Jan 7th Update
CIA Director John Brennan “Crotch Bomber Farouk Abdul Mutallib was never meant to be a threat to the US” Good news John, the Full Body Millimeter Wave Strip Search Scanners at every airport are also unnecessary and the coincidence with Abdul Mutallib as Muhammad’s Uncle must also be a coincidence. What? Thought we wouldn’t notice?
8 is the number of Eternity, Perfection, New Cosmic Order aka New World Order , New Life and the manifestation of the Cosmic Christ aka World Teacher “Maitreya”. Aleister Crowley said #77 representes the “Ultimate manifestation of Spirit in Matter”; Day # 77 is 3/18/2014, the 700th anniversary of the execution of Jacques de Molay, a very big deal for Templars aka International Bankers. 8 years ago 330 Freemason, Israeli (Israel’s flag is the Star of Molech/Lucifer) PM and 330 Luciferian Mason Ariel Sharon suffered a massive cerebral hemorrhage and entered a coma while his physical body was kept on life support. Why? Mizrahi (Mizraim descends from Ham not Shem; they are not Jewish let alone Semitic, rather they are Oriental Lodge ie Rising Sun Initiates), Talmudic, Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzhak Kiduri claimed to have spoken with the Messiah (Jesus said “Call no man on earth Rabbi, so it wasn’t Him. Ref Mat 23:10) and told “When Ariel Sharon dies, the LORD will return”. Sharon is on death’s door this “Feast of Epiphany” as Luciferian leaders from Palestine, Israel, Jordan, US and Arabia meet for “Peace”. John Kerry thanked King Abdullah for his “Enthusiastic support at Peace efforts”; such as Mol Comfort splitting in half with 50,000 tons of weapons destined for al-Qaeda mercenaries in Syria just before arriving in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia right traitor John? Coincidence? Not on your eternal life! There is no 7 yr Tribulation or 7yr “Peace Treaty” with Israel folks. The Peace Sign is the Death Rune. The Messiah is Lucifer aka “Solis Invictus” whom Jesus said would come in his own name and be accepted is the “Man of Peace”. (Ref Jn 5:43)
Janus (January) is the 2-Faced god of “Change”; the “Change” 320 Prince Hall Mason Barack Obama promised would come to America. “Yes We Can” means “Thank You Satan”. Sovereign (Sovereign means “Above the Laws of all Nations”) Military Order of Malta aka Knight of St John of Jerusalem, Jesuit, 330 Luciferian Freemason (Sovereign Worshipful Grand Master) John Kerry (nee Samaritan Kohen) brokering Palestinian Peace with 330 Mason, Ashkenazi fake Jew Benjamin Netanyahu, Grand Orient Lodge (Rising Sun) Mason, Edomite King Abdullah II, 330 Mason Mahmoud Abbas and Wahhabist dictator King Abdullah (Abd=Servant; ullah=Allah=Sin. Bahai “Bab” and “Baha’u’llah”=False Prophet and Antichrist) culminating on “Feast of Epiphany”. What feast? The “Feast of the Red Dragon” (Rev 12:1). Epiphany means “Manifestation or striking appearance” of Jesus? No way, of Marduk (Son of pure origin) aka Mithras “Solis Invicti” aka Satan. The Peace Accord is being called “Fair and Balanced”, the exact mantra used by Knight of Malta Rupert Murdoch (Merodach=Molech=Satan) for FOX (F=6; O=15=6; X=24=6). Jesus called the Edomite King Herod “That Fox” for trying to kill Him. FOX initiate Bill O’Reilly’s Christ Mass book Killing Jesus tells us who the Sacrificial Mass is for. The major players are gathering for the Feast at the Hotel California (Synagogue of Satan)! Stephen (Crown) King wrote Children of the Corn GM corn planted all over the world by Kofi Annan (Oil 4 Food Swindler/ UN Sec Gen) Bill Gates, and the Rockefeller Foundation causes male sterility; Chronos like the corn god Baal killed his children before they were born!
Not in covenant with Jesus Christ yet? You need to be, the last 3 1/2 years of “Great Tribulation” are very likely about to begin. Jesus is waiting at the door, but you need to open it!
Pope Benedict XVI; the name says it all. Benedict=Speak well or Bless; Gen 16 Ishmael is born; Rev 16 is God’s Wrath; 16 Cauldrons of Oil lit the 2nd Temple at Festival of Lights; “Hanukkah” means “To Consecrate”; the center Hanukkah candle is Shamash aka Lucifer, it is not Jewish in the slightest. Pope Benedict announced his resignation on the Eve of March (March=Mars is the UNKNOWN GOD of Mars’ Hill in Athens) 2013; as he did, lightning hit St Peter’s Basilica TWICE.
Time is Chaos or Chronos (famous for killing and devouring his own offspring; hence the true meaning of Christ Mass); Time Magazine “Person of the Year” Pope Francis I (Francis means “Free”) was elected 3/13/13; the anniversary of the Muslim Battle of Badr (3/13/624) also fell on 2 Nisan, the day Moses sacrificed the “Red Heifer”; the required preparation for “Consecration”. There are 313 ! in the Authorized Bible; they are not Hallelujahs as New Bibles change them to; all designate “Woes”; the last proclaiming the fall of Babylon. Pope Francis’ Christmas Mass was about the Christ Child being born; Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles; this is the birth of the Alternative Christ “Solis Invicti” aka “Mithra” meant here. His Christmas message was about “Peace”. “Be peacemakers each day…God is Peace…Peace calls for daily commitment”. Christmas means “Sacrifice of the Saviour and consumption of the Host (Body). Satan brings “Peace”; Jesus brings the “Sword”!
Pope Benedict XVI (Benedict=Speak well or Bless; Gen 16 Ishmael is born; Rev 16 is God’s Wrath; 16 Cauldrons of Oil lit the 2nd Temple at Festival of Lights aka Hanukkah; the center candle is Shamash aka Lucifer) announced his resignation on the Eve of March (March=Mars is the UNKNOWN GOD of Mars’ Hill in Athens) 2013; as he did, lightning hit St Peter’s Basilica TWICE. Pope Francis I was elected 3/13/13; the anniversary of the Muslim Battle of Badr (3/13/624) also fell on 2 Nisan, the day Moses sacrificed the “Red Heifer”. There are 313 ! in the Authorized Bible; they are not Hallelujahs as New Bibles change them to; all designate “Woes”; the last proclaiming the fall of Babylon. Pope Francis’ Christmas Mass was about the Christ Child being born; Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles; this is the birth of the Alternative Christ “Solis Invicti” aka “Mithra” meant here. His Christmas message was about “Peace”. “Be peacemakers each day…God is Peace…Peace calls for daily commitment”.
Sheep to Slaughter
Sept 21, 2013 “Michaelmas” is the Persian festival of “Mehregan”; Mehr is Mithra and to this day Sheep are Sacrificed to Mithra by Zoroastrians in Iran during the Day; Why? “As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter” Rom 8:36 and Ps 44:22 Obama celebrated the sheep slaughtering day of Mehregan with a speech at the UN on “Peace and Security”. Mar 20, 2013 on the Vernal Equinox and Persian festival of “Nowruz” (New Year/New Light), Obama gave a speech at the Jerusalem Convention Center; again the theme was “Peace and Security”. At the fake (Mandela died in June) funeral for the murdering Soverieign Military Order of Malta, Nelson Mandela on Dec 5, 2013, Obama once again echoed the theme “Peace and Safety”. Seems we have a Zoroastrian Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes occupying the Office of US President. Barack means Lighting; Lightning Bolts symbolize Mithra; Obama means “He is with us” in Zoroastrian-Medean Farsi. Who is he? Mithra, the deified Sun. In Reverse Speech analysis, Obama repeated over and over, the mantra “Yes We Can” in 2 separate speeches at the Quadriga of Apollo (Mithra) under the Brandenberg Gate in Berlin, Germany. Why? The Throne of Pergamon “Satan’s Seat” is also there! “Yes We Can” means “Thank You Satan”
“For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape” 1 Thess 5:3
A Child is being born alright, but Christmas means Sacrifice of Jesus Christ, not the birth of Jesus Christ!
“And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of 12 stars: And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. And there appeared another wonder in heaven: and behold a great red dragon, having 7 heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads” Rev 12:1-3
The woman is Israel (One who wrestles with God); not physical Israel under the Ensign (Flag) with the Star of Saturn, Molech, Chiun, Chemosh, Milcom and Ashtoreth (ref 1 Ki 11:5; 2 Ki 23:13; Amos 5:26; Acts 7:43) but Spiritual Israel “Born Again Christians”. Amos 7:2-3; 5-6 KJV is clear Jacob is not Israel any longer and shall not “Rise”. In Dan 11:41 we see why the Six Pointed Star is used
“…but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon”
A covenant with Saturn/Mithra in the form of the Six Pointed Star will guard you against the Alternative Messiah, but land you in Hell for Eternity!
