement, the archbishop explains that he has a “clear conscience” after spending much of his time the last several years putting into place “solid protocols” that will aim to protect children and the vulnerable from sexual abuse.
Nienstedt is the fall guy for a much larger problem. Jesuit Paul Shanley started NAMBLA (North AM Man-Boy Love Ass) with the motto “Sex by 8 or it’s too late”
Brown Shirts were universally homosexual under Ernst Rohm; they were called “Rovers” like Karl Rove’s father, both Sodomites like George Bush; now it’s gone a step further with a Sodomite President and a Cross Dressing partner who covers his many trists with the likes of Kal Penn and Reggie Love. It’s all a show. Pope Benedict was also a Brown Shirt or “SA” Storm Trooper who appointed openly Sodomite Cardinal Jean-Louis Pierre Tauron as Carmerlengo (Chamber Maid) just before he resigned. This man will determine the death of Pope Francis as Pope #112 in the St Malachy plan and distribute the assets of the Holy See which include the City of London Corp (Nazi Gold=Black Eagle Gold; Hawaii Gold; Marcos’ Gold; US Ft Knox Gold; WTC Bldg #4-5 Foreign Gold Vaults) as well as Holy See Vatican Bank assets managed by Mitt Romney in the Cayman Is with Iran-Contra laundered Drug money)
Antichrist (Beast) will be handed this control of Gold, Silver and Precious Stones per Dan 11:48.
Now we are at the point where John 16:2 says “they will kill you and think they doeth God service because they have not known the Father nor me”
If “these days” went on no flesh would remain, so JESUS will shorten them as promised.
4.2 billion worth of military surplus has been handed over to local police forces by the federal government in recent years…Many combat veterans have even exclaimed how American cops are more heavily armed than they were as frontline soldiers in active war zones. Hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars are being spent annually to outgun the average American citizen, to position the federal U.S.military forces, agencies and their auxiliary local and state law enforcement partners throughout the continental United States to eliminate the opposition of the United Nations disarmament agenda as their peace-keeping force, and to prepare for a major event to coincide with multiple flashpoints.”
Emphasis in original. I would add additional emphasis to the phrase “and their auxiliary local and state law enforcement partners throughout the continental United States…”
Have our Local Police been bought off?
This document was drafted by former U.S. National Security Advisor and Secretary of State, Heinz Alfred Kissinger, a German national and Soviet deep cover agent (code named ‘Bor’) who changed his birth name to ‘Henry’ to evade suspicion of his conspiratorial espionage. State Department Publication 7277 was personally delivered to the United Nations by President John F. Kennedy in September of 1961.
“It is the official policy of the United States of America, and reveals the plans of the federal government of the United States to retroactively transfer its military forces to the United Nations. It specifically outlines an ongoing agenda to combine the police and military forces of the United States of America with Russia in three distinct stages, into what will be the ‘peace-keeping’ forces of the new world government under the authority of the United Nations bureaucracy.
“‘The meaning of peace,’ explained socialist revolutionary Karl Marx, ‘is the absence of opposition to socialism.’…” [emphasis in original]
During a campaign stop in Charleston just days before the Methodist-Episcopal Church shooting, Hillary Clinton met with a “Random” Baptist pastor she saw reading the bible. He said he was studying 1 Cor 13; she said she knew the scripture well. Why this scripture? “Charity” is the Greatest Virtue a follower of JESUS can have because the word means “Esteem, praise and reverence of God”. 8 qualities of Charity are mentioned because JESUS is the 8th New Covenant. New bibles change “Charity” mentioned 7 times in that chapter to “Love” which has an entirely different meaning. Cathars were the Church of Amor (Love) for example; Amorites were Canaanites who wrote the Code of Hammurabi another.
Why a Baptist minister? Feast Day of John the Baptist whom Jesus called the Greatest of the 7th Covenant but less than anyone in the 8th Covenant.
Why an Episcopal-Methodist Church? The Anglican Church is in Communion with every religion on Earth; Methodism, the Cult of John Wesley a disciple of John Calvin and John Knox exported Calvinism to America.
