[frame_right][/frame_right]The last of 7 Feasts (Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles) listed in Lev 23, dedicated to the LORD begins Sept 19; Happy Birthday Jesus! Hanukkah, Christmas, Purim, and Easter are not on the list because they are Luciferian Festivals.
Tabernacle “Portable sanctuary carried by Israel in the Wilderness”
Israel “One who wrestles with God”. Are you “Wrestling with God”? Quick test: Do you believe the Earth is Fixed? Or moving around the Sun? Do you believe Creation happened close to 6000 years old? Or a Big Bang several billions of years ago followed by Evolution? If the latter, keep wrestling. In Old French, Tabernacle also means “Tent of an Augur”. Augury is Divination by Observation; Augurs used Astrology, Runes, Death Throws to set the time of important events.
Sanctuary “Set apart building for Holy worship; Reliquary; Shrine; Refuge from punishment”. Succoth is associated with Booth, Upper Room, Tabernacle, Tent or Inn. Succah is more of a Manger or Succoth-benoth “Booth of Daughters” which housed the Idol of the Goddess of Wisdom, “Zir-banit”, the wife of the chief Babylonian god Merodach (Marduk). What sort of cult practices were conducted in Booths of Daughters? Sacred Marriages aka Divine Unions; no Jesus (Jehovah) has nothing to do with this abomination!
Succoth-benoth was one of the gods/goddesses brought to Israel (Samaria) by Sargon II with Nergal (Dunghill Cock ie Rooster and later Mars and the Lion), Ashima (Goat Idol aka Knight Templar “Baphomet” or Goat of Mendes), Nibhaz (Dog/Sirius “Dog Star”), Tartak (Donkey/Ass), Adrammelech (Molech/Marduk aka Shamash, the center candle of the Hanukkah Menorah). and Anammelech (Easter Rabbit). Sargon the Great (ca 23258 BC) was sired by a mother, described on Babylonian steles as a “Changeling”, the offspring of a woman who mates with a demon as a Cult Prostitute of the Temple of Anu (Lucifer/Zeus). His sister is described as the Cult Prostitute of Harran, the place Abraham lived after Babylon aka Ur of the Chaldees. “Sabians of Harran” continued the Solar Cult and worship of Planetary Deities which became known as the “Solar System”. Infiltrating Religions as well as Science, Sabians are the Nicolaitanes Jesus warned of. Let’s get one thing straight; human woman never have and never will physically mate with demons or aliens; “Giant” in Gen 6 KJV has nothing to do with “Nephilim” (To Fall) used in New (Gnostic/Luciferian) bible versions. You may recall Sodomite 330 Clint Eastwood and Angelina Jolie made the movie “Changeling” to illustrate this Satanic practice continues to this day.
In Old French, Building is Edifice, a word derived from Aedes “Temple or Sanctuary”; Aedificare means “To erect a building”; we see this philosophy in Churches, Mosques, Shrines, Cathedrals, Synagogues etc today; led by Imams, Priests, Rabbis; the precise titles Jesus warned against in Mat 23:8-10. If you want to be a Tabernacle (Sanctuary) of God, set yourself apart (Ekklesia) for Holy (separate) worship of God! In other words, get out of your Synagogue, Mosque and Congregation and away from your Nicolaitane (Nico=Conquer; Laitane=Laity) Priest!
Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles 6 BC (Monday Sept 25). “Zacharias, of the course of Abia….as soon as the days of his ministration were accomplished…after those days his wife Elisabeth conceived” Lk 1:5;23-24 Abia is the 8th 8 day temple service period beginning at 1 Abib; 64 days later is roughly May-June. “And in the sixth month…behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb…in the sixth month with her who was called barren…Mary arose in those days, went into the hill country with haste into the city of Juda…the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost” Lk 1:36. 6 months after early May-June is November-December, the time of Jesus’ conception corresponded to Hanukkah “Feast of Dedication”. Mary became the New Covenant “Temple of God”. 3 months later, John the Baptist was born at Passover to pave the way from the Old to the New Covenant. 6 months after that on Feast of Tabernacles, Mary gave birth to the Tabernacle of the New Covenant named JESUS. The missing “h” in “Juda” means “God is with me”; God had come to Judah.
