The Battle of Mosul (Neo-Assyrian “Paradise”) begins “Feast of Tabernacles”; Jesus’ real Birth. Mosul means “Paradise”, not the Paradise Jesus promised but the Neo-Assyrian paradise of Sargon III; Jesus is “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS” Rev 19:16; Sargon “Legitimate King” is a Satanic fake just like Christmas..
The Battle of Mosul is a diversion allowing ISIS a retreat into Syria for the Battle of Raqqa; (Oct 27 Update US Commander in Iraq calling on US to take over control of Raqqa from ISIS). The Tabqa Dam is Syria’s largest and controls most of the Euphrates River. Ottoman Sultan wanna-be Erdogan launched the Battle of Mosul on Sukkot and announced “Mosul and Aleppo belong to Turkey” at the end of Sukkot because Erdogan is a Crypto Jew (Sabbattaean Satanist) working with Mossad (ISIS figurehead leader Simon Elliot ditto) according to Ergun Poyraz “Children of Moses” JESUS warned of the Synagogue of Satan, so this is not surprising.
There are 66 Books in the Bible. 66 years after the Crucifixion JESUS gave all 7 Church Warnings to physical churches located in the land today known as Turkey. False Apostles, Satan’s Seat, Goddess Worship, Synagogue of Satan, Zionism, the Trojan Horse and today’s Luke Warm Laodicean Church all have their origin in Turkey. No surprise Ottomans, the creators of the Hoax Turkish Coup and Gulenist Cult comes the “Turn” before the “Prestige”. Why now?
2016 is the Satanic Jubilee 50 years after the 6th Tetrad and 6-Day War claimed the Temple Mount. 2014-15 was the 7th Tetrad and also featured 2 Solar Eclipses on God’s New Year and the Rabbinical New Year in 2016, subtract your age from the 66 books in Scripture and add 50 years for the Jubilee and the day you were born appears. Coincidence? Don’t bet eternity on it; if you want your name written in the Book of Life, you need to tell JESUS before the Alternative Messiah arrives.
Magic has 3 parts: Pledge-Turn-Prestige
The Prestige is the presentation of Antichrist (al-Mahdi) near Palmyra during falsified battle of “Gog and Magog” (Eze 38; Rev 20:7 is “After the 1000 years” ie at the end of the Millennium). Iraq’s puppet PM Haider al Abadi announced the offensive would not include Turkish ground troops; this for obvious reasons. First, why Mosul? In a word “Sargon”. Accept the rule of Sargon and Freedom from God is yours for eternity.
“Assur also is joined with them…” Ps 83:8 “Confederacy” One big happy family: US-British-Sunnis-Shias-Kurdish Pesmerga (Before Death)-Iranians launch offensive on Mosul; think this “Coalition” is strange? The War announcement was made by Saddam Hussein’s Minister of Communications, now Iraq PM Haider al-Abadi. Saddam, a 33 degree Mason and Baathist (Baath means Renaissance of the Sunni Caliphate) imprisoned or killed many of the Dawa Party to which Haider al-Abadi swore an Oath of Allegiance. The goal of the Dawa Party is the creation of an Islamic State in Iraq, so why are they fighting the Islamic State? 2 ends of the same Snake backed by the US, Turks and British! Dawa swear allegiance to the Sovereignty of Allah (Allah is the Arab moon god “Sin” and Babylonian Ilu aka Bab-Ilu or Babylon) and Shia Jurists like Iranian President and Shariah Law Jurist Hassan Rouhani and “People” deputized as Shia/Shariah Jurists who have full authority as Judge, Jury and Executioners. Why on Earth would the US support Shariah Law Jurists? America is the “Land of the Amorites”, the Canaanites Ishmael and Esau married.
The Tigris River in Mosul, Iraq like the Euphrates in Raqqa, Syria are fully controlled; the Hoax will be cutting off water to the Euphrates to falsify Rev 16:12. 200Million people will pass Mosul-Nineveh on the way to Armageddon at the 5th Trumpet Warning (2nd Woe; Rev 9:11). By Rev 16:12 (6th Vial of God’s Wrath) just ahead of the 2nd Coming, the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers will be dry. Mosul is called “Paradise”, “Pearl of the North”, “Junction City”. Nineveh is the Capital of the Assyrians aka Assur. Why Oct 17? Jesus is the “Pearl of Great Price”; time to get Him in your life. Question: Who built Babylon and the famous Tower of Babel? Nimrod? Guess again. Who built Nineveh? Nimrod? Guess again. Asshur built Nineveh and forsaking the Lord Asshur became Assur the father of the Assyrians and their 2 leaders named “Sargon”. Sargon means “Legitimate King”; Sargon III will be Antichrist.
