“I loved Jacob, and I hated Esau”
– Mal 1:2-3; Rom 9:13
Israel begins Purim and Iran begins “Great Prophet 8”; fittingly the “Republican Guard” aka “Quds Force” aka “Jerusalem Force” claimed to have hacked and brought down a Drone—Again. In case you were wondering, Iran is Medean, not Persian and Israel is not Jewish in any sense of the word (ref Amos 7:2-3;5-6). The Persia of Cyrus the Great is long gone; replaced by a band of Masonic misfits much like Israel, Britain and the US. Ashkenazis descend from Japheth; Mizrahis from Ham and Sephardics from Babylonians, Canaanites and Medeans; Funny eh? Israel is not even Semitic. For that matter, neither are Rabbis, the Talmud, the Zohar, Kaballah or the Six Pointed Star of Molech and Chiun. Don’t get mad, seek the truth. Revenge? Perfection? God has never required Revenge or Perfection only a Relationship! Esau sold his inheritance of God for a bowl of beans; Jacob valued God’s inheritance so much he battled Esau in the womb, traded for it and impersonated Esau for his father’s blessing; Isaac may have been fooled but God was not. Think you can spot a Jewish person? How about an Israelite? Think you can tell the Alternative Messiah from Jesus Christ? It’s all in your Baptism. If you were dunked in Water by a Priest, you may want to seek out a Baptism of Fire and the Holy Ghost from Jesus Christ!
Haman’s (Tumult; Riot) decree went out 13 Abib/Nisan, the equivalent date of the Last Supper and Judas Iscariot betraying Jesus and accepting Satan. Jesus dipped (Bapto=Baptize) the bread and Judas took it in an unworthy condition; he thus became guilty of the Crucifixion as Paul later explaiined in 1 Cor 11:27-29. Today, we see this same Tumult in the expression “Order out of Chaos”. Whether the “Man of Sin” will be revealed on 13 Abib 2013 remains to be seen but if so, 2013 will be a year of Chaos.
Purim is 13 Adar, the 13th day of the 12th month; according to Haman’s Horoscope (Pur) this was Esther and Mordechai’s lucky day to reverse fortunes and exact revenge on the Edomites; Haman and his 10 sons were made a Curse by being hung on the Gallows and 50,000 “Jewish Enemies” were disposed of. God says “Vengeance is mine”; this was Man’s idea.
The equivalent day on the Gregorian Calendar is St Lucia Day “Bride of Light or Lucifer” on Dec 13; recall Adam Lanza “Red Spear” and Sandy Hook “Joker Card” with the mysterious Bushmaster .223 (Purim is 2/23) followed. Puru means “Crush, Bring to Naught, Destroy or Draw lots for Marduk”. A Jewish Holy Day? Hardly; Esther and Song of Solomon (the Masonic Ideal) do not mention the word God; strange for a Book that is God in Written form (Jn 1:1; 1 Jn 5:7) eh?
On Purim, Hollywood (Holy Wood of Adonis) will hand out Oscars “God’s Spear” and give a 50 year Tribute to James Bond; “007” (the moniker was 1st used by Rosicrucian John Dee) had a “License to Kill” given by the British (B’Rith-ish means Birthright Covenant) Queen who 60 years ago proclaimed herself “Queen of thy people; Queen of Jerusalem”; Jewish? No, Edomite. The movie Skyfall was essentially a Death/Re-birth of “007” covering the last 50 years; M and Q died and were replaced, but “007” continued on. The Gnostic scroll 11Q13 declares “After 10 Jubilees, Prince Melchisedek will be revealed”; the Man of Sin will be a false Melchisidek “King of Jerusalem” and “Priest of the Most High”; whether 2013 is the year remains to be seen but for the Roman Catholic (Universal) Church, 1513 was a pivotal year with the election of Pope Leo X “What profit has not that fable of Jesus Christ brought us” By the way, he was a Black Nobility Jesuit aka Militia of Zeus and Minerva; on the Protestant side was Black Cloistered Rosicrucian Monk Martin Luther. Folks, the only way out is the way Jesus taught. “Love God” “Love our Neighbor” and Purim is definitely not part of that commandment!
Every 49 years a Jubilee Year follows with a reversal of fortune, cancelling of Debt etc. In Gen 27:39-41KJV Esau is prophesied to obtain “Dominion” (Sovereign Authority to Rule); his stated intent is to kill his brother Jacob who Usurped his Birthright; Jacob represents not only the 12 Tribes descended from his sons whom God scattered across the world, but all Born Again Christian followers of Jesus Christ. folks, the world is about to be turned into a giant “Killing Field”. Time to decide how much your Birthright Covenant with God is worth and get right with Jesus Christ! Esau sold his for a bowl of Beans.