Mary and Joseph had use the “Manger” because Mary was un-married and pregnant at the time Augustus Caesar proclaimed a worldwide taxation (Fiscal Year Accounting is also Sept-Oct); “To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child…there was no room for them in the inn.” Lk 2:5;7 No room in any of their relatives houses in the Guest/Upper Room? The couple was rejected even by their own families just like Jesus would be 33 1/2 years later on His Passover
Crucifixion! “shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night” Does this sound like mid-winter to you? Then tell your lying Priest/Pastor!
Herod died in the spring of 6 BC after ordering the “Slaughter of Innocents”. Jesus was a “Young Child” (Mat 2:8) The Wise Men saw the star in the east, traveled 500+ miles west, across the desert and mountains, visited Jesus in the Manger in Bethlehem, told Herod about it in Jerusalem and traveled back to Bethlehem to warn the new family. The heart warming “Nativity” scene brought out at Christmas is as believable as Santa visiting billions of houses in one night because they are Satanic lies. Christmas was and still is “Natalis Solis Invicti” the “Nativity of the Un-conquered Sun”; call him Mithras, Sol, Krishna, Attis or Horus, but not Jesus!
Why 6 BC? What Star stood over the “Young Child” Jesus (Mat 2:9) Rev 12 tells us the history and future of Jews under Jesus Christ, the “Lion of Judah”. “woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars” Virgo is the woman; in 6 BC from 22 Aug to 2 Oct, Virgo was clothed by the Sun during the New Moon of 1 Tishrei (Sept 11, 6 BC).
The Crown of 12 Stars represent the 12 tribes of Israel, seen in the 3 stars of Coma Berenices (Coma means Hair or Crown) and 9 stars of Leo forming the head/crown of Virgo. Satan/Lucifer/Devil/Dragon is “the obstructer” to God’s plan of salvation. For a Born Again Christian in Covenant with Jesus Christ, this is no problem, but for people expecting an “Alternative Messiah”, it’s a very big “Stumbling Block”. Alpha Leo is “Regulus”, which stems from “Regal”; Regal Authority is “Dominion”, the “Sovereign Authority to rule”. Folks, this Authority is given to Esau (3rd Beast of Dan 7:6), not Jacob (ref Gen 27:39-41 KJV) Rev 12:7 tells us the Dragon/Devil/Serpent/Satan is cast out of Heaven to Earth to persecute the Woman which brought forth the man child; this is the event described in Rev 9:11 and Dan 7:7 “4th Beast”. Go back and read the part about Sept 11, 6 BC and you will see why this date did not happen by accident; it was planned long in advance.
How close are we to the start of the 1260 days of “Great Tribulation” (Rev 12:6)? Your guess is as good as mine, but remember, in 2 Pet 3:8, Jesus promised His return would be when Creation is 6000 years old; 1656 years Creation to Flood is easy to calculate. The Flood initiated Axis Precession (Wobble) and 2 Astrological “Houses” have come; Aries to Pisces and Pisces to Aquarius=4320 years. The Spring Equinox sunrise was in Taurus prior to Aries for a short time; likely, Sargon the Great was declared “Legitimate King” because of a significant event seen by the “Augurs” at his birth, such as the transition from Taurus to Aries. Legitimacy occurs at adulthood, age 21, so do the math and we get 5997 years. This Hanukkah (Nov 28) Comet ISON will reach Perihelion and at Christmas pass closest to Earth; just saying, I might want to be in Covenant with Jesus before then! Comets are “Long Haired Stars”; remember Coma means “Hair”; unlike the long hair, white Jesus in your Church, Satan may be the one riding this long hair star!
China derives from Sina as does Sinai; Wilderness of Sin and Mt Sinai ringing a bell here? It’s in Saudi Arabia not Egypt (ref Gal 4) where the real Jebel al Laws “Mt Sinai” is. Satan will seek to “devour her child as soon as it was born” Rev 12:4 Who is that? Born Again Christians; people born of the Holy Spirit and baptized by Fire and the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ. The Water Baptism your Priest gave you got you wet and gave you a false sense of security; this one will change your life forever! The Red Dragon is the symbol of China; the Temple of Ankhor Wat in Cambodia replicates the Red (Esau=Edom=Red) Dragon aka the constellation “Draco” the Latin for Dragon. The North facing side and King’s Chamber shaft of the Great Pyramid faced Draco as an initiation chamber built to receive the reflection of light from the circumpolar passage of Alpha Draconis “Thuban” (Head of the Serpent). Again, whether this Christmas is the start of the Great Tribulation, I don’t know, but Augurs take notice of events like Comet ISON and the 12/21/2012 solar passage through the Galactic center (Oroborus Serpent).
