(updated 14Aug14)
“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists”
– 33° Luciferian Freemason, Pedophile, FBI Chief J Edgar Hoover.
Gog and Magog (Rev 20:7-8; Eze 38), Jacob’s Trouble (Jer 30:7) and “Jerusalem a burdensome stone” (Zech 12) are after the Millennium! Do you see Jesus, King David and Solomon’s brother Nathan in Jerusalem? Didn’t think so; these prophecies are just over 1000 years from now! That is by far the biggest conspiracy in history; don’t fall for the Lie. Pre-Trib Rapture, Big Bang, Gravity, Evolution, Heliocentric Theories, Mormonism, Vaccination, WWI, WWII (Nazis V Communists), and WWIII (Islam V Zionism) are other Monstrous Jesuit Conspiracies. Jesuits even created Islam, Protestantism (Calvin’s Fixed Pre-destination “Ye are elect of God” 1599 Geneva Bible is a change to 1 Thess 1:4 “Your election of God” AV), Zionism and Communism; busy little Bees aren’t they? Don’t fall for the Lie. You need to open the door and call JESUS by His correct Name.
J Edgar has an entire room dedicated to him and the FBI in the basement of the Supreme House of the Temple in Washington DC where 330 Luciferian Masons from all over the world become “Sovereign” (No higher rank). Next to that room is NASA’s Apollo Moon Landing Room. Sitting across from the exact replica of the Temple of Artemis/Diana is the Jesuit HQ in America, Georgetown University; just south, along the 77th Meridian are the White House, Capitol and Pentagon.
To become an initiated Jesuit ie Knight of St John of Jerusalem “Hospitaller”, Ismaili (Ayathollah, Sufi, Dervish, Assassin), Witch or Sovereign Mason, one must Blaspheme the Holy Ghost. Kent Brantly is with Doctors without Borders (MSF) a George Soros (Grigori Schwartz) funded NGO allegedly spreading Ebola. Nancy Writebol is with Serving in Mission (SIM) a Luciferian Mason, Billy Graham “Charity”; Hospitaller Knight Miguel Pajares allegedly contracts Ebola in a Hospitaller run facility (St Joseph’s) in Africa and then receives treatment in Hospitaller facility (Carlos III) in Spain and dies. BS! All 3 allegedly receive ZMAPP and 2 Americans miraculously recover from Zaire Ebola. Something is not right with this picture. Airborne disease transmission is a requirement to implement WHO Level 6 Pandemic Protocol; Suspension of the Constitution, Martial Law, Mandatory Vaccination and Quarantine; Ebola is not airborne transmissible; Influenza is. If you haven’t read the Hospitaller Oath, you might want to; Hospitallers aka SMOM serve the Jesuit General by killing “Heretics” like Catholics, Protestants and Jews including their unborn babies by tearing them from their pregnant mother’s wombs and swinging their heads against the rocks. This is no joke! This oath, taken by men like John Kerry, John Boehner, Martin Dempsey, Chuck Hagel, John Roberts etc has been part of the Congressional record for 100 years. Jesus said “A man’s enemies shall be the men of his own household” and James said above all else “Swear Not”; now you know why.
There is only one “Unforgivable Sin”; “Blasphemy (Rejection) of the Holy Ghost”. There is one book in the Word of God written solely via the Holy Ghost, to one man, the last Apostle alive and exiled in a cave on an island; “Revelation”; the testimony of God in Flesh some 66 years after His death became the 66th book and Last Word. There is one book that promises a “Blessing” on those who read and keep the words of Jesus’ “Prophecy”; you guessed it “Revelation”. Prophecy is “Pre-written History”; Jesus wrote “Revelation” before Creation as Alpha and will finish it as Omega when Creation is 7000 years old at the gathering called “Gog and Magog” aka “Jacob’s Trouble” Eze 38; Rev 20:7-8; Zech 12; Jer 30:7; Dan 7:14 is just over 1000 years away. The Confederacy with Russia, Persia (The prophecy in Jer 49:34 against Shem’s eldest son Elam is not that of Persia; Iran=Aryan “Noble Caste”), Turkey (Lud=Lydians are not Turks of today), Germany, Libya, Arabia and Ethiopia is perhaps next to pre-Tribulation “Rapture”, the most Monstrous Conspiracy in history. Read Gen 9:27 “God shall enlarge Japheth and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem” and realize “Those who say they are Jews but are not” like modern Israel are really the Synagogue of Satan. Not ready for Sharia Law or 7 Noahide Laws? Me either, but Satan is.
Satan and his minions will go to great lengths to make sure you think “Revelation” is a forgery based on the Sibylline Oracles; don’t fall for the lie Eusibius, Dionysius (Bishop of Alexandria), Philo, Origen (Nag Hamadi Library at Alexandria), Muhammad, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Ignatius Loyola, Joseph Smith, every Rabbi since the Pharisees and every Roman Catholic Pope has fallen for. Jesus does not stutter and His Word (Textus Receptus/Authorized Bible) does not change. Jesus hates an “Elevated Clergy” (Nicolaitane Doctrine); why not make Him your Priest? JESUS gave His final warning to the Church of Laodicea “Luke Warm”; if you don’t feel strongly about this, you need to, else Jesus will “Spue you out of His mouth”! Now, why on Earth would He warn us “Save those days should be shortened, no flesh should be saved”?
The US Government through the CDC and HHS (HHS also manages the US Office of Population Affairs which promotes abortion and sterilization; nice eh?) hold patents on the Ebola Virus. A Patent cannot be issued for anything that occurs in nature. Zaire Ebola is a patented (US20120251502A1), and tested, man-made Bio-weapon Virus. DOD and National Guard Units have a Zaire Ebola Test and JBAIDS equipment in all 50 States with authority to Quarantine anyone displaying signs of Influenza or Ebola. “ZMAPP” is hype, setting the stage for World War Z. Patented (Don Rumsfeld) Swine Flu Vaccines have already been shipped all over the world by the DOD. Swine Influenza literally means Occult Infestation of Swine (Unclean animals) Demons called “Legion” ringing a Baal here? How about Curious George and the Ebola Virus?