“…the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born”
A rehash of the birth of Jesus Christ? NO!
“…the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days” Rev 12:6
This is a description of the 3 1/2 year Great Tribulation.
Mark 13; Luke 21 and Mat 24 all describe the “Beginning of Sorrows”; False Christs, Wars, Rumours of wars, Famines, Pestilences, Earthquakes in Diverse Places and Imprisonment are all part of the last 1260 days as the Beasts from the Sea and Earth are born. Are those days here?
When the Spring Equinox Sunrise passes the boundary of Pisces and enters Aquarius “All Hell will break loose”. The New Moon following Vernal Equinox in 2014 is God’s “New Year”; in 2014 the day is also “April Fool’s Day”. Druid Priests ride into the Congregation dressed as Fools on Hobby Horses to provoke the Lord to anger on April Fool’s Day; Scots call it “Hunt the Gowk Day” where the Cuckoo is the Gowk. Cuckoos are known as “Blood Parasites” because they lay their eggs in others nests; Easter Eggs are a good example of Cuckoo “Leaven”.
April Fool
The oldest April Fool tradition comes from Iran where the day is celebrated on the 13th (13 is the number of Rebellion to God) day of Nowruz “New Light”; Medean Magi began this blasphemy in 536 BC of God right after Belshazzar saw the “Writing on the Wall and Babylon was destroyed in 539 BC. America will soon suffer the same fate because Medean Magi are today’s false Christian Priests teaching the same pagan traditions. April is “Month of Venus” where Venus is Aphrodite and Ishtar (Easter), merely names for Lucifer. There a few reasons to believe the “Great Tribulation” might begin on April Fool’s Day 2014. Folks, the Writing is on the Wall; just ask Jesus to read it for you!
The Age of Aquarius will begin according to God’s Clock and Chaldean Astrologers are well aware of it. The Flood created mountains and valleys which in caused the Earth’s Axis to wobble and the Vernal point to “Precess” (move backward) against the fixed backdrop of Stars. Peter, the “Fisherman” and foundation of Papal Authority will be at an end; April Fool’s Day is also called April Fish Day! The “Strong Delusion” (2 Thess 2:11) will come upon the Earth and the Lamb’s “Book of Life” will be “Sealed” (ref Rev 7:3-9) at the start of the Great Trubulation. If you are not in covenant with Jesus Christ, perhaps by April Fool’s Day 2014, it will be too late to do so. Aquarius is the Age of enlightenment and personal freedom from God; a formal rejection of God and the Truth in the form of the “Mark of the Beast” that heralds the beginning of the last 3 1/2 year “Great Tribulation”.
When does Aquarius begin? By reckoning each astrological house to 30° of the Zodiac, Regulus, the head of Leo, entered Virgo at Fall Equinox in 2012; the border between Pisces and Aquarius is 150° west of Regulus. The Pale Horse “Death” release was timed with the Sun rising through the X formed by the Zodiac and Milky Way on the 2012 Solstice. Just in case the Mark of the Beast arrives with the Spring Equinox Sunrise in Aquarius in 2014, it would be wise to be in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ by then.
God sets “Signs of the Times” in the sky; ones to take note of are: The Lunar Eclipses on Passover April 15, 2014; Tabernacles Oct 8, 2014; Passover Aril 4, 2015 and Tabernacles Sept 28, 2015. Combined with Solar Eclipses on 1 Nisan Mar 20 (Mar 20 is Nowruz), 2015 and Trumpets Sept 13, 2015; the odds of this being by chance are Nil. The modern Jewish Religion is not Jewish in any sense; it is Babylonian and therefore backwards; for Rabbis, Rosh Hashanah (Trumpets) is the New Year and God’s New Year on 1 Abib/Nisan is opposite this date on the calendar. I strongly advise not waiting to see what happens; the time to establish a personal covenant with Jesus Christ is now!
Medeans call the Spring Equinox “Nowruz” (New Light); Babylonians call it “Akito”. In 2014, the Babylonian and Hebrew “New Year” coincides with “April Fool’s Day”. Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and April Fool are Blasphemous mockeries of God; God has written an “Expiration Date” for that sort of Blasphemy, and it’s getting close!
On Christmas Eve, Santa delivered the first wave of Fukushima Radiation to the California Coast; 17X normal background radiation from the Pacific “Peace” Ocean. The situation will not improve
Fukushima is not the only orchestrated disaster of biblical proportions; Deep Water Horizon has continued spewing Methane through a 22in orifice at 100,000 PSI unabated 3 years, destroying the Thermohaline Ocean Conveyor and inundating and collapsing the Salt Domes underlying the New Madrid Fault. One pre-planned EM Earthquake with FEMA and DHS in charge of the evacuation and permanent Martial Law will arrive. NDAA 2014 even puts the US Military under the command of these traitorous agencies. The UN is involved with Agenda 21 a depopulation agenda because the Elite wants the multi-Trillion BBls of oil sitting under pressure there. Senior Officers not willing to turn over Military and National Guard Command to DHS are being summarily fired. Check out the NOAA and FEMA Disaster Planning maps showing the New Madrid Fault underwater and you will know why. Watch the movie Knowing and you will see Deep Water Horizon was planned in advance.
Among much else, 9 Av is the date the 1st and 2nd Temples were destroyed; the 3rd Temples of God are Born Again Christians. On 9 Av, 1492 Sephardics (Jews of the Spanish Rite are not Jewish, they descend from Joktanite Arabs; ref Gen 10:29-30) were ejected from the Iberian Peninsula; they made Monterrey the capital of the Spain’s Pacific Empire. Radiation from the “Land of the Rising Sun” hitting Monterrey on the birth of Mithra is pretty coincidental isn’t it? The HQ of AMORC (Rosicrucians in America) is there as well; so is the HQ of Soviet Dictator Mikhail Gorbachev’s “Green Cross International”. Still think God is not involved in human affairs? The Green Cross represents Green Man aka Bacchus or Dionysus. 700 years ago Cathar Perfecti predicted “In 700 years, the Laurel would grow green again” The Laurel is the Crown of Bacchus aka Satan.
Chlorophyll uses Sunlight, Human and Animal waste to make plants “Green”; just like the pre-flood world. Chlorophyll has 137 atoms; pretty coincidental man-made Cesium 137 is destroying the Pacific Ocean isn’t it? 137 is the so-called DNA of Light and 33rd Prime Number, but that’s just coincidence. NOT! Is it also coincidence that Project 911 on Site 911 near “Beit Shemash” (House of the Sun) will be completed by 9 Av, 2014; a radiation hardened bunker with the Mezuzah over every door “The LORD our God is One” Deut 6:4 Close but no cigar; the correct wording is “The LORD our God in one LORD” Jesus is that LORD! Read Deut 6:5 and you will see the words Jesus spoke as the first of 2 New Covenant Commandments “Love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might”. Compare Deut 6:5 and Mat 22:37 and you will see why Jesus was feared so greatly.
Belshazzar, “King of the Chaldeans” celebrated the New Year Babylonian Feast of Akitu with 1000 of his noblemen and concubines on 1 Nisan for the gods of Gold, Silver, Brass, Iron, Wood and Stone. What caused God to divide his kingdom and kill him was being mocked! Belshazzar ordered the Gold and Silver vessels used for oblations to God, that his grandfather Nebuchadnezzar had taken from Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem be used to drink the Wine; a Bacchanalia fit for a King! The New Moon provided the perfect cover for Medes and Persians to slip in undetected that night as God wrote MENE, MENE, TEKEL UPHARSIM on the Wall. The Chaldean Magi escaped that night and became the Priests of the Medeans and Persians during the Achaemenid Empire as Medean Magi. Pretty coincidental the Medes and Persians (Iran) are at the gates again isn’t it?
America the Scapegoat
The plan? America will be set up as the Scapegoat for Rev 18 “Babylon”; the Roman Catholic Church will be set up as the Scapegoat for Rev 17 “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…” America falls and is “Divided” and “Weighed in the Balances”; the UN assumes control of its vast Military and its enormous $1Quadrillion Derivatives based Debt is written off in a worldwide “Jubilee” by an “Alternative Messiah”. Good plan eh? Falling for this Advent of Lucifer will land you in Hell for eternity!
“But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise…all should come to repentance” 2 Pet 3:8-9
Jesus promised, and will return when Creation is 6000 years old. Everyone in front of Him will die that day; Luciferians know this. Here is their calendar for presenting Lucifer as Alternative Messiah.
1656 years from Creation to Flood + 2160 years Aries to Pisces + 2160 years Pisces to Aquarius + 21 years for Sargon the Great to be declared “Legitimate King”.