Thuban was the Pole Star until about 1793 BC; it is likely no coincidence the Hyksos (Amalekite Shepherd Kings) arrived in Egypt to destroy Jacob’s descendants at that time and no they have not forgotten nor forgiven God for the Exodus in 1492 BC; they arrived in America bearing gifts of disease (Smallpox) in 1492 AD! America is derived from Amurru the Edomite Shepherd and Serpent god; the Eagle carries the Serpent on the $US. One wing has 32 feathers, the other 33, the age Jesus was at the Crucifixion, temperature water changes state and Luciferian Freemasons become “Sovereign”. “to the woman were given two wings of the great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into here place, where she is nourished for a time, time and times and half a time, from the face of the serpent”. Draco, the Latin Dragon/Serpent became the source of the Ladon Dragon guarding the Golden Apples of Hesperides; the land furthest west is America. Osama bin Laden (Tim Osman) means “Lion of Ladon”; on 9/11/2001 this fictional “Terrorist” enemy became the Scapegoat for the False Flag incident in New York and subsequent 12 year Middle East Wars. Like the 100 headed Ladon Dragon, one “Terrorist” is cut off and another 2 sprout in its place. Benghazi was the “Terrorist” arms, and training center for “Arab Spring”, al-Qaeda Mercenaries; the 9/11 date was not chosen by chance or caused by the video “Innocence of Muslims”.
Jesus was Circumcised on His 8th day (22 Tishrei) in accordance with Jewish Law. Tishrei, the 7th month divided into 22=Pi (3.14 is the ratio of Circumference to Radius of a Circle. In other words, the Law was made Flesh. Rabbis marry the Synagogue/Congregation to the Law beginning this day with a new cycle of Torah readings; Jesus fulfilled the Law, replaced the Levite Priests (Jesus is Melchisedek from Juda ref Heb 7) and began the New Covenant “Love God”; “Love you Neighbor”. Pretty tough to fill the requirements of this Law eh? No Churches, no Priests, Imams or Rabbis, no Swords, no Wars, no Idols, just a personal relationship with Jesus Christ (God in Flesh) through the Holy Ghost and a little trust in His Word. Jesus is the Word made Flesh!
Folks, it’s time to make your Body a Sanctuary, Jesus will want to turn into a Tabernacle. You can start by celebrating His real Birthday! During the Millennium, Feast of Tabernacles is the only Holy Day Jesus will obligate everyone on earth to keep (ref Zech 14:16-18) Why not start now?
Black Flags of Khorasan are War Flags; White Flags are represent the Caliphate; New York City is “Ground Zero” for WWIII; the war Sodomite Confederate Traitor 33 degree Mason Albert Pike said would pit Political Zionists against Islam.
ps to jihadists, this means end of times?
Craig, my reason for this is because Jihad appears in the Quran to mean “To prepare oneself to worship Allah”. To my knowledge it has nothing to do with ushering in al-Mahdi alongside Jesus as the Black Flags of Khorasan crepresent. This philosophy is markedly Shia and in line with the figures of Bab and Bahau’llah in Bahai.
Are there pictures of Black Flags of Khrasan being flown in NYC as of Oct 1? The Hajj is Oct 8 so this is really significant
black flags of khorasan are flying over ny/ground zero. symbolize an unstoppable muslim army coming out of iran, afghanistan, and pakistan. straight to Jerusalem. why does raid insect spray come to mind?
Craig, can you put up a link or pix of this? The Black Flags coming from the “WEST are signals to Muslims the appearance of al-Mahdi is imminent. The Muslim Army then musters from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Central Asia (Stans) and occupied Muslim lands all the way to Jerusalem for the final battle of Armageddon.
Note the description of WWIII by Albert Pike “Political Zionism versus Islam” to the point of physical, moral and economic exhaustion leads to the true doctrine of Lucifer, manifested to the world.
This may be the biggest development of all Craig
none of the gov’s crimes will shut down, only services that people rely on. gun running and mahem will continue.
ps Chicago means wild onion/garlic in potawatomi.
chicago train crash,33 taken to hospital. 33/divided by or judged by 9 =3.6666666667, that’s 9-6’s then a 7. hmm. the train car that got smashed was #3177, 3+1=4 then crowley’s 77. 4=destiny? 77 pure evil?