Z refers the Congo (Nzadi) River where Ebola was first tested in 1976, and ultimately to the “Last Word” (22 Chapters in Revelation and 22 Hebrew Letters) aka “Emerald City” aka OZ (Ayin Zayn); Aleister Crowley called Oz (77 in Hebrew Gematria); 77 is the Sabbath Goat on the Altar; Gnostics claim there are 77 names of God; Wrong, there is one Name of God in the New Covenant JESUS! Oz is Emerald City; Satanists believe Emerald is the Stone from Lucifer’s Crown Lamech’s Seventy and Seven Fold Revenge anyone? War III began with F-18 airstrikes on ISIS targets in Erbil and Baghdad launched from CVN-77 GHW Bush Carrier. Ever seen Simpsons Episode Lisa’s Sax? Check out the book Curious George and the Ebola Virus; George Bush Sr is “Curious George” aka “Wizard of Oz”. Nikola Tesla used to say to Prescott Bush (George Scherff) “Get that monkey out of my lab”; he was speaking of George HW Bush whom the cartoon character Curious George was based. Barbara Bush is Aleister Crowley’s illegitimate daughter from a “Babalon Working” Ritual; her Skull & Bones, Luciferian Mason husband (George Bush Sr is George Scherff Jr) starts Gulf War I; her Sodomite son George Bush Jr presides over 9/11/2001 and starts Gulf War II and the HW Bush Carrier starts Gulf War III from Abadan (Abadan means Destroyer in Rev 9:11) Island. You just can’t make this stuff up!
Dorothy (Door) is about to return to Kansas (Cain or Kennite) and the Mormon (Mormo is God of the Living Dead) Church is about to re-establish Zion (Garden of Eden) there. Didn’t know the Mississippi River is actually the Euphrates? or that Adam, Eve and Cain were banished there? Me either, but Mitt Romney does. Kansas is the geographic “Heartland” of America; you may recall futute HHS Secretary, Bilderberg Globalist, ObamaCare Scapegoat and Planned Parenthood mouthpiece, Kathleen Zebelius was then KS Governor and gave the rebuttal to George Bush Jr last State of the Union using the word “Heartland” repeatedly; did you get the message? The Super Bowl halftime show 2 days earlier featured Tom Petty and the Heart Breakers; the Heart was stabbed by an Arrow.
Dr. Charles Arntzen (Bio-design Inst for Infectious Disease and Vaccinology) joked “Seen Contagion? Cull the population by designing a better virus”; he is designing the Antibody based Vaccine in Plants; specifically Reynolds Tobacco; you know, the Cash Crop Slave Owners who put Uranium in Cigarettes, Aluminum in Chemtrails (Geo-engineering) Antiperspirant and Cookware and operate Mortuaries and Crematoriums near human sacrifice centers? Spermicidal GMO Corn? Yup, he designed that too, but I forgot, Alzheimer’s is caused by Aluminum too.
Zaire Ebola is not airborne transmissible. If it were, far more than 1000 deaths would result. The media will hype this as Edward Bernays and Joseph Goebbels would do “Tell the lie enough times and people will begin to believe it” The only aerosol transmitted form of Ebola is Mayinga Ebola which is not suitable as a Bio-weapon because it kills the host quickly and dies out. Ebola needs a hot and wet environment to survive; people will soon ask to be injected with Ebola, providing the hot and wet conditions needed for Zaire Ebola to kill them; with a 3 week incubation period the disease will spread and run through Quarantine Facilities like fire.
West Africa is the testing ground for Ebola because it is Wet and Hot all the time and people who live there, generally have compromised immune systems. An Ebola Pandemic in Europe, Russia or the US is not likely. Ebola attacks the immune system; West Africa has been subjected to War, Extreme Poverty, Contaminated Water, Toxic Chemicals, Severe Malnutrition, overuse of Antibiotics and “Vaccines”; the precise conditions which weaken Immune Systems. Obama’s Africa Summit honored and paid off 50 African Dictators who made this possible.
The Kenema Gov’t Hospital is a Level 2 US Army, Ft Detrick Bio-weapons facility used for human trials, facilitated by George Soros, Bill Gates, Doctors without Borders, Samaritan’s Purse, SIM (Serving In Mission) and Phoenix Force. Samaritans are not Jewish; they are Satanists pretending to Jewish. Freemasons are not Christian; they only pretend. Mission is a word that doesn’t appear in Scripture; “Serving God” in Mission? Don’t think so; Lucifer needs Oaths, Missions, Missionaries, Inquisitors, Priests, Confessionals, Cathedrals, Temples, and Holy Water; JESUS is the Holy Ghost and only requires people who follow Him and what He said in the Word. What better way to create demand for a Chimera than for alleged “Christians” Kent Brantly, Nancy Writebol and Miguel Pajares to become infected, receive an “Experimental Serum”; miraculously walk off the Air Ambulance and recover in days! Praise Jesus and pass the Serum. Folks, you may want to re-think that. The one thing PBSFOXABCCBSNBCCNNMSNBC agree on is an Ebola Pandemic is coming soon.
On Aug 7, 1964 LBJ’s stage managed attack on the USS Maddox “Hell, those stupid sailors were just shooting at fish” initiated Jesuit Cardinal Francis Spellman’s drug pipeline called the Vietnam War or “Spelly’s War” 50 years later, WHO Tool and Committee of 300 “Olympian” Margaret Chan celebrated by declaring Zaire Ebola an International Emergency.
Yezidis of Mt Sinjar want a Sovereign Kurdistan; their private military “Peshmerga” give target lists to the US Military. Kurds are Iranian “Noble Caste”; Yezidis pleaded for international help against ISIS (also trained and equipped by the US) and in response, the US dutifully started Gulf War III.
The US created and arms ISIS (al-Baghdadi is Mossad asset Simon Elliot trained at Camp Bucca) The US trains ISIS Mercenaries in Safawi, Jordan (Paris trained, Luciferian Freemason, Committee of 300, Edomite King Abdullah II meets repeatedly with Obama in Rancho Mirage, CA) and near Incirlik Airbase, Turkey (Erdogan is also a Luciferian Mason). Russia, Turkey and Saudi Arabia all arm ISIS; recall Mol Comfort and the Turkish flagged shipped Nour M had thousands of tons of Russian weapons headed for ISIS Mercenaries with Jesuit, Committee of 300, Luciferian Mason John Kerry awaiting arrival). Absent Congress approval, Obama ordered airstrikes on ISIS (2 F-18’s) and humanitarian relief (C-17; 2 C-130’s; 2 F-18 escorts) for the Yezidis the same day; the Nobel Peace Prize Winner started the 3rd Gulf War, a Just War, quietly without Congress approval to protect Satan’s Aryan Elite.