Why Charleston? Albert Pike was the head of Scotch Rite Masonry in Charleston SC on the 33rd parallel and called for 3 World Wars.
The event (scripted and planned) prompted a Sandy Hook style cry for gun control; represented at the UN by a Gun with it’s barrel tied in a knot.
Aquarius is the astrological age following Pisces. God put the Stars, Sun, Moon to tell time and seasons. 2160 years per astrological house. Creation to Flood is 1656 years; Aries to Pisces is 2160 years; Pisces to Aquarius is 2160 years 1656 + 2160 + 2160= 5976 years. Jesus returns when creation is exactly 6000 years od as promised in 2 Pet 3:8. This being after an Alternative King is accepted. Sargon the Great was the first; the Age of Adulthood and accountability is 21; Sargon is a Title meaning “The King is Legitimate” This is why the Aquarius symbol (Water Pourer) is on the Pillar at the St Sulpice Cathedral “Rose Line” in Paris and the Aquarian Cross is on Glastonbury Tor near London (King Arthur is Arcturas guiding the Big Dipper around the Dragon about Polaris).
The Georgia Guide Stones call for killing all but 500M people living in harmony with Nature; Pope Francis’ god is Nature. The 2014 English language Cornerstone was removed and replaced with Blood on the Roof (name of Charleston killer Roof is no accident either) Earth will enter the Great Tribulation at 5996 1/2 years as it enters the Jubilee on Sept 13, 2015 on Feast of Trumpets (Solar Eclipse). On Sept 22 Kol Nidre, Satanists will forgive Sins they plan to commit the following year and offer a Holocaust (Fire Sacrifice per Lev 23) on Feast of Atonement Sept 23 as Pope Francis opens the UN Earth Summit on Sustainability. The topic will be reducing carbon emissions of people sinning against “Mother Earth”; this to be dome by killing them. Sept 28 is Jesus’ real birthday on Feast of Tabernacles and ends the 8th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses as the 8th Covenant “New Covenant” ends.
Dylann Roof means Dylan=Tide or Flow of the Sea; in the Flood the Roof opened as the Rains began. This is the name of the Welsh (Chaldean) God of the Sea aka Beastea Neptunis the Holy Grail of Merovee (Merovingians).
Clementa ≡ Clement ≡ the governing.
Pinckney ≡ Pinkan knee ≡ the blessed one and the knee ≡ ברך ≡ Barack.
Note also that his detractors accuse Obama of being “pinko”.
Beware Barack Obama – assassin is on the way.
Dylan Storm Roof (anagram) ≡ darts fly on (the) Moor (in) 6 (days, weeks or months).
Shelby, N.C. ≡ James Shelby Downard ≡ King Kill 33.
C.P. had just met with Hillary Clinton.
Clementa Carlos Pinckney (augmented anagram) ≡ enemy treasonously kills President in 6 (days, weeks, months)
Clementa Carl “Clem” Pinckney was one of the victims. A pastor and legislator- member of 122nd House of Representatives.
(122/11=11.09 or 11/9, or 9/11 reversed) REMEMBER THIS!
Coincidentally, “Pinckney” is a very well known name in SC, as is “Calhoun”. In fact, there is a very large and historically well-known mansion in SC, known as Calhoun Mansion. The address location was originally part of the of plot of the Lowndes House, which was the property of no other than “Gov. Charles Pinckney”, who hosted George Washington 3 times in 1791.
Gov. Pinckney was also a legislator of the 1st House of Representatives, and his father was Colonel Charles Pinckney, who was a rich lawyer. Charles was an ancestor of seven future South Carolina governors. He was also a signer of the United States Constitution, the 37th Governor of South Carolina, a Senator and a member of the House of Representatives. He was first cousin once removed of fellow signer Charles Cotesworth Pinckney.
Fast-forward to present day victim- Clementa Pinckney, also born in South Carolina. His middle name was Carlos, a variation of “Charles”, like Charles Pinckney, like “Charleston”. He was exactly 366 days from his 42nd birthday.
