[frame_right][/frame_right]On March 13 (3/13) 624 AD, 313 Muslim’s fought with Muhammad in Islam’s 1st battle. “Twelver Ismailis” believe when the world has 313 sincere followers of Shia Islam, the 12th Imam “al-Mahdi” will be revealed; the word means “He who Rises”. In Gematria, the Phoenician creator “El” is 13; the Kabbalist Tetragammaton “YHVH” is 2X13. In Gen 31, Laban (To make Bricks or To make White) laments Jacob (Supplanter) had usurped his and Esau’s property; in Gen 31:3, God promises Jacob He will be with him. March 13, 2013 (2 Nisan) will mark the preparation of the Red Heifer.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a Shia “Twelver” has stated his “Divine Mission” is to usher in the 12th Imam “al-Mahdi”. As the NAM (Non-aligned Movement) Summit meets in Tehran to decry US Imperialism and the Zionist “Cancer” called Israel, Mitt Romney, a claimed “Son of Israel” descended from Joseph and Ephraim and Mormon Zionist meets in Tampa to accept the Republican nomination for US President. He has been told for 40 years he is “The One, Mighty and Strong” who will usher in the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ; as a Melchisedek Priest, he claims the title Priest of the LORD and King of Salem ie Jerusalem. 7 years to the day after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, the site of the War of 1812 “Battle of New Orleans”, Hurricane Isaac hit New Orleans on the Feast Day of the Edomite Beheading of John the Baptist. 2 Water Baptisms in 7 years? Isaac means “He laughs”. 3/13/2013 is 2 Nisan the day Moses was instructed to sacrifice a Red Heifer without blemish. The Gnostic Gospel of Barnabas claims Jesus Christ is the Red Heifer. Is He? Not on your eternal life.
“I am the God of Beth-el where thou anointedst the pillar and where thou vowedst a vow unto me…” Gen 31:13 Laban and Esau chose Jegar-sahadutha, a Chaldean Pillar (Pyramid, Obelisk or Asherah Poles); Jacob chose Galeed, the Holy Ghost. On 12/21/2012, the Pale Horse is scheduled to be released according to www.One-heaven.org/ On this date the Mayan Calendar (Chaldeans made the calendar, not Mayans) will read as the Sun rises through the X (Ecliptic and Galaxy) to form the Chi-Rho “Royal Christ”. Jesus? Uh no.
2X13=26, the number of English letters ending with Z; corresponding to the Greek letters Alpha and Omega, the titles Jesus used as “Beginning and End”. Aleister Crowley wrote “Liber Oz” (Oz means Ain Zayn “A to Z”) aka “Book of the Goat” The Goat is sun-god Shamash, the center candle on the Hanukkah Menorah. In Lev 16:8 “Scapegoat” is often replaced with “Azazel” meaning “Wilderness Goat that departs”. Is Azazel, Jesus Christ? Not on your eternal life. Are you ready for America to become a Wilderness? If not, get ready.
13 is the 7th Prime Number; Salome danced the “Dance of 7 Veils” before demanding her step father, the Edomite King Herod kill John the Baptist, the “Greatest of the Old Testament” and deliver his head on a charger. Hurricane Isaac arrived in New Orleans 7 years to the day (Katrina at Sunrise; Isaac at Even 9PM) after Hurricane Katrina devastated the city on the “Feast Day of the Beheading of John the Baptist”. Quite a Water Baptism going on eh? Just wait until the Red Heifer is ritually sacrificed (At this point 8/29 it is my best guess) on 2 Nisan 3/13/2013.
The Authorized Bible has 313 exclamation points beginning with Abraham’s plea to God concerning Ishmael and ending with the destruction of Babylon in Rev 18. The 2nd Coming is Rev 19. Jesus was 33 years old at the Crucifixion; there are 33 vertebra in the human spine, 33 Atoms in the Chlorophyll “Green” molecule and 33 levels to Sovereignty in Scotch Rite Freemasonry. Perhaps this is why ! is above the #1 Key and is represented by HTML code #33. Remember, the Green Revolution in Iran was 33 years ago. In Unicode, ! is U+21; 21 being the age of accountability in scripture ie everyone 21 and over died who rejected God’s commandments after the Red Sea crossing. Abraham’s covenant would have gone to Ishmael had Isaac not been born in where else but Gen 21. New Heaven, New Jerusalem and New Earth are described in Rev 21 for this reason as well.
Ismail, the son of the Egyptian “Hagar” is missing the “h”, meaning God is not with them; like the Scapegoat, Hagar and Ishmael were cast out to the Wilderness. Hagarenes are known as “Twelver Ismailis”. Ishmael was 13 when Isaac was born. Isaac was circumcised at 8 days as required under Jewish Law; Ishmael was circumcised at 13 years of age when Abraham was 99. First, take note Jesus was not born on Christmas; He was born at Even on 14 Tishrei and Circumcised on 22 Tishrei, the 8th Day of the Feast of Tabernacles.