When Asshur built Nineveh and accepted Sargon “Legitimate King” (whether Assur was actually Sargon the Great I don’t know) he became Assur; the h means “God is with me”. when Abram and Sarai accepted God, they became Abraham and Sarah. When Ishmael married Canaanite women violating the Covenant with his father, he became Ismail. Jacob accepted God, his name became Israel. When we accept Jesus as God, we become Israel. So, the question is: Do you have the “h” in your Name? If you want to be part of the Wedding of the Lamb (Rev 19:7) you need to ask JESUS.
Apocalypse Cauldron: Russian Bear (King Arthur=Bear Guard) Bombers equipped with Nuclear Weapons arrive in Pacific.
West Coast Air Raid Sirens, Fighters scramble, explosions prompt attack fears from Seattle to San Diego.
Julian Assange dead? in hiding? A massive, highly publicized WikiLeaks data dump in progress. National Enquirer “Tell All” hits stores; Presidential Sex Slave Cathy Obrien and CIA handler Mark Phillips “TRANCEFormation” speaking tour underway.
Nobel Peace Prize in Literature goes to Bob Dylan, the self admitted Satanist on 60 Minutes 2011 “I made a deal with the Chief Commander of the Earth a long time ago”
A massive dump of Bull Shit just in time for the final debate in “Sin City” to cover-up the start of WWIII.
“Better Together” “Make America Great Again” Vague Bull Shit. In Dialectic: Thesis + Anti-thesis=Synthesis. Both of these Naked Emperors are controlled by the same people
In Magick, the “Turn” (Trump-Clinton Show) is designed to distract attention from the Magician. Newt Gingrich, Pat Buchanan, Donald Trump all Knights of Malta and all claim Vote Rigging. Remember, the 2016 Election is by Executive Order considered “Critical Infrastructure” with DHS in charge. “Order out of Chaos” is the goal.
Apocalypse Cauldron (Cauldron is a Witchcraft term) coming to a boil in the Pacific. Note the line by the “Magician” Anthony Hopkins in West World “In magic, when we speak the right words, we create Life out of Chaos”. War with Russia looming. War in Syria, Somalia, Yemen, Iraq and Afghanistan are escalating; these nations are listed in Eze 38 “Gog and Magog” WWIII will fake this end of Millennium War (Ref Rev 20:7-8 “After the thousand years”
MI6, CIA, Mossad tool Julian Assange was raised in Theater, joined the “Great White Brotherhood” Cult called “The Family” whose Apostles believe they are reincarnations of Jesus. Assange manages to travel the world in countries demanding his extradition, hacking largely useless data from the NSA, NASA, CIA, US Navy, DOD, MILNET, Lockheed-Martin? Sure thing.
US puppet Kim Jong Un (Kim Il Sun was installed by Truman and Stalin using a Nat-Geo map drawn Nixon’s Sec of State Dean Rusk and Charles Bonesteel) ready to launch pre-emptive nuclear strike on US; this after previous tests crashed 100 miles offshore. More Bull Shit.
Syrian Army (Bashar al Assad and his British wife are British-US controlled puppets just like Haffez al Assad) and Russia claim US and Saudi Arabia allow DAESH to exit Mosul into Syria to prepare for major offensive on Raqqa, Deir ez-Zor and Palmyra.
DAESH means “Nation of Islam in Levant”; NOI is Caananite, a Cult based on 1st Race “Shabazz” having no more in common with Islam than the Talmud has to do with being Jewish, a Jesuit has in common with being Catholic or a Freemason has in common with being Protestant. The Caananite Cult DAESH was founded, financed and armed by America, the land of Caananites called “Amorites” under President Obama (He is with us), whose NOI name is Bari (Boat) Malik (Molech=Arab Lord) Shabazz (1st Race of the Royal Falcon “Horus”) Horites (Worshippers of Horus), Amorites (Worshippers of Amurru), and Amalekites are still at war with God and anything in the world remotely connected to God (JESUS). The Arch of Isis from Amurru, Syria (Palmyra) was installed in New York City; Odd? Hardly “Big Apple” means Big Apollo/Apollyon “Destroyer”.
Deir ez-Zor was one of the sites used in the Armenian Genocide; Ottoman Turks are at it again, training ISIS, financing ISIS by selling looted oil, supplying ISIS passports, shooting Russian aircraft and pilots in their parachutes
Ottomans gave us Kaballah, Talmud, Zohar, Sabbattaean Judaism, Cryptos and Marranos.
ISIS figurehead Abu Bakr al Baghdadi is an Israeli Mossad asset named Simon Elliot.