366/33 (33 is an occult number highly revered)
366/33 = 11.09 or 11/9 or 9/11 reversed!
Got Em Dylann Storm Roof? Is that his real (birth) name?
“There’s a storm coming…,” of course, from The Dark Knight Rises (2012). Colorado’s Aurora, “red dawn,” and James Holmes come to mind.
There’s a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits, you’re all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us. – The Dark Knight Rises
Bainbridge Ave Federal law Enforcement Training in Charleston.
Laudato Si (Be Praise) the Lord and his sister “Mother Nature”. Directed at the Sins all 7+ Billion against her. Quoting Pope Emeritus and Brown Shirt Nazi Pope Benedict XVI “Book of Nature is one and indivisible…we must eliminate structural causes of dysfunction in world economy and accept the world as a s”
Quoting Patriarch Bartholomew (Archbishop of Constantinople) “We must repent for ways she is harmed and accept the world as Sacrament of communion”
Quoting the Book of Wisdom Chap 13 on Nature “Wisdom is consubstantial with the Father…she is a reflection of eternal light and spotless mirror of the Father”
Catholic Jeb Bush is in Communion with Pope Francis is also a Jesuit Co-adjuror, 4 degree Knight of Columbus, Knight of St John of Jerusalem, 33 degree Luciferian Freemason, Skull & Bones Satanist and Bohemian Grove initiate who makes a fortune from Weather Derivatives. Placing insurance bets on Mother Nature; nice!
Pope Francis is proposing “Drastic cuts in CO2 (Breathing) Methane (Farting) and Nitrous Oxides (Industry, Agriculture and Transportation)). N2O is known by its more famous name “Laughing Gas”. Satanists are laughing all the way to the bank at our stupidity!
The stated intent to murder 6+Billion people is reflected in Gen 27:40: These are Edomite Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes intent on killing everyone in the family of Jacob.
St Petersburg (St Peter=Pope Francis in the Chair of St Peter; cute eh?)Economic Forum June 18-20. Nice timing Russia is opening an investigation into NASA’s claimed Lunar Moon Landings. This little gem was perfectly timed with Jesuit Gen Martin Dempsey invoking Luke Skywalker in Star Wars fighting ISIS. Good analogy because Darth Vader and ISIS are our own creation.
Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov and China’s Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli have conducted the second meeting of the intergovernmental commission on investment cooperation.
“The Shuvalov-Zhang Gaoli commission has approved new 29 projects worth over $20 billion. The total number of the commission’s projects is 58. The projects are in the areas such as the construction of high-speed railway mainlines, the production of industrial equipment, innovative materials, construction materials, automobiles, the extracting industry and metallurgy, chemical industry, agriculture, and forestry,” Russian Deputy economic development Minister Stanislav Voskresensky told reporters at the St. Petersburg International economic Forum 2015 on Thursday.
– h
Today I logged in to Google as I do nearly every morning, however something caught my eye today. I looked closer and what I saw instantly sent chills down my spine. I sat back and thought about what the image may mean.
MUST SEE: Is Google Using Predictive Programming? [VIDEO]
Andrew Pontbriand June 17, 2015 Today In logged on to Google as a do nearly every morning, however something caught my eye. I looked closer and what I saw instantly sent chills down my spine. Watch…
June 19 is the anniversary of French Masons (Marianne Secret Society) delivering the Statue; now it gets toppled? John the Baptist was conceived after the 8th, 8 Day Temple Service following 1 Nisan. In 6 BC the Equinox occurred on May 23; the next new moon would have been April 18; add 64 days to June 21 aka Father’s Day and Summer Solstice. 3 days later is the Feast Day of John the Baptist opposite the calendar of the fake birth of Jesus on Christmas.
The Crab (Cancer June 21-July 22) cuts the head of Satan off at the Cathedral of St John the Divine in NYC. Jesus in a nest of antler horns and an upside down 9/11 memorial cross are in my opinion just creepy.
Iran (Noble Caste or Aryan) President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said “America is the Great Satan” 3 years in a row; his Divine Mission is the revealing of the 12th Imam Al-Mahdi.