Hey all, I posted an article on Real Jew News with Brother Nathanael Kapner exposing him as a Jew blaming Edomite; the response was removed oops moderated.
I posted an offer to Dr Ed Ward http://edwardmd.wordpress.com/2013/09/18/the-real-truth-about-religion-and-its-origins/ Which was also moderated, calling him out on claiming Jesus is Krishna and Horus.
Guess I hit a nerve; maybe we could keep up the pressure on these Wolves!
brazil, the b in bricks, sure has lots of naval assets. lots in construction as well. from google earth I looked over reo. india makes supersonic cruise missiles and nukes, s. africa is insane! capital “B” looks like a 13 to me.
Thanks for the exposure, I’m getting heavy censorship in ‘alternative’ media – no different than MSM, same agenda, different route. Word on the street is Bro Nate got it pulled off Rense to. Yes, it strikes the ‘root of tyranny’ nerve and it’s ironclad. So, Yes, Please do whatever you can, it is appreciated. Best, Dr Ed, Ed
Operation Gun Runner armed the Sinaloa Cartel; Mitt Romney’s Mexican family branch. 6 years ago Gulfstream N987SA crashed in the Yucatan supposedly running out of fuel (fat chance); on board the CIA leased Rendition airplane were 7000lbs of Cocaine. The aircraft was owned by Donna Blue Aircraft, a CIA front company that supposedly operates out of 3375 Edison Way, Menlo Park CA, in the heart of Venture Capital firms in a building where Wooden Spoon Bakery cooks up a little more than pastry.
There is how Romney and the CIA makes their money
more dirty laundry from russia today. greenwald/ashkenazic, forest, says he has the scoop on nsa’s assassination program. this is the trend, until enough people wake up some what. can’t execute a comatose convict. you can’t torcher a comatose prisoner. takes all the fun/magik out of it. got to wake these sheep up a little.
Joe Biden held a Succot celebration with Chabad Lubavitch Rebbes. CHABAD is the first 3 levels in Kaballah Chockmah, Binah, Daat. Rebbes believe they have bloodlines descend to Shabattei Zvi and Jacob Frank; the latter a false convert to Islam in order to save his hide. Maybe Biden will circumambulate the Ka’aba on Oct 8 too!
George Washington riding out to Western Pennsylvania to put down the Whiskey Rebellion,
Boar = Persecutor: hostile to virtue; vicious; vengeful; danger.
Psalm 80:13, 2nd Timothy 3:2-3
Thanks Craig/Howard For Info Well Area Code 510 California 280 also . COVERS proverb 30:31 interesting that its has 33 verses in Pro 30 Basically CHAPTER about how Fools utter All His Mind , Ifound interesting part is Riots In Ephesus with Paul (Asia Minor) its has 41 Verses was George Bush Sr the 41 President under the Consitution but overall 49 4+9 (13)since there were 8 before George Washington. Symbolism is Wild Boar Is it Pennsylvania Known for that . Also Found Post in regard some sort Active Drill at Dorsey Park in May too.
Interesting numerology Travis; 49=7/x7 where 77 is the ultimate personification of evil according to Crowley. 4+9=13, the number of Rebellion; Washington DC is on the 77th Meridian.
Washington was more proud of starting the Order of Cincinnati than being president; he fired the first shots in the French -Indian War.
yesterday rt reported water found on mars. now bbc and others report on it. also pyramid in the atlantic. next is stinky bigfoot.
NASA aka NAZI needs Mars to have water; it doesn’t of course as the atmosphere is C02 with a pressure equivalent of 50,000ft the level any water based liquids like Blood boils regardless of the temperature. The surface runs from -280F to +60F at the equator; at the other regions it tens toward the colder temperature .Mars has no magnetic field meaning radiation is deadly.
The reason NASA needs Mars to have water is they got 80K Idiot-nauts to sign up for a one way trip there. Not enough fuel to get home; just like the Moon landing problem which SS Major Verner von Braun outlined to Congress in 1957.
Just a distraction from the big news that FEMA, DHS and 360K UN Peacekeeper Troops are armed and trained for Urban Warfare and on US soil right now.