November means 9th Month; see the 99 here? 11/9 is the 313th day of the year; the Trans-continental Railroad was joined at Promontory Summit near Salt Lake City with a Golden Spike between Engine #119 and the Engine “Jupiter” (King Star); #119 then became the Area Code for Iraq and Iran where Twelver Shia Imams Grand Ayathollah Ali Sistani and Ayathollah Ali Khameini fill roles of gods on earth. After Nov 9 there are 52 days left. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad held 52 American hostages 33 years ago during Iran’s Green Revolution; 520 is also the angle of the Great Pyramid and the walls of the King’s Chamber used to initiate Pharaoh’s who also filled roles of gods on earth. Glastonbury Tor, the home of the mythical King Arthur and “Aquarian Cross” which symbolizes Phi “Golden Mean” using a Labrys is at 520 North Latitude. Does the Christian Fish symbol on the Aquarian Cross represent Jesus? Not on your eternal life. British means “B’Rith” meaning “Covenant Men”. What Covenant? The Birthright Covenant God made with Abraham; see the British connection with Ishmael and Esau now? Now can you see why America and Britain are part of NAM’s “Non-aligned” Nations?
The Fibonacci Numbers are denominators of fractions that approximate “Phi” 1.618 ie 8/5; 13/8…233/144. This “Ratio of Life” is called the “Golden Mean”. 144= 122 add the Pell (denominators of fractions approximating 1.414 the square root of 2) square 132 =313. The digits of 313 add to 7, the number of perfection and “Heptadic” structure of the “Word of God”. Elizabeth Hatch analyzed 313 in her book Egyptian Initiaion. and the French science journal Pour la Science featured 313 in artwork and articles on numerology in Oct 2010. The Mayan ruins of Coba near Tulum have 313 glyphs depicting the return of Quetzalcoatl (same as “al-Mahdi” or the Mayan, Incan “Kukulkan”, or Mormon version of Jesus the Spanish Conquistadores exploited).
Somewhere in Time featured Rm 313 in the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island were George Romney kept his mansion; Detroit’s Area Code is 313 where his son Mitt Romney was born. Can you see why Mitt has been told he is “The One, Mighty and Strong” now?
In 313AD, the son of Druid Princess Helena, Emperor Constantine proclaimed religious freedom with the “Edict of Milan” after Christianity swept the Roman Empire. Constantine completed his “Basilica Nova” in 313AD. 313 is a Prime Number, that when added to the next Prime is 666. Take a look at www.One-heaven.org/ or any of 6 other sister sites proclaiming the release of the White (12/21/2009), Red, Black and Pale Horse; the required membership number is an 18 digit number in 3 groups of 6. In 313AD, the Arian heresy (Denial that Jesus was God in Flesh and the Holy Ghost) began.
313 is a Mirror Prime and Angel Number, a number that forward and backward in Base 10 “313” and Base 2 “100111001” are identical. Black or Dark Matter is called Mirror Matter; can you see why Science has blasphemously declared God is the “God Particle” is the smallest bit of Dark Matter now? Assyrians venerated the Moon god “Sin”; the Moon a reflection of the Sun represents the 1st Lie the Serpent told Eve and Adam “Ye shall be as gods”.
313 is an Emirp Number (Prime spelled backwards) number similar to the Arab word “Emir”; Arab Royalty (P is Chi=Messiah).
UB313 “Eris” the Greek goddess of Discord is the so-called “Planet X”; “X” was the sign Emperor Constantine saw before his battle with Maxentius with the slogan “In Hoc Signo Vinces” (By this sign Conquer); Jesuits and Presbyterians use this Slogan and Idol. In 313AD, the Basilica of Constantine and Maxtentius “Basilica Nova” was completed. Planet X was also called Nibiru; myth? To be sure, but Nibiru means Marduk (Molech, Martu, Melek, all mean “Lord”) Planet X is therefore called “Planet of Crossing”.
Babylon means “Gate of Marduk”; on 12/21/2012 the X Constantine saw will form in the sky beginning sunrise in Tulum and form the symbols called the Chi-Rho found all over Roman Catholic Cathedrals. Jesus? Heaven’s no, Marduk, al-Mahdi “He who rises” aka Beast from the Sea. The end of the Roman Catholic Church will come like the end of its first Catholic President, JFK, photographed by Abraham Zapruder as the “Magic Bullet” hits JFK in Frame #313. Why? JFK went against the International Bankers aka FED.
