[/frame_right]Scapegoats are trained to lead Sheep to slaughter; Shepherds paint their legs Red so they can identify the Scapegoats, but Sheep cannot identify them because Sheep are Color Blind. Similarly, Christians are blind to the Truth until they received guidance from their Shepherd through the Holy Ghost. Now is a good time for you to ask for that Divine Guidance from the only true Shepherd, Jesus Christ, the only True Scapegoat of Humanity. Aurora means “Dawn”; Colorado means “Red”. If you are not ready for the “Red Dawn”, get ready. If you don’t know what the Red Dawn is; Gen 27:39-41 explains it. Esau sold his Birthright for a bowl of Red Beans to Jacob; Jacob “Wrestled with God”. God changed Esau’s name to Edom “Red” and Jacob’s to “Israel”.Midnight 7/20 until 7/27 is a period on the Satanic Calendar called the “Grand Climax”, derived from texts called the Necronomicon. My article Bohemian Grove goes into more detail; I am not an expert on this, nor care to become one; this article is not about the movie “Dark Knight Rises”; it is about why the Colorado shooting took place when it did and what may come next.
Ramadan, the 9th Month on the Islamic calendar began on 7/20; it means “Hot, Burnt or Scorched”. Pretty coincidental Colorado fires forced the evacuation of 30,000 just a few weeks prior eh? Bohemian Grove ends as the London 2012 Olympics begin. Bohemians are spiritual descendants of the “Boii”; the word refers to a person who lives outside the norms of the societies they reside in; it is roughly synonymous with Gypsy which can be identified in scripture as the Chaldeans, Sabians of Harran (Sabah means Sunrise), Medean “Magi”, Phoenician “Kahn-Baals” (Priests of Baal), Hyksos (Priests of On=Osiris in Egypt; these were the reason Greeks referred to Egypt as the “Land of Gypsies”), Curetes (Priests of Cybele), Druids (Men of Trees/Oaks), Dom and Romani “Rom” to name a few.
Bohemian Grove is an ancient Sumerian Ritual called “Begone Dull Care”. Begone is “Barra”, the “Exorcism of the Crown of Anu” where Anu is equivalent with the Cretan “Zeus”. The Celtic “Tuatha de Danaan” means “Children of Anu/Zeus”. The term is roughly synonymous with Freemason (Phre=Sun; Massen=Children) “Chilfren of the Sun” or “Children of Light”. The Holy Ghost is the “Light” God created on Day 1; Sun, Star and Moon “Lights” were created on Day 4; the ritual exorcism is designed to Ritually Blaspheme and Exorcise the Holy Ghost aka “Unforgivable Sin”. If your bible uses the term “Azazel” in Lev 16:8-10, realize this means the same thing in the form of the “Goat that Departs repeatedly”; the repetition being the annual Death and Resurrection of Tammuz aka Horus as the offspring of the sun god Osiris/Zeus/Anu. You can see this annual drama unfold in Easter=Christmas. With that in mind, here is an overall look.
On 7/4 the smallest particle of “Dark Matter” created from the primordial “Black Hole” is announced. Priests of On called this “Tula”; the Brotherhood of Death” aka “Skull & Bones” is thus the “Thule Society”, into which Hitler and Stalin were initiated. The so-called “God Particle” announcement is A lie; the “God of forces” (Dan 11:38) is meant here. Work=Force X distance; Infinite Distance X Infinite Force=Infinite Work which is why occultists call this the “Great Work”. On the same “American Independence Day” (Amurru is the Edomite Shepherd and Serpent god; Amar is the Canaanite god of the west), the “Mahdi” computer virus is announced as the “Son of Flame”. Recall StuxNet was credited with the Bushehr Reactor shutdown in Iran and shutting down the Siemmens coolant controllers at Fukushima both also are Lies. SuxNet was followed by DuQu, Keylogger and then Flame which utilizes computers and smart phones to spy on their users. Mahdi does the same thing, only the name Mahdi is the occulted 12th Shia Imam revered by “Twelvers” like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his handlers the Ayathollah Ali Khameini in Iran and Grand Ayathollah Ali Sistani in Iraq; recall Ahmadinejad was one of the guards of the 52 hostages during the Iran Hostage Crisis following Iran’s “Green Revolution”.