ISIS propaganda is handled by an Israeli named Rita Katz and the US Army SITE (Search for International Terrorist Entities) along with the British propaganda firm Bell Pottinger whose financing comes from the US State Dept supplying ISIS new Toyota SUV’s. These American, British and Russian (Yes Russian, Turkish Ship Nour M was stopped by the Greek Coast Guard Nov 2013 loaded with 50,000 Kalashnikov Rifles and Ammunition destined for ISIS) allies Impale (Palo is a marvelous method of execution) everything and everyone; Hell even our old mythical nemesis Osama bin Laden aka CIA asset Tim Osman is named after Osman I the 1st Ottoman Sultan. 1.5 Million Armenians in total with 150,000 death marched to Deir ez-Zor in 1916. Tired of Amorites offering sacrifices to Molech? Me too. JESUS is a far better Sacrifice; Time to accept that gift.
Oct 17-23
Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkoth Benoth?
Jesus’ birth in 6 BC and Circumcision 8 days later Jesus fulfilled the Law; the New Covenant is the only way to Salvation.
“The Law and Prophets were until John” Lk 16:16 Everyone promoting a return to Jewish Law or claiming to be a Prophet is lying. Rabbis teach Tabernacles (Sukkot) is a 7 Day Feast because on the 8th Great Day of Tabernacles, Jesus was Circumcised, fulfilling the Old Covenant Law. There is one and only one path to Salvation and it’s through JESUS.
Oct 18 Opus Dei
Knight of Malta, Opus Dei Benghazi War proponent John Boehner “I will vote for Donald Trump because of the Supreme Court…it’s the only thing that matters over the next 4 yrs” Knight of Malta Donald Trump said “I will nominate a Supreme Court Justice like Antonin Scalia” Scalia? You guessed it Antonin Scalia is/was Knight of Malta, Opus Dei. Ordering the cremation and Presiding over the closed casket funeral? His son, Fr Paul Scalia Opus Dei.
Knight of Malta Joe Biden “Donald Trump is acting dangerously claiming the election is being rigged” Knight of Malta George Soros owns the Voting Machines used in 16 States. Newt Gingrich “If Donald Trump loses it will be because the election was rigged, not because people voted for someone else” Opus Dei Newt Gingrich. If neither candidate receives 270 Electoral College votes Knight of Malta, Opus Dei Paul Ryan will handle the Secret Ballot vote. Opus Dei “Work of God”? Hardly “Work of Dios/Zeus” just like the Jesuits “Society of Jesus”? Hardly “Society of Gesu”; you guessed it Zeus.
Tomahawk Cruise Missile attack on Houthis in Yemen may have been retaliation against a Radar Malfunction, rather than an actual attack. A similar fictitious story started the Vietnam War in the Gulf of Tonkin.
Human Kaleidescope “The Beginning of the End” installed on Broadway in NYC.
Naked Clinton statues to go with naked Trump statues and All Seeing Trump “Zoltar”. Trump “The Emperor has no balls” or Clothes; Clinton is Cloven Hooved with a banker behind her.
“Here’s the deal, there are 4 minutes from Presidential order to Nuclear Weapon launch” Hillary Clinton 3rd Debate Treason.
Oct 19 UNESCO: Paves the way for Antichrist
Rome is not modern day Babylon. Roman Catholic Pope Francis I is not the Antichrist; that lie originated with Martin Luther. Nimrod did not build the Tower of Babel; Nimrod was merely the Scapegoat.
UNESCO re-creates the Arch of Titus commemorating the slaughter of Jews in Jerusalem and installs it in New York City; then UNESCO announces “Jews have no connection to Jeruslem” today UNESCO installed recreated Neo-Assyrian Human headed Winged Bulls of Nimrud (Kalhu or Calneh in Gen 10) in Rome. The mythical hybrid figures called “Lamassu” guarded and symbolized the absolute authority of the King (eg Asshurbanipal, Sargon II) and the people of Babylon itself. Notably, Sargon II was responsible for deporting Israel and replacing them with Babylonians, Medes, Canaanites (2Ki 17:30) we see today. Sargon “Legitimate King III” will be Antichrist. Don’t be fooled here Rome is not Babylon. The Catholic Church is not “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…” the Club of Rome created that Lie with the Whore of Babylon riding the Beast symbolizing the European Union and the EU Parliament built as an Unfinished Tower of Babel with Seat #666 held vacant.