The first Red Heifer was prepared by Moses on 2 Nisan; Ezra prepared the 2nd Red Heifer; what are the odds the 3rd Red Heifer will be prepared, and the High Priest anointed on 2 Nisan 2013 exactly 700 years after the Council of Vienne in 1313AD confiscated the assets of International Bankers? “In 700 years, the Laurel will grow Green again”-Norman Cathar Prophecy. Now, what are the odds it would fall on 3/13/13 just after a Norman President descended from those Templars is likely Inaugurated? Oh, about 1 in a Trillion, now go get Jesus Christ in your life! Jesus Christ is the Word made Flesh; He put 313 ! there for a reason!
Now, is Jesus Christ the Red Heifer? Absolutely not. Does Jesus Christ reign from a 3rd Temple? Yes, after the Millennium 1000 years after the 2nd Coming. Jesus returns in Rev 19 with a White vestment, dipped in blood, with eyes of flame and a sign that nobody on earth knows “KING KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS”. His name? “The Word of God”. Now, by sheer coincidence (NOT!) the Red Heifer sacrifice is spelled out in Numbers 19 and Sodom and Gomorrah is destroyed by Fire in Gen 19. My articles “19” and “Red Heifer” go into more detail, suffice to say Lot (son of Abram’s eldest brother Haran) fathers Moab and Ammon by his daughters; Guess who escapes the hand of the Alternative Messiah aka “God of forces” Science refers to as the “God Particle”? Moab, Ammon and Edom (ref Dan 11:38;41) Edom means Red; Guess who Isaac prophesied (Hurricane Isaac? Cute eh? God describes the birth of Isaac in Gen 21) obtains “Dominion” between Jacob and Esau? (ref Gen 27:39-41KJV) Hint: Esau=Edom=Red. In Norse (Norman=Northman), Christopher Columbus means “Red Christ” What are the odds Moses would prepare the 1st Red Heifer in preparation for the Red Sea crossing and 1st Passover in 1492BC?, the same year Columbus “Discovered” America in 1492AD? Oh, about the same as Zapruder catching the JFK bullet in frame 313 I would guess. Think God doesn’t have an active influence in the affairs of man? Guess again. Now can you see who the Red Heifer is? Red Dan 7:6. 7+6=13; 7X6=42 the number of months in the Great Tribulation and number of months the Alternative Messiah rules the Earth before Jesus returns. Notice the 3rd Beast “Dominion” is given to a 4th Beast? Notice that Beast is destroyed by God’s “Dominion” in Dan 7:14? Notice that last “Dominion” lasts forever? Finally, 122 + 132 144+169=313 Daniel means “God is my Judge” Where do you suppose Daniel describes the “End of Days”? Dan 12:13. 313 is a pretty amazing number isn’t it? 3/13/2013 may be an interesting day if the Chief Priest “Tssadiq” sacrifices a 3 yr old Red Heifer on the Mt of Olives on a Pyre (Pyramid means Amid the Pyre) made of Crimson dyed Wool with Hyssop (used in Holy Water) and Cedar (Timbers used in Solomon’s Temple). Recall, Jesus began His ministry 3 years before He was Crucified. Also note that Mitt Romney claims His eternal Melchisedek Priesthood. Strange times eh? “Many shall be purified and made white…and none of the wicked will understand” Dan 12:10. America is named after Amurru the Edomite Serpent and Shepherd god; America, with her Unfinished Pyramid on the $1 is set to be made a wilderness and sacrificed as a Scapegoat on the altar of the New World Order by a man claiming the role of Righteous Priest. I would not wait until 3/13/13 to have your sins washed in the blood of the Lamb, the real Melchisedek Priest.
Pope Francis is not the Antichrist or False Prophet. Vladimir Putin is not the Beast. Labeling the Catholic Church “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT” and Russia leading Gog and Magog has been the goal of Gnostics for 2000 years
Rev.13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
God didn’t say the number is 666. God said the number is Six hundred threescore and six. We must use gematria to count the number. Gematria assigns a numerical value to each letter.
Gematria A=1, B=2, C=3,….Z=26
Six hundred threescore and six Total count=313 and 26 letters
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Total count=313 and 26 letters
Russia President Vladimir Putin is the beast of Rev.13:18
Pope Francis became the pope on 3-13-13 or 313 and is described in Rev.13:11. Pope Francis is the 2nd beast or false prophet.
America is the whore of Babylon described in Rev.17, Jer.50, Jer.51, and Isaiah 13
Las Vegas Nevada is the great city of Babylon that God destroys described in Rev.18
Russia Putin with 10 other nations destroy the whore America is Rev.17:16-17
God get all the glory and credit
Jesus is the only hope
Repent Repent Repent
313 is so important to me now. God heard my prayer and gave me 313. Thank you.