Yezidis believe Ahriman is God who created the Peacock Angel “Melek-Taus” as the “Divine Son” and that Noah’s Ark settled on Mt Sinjar (They came from the East to Babel, not to the East, so this is a Lie but nice timing on the movie Noah eh?). Ever wonder why Peacock Feathers surround the Chair of St Peter when the Pope sits? Why would the Shahada “There is no God but Allah” be written under the chair? Ahrimanism is a mix of Vedic Hinduism and Zoroastrianism based on the “Bible of Corruption”, “Freedom through Blasphemy” and the “Chaotic force of Destruction”. Fitting that CNN hacks Sanjay Gupta (Sanjay is Sanjak the Peacock Angel of the Yezidis and Gupta is the Golden Age of India 320BC-500AD) Fareed Zakaria (Post American World; great read eh? It was Obama’s favorite during the initial campaign) and Surgeon General Vivek Murthy will manage the propaganda. Did you know Obama carries an idol of the Hundu monkey god Hanuman with him? Now how does “Order out of Chaos” sound? An Ebola Pandemic, Economic Collapse, uncontrollable Radiation and WWIII would most certainly create Chaos and that’s the written plan. The final Battle of Good (Light=Ahura Mazda) versus Evil (Ahriman) or World War Z has begun.
Just War
CFR traitor Tom Brokaw first used the term “War on Terror” on 9/11/2001; CFR Traitor Katie Couric attributed the act to Osama bin Laden on 9/11/2001 and CFR/Bilderberg Traitor Peter Jennings even told us the building collapse was “Controlled Demolition” on 9/11/2001. The burning of Rome, Constantine’s Cross (used later, repeatedly in the Crusades), USS Maine (Spanish-Am War), HMS Lusitania (WWI), USS Maddox (Vietnam) Pearl Harbor, 9/11, Hitler, Ayatollah Khomeini, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden (Gulf Wars; CIA asset Tim Osman) and now al-Baghdadi (WWIII; Mossad asset Simon Elliot) were all used to Justify War; all were self inflicted “False Flags”. Congress means “To meet for War”; they meet in the Womb of Jupiter. Jesuits (also Chaplains, Masons, Imams, Rabbis) are today’s Roman Fetial Priests in the Cult of Jupiter (Capitol=Womb of Jupiter). Fetial means “Foundation” as does “al-Qaeda” and “ISIS” (Throne). Their function is “Just War” via Treaty, Reparations (Sanctions) and War Declaration. Originally a Vedic (Chaldean) concept, “Just War” was later adopted by Church “Father” St Augustine (City of God=Zionism) and Church “Doctor” Thomas Aquinas before becoming part of the Jesuit Oath of Induction. WWIII will pit Zionism versus Islam to the point of economic, physical and moral exhaustion at which point, the true doctrine of Lucifer will be revealed. Sounds like a good time eh? Sodomite, Confederate General, Luciferian Mason Albert Pike didn’t write that; Jesuit Fr Pierre-Jean De Smet wrote the plan for 3 World Wars in 1871; he was also the driving force behind Luciferian Mason, Mormon Witch Brigham Young. Now you know why Joseph Smith was buried with a Talisman of Jupiter. “This is the Place” may have been uttered by Young, but De SMet chose the place for Zion where the NSA has its largest spy facility, headed at least clandestinely by Satanist Gen Michael Aquino. Now you know why so many Jesuits are in the American Government, Supreme Court and Military. So who are the Yezidis? Gnostic Johnnitters who not only created Islam using the writings of St Augustine but are also, you guessed it, Jesuits. If this is starting to make sense, you need to establish a relationship with JESUS right now!
Operation Garden Plot (Cain is the Constant Gardener) Detention/Extermination Centers are being re-named HHS/CDC “Isolation Centers” and the DOD has a Zaire Ebola test at the ready. Cambridge University Dr Peter Walsh is even claiming Boko Haram might use Ebola Powder in a “Dirty Bomb” that’s a Whopper of a Lie. How many of these news sources told you Osama bin Laden is CIA asset Tim Osman? How many told you ISIS Caliph Mohammad al Baghdadi is Mossad asset is Simon Elliot? “Think of the press as an instrument dictators can play” Joseph Goebbels. Folks, we are being played like a Fiddle.
Phoenix Force is a Gov’t Contractor then transported the “Propaganda Experiment” to Atlanta. Phoenix Force flying Gray Jets? Marvel Comics Jean Grey in “Phoenix Force Saga” may ring a Baal. People lining up for a Vaccine that will kill them? Oh, that’s been done before.
Luciferian Mason and generational Satanist Gerald Ford invited Don Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney aboard AF-1 when CIA asset Gen Suharto was given the Green Light to murder over a million people in E Timor to set up his “New Order”; similar to Kissinger and Pol Pot in Cambodia and both CIA staged Coups. Check out the connection between Obama and Suharto for a real eye opener. Iraq War profiteer Dick Cheney made his fortune with Halliburton, recently famous for the failed Deep Water Horizon oil drilling disaster that is still killing the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico with Methane. When the Salt Dome collapses under the New Madrid Fault, New Orleans to Memphis to St Louis will be underwater just like Navy, NOAA and FEMA maps show. Don made a fortune with GD Searle which held the patent for Aspartame; used in “Diet” foods, Aspartame was a Pig fattening waste product used to increase yields in pork pushed through by the FDA which is today fast tracking approval of Ebola Vaccines. Don Rumsfeld holds patents on Tamiflu through Gilead Pharmaceuticals, timed nicely with the H5N1 “Avian Flu” outbreak in Hong Kong. Don Rumsfeld holds the patents on the H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine; pretty coincidental eh? His former boss Gerald Ford convinced a million Americans “Swine Flu” was real and a Vaccine would protect them; the Vaccine was a Chimera. Why Swine? A group of Demons called “Legion” had infested a man along the shores of the Dead Sea; when Jesus came by, the herd requested to be allowed to infest the Swine Herd which dove off the cliff, just like America is doing today.
A Chimera is something people wish for, but proves to be an illusion that kills them. America is Patenting the man-made Chimera. The Chimera Vaccine for the Ebola Virus “ZMAPP” will only be effective on the Chimera Virus “Zaire Ebola” it was designed for. DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo) is not a Democracy or a Republic just ask 700 Club (named for the 1314 execution of Jacques DeMolay) Knight of Malta Pat Robertson who owns Diamond Mines in DRC. The CIA backed coup and ensuing “Kleptocracy” of Mobutu Sese Seko left 5 million dead, $15B in embezzled US aid (just like Pakistan eh?) and a CDC created and patented plague called Zaire Ebola.
Dialectic is supplying the solution to a created problem. Pretty monstrous eh? How about the Mark of the Beast? Will you line up for that too? If you do, your address for eternity will be the Lake of Fire.
