(Article in Progress)
This article is about occult (hidden) communication, not predicting the Triple Crown winner.
On 6/11 (Zech 6:11 describes “The Branch”), the real Pentecost, the Belmont Stakes is the 3rd race of the Triple Crown. 2016 is a Satanic Jubilee, 50 yrs after the 6th Tetrad 1966-7, Year One Satan (Anno Satanae) the year the church of Satan was founded in America in San Francisco, recall “Hotel California”, 6 Day War for the Golan Heights and capturing of the Temple Mount. June 11 aligns with Shavuot “Feast of Weeks”, the day the Law was given to Moses. Jesus is the only person who can wear the Triple Crown: Prophet, King and Priest; a figure in the vein of Joshua “The Branch” will wear 2 Crowns, “Priest-King”, as a false Melchidedek. On this same day, the New Covenant Law “Love God” “Love our Neighbor” was given to Man after the Crucifixion via the Holy Ghost.
“Spreading the Gospel is no different than Islamic Terrorists waging Jihad”
– Jesuit Pope Francis I published May 18 in La Croix (The Cross).
The Vicar of Jesus missed the entire point of the “Great Commission”
The “Great Commission” Mat 28 is about the ressurection of Jesus Christ, and His appearance on Pentecost; without the Resurrection, all faith in Jesus is in vain. Rejection of the Holy Ghost is the only way to verify this fact in your heart and is therefore the “Unforgivable Sin”.
So Far Off the Truth..
“All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” When a person opens the door to a one on one personal covenant with JESUS, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit provides the basis of the “Great Commission”; that being to teach every nation and every person, Crucified Jesus is Resurrected to Heaven and with everyone until the very end. A little different than Islamic Jihad wouldn’t you say? The real Pentecost began the “Age of GRACE” and very well may end it; welcome to 5776AM. The Age of GRACE is about at an end; JESUS and the real Pentecost are rejected in favor of the Edomite Holy Day of Easter (Acts 12:4KJV) and Shavuot (Law); how did we get this far off the truth?
Emeritus (Gag me) Pope Benedict XVI “The 3rd Secret of Fatima has not been revealed entirely” Nice timing, Pope Francis met with the Great (gag me again) Imam of Azhar (Fatimid Caliphate) Ahmed al Tayyeb May 23, 2016 at the Vatican. Fatimah is Muhammad’s wife folks! Shariah Law procribes the death penalty for worship of JESUS. Healing rifts with other false religions began with the Orthodox Church in Cuba in March and with the Protestant Churches this Halloween aka Samhein, the Celtic Druid New Year. The 500th anniversary of Black Cloistered Monk Martin Luther’s Thesis and 500th anniversary of the 5th Lateran Council proclaiming “Indestructibility of the Soul” is taking shape quite nicely eh? Sede Vacante (Vacant Seat) at St John Lateran will soon be filled by the False Prophet and the Throne of Pergamon by Antichrist aka “The Branch”
Satan’s Seat
Nyquist “Branch” owner J Paul Reddam is an indicted Mortgage Loan Shark (DiTech) his wife Zillah shares a name with the mother of Tubal-cain the patron of Freemasons equivalent with Vulcan; the password “Who is Tubal-cain?” Ans: “Vulcan of the Canaanites” is used in Masonic Lodges. Nyquist is 8 for 8 in his 2 yr career and is the 1st undefeated winner of the Kentucky Derby since 2008 “Big Brown”. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama went to that Derby as candidates for President; Hillary bet on “8 Belles” (Mutiny/End of the Watch), Barack bet on “Big Brown”. JESUS is the 8th Covenant between God and Man; 8 Belles (End of the Watch) broke both front legs and was euthanized in secret of course, near the finish line. Hillary subsequently ended her campaign in front of a Basketball Court sized US Flag in Kentucky with all 50 Stars Upside Down; Barack then accepted the Democratic Nomination on a Stage in Denver made to replicate the Throne of Pergamon “Satan’s Seat” in Berlin.
5776AM (Anno Mundi=Year of Creation) used in the current Hebrew Calendar is calculated by the height of the Great Pyramid’s 5776 inches, assumed to represent 1 in/yr. Pyramid is derived from Pyre “Amid the Flames” aka Holocaust; the Pyramidion Capstone aka Benben Stone (Perch of the mythical Phoenix in Heliopolis) atop the 13 courses of Stones is about to be placed, sealing the fate of America.
Pentecost (50 Days after Passover not Easter) commemorates the Baptism of the Holy Spirit; outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the form of the Dove. When Scripture says “…and they were Baptized”, it doesn’t mean the Apostles found a pool, river or tossed Holy Water on them; it means the Holy Ghost inscribed the New Covenant Law “Love God” “Love our Neighbor” in their hearts with Fire. Followers of JESUS are to “Be wise as Serpents and harmless as Doves”; 2 years in a row Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis I had their Doves attacked by Ravens as they released them from the Vatican on the Int’l Day of Peace. Odd? The Peace Sign is called the Broken Jew, celebrating Jesus’ Crucifixion.
The 2016-17 Satanic Jubilee Pentecost (May 15) will begin a Jovian ie Jupiter/Zeus Baptism; the sort of Baptism Zeus gave the Cretan youth Ganymede by abducting and raising him as a Pederast; hence 2016 is the Year of the Transgender Bathroom Mandate.