There are a few reasons why the “Age of Aquarius” may be “Dawning”. Christmas is the annual re-birth of Mithra “Solis Invicti” not Jesus Christ. Just a guess, but 1 Nisan “April Fool’s Day” 2014 may be the last opportunity to worship God the way He intended!
Biblically, 21 is the Age of Accountability, Sargon the Great could not have been declared “Legitimate” until that age. Added 1656 + 2160 + 2160 +21=5996 years. Jesus Christ will return when Creation is 6000 years old to the second. Jesus is Alpha and Omega, the Word in the Beginning and End. If Creation occurred on the same Holy Day as the birth of Jesus Christ “Feast of Tabernacles”, the Great Tribulation would likely begin opposite the calendar near Passover 3 1/2 years before the 2nd Coming. Pretty coincidental all this lines up with April Fool’s Day 2014 eh?
700 years ago, the Roman Catholic (Universal) Church issued “Licet Pridem” giving Sovereignty to the Knights of Malta; this date was the date Medes and Persians call Nowruz “New Light” and the Babylonians “Akitu” on 1 Nisannu (Nisan). In 2014, 1 Nisan aligns with April Fool’s Day; to Luciferians, Jesus is the April Fool! The Rooster (Cock) is the symbol of Nergal (Mars) the pagan god of War. The Rooster heralds the birth of the Sun; Mithra; the Covenant with the Sun is called Saturnalia or Christmas. If Nowruz and Akitu are times of Sowing, Saturnalia is the time of Reaping. Saturn is Chronos, the “Grim Reaper”.
“Because the LORD hath sworn that the LORD will have war with Amalek from generation to generation” Ex 17:16
Amalekites (Melek, Moloch, Marduk, Martu, Milcom etc are all Satan represented by the Six Pointed Star) were the Hyksos “Foreign Shepherd Kings” and Priests of On (Heliopolis) in Egypt aka Theraputae, Order of Perfectibillists, Society of Ormus or today’s Hospitallers, setting the stage for WWIII. On is Orion and Osiris, born annually as Solis Invicti aka Mithra at Christmas.
Generation does not refer to the average age between one’s parents and children; this “Generation” is the Generation created by Jesus Christ at Pentecost following the Crucifixion through the Holy Ghost. To see the kingdom of heaven, one must be “Born Again” of this Holy Spirit. This “Generation” will come to an end with the “Strong Delusion”; sent by God to a corrupt world at the start of the “Great Tribulation”.
The UN Planetary Initiative states “Nobody will enter the New (Golden) Age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation” This Initiation is Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, the formal rejection of Jesus Christ as God in Flesh, the Word made Flesh and Holy Ghost made by such innocuous saying as the Shahada “There is no god but Allah” (Allah is the Akkadian moon god Sin) or Mezuzah “The LORD our God is One”. It is no coincidence a Unification Church “Moonie” disciple of Sun Myung Moon, Ban Ki-Moon is the UN Secretary General. Allah is the Moon! Ever wonder why Muslim Clerics always write in defense of Christmas celebrations? You should.
The Holy Ghost descended as a Dove which is why Amalekites (Samaritans) posing as leaders in all the world’s religions used the Dove as their symbol for the Age of Aquarius. A return to the Golden Age of Saturn in the pre-Flood age when “The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth…behold I will destroy them with the earth” Gen 6:11-13 Amalekites will duplicate the acts of God seen in the Flood, Exodus and Sodom and Gomorrah because they believe they are Gods. “Revenge is a dish best served cold” and the gloves are about to come off!
11 is the number of the Alternative Messiah “Lucifer”, seen in the description of the world’s first Luciferian Initiation “Tower of Babel” in Gen 11 and the culmination of this Tower in Rev 11; the 11th sign “Aquarius” conceals a world full of corruption and violence; a “New World Order” where Lucifer is offers “Freedom from God”; an “Order out of Chaos” seen in the motto of the “Sovereign” 33rd degree of Free Masonry; the Luciferian motto. “Do what thou wilt” is Aleister Crowley’s Thelemite Commandment; a world without intervention from God or His Laws.
Dialectic: Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis
The Benediction Sign or Mudra used by New World Order Priests is seen in “Annuit Coeptus” (He/Satan approves of our endeavor); it illustrates Zoroastrian or Gnostic Duality of Light versus Dark. Dialectic is the presenting and controlling of both sides; a Thesis and Anti-thesis, for the purpose of a Synthesis called the “New World Order” similar to the pre-flood world.
ENDA 2013 passed the US Senate in November providing legal protection for Voyeurism, Exhibitionism and Fetishes of all kinds such as Cross Dressing. Opposition will predictably come from families who will not tolerate their children from sharing locker rooms under these conditions.
To begin Saturnalia (Dec 17) Utah Judge Robert Shelby struck down State’s Laws opposing Sodomite Marriage; a flood of Homosexual Marriages is currently underway.
Vladimir Putin chose the day to pass laws prohibiting Homosexual Propaganda; simultaneously, a biography was just released claiming Putin is a Homosexual. Barack Obama, a long time member of “Man’s Country” a Gay Men’s Bath House in Chicago chose the day to announce he will not attend the Sochi Olympics in Russia this February, sending in his stead a Homosexual contingent. Well scripted isn’t it?
Duck Dynasty and the Homosexual Controversy
A well planned and scripted Sodomite Dialectic to Conventional Biblical Marriage on Duck Dynasty between fake Christian Phil Robertson and Sodomite, Homoerotic Film Star and Duck Dynasty founder Scott Gurney will bring the discussion of Sodomy front and center. Should Christians acquiesce to homosexuality or stay out of the discussion? God sure didn’t:
- Genesis 13:13
- Genesis 13:19
- Leviticus 18:22
- Leviticus 20:13
- Judges 19:16
- 1 Kings 14:24
- Romans 1
- 1 Corinthians 6:9
- 1 Timothy 1:8
- Jude 7
A return to the days of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah is underway. America will be declared a resurrected “Sodom and Gomorrah” and will be destroyed by Fire. The New World Order will rise as a Phoenix from our ashes as the New Atlantis envisioned by Rosicrucian, 33° Mason Sir Francis Bacon in his book “New Atlantis”. Bacon and “Swine Flu”? Cute eh? God condemns this behavior and Christians must take a stand against it. How? Just say “No”. When your Church says it’s alright “Leave”.
Tower of Babel and “Babylon” is Initiated Witchcraft
Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Quintessence or Aether are the 5 elements of the Pentacle in Witchcraft. The inverted 5pt Star Baphomet stems from Baph-Metis “Union with Knowledge”, the Sabbath Goat “Azazel” is an acronym “God Of All Things” and its Mirror Image “The Ark Of God”. The band 5th Dimension was used to sing the “Dawning of the Age of Aquarius”, stating Aquarius would “Dawn” when “The moon is in the 7th House and Jupiter aligns with Mars. Then Peace will guide the planets and Love will steer the Stars”.
7th House: Many astrologers reckon the Dawn of Aquarius to the imaginary point 150° west of Regulus, the Regal Star of Leo as Regulus enters Virgo at Fall Equinox. September means 7th Month or 7th House; thus the Moon in the 7th House may have been referred to here. The Sphinx (Bind or Encircle) was made for just that calculation. I don’t mean to offend here, but Sodomy is referred to as Satan’s Sex, penetration of either male of female Sphincter. The Sphinx binds Virgo (Celestial Virgin) to the Lion King. Folks, this Lion is not the Lion of Judah, Jesus Christ!
Jupiter “King Star” is Zeus; Capitol means Womb of Zeus/Jupiter and Congress which meets in the Capitol is derived from Congredi “To meet for War”. In myth, Zeus abducted Ganymede under the guise of Pederastic (Platonic) Love; Mars is the Roman god of War. The Federal Triangle formed by the White House, Washington Monument and Capitol represents Virgo. Virgo was also used as a stylized M for the Society of Ormus aka Theraputae of Alexandria, Egypt. Orm means Snake; the Leontocephalus, a snake wrapped Man-Lion symbolizes Mithra, today celebrated as Christmas. As Ismailis, they control the Persian Gulf from Egypt to the Straits of Hormuz (Horus and Tammuz). Make sense why the US Government is so cozy with Ismaili Dictatorships now? Nergal, the Rooster Idol of Nowruz was brought to Israel by Cuthites (Medeans of Babylon; ref 2 Kings 17:30), the Rooster Idol heralding the “Dawn”. Make sense yet?
The Peace Sign is called the “Broken Jew” referring to the Crucifixion, and the “Witch’s Foot”. The Witchraft Initiation where Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost occurs requires the Initiate to turn the Cross upside down and break the Cross Bar into the Peace Sign. Jesus does not come in Peace; He brings a Sword!
