[frame_right][/frame_right]”Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up” Jn 2:19 “…because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day)” Jn 19:31 “The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree” Acts 5:30. The Sabbath is a weekly event; this high Sabbath was Passover 14 Abib/Nisan, the day of preparation when Leaven was removed before the 1st of 7 days of Unleavened Bread beginning 15 Nisan. 3 days after the days of Unleavened Bread is Feast of First Fruits.
Good: Virtuous, Desirable, Valid, Considerable, Advantage, Benefit; To Unite; Be Associated; Pleasing Time; Take Up Together; That which is good. Friday: Frigg’s Day; Dies Veneris “Day of Venus”; Aphrodite’s Hemera; Lady Day, Black Friday. The Roman Venus is the Greek Aphrodite aka Ishtar (Easter), Isis or Inanna. Venus is the Morning Star, Phosphorus or Eosphorus “Bringer of Light or Dawn” and Hesperos aka Vesper “Evening Star”; or Lucifer. Frigg or Freya is the goddess of birth and brother of Freyr “Lord”. Pretty hard to figure in 3 days from Good Friday at Even (Freya’s Vesper) to Easter’s “Eos” Dawn because the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ has nothing to do with these days; Venus is the Mayan “Wasp Star” aka Latin Vespa=Vesper; Folks, we got Stung by the same Priests who demanded Jesus should be Crucified.
Jesus is betrayed by Judas, sent to Annas, father in law of Caiaphas; sent to Caiaphas’ house and a few of his cronies in the Sanhedrin who try to condemn Him for Blasphemy illegally; notably Joseph of Arimathea is not among them. He is sent to Pilate who finds no legal basis to condemn Him, sent to the Edomite ruler of Galilee, Herod who happens to be in Jerusalem for Easter (ref Acts 12:4KJV concerning Herod’s penchant for celebrating Easter, not Passover); he finds no basis to condemn Him, so Jesus is sent back to Pilate who washes his hands of the matter. The Chief Priests who had illegally condemned Him then, called for the Crucifixion (Hanging on a Tree ref Deut 21:23); by Even, everyone became aware of what they had done as darkness came over the land.
“Destroy this Temple” refers to Jesus’ body; Knight Templars refer to Freya as the Black Virgin because Jesus said “As long as I am in the world, I am the Light of the World” Jn 9:5 The Temple Veil was torn top to bottom; replacing this, the Yarmulke and Zuchetto is worn by spiritual descendants fo the Chief Priests who crucified Jesus; many will wear this “Skull Cap” or “Cap of Cybele” under the Philistine Mitre of Dagan.
Freya is the Black Virgin goddess of child birth, conceived at Dawn on “Solis Dies” (Sunday), the day the Pagan Roman Pope/Emperor Constantine proclaimed the New Covenant Sabbath; he lied. 9 months from now “Sol Invictus” will be born under the Christmas Grove and pardon the expression “All Hell will break loose” as the world Passes Over to a New Age where God is replaced by Lucifer “Light Bringer”. I suggest making a personal Covenant with Jesus Christ before then; I’m not sure how many more celebrations of Anammelech (Rabbit Idol) and Adrammelech (Sol Invictus) He is going to put up with.