Just an FYI I spent some time researching on http://www.Cuttingedge.org when I first woke up (Don’t trust him) and he said David Bay and Lambert Dolphin snuk into a meeting of the Theosophical Society in NYC (BS!) I’ve been to that egg shape red granite building and it’s creepy. They said WWIII was planned for 13 Wks. June 21 to Sept 28 “Feast of Tabernacles”? We’ll see, I’m headed to NYC tomorrow and will report back on things at the UN and Cathedral of St John the Divine.
During a campaign stop in Charleston just days before the Methodist-Episcopal Church shooting, Hillary Clinton met with a “Random” Baptist pastor she saw reading the bible. He said he was studying 1 Cor 13; she said she knew the scripture well. Why this scripture? “Charity” is the Greatest Virtue a follower of JESUS can have because the word means “Esteem, praise and reverence of God”. 8 qualities of Charity are mentioned because JESUS is the 8th New Covenant. New bibles change “Charity” mentioned 7 times in that chapter to “Love” which has an entirely different meaning. Cathars were the Church of Amor (Love) for example; Amorites were Canaanites who wrote the Code of Hammurabi another.
Why a Baptist minister? Feast Day of John the Baptist whom Jesus called the Greatest of the 7th Covenant but less than anyone in the 8th Covenant.
Why an Episcopal-Methodist Church? The Anglican Church is in Communion with every religion on Earth; Methodism, the Cult of John Wesley a disciple of John Calvin and John Knox exported Calvinism to America.
Why Charleston? Albert Pike was the head of Scotch Rite Masonry in Charleston SC on the 33rd parallel and called for 3 World Wars.
The event (scripted and planned) prompted a Sandy Hook style cry for gun control; represented at the UN by a Gun with it’s barrel tied in a knot.
U.S. Paying off Crisis Actors with $29 Million For Charleston Shooting Hoax (Redsilverj)
U.S. to fast track $29 million to help Charleston shooting victims’ families
U.S. to fast track $29 million to help Charleston shooting victims’ families
Panthers donate $100,000 to Charleston shooting victims
Boeing announces $100,000 donation to Mother Emanuel Hope Fund
Participants Of Sandy Hook Hoax Paid Over $27 Million Exposed
U.S. Paying off Crisis Actors with $29 Million For Charleston Shooting Hoax (Redsilverj)
U.S. to fast track $29 million to help Charleston shooting victims’ families
Howard, this was what I received for a guy in forum when mention I conservation on TEXAS in regards to the Gold Law passed isn’t good for but Big and the grand scheme of things . Its obviously don’t know jack about Texas and I suspect that you are just a paid troll that just strings together alleged facts to stir up trouble
. I am pasting here the entire article Resolutions, Treaties, & Law written by Jesse Enloe who was President of the provisional government for the republic of Texas before the entire government for the republic of Texas was lawfully restored in 2005.
Resolutions, Treaties & Law
August 26, 1998
In June of 1844, the United States Senate considered a Treaty which had been submitted for their approval. The Treaty was the Treaty of Annexation, designed to bring another nation, The Republic of Texas, into the union of American States as one of the united States of America. The Treaty of Annexation was defeated in the US Senate by a vote of 35 to 16.
This should have ended the matter, or they should have resubmitted the Treaty of Annexation at a later date, when they could get it passed.
This never occurred.
Rather, the House of Representatives introduced a “Resolution of Annexation” in 1845, along with a document called “Articles of Annexation.” After this resolution passed, the United States declared that Texas was now one of the states of the United States. Interesting conclusion, but let’s take a look at the word “resolution.”
The word “resolution,” when it is regarding a resolution passed by an assembly or legislature, simply means they have agreed on their intent on some matter. A resolution is not a law. Of course, Black’s Law Dictionary, sixth edition, says that a Joint Resolution when signed by the President has the effect of law. Why would this be stated when any other definition you look at says it is a statement of intent? In fact, further down in Black’s it says outright that a resolution is not a law.
We must remember that Black’s, as well as other dictionaries, defines words according to current usage. In other words, Congress passes a Joint Resolution, has the President sign it, and tells everybody it is law. Then Black’s includes this in its definition!! Does this make it law? No, it does not.