“Clintons are common thieves that should be in jail” Haitain Senate President Bernard Sansaricq Referring to the Jan 12, 2010 Haiti Earthquake Relief in which the Clinton Foundation stole $14.3Billion. Unification Church “Moonie”, UN Sec Gen Ban Ki Moon put Bill Clinton in charge. SOUTHTHCOM and NATO were in Miami for a “Haiti Earthquake Relief Drill” that day; the 10,000+ personnel merely went live with the “Exercise”. Hillary’s brother Tony Rodham was given a Gold Mine and UN Aid Workers infected with Cholera set up their Operations upstream of Port Au Prince giving citizens a 6+ year Cholera Epidemic; “Welcome to the Hotel California” played continuously on the Port Au Prince radio station; the song as about initiation into the Church of Satan.
Aleppo Boy Omran and his sister Aya are Actors used by White Helmets to propagandize Syrian War White Helmets also tasked with getting pictures of Russian Airstrikes on civilians; US FA-18’s are being painted in Russian colors for this purpose.
Oct 20
California “Great Shake Out Drill”; nice timing! USGS Seismologists issued a warning on Oct 1 “CA has a 10X greater odds of a Magnitude 7 Earthquake than anytime in history”. Seismologists using LIDAR (no kidding) find new Salton Trough Fault near Salton Sea, the remnant of Noah’s Flood which formed the Grand Canyon. The Salton Trough Fault posing a grave risk for, wait for it, you guessed it Los Angeles.
15 years ago on 9/10/2001 FEMA arrived in NYC; interviews on the evening news was spokesman Tom Kennedy who said their #1 concern was “Terror attack on NYC” nice planning eh? #2 was a “Hurricane hitting New Orleans” which happened 3 years later and #3 was a “Magnitude 7 Earthquake in Los Angeles
“Hayward and Rodgers Creek Faults are holding hands; intersecting under San Pablo Bay San Francisco, a 7.4 Earthquake 5X larger than the 1989 Earthquake is likely” Sciences Advances Journal Oct 20, 2016. Perfect timing with the Great Shake Out Drill eh? The Science Advances meant here are not in predicting Earthquakes, but in causing them intentionally.
Russia deploying entire Northern Fleet to Syria; arrival expected by Nov 5. “Remember, remember the 5th of November”. Jesuits intend to fake the end of Millennium (Rev 20:7) battle of Gog and Magog; this is the set up for it.
Oct 21
New World Hackers Prophet and Zain (Arabic for “Grace”) take credit for Internet Denial of Service; to 25% of the US. What a coincidence, ICANN assumed control over the Internet Oct 1. “A man’s enemies shall be they of his own household” Jesus in Mat 10:36; Micah in Mic 7:6. Russian and Chinese hackers don’t need to destroy US Infrastructure, Traitors inside the Gates are doing that. Muslims consider Jesus a Prophet rather than God in Flesh. In Hebrew Zain (Zayin) means “Sword or Weapon” but also “Food”. The Crowned Man (Man=6th letter Vav) with the Sword of the Holy Ghost. “Think not I am come to bring peace…I come with a Sword” Jesus in Mat 10:34 in His commission to the 12 Apostles. The Word and Holy Ghost are One (1 Jn 5:7KJV); the Sword is the Holy Ghost used to Divide the World. In Kabbalah “binah” (Gematria 67) means “Understanding”; Kabbalists however have no understanding JESUS is the Holy Ghost. Kabbalist/Talmudic Rabbis open Synagogue with Vav the Sigh of the Nail used to fasten Jesus to the Tree. Rabbis await the same Messiah, Muslims and misled Christians (eg Rapture is not in Scripture) do, and he is coming on fast.
An example of Messianic fervor is Dr Rivkah Lambert Adler and her Rabbi husband quoting “End Times” Rabbi Pinchas Winston who proclaims this Sukkot (Oct 17-23, 2016) heralds the Messianic Age, and Divine protection will save the chosen in the final battle of Gog and Magog. Gog and Magog is after the 1000 years (Rev 20:7-8; Eze 38-39) This is why Jesus said never call any man Rabbi (Mat 23:8); Don’t be fooled.