“Nobody shall enter the New World Order unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation” United Nations Planetary Initiative. Rather monstrous eh? What on earth could cause people to willingly follow Lucifer? War, Disease, and a failed World Economy. The White, Red and Black Horse to be more specific; the Pale Horse is “Death”; that one is Lucifer because Spiritual Death causes one’s Name to be removed from the Book of Life of the Lamb.
“And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission” Heb 9:22 Nothing sheds blood better than Ebola delivered to people clamoring for a Vaccine. Tekmira and Novartis are making and distributing these Vaccines. Why not? Jesuit Quack Edward Jenner did such a fine job calling Cowpox “Smallpox” and offering a Vaccine that Ft Detrick tried it again vaccinating US troops sent into WWI; 50 million people died of those “Vaccines”.
“There is a war coming to Europe. Do you think any of this matters?” Vladimir Putin Vladimir means To Rule Over+Peace. Russian cargo ship Mol Comfort and Turkish ship Nour M were loaded to the gills with Russian weapons headed for ISIS mercenaries, but the news manages to be silent on such matters.
“For when they shall say Peace and safety: then sudden destruction cometh upon them…” 1 Thess 5:3 No, the lifelong KGB asset does not follow Jesus Christ.
33 years ago, RC Christian (Rosicrucian pseudonym) financed the construction of the George Guide Stones calling for the elimination of all but 500 Million people from the Earth. War cannot do that; Disease and Radiation can however. Jesus warned unless He shortened “Those Days” “No Flesh would remain”. “Those Days” are here. Got your invitation inside the just completed Project 911 Radiation Hardened Bunker in Beit Shemesh (House of the Sun), Israel? Me either, why not get right with God instead? No, God is not Allah or YHVH it’s JESUS! Ineffable Name? To Hell with that, His Name is JESUS.
Russia is not “Gog”
Eze 38 is after the Millennium. Rus or Rosh is not in the Authorized Bible and has nothing to do with Russia; Rus refers to Pagan Caintes (Kenites) called the Crimean Rus and/or Kievan Rus. Chaldeans, Aryans, Sarmations, Black Sea Princes are other names of these Satanists. Khazars are not Jewish, nor are they setting up the Eze 38 invasion of Jeruslaem called “Gog and Magog” Why? “Gog and Magog” is after the Millennium (ref Rev 20:7-8) Meshech is not Moscow; Meshech is a descendant of Japheth. Russia will amass a large ground invasion of Jerusalem from the north, through Ukraine and Damascus in order to falsely fulfill the invasion of “Gog and Magog” (17 Battalions @20,000 troops with heavy artillery moved to the border on 9 Av). Do not be fooled here! Putin is simply playing his part in the “Dialectic”. Tubal is not Tobolsk. Tubal (Tubal-cain) is the Cainite Patron of Freemasonry. The NSA is teaming up with Saudi Arabia; Moscow trains Saudi military generals; Russia arms al-Qaeda “Rebels” as does Turkey (ref Mol Comfort and Nour M) and the US. On 7/30/14 Russia inked a $Billion heavy arms deal with Iraq. Unlikely partners eh?
Palestine is not the “House of Esau” (Oba 15).
Israel (Star of Molech is not the Star of David) began the attack on Palestine (Hamas) on 7/7/2014; leading both sides are 330 Luciferian Freemasons. Gaza has no Water, no Electricity, no Sanitation, no Food, 500,000 homeless, Hospitals and Morgues full and the Aphrodite and Leviathan Oil and Gas Fields just offshore. And the US supplies weapons to Israel reducing Gaza to “Stubble” why?
The real “House of Esau”? Jordan, led by, you guessed it, a 330 Freemason KIng Abdullah (Servant of Allah=Lucifer) II . Good acting eh? 2+1+4=7 “777” is the sum of the 9 Chambered path of the Flaming Sword “Shekinah” down the Kaballah “Tree of Life”. Shekinah is the “Feminine Spirit of God” in Kaballah. 9 is the number of Supreme Judgment. Israel began the ground assault on Palestine on 7/17/2014, the same day both houses of the US Congress (Congredi=Meet for War) introduced S498 and H657 declaring unwavering support for Israel and the Star of Molech; what a surprise, both the House and Senate unanimously passed the bills on Eid al Fitr (Break Fast of Ramadan). Still think the US Government doesn’t worship Molech/Saturn/Lucifer? MH-17, a B-777 was allegedly shot down with a Buk Missile by Kievan Rus aka Aryan Nazis or Sarmations; take your pick. M=13; H=8. 13/8=1.618 aka “Golden Mean” or “Ratio of Life”. Buk means Book and/or Beech Tree, the Goddess Tree. 17 is called the “Admirable Sacrament”; the Tarot associated with the Chaldean Star aka STUR, the Star of Molech and Chiun. So who is the Admirable Sacrament? Amurru, the Edomite Shepherd and Serpent god of course! Proud to be an American? Feel like a Patriot (Fellow Countryman)? Nazis did too. So, what is the real “House of Esau? The physical “House” would be modern day Jordan (Idumea), but the New Covenant is spiritual not physical. The spiritual “House of Esau” is the entire Earth. Read Gen 27:40KJV; the word “Dominion” means “Sovereign authority to rule”; Who? Jacob. Followers of JESUS are part of Jacob’s “House” and are in “Diaspora”, scattered all over the Earth. Esau will be given the “Sovereign authority to rule the Earth” (Dan 7:6) and he will hand that authority over to Lucifer (Dan 7:7). At the 7th Trumpet (Last Day) Warning followers of JESUS will be removed from the Earth and JESUS will arrive; nobody will remain in the “House of Esau” anywhere on Earth. People who willingly sell or sold their Birthright and Blasphemed the Holy Ghost will await Judgment for the next 1000 years. This is the Unforgivable Sin. What on Earth do you expect JESUS to do?