While the Wild Goose chase EgyptAir 804 obliterates the airwaves; It’s been a very busy month of May
- Transgender Bathroom Mandate Bathrooms, Showers, Locker Rooms, Hotel Rooms, Prisons
- 3rd Secret of Fatima Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI says the full 3rd secret of Fatima will be disclosed soon. Hint: Fatima is Muhammad’s Wife. 2 Peace Doves were attacked by Ravens and Lightning hit St Peter’s Basilica the night he resigned probably making him nervous. Pope Francis met with the Fatimid Caliph Sheikh Ahmed Muhamad el-Tayeb at the Vatican May 23; probably just coincidence; NOT!
- Fake Moon/Mars Mission admissions “We have no way to protect astronauts from deadly radiation” NASA
- JASTA Alleged Victims of Terrorism can sue nations who sponsor Terrorists; particularly bad news for the US who created and funds al-Qaeda and ISIS. Google Mol Comfort or Nour M if you think this is a joke.
- Geo-engineering admission at the UN “Pharmaceutical Chemtrails with Barium, Mercury, Dessicated Blood, Nano-Aluminum coated fiberglass and Mold Spores”
- WHO Emergency MTG on Mosquito borne plagues. Oxitec is releasing Trans-genic Aedes aegypti Yellow Fever, West Nile, Malaria and Zika Virus carrying Mosquitoes. Familiar with Mat 24, Lk 21; Mk 13 better get familiar.
WWIII “Zionism against Islam
Operation Phoenix Express began May 17 with Rank Blasphemy from the Vicar of Jesus “Spreading the Gospel is no different than Islamic Terrorists waging Jihad” Pope Francis I May 18 La Croix (The Cross) interview. On May 23 Pope Francis met with Paris educated Great Imam Sheikh Ahmed Muhamad el-Tayeb at the Vatican saying “Our meeting is the message”. el-Tayeb is the top Sunni leader who promotes a Global Sufi League. Shia Imams Grand Ayathollah ali Sistani and Ayathollah Khameini are Paris initiated Grand Orient Lodge Freemasons as is Hashemite ie Edomite Jordanian President King Abdullah II; chances are good el-Tayeb is also a Grand Orient Mason.
Sheikh is a title of Arab Nobility, a ruler of an Arab Tribe; in this case the Quyraish Tribe aka Korahites of Numbers 16 from which Muhammad descended.
Israel is not Jewish. al Qaeda and ISIS are not Muslim. ISIS in fact has an Israeli figurehead leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (aka Simon Elliot) and their public relations (fake bbeheading videos) is run by Israeli Rita Katz and the US Army (just ask Gen Mark Milley) WWIII is a Dialectic: Thesus (Islam) versus Anti-thesis (Zionism) which will result in the Synthesis, a Luciferian New World Order. (Google Albert Pike 3 World Wars, the plan is 144 yrs old now) Stop blaming Jews and stop blaming Muslims. “A man’s foes shall be they of his own household” Mat 10:36; Mic 7:6
From the makers of MH-370, MH-17 and GermanWings 9525, Hoax Jet EgyptAir 804 Paris-Cairo (House of Isis to Chi-Rho “Royal Christ”) at 37,000ft dissapears from radar after falling to 9000ft; in other words the plane’s location is known precisely; it swerves 90 degrees then 360 degrees, the pilots unable to get out a May Day call, and allegedly crashes in the MED killing 66 leaving a handful of alleged wreckage, over the location of an International Phoenix Express Naval Drill in the Eastern Medditeranean and nobody knows where it went? Bull Shit (66 books in Scripture is coincidence I’m sure).
“A brutal event…likely a Terror Attack” say French and Egyptian investigators. “Looks like another Terror Attack” Donald Trump. It’s just not safe to fly unless we can profile Muslim Jihadi Terrorists eh?
“Only one person can keep us safe…for most Americans safety is the first priority” FOX News Judge Jeanine Pirro May 23; oh let me guess, Donald Trump? “Those who give up liberty for safety deserve neither” Patrick Henry. Muslim Jihadists pulling this off? No way “A man’s foes shall be they of his own household” Judge JESUS. Pirro is a Sly and Clever Fox just like the titles of her books. Now why do you suppose Jesus referred to the Edomite Herod as “That Fox”?
Walid Shoebat is a Muslim Brotherhood, Arab League fake Christian convert (Marrano) who claims Capt Mohammad Shakeer was a student of Muslim Brotherhood Jihadist Amr Khaled; he converted the aircraft into a Portable Mosque, had a “Last Supper”, before Martydom, called his brother telling him to “Pray for Me” (With what phone?) turned the aircraft so he could Face Mecca and intentionally crashed the jet where Operation Phoenix Express was taking place. Bull Shit. US Naval Radar would have the jet pinpointed if this were true and planes don’t fly 90 and 360 degree circles by themselves. WWIII has been long planned to pit Zionism against Islam; Walid Batshit Shoebat is just playing his part, just like Pope Francis, Flt Attendant Samar Ezz Eldin, and Osama Abdel Basset, Egypt Air Hospitality head who first spread the “Portable Mosque/Martyr for Allah” garbage.
So was a Bomb or Incendiary Device planted on the plane in Paris? which magically expoldes when the plane is being handed off from Greek to Egyptian controllers over an International Military Drill; Sure.
The Jet Swerves 90 degrees, then 360 degrees and no distress call from pilots? No wreckage found just 180 miles offshore in the MED at the location of an International Naval Drill?
The items shown on TV with EgyptAir prominent in no way indicate a crashed A-320; no more so than fragments found at the Pentagon on 9/11/2001. On May 24 EgyptAir Vice Chair Ahmed Adel “We jumped to wrong conclusions; the debris found floating in the ocean does not belong to EgyptAir 804”. That’s a bombshell isn’t it? The debris with EgyptAir prominently displayed is not from EgyptAir 804; it just happened ot be floating in the exact same area with our Logo. What Bull Shit.
Alleged victim/Crisis Actor Flight Attendant Samar Ezz Eldin posted pictures on her Facebook account days ahead of the alleged event; she was walking out of the ocean with a crashed airliner behind her and “I Love Islam”. Now that’s a Smoking Gun.
French Foreign Intelligence Pat Calver said “Isis planning to attack France” days ahead; sure Pat, just like Francois Holland setting up terror drills at the locations Paris was attacked.
ISIS posted “Kill France” days ahead. I’ll bet this Tweet came straight from Israeli ISIS propaganda queen Rita Katz and the US Army. Israeli ICTS controls security at Charles DeGaulle, Amsterdam (MH-17 was a NATO-Israeli “False Flag”) and Brussels.
On May 7 Army Chief of Staff General Mark Milley told ROTC Grads “1916 was complex; 1945 was complex, 2016 will be highly complex…you will be battling Terrorists, Little Green Men and Hybrid Armies simultaneously”. How prophetic; in 1945 the Arab League was founded in Cairo; is that what you meant Mark?
Several hours after radar contact was allegedly lost, a distress signal was received; electronics don’t transmit or work underwater; Black Boxes just ping their location, not information.
A TV Actor was Flight Attendant in charge.
Crisis Actors on TV + International Naval Drill + “Portable Mosque” + No Distress Calls + S-2040=False Flag. In the US, creator of al-Qaeda and ISIS S-2040 “JASTA” passed the Senate the same day; what a coincidence eh? The bill allows Alleged Victims to sue nations sponsoring Terrorism such as Iran, Saudi Arabia and soon France, Egypt and the Womb of Terror the USA.
May 21 FOX News Update aka Breaking Bull Shit
“Smoke alarms were going off in the toilet and avionics bay just before the crash” Guess that rules out a Surface to Air Missile or Air to Air shoot down eh? Smoke detectors in the toilet are not monitored by the Voice Recorder or Flight Data Recorder; Oops! “ACARS detected heat at the co-pilot’s window and Electronics Bay” ACARS (Aircraft Crew Alerting) does not monitor heat in the cockpit; Oops! “Pilot’s never know what is in the cargo” BS, pilots sign a release for any item listed as potentially hazardous. “This is a Global Commerce and Security issue” A line right out of Peter Sutherland’s playbook. Smoke and Fire yet not a peep from the pilots? Stay tuned, it’s getting as deep as the alleged cavern the plane sank into without a trace. You don’t suppose Donalt Trump and Henry Kissinger talked about the event during their Private Mtg the same day? Winston Churchill thought he was big enough to go against the plan until he was shown the planned NY Stock Market collapse from the trading floor which started the Great Depression. No Donald, you are not that Huuuge.
The mythical Phoenix connects Egypt and Arabia and serves as the symbol of America (The Eagle on the $ was the Phoenix on Gold Coins); in Egypt it was the Benben Stone or Pyramidion seen above the Unfinished Pyramid on the $US that symbolized the coming Age of Horus.
S2040 “JASTA” (Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act) passed the Senate, sponsored by Chabad Lubavitch pretend Atheist fake Jew Bernie Sanders, fresh off a visit to Israel and the Vatican. If this becomes Law, alleged victims of “Terror Events” can sue nations that sponsor Terrorists. Bernie believes Saudi Arabia sponsored 9/11 Terrorists; Wrong Bernie.
Obama will Veto the bill, no shit sherlock, his alleged father is an Arab Kenyan; he bowed to King Abdullah and promised a “New Beginning for Islam”. Senator/Traitors McCain and Kerry even meet with ISIS commanders. So how is it no Arab names let alone any from Saudi Arabia are listed on Flt #11, #175, #93 or #77 Flt Manifests?
NATO, Egypt, Greece, Turkey, the US a dozen more nations, Frontex (EU border Mgt; the EU Parliament has the Whore of Babylon out front riding the Beast with Seat #666 Vacant), and the International Organization for Migration all participating in the Naval Drill with the US Navy Guided Missile Destroyer USS Gravely “First to Conquer” is their motto. Migration is code for herding War Refugees; managing the manufactured False Flags is World Class Satanist, Fine Gael (Gael is equivalent with Chaldean) Barrister (Agent for the Crown Bar) Peter Sutherland; BP, Goldman Banker,, Deep Water Horizon architect, Tri-lateral Commission Chair, WTO, GATT, Bilderberg Steering Committee and United Nations Migration Council Chair. Amb William Lacy Swing heads the IOFM. Soon it will be Americans herded into UN Agenda 21 Re-Wilded (Desert means Land void of life and returned to plant) Reservations just like natives were.
“Spreading the Gospel is no different than radical Islamists waging Jihad” Pope Francis, Jesuit Vicar of Jesus in a LaCroix interview published May 17 La Croix means “The Cross”.
Spreading the Gospel to all Nations is the “Great Commission” The message is Jesus is God in Flesh; Jesus is the Word made Flesh; Jesus is the Holy Ghost and Jesus is the only Mediator between God in SPIRIT and Man in Flesh. Baptizing all Nations refers to the Baptism of the Holy Ghost which only JESUS can provide.
Jihad means “Prepare oneself to worship Allah”; most Muslims have no idea Allah is the 4000 yr old Arab moon god “Sin”; the Arab Trinity Uzza, Manat and al Lah was 2600 years old by the time Muhammad received the Quran from Angel Gabriel. It’s the identical theme as Joseph Smith meeting Gabriel and writing the Book of Mormon because they are of the same Satanic source . Pope Francis said “Jesus’ call to spread the gospel differs little from Jihad waged by radical Islamic Terrorists…Jesus sending his disciples to all nations is the same as Islamic conquest” How’s that for Apostacy?
Pre-Trib Rapture, 7 Yr Tribulation, Daniel’s 70th Week of 7 Years, Israel’s 7 yr Dispensation are all Chaldean Bull Shit. 5776AM (2016-17) began with the Solar Eclipse on Sept 13, 2015 and ends Oct 2, 2016. Satanic DispenSATANalism is coming; time to get right with the correct Messiah.
The Triple Crown of Gold and Silver fashioned for Joshua is described in Zech 6:11; pretty coincidental with Shavuot/Pentecost on 6/11 and Zech 6:11 eh? The Triple Crown is the Crown of JESUS as Priest-King “Melchesedek” and Christ “Messiah” (Saviour); the coming Priest-King is only a false Messiah “Antichrist”. Bee Careful; Bee is Chaldean for Word; it’s a Sting folks! The worldwide “Chaldean Sting” is nearing the 3rd and final act of Chaldean Magick “Prestige”, the presentation of the Alternative Messiah.
There have been 12 Triple Crown winners; Nyquist would be the 13th (Exaggerator won the Preakness so this will not happen) during the 2016 Satanic Jubilee Year?
the number in scripture always associated with Rebellion to God eg Judas, the 13th disciple at the Last Supper or Gen 13:13 “Sins of Sodom”. Here a few more examples: In Hebrew Gematria Chaos (Bev) is 13 “Order out of Chaos” may ring a Baal. 13 is the number of Purification; worship of Tammuz caused the Glory of the LORD to depart Solomon’s Temple (Eze 8) Tammuz means “Purify by Fire”. 13 is the harbinger of suffering and death, bad luck and misfortune; the number of the Snake and Satan. Jesus was Crucified and expired on Nisan 13; His followers like me should expect the same.
On May 11 as Mt Doom in New Zealand (Lord of the Rings) began erupting, NASA announced GREAT (German Receiver for Astronomy at Terahertz Freq) aboard SOPHIA (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy) detects Atomic Oxygen in Mars’s Atmosphere; Mars the Red Planet symbolizes War, Edomite style; the Rooster heralding Lucifer (Rising Sun) and UNKNOWN GOD of the Areopagus Athenians ignorantly worshipped as Ares; Babylonians called the war god Nergal; more NAZI occult communication. GREAT SOPHIA means SPIRITUALLY GREAT WISDOM; “The Branch” of the Tree of Knowledge. I’m surprised they didn’t use the Vatican’s LUCIFER Telescope in Arizona (Zone of Ares) frankly; Atomic Oxygen “O” symbolizes Zoroaster (Zero) the Seed of the Woman (Eve); occultists believe Satan impregnated her in the Garden of Eden resulting in Cain; BS of course. Astronomy “Star Seed” is “The Branch” of Science (Sofia/Gnosis) spewing the most unadulterated Blasphemy as Dan 1:4 “Tongue of the Chaldeans” and 1 Tim 6:20 “Profane and vain babblings” make clear. O is the “One Ring to Rule them all”. So where would you expect the Olympic Ring in the Satanic Jubilee? Rio, the site of the Rio Earth Summit (UN Agenda 21 is forced relocation and re-wilding) “Desert” means “Land void of life and returned to plants”; America is to become a Desert both physically as well as SPIRITUALLY; the Scapegoat for Rev 18 “Babylon has fallen”. Brazil was called Amurru, the Edomite Shepherd and Serpent god; the eponymous land, people and god of the Amorites (Canaanites). So what’s in Rio? A giant Idol of the False Messiah, the White Bearded Christ natives in Amurucca called Quetzalcoatl, accepted in the man Pizarro 500 years ago. Google Red Kachina, Blue Star Prophecy, it’s a real hoot.
“And a man’s enemies shall be they of his own house” Mat 10:36; Mic 7:6
Read Mat 24 before continuing; we are about there. May 9-13 “Living Planet Symposium” Scientists announced the Earth’s Magnetic Field is rapidly weakening. Occultists worship Creation rather than God and believe Earth is living as “Gaia”; Luciferian Mason James Cameron’s “Avatar” for example. CHAMP (Challenging Mini-satellite Payload) and GRACE (Gravity Recovery Climate Experiment) Satellites confirm this fact; Bull Shit! Newton Lied. Southern Calif Earthquake Center Liar Thomas Jordan “The San Andreas Fault is loaded and ready to go; when it hits, it will be the Big One”. CHAMP is also a Boeing EMP Drone designed to knock out the US Power Grid. It’s no coincidence Hollywood is releasing AmeriGEDDON the movie on Fiday 13th (May 13), the same day as Obama’s Title IX “Transgender Bathroom Mandate” just ahead of the Easter (Ishtar) based Pentecost, the day the GRACE of Jesus was given to the world? Not quite, the real GRACE of the Holy Ghost is 50 days after Passover not Easter. Easter is an Edomite/Amorite Holy Day people! Herod celebrated it by killing James and attempting to kill Peter for Pete’s sake.
Jade Helm 16
UWEX-16 (Unconventional Warfare Exercise) Unconventional Warfare is on American Citizens who have absolutely no rights under the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, the CORPORATE CONSTITUTION that replaced the Coinstitution for the United States and its Citizens. Jade Helm 16 will focus on Controling Food Shipments, Civilian Disarmament, Civil War, and Civilian Internment. The 2015 Exercise positioned military assets; in the 2016-17 Jubilee Year the Exercise will likelly go live when Martial Law is declared from the next False Flag Event; SMOM Donald Trump is certain a 9/11 type event will occur because it was planned. “Control Oil, you control nations. Control food you control people” Bilderberger, Jesuit, Knight of Malta, Luciferian Mason Henry Kissinger.
Peter Sutherland
You may recall the Sgt of Arms of the US House of Representatives introducing Jesuit Pope Francis as “Pope of the Holy See”; Holy See means “Holy Chair/Seat”; Chair of Peter? Not quite; more like the Cathedra “Teaching Seat” of the Jesuit Arch-basilica of St John Lateran. Lateran means “Hidden Frogs”, the 3 Unclean spirits of Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet (Rev 16:13) Behind the 1st and last Jesuit Pope was Jesuit Knight of Malta Joe Biden and Jesuit John Boehner. Jesuit educated Peter Sutherland is the Pope Francis’ Papal Migration Representative and is in charge of the Vatican Migration policy. Sutherland is also heads the UN Migration Council and the Global Forum on Migration and Development. Satanists use War to create Refugees.
Jesuit “Militia of Zeus and Minerva” educated British citizen Peter Sutherland will be in charge of US Civilian Internment. So you think Amerigeddon was just by chance? Guess again. In front of the UN is a Gun with its Barrel tied in a knot meaning the US Constitution’s 2nd Amendment will be hanging by a thread as called for in the Mormon Blood in the Streets Prophecy. Peter Sutherland managed the Deep Water Horizon disaster pocketing $Billions from the planned and still ongoing DeepWater Horizon disaster.
The volume of oil and methane Deep Water Horizon tapped into is the size of Mt Everest (several Trillion Bbls), under pressure, with a pipeline network in place. Hollywood warned of the exact date Deep Water Horizon would suffer Arson and Scuttled, in Jesuit Knight of Malta Nic Cage’s “Knowing”. Peter Sutherland is a Rothschild (Edomite Shield) BP CEO, Goldman Banker, Fine Gaei (Gael=Chaldee) Barrister (most all Attorneys merely Practice; this man represents the Crown Bar); UN, Vatican, Global Migration (Refugee) Chair and Initiated Jesuit. Peter Sutherland sold and then shorted BP Stock and Double Indemnified the TranOcean Oil rig DeepWater Horizon clearing a $270M profit for TransOcean and just before the Earth Day pre-planned disaster, represented Halliburton in purchasing Boots and Coots (Oil Clean-up Corp) and Nalco (Corexit) stock; must have “Known” something eh? To say this Satanist made a killing is an understatement.
Methane from a Multi-Trillion Bbl Oil/Gas deposit is still leaking at nearly 100,000PSI underground, eroding the Salt Dome and spewing more Global Warning gas than Al Gore or UN Global Climate Change Ambassador, Time Magazine Man of the Year Leo DiCaprio’s Carbon Forests can sequester. Army Corp of Engineers has a $40B funded plan to evacuate the Gulf Coasts when they become submerged and NOAA, FEMA and the US Navy have maps depicting the pre-planned event. Sutherland is a Goldman Sachs Banker who sold and shorted BP, double insured TransOcean and moved the Corp offshore to the Cayman Is days ahead of the pre-planned explosion, this ex-BP (British Petroleum? How aobut Anglo-Iranian Oil) CEO also heads the Bilderberg Steering Committee, Tri-lateral Commission, WTO (World Trade Org) and GATT (Gen Agreement on Tarrifs and Trade) Peter Sutherland is a World Class Chaldean (Gaelic=Celtic=Culdee=Chaldee) Satanist headed for Hell, well below the Gulf of Mexico Oil Deposit he unleashed, cheered on by Traitors in the US Congress.
Mt Gox and BitCoin
Only Congress may coin money, yet the Commodities Exchange classifies BitCoin a “Commodity”; the US Treasury classifies BitCoin “Virtual Currency” and Texas Magistrate Judges classify BitCoin a “Currency”. Texas flies its Flag even with the US Flag because the pre-planned Confederacy Capital is building its own Gold Depository and planning cessation from the United States first. Immigrants from Cuba, South and Central America and Mexico are even receiving free or greatly reduced airline travel to Juarez for transfer to El Paso, the drug and immigrant depot of the US, managed by the US Army. Mt Gox was an online trading company for Magic: The Gathering which turned into a bankrupted BitCoin trading exchange stealing $500M. Gox is derived from Goiz meaning Morning, Dawn and High; the High Mountain of Lucifer to be exact. “For the love of money is the root of all evil” may ring a Baal.
The Martian
If you liked Mat Damon reparing his Martian habitat with visqueen and duct tape (10psi and -200F) you will have no trouble believing the latest Bull Shit from NASA claming life on Mars ended with 2 asteroid caused ancient “Mega Tsunamis”. For a planet with no Magnetic Shield, no Water, a Carbon di-oxide atmosphere at 1/30th that of Earth’s pressure and well below water freezing temperature, it’s getting pretty deep. Why Mars? Mars aka Ares or Nergal is the pagan god of War, the UNKNOWN GOD Paul noted was “Ignorantly Worshipped” Acts 17:23 Can’t wait for Saturn’s Day Night Live’s version of Ghostbusters eh? Who you gonna call? Beter call JESUS before it’s too late.
GRACE are Twin Satelites measuring the fictional force of Gravity aka “God Particles”; Satan is the “God of forces” Ref Dan 11:38. The GRACE (Unmerited Favor) provided by the Blood of Jesus is free for the asking; the Grace of Satan will cost you your Soul and your Name will be removed from the Book of Life.
NASA made the GRACE announcement on May 11. Weaken the Magnetic Field, everything living dies. 5/11=Ephesians 5:11 “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them” Earth’s Magnetic Field is rapidly weakening, causing Climate Changes; BS. The premise is the Magnetic Field is created by flowing molten iron inside the Earth; Gamma Radiation passes through the Earth unimpeded; X-Ray Radiation is stopped at the surface; UV Radiation is stopped in the Ozone Layer; there is no mechanism which can melt iron in the Earth. Earth has a large layer of Water, differential motion of the interior V exterior produces the Magnetic Field; what the Satanists are saying is Gaia’s Water is about to burst; the Earth is about to “reel to and fro as a drunkard” (Is 24:20)
Not ready for a re-built Temple in Jerusalem “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” (Rev 11:8KJV) according to Newton’s architectural calculations, with Satan’s Seat (“Throne of Pergamon” Rev 2:13) and “The Branch” (Zech 6:12) sitting on the Throne next to the Abomination of Desolation? Better get ready.
2015 “American Pharaoh” 2016 “The Branch”
2016 is the Satanic Jubilee Year; American Pharaoh “Great House of Amurru/Amorites” in 2015 is about at an end. Nyquist “The Branch” in 2016-17? Quite the plan eh? Belmont means “Beautiful Mountain”; Bel=Baal=El=Saturn=Satan aka “The Branch” Why? Jesus rules the Earth during the Millenium; Satanists reject anything to do with Him, preferring instead, a “Golden Age” return to the Garden of Eden conditions of Eternal Life. Repair the Earth (Hebrew Tikkun Olam) refers to eliminating anyone associated with God (Jacob) and Born Again followers of JESUS “THE BRANCH”. The Tree of Life is JESUS; that too must be destroyed and replaced with only one Tree of Knowledge. To do this, about 93% of humanity must die; the rest will accept the Mark of the Beast and an Alternative Messiah “Antichrist”. That’s the “Magic Gathering”, the now 6000 year Chaldean “Sting”.
Jesus the “The Righteous Branch of Jesse” was rejected and Crucified; JESUS “THE BRANCH” is the Holy Ghost is the Tree of Life, the bloodline of King David from Jesse is “THE BRANCH”, the real “BRANCH”; don’t be fooled by imposters.
Trump-Kissinger a Match made in Hell
In 2011 self-proclaimed Prophet (God’s Prophets ended with John the Baptist Ref Lk 16:16) Mark Taylor wrote a prophecy (plan) stating “Donald Trump was chosen by God to save America from the brink of destruction” BS! Taylor is promoted by TruNews founder/pre-Trib Rapture, Dispensatanalist liar Rick Wiles. Donald Trump is meeting with Luciferian Mason, Jesuit, Bilberberger, Knight of Malta, Bohemian Grove Satanist War monger Henry Kissinger May 18, 2016 to establish his “Foreign Policy” platform. Trump like Kissinger is an Oath Sworn Papal Knight “SMOM” (Sovereign Military Order of Malta) aka Knight of St John or Jerusalem, Malta, Cyprus and Rhodes aka Knight Hospitaller. Kissinger is known for managing the Vietnam War, Campbdian “Killing Fields”, E Timor Massacre; Argentina’s “Dirty War” and worldwide ban of DDT, responsible for more deaths than any war in history. Trump is a Chabad Lubavitch (Drumpf) Initiate and a claimed Presbyterian. The Presbyterian Church celebrates Kirkin O’Tartan (Church of the Tartan); Tartan means “Phoenician Cloth” and is the name of the Assyrian Army Commander under Sargon II charged with replacing Israel with Babylonians, Medeans, Cuthites, Canaanites (2 Ki 17:30; 18:17) who assumed their identity; we see them in Israel today under the Star of Molech. Donald Trump is the classic lying Crypto ie Fake Jews who practice Satanism in private while pretending to be anything required in public; his 66th floor Trump Penthouse is in fact a Temple dedicated to the Sun god Apollo (Apollyon/Abaddan aka Destroyer).
In 2011, Donald Trump and Sheriff Joe Arpaio both came out with his Obama Birth Certificate “Birther” bombshell. BRTHR appears on the West Palm Beach Bufit 2 Departure where Donald Trump lives; just coincidence? Guess again. Go to
– look at the Bufit 2 Departure point BRTHR. Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Mitt Romney’s choice for FEMA Dir or Nat Sec Dir; important because Mitt Romney, a Mormon and possible 3rd Party candidate, claims descent from Ephraim, the tribe who first made the treasonous pact with the Assyrians; SSDD folks! A dozen Prophecy teachers are claiming the Antichrist will be revealed by Aug 30, 2016; perhaps so, just hack the clock for 3 1/2 years if so; don’t expect JESUS to take sides in the upcoming war because that’s a Lie. There are no words devoted to any battle with God (Jesus); whether by Flood, Volcanic Eruption (Thera, Pompeii), Fire and Brimstone (Sodom and Gomorrah) or His mere presence, those in Sin die instantly and eternally.
Mitt Romney, a Mormon Melchisedek Priest (Henry Kissinger was/is Mitt Romney’s Foreign Policy Adviser) is likely the planned Mormon “White Horse”; White Horse being slang for Heroin; Mitt’s pal Henry filled caskets of Vietnam war veterans with Heroin and shipped them into the US; that’s Trump’s Foreign Policy adviser. Why now? “After 10 Jubilees Prince Melchesedek will be revealed” Prince Melchisedek Scroll 11Q13 Caves of Qumran. 10 Jubilees=500 years, from what? 5th Lateran Council 1517 proclaimed the Gnostic/Cathar doctrine “Indestructibility of the Soul” as Roman Catholic dogma; JESUS is Melchisedek, He and He alone will Judge everyone’s Soul who has ever lived, don’t believe this Satanic nonsense. 11Q13 are the 6th and 7th Prime Numbers, the Perfection of Man if you will, also point to Rev 11 and 13, the Heavenly and Earthly view of the Great Trubulation. 666 is the number of this Beast System (Rev 13:18). “The beginning of Wisdom is Fear of the Lord”. Wisdom is knowing that accepting this number will send you to Hell for Eternity.
Don’t become lax concerning this number; 666 has nothing to do with Nero Caesar. The key is realizing the Antichrist (Alternative Messiah) or “The Branch” will be a 3rd Adam; 6 the number of Man; Adam the first Man; Jesus the 2nd and a Man sitting on the Throne of Pergamon in Jerusalem the 3rd or “666”. The New Covenant is purely SPIRITUAL; accept a leader on the Throne in Jerusalem and Hell for eternity will result.
Mark Taylor’s false prophecy/plan also states “A Triple Crown winner will signal the time has come for the Catholic Church to break out”. ISIS and Donald Trump have stated the War will end in Rome because the plan of “St Malachy” calls for Pope Francis to be the last. “I will not be Pope for long” Pope Francis. “When Rome is burning, people will pray I had been elected” Donald Trump. The “Break Out” here is Esau breaking the yoke of Jacob (Ref Gen 17:39-41KJV) as the 3rd Beast (Dan 7:6) So is Donald going to save America? Is it American Pharaoh? Not quite; Nyquist.
44: Mass of the Phoenix-9th Circle-Solomon’s Cube
Michael Lauvaugn Robinson, son of Chicago crack dealer and Union thug for Mayor Richard Daley Fraser Robinson and Chicago prosttute Marian, aka the White House Transgender Michelle Obama wore jersey #44 playing football for Oregon State; pretty coincidental he would occupy the White House with President #44, a lifelong Sodomite member of Chicago’s Gay Bathhouse “Man’s Country” and Rev Jeremiah Wright’s “Down Low Club” and have Richard Daley’s son Bill as Chief of Staff eh?
44 years ago, C Alan Martin predicted US (Amurru=America) President #44 would be the last. Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix is Aleister Crowley’s book; the Phoenix is America. New Atlantis is Francis Bacon’s book detailing America as the Phoenix Rising as Atlantis of the New Age; America is to sacrificed for the “New Aeon of Horus”. 44 is the numerology associated with Solomon’s Cube; Masons will rebuild the Temple of Solomon complete with Satan’s Seat and the Abomination of Desolation (Idol). 44 is coded in Aleister “Great Beast” Crowley’s Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix; America is the Phoenix to be sacrificed, the New World Order rising from the flames. 44 is also the numerology associated with the 9th Circle Ritual
The Ritual requires a child to be raped, tortured, sacrificed, dismembered and burned; don’t “toss the baby out with the bath water” folks, the people at the top of Satan’s hierarchy have all sold their soul and everyone of them knows JESUS is the Judge of the Soul. Maybe the Friday 13th “Transgender Bathroom Mandate” and Amerigeddon makes more sense now. Obama (He is with us in Farsi aka Zoroastrian) is Pres #44; the 1971 vision by C Alan Martin predicted President #44 would be America’s last. What will it take to wake up?
Bill Clinton illegally annexed 1.7M ac with the Escalante Grand Staircase Nat Monument in UT; Obama has illegaly annexed 260M AC (Sand to Snow, Mojave Trails, Castle Mountains) in NV and CA; next for the illegal foreigner? 1.9M AC with the Bear’s Ears Nat Monument in Utah. The Antiquities Act is the most powerful tool in a President’s arsenal against the American people; it provides for the 10SQ MI District of Columbia; my we have stretched that a bit!
Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix is Aleister Crowley’s book describing the fall of America and the “New Aeon of Horus” Obama is Persian. Why Persian? Zoroastrian is Medean not Persian of Cyrus the Great’s day; Medean Magi couldn’t read the “Writing on the Wall” but Daniel could. Dan 8 describes the rise of “Little Horn” aka Antichrist, a battle of the Ram and Goat; America is the Scapegoat here. More occult communication came on May 13 “Russian SARMAT ICBM to replace SATAN ICBM, ready summer 2016” SARMAT means Sarmation, the Medean ie Iranian confederation of the Steppes, the sucessors to the Scythians. Russia-Iran-China are in league now as then. Dan 8:23-25 describes the “king of fierce countenance understanding dark sentences who causes Craft to proper and destroys wonderfully” Jesus, the Prince of princes destroys him without hand as decribed without words in Rev 19:19-20. Ready for Sargon III? Me neither, but he is coming soon. Once again, nobody wins any sort of victory over JESUS; we can get behind Him or spend eternity in Hell.