All you need is Love?
Love: Ever heard the saying “God is Love”? How about the Beatles “All you need is love?” John Lennon’s “Imagine” was written about the days we are in. “All the people living life in Peace” are Satanists who have accepted a Luciferian Initiation. Sgt. Pepper? Aleister Crowley. Yellow Submarine? the Sun. Well, remember also that God is Wrath as well! The first Commandment of the New Covenant is “Love God”; Easter Bunnies and Eggs, Santa Claus, Christmas Trees and Lights are definitely not what God has in mind here!
Can you see the Writing on the Wall yet? How about the WalMart? WalMart has installed RFID Chip Scanners mandated under ObamaCare. The supposedly no-cost vision checking devices have quietly been storing Retina Scans of everyone using them. Getting precariously close to a bona fide “Mark of the Beast” it seems!
On Christmas Eve, Obama tried to sign up for ObamaCare “Bronze” Plan as a symbolic gesture before the deadline; his medical bills are paid by taxpayers through the military as Commander in Chief, so this was symbolic. Equally symbolic is the inability of HeathCare.gov to verify him as a US Citizen eligible for ObamaCare. Almost comical isn’t it? Hawaii was never legally annexed as a US State and Obama has yet to offer proof he is a US Citizen. He did however arm the Sinaloa Mexican Drug Cartel in “Operation Gun Runner” and arm al-Qaeda mercenaries at Benghazi.
“Writing on the Wall”
The website www.One-heaven.org/ (plus seven other sites just like it) declares the Pale Horse “Death” (capitalized it means Spiritual Death and Hell follows this type of Death) was released 12/21/2012. You can accept your 18 digit (3 groups of 6) membership number and Luciferian Initiation online! Imagine that; one keystroke away from an Eternity in Hell! Confucius said “The world is ruled by symbols, not words nor laws”. On that date the Chi-Rho (Hexagram of Saturn) formed as the Sun rose through the X (Chi=Christ=Messiah; Jesus? Heaven’s no!) made by the Ecliptic and band of the Milky Way. Take a look at the Arch above the single lane road on this site; a Luciferian Initiation is required to pass that point.
Pisces occupies more than 300 of the Zodiac prompting some innovative but false “Private Interpretations” of “70 Weeks” in Dan 9:24-27. Folks, the Age of Grace is definitely not “Open Ended”, nor does it contain a 7 yr Tribulation beginning with a Peace Treaty in Jerusalem. It is the last 490 days of the Great Tribulation with the last week being the “Covenant with Many”. Jesus returns to destroy all of it!
Aquarius is the sign God put in place with the Flood to indicate the start of the Great Tribulation. Some astrologers reckon Aquarius began in 2012, when Alpha Leo “Regulus” entered Virgo at Fall Equinox. This may be indicated in the song “Age of Aquarius” by “Moon in the 7th House” The border of Pisces and Aquarius was computed as 150° west of Regulus. Stone monuments and Pyramids from Central America and Mexico to Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid of Egypt and Sphinx were all built to track this event.
Saint Malachy the Myth
The Prophecy of St. Malachy declares Rome will burn when Peter the Roman, Pope #112 from Celestine II is elected; Pope Benedict was #111 and resigned on cue Feb 28, 2013; on that date, the Eve of March (Mars aka Nergal is the UNKNOWON GOD ignorantly worshipped on Mars’ Hill “Areopagus” in Athens) lightning hit St. Peter’s Basilica TWICE. There was no person St. Malachy; he is none other than Moloch. Remember, Jesus told Peter He would build His church on this rock and the gates of Hell would not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18). This was not Peter (Small Stone); it was the Divinity of Jesus Christ as God in Flesh!
Pope Francis (Francis means Free) is an Operation Condor operative, a murdering Jesuit Vicar of Jupiter (no coincidence the movie “Jupiter Rising” is due for release Summer of 2014) who wears the Kippah. The Yarmulke, Kippah and Zuchetti are Caps of Cybele, worn to replace the Temple Veil Jesus tore down at the Crucifixon. He also wears the Mitre (Mithra=Mitre) of Dagan, the Philistine god. He wears Red Edomite slippers which others kiss as a sign of agreement with Edomite Dominion. Francis has sworn Jesuit Oaths to kill Christians in every corner of the Earth including babies by tearing them from their mother’s wombs and swinging their heads against the rocks. Don’t believe this?
Jesuits and Knights of Malta are not Catholic; they are a Satanic Order currently in charge of many nations Governments, Courts, Clergy and Militaries eg John Roberts, Antonin Scalia and Sam Alito, John Boehner, Martin Dempsey, John Kerry, Chuck Hagel, Joe Biden or soon to be Saint Nelson Mandela. “He who kills with the sword must be killed by the sword” These men know what Jesus said and send Christians to their physical and perhaps spiritual deaths willingly. “Soldiers are dumb stupid animals to be used as cannon fodder in our wars” Knight of Malta, Luciferian Mason Henry Kissinger.
Swinging unborn babies heads against the rocks has earned the 77yr old Pope Francis I “Rock Star” status and the prestige of being Time Magazine “Person of the Year”. Time=Saturn=Satan, the “Grim Reaper” and Pope Francis I was born Dec 17, 1936. Dec 17 is the start of Saturnalia; 1+9+3+6=19; Is all this just coincidence? Jesus returns in Rev 19? Francis may very well hand the keys of St Peter to the Beast of Revelation. Pope Francis turned 77 on Saturnalia 2013. Aleister Crowley wrote Liber 77: Book of the Goat calling the number 77 the “Sublime Septenary” and Ultimate “Magical manifestation of Spirit through Matter”. Again, is all this just coincidence or unmistakable proof God’s hand is all over the affairs of men?
“In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again” Cathar Prophecy. Using a false “Vox in Excelso” (Voice from on High) on 1/13/1313, the King of France Phillip IV and Pope Clement V illegally confiscated Templar (International Bankers and Military) wealth and made a new Concordat with the Knights of Malta called “Licet Pridem”. The Pope sits on the Chair of St Peter above the Shahada “There is no god but Allah”; there is no “Voice from on High” other than Satan speaking to the Pope!
The Sovereign Military Order of Cyprus, Malta and Rhodes aka Hospitallers or Knights of St John of Jerusalem have been granted immunity from all national laws; the ultimate in Diplomatic Immunity. Free from the Laws of Man and Free of God; sounds great, right up until the 2nd Coming! Catharsis means “Discharge of pent up emotion”. The “Council of Vienne” ended March 20, 1313 and the execution of the last Knights Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay was 3/18/1314. Do the Math and check out the list of Knights of Malta who know their role quite well
Is this just a Catholic and Jesuit conspiracy? Knight of Malta Pat Robertson and his “700 Club” answers that. It is a worldwide conspiracy to dethrone God in favor of Satan!
11Q13 Prince Melchisedek Scroll After 10 Jubilees, the Trumpet blast will herald the coming Melchisedek. Mormons falsely claim the Melchisedek Priesthood, believing Jesus ended His earthly ministry at the Crucifixion. Wrong! Jesus is Melchisedek! The Author of the Covenant with Abraham (Gen 14:18) is also the Authority behind the Kingship of David (Ps 110) and the source of the New Covenant (Heb 7). This Melchisedek (King of Jerusalem and Priest of the Most High) will be an Alternative Messiah Akkadians called Marduk and Babylonians called Molech.
10 Jubilees=500 years from what? Black Nobility Pope Lorenzo the Magnificent aka Leo X, in 1513 bankrupted the Vatican Bank. Michaelangelo then painted the new Sistine Chapel with a crack separating Man from God for a reason. Christmas 2013 makes 10 Jubilees.
Hopi “Great Purification” Prophecy States the 5th age (Blavatsky called this the 5th Root Race) will begin with the arrival of Blue Star; Disease, Great Dying, Earthquakes and the World rocking to and fro. MERS CoV and H1N1 “Swine Flu” breaking out in Houston with a 50% mortality rate should be cause for concern.
Prophecy Rock in AZ states “When Blue Star comes Red Kachina will remove his mask in the plaza before the Uninitiated”. At that time White Brother “Pahana” will be revealed. White Brother is Lucifer and the reason why western (Occident) Christianity portrays Jesus as White. Aztlan is the land of the ancient Aztec Empire; both mean “To make White”. Accept “White Brother” and like the Mayans it will be your biggest mistake!
Nostradamus predicted “Last Pope will flee Rome in December when there ar 2 Suns in the sky to usher in Judgment Day” Comet ISON apparently disintegrated at Perihelion, during Hanukkah, but was scheduled to make it’s closest approach to Earth on Christmas Day 2013. Par for the Nostradamus course I suppose.
C Alan Martin published a vision in 1971 predicting the last US President would be #12 from Harry Truman; Obama means “He is with us” in Farsi (Zoroastrian Persian; language of Mithraism) is #12.