Anyone know about this man?http://www.markswatson.com/WebSite/babylon_1.htm
From what I can tell, thus far; he is on the mark
that was good Howard. I do think the destruction by fire(usa) also speaks of extremely harsh judgment. judgment for all of our war crimes, agent orange, assassinations ,regime changes, du munitions, Israel/plo, gmo’s, fracking, deepwater,fukushima, etc… also this babylon sys in my mind was covered very well by you Howard in the royal scam article. the medical/allopathic scam run by the bankers. ie, making people sick with vaccines and other medicines designed to make people sicker. take the cancer scam as a good example. the black gold scam is one of the common denominators.
Hi Travis; the second launch was this morning at 3:33 AM. 333 refers to the Rites of Mars, the Roman god of war. Fox news had the report http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/09/26/minuteman-missile-test-launched-from-california/
What is the 510/280 symbolism?
They love to play with the numbers dont they. Check out the numbers on both girls’ jersyeys in the video.
And here we have “13” dead and “11” hours after the collapse, a young girl was pulled alive from the rubble.
So Howard You Confirm the Measure I commented on earlier on this Article with regards to California with the Ballistic Missile Order by Barack and the Vandenburg AFB one of Fema Placements Camps. Without giving detail can you assist on how you findout what going there. I KEPT GETTING California in symbolism with 510/280 . I checking finding on Vandenburg just like night the Next Day this eevening I saw your Article in Progress in regard to John Kerry UN Gun Treaty he sign yesterday with Barack Smile like he just Seen his First Child be Born smh.
280 is one of 77 numbers used twice in scripture; Day #280 is Oct 7
uh it seems it was an Israeli mall. so I guess they do have the terrorism insurance clause/silversine.
ps I don’t think insurance will cover that, unless you get the silverstine clause.
check out this kenya mall collapse. I think something blew up. kind of like bld 7 or the marine barracks in beruit. from bbc http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-24276785
Mohammed Reza Shah. Standard Oil of California (SOCAL)have any article on this ?Anglo Persian Oil company linked to Englishman, William Knox D’Arcy, approached Mozzafar al-Din Shah Qatar, the ruler of Iran*Persia.in 1901 Arabs Joktanites here ?????
BP is Anglo-Iranian Oil; the Brits and Iranians have and will always work together. The largest refinery is about where Daniel had his vision in Dan 8 at Abaddan Island; Abaddan means Destroyer.
The Brits/US installed the Ismailis led by the Masonically trained (Grand Orient Lodge in France) Ayathollah Khomeini and now Khameini and Sistani (Iraq).
Same traitors only different garb.
ps the americas cup is the oldest int sporting trophy to honor the gods. it was a gift from the royal yacht club. q e# 2 and prince phillip /germ are the patrons of that club now. the one condition of the gift was that the trophy had to be available for perpetual international competition.
team oracle comes behind and wins the cup. the bankers are partying down. as usual my guess was wrong.
Hanukkah lines up with Thanksgiving on the Perihelion of Comet ISON on Nov 28, 2013. Hanukkah commemorates the inauguration of the 2nd Temple during the Maccabean revolt roughly 2160 years ago ie the time for the axis to precess from Pisces to Aquarius.
9 candles on the Hanukkah Menorah replace Jesus and the 2 Thieves on the 7 branched candlestick; the 9th candle “Shamash” is used to light the other 8.
Seems like a great day for something big to me
the source rt got the info from is “nature medicine”http://www.nature.com/nm/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nm.3350.html— rockefeller bought the “ama” back in early 1900’s. you can bet the bankers own this rag as well. real wholesome name though.
woo hoo! universal flu vaccine is here. line up sheep. http://rt.com/news/scientists-universal-flu-vaccine-213/ it is suppose to work on future flu too. just in case you get alien snot on you.
check out how they play w/the #s on this article from the earthquake in pakistan . 7.7 on the scale. dead 330. 445 injured. 445 adds to 13.1st 2 speak for themselves, but the rest of the #s will take some time to mess with. http://www.cnn.com/2013/09/25/world/asia/pakistan-earthquake/index.html?hpt=hp_t2–
ps some of the weapons were glock 40cal. does that ring a bell? gov has been buying lots of those. how much ammo did they get? wonder if they got any d/u rounds? got some real experts working on it, so don’t worry.
Some places say 1.6Billion others say 2 Billion of .40 Cal Hollow Point with a Six Pointed Star in the business end.
If I’m not mistaken DU is used on .50Cal and higher to penetrate metal using heat created as uranium goes pyrophoric as it passes through metal.
fox reports libyans kicked our buts and took our weapons. millions in weapons stolen! ha! now when we see usa weapons in the theater in mid east or anywhere for that matter, blame libya. BS!http://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-forensics-experts-in-nairobi-helping-with-attack-aftermath/
John Kerry _cohen Skull and Bonesmen sign the UN Gun Treaty at 10:33AM. Where Im located it 11:14. Sept 25 isn’t that True Date Of Christ Birthdate hmmmm
Jesus was born on 15 Tishrei and circumcised on the 8th “Great Day” of Tabernacles in 6 BC. The law was made flesh and rejected 33 1/2 years later on Passover, 14 NIsan, rising to Heaven with the Law on Feast of First Fruits 17 Nisan
times of israel says they are helping with aftermath of shootout. I think they helped with the start of it. kenya is an old english colony/ mi6http://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-forensics-experts-in-nairobi-helping-with-attack-aftermath/ that’s mi6 mossad etc.
rt airs more dirty laundry on cia’s black hole sites around the world.http://rt.com/news/polish-cia-us-guantanamo-europe-275/– why do they call them black hole?pretty” dark” in those holes. we will see more dirty laundry soon.
how about that new island off Pakistan? hmm that is a massive amount of force to push that much mass up. seems to me it would’ve had to of been a much bigger quake.
we now have red wing f-16s now. target drones is the designation. ready for the hack fest.
Sorry about the duplicate comment ! I didn’t realize my comment posted !
If Assad used chemicals , why don’t they use the icc in The Hague and give him a fair Trial ?
If Assad used chemicals , why don’t they use the icc in The Hague and give him a fair Trial ?
If Assad used chemicals , why don’t they use the icc in The Hague and give him a fair Trial ?
51 UN Countries Vote to Keep Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal Hidden from Public ~’&
http://antioligarch.wordpress.com/2013/09/22/bis-the-most-powerful-bank-in-the-world-announces-the-crash/ what is this Mean???
Fema Region 3 October Surprise China Flag holst up in California hmmm something Smells. Nothing happen in 9/11/2013 but Mirror Image 10/1/2013 20 days away from 9/11 hmmm. Could Fake Rapture be the placement of California. City Of Angel have to wait and see 1984 Olympics in LA remember that.
Oops, forgot to spell out the weapons were headed for Syrian “Rebels” not Assad. Syrian “Rebels” are trained and equipped by Central Bankers and the US Special Forces in Benghazi;. NO difference between Putin, Oama, Petraeus, Kissinger et all;
Remember; Mol Comfort was a Russian staffed ship called American President Lines Russia which split in 2 enroute to Jeddah Saudi Arabia June 17 with 5000 shipping containers full of weapons destined via Saudi Arabia (America’s supposed ally), Turkey (America’s supposed ally and is also led by a 33 degree Mason) into Syria.
Bottom line is like scripture says They all work together to make war. Not a one of them care the least little bit for their nations; they serve the NWO under Satan only
Don’t know about Putin genealogy; he is a life-long KGB asset, fake Russian Orthodox Christian and high level Freemason just like Lavrov and Medvedev. He basically owns Gasprom, holding Russian citizens hostage over energy just like western oil companies.
Looks like SEn Ted Cruz will keep Obama Care in the Gov’t funding bill which may force a shutdown just in time for MERS-CoV and the Hajj to explode. I
Nov 13-14 is the big poser grid shut-down drill GridEx and who can forget Comet ISON reaching Perihelion Nov 28 on Hanukkah/Thanksgiving?
is putin a blue blood?
if I don’t buy it, I get a visit from irs. I think they bought a bunch of guns too! mandatory vaccines? also genetic samples to see who has the right organs for the beautiful people.
Fema Region 3 October Surprise China Flag holst up in California hmmm something Smells. Nothing happen in 9/11/2013 but Mirror Image 10/1/2013 20 days away from 9/11 hmmm. Could Fake Rapture be the placement of California. City Of Angel have to wait and see 1984 Olympics in LA remember that. This Is story here http://antioligarch.wordpress.com/2013/09/22/bis-the-most-powerful-bank-in-the-world-announces-the-crash/
obama care in 7 days. uhh I don’t feel so good. we need a 2nd opinion.
