[/frame_right]”Land of God where Adam dwelt” is in Jackson County, Missouri near the confluence of the Mississippi (Euphrates) and Missouri (Tigris) Rivers at the original “Garden of Eden”. Jesus Christ taught Jaredites to construct Arks like Wooden Submarines for the journey from the “Land of Nimrod” back to the Garden of Eden “Adam-ondi-Ahman” essentially backtracking the route Noah took in the Ark which made its way from “Adam-ondi-Ahman” to the Gulf of Mexico and across the Atlantic some 101 years earlier. Preposterous? Absolutely, but the next US President believes this. The third incarnation of Adam as Prince Melchisedek aka Archangel Michael handing the keys of Government to Jesus Christ? Really? Why? Langue d’ Oc “Language of Yes” or Oil if you prefer.On Tisha b’ Av 1492, the date commemorating the destruction of the 1st and 2nd Temples, Columbus set sail for “New Jerusalem”; Mormon Mitt Romney intends to finish the “Great Work”. Mormon means “Gates of Hell”; Mormo, an infernal name of Satan used by Anton LaVey in his more theatrical than Satanic “Church of Satan”; his original partner Gen Michael Aquino is the head of the more thoroughly Satanic “Temple of Set”, and is the highest ranking member of the NSA whose Data Collection “Spy” Facility in Utah just south of the Mormon Temple will open in 2013.
Pey Heylel, a Mormon chant said at the 2nd token of the Melchisidek Priesthood means “Marvelous Lucifer”; the same as the Arabic “Hilal” meaning “Crescent” is proudly worn by Freemason members of the Noble Arabic Order of Mystic Shrine aka “Shriners”. Iran means “Noble Caste”; the false Messiah “al-Mahdi” equivalent with the Mormon Messiah enforced by the Muslim Mafia which is equivalent with the Mormon Mafia. A little harsh? Just wait.
SCYTL, a Barcelona Foreign Equity “Vote Counting” Firm in the independent nationality of Catalonia with ties to Bain Capital and George Soros will ensure Mitt Romney is elected and Scuttles America; Mitt is sworn to avenge the blood of the prophets on America and Gentiles; a prophecy known as the White Horse Prophecy or Blood in the Streets Prophecy. Jesus returns to a lot of blood at Armageddon and sets up Zion in Jersualem; the Mormon version of Jesus returns to a lot of blood in America and sets up Zion in “Adam-ondi-Ahman” in a fake version of Armageddon “Mount of Slaughter” called “New Jerusalem”. Why America?
Dan 11 covers this. The “God of forces” (11:38) was announced July 4, 2012 as the “God Particle”; a Lie to be sure, the false scientists at CERN walk past a statue of the Hindu Destroyer “Shiva” everyday. “Gold and Silver” (11:38) has been used for 500 years in America to honor this false God known to Mormons as Quetzalcoatl; Ft Knox and the World Trade Center Gold is gone, used to fight wars since WWII in Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan and Iraq to control Oil set up Heroin pipelines. “Dividing the land for gain” (11:39) is a function of the TAP (Trans-Atlantic) and TPP (Trans-Pacific) Partnerships. “Egypt, Libya, Ethiopia” (11:42-43), under firm control of the Muslim Brotherhood and Sharia Law. Where? “And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him” (11:45). The Tabernacles? Mormons call them the “Small Temples” soon to be built for the “Elect” in Jackson County MS. The Seas? That would be the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.
Mitt Romney’s version of Jesus, “Lucifer” will copy Jesus Christ and His “Wrath” described in Rev 16. Note: Destruction of the Roman Catholic Church will falsely fulfill “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…” of Rev 17 and the destruction of America will falsely fulfill “Economic Babylon” of Rev 18; all part of the Gnostic “Great Work”. In America, some 15 Nuclear Reactors sit on the New Madrid (Madrid is also part of the Cathar region of Catalonia) Fault. NERC (National Electric Reliability Corp) is set to alter the frequency of the National Power Grid which will destroy the Grid including the transmission lines and generators. Diesel Fuel is used in “Gas Fracking” along the New Madrid FAult; this will be blamed for Earthquakes similar to the Scalar EM energy caused “Earthquake” at Fukushima over Lent in 2011. The 6th Vial of Wrath dries up the Euphrates River which Mormons teach is the Mississippi River; a Lie obviously, but the Mississippi River is nonetheless, drying up from manufactured drought. Do not underestimate the role of the Mormon Church in this plan.
Mormons teach a great sign in the heavens will appear and the righteous will be caught up; sounds like pre-Trib Rapture Doctrine because it is. The sign? By Nov 2013 Comet ISON will (alegedly) become 15X brighter than a full moon, visible during the day; 2nd Coming Day? No way. Mormons teach that Elijah appeared to Joseph Smith in 1836; sorry, but Elijah will be one of God’s “2 Witnesses” with Enoch during the Great Tribulation; Gnostic Johnitters taught this same error 2000 years ago. Mormons teach the building of the New Jerusalem Temple in Independence MS where Adam (Mormon version is Archangel Michael) will turn the keys of government over to Jesus Christ. Following this destruction of America whom Mormons consider the “Pale Horse”, will be the building of the 3rd Temple and Jesus Christ Judging the Nations from the Throne. Scripture of course tells us there is no Temple during the Millennium; that one will contain the Throne of Pergamon “Satan’s Seat” currently held in the Berlin Museum.
Requisites for the 3rd Temple: Cornerstone, Garments for HaCohen HaGadol “High Priest” and the Altar for sacrifices to resume. Temple Mojnt Faithful have a Mobile Altar awating rapid deployment to the Temple Mount when the Al Aqsa Mosque is removed. Ashes of the Red Heifer are all that remains and 3/13/13 (2 Nisan) is the next appropriate date. Just where would fake Jews acquire ashes from a worthy “Burnt Offering”? Remember, Mormons believe America is “New Jerusalem”! On Oct 6, 2012 HR 6566 was passed on Sept 28 and posted “Mass Fatality Planning & Religious Considerations Act”. FEMA is planning right now for mass fatalities due to Natural Disaster or Terrorist Act; millions of bodies buried or cremated within 48 hrs. Maybe now it makes sense why DHS has purchased a total of 1.7 Billion rounds of ammunition for domestic use in the last year.
By the way, Mormon/Freemason President Gordon B Hinckley said in Oct 2001 “Joel’s prophecy had been fulfilled” Sorry Gordy, but Joel is describing the Battle of Gog and Magog after the Millennium when the spirit of the LORD returns to the body of the Lord Jesus Christ as it was in the original Garden of Eden before Sin. Dan 7:14, Eze 38 and Rev 20:8 also describe this event when Creation is 7000 years old. Creation at this point is 5996 years by my count. Ready for WWIII? If not get ready, it’s coming; Mormon means “Gates of Hell” and the Pale Horse “Death” precedes “Hell”. IF you can’t hear the Trumpet of Rev 8 yet you will.