Al Mahdi means “He who rises”; specifically for battle in Zoroastrianism’s (Zoroastrianism is ancient Gnosticism; the modern version was created by Medean Magi in the 200 years between Cyrus the Great and Alexander the Great) final battle of Good versus Evil; Armageddon? Heaven’s no, this if the revealing of the Dark Knight meant here; Zoroastians call him “Ahura Mazda”, scripture calls him “Antichrist”, “Lucifer” or the “Pale Horse”. One can see this Pale Horse on the cover of the CFR magazine “Foreign Affairs”. Jesus said as long as He was in the world, He is the Light of the World; Lucifer intends to take His place, which is why the Pale Horse rider is called “Death” and “Hell” follows him. www.One-heaven.org proudly proclaims this Pale Horse will ride on 12/21/2012; at this point, I tend to agree.
Christopher Nolan also directed The Prestige about Nikola Tesla in Colorado Springs; the movie featured 2 magicians competing to do the seemingly impossible “Disappearing Act”. Rapture on 7/27? We’ll see, but know this; Rapture is not in Scripture. The bodily Resurrection of Born Again Christians happens on the last day; 7th Trumpet before the 2nd Coming. The Prestige comes from the 3rd Act of Chaldean Magick; Pledge, Turn, Prestige. Folks, if you are not ready for the Dark Knight to be revealed; get ready. Mahdi, Krishna, Buddha, Maitreya are Alternative Messiahs; the name of the Pale Horse is “Death” and “Hell” follows.
Denver is an Old English word meaning “From Anvers”, “Dane Crossing” or “Green Valley” (movie “Green Mile” may come to mind; a character claiming to be Jesus was killed in that movie as well). Denver is 5280ft MSL “Mile High City”; Colorado means “Red”; Aurora is the Greek goddess of “Morning Red Dawn”; the movie features Selina Kyle in a Red prison jumpsuit because Selene “Moon” is Aurora’s daughter in mythology, the “Lesser Light”; Lucifer is Aurora’s son; the union of Sun and Moon is called the “Divine Union” or “Sacred Marriage”, a ritual blasphemy of the Holy Ghost aka “Begone Dull Care”. Auroras are caused by the Sun but also by Tesla EM Radars, featured at the end of the movie The Prestige (Tesla Technology) is mentioned the “bane of civilization”, ironically, Colorado Springs where NORTHCOM will respond to Civil War when it erupts.
The Dark Knight stage was set early, at the 2008 Kentucky Derby. Kentucky is named after Kennites; Moses’ wife Zipporah was Kennite, most of whom threw their lots in with Abraham’s wife Keturah rather than Sarah or Hagar; Keturah is the source of Eastern Religions associated with Bahai (Bab and Baha’U’llah are Antichrist and False Prophet), Buddhism, Krishna etc. Barack Obama bet on Big Brown and Hillary Clinton bet on the Philly 8 Belles; the latter broke both front legs after crossing the finish line. 8 Belles means “End of the Watch” and/or “Mutiny”. On Election Night, Michelle Obama wore the semi-famous “Black Widow” dress; this was no fashion mistake, nor is the giant Black Widow Spider sculpture at the London Olympics. The motto of Bohemian Grove is “Weaving Spiders come not here”; Spiders have 8 legs; Jesus Christ represents the “Age of Grace”; the 8th Covenant between God and man. Coincidence? Don’t bet on it.
Obama accepted the nomination in Aurora on a Stage built as a mock Greek Temple; the stage was designed as a replica of the Throne of Pergamon “Satan’s Seat”, currently in the Berlin Museum. 7/24 is the Eve of St James Day aka “Mormon Pioneer Day”. Mormo means “Gates of Hell”; Mormon means “God of the living dead”; Anton LaVey lists “Mormo” as an infernal name of Satan in his Satanic Bible. In Berlin, near the Throne of Pergamon on 7/24/2008, Obama’s speech to 250,000 was themed “A House United, not Divided” using the slogan “Yes We Can”; recall Jesus does not Unite; He divides the Sheep from Goats. Obama’s campaign slogan “Yes We Can” means “Thank You Satan” in Reverse Speech. The date coincided with the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I have a Dream” speech; MLK means “Molech is Lord”. Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman are Mormons, CFR initiates and Bilderberger 2012 attendees. On the Welsh Gypsy family crests of Pratt (Romney’s maternal ancestors) and Huntsman is the Red Scallop of James; the scallop found in baptismal founts is the symbol of Venus. Why Venus? It forms a 5pt Star around the Sun over 8 years; 8/5=1.618 “Phi” is called the “Ratio of Life” for this reason. Jesus is called “Morning Star”; and occultists refer to Venus as “Morning Star”. Lucifer is a crafty fellow eh?