America is not “Babylon” (Rev 18)
Amurru is the Edomite Shepherd and Serpent god; Amar is the Canaanite god of the west; Ameru is the Serpent. America is in the position Babylon was: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPARHSIM. America is finished, about to be divided with the spoils split among Foreign Investors immune to US Law (ref TAP and TPP) including China, Russia and Mexico. The American Government provides a Constitution Free Zone around the border, arms and transports immigrants; renames them “Refugees”; provides EBT cards and uses tax payer revenue to pay Foster Families $7400/month. “A man’s foes shall be the men of his own household” Jesus Christ Mat 10:36. Is anyone in the US Government not committing willful Treason? NO. My best guess as to the near future is Mitt Romney adviser Sherriff Joe Arpiao will finally get impeachment or outright fraud charges on Obama and Mitt will resurface to fulfill the Mormon White Horse Prophecy. Mitt has been told he is “The one mighty and strong, clothed in light who will usher in the Christ” Not Jesus folks, the Mormon Christ. Mitt’s family are Romani Gypsies (Zbigniew Brzezinski is as well “Grand Chessboard” might ring a Baal) going back to the bankers for Norman King William the Conqueror in 1066 AD who were later expelled in 1290 AD. His GG Grandfather Parley Pratt chased down and murdered for adultery; his G Grandfather a fugitive of justice in Arizona who fled to Mexico (Sinaloa Cartel is related); his Grandfather an illegal immigrant from Mexico and his father an un-naturalized foreigner. Mitt lists America as a “Foreign Nation” on his IRS 1040 for this reason. The White Horse Prophecy coincides with Hopi Prophecy concerning the Red Kachina and White Brother; it is also called the “Blood in the Streets Prophecy” Sounds like fun eh? America never figures in Bible Prophecy because Americas enemies will destroy it from inside the gates. Mormon Church founder Joseph Smith was buried with a Talisman of Jupiter/Zeus; Why? Same reason the Trans-continental railroad was joined in Salt Lake City by the Jupiter Engine. Jupiter is Jah + Pater. God is JAH/JESUS Big Difference Spiritually; the former is Lucifer.
In the movie I Am Legend you may recall Bob Marley music playing when the source of the virus is discovered; Rastafarians worship Jah as well.
Occult communication 101
$amartan’s Purse (Luciferian Billy Graham front) and Phoenix Air Ambulance flew the 1st perhaps Novel Ebola patient, 33 yr old Dr Kent Brantly, a Samaritan’s Purse Missionary to Atlanta (Atlantis) from Liberia (Liber=Dionysus=Bacchus=Zeus=Lucifer) on Lugshnasaid. Phoenix Air operates grey painted Gulfstream and Lear Jets in support of NATO Ops; Ebola Vaccines are a NATO Op.
In Celtic mythology, Lugh is the “Bright One with the Strong Hand”; that’s Lucifer folks! Brantly walked off the ambulance and into Emory University Hospital; a miracle of God or Hoax on par with Sandy Hook “Crisis Actors”? First, Samaritans are no more “Jewish” or “Christian” than Luciferian Mason Billy Graham or his Satanic war zone “Missionary” son Franklin; they worship Zeus/Anu aka Lucifer.
Dialectic: Thesis + Antithesis=Synthesis. Scare the Hell out of people with an Ebola Pandemic (Thesis); offer Vaccines as the solution (Antithesis) and out comes the Synthesis; the real goal of the Dialectic; Self Sacrifice This is just my opinion from watching the story on the news like everyone else, but the entire story is total BS loaded with occult symbology.
Akkadia Samaritan’s Purse Missionary Dr Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol were allegedly infected with Ebola and given either “Blood of a 14yr old survivor” or an “Experimental Serum” created by Tekmira Pharmaceuticals. From Liberia (Bacchus/Dionysus), Dr Brantly and presumably Ebola first arrived in America at the site where Light first strikes America, at Acadia National Park (Bangor Airport) in Maine. Accadians are “They” who came from the East (Lucifer is the rising Sun) to build the Tower of Babel (Gate of El, On, Osiris, Allah, Lucifer) in Babylon; a scene right out of the movie Scorpion King? Sodomite Scientologist Tom Cruise chased after a Vaccine called the Chimera in Mission Impossible 3. Why go that far out of the way to bring an Ebola patient to Atlanta (Atlantis)? I
Priests of On (Heliopolis) set up the Ben-ben Stone, a Pyramidion in the East to collect the first rays of the Rising Sun in the East. The Phoenix Bird (Phoenix Force and Air Ambulance use this logo) connected Egypt to Arabia across the Red Sea, self immolating itself in flames to regenerate. Notice this same Pyramidion (Capstone) is the All Seeing Eye of Lucifer on the $US. The Ben-ben is about to find its resting place. Now, we can understand why transportation occurred on Lughnasaid, the same day Israel began the “Hannibal Protocol”. Why name this after a Carthaginian (Phoenician/Canaanite) Sodomite who coerced Rome to Scorch, Salt and piss the ashes of North Africa?
Lugh was a Celtic son of the Tuatha de Danaan ie Offspring of Zeus (Akkadian Anu or Danu is Zeus). Zeus was the mythical King of the pre-flood Atlantis. Liber (Liberia) is Zeus; same god as Bacchus or Dionysus, the Knight Templar “Green Man”. Celts settles Ireland calling it the Emerald Isle; Emerald City at the end of the Yellow Brick Road ringing a Baal here? America is the planned “New Atlantis” out of whose ashes the New World Order or Lucifer will rise as a Phoenix. Clever aren’t they? We are about to understand why Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed was a very, very unlikely invitee to Bilderberg 2014; all 50 State National Guards have JBAIDS Hemorrhagic fever test equipment and 1000 doctors in 1000 mobile hospitals are sworn to Hindu Surgeon General Vivek Murthy. Personally, I would watch out for the Ebola and Influenza Vaccines due out this fall. The US Air Force Logistics Command has delivered millions of Vaccines around the world already.
Tekmira and the FDA are fast tracking human trials of Ebola Vaccine by September. Brantly and/or Writebol were given a patented “Experimental Serum” called “ZMAPP” (Zaire Ebola Strain) produced by Mapp Pharmaceuticals in San Diego for Zaire Ebola and by an act of God he is miraculously saved and walks off the Phoenix Force Jet, like a Phoenix? Come on people, this reads like a cheap B Movie script.