Vara chip class 2 RFID mandatory in health care bill ?
Vara chip class 2 RFID mandatory in health care bill ?
Hawking occupies the same Lucasian Chair of math 33 degree Mason/Rosicrucian alleged Grandmaster of the Prieure of Zion ISaac Newton held.
Gravity is a mythical “Force” just like all of Hawking’s Dark Matter, Alien, String Theory Lies, Hawking is as esoteric as any astrologer has ever been.
How much different is this type of thinking than Egyptian Pharaoh’s taking food, servants and money into the afterlife?
As Paul told Timothy “Science is vain babblings” in opposition to the word
stephen hawking says the brain can be copied to computer for life after death. what’s he been smoking?http://www.theguardian.com/science/2013/sep/21/stephen-hawking-brain-outside-body
The warning to the church of Ephesus and Pergamos in Rev 2:6, 15 told them guard against “Nicolaitane Doctrine” (Nico=to conquer; laitan=laity). An example is Priest Baptism. Now In Paul went to Ephesus Upper Coast(Asia Minor) in Act 19:1. Temple of Diana/Ephesus in Located in Washington(Supreme Court). 510( refers to California tho Interesting.
Actually the replica of the Temple of Artemis/Diana is the Supreme House of the Temple at 1633 16th St where the bi-annual mtg is held to award 33 degree Scotch Rite Masons. It is a Mausoleum named after Carian King Masolus and his sister-wife Artemisia, a traitor in the Mede-Persian war against Greece under Xerxes.
No other way to describe them; Freemasons are Traitors in every nation they reside
Benny Lee ???October Surprises with Chinese Flag hanging in California City Cmon. Too Early Eyelyn glad you show your arrogants Chinahttp://endtimeheadlines.wordpress.com/2013/09/21/california-city-flies-flag-of-china/?fb_source=pubv1
omar al-bashir , pres of sudan. wanted by icc. wants a visa to address united nations. omar/ Hebrew or arab origin, means flourishing. bashir /arab origin, means bearer of good news. ha! wonder if he will pack a pistol while he preaches. who’s good news will he proclaim? hmm looks to me like he has his head wrapped to tight.http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2013/9/20/heads-of-state-indictedbyiccmakebidtoattendungeneralassembly.html
wrong wind direction postpones america’s cup. sun is the next race. lots of bohemians in attendance.
typhoon usagi has a funny name, japanese for rabbit. headed right for hong kong. interesting place and history. product of the opium wars. usagi reminds me of u.s.a. gov issue. we would park at the prince whales bld when we (7th fleet) would dock. he/ prince of whales has a funny coat of arms.
Is this the Insider Connected to the Pentagon THOMAS(twins) E, Hoshkohttp://winsipcuster.blogspot.com/2013/09/aaron-alexis-employer-and-boss-thomas-e.html?m=1
emerate comes from emir, ruler of a Islamic country. oracle tells the future . will oracle go down in san fran bay crowned by golden gate? will the emir’s rule and take the cup?
I think the america’s cup race is sat 21st/3-7’s. oracle/usa tries to hang on are down by 5 races. fly emerates/newzealand is in the lead. new zealand, interesting place to test tsunami bombs. Zealand is an interesting place as well with interesting mythology.
Bush Sr can be seen wearing a cap with Baphomet and #77 (I will not link to Stew Webb, Anton’s son Anthony LaVey or Gordon Duff at Veteran’s Today, but it’s there) His lovely wife Babs is very likely Aleister Crowley’s illegitimate daughter from an AA Ritual. Crowley wrote Liber 77 “Book of the Goat” by channeling the demon Aiwass. There are 77 infernal names of Satan in LaVey’s Satanic Bible. Pretty coincidental the Super Carrier George HW Bush is CVN 77 eh?
WWIII is forecast in Zoroastrianism ; the Light of Lucifer will manifest; Zoroaster was said to have died at 77.
Also pretty coincidental for Flt 77 to hit the Pentagon, built 77ft tall on the 77th Meridian .
greenpeace ship seizure by Russia is interesting. Gazprom/blueflamers/ gas industry is up to something. lots of dynamics involved with drilling up north. chinese want to ship throught there( artic circle) and that is where icbms go over in ww3. lots of methane pockets up there. subs are hunting and hunted. lots of other high tech gear in upper latitudes(harp). Happy Birth Day Jesus!