New York’s largest LGBTQISJ+2 Synagogue (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, Queer, 2 Spirit, Jewish Synagogue “Beit Simchat Torah” (House of Joy) opened under Lesbian Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum. “My life is definitely Queer and definitely Jewish” Not quite Sharon; Queer yes, Jewish? Not in Heaven; “There will not be found among you…” ring a Baal? May want to actually read the Torah. Synagogue is a word not associated with the Old Testament, as such the Synagogue of Satan may want to read Gen 19:1-11, Lev 18:22; 20:13; Judges 19:16-24; I Ki 14:24; 15:12; 2 Ki 23:7 before the 2nd Coming of JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3) JAH (Ps 68:4KJV) JESUS (Mat 1:25KJV). Old Covenant Priests of the LORD are Male Levites descended from Aaron, not Female Ashkenazi’s descended from Japheth (Gen 9:27)
Oct 24 8th “Great Day” of Tabernacles
UN Charter Day “UN 2030 Sustainable Development” and “Paris Agreement” is our top priority” Unification Church “Moonie” KCIA asset Ban Ki Moon “Freedom First” Concert means “Freedom from God” and slaughtering all but 1 Billion people; of course they would choose the day Jesus was Circumcised in fulfillment of Old Covenant Law. 2016 is the Year of Pulses ie Tares among the Wheat and Slips in the Gene Pool. Eliminating those opposing Satan’s plan in the Satanic Jubilee Year? When did you expect it?
2017 is the UN Year of Sustainable Development, with far less people of course. Global Climate Change Ambassador Leo DiCaprio and Luciferian Mason Al Gore take orders from “The Nine”, self described as “Circle of Universal beings living outside Space and Time” sent to punish man for Prometheus giving man fire; next up Pandora opening her box. Mythology is fun until it becomes real life.
“White House is preparing to send Vladimir Putin a message” Jesuit Knight of Malta Joe Biden on Meet the Press just declared Cyber War on Russia, the key player in the fake “Gog and Magog” War. Why? Kievan Rus are added to Eze 38:2 in new bible versions; Russia “Land of the Rus” are the Sarmation “Priest Kings”, no wonder NATO has named the newest ICBM “Sarmat” the “SATAN 2”. “And when the 1000 years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison. And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together battle…” Rev 20:7-8 1000 years is the Millennial reign of Jesus; want to be a part of it? Tell JESUS.
Reccip Tayyip Erdogan proclaims Mosul and Aleppo belong to Turkey. Erdogan arms, trains, supplies passports, sells looted oil, and traffics heroin for IS and wants to restore the Ottoman Empire to glory as it’s New Age Sultan. Erdogan like his Edomite (Hashemite) counterpart in Jordan, King Abdullah II, and Ayathollahs Khomeini and Khameini is a Paris (House of IS) initiated Grand Orient (Orient is East or Rising Sun) Lodge, Luciferian Freemason bent on ushering in the occulted 12th Imam “al-Mahdi” aka Antichrist. Russia is added to Eze 38:2 in new bible versions as Rus or Rosh to facilitate this Lie and Putin knows it; Russian cargo ship Mol Comfort and Turkish cargo ship Nour M were stocked with Russian weapons headed for ISIS.
Muslims protest at Coliseum after Rome closes Mosques. No wonder, Assyrian Human Headed Winged Bulls were just installed at the Coliseum. Messianic Islam is essentially Assyrian religion; al-Mahdi (He who rises) is the same Alternative Messiah as Sargon III (3rd Legitimate King). Recall, the Sanhedrin proclaimed on Oct 4 “The 3rd prophesied return of Jews to Israel has been fulfilled” Yes, folks al-Mahdi, Sargon III and the Messiah coming to Jerusalem are all the same one Jesus warned of.
Oct 26
Hillary Clinton Election Night at Jacob Javits Center. The symbolism reminiscent of Barack Obama standing on the spot Abe Lincoln was elected; Michelle/Michael wearing a Black Widow Dress.
Hillary will be under a literal Glass Ceiling in Hell’s Kitchen in the building named after a Crypto (fake) Jewish Atty General and Senator from New York who married Marjorie Ringling; quite a Circus eh? Circe is the goddess of Witchcraft and source of Circus; all the Ringlings were Masons as was PT Barnum “There’s a sucker born every minute”.
Circe/Circle/Ring seen in Knights of the Kyklos Circle “KKK” aka Knights of the Golden Circle founded in the US by Albert Pike who also wrote the plan for 3 World Wars to usher in Licuferian Religion. JRR Tolkein’s “One Ring to rule them all” sound familiar? Circe is the daughter of Helios aka Apollo, the Sun God; Donald Trump’s (Crypto Drumpf) 66th floor Penthouse a Shrine to Apollo “Destroyer”.
Circe means “Falconer”; Shabazz means “Royal Falcon” referring to Horus as the son of Osiris the sun god of Egypt; the short video I Pet Goat II depicts Obama as Horus rowing the Solar Boat (Apollo’s Chariot) toward the Rising Sun; his name Bari (Boat/Barque) Malik (Molech; Arch of Triumph from the Temple of Baal/Molech is in New York City for a reason) Shabazz. Horites (Worshippers of Horus) believe Canaan to be descended from Shabazz, the “1st Race” of Ham (Black; not in color but servants of the Dark Lord) whose incest with his Cainite mother carried the Race of Cain across the Flood; Jewish fables then tie Cain to Lucifer and Eve.
