Eid al-Adha = “Feast of Sacrifice”
The CFR (Counsel on Foreign Relations) initiates members who are willing to end their respective National Sovereignty – important because Oaths sworn to Nations require the exact opposite loyalty. Mitt is a CFR Initiate; Max Booth, his CFR adviser wrote an article endorsed by the Brookings Inst “5 reasons to intervene in Syria now” calling for a nationwide US enforced “No-Fly Zone” over Syria and lethal arming of Syrian opposition forces “Rebels” against “al-Qaeda”. Hate to break it to you, but the Syrian “Rebels” are “al-Qaeda” just as the Libyan “Rebels” are. The US is arming our own enemies. Brookings previously published the article “Time to Strike Iran”. A War with Syria and Iran was forcast in 2007 by Gen Wes Clark for 2012. Quite a coincidence eh? Perhaps this is why Gazprom (Russia Gas) announced a $10 billion gas pipeline from the Pars Gasfield in Iran through Iraq and Syria to Tartus, the Syrian-Russian port on the Mediterranean.
Micah said in the Old Covenant (Mic 7:6), and Jesus said in the New Covenant (Mat 10:36),
“A man’s enemies are the men of his own house”
..Rev Billy Graham endorsed Mormon/CFR Mitt Romney, a man sworn to end US Sovereignty and avenge the blood of the prophets Joseph and Hyrum Smith on America and the Gentile Race. Billy Graham is a Gentile, but he is also a Sabbboz Goy, a useful Chaldean tool acting as a 5th Column “Traitor” just like Iraq WMD liar Gen Colin Powell an avid Bohemian Grove worshipper of Molech who endorsed Obama today. Molech sounds like Mulek, the fictitious son of Judah’s King Zedekiah who brought Ishmaelites to America according to Mormon lore because they are one in the same.
Knight of Malta aka Hospitaller Leon Panetta said a “Cyber Pearl Harbor” is imminent, directed at transportation, power grids, banking and internet from Iran. Maybe that’s why Raytheon, the makers of the Cruise Missile that hit the Pentagon on 9/11/2001 just tested CHAMP, a Microwave based EMP Cruise Missile capable of rendering electronics inoperative; the test was in the Utah Desert near the NSA Data Collection facility; pretty sure they will be protected from that little gem. Pearl Harbor of course refers to 330 Mason FDR allowing Japan to strike Hawaii unopposed and 9/11/2001 the PNAC (Mitt Romney’s advisers are mostly all PNAC advisers of Reagan and Bush Sr & Jr) “New Pearl Harbor” at the Twin Towers and Pentagon on 9/11/2001. A Raytheon “Cyber Pearl Harbor” seems to be in the offering.
Not coincidentally, the German Paleomagnetist (Noah’s Flood rapidly oriented magnetite in rocks 4300 years ago; Paleomagnetists deny this event) Norbert Nowaczyk at the GFZ German Research Center for Geo-sciences is predicting a rapid magnetic field reversal called a “Laschamp Event”; Catch the Champ here?
Eid al-Adha is the Feast of Sacrifice; the Quran says Ishmael, the Word of God says Isaac. The Quran says Allah is God; the Bible says Jesus is God. Rosicrucian Martin Luther had his version of Eid al-Adha called “All Saints Day”, the day after he nailed 95 objections to the Wittenberg Church door Oct 31, 1517 on the Celtic New Year “Samhain”; Christian? No, Luther was celebrating the sacrifice of Christian martyrs.
America a God fearing Nation?
News agencies are referring to Hurricane Sandy as a “Frankenstorm”, due to collide with a Canadian cold front and low pressure trough hitting America’s 1st 5 colonies, Washington DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston in what is being called a potential “Storm of the Century.”
Weather Underground meterologist Jeff masters says “Mother Nature is not giving Treats, only Tricks.
Why Frankenstorm?
Frankenstein was a creation of Man that destroyed its creator, written by Protestant Mary Shelley. Why Storm of the Century? You may recall the Stephen King movie Storm of the Century starring Colm Feore (He also played Admiral Kimmel in the movie Pearl Harbor; Coincidence?) as Andre Linoge, an anagram of Satan’s Legion with a Wolf’s Head Cane. Prison Planet’s Alex Jones, a Jesuit “Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes like Billy Graham, Martin Luther or Colin Powell also goes by the title “Legion”. “Give me what I want and I will go away” was Linoge’s famous line Why “Tricks”? Druids took children as New Year sacrifices “Treats”; when refused, “Tricks” were the Jack O’ Lanterns left behind, usually hollowed our Turnip Candles made with human fat to attract Satan’s Legