[frame_right][/frame_right]It is said that Tom Skilling, the Chicago Meteorologist brother of Jeff Skilling, ex-president of Enron, invented Weather Investing. Lynn Forester de Rothschild and her Edomite husband Sir Evelyn de Rothschild control much of what comes across mobile devices, Internet and TV as weather reporting and forecasting through Weather Central LP. Weather Derivatives are hedged bets i.e. insurance on weather made by public utilities, corporations or companies. The large storm market takes corporate, state or municipal investments and shifts Weather related risk to banks, hedge funds or re-insurance companies, who in turn create Derivative Weather investments. Combined, the hedge fund and derivatives market worldwide is a LIBOR (London-Interbank Offering Rate) manipulated $Quadrillion “Black Hole”. LIBOR manipulates interest rates “Usury” much like HAARP and other Scalar EM Radars, and chemtrails manipulate weather; this is why Enron advisers were a who’s who of global Satanism: Nelson Mandela, Mikhail Gorbachev, James Baker III, Henry Kissinger etc.
You don’t have to be an Einstein to know control over interest rates and weather is a sure way to wealth. Einstein said..
those who understand interest rate compounding (Usury) make slaves of those who do not.
When the dust settles on Hurricane Sandy, take a look at who purchased weather derivatives ahead of time; my guess is the Rothschilds and their clients will make out like a bandit and U.S. Banks will be once again be bailed out by the Federal Reserve money printing press at U.S. taxpayer expense. FEMA “Federal Emergency Management” is no more Federal than Federal Express or the Federal Reserve. Soon, the 99 year old FED will be under water, literally. Abraham was 99 when Isaac was born; he was 86 when Ishmael was born and forever after Ishmael has been 86-ing Isaac’s descendants. Do you remember the television show “Get Smart”? Control versus Chaos; Agent 86 “Max Smart” and Agent 99. Remember how the Cone of Silence never worked? It pays big time to be in the Gnostic club now, but in the long run Jesus won this battle 6000 years ago.
On 9/11/2001 Mitt Romney was scheduled to be in Battery Park in Manhattan, a fortunate last minute schedule change had him in FBI Headquarters in Washington DC preparing the 9/11/2001 press release. During the organized Benghazi attack, Mitt delivered his press release 2 minutes after Hillary Clinton broke the news. Like I said, it pays to be “In the Know” for now. Last week, Bill Clinton admitted Hillary receives messages from the dead wife of FDR; he said:
“Nothing in politics happens by accident; if it happened you can bet it was planned”.