Samaritan’s Purse is the creation of 330 Luciferian Mason Billy Graham and his millionaire Satanist son Franklin. if you don’t know what this Luciferian Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes is capable of, read Billy Graham and his Friends by Cathy Burns. When Jesus sent “The Seventy” (Mormon Quorum of Seventy might ring a Baal) into Samaria to minister to the Samaritans (Canaanites pretending to be Israelite in 2 Ki 17:30), He sent them into the Wolves, giving them the only instance of what Calvinists claim is guaranteed Salvation (Unconditional Election), saying “Your names are written in heaven” Lk 10:20 Why? Samaria is the source of “Wolves in sheep’s clothes” eg Luciferian Billy and Franklin Graham. Recall, last month Ann Graham Lotz prayed 7 days culminating with the “777 Prayer”? 777 is Shekinah in Kaballah. “Behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves” Lk 10:3
Ready for WWIII? Me either, but it’s coming, Jesuits control Washington DC through Congress (Sodomite John Boehner), White House (SMOM Joe Biden), Pentagon (Chuck Hagel, SMOM Martin Dempsey), Supreme Court (Sodomite John Roberts). Jesuits control the City of London (Tavistock is the worldwide Propaganda Arm) and the Vatican (Black and White Pope + Vatican Bank). Society of Jesus? Hardly, Jesuits swear to murder all non-Jesuits whether Christian, Jewish or Muslim anywhere on earth. WWIII will pit Zionism versus Islam until physical, economic and moral exhaustion causes the world to accept the doctrine of Lucifer. The playbook of Sodomite Freemason Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini was written by Jesuit Fr Pierre-Jean De Smet, also the power behind Mormon Freemason, Witch Prophet Brigham Young. The Doctrine of Lucifer? Count me out!
The Roman Catholic Church is not “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…” (Rev 17)
Jesuits are modern day Templars “Wolves in sheep’s clothing”. Jesuit Pope Francis I (Franks=France=Free) appointed Jesuit Jean-Baptiste de Franssu head of the Vatican (Divine Serpent) Bank. John the Baptist (Jesus said John was the greatest of the Old Covenant but less than anyone in the New Covenant; it’s why Johnitters worship the figure of St John over Jesus) of France ringing a Baal here? Pope Clement V and French King Phillip forced Templars to hand over assets to Hospitallers aka Knights of St John or Johnniters. Johnniters are Gnostics who originated from Simon Magus, the founder of the Samaritans. The last Templar Grand Master Jacques deMolay was executed in 1314 in Paris at Pont Neuf “New Bridge” saying “In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again”
Franssu is CEO of Tages Capital which manages funds for the Bank of Italy; Rothschild (Red Shield=Edomite), Goldman Sachs, European Central Bank stooge Mario Draghi took over for Italian billionaire MAFIA pedophile criminal Silvio Berlusconi; a giant serpent eating a man is carved into the massive hedge at his castle. Italy is Bankrupt and Pope Francis was long ago forecast by St Malachy (Molechy) to be the last Pope.
Tages Capital? Tages was the founder of Etruscan religion; a Divine Being who rose from a plowed field, and disappeared back onto it. “Operation Garden Plot” and “Earth Dweller” should ring a Baal here as should the movie Quarantine. Tages was the son of Genius (must be smart eh?) and grandson of Tinia (Jupiter/Zeus). A long time ago eh? Congress meets for war in the Capitol “Womb of Jupiter”. NASA puts out a dizzying barrage of BS including Alien Bases on the Moon and Mars; Water on Mars; Alien UFO’s around space missions; all Etruscan Origin.
An early Christian wrote “Etruria is the originator and mother of all superstition”. Etruscans established the Priestly Caste of Augures (Inauguration, Augury and Augureye ringing a Baal here?) and Haruspex (observers/inspectors of Livers). Together, they established the office of Caesar (Tsar or Czar of today) as they did before with the office of Pharaoh in Egypt. The Conical Hat (Witchcraft) and Crooked Staff are familiar symbols of Rome’s founders, the Etruscans. Vatican means “Divine Serpent”; Etruscan religion is called the “Science of Soothsayers”; the original Babylonian religion described in Eze 21:21 “The King of Babylon made his arrows bright…looked at the liver”. Prometheus (Fore Thinker) chained and having his Liver eaten over and over by the Eagle (Zeus) might ring a Baal here; Prometheus broke free at Sochi (Flame). Pooty Poot is right, War is coming; in Rome, Tages appeared at “Plow Time”. Etruscan religion encompasses Science (Heliocentric, Evolution, Big Bang and Gravity Theories are examples). Etruscan religion encompasses Medicine; hence the Caduceus “Staff of Mercury” and Theology or Theosophy (God Philosophy). Jesuit, Templar, Samaritan and Etruscan religion are one in the same because Jesuits are modern day Etruscans. The symbol of Communist Russia was the Red Hammer and Sickle; originally a Hammer and Plow. The symbol represents crating “Heaven on Earth” according to the Hermetic Axiom. “As Above, So Below” is the essence of Etruscan Religion.
Hold on to you’re your conical hats people it’s Plow Time and the Soothsayers will soon be examining America’s entrails!
The confederacy is listed in Ps 83; All sides want and have planned WWIII; Mohmoud Abbas, Benjamin Netanyahu, Ayathollah ali Sistani, Ayathollah ali Khameini, King Abdullah and King Addullah II to name a few are all listed in Ps 83, written 3000 years ago. Edom? Read Obadiah, Edom is inside the Gates of Israel; we call them Talmudic Jews, but they are anything but Jewish. Assyria? Look in the mirror folks, America is the modern day Assyria and its HQ is Chicago. One need only look to the Ukraine government to find Sargon III (Sargon=Sarmation=Aryan=Nazi). WWIII however will be quite different, especially in America.
Man-Made Disease, Radiation and Weather are here. Why would the US give the Ismaili dictatorship of Abu Dhabi direct flights to NY, Chicago, Washington DC, LA and Dallas that by-pass Customs in the US? Is it coincidence that all 5 of 18 total are CDC Quarantine Centers? Why did 2 Trident Security Guards suddenly die guarding Bio-hazard cargo in Abu Dhabi? Why on earth would corpses and blood packets end up on MH-17? Jesus calls it Pestilence. Queen Elizabeth II holds patents (UK Defence Virus Portfolio) on the antibodies used in the “Experimental Serum” for Zaire Ebola; her husband Prince Phillip stated his desire to be re-incarnated as a “Killer Virus”. As head of the Order of the British Empire and member of the Committee of 300 “Olympians”, he controls fellow Olympian and WHO Director Margaret Chan. His son Charles and grandson William control the Order of the Garter, a roundtable that controls most of the raw material wealth on earth such as Gold, Silver and Diamonds. If you haven’t read Dan 11 in awhile, you need to; Lucifer will control the stores of Gold, Silver and Precious Stones Where are the Diamonds? Specifically Blood Diamonds? Zaire aka Democratic Republic of Congo. Zaire Ebola is a great way to create the genocide necessary to acquire that land.
“Weaponized Ebola will kill 90% of the earth”-Dr Eric Pianka aka UT Austin “Monkey Man”. Reston Virus aka Marburg Virus is a mutated Ebola Virus; right Eric? Folks, Aerosol transmitted Ebola is a myth on par with Evolution Theory. The media will use this lie to cause Fear and Panic, pushing people to chase after the Chimera that will kill them.