Obama “He is with us” on the Illinois (Tribe of Superior Men) Courthouse represents the culmination of America’s (Amurru=Serpent and Shepherd god of the west) “Land of the Amorites” story; planned in advance as the Phoenix (House of Cain’s Enoch) rising from its own ashes to become “New Atlantis”. Obama is President #44, matching Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix; the Magical restoration of Cainites and the Titan Helios from Hell’s Kitchen.
Only Two Choices
There are two choices here; no not Trump of Clinton but ABRAHADABRA or JESUS. Better choose the right Scapegoat and do it soon.
Oct 27
Holy Sepulchre unearthed with generous donations from King Abdullah II of Jordan. The site was first identified by Emperor Constantine’s Druid Princess mother Helena in 325AD and declared the site of Jesus’ burial and Easter resurrection in 33 AD. Uh, not quite; the site is an ancient Grotto of Venus/Aphrodite. Constantine demolished the Temple of Venus, built the Church of the Holy Sepulchre over it and his mother Helena miraculously found pieces of the “True Cross” there in 326 AD.
Jesus was Crucified on Passover, buried in the Sepulchre on Feast of Unleavened Bread and rose on the 3rd Day on Feast of First Fruits, not Crucified on Good Friday and rising on the Edomite Holy Day of Easter. Since 1000 AD the Holy Fire of the Edicule has been re-kindled on Saturday, the day Jesus was laid in the Sepulchre and handed down to Patriarchs who teach He rose on Sunday; Nice try. Herod the Edomite celebrated Easter, just like Edomite (Hashemite) Grand Orient Lodge Freemason King Abdullah II.
Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles 6 BC not on Christmas as Emperor Constantine proclaimed. Edomite King Herod died after ordering the Slaughter of Innocents Spring of 4 BC when Jesus was a “Young Child” in Egypt; He was 33 1/2 at the Passover Crucifixion in 27 AD, not the Easter rising proclaimed by Emperor Constantine. The real force behind Constantine? His mother.
Helena not only found Holy Wood from the Cross (Jesus was Crucified on a Tree between 2 Thieves; not on a man-made Cross) she came up with other fantastical Lies, such as Mt Sinai being the site of the Red Sea crossing; had she read Gal 4 she would have known and likely did know Mt Sinai is Agar aka Hagar or Jebel al Laws in Saudi Arabia, not Egypt. She also found the Nails used to fasten Jesus to the Cross. Helena, the Indiana Jones of her day found Wood, Nails, and Mt Sinai 300 years after the Crucifixion; miraculous isn’t it? More like Blasphemous Bull Shit. The truth is in plain sight in Lk 1.
Oct 28 “October Surprise”
#Weinergate Weiner is Germanic not Semitic meaning “Wheelwright or Wagon Driver”; Gen 9:27 “God shall enlarge Japheth and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem”. So, Junk E-Mailer, Germanic (Japheth, Gomer, Ashkenaz) fake Jew, Anthony Weiner (Trump/Drumpf is also Ashkenazi fake Jew) is caught sexting a 15 yr old; Clinton’s personal attorney now FBI Director James Comey discovers thousands of Top Security Clinton E-Mails marked “Classified” on Shariah Law, Muslim Brotherhood asset, Hillary Clinton lover, Huma Abedin’s laptop she swore under oath she didn’t have, shares it with her estranged beard/husband Anthony Weiner who stores the E-Mails on his laptop/phone. Huma, just days before called into question Hillary’s health; CIA Asset Julian Assange is set to Wikileaks the info just ahead of the election. Same day Comey’s law firm partner AG Loretta Lynch pleads the 5th during a congressional investigation into $1.7B
“Ransom/Blackmail” payments to Iran (The original October Surprise was the release of Iranian hostages after Reagan-Bush were elected and sworn-in; Deja Vu here?) A bit too set up; Clinton set to exit the stage? DHS is in charge of Election Security and the UN OSC is overseeing the Election. “Order out of Chaos”. Recall Obama (Persian for “He is with us”) is President #44, matching Luciferian Mason Aleister Crowley’s Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix.
Mormon “White and Delightsome” Bundy brothers acquitted in Oregon Stand-off with Federal Gov’t same day Standing Rock Sioux get Federal Gov enforced No-Fly Zone, militarized police, 33 degree Luciferian Freemason Jesse Jackson just like Ferguson and Baltimore, and this time the United Nations representative of Inidigenous Rights, Grand Chief Edward John. Now you know why Masonic Floors are Checkerboards. Mormon’s have a Prophecy/Plan to save the Constitution when it hangs by a thread; seems those days may not be far off.