Esther concerns Judah in Persian captivity after the decree by Cyrus the Great allowing Jews to return to Jerusalem and after Daniel wrote the the “70 Weeks” prophecy in Dan 9:24-27. What year did the 490 year prophecy begin? Did it extend to the birth or Crucifixion of Jesus Christ? Who cares, the prophecy says 70 Weeks meaning 490 Days; the last 490 Days before the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ. The bible is a book of God’s plan of Redemption; Jews in Esther’s that chose to remain in captivity thought they had a better plan than God in the casting of Lots for Marduk. Before trying to understand Purim, read Obadiah; God will destroy Edom not Man.
Thirty three years ago, coincident with 330 Mason, CFR, Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove, Skull & Bones Satanist George Bush Sr taking the 2nd seat in the White House, Iran’s “Green Revolution” installed the Masonically trained Messianic Shia “Twelver”, Ayathollah Khomeini and the US CIA installed its own Masonic puppet Saddam Hussein in Iraq. Saddam, George Bush and the bin Laden family were business partners in the largest Private Equity military profiteering vehicle “Carlyle Group”. The Iran-Contra drugs for weapons pipeline, a US Crack epidemic and the genocidal Iran-Iraq War ensued. Covert weapons were brokered by Mormon Church business partner and Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi with the enormous profits (175%/Yr) laundered by Mitt Romney and Bain Capital. Drugs were funneled into America by Mitt Romney’s Sinaloa Drug Cartel and 330 DeMolay Mason Gov Bill Clinton.
Purim 1991
On Purim 1991, the 100 Hour War aka Highway of Death slaughter began; a 48 hr ultimatum to Saddam Hussein over Purim ended Gulf War I with the death of 150,000 Iraqi’s who had accepted terms of Truce and were flying a White Flag. Hwy 80 also happened to be the location Daniel was given his vision of the end of days by Jesus Christ and Angel Gabriel on the banks of the river Ulai. Not coincidentally, Dan 12:13 is the end.
Purim 1994
Cave of the Patriarchs Massacre at the Mosque of Abraham in Hebron by Baruch Goldstein; can’t get a more Jewish name than that eh? This particular Purim was also coincident with Ramadan. Goldstein was anything but Jewish; a patsy used by Meir Kahane, founder of the Kach Movement “This is the way”. Killing Palestinians and blaming Jews for it is not the way. Jesus is Jewish; He says Love God; Love our Neighbor; Purim is Vengeance and no it’s not Jewish. God says “Vengeance is Mine”.
Purim 2003
“Shock and Awe”: Shekinah means “Presence of the Deity”. In Kaballah Shekina is symbolized by the Lightning Bolt. Tomahawk Cruise Missiles rained down on Baghdad after Saddam Hussein is falsely accused of having involvement with 9/11/2001, harboring Al-Qaeda and manufacturing WMD’s. Saddam claimed to be a Baathist Sunni Muslim. Baath means Renaissance or Re-Birth; Saddam even believed himself to be a re-incarnation of Nebuchadnezzar whose “Hanging Gardens” were built just south of Baghdad. Re-birth of what? Babylon “Gate of the gods” of course.
FBI Director Robert Mueller, VP Dick Cheney and Sec of Def don Rumsfeld have all stated no proof exists Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden had any involvement with 9/11/2001.
Purim 2008
On Purim 2008 Sichuan China was hit with a 7.8 Scalar EM caused Earthquake; NPR pre-positioned reporters in the remote area; nice planning eh?
Purim 2010
On Purim 2010 Concepcion Chile is hit with an 8.8 Scalar EM caused Earthquake; Concepcion has a Twin City “Bethlehem” What? Didn’t think we would notice?
Purim 2011
On Purim 2011 the Libyan War began on a Super Moon with 160 Tomahawk Cruise missiles raining down on Tripoli; Jesuit John Boehner recessed Congress just before the attack; Hillary Clinton watched the carnage from Champs Elysee with Nicholas Sarkozy and Obama was on vacation in Brazil.The illegal war violated the War Powers Act and has still not been authorized by Congress. The Central Bank of Benghazi was set up in the first 2 weeks; Qadaffi, a Shia Ismaeli of Berber descent cooperated with the Shia “Twelver” plan to reveal the occulted Imam “al-Mahdi”. Benghazi is the biblical Cyrennaica; it was used and still is used to fund, arm and train “Freedom Fighters” for Wars in Mali and Syria.
Purim 2012
On Purim 2012, 2012 The FBI shut down Rogue DNS Servers corrupted with DNSChanger Trojan; a system Reboot? Calling these “Rogue” is a familiar term to “Rogue” dictators like Saddam Hussein, Muammar Qadaffi, Hosni Mubarak, Bashar al-Assad, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. What they all have in common is a partnership with the US Government.
Sandy Hook Elementary was not a functioning school; footage of a pre-planned Drill was shown from a school nearby as Adam Lanza “Red Spear” and a mythical Bushmaster .223 “Assault Rifle” became “Scapegoats” for an elaborate Hoax. Purim 2013 is 2/23, the mirror image of 322 used in Skull & Bones and a reference to Gen 2:23 when “Woman” was created from “Man”. What will or won’t happen tomorrow is anyone’s guess, but Purim sure has a track record in Babylon.