“My Swine Flu is unstoppable”- Dr Yoshihiro Kawoaka Bio-weapons expert at U of Wisconsin and Kobe University, Tokyo Aspartame, Tamiflu and Iraq War profiteer Don Rumsfeld holds the patent on H1NI Swine Flu Vaccines. Enough of a RED FLAG?
“A human to human transmissible disease of moderately fatal proportions will become a plague of unimaginable proportions” Dr Ron Fouchier, U of Rotterdam Virus Researcher.
Druids, Blood and Conspiracy
Druids hung and blood drained human sacrifices in Groves of Holy Wood.
Hollywood is Celtic/Druid/Edomite not Jewish. If you saw the movies Contagion or 12 Monkeys you already know a CDC engineered, worldwide plague is one flight away and in Quarantine you know the plan. In fact, MB-003 is an experimental cocktail created by USAMRIID, tested in Monkeys and distributed by “Doctors without Borders” Dawn of the Planet of the Apes making sense now? (Dawn is Lucifer). Isolation of New York City was featured in I Am Legend (I AM is Jesus by the way) and Dark Knight Rises No big deal? How about the Brooklyn Bridge being severed and carved into the portico of the Cathedral of St John the Divine in NYC? How about White Flags of Surrender appearing on the Brooklyn Bridge to replace the American Flags in July? WHO Director Margaret Chan is an Officer in the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire whose boss Prince Phillip has stated his desire to be reincarnated as a “Killer Virus” pretty monstrous eh?
Novel means “New”; a form of disease for which human antibodies have developed no resistance. The US Army Biological Facility in Ft Detrick combined Ebola and Lassa Virus to be human to human transmissible and conducted Human Trials at the Kenema Gov’t Hospital Lassa Fever Diagnostic Lab (funded by Gates Foundation) in conjunction with Tekmira, Merck, Glaxo-Smith-Kline, Bristol-Myers-Squib, Pfizer and Monsanto. Doctors Without Borders then spread the disease from village to village and Samaritan’s Purse and Phoenix Force transported the Ebola-Lassa hosts back to the US. Sounds like a B Horror Movie or the script from Walking Dead eh?
More than 3 Oz of Toothpaste is too much to pass Airport Security, but fever, diarrhea and vomiting are all ok? BS! The perhaps Novel, human to human form of Ebola may have been contracted by Patrick Sawyer in Liberia; already vomiting, with diarrhea and fever, he was allowed to board 2 separate ASKY Airlines with 3 legs to Lagos, Nigeria, a city with 21 million people and direct international flights? Allowed to board flights in this condition? Not likely. On Lughnasaid a 72 year old woman boards a Gambia Bird A-319 in Sierre Leone and collapses in a pool of sweat and vomit in London. Same day, a young man “stowed away” in a AFRICOM C-130 and arrives dead in Ramstein Airbase Germany. Same day another potential Patient Zero arrives in New York City vomiting and sweating profusely? NYC held its largest “Outbreak Drill” the very next day on 9 Av (Aug 4) as ex-mayor and Knight of Malta Satanist Billionaire Michael Bloomberg is Keynote Speaker at Kenya’s favorite son Barak Obama’s AFRICA Business Summit. Diamonds are Big Business in Africa folks! Is it really just incompetence?
Obama is a title given to Luo Tribe converts to Islam in Kenya. Obama is hosting 51 African Kleptocratic, Dictators, Oops I mean Leaders at the White House on 9 Av “Tisha B’ Av” (Aug 4-6) for an African Summit; Keynote speakers are Jesuit Knight of Malta Michael Bloomberg and Luciferian DeMolay Mason Bill Clinton. You may recall AFRICOM Commander Gen Carter Ham was relieved of duty at gunpoint for ordering a Seal Team to support the 9/11 Benghazi Raid against a White House “Stand Down” order Why? AC-130 Spectre (Airborne Howitzer) and Hellfire equipped Drones were overhead for Obama, Bob Gates and Hillary’s little Gun Running cover-up. Gen Robert Rodriquez took over and seems much more capable eh?
Disease: Let’s go back and put the pieces together. Trident Security Guards in Abu Dhabi die guarding Bio-hazard cargo on the Maersk Alabama (Capt Phillips boat; Hollywood is clever eh?) that allegedly ends up on MH-370 via a Saudi Arabian airliner. BUAP allows ground controllers or AWACS to assume control over airliners like MH-370 and embedded RF Hardware Chips such as those made by Freescale Technologies (Blackstone Group owns Freescale now; read Rothschild=Edomite) allows control of most everything else aboard an airliner such as the Outflow Valve (death in minutes for pilots and flight attendants, in seconds for everyone else) and navigation computer. MH-17 was cancelled on 7/17 AMS-KUL; its cargo contained previously dead, blood drained corpses (perfect for incubating disease) and blood packets. No way this was boarded at AMS in front of the PAX Terminal which is why the Tail # of MH-17 doesn’t match the wreckage site in the Ukraine. Pristine Passports? Don’t think so. Was MH-17 a remotely flown drone using the MH-370 airframe? Was the Bio-hazard cargo loaded onto the aircraft and put on a train for Amsterdam which has direct international flights all over the world a dozen cities inside the US. All 50 State National Guards were recently issued JBAIDS Hemorrhagic Fever Detection Kits for Ebola. FEMA and DOD are now staffing Civilian Detention Centers in response to Patrick Sawyer traveling on ASKY Airlines to Lagos; just in 3 days since his death, some 30,000 people are considered “Suspects”; soon everyone will be “Suspect”.
The WHO (World Health Org) is beginning IFAT (Indirect Fluorescence Antibody Test) to test for Ebola. Canadian pharmaceutical company Tekmira and the US FDA are fast tracking clinical trials for an Ebola Vaccine September 2014. Tekmira is teamed up with Monsanto, the corporation most responsible for destroying the world’s food supply. The Monsanto family of fake Jews profited from the Slave Trade from Liberia; Just coincidence Ebola originated and was transported back to America from there? Libera is Zeus folks! Allah is the blood thirsty god of death worshipped in Liberia as “Damballah”. Novartis and the US Air Force logistics are delivering Influenza Vaccines worldwide for an anticipated (planned) Global Pandemic Fall 2014. The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act allows anyone to be classified as “Suspect” and held in Quarantine. WHO Level 6 Pandemic Protocols call for Mandatory Vaccination.