On Aug 28th Obama accepted the Democratic nomination at the convention on the eve of Aug 29th the Feast Day of the Edomite (Red) beheading of John the Baptist. Coincidence? Knights Templar, Johnitters, Cathars etc revere John the Baptist as the mentor of Jesus; similarly, John the Evangelist’ brother James receives undue reverence, often symbolized by the Dove aka Columbia; now you know why Christopher (Christ=Messiah; Taufr=Red) Columbus was named and why the District of Columbia is not part of the US; now back to the theater.
7/20 at Midnight to 7/27 is called the “Grand Climax” on the Satanic Ritual Calendar found in the Necronomicon. James Holmes, dressed in black riot gear and red hair buys a ticket, walks in and opens fire at 12:39AM. 12 is the number of perfection in government; 12 sons of Jacob, 12 Apostles, 12 Gates in Solomon’s Temple; 39 is the Meridian where Denver is located. 7/20. 7+20=27, in occult rendering 999 or 33, the inverse of 666. 9 is the number associated with Divine Judgment. In Tarot, 9 means “Completion”; Novem is the root of November “9th Month” (Ramadan is also 9th month and rotates through all 12 months every 33 years) and “Novus” seen in “Novus Ordo Seclorum”, the “New Secular Order” seen in the motto of 330 Masons “Order out of Chaos”. Adding all numbers 1 through 9 gives 45 which reduces to 4+5=9. Remember “Tuatha de Danaan”? Dan means Judge; Mormon prophets claim Dannite lineage; also a Lie, but the Genatria of Dan is 54=9X6.Amen is 99; remember Get Smart? Agent 99 refers to Abraham’s age when Isaac was born; not coincidentally Cat Woman is played by Ann Hathaway. The sum of 22 Hebrew letters is 4995=5X999. God’s Judgment of Sodom is marked by 9; there were 27 Sieges of Jerusalem. There are 9 Judgments of God on “Land, Mountains, Corn, New Wine, Oil, Ground, Men, Cattle, Labor of hands. There are 9 words derived from Judgment. There are 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit “Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Healing, Miracles, Prophecy, discerning of Spirits, Diverse Tongues and Interpretation of Tongues”; anyway, you get the idea of why 7/20 was chosen. Is it also coincidence the shooter moved to area code 80010 which adds to 9? In mythology, there are 9 Muses, the 9 daughters of Zeus. Etruscans who by and large founded Rome (Romani=Rome=Romney) worshipped 9 gods. In the Masonic Order of 9, there are 9 knocks, 9 roses and 9 lights. The Sumerian Council of 9 were considered representatives of 9 planetary elders ruling the earth; I have an article Council of Nine that covers this in detail. Why? Jesus gave up the “Holy Ghost” on the Tree (Cross) at the 9th Hour.
On 7/27 the Grand Climax ritual calls for a female sacrifice, convenient in that the day ends Bohemian Grove 2012; it is claimed that sacrifices burned at the foot of the 40ft Owl “Molech” are more than “Mock Sacrifices”. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are expected to sign the UN Arms Treaty in violation of the 2nd Amendment on that day in where else but Gotham City. No wonder 330 Mason Israeli President Shimon Peres recently cancelled plans to attend the Opening Ceremony.
Cremation of Dull Care is the modern version of a 4000+ year old Sumerian Ritual “Begone Dull Care”; it can be seen in Aleister Crowley’s law “Do what thou wilt”. The day also begins the 2012 London Olympics, the torch carried from Greece where the Eleusinian Rituals were held, to the Prime Meridian in London where the Aquarian Cross stands atop Glastonbury Tor aka Avalon “Place of Apples”. Remember “Phi”, the “Golden Mean”? The so-called Christian Fish Symbol is not Christian at all; it represents the Golden Mean, as does Glastonbury Tor in a 3-D sense. Tors are spiral burial mounds forming the spiral found in life, music, poetry etc.
The Aquarian Age aka “Golden Age” is the Age of Zeus, not Jesus Christ. The “Labrys”, “Golden Mean”, “Ratio of Life” is at its center. Jesus is Melchisedek “King of Jerusalem”; guess where the Cross was designed and when? Jerusalem; it was taken to Glastonbury as George Bush Sr started Gulf War I in 1991, 21 years ago. Ever heard of UN Agenda 21? That little gem turns 21 next year; 21 is the age of “Accountability” (Adulthood) in scripture by the way.