UN votes Russia out of Human Rights Council; votes Saudi Arabia in. Makes sense, Saudi Arabia and the US target Yemen’s infrastructure, leaving the nation starving, dying of thirst, and a Cholera epidemic just like the UN did in Haiti. Russian cargo ship Mol Comfort split in half June 17, 2013 dumping its load of Russian weapons destined for ISIS in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, a Wahhabist Dictatorship is bombing Yemen back to the Stone Age. The stage is set for WWIII.
Abu Bakr al Baghdadi announces arrival of Sham Battalion. Baghdadi is Israeli Mossad asset Simon Elliot; Sham means “False Front; Counterfeit”
US Gov admits Zika scare was a Hoax; the reason for creating Zika? release of Oxitec GM Aedes aegypti and Asian Tiger Mosquitoes; the latter the real threat survives in cold climates, and has a Wolbachia-Tetracycline “On-Off” Switch making it the man-made and most dangerous animal on Earth. Asian=Sunrise; Tiger=Tigris; Iranian for Sharp/Pointed Spear; Mosquito=Fly. Beelzebub “Lord of the Flies” is even featured in the series West World. DDT could safely negate the Mosquito, but that’s not the plan; Dengue, Malaria, Yellow Fever, Ebola and forced Vaccination is aka Hell on Earth.
Inferno “Hell” Debut. Tom Hanks is a busy boy; 1st Sully (Where’s the RAT Sully? How about the Left Seat?) now Inferno or Dante’s 9 Circles of Hell Unfortunately, this is real life, seen in 9th Circle of Hell initiates like Jesuit Pope Francis I, Nazi Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI aka Chief Inquisitor, Black Pope Adolfo Nicholas (Noble Wolf; Nicolaitane will soon be replaced by the 31st and likely final Jesuit Superior General), Anglican Archbishop Justin Welby, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Phillip, Tony Blair and others who strip naked, hunt, rape, torture, sacrifice and consume innocents. Solomon’s Cube, Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix (Aleister Crowley’s book), Mormon Extermination Order 44, 44 Kings of Israel (Zedekiah, the 44th blinded and dumped in a “Mire Pit” founded the Mormon Church with his mythical son Mulek), 44th President all tie into the 9th Circle, Dante called “Treachery”. “A Nation can survive its fools, but it cannot survive treason (treachery) from within” Cicero. Theosophy also has 9 levels of progression; Hitler, Stalin were Theosophy Initiates.
Treachery is Dante’s 9th level of Hell; itself having 4 levels with the worst of that level being treachery against God. “A nation can survive its fools and ambitious, but not treachery from within…” Cicero The Jesuit Oath is Induction causes the inductee to commit all 9 levels of Sin.
Tom Hanks is a busy boy; Dante’s Inferno (Hell) or 9 Circles of Hell is totally unbiblical, but unfortunately being played out in real life, seen in 9th Circle of Hell initiates like Pope Francis, Pope Benedict, Black Pope Adolfo Nicholas (soon to be replaced by the 36th and final Jesuit Superior General), Anglican Archbishop Justin Welby, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Phillip, Tony Blair and others who strip naked, hunt, rape, torture, sacrifice and consume innocents in places like Chateau Amerois “Castle of Kings” in Muno Bel, Belgium.
Linked circles numbered 1-9 form the 4 levels adding to 11 (Number associated with the Antichrist and Treachery against God; the total adding to 44. Solomon’s Cube, Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix (Aleister Crowley’s book detailing the Sacrificial “Mass” of America as the Phoenix, the New World Order of Lucifer rising from the ashes), Mormon Extermination Order 44, 44 Kings of Israel (Zedekiah, the 44th blinded and dumped in a “Mire Pit” founded the Mormon Church with his mythical son Mulek), 44th President Obama (He is with us) all tie into the 9th Circle, Dante called “Treachery”
Theosophy has 9 levels of progression; Hitler, Stalin and 4 generations of the Bush clan are/were Theosophy Initiates aka Brotherhood of Death or Thule Society aka Schwarze Sonne “Black Sun” or Black Eagle. At the 1st Nation Tribal Conference Sept 2016, Obama, President #44 and the first to not use a Bible for the Oath of Office was proclaimed “Black Eagle” He will likely be America’s final President, a foreign born (Kenya) Sodomite (Man’s Country, Kal Penn, Reggie Love, Hassan Chandoo, Michael Robinson aka Michelle) not able to E-verify for US employment or hold a Passport
ISS to set trash ship “Cygnus” ablaze in Saffire II. Occult communication? Cygnus is Zeus/Lucifer taking the form of a Swan; the Northern Cross is part of Cygnus; America’s “Swan Song”? Saphire (Saffire) is Lapiz lazuli “sacred stone of Saturn” once part of Satan’s Throne.