Condor and Eagle Prophecy says 500 years after Columbus discovered America, and nearly wiped out the Condor people (Heart, Intuitiion, Mystical), a merging with the Eagle people (Brain, Rational , Material) will herald the New Age. Jesus says “where the carcase is, Eagles will gather”. Seen any Eagles on US Government or Currency lately? Pope Francis I is an “Operation Condor” operative. 500 years after 1492 marked the start of the Gulf Wars and they have never stopped!
Feel like a Sheep being led to Slaughter? Jesus set it up that way. He is the only escape!
“For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter” Ps 44:22.
Problably coincidence the US has President #44 and scripture ends with Chap 22 eh?
Obama will sign NDAA 2014 allowing the US Military to arrest and detain anyone his Nat Intelligence Adviser James Clapper deems a threat. They will use NSA collected information taken without our consent to incarcerate US Citizens in Civilian Inmate Detention Facilities, paid for with tax dollars in Operation Garden Plot, set up initially by Knight of Malta, Operation Phoenix assassin and Iran-Contra Drug Dealer, Rev Oliver North; Cain was the first Murderer and Gardener right Ollie? They will work along side Russian soldiers; that’s right Russian soldiers, trained at Ft Carson CO by NORTHCOM. James Clapper stated he was aware Iran-Contra WMD’s provided to 33° Grand Orient Lodge Mason Saddam Hussein were transferred to Hafez al-Assad in Syria. Mol Comfort, a Russian cargo ship with 5000 shipping containers full of Russian weapons, sank enroute to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia where Jesuit Knight of Malta John Kerry awaited delivery with al-Qaeda mercenaries trained in Benghazi; Syrian “Rebels” financed by the US and Russia are decapitating Christian heads by the thousands in Syria this Christmas. Nour M, a Turkish cargo ship was intercepted in Greece with 20,000 Kalashnikov Rifles bound for Syrian Rebels; didn’t hear much about that eh?
Putin and Obama are simply 2 Initiated Satanic Pawns in a Dialectic War for our Souls. They are no more Enemies than Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev. Our choice is the Narrow or Wide Streets; the Narrow one leads to Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ. Choose wisely!
Vaccines spread Flu; the 1918 Spanish Flu was delivered by a concoction of pathogens in Vaccines. The current Vaccine program just began in December 2013.
Right now N1N1 is a Pandemic meaning Widespread; but not an Epidemic although those numbers could change quickly. In CA particularly, some 45 people around SF, Fresno etc have died. Same or greater numbers in MI and TX
One thing to keep in mind is Plagues are man-made creations usually by Jesuits. Cowpox affects Cows like Bird Flu affects Birds and Swine Flu affects Swine; Jesuit quack Edward Jenner merely changed the name from Cowpox to Smallpox and began an epidemic with injections called Vaccines. Glaxo-Smith-Kline and Baxter have already been exposed as delivering tainted Vaccines
Is this plague a Dud, or are they being nice and holding back ? Or is the news under reporting ?
George Gao (China CDC) is Margaret Chan’s (WHO) counterpart in China; he says Avian Flu is now capable of human to human aerosol transmission.
Ron Fouchier who engineered the virus said “Human to Human aerosol transmission of even a moderately fatal virus would become a plague of un-imaginable proportions”
The rendering Hebrew to English is Israel, however Amos states clearly in 5:26 Israel lost its right to be called by that name due to worship of the Star of Molech and Chiun, the Six Pointed Star,
Later in 7:2-3; 5-6 Amos is informed that Jacob shall no more rise.
Israel means “One who wrestles with God” and modern Israel certainly does not; they are fully given over to the Devil (leadership that is), not Semitic or Jewish in the slightest.
Isis means “Throne”; El is the Phoenician Creator and Ra the Egyptian version; they were created names corresponding to Israel in order to attract followers.; which worked well in Dan with the Golden Calf Idols at Dan and Bethel where Phoenicians and Israel first merged
Hope I am not repeating myself . But I believe Israel is not correctly translated by the scribes ! IsRaEl..
Is = Isis Ra= Sun God-Amen Ra. El= Devil !
Sorry not sure about correct spelling believe Israel should be Yahsharal, Covenant people of Yahuah.
Your thoughts?
That’s another reason not to call on Yesuah ! Yesuah if you look up the Hebrew meaning means Ye = He.
Shua = Desolate/Wicked/Evil and Vain !! One reason I do not call on that name! YahUsha is proper name ! Yah = creator. U = is. Sha=Salvation in Hebrew. Thus YahUsha = Yah is salvation. YahUsha said he would come in his fathers Name. The rabi probably did get a visit from yesuah the adversary !
Well said Karl!
Jesus said never call any man Rabbi; Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri claimed tKesus visited him in a dream and told him the name of the Messiah would be Yeshua; Hebrew for Joshua. WWIII is on the doorstep..
“When Ariel Sharon dies the Lord will return” Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri in 2006
Ariel Sharon was declared dead today Saturday Jan 11
Green Revolution; Green Zone; Green Man whose Bride is the Lady of Freedom and Statue of Liberty facing the Rising Sun with her back to the Nation; Sounds like Eze 8 because it is
So right Travis, the Winged Solar Disc symbolizes Asshur (Assur) the SEmitic 2nd Son of Shem who founded Nineveh. It symbolizes the coming false Messiah
The US put Shah Reza Pahlavi in during Operation Ajax and later put in Grand Orient Lodge masons and Ismaili Assassins Ayathollah Khemeini in the Green Revolution; al-Sistani in Iraq in 2003 and al-Khameni in Iran.
The US is in fact modern day Assyria with its HQ in Chicago; the Assyrian Church of the East is Lucifer’s Church aka Synagogue of Satan.
Faravahar is one of the best-known symbols of Zoroastrianism, the state religion of ancient Iran. The Faravahar-symbol was influenced by the Assyrians. This religious-cultural symbol was adapted by the Pahlavi dynasty to represent the Iranian nation. …
Prime Factors of 1311=3x19x23. In her first and only interview as Fed chief, the economist says why she thinks the housing market is back on track, companies will invest, and more new jobs are on the way this year. She now has the world’s largest economy in her hands
By Rana Foroohar Monday, Jan. 20, 2014 Hmmmmm
Jesus spoke of His body being raised up on 3 days; notice how this corresponds to the 3 1/2 years of His ministry and 3 days/nights from Even until First Light for the time in the Sepulchre after Passover which equals Feast of First Fruits.
Now compare that to the 3 1/2 year Great Tribulation that begins with the Trumpet Warnings and Temple of the Alternative Messiah.
Starting to make sense yet? We are on the verge of Great Trib and everyone is expecting the Messiah; Wrong one!
The same fake Jews Pharisees and Sadducees asked Jesus “46 years the Temple was in building and you want to raise it up in 3 days?” Notice how the Church of Satan and the Beatles were meticulously timed 46 years ago with the last Jubilee, 6 Day War and Tetrad (4 Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles) and ? The next Tetrad and Jubilee begins on Passover 2014, the day Jesus first overturned the tables of the Money Changers
Meticulous planning eh?
One Jubilee Cycle ago, the Beatles said they were more popular than Jesus and the song “All you need is Love” was released; Love is the buzzword for Gnostic Catharism;
Notice in 1 Cor 13:13 (13 the number of Rebellion to God seen in the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah in Gen 13:13 ) “Charity” is changed to “Love” The words do not have the same meaning. WWIII will be the biggest Love Feast in history on the last Jubilee
. Remember who was prophesied to serve his brother? Esau; Esau’s Dominion is right around the corner as the 3rd Beast of Dan 7:6
QE will crash the $ Janet Yellen and Stan Fisher are Israeli Orthodox fake Jews; Fisher will soon be Vice Chair of the FED is Bank of Israel, CitiGroup, World Bank, IMF; very well connected and taking orders from Netanyahu.
War will follow and S1881 gives (Non Nuc Weapon Iran Act) Netanyahu the green light to bring the US into War with Iran.
Iran=Aryan=Noble Caste; same Nazis today as 80 years ago. Ar=Before; Aryan=Noble, Pure or High Born. Catharism is Pure Aryan. Catharism is the Church of Amor=Love=Agape; this being a Sodomite Love Orgy called Baccanalia or Dionysus Ritual or Liberalia (Liberia is the Iran contra HQ in Costa Rica; cute eh?)
When? “In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again” On 3/18/1314 the last Int Banker Knight Templar Jacques de Molay was executed in Paris; this precedes Passover, the time Jesus turned the tables on the Money Changers. This spring?
Project 911 will be completed at Beit Shemash (House of the Sun) by 9 Av (5 Aug) 2014 and Pope Francis will hold his Extraordinary Synod of Bishops espousing LIberal Catholicism on Feast of Tabernacles.