A law must come from an act passed by congress with specific language.
It must have an Enactment Clause, such as “It is hereby enacted” and it must have an enabling clause. A resolution has neither of these.
It is very simple. A resolution is not a law and it applies only to the body that passes it.
Now lets look at the word treaty. What is a treaty? Simply stated, it is an agreement, a contract between two parties, usually independent countries. It takes the approval of both parties to become a valid contract or treaty. Where is the process for Texas to sign off on a Resolution of the U.S. Congress? They may have the will to agree with it, as was apparently the case with the People of Texas in 1845, but how would that agreement be expressed? Since they were a separate nation, it would be absolutely necessary for a treaty to be consummated for the agreement to be a lawful contract between the two parties, Texas and the United States.
Let me give an example or two. Has anyone ever seen the “Resolution of Peace” with the Cherokee Indians or any other tribe of Indians? How about the “Resolution of Amity” between the United States and Spain in 1819. NO! There were “Treaties of Peace” signed with the Indians and a “Treaty of Amity” signed with Spain in 1819. Why did they use a treaty rather than a resolution in these instances?
Remember to have a valid agreement in the form of a document, it must be signed by both parties. The statement of the Congress of the United States of their intent to have Texas as a State is not sufficient to complete an agreement between both parties. It is simply the statement of one of the parties as to their desire or intent.
If everybody had to abide by the intent or desires of everyone else without agreement, what a crazy world we would have! If this would work the U.S. could just pass a “Resolution for Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons” and, by golly, the WHOLE WORLD would have to abide by it. No more messing with those pesky treaties where they have to agree to it and NO MORE NUCLEAR WEAPONS! Of course, another nation might pass a “Resolution that all nations must have Nuclear Weapons.” Now what?
In addition, according to their own founding document, the House of Representatives does not have the authority delegated to it by the People to initiate matters of foreign affairs. How then could they introduce a “Resolution of Annexation” of Texas? The answer to that is simple. They just acted outside their delegated authority. A practice that has become an everyday experience with the U.S. Government.
So the facts are very simple. There has never been a lawful process completed to make Texas one of the states of the United States.
Now lets address another issue. All political power is inherent in the People. This is a principle that has existed from time immemorial. It is a fact of the nature of things. This principle was stated in the American Declaration of Independence. It is included in the National Constitution for the Republic of Texas of 1836. It is stated in every “State” constitution written for Texas. We must remember that the People of Texas exercised this principle when they voted, in 1861 to withdraw from their unlawful union with the United States.
The vote, taken by county, was 75% in favor of withdrawal. This was the People of Texas exercising their political authority to determine their own fate and their own future. The United States, and its courts, maintains that the United States is a “perpetual union” and no one may leave or secede. How does this square with the statement in their own Declaration of Independence that “All political power is inherent in the people?” It simply does not.
There is, of course, the larger problem that Texas was never lawfully a part of the Union in the first place! And since the People of Texas have never voted to JOIN the union since they voted to WITHDRAW from it, how have we been forced to be a part of something that the People said they did not want to be a part?
Again the answer is simple. Military force. In 1865 the Union Army came into Texas and took over by military might. Is there a problem with this? There certainly is. A close examination of the Constitution for the United States of America discloses that there is no authority delegated by the People to the U.S. to conquer another nation by war and “take” it and make it a part of themselves. The U.S. Government can lawfully do ONLY that which the People give it authority to do.
The framers of the U.S. Constitution were attempting to set up a government which would not oppress or tyrannize its people. It is inconceivable to think that they would condone the “taking” of another country of politically sovereign people and enslave them or FORCE them into their bailiwick.
When the U.S. forced Texas and the southern states to be a part of the U.S., they not only enslaved the people involved there, but also enslaved the people of the northern states. If we the People, allow our government to enslave others, it will be only a short time until we too become its slaves. That is exactly what has occurred.