Oct 30
“Before the Flood” Leo DiCaprio UN Climate Ambassador and Rockefeller owned National Geographic propaganda “Man will either solve Global Climate Change or we as a species will become extinct” Di Caprio is a Catholic, Buddhist, New Age Satanist influenced by “The Nine” just like Nobel Prize winning Liar Al Gore telling us Climate Change caused Noah’s Flood? Time to wake up folks; God Flooded the Earth because Cainites were running the show as they are today. His movie is timed with Gen 8; the waters dried on the 1st month, 1st day or Nov 1 “All Saint’s Day” is “Day of the Dead”. Nat Geo will also release a documentary Uncovering the Holy Sephulchre; don’t be shocked if they claim bones are in there; Hollywood has been floating this Lie for years. So what was it like “Before the Flood” “And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually…” Gen 6:4 SSDD Folks!
US orders Turkish Consulate in Ankara home amid security concerns; no wonder, Erdogan is siding with Russia, that’s just what Sabbatean Satanists do.
What? You didn’t get invited to the Party? Huma Abedin with GHW Bush granddaughter and Aleister Crowley’s great-granddaughter Pauline Bush Pierce at a Hillary Clinton fundraiser. Huma Abedin #Weinergate takes Hillary out of the race; Tim Kaine takes over. Tim claims to be Evangelical Christian yet is supports Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. Tim is a member of the Muslim American Society, Pres of National Muslim Student Ass, Islamic Society of North AM; Dar al Hirjah Islamic Ctr; Islamic Am University chair, New Dominion PAC Chair. New Dominion? Esau obtains “Dominion” (Gen 27:39-41KJV; Dan 2:39; 7:6) Kaine? Nice ring to it eh? Ham had sex with his Cainite mother to produce Canaan, “Cursed” by this Sin; Esau married into the Canaanites. Allah is the Arab moon god “Sin” worshipped in Amurru under the Gate of ISIS. Got it? Get JESUS. ISIS is not Muslim in the slightest; ISIS is Nation of Islam, a Canaanite Cult based on 1st Race “Shabazz” (Royal Falcon Horus or Tammuz)
Halloween Samhain: Wiccans “Wise Ones”; Witches and Wizards gathered Sky Clad (Naked) in Hexagrams (Star of Molech, Chiun, Sikkuth, Seal of Solomon) to worship Mother Earth, Sun, Moon, Stars; Drawing down the Moon (Arab Moon god Sin=Allah), calling on the Horned Hunter “Cernunnos/Herne” (CERN is named after Cernunnos). Druids called “Knowers of Oaks”, added human sacrifice “Wicker Man” to the mix; just ask Knight of Malta Nic Cage. Then as now, they occupy positions in Government, Universities and Churches teaching the same Satanic garbage.
Halloween 2016 which coincided with Diwali “Festival of Lights”; Obama, the 1st President to light the Diya symbolizing Light triumphing over Dark. Obama means “He is with us” in Zoroastrian, the final battle of Light “Ahura Mazda” versus Darkness “Ahriman”downloadObama playing the role of Shiva the Destroyer on the cover of Newsweek aka “Daily Beast”; Obama carries an Idol of the Hindu Monkey god Hanuman considered an Avatar of Shiva for this reason. On the Oct 30 episode of The Walking Dead “The Kingdom” is lead by the black fraud-actor King Ezekiel (Ezekiel describes the Eternal Kingdom of God in Scripture) whose Tiger is Shiva; get the idea the plan for America is already planned out? Obama’s Science Czar is Ezekiel Emanuel “God Strengthens + God is with us”; on Oct 31 the black-fraud-actor Avatar of Shiva and God Of All Things (GOAT) danced the Naranja “Dance of Destruction”. Oct 31, 2016 is 87,777 days after America’s astrological birth on July 4, 1776 8+7+7+7+7+7=36 or 666; 1…36=666. Obama claims his birth on Aug 4, 1961, the 216th day on Latitude 21.6 Hawaii means “Water and breath of life”; 216=6X6X6, the Cubes of 3-4-5 are the dimensions of the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid, the 3-4-5 Right Triangle in Pythagorean Geometry and the Federal Triangle “Father, Mother, Son” and Mr “Peace” Triangle Mr-Akh-Bah “Body-Soul-Spirit” and the 2160 year Axis Precession Cycle; rather great planning for the Jubilee Year eh?