How much more set up can this get?
The media Fox is touting the bit coin ( Internet global currency ) anyone hav thoughts when the US dollar will die, and what might kill it. hyper inflation would Hirt. Heard Germany hyperinflation caused a loaf of bread to go from normal price all the way up to costing what the price of a house in Just 2 Months ! Not sure how this is possible! But if it is true things could unravel quickly if US dollar follows suit. ( possibly a stock market crash trigger death of dollar? Anyone’s thoughts?
Chemical spill in vest Vergina ! Hundreds of thousands without water. what’s up with that ?
The housing for the Russians is coming right along ! Give them another month and looks like they may have them built ! We need more workers ! Next time Packastani ?
Eze 38-39 concern the end of the Millennium gathering called “Gog and Magog”.
Jesus joins the 2 Sticks Judah and Ephraim into Israel at the second coming as prophesied in Gen 49:10; His name is Shiloh meaning “He whose it is”
. As Amos 5:26; 7:2-3; 5-6 states, the name Israel no longer applies to Jacob since the Star of Molech and Chiun was adopted.
King David is there Eze 37:14 and the Tabernacle Eze 37:27; the 3rd Temple will be completely destroyed as it was twice before for the worship of Tammuz/Satan.
Gog and Magog bring an end to Rebellion forever; this is the “Dominion” described in Dan 7:14.
The “Dominion” described in Dan 7:6 “3rd Beast” is just now coming to fruition and will lead straight into the “Great Tribulation”.
Hope this helps; many Private Interpreters of scripture want us to believe Russia, Turkey, Arabia et all are fulfilling this Gog and Magog prophecy, but that is a Bald Faced Lie covered succinctly in Rev 20:7-8 “After the thousand years Satan shall be loosed…” At the 2nd Coming, Antichrist and False Prophet are the first to be sent into the Lake of Fire and Satan is bound for 1000 years.
Read this until it sinks in, because we are in for some serious deceptions soon, namely a fake Rapture, Aliens and a Peace Treaty in Jerusalem; none of which are part of God’s Word
This is a link for anyone interested in learning the original name of the Father or his son! I got fought in some traps in my early days, because I did not speak Hebrew! Hopefully this can help someone not get snared as I once was !
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKTLKeLxUrM&feature=youtube_gdata_player. Thanks for watching and appreciate your thoughts !
I bumped into this Scripture this afternoon ! Might be worth pondering? I believe at his is still unforfilled prophecy. Your thoughts Ezekiel 39:7 KJV
“So will I make my holy name known in the midst of my people Israel; and I will not let them pollute my holy name any more: and the heathen shall know that I am the Lord, the Holy One in Israel.”. We cannot louse sight that YahUah is the Paulo name for our creator and YahUsha is the Name of his only begotten son! We are commanded not to make his name come to Nothing. If his name is changed by anyone including the Greeks it is Still a sin ! Your thoughts…
11Q13 Prince Melchisedek Scroll says “After 10 Jubilees, the Trumpet blast will herald the coming Melchisedek”. Mormons falsely claim the Melchisedek Priesthood, believing Jesus ended His earthly ministry at the Crucifixion. Wrong! Jesus is Melchisedek! The Author of the Covenant with Abraham (Gen 14:18) is also the Authority behind the Kingship of David (Ps 110) and the source of the New Covenant (Heb 7). This Melchisedek (King of Jerusalem and Priest of the Most High) will be an Alternative Messiah Akkadians called Marduk and Babylonians called Molech.
10 Jubilees=500 years from what? Black Nobility Pope Lorenzo the Magnificent aka Leo X, was installed in 1513; he bankrupted the Vatican Bank paying for his coronation and Michelangelo then painted the new Sistine Chapel with a crack separating Man from God for a reason. The last “Jubilee Year” was 1966, called Anno Satanae or Satan’s “Year One”, the Church of Satan was founded in the so-called “Hotel California” that year; it’s co-founder Gen Michael Aquino is the so-called occult head of the NSA. 1966 is the same year the term “al-Qaeda” was coined by Dervish philosopher Ibn Sayyid Qutb in San Francisco. Based on that, the next Jubilee would begin on Feast of Atonement Sept 23, 2015 and end Oct 11, 2016.
Jan 7, 2014 Update: CIA Director John Brennan “Crotch Bomber Farouk Abdul Mutallib was never meant to be a threat to the US”. A $Trillion worth of Full Body Millimeter Wave Strip Search Scanners at every airport are not a threat? Abdul Mutallib is Muhammad’s Uncle, the originator of Islam; a coincidence?
al-Qaeda “Solid Foundation” is a CIA creation coined from Stanford University professor and Dervish (Note: Whirling Dervish ascends to Heaven as the Solar Christ arrives in My Pet Goat II) philosopher Ibn Sayyid Qutb (Sayyid=descendant of Muhammad; Qutb=World Pillar); al-Qaeda is now called ISIS “Islamic State of Iraq and Levant” where the last S is “al-Sham” the Arab name of the “Fertile Crescent” and Iraq is “Babylon” (Gate of the gods); call is what it is “Islamic State of the Fertile Crescent” is the land God promised to Abraham. Ismailis and Edomites will with 100% certainty obtain “Dominion” as the 3rd Beast in Dan 7:6; what comes next is “Hell on Earth”. According to Marxist Communism (Marx, Engels, Trotsky) “The State is God” ISIS means “Throne”; the lap and breast of ISIS confers the “Divine right to rule” seen in “Black Virgin” statues spread around the world by Templars and Assassins to hide the revealing of the “Alternative Christ”. ISIS hides Edomite “Dominion” (Sovereign Authority to Rule) promised by God to Esau in Gen 27:40KJV. Muslim means “One who submits”; to what? Sharia (Revealed) Law and Noahide (Rabbinical) Law. Do this and Hell for Eternity awaits! The Shahada “There is no God but Allah (Sin)” or the Mezuzah “The LORD our God is One” will do it. Israel uses the Star of Molech; the NSA’s “TAO Unit” hides the Tao as “Cross if Isis” (Ankh) and symbol of Mithras (Bind/Covenant); the Star and Crescent used in Islam represents the goddess of witchcraft Diana/Artemis (The Masonic Supreme House of the Temple in Wash DC is a replica of the Temple of Artemis) and Lucifer “Star of the Morning”.
Russia (ref cargo ships Nour M and Mol Comfort) Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and the US are all arming ISIS! The Ismaili Supreme Ayathollah Ali al-Sistani rules in Iraq’s “Green Zone”; his #2 man Ali Khameini rules in Iran; “Green Man” is Lucifer. War as described in Dan 8 is 100% assured. 26 US Senators proposed S1881 “Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act 2013” giving Ashkenazi fake Jew, Luciferian Mason, Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu sole authority to begin war with Iran! Luciferian Mason Ariel Sharon said “We Jews control America”; no Ariel, Edomites in Talmudic Robes do!
I recieved emails from your addy saying you needed cash and where in Philipines? I wasn’t sure if it was you so I responded and asked that you use my first name – if it was really you, hope everything is okay
It is, I got hacked. How are you Pete?
Hey Howard
I can’t access chat from here. Any chance you are in Mexico right now?
No, I’m at home. How are you doing?
Jan 5, 2014 Update: 8 is the number of eternity, perfection, the new cosmic order , new life and the manifestation of the Cosmic Christ; 8 years ago 330 Freemason, Israeli PM Ariel Sharon suffered a massive cerebral hemorrhage and entered a coma while his physical body was kept on life support. Why? Mizrahi (Mizraim descends from Ham not Shem; they are Oriental Lodge ie Rising Sun Initiates), Talmudic, Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzhak Kiduri claimed to have spoken with the Messiah (Jesus said “Call no man on earth Rabbi, so it wasn’t Him. Ref Mat 23:10) and told “When Ariel Sharon dies, the LORD will return”. Sharon is on death’s door this “Feast of Epiphany” as Luciferian leaders from Palestine, Israel, Jordan, US and Arabia meet for “Peace”. Coincidence? Not on your eternal life! There is no 7 yr Tribulation or 7yr “Peace Treaty” with Israel folks; the Messiah is Lucifer aka “Solis Invictus” whom Jesus said would come in his own name and be accepted. (Ref Jn 5:43)
Another way to see this is the word British; it means B’Rith or Birthright Covenant. This is of Cain, Japheth (Ashkenazi, Gomer, Togarmah etc), Joktan (Arabs), Ishmael (Ismailis control Pakistan to Egypt ie Fertile Crescent and Ormus ie the Persian Gulf). Who is their military? Brits and the US. Then there is Esau=Edom=Red. Red China, Red Star of Russia, the fakes in Israel (ref Obadiah), Red Cross, Red Crescent etc)
There is your choice; Esau obtains “Dominion” over the earth (Gen 27:40KJV) and Jesus cleans up the mess 3 1/2 years later to begin the Millennium.