Ebola is a Bio-weapon created in 1976 at the US Army Biological Weapons Facility at Ft Detrick. The epicenter of the Ebola epidemic is the US Bio-weapons lab/hospital in Sierre Leone financed by the Bill Gates Foundation and George Soros (nee Grigori Schwartz, a Satanic Hungarian Gypsy). Doctors Without Borders is another Soros Foundation creation; Samaritan’s Purse works directly with them and is controlled by 330 Luciferian Freemason Billy and Franklin Graham, financed by Protestant and Evangelical Churches. The first transfer of Ebola patients into America is in a Gulfstream G-3 “Private” Jet (grey paint is a Phoenix Force Jet; a fuel stop at Bangor Maine was 1000 miles outside normal G-3 range; multiple stops? one does not just land Ebola carriers anywhere) from Liberia to Atlanta on Lugnasaid/Lammas (Aug 1).
Samaritans worship Zeus, not Jesus Christ and certainly not JEHOVAH. The Dove Symbol is the Samaritan outpouring of the Spirit of Lucifer called in Kaballah “Shekinah” (Shock and Awe). Lughnash honors the Celtic god Lugh, the patron of Craftsmen and Masons, was an Evangelical “Ollam” whom Kings paid heavy tribute. “Tikkun Olam” is Hebrew for “Repair the Earth” to conditions before the fall into Sin. “Without the shedding of blood is no remission”; Ebola was engineered to shed blood like nobody’s business!
Is it rational to believe all this is simply coincidence, incompetence or bad luck? Or part of a deeply Satanic plan? A plan that Jesus warned of “Except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh remain” Mat 24:22 Folks, Jesus returns to “Destroy them which destroy the Earth” Rev 11:18 “Truth is stranger than fiction because fiction must stick to possibilities where truth does not” Sam Clemens aka Mark Twain.
Radiation: ” I have become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds” Luciferian Mason J Robert Oppenheimer quoting Shiva the Destroyer in the Bhagavad Gita; the original source of Just War. Fukushima sits at the intersection of 3 major tectonic plates; a major earthquake here could easily affect the entire globe, especially when plutonium enhanced fission explosions begin underground; and they will. Fukushima also sits at the site of 2 intersecting Pacific Ocean currents and at the source of the Pacific Jet Stream. MOX (Uranium-Plutonium Oxide) Fuel has the consistency of flour and the unique ability to remain buoyant in the Atmosphere and in Seawater. It has taken 3 years for the never ending plume of Plutonium laced “Bucky Balls” to reach the shores of the Americas. Barbara Marx Hubbard, a disciple of Buckminster Fuller said it best “We are the riders of the Pale Horse. Death. God creates, we decide who lives and who dies” Bluefin Tuna? 95% dead. Starfish, Sea Lions, Sardines all dead or dying; Seaweed and Plankton loaded with Radiation?
Weather: Sea Water was used to flood the melted Fukushima Reactors creating a plutonium filled, neutrally buoyant death plume. Seawater has a slight negative electric charge; Ionizing radiation from Cesium and Strontium strips electrons from surrounding atoms leaving a slight positive charge and an Ionized Path for Lightning; a man-made, electro-magnetically, fog of death hovers just above and below the surface of the Pacific Ocean killing everything in its path. As the atmospheric currents hit the Coastal Mountains (Created during the Flood 4320 years ago by the way; movie Noah was nicely timed eh?) from Canada to Chile, the uplift causes low pressure to saturate coastal areas with positively charged, radioactive fog; bad news? Sure, but remember, this fog is unique in that it supercharges electrical storms; the results just witnessed July 2014 in Los Angeles. the Hollywood (Druid Holy Wood) movie Into the Storm will be released; nice timing eh?
Aztlan is the Jesuit re-conquest of the SW United States. The AF Weather Agency with Evergreen Int’l, HAARP etc, is involved with Weather Modification aka Geo-engineering creating the “RRR” “Ridiculously Resilient Ridge” of High Pressure over the Western Pacific guiding Jet Streams north of the Sierras. 2/3 of California produces 25% of food in the US and is in Exceptional Drought with the UN International Migration and Development Chairman Peter Sutherland (Bilderberg Steering Committee, Tri-lateral Commission) and his paid mouthpieces claiming “In the past, people had to migrate out of drought. Californians will need to do the same” Weather Modification worked well in the 1930’s creating the “Dust Bowl” with people fleeing the largest oil deposits in the US, so why not California? An Inconvenient Truth isn’t it? Why? The solution to human caused “Climate Change” is to stop the Human Virus from cutting trees for houses; burning oil for transportation and heat; eating meat whose by-product is Methane; breathing out CO2 and farting out Methane. Even Mass Murderers need to sleep at night. The plan is in Stone at the Georgia Guide Stones and in writing from the UN Rio Earth Summit and Agenda 21. Which 500 million humans will be allowed to live? Initiated Luciferians.
Jesus promises “Liberty to the Captives” and only the Truth shall set up Free” Jesus is the “Way, Truth and the Life”; nobody gets to the Father except by Him.
I’m well aware of how hard it is to accept the truth when lies bombard us from every direction. The Earth is coming up fast on 6000 years of age and Jesus will return as promised (2 Pet 3:8) when it is; not one moment sooner. The Pale Horse “Death” is riding now with many people on its back; the CFR even has it on the cover of Foreign Affairs Magazine. Edomite “Dominion” is next up (Dan 7:6) and Lucifer is next (Dan 7:7). We will either be in a one on one relationship with JESUS or spend eternity in Hell. Those are the options and Hell on Earth is about to begin. “Nobody shall enter the New Age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation” UN Planetary Initiative
Timing: 9 Av (Aug 4)
- 40 years in the Wilderness of Sin began on 9 Av 1492BC
- Solomon’s Temple was destroyed on 9Av 585 BC
- Herod’s Temple was destroyed on 9 Av 70 AD
- False Messiah Simon Bar Kochba led a revolt in which 500K real Jews were massacred on 9 Av 135 AD Hadrian re-dedicated Jerusalem Zeus Capitolina on 9 Av; Jesus calls Jerusalem “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt”
- Knights Templar (Bankers) begin the 1st Crusade on 9 Av 1096
- King Edward I expels fake Jews (Bankers) on 9 Av 1290. Exactly 700 years to the day later, Satanist George Bush Sr begins the Gulf Wars
- Alhambra Decree expels fake Jews from Spain on 9 Av 1492
- Hitler (an illegitimate Rothschild/Edomite) begins the Holocaust (Burnt Offering) with a fire sacrifice of 100K real Jews in Warsaw on 9 Av 1942