“And the Oscar goes to..
Zero Dark Thirty”
Zero is derived from the Arab word for Cipher
Dark means Sinister; Wicked; To Hide or Absence of Light.
Jesus said “I am the light of the world”
– John 8:12
Thirty or 30 is used in a telegraph, dispatch or line copy to indicate “The End”.
There seems to be a bit of a Secret Cipher indicated here, so what on earth could it bee? No typo, Bee is Word in Chaldee. A Chaldean Last Word?
– Zero Dark Thirty premiered in Hollywood December 10th, 2012 coincident with the European Union meeting to accept the Nobel Peace Prize and their decision on starting Wars in Syria and Mali.
– The movie debuts in theaters December 19th, 2012. I couldn’t help noticing the CIA analyst uses the name Maya; cute eh? Maya means Illusion which is what the Mayan Calendar date of aka Dec 21, 2012 is.
“All War is Deception” The art of War
-Sun Tzu
“We’ve never made the case or even argued the case that somehow Osama bin laden was behind 9/11/2001”
– Dick Cheney
“Osama bin Laden has never appeared on the FBI Most Wanted List in connection with 9/11/2001”
FBI Director Robert Mueller
“Our disinformation campaign will be complete when everything the American people believe is false”
– Reagan CIA Director William Casey.
Oscar means “God’s Spear” aka “Spear of Destiny”. Oscar has the same root as Asgaard the Norse abode of the gods and first element of Ahura Mazda, the pre-determined winner of WWIII according to Zoroastrianism’s final battle of “Light” versus Ahriman “Darkness”. Guess which nation represents Ahriman by the 150+ nations in the “Non-aligned Movement”? The US. Shia “Twelver” Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Tehran is this years NAM President; his Divine Mission is to usher in al-Mahdi.
Guess which town was the 1st Jesuit acquisition in the Middle East?
Guess where WWIII will start?
That’s right, Tehran where Shia “Twelver” Imams are trained for the role of ushering in the 12th Shia Imam “al-Mahdi”. al-Mahdi means “He who Rises”; I’ll spoil the surprise and tell you al-Mahdi is the Beast rising from the Sea in Rev 13.
Hollywood means “Holy Wood”; no Masonic laughing people; as my 20 yr old son said of the movie Toy Story, What 16 yr old doesn’t want to play with his Woody? Aint’ that right 33° Mason Buzz “Lightyear” Aldrin? Beltane means Baal’s Birth and Obelisk means Baal’s Shaft.
Hollywood also refers to the Holy Wood of Druid Groves used to Hang (Curse) Sacrifices. Emperor Constantine, the first Pope called pieces of the “True Cross” Holy Wood; 300 years after the Crucifixion, his Druid mother Helena finds pieces of the Cross? Nice try. Druids called these Groves “Thor’s Oaks” aka Asgaard. Pretty clever eh? Is Hollywood Jewish? Not on your eternal life.
Seal Team 6
Seal Team 6 was released to U-Tube and free streaming movie outlets like Netflix just ahead of the US elections in order for Obama to take credit for the supposed Beltane “May Day” Raid. The time stamp in the film shows 1:30-2AM. Kathryn Bigelow says the term “Zero Dark Thirty” means 30 minutes after Midnight, but anyone in the military knows the phrase is more closely akin to “The Crack of Dawn”. Perhaps the reason Obama changed the name of the Iraq War to “Operation New Dawn”is because Dawn means Lucifer. Anyway, the film stopped short of answering a few questions.
- Why does the US think Osama bin Laden was involved with 9/11 when he, along with Dick Cheney and Robert Mueller have denied any such involvement? Terrorist groups usually brag about events far less spectacular than 9/11.
- Why does much of the world believe Osama bin Laden died in 2001 from Renal faulure?
- Why do CIA documents indicate Tim Osman was hired under the pseudonym Osama bin Laden? (Usama=Lion; bin=Manger; Laden=Ladon Dragon). Oh, Osman is likely a false name as well; Osman I founded the Ottoman Empire about the time Balwin I founded the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre during the First Crusade.
- Where are Osama bin laden’s wives and human shields used in the raid?
- The documentary “Feathered Cocaine” claims Osama bin Laden lives near Tehran and is an avid? Falconer. Whose right?
- How was Osama bin Laden DNA tested enroute to the Arabian Sea in a 130MPH helicopter, some 1200+ miles away from Zero Dark Thirty until his supposed Muslim burial at Sea at 10AM? Take your time on this one; DNA testing requires DNA samples, an electron microscope and computer designed for this task. Not much time for all that eh?
- Why was Admiral Charles Gaouette the only supposed Witness to Osama bin Laden’s arrival aboard the USS Carl Vinson? Why was he relieved of command aboard the USS Stennis over the Benghazi raid? Why aren’t we hearing from him now?
- Why were all 30+ “Witnesses” of the Seal Team 6 raid on Osama bin Laden riding in one Army Helicopter over hostile territory when it was shot down?
“No Water Boarding; No bin Laden” Alleged CIA Motto
The idea of Water Boarding comes the Bible in 2 Kings 8:15. Ben-hadad was the Old Testament version of Bashar al-Assad, a Syrian Kiing murdered and his kingship usurped. Elisha knew the plan; isn’t it obvious yet, those days are repeating?
The Office of Inquisition was famous for torture techniques; Pope Benedict XVI currently heads office today.
After Ben-hadad was murdered, Edom revolted from Judah’s rule. In Gen 27:40 (KJV) we can see what happens next will lead to Esau’s prophesied “Dominion” over Jacob. When this “Yoke” is broken Esau’s intent is to slay his brother Jacob; today, that means “Born Again Christians” and 144,000 from the 12 Tribes of Jacob (No this is not Israel).
Esau’s “Dominion” is described as the 3rd Beast in Dan 7:6 and Rev 13:2. It’s end is described in Obadiah. Folks, if you can’t see this happening, you need Jesus Christ and an Authorized Bible in your life!