WE are likely going to die for rejecting the Mark of this Beast because as the UN Planetary Initiation states “NObody enters the New Age without taking a Luciferian Initiation”. Jesus even said “Except those days should be shortened no Flesh would remain” Daniel echoed this by fainting and getting sick (Dan 8) when Jesus told him what will happen.
I do believe we are on the verge of the start of the last 3 1/2 yr Great Trib. We will likely see Earthquakes, Volcanic eruptions (Birth Pains) accelerate as well as radiation, disease (Swine Flu) When a chain reaction of nuclear explosions begins underground from Tritium-Deuterium-MOX Fuel, shock waves will propagate through the earth and in my less than adequate opinion the prophecy of the “Earth shall rock to and fro as a drunkard” in Isaiah will be at hand.
I say get right with Jesus , encourage others to do the same, sit back and watch the greatest Satanic show on earth; the 3rd Act of Chaldean Magick called the “Prestige” Remember Michael Cain showing off Nikola TEsla’s inventions in the movie “The Prestige”? We are about there
Absolutely JC, Alex Jones, Texe Mars, Fritz Springmeier (Bloodlines of the Illumnati) and David Icke, plus their hosts like Jeff Rense, Art Bell, George Noory, Zechariah Sitchin etc are Agents Provacateur without doubt.
In their cases, they promote the Alien Agenda, Nephilim (cross breeds) and Reptilian agendas. THESE ARE ALL SATANIC LIES.
I suppose it is well and good to become aware but unless we realize Jesus Christ, the Word (Authorized Bible) and a personal relationship with Him are the only way to Salvation, it becomes a waste of our valuable time.
Personally, I feel sorry for these people, not scared of them. God is in control and has set all this to the smallest detail up in advance. When Satanists try to accelerate the timeline, God sets it right.
1918 Spanish Flu, Avian and Swine Flu are man-made, vaccine delivered diseases made by the CDC/Ft Detrick as Army Bio-warfare agents.
H1N1 is just now getting to epidemic proportions in the US; ditto with MERS C0V.
Times are no different than with the Black Plague, intentionally delivered via Rats. Bio-warfare has been far more efficient in killing than war.
Alex Jones is a Jesuit hack fully engaged in ushering in the NWO, as are Jeff Rense, George Noory, Art Bell, Nathanael Kapner or Michael Rivero. Anyone who does not teach the bible as it is written is misrepresenting truth; period.
David Icke & Alex Jones: Jesuit Provocateurs?
Not hearing much at all in the main stream News about the H1N1 flue or MERS cov . Found this with Alex propagating Feer or not, Not sure what Alex is trying to do with his Conspiracy Theries besides I rage and scare people defiantly not leading them to salvation ! Link your thoughts? – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89L-gXI7_Ac&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Found this info on YHWH Tetragrammaton is this helpful at all. I believe you are saying Yhvh or wh is not Hebrew? Not exactly sure what Problemb with YhVH. Here they claim YHVH is Hebrew name of creator. I do not aspire to Yahweh or Yesuah Yahshua both names are blasphemous to me! Proper Palio Hebrew, names of father YahUah son messiah YahUsha ! I have researched these names and found them to be accurate from ancient pottery and other Palio scriptures! Your thoughts on the this. Masons using the creators true name Blasphomusly? The name Jah-bul-on is in fact a trinity of names made up from Yahweh – The God of the Hebrews, baal – the Canaanite deity and osiris – the Egyptian god of the underworld.. Coil’s Masonic Encyclopedia (95: 516) and the ‘Masonic Ritual and Monitor (58: 226) admit that “Bul” or “Bel” refers to the Assyrian or Canaanite deity, and that ‘On” refers to the Egyptian deity Osiris. Wagner in his ‘Freemasonry; An interpretation (16:338 -39), reveals the Masonic goal in this pagan trinity..
“In this compound name an attempt is made to show by a co-ordination of divine names..the unity, identity and harmony of the Hebrew, Assyrian and Egyptian god-ideas, and the harmony of the Royal Arch religion with these ancient religions. This Masonic ‘unity of God’ is peculiar. It is the doctrine that the different names of gods as Brahma, Jehovah, Baal, Bel, Om, On, etc., all denote the generative principle, and that all religions are essentially the same in their ideas of the divine”
English Masonry retracts
In 1989 it was announced that JAHBULON would soon be dropped from England’s Royal Arch Ritual. ‘Grand Scribe Ezra’ Higham denied this was in response to recent Christian condemnations. Journalists later visiting Freemason’s Hall overheard chortles that junking JAHBULON had invalidated the book “Inside the Brotherhood’ even before it was published. However on March 4th Clifford Longley (The Times religious affairs correspondent) wrote that by replacing JAHBULON with JHVH – meaning Jahweh, the Jew’s Holy Name for God -Masonry may be falling in ‘deeper waters than the Grand Lodge has yet realised.. While to invoke a false God is idolatry, to invoke the Name of the True God falsely is blasphemy’.
Now non masons assumed that, it JAHBULON was no longer in the ritual, Mason’s could at least utter this ‘sacred and mysterious name’ of God without having their heads cut off. Yet when England’s fraternal front man was challenged to say it on radio he refused saying “because I’ve promised not to
You are not a low life Karl “Professing themselves wise they became fools” Scientists, PhD’s, Philosophers, Theologians are the fools.
I’m not a linguistic expert; but here goes. “Jesus” is the English rendering of the Greek “Iesous” which itself was taken from the Aramaic “Jeshua” and that from the Hebrew “Yeshua” meaning “Jah is Salvation”
Paul tells us the Old Testament was written by God through Holy Men as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. The Levite Scribes are not the “Scribes” Jesus pronounced “Woe” to. So Karl, you are correct in saying Yeshua is the name of Jesus Christ meaning “Yeshua the Saviour”
Masons use Jah Bul On Jah Baal and Osiris as the ineffable name; Kabbalist Rabbis used the Tetragrammatons YHVH. That is taking the LORD’s name in vain in my opinion.
Bigot is a “Sanctimonious, Superfluous, Superstitious religious proselyte” We know these Wolves as Reverends, Rabbis, Priests and Imams. Christmas, Santa, (Satan), Christmas Tree, Easter (Rabbit, Ishtar), Hanukkah and Purim are examples of Bigotry.
The only caution I can think of regarding the use of Jesus is do not confuse Jesus with Joshua the Warrior Saviour, or the coming “Man of Peace”. Jesus brings a Sword to divide people who know and follow His teachings from those who follow traditions of Bigots.
Thanks for your input ! I appreciate your kind words ! Changing my thoughts back to the Doesn’t Care Plan , 5 yr in Jail + up to a $250,000 fine! Are they planning to take all of a persons Assets as well ? Doesn’t sound very Caring too me…
First like to thank everyone who I feel is fighting for the Battle of truth and love, you all are much appreciated by myself and consider all friends/not foes! I am in search of truth and realize time is very very short, I fully feel we have entered the final trib. Much thanks for the info on Fukishema, did not realize just quite how bad it was . The prophecies being forfilled at an unprecedented rate never seen before! I hope I do not offend anyone, but would like more feedback on the subject of the third commandment! So I include a little dittle I wrote for anyone who has interest in the decision. Sorry for my rambling here it is
Yahuah’s Holy Name.
They blasphemed his house, and they blasphemed his Name !
Saviour/Messiah/Hebrew name, YahUah-Yah is salvation , taught his Deciples to Pray! What was the first thing (our Father who art in Heaven, HALLOWED be thy NAME ! ). Q. Is YahUsha our creators name to be Hallowed and to be keep Holy? Answer -Yes!
If his Name is to be Reverenced and Kept Holy, Q.- Should we Change our loving Heavenly Fathers Name ? Answer -NO !
Q.- Then why did the Translators/Scribes/Wolves in Sheeps Clothing do so!
Why was YahUah’s Name Removed from the Holy Scriptures and replaced by Lord/Baal/Sun God ?
The 3rd Commandment, which insadently comes before Do not murder. 3rd Commandment States- We are Not to Take Yahuah’s our heavenly fathers name in Vein(As Worthless/Unemportant) read the whole commandment! Not to say his Name is Vain/Unemportant/of No Consequence, and if we do say his name Vain/Unemportant, Yahuah, he will Not Blot out our Sins!! Humm..
Let me Repeet – He WILL-NOT, will not, Blot Our Sins !!
Are we getting the importance of the 3rd Com. Let me Repeet – He Will Not, will not, blot out our sins!! ( insadently – this 3rd commandment is in all Bibles!
Your thoughts are welcome !