Pope Francis is Pope #266, the last according to the vision/plan of St Malachy Molech/Malach=Lord; the wrong Lord. 44 is also the numerology associated with Solomon’s Cube; Masons and Temple Mount Faithful will rebuild the Temple of Solomon complete with Satan’s Seat. 44 is also associated with Aleister Crowley’s Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix; America is the Phoenix to be sacrificed by fire; the New World Order rising from the flames; the Phoenix of the New Age.
Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix aka Holocaust of America
Extermination Order #44 (Illinois Governor Liburn Bogs) called for exterminating Mormons who had no respect for US Laws or Gentiles (They falsely believe they are Israelites) Title IX is the Public Education Bill of Rights enacted by President #44 as “Transgender Bathroom Mandate”, the numerology associated with the 9th Circle Ritual is 44. The Ritual requires a child to be raped, tortured, sacrificed, dismembered and burned; don’t “toss the baby out with the bath water” folks, the people at the top of Satan’s hierarchy have all sold their soul and everyone of them knows JESUS is the Judge of the Soul.
2016 is a Satanic Jubilee Year; the 2016 Kentucky Derby winner Nyquist means “Dweller near the Twig” which means “Branch or Small Tree”. Zech 6:12 “THE BRANCH”; the SPIRITUAL NAME of JESUS is changed to “The Branch” in new bible versions; “The Branch” is the Name of the Alternative Messiah (Ref Ps 68:4KJV and Mat 1:25KJV JAH=JESUS=JEHOVAH) the New Covenant NAME is not the rejected and crucified Jah=Jesus/Joshua=Jehovah. This is absolutely critical to understand. In the so-called Jewish Bible “Tsemach” meaning “Sprout” is used; JESUS is the entire Tree of Life people, not a Sprout. In the Catholic (Douay-Rheims) Bible “THE ORIENT” is the used which is not JESUS but the “Rising Sun” Lucifer.
JESUS is not Joshua! Get this straight right now because the warrior Messiah is coming. Antichrist is an Alternative Christ (Messiah) spiritually possessed by Satan; a “Heist” of Un-imaginable proportion put on the silver screen in 1968 and 1999 as the “Thomas Crown Affair” (Thomas means Twin); version 3 is due out in 2017 with the son of Apollo Creed; who else? Make a Creed with Apollo and Hell for eternity is a certainty. Armageddon is not a battle, it is a slaughter of people who reject JESUS as Messiah, King and Prophet ie “Triple Crown”. Quite the Trump eh? Which is why Mark Taylor put out his Trump plan.
The Crown of Joshua is falsely called the “Triple Crown” (Zech 6:11) It is not; the Crown of JESUS is the true Triple Crown. Joshua never filled all 3 “Triple Crown”: King, Messiah and Prophet. “THE BRANCH” is JESUS who builds the Temple of the LORD is GOD (Ref Eze 40-47), not the Satanic Templars and Samaritan Priests at the ready to build the Temple of Satan in Jerusalem, the Great City JESUS calls “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8.
JESUS is Shiloh (Gen 49:10) meaning “He whose it is”; Shiloh is the Creator of the Earth and has given legal title (Allod) to nobody. In America for example, “Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Property” was changed to “Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness” because nobody on Earth has legal right to own Property and certainly not Gentile Chattel Slaves. Jesus gives the Authority to Rule to Esau (Gen 27:39-41KJV) and when He does, all Hell breaks loose (Dan 7:7) because Esau hands control over to Satan the 4th Beast.
JESUS is Melchisedek “Priest of the Most High; King of Jerusalem”; notice JESUS as Prophet is missing from the title “Priest-King”, because JESUS is the Word made Flesh; Bible Prophecy is pre-written history, not educated guessing; ask for the Holy Ghost and you will know this is true; in fact of all the books in God’s Word, only Revelation, the Testimony of JESUS via the Holy Ghost, given to a man exiled in an island cave carries the “Blessing” for everyone reading, understanding and keeping the prophecy in that book.
JESUS is “I AM”; JESUS is Alpha and Omega; there is not a Damn thing any of these fake Priests can do to change that. None can understand because all have rejected JESUS as LORD, PROPHET and KING.
Antichrist and False Prophet
So, the question is Who will the Antichrist be? We know he is “The Branch”, and a Warrior in the vein of Joshua; a Twin/Alternative to Jesus of sorts. My best guess and it is a total guess is Thomas (Twin) Plantard (Vine, Tree or Plant Cutting).
When? A Jubilee Year when Slave and Master are reversed; currently Esau is under the Yoke of God and Jacob (Gen 27:39-41KJV) 2016 is a Satanic Jubilee 50 years after 1966 Anno Satanae “Year One Satan” and the 6th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles; the picture of Thomas Plantard and his Vichy French, Nazi collaborator Grandfather Pierre Plantard was taken in 1979 when he was 13. Thomas Plantard was thus likely born during the last Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses; “Nyquist” means “Branch” as does Plantard.
The office of False Prophet goes hand in glove with Antichrist. Orthodox means “Of the correct opinion or doctrine”. Again, this is just a guess. Bishop Timothy “Kallistos” Ware is an Anglican convert to Orthodox religion who states “Hierarchy is necessary for Othodoxy” This is the Elevated Clergy “Nicolaitane Doctrine” Jesus hates (Rev 2:6;15) because JESUS is the only Head of His Church. Kallistos means Bear; Arthur also means “Branch” and is the source name of King Arthur, the Bear Guard of Ursa Major aka “Big Dipper”, the symbol of the Age of Aquarius.
Maybe these Satanists thought we were too stupid to see through the charade eh? Got JESUS in your life yet? “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man opens the door I will come in and sup with him” What the Hell are you waiting for? Hell on Earth? It’s coming.