7/27 coincides with Tisha b’ Av (9 Av), the day Columbus set sail for New Jerusalem in 1492 AD and the beginning of 40 years wandering in the Wilderness after rejecting the spies report of Canaan in 1492 BC. Coincidence? Everyone 21 and over died on that trip. Av 9 celebrates the destructions of Solomon’s and Herod’s Temples, the Bar Kochba Revolt and rededication of Herod’s Temple as Zeus Capitolina as well as the start of Gulf War I. Coincidence?
Witnesses reported more than one shooter; Aurora police arrive on scene in 90 sec and 70 people are shot with 12 dead; how a guy waltzes in with red hair, riot gear and a shotgun is beyond me; why police would keep this guy loaded with Vicodin in prison and his court appearance is not only strange, it’s illegal. Look at the Lil Wayne music video My Homies Still, released just prior and take note Batman is Bruce Wayne, a man whose parents were killed in the Monarch Theater. Lil Wayne can be seen in a theater surrounded by 12 skeletons.
The Joker is an occult representation of Jesus; a Trump card or Hangman in Tarot. (Card 20=XX; 7/20 is thus the number of perfection and the Hanged Man) Jesus was hung upon a Tree to be made a Curse per Deut 21:23; recall Heath Ledger was the Joker in the previous Dark Knight movie; he opened the movie Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus as the Tarot Card Hangman under London’s Black Friar Bridge and died during its filming; Mt Parnassus was the site of caves used for initiation into the Eleusinian Mystery Religion of Greece.
Columbine (Columbia means Dove) HS was a similar tragedy resulting in Michael Moore and 330 Mason Charleton Heston film Bowling for Columbine, a call for Gun Control. Just hours after the Midnight shooting, NYC Mayor (Gotham City) Michael Bloomberg was first of many talking heads to call for Gun Control; convenient in that the UN Arms Trade Treaty will be signed by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on July 27th in NYC. A bit odd since both were involved with Operation Gun Runner arms sales to Mexican Drug Cartels isn’t it?
7/20 has been covered; 7/22 is interesting in that 22/7=Phi “Golden Mean”. Obama arrived on 7/22. In Gen 7:22, God proclaims Judgment of all life on dry land; in Rev 7:22 Jesus proclaims ”Behold I come quickly…” 7/22 is thus the opposite of God in both spirit and physical form. In astrology, 7/22 ends Cancer and begins Leo. Jesus is the Lion of Judah, but the Queen of England blasphemously believes she is the “Queen of Jerusalem”. Anders Breivik aka Andrew Berwick, with help, began his shooting spree in Norway killing 77 on this day. Is is coincidence Flt 77 hit the 77ft tall Pentagon on the 77th Meridian? Or that Lamech’s revenge in scripture is 77 fold. Or that Aleister Crowley titled his book on Thelemic Magick “Liber 77”? It’s also called “Book of the Goat”; Crowley’s illegitimate maternal grandson George Bush Jr was reading “My Pet Goat” on 9/11 for this reason.
7/24 “Mormon Pioneer Day” is the Eve of St James Day; remember Romney and Huntsman have the Red Scallop on their Coat of Arms.
7/25 is St James Day Eve, where James, the elder brother of John the Evangelist was given a supernatural myth involving Red Scallop Shells. Notice on the Pratt (Romney matriarchal line) and Huntsman Coat of Arms is the Red Scallop Cockel Shell prevalent in Catholic Cathedrals for dispensing Holy Water.
7/27 begins the London Olympics on Av 9.
July 20-27 is called the Grand Climax in Satanism; it’s why the Colorado shooting took place at its beginning and why the 2012 Olympics will begin at its ending. 40 years in the wilderness was punishment for Israel in 1492 BC after rejecting the 12 spies report of Canaan; Columbus’ voyage to establish New Jerusalem was in 1492 AD on the same day. The destruction of Solomon’s Temple; the destruction of Herod’s Temple and the Bar Kochba Revolt and dedication of the Temple to Zeus were all on the same day Crusader George Bush Sr began the War in Iraq, now 21 years old. Isn’t is a bit odd everyone 21 and over died in the wilderness for rejecting God?
How long will you continue to reject God’s call? With all the signs the Dark Knight is Rising, time is quite likely getting very short. Why not head for your Prayer Closet and ask Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Saviour? The Joker may be a Trump Card, but Jesus beats him every time.