Remember the Messiah reasoned with them from the scriptures, can we have a civil, polite, respectful discussion on this 3rd commandment. I am not trying to be Unkind, Uncaring, Disrespectful or Egotistical. I am a nobody, I can hardly read and cannot spell worth a hill of beans, my Memory is Horable and I am a low life construction worker! I have no formal education to speak of, and might be considered to be the biggest looser by many. So I hope you can see I only want the truth! Remember the Truth will set US Free! Free from what? the lies that have been handed down to us for centuries!
the 10 commandments are also known as the 10 positive words.
Love the Lord your God, keep the Sabbeth Holy, Honor your father and mother.
Under each of these words is HOW TO DO IT.
eXP:One honors ones parents by not murdering, commiting adultery, stealing, or bearing false witness against your neighbor or coveting what is his neighbors..
The Lord our God has said in Isaiah 43….
DO NOT FEAR, FOR I HAVE REDEEMED YOU: I have called you by name, you ARE MINE!
Doesn’t that mean Karl Christain?
Why do they always use the Trojan hourse technique? Discise their dirty deeds as a gift ? Free or affordable health care for the uninsurable ! Why all the fuss! The gise of helping the uninsurable people with pree existing conditions. Yup you wrecked your car and now you want insurance. Sorry I never heard of that, after wrecking the car going and insuring it.,why are people any different. The whole Idea of guaranteeing the insurers 20% profit.. . Why not take that 20% profit and lower costs 20%instead! Outsource major medical surjuries lower cost another 50% or so Mexicans work cheep. (knee replacement s etc) . Build some government hospitals for poor an uninsurable. Staff with Indian and Pakistan . The rich can keep their plan, apparently not! What does forcing everyone to buy health insurance do to LOWER the cost, isn’t that the real Problemb? Putting someone in Jail for 5 Years seems a little punitive . Oh and we will take your guns to keep you safe! You might Shoot Yourself ! …..
Just watched this video, little repetion, but they (senate or house) discussing OB care mentioned Five year prison term sentence for not complying to universal care ! Worth the watch.. Link http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtube_gdata_player&v=BbCP1Ac0bvg&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DBbCP1Ac0bvg%26feature%3Dyoutube_gdata_player
NSA Hack Ed Snowden is at it again; he blames the TAO (Tailored Ops Access) Unit of the NSA in San Antonio (will be crushed in first wave of Mexican retaliation to reclaim Aztlan; I-35W “NAFTA Superhighway” passes there from Merida to Minneapolis, Ontario and Toronto)
TAO means Way, Path, Doctriine; found in Taoism, Daoism, Confucianism (Symbols rule the world, not words or laws), Yin Yang (Solar track over an Obelisk “Baal’s Shaft”) and Stoicism (Nature/Animism/Shamanism).
Snowden is blaming the TAO Unit for sabotage of SCADA (Syst Control and Data Acquisition) systems like Stuxnet did to the Bushehr Nuc Facility in Iran and Fukushima. This is total BS! Both were “Inside Jobs”, but guess who will take the blame for the collapse of industry? “Babylon”, and America will be identified with this “Gate of Osiris”.
The NSA is using Snowden as a Useful Tool in their goal of Total Information Control.
The Year 1182 AD
In the year 1182 AD the magnetic compass was invented.
St. Francis of Assisi born in the year 1182 AD. Hmmm Magbetic Compass(Project BlueBeam) Perhaps . What the coneection to Francis of the Francisian Order& Pope Francis of Operation Condor???
The Condor and Eagle prophecy says White Brother “Pahana” arrives. The Prophecy Summit Liars (Tom Horn, Cris Putnam et all) say Pope Francis will hand the keys of the kingdom over to Jesus Christ. That is a bold faced lie.
James Lloyd who wanted me to do a daily show for him on V channel also is stating the 2 Sticks (Joseph and Judah) Eze 37:16 has been completed and America is God’s “Babylon” in Rev 18. Both LIES of the highest order!
Magnetic Compass was developed (in public) using Lodestone; the 13,000lb Lodestone Altar shaped like the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid is lit by a single shaft of light in the UN Meditation Room; itself shaped as an Unfinished Pyramid of 11X18X33ft. with 11 chairs in the back.
Pretty tough to figure out who is leading them isn’t it?
Brother Howard any significants to David Son Beeliada(Baal known/Lord knows) 1Chr14: with Beehive mean of Word in Chaldee ???Rev 21: doe you have any Article associated with this Bible Verse??? From my study Luciferian could Falsifying this Bibleverse for their False HU_man Messiah.
I do not have an article about Beeliada, however a false descendant of King David is planned. The 2 lines from Joseph through Solomon will likely be the coming false King of Jerusalem whereas Jesus descended from Mary through Nathan; notice David as King and Nathan are apart from the rest in the Millennium description of Gog and Magog in Zech 12:12;
A fake of this is in the works, possibly as Stacey pointed out on Feast of Tabernacles Oct 8 2014 with the Lunar eclipse and Papal “Synod” of Satan (Sodomites)
Notice the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ will be on Feast of Tabernacles, the only date required for the world to observe is that date (Zech 14:16) after which the LORD and Lord will be united as one in Body and Spirit as it was in the beginning (Dan 7:14)
Again, notice the falsifying of this event with Tabernacies being converted to Succoth-benoth (Booths of Daughters) where Sodomy and Incest initiations occurred. Watch how many public people come out of the closet now (ie Hurricane Katrina reporter Robin Roberts).
Rev 21 is like Zech 12-14, Eze 38-39, and Dan 7:14, a description of the end of the Millennium over 1000 years from now; a time when the world is united in Marriage to Jesus Christ and desire to live under the “Rod of Iron” rule. The Temple God will make will stand forever, whereas the Temples man makes all fall to Sin
The NSA’s TAO hacking unit is considered to be the intelligence agency’s top secret weapon. It maintains its own covert network, infiltrates computers around the world and even intercepts shipping deliveries to plant back doors in electronics ordered by those it is targeting.
50 who is counting ? So what if every other person you meet is Russan, that s the new norm, guess the Mexicans got tired of making the Big Money and all went home?
Oh about the Ruskies ! They are feverishly building housing for the 50 Russians hired to work in the potato factory in my town! Working in sub zero weather got to hurry and make housing, why the hurry?
In my op the thing to realize about this is the US Gov and Russian Gov work hand in hand toward the control of America as they always have.
Breshnev and the JFK Gov; Gorby-Reagan; Bush-Obama-Putin are al “Initiated” to the same goal. “Our enemies shall be the men of our own house” Micah 7:6 and Mat 10:36
Rev 17 “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS UPON THE EARTH” will be declared to be the Roman Catholic Church.
Rev 18 “Babylon” will be declared to be the United States. These are necessary “Scapegoats” to reveal an Alternative Messiah who will “come in his own name” and be accepted.
James Lloyd at wwwChristianmedia.com is proposing in “American Babylon” that very thing. America is not “Babylon” nor is the RCC “MYSTERY, BABYLON…” Witchcraft is “Babylon”; Initiated Satanism of all stripes.
James is also claiming Eze 37:16 “Two Sticks” prophecy (Joining of Joseph and Judah) has been completed; this too is a Lie. Jesus is Shiloh (Gen 49:10) and joins the tribes of Israel at the 2nd Coming.
Times are going to get very interesting soon.
Pope Francis has scheduled an “extraordinary synod” to be held in Rome in the Fall of 2014. Roman Catholics all over the world were recently asked by their bishops to complete a survey for this synod entitled “Pastoral Challenges to the Family”. The survey questions Catholics on their views regarding same-sex marriage, contraception & abortion, divorce & remarriage, and in-vitro fertilization. All of course are condemned by the dogma of the Church, but the survey appears to imply that the Church may be getting ready to introduce some drastic changes. In addition to the survey, which was only posted for 2 weeks (during the busiest time of the year for most families), Pope Francis announced the day after the close of the survey that he was making a drastic change to the Congregation of Bishops (Vatican group responsible for the assignment of bishops worldwide) replacing conservatives with far-left, homosexual friendly, modernist bishops. And the date chosen by Pope Francis for his radical synod? It is a 5 day synod starting on October 8, 2014 – Feast of the Tabernacles. Coincidence of course.
“he with an eye, let him see”.
Timed with the Lunar Eclipse on Tabernacles, and just after Project 911 is completed on Beit Shemesh (House of the Sun) “Site 911” where the Ark of the Covenant was returned after Philistine captivity. Samson used the Jawbone of an Ass to slay 1000 Philistines there . Popes wear the Philistine Mitre of Dagan celebrating the Beast from the Sea (Fish Jaws) and Lucifer as the Flame .
Homosexual Marriage, passage of ENDA prohibiting discrimination for “Fetishes”; pretty slippery slope we are on.