There are many, many issues that could be discussed here but suffice it to say that the People, all over the North American continent, are waking up and realizing that they have indeed been enslaved by the government that is supposed to protect their rights and liberties and serve them. The issue of Texas Annexation, or lack thereof, is only proof positive that this enslavement has taken place and is ongoing.
In summary, let me restate, Texas has never been LAWFULLY joined to the United States, has expressed its will to be sovereign and independent (in 1836 and again in 1861) and has been a CAPTIVE NATION of the United States since 1865. Remember, this is a violation by the United States of their own law, the law given to them by the People who created the U.S. Government.
He also quote Thomas Jefferson HAHAHA
The end of the Age of Grace begins the Great Tribulation (Rev 11 & 13) GRACE measures Gravity; CERN calls Gravity “God Particle”. GRACE Follow-on is the sequel to GRACE; this Satellite launches in 2017. 2016-17 is a Satanic Jubilee (50 years after the 7th Tetrad and 1966-7 6-Day War.
Grace PERIOD what to the Christian Brethren such as myself??? GRACE PERIOD Range from How many years approximately??
Catharsis: Body Purging, Cleansing, Purify, Clear of Shame or Guilt, Discharge of Pent up emotions.
Cathars “Pure Ones”
On Sept 22, 2015 Talmudic Rabbis will “Clear of Shame or Guilt” their Congregations on “Kol Nidre” (All Vows). No Guilt in Oaths, LIes or Heinous deeds they plan to commit during the following year during the “Satanic Jubilee” between Feast of Atonement Sept 23 and the next Feast of Atonement.
Lev 23:27 specifies an offering made by Fire aka Holocaust. Tammuz means “Purify by Fire”
Here is another way to look at this. GRACE measures “Gravity” by measuring “Mass” or “Water”. The Graviton “God Particle” Gives “Mass” to “Matter” and “Order to the Cosmos”. The New Order is “Order out of Chaos”. JESUS is the “Living Water”. There are so many signs of the times appearing now.
Example: ALICE is the CERN detector for Mirror Matter; Sin (Moon) is the Mirror of the Sun; Lucifer the Mirror of God; looks like Him but is 100% opposite.
GRACE measuring Water and Gravity and declaring Earth is running out” Code for the Holy Ghost.
LUCIFER Telescope managed by the Vatican (Divine Serpent) searching for Aliens.
NASA uses the GRACE (Grace is God’s unmerited love) satellite claiming Earth is running out of Water. GRACE uses Gravity to estimate aquifer depletion; neat trick since Gravity has not been proven.
GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) is a collaboration between NASA JPL and the German Geo-sciences Center (GFZ) in Potsdam launched in Russia.
God separated the Waters above, on and under the Earth; by Evaporation Water returns from the Oceans to the Atmosphere; warmer temperature=more evaporation.
This announcement comes the day before Jesuit Pope Francis and Potsdam Global Climate Impact Research Professor John Schnellnhuber deliver bad news “The triumph of Science is realizing the carrying capacity of Earth is under 1 Billion people”
Jesuits invented Gravity and Global Warming and will now used their lies to justify the slaughter of 6.6Billion people.
Why Potsdam? The Brandenburg Gate is topped by the Quadriga of Apollo seen at the Russian Olympics in Sochi (Flame) where Prometheus (Fore Thinker) can be seen breaking free of his chains and the Eagle pecking his liver. This famous Gate was where Obama gave his famous
“Yes We Can” Speech TWICE. Yes We Can means “Thank You Satan” in Reverse Speech.
33 degree Luciferian Masons Jesuit Fr Stalin, Druid/Mason Churchill and Truman (after he had Roosevelt murdered in April) set up Potsdam Conference, Berlin Wall and Cold War to justify exorbitant Military Expenditures that went to Project Blue Beam. Using the Ionosphere as a giant TV is “Positively Entertaining”. There has never nor will ever be a single Star Wars Satellite that can shoot down an ICBM because the whole thing was a Jesuit hoax like Climate Change.
This is all next to the Berlin Museum where the Throne of Pergamon aka Satan’s Seat is housed.
“Except those days should be shortened no flesh would remain” -Jesus Those days are here.