In 2007 Gen. Wes Clark said the 5 year plan was to invade 7 nations in 5 years; Iran and Syria are the final 2 on his list.
Talmudic Rabbis open Synagogue on Purim with “The Unity we achieve this year should last us until the next Purim” Unity such as the murder of 150,000 Iraqi’s on Hwy 80 and Hwy 8 (Kuwait-Basra) on Mar 19, 1991 with Hypobaric Fuel-Air and Cluster munitions after Gulf War I; the Unity of the ongoing murder of 1 million Iraqis with depleted uranium tipped Tomahawk Cruise missiles on Mar 19, 2003 to start Gulf War II; the Unity of firing 160 Depleted Uranium tipped Tomahawk Cruise missiles into Tripoli and destroying the GMMR (Great Man-Made River Project) in Libya on Mar 19, 2011.
Purim means “Cast lots for Marduk” the Akkadian sun-god. It is a celebration of victory for Esau over Jacob therefore it is referred to as the Red Race victorious over the sons of the Almond Tree; almond referring to the 7 branched candlestick God instructed Moses to construct and Aaron’s Rod of authority that defeated Pharaohs’ magicians.
Purim is an Arab Holy Day not an Israelite one; a reversal of Esau and Jacob as revenge for Jacob’s impersonation of Esau to obtain his blessing; if Isaac was fooled, God was not! Purim, like the Hindu Huli festival associated with Krishna is a reversal of God and Satan; Jacob and Esau.
Purim comes from one of 2 books in scripture (Song of Solomon and Esther) where God is not mentioned; in other words it is Man’s idea not God’s. King Solomon the wisest and richest man venerated as a god in Freemasonry and Esther, the quintessential goddess of Witchcraft and Kaballah.
Haman, the Agagite ie Edomite hatched a plan to have Persians murder Jews in Sushan (Susa is 120 miles east of Basra) which backfires on the Edomites. To recap, Zedekiah does evil in sight of the LORD; he and his sons are killed by Nebuchadnezzar; his grandson Belshazzar summons Chaldean (Mede Magi) Sorcerers to read the “Writing on the Wall” as Mede-Persians took over Babylon (60 miles south of Baghdad). Cyrus decrees Jews return to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple; thus begins the religion of the 2nd Temple period; what Zorobbabel did, became corrupted by Kaballah, Zohar, Macabbees, Hasmoneans, Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Theraputae (Alexandrian Gnostics also called the Society of Ormus) and the Herodian Edomites. Purim and Hanukkah are part of the added Satanic Holy Days to God’s Calendar. Easter, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Succoth-benoth are likewise corruptions of God’s Holy Feasts of Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles.
Gulf War I, and II featured a strategy called “Shock and Awe”; Shekhina means Flaming Sword or Divine Presence in Kaballah, which itself is derived from Ka’aba the sacred enclosure in Mecca for the Black Stone; Mecca is derived from Adultery and Quyrash the tribe of Mecca Muhammad descended from, stems from Korah and the rebel priests in Moses’ Day.
36 “Masters of the good name” essentially support the world until the awaited Messiah comes, called Tzadikim “Righteous Ones” or Nistarim “Concealed Ones”. Al-Mahdi is the concealed or occulted Messiah referred to here, not God. When God is finally rejected (Rev 6:14), the Tzakikim will serve as Judges of Noachide Law to make the “Brides of Lucifer” ready. Under this Law, like Islamic “Sharia Law”, worship of Jesus Christ is punishable by death.
Abram met Melchizedek who then became Abraham. Melchisedek is the authority of King David, and the Melchizedek Priesthood is the New Covenant of Jesus Christ. Met any Rabbis who believe Melchisedek is Jesus Christ? How about any “Christian” Pastors? Didn’t think so.
Jesus Christ is Alpha and Omega, the Tree of Life and Melchisedek (King of Jerusalem and Priest of the Most High). His Holy Days are:
- Passover
- Unleavened Bread
- First Fruits
- Pentecost
- Trumpets
- Atonement
- Tabernacles
Purim is not one of His Holy Days and Revenge is His job not ours!
Interesting! The Carmelengo destroys the Papal Signet Ring and administers the funds of the Vatican Bank; is this correct? In Angels and Demons the Carmelengo rescues the Vatican as I recall.
One problem I see with closing the Vatican Bank is the countless amounts of Laundered Funds held in Offshore accounts in the Caymans or Switzerland will essentially vanish. Ditto with Mitt Romney and the Mormon Church “Marvelous Investments” in the Cayman Is.
The funds will then be transferred to the alternative Messiah as Dan 11:38 makes clear.
Things are coming together nicely eh?
I just realized that Tarcisio–as in, Tarcisio Bertone–is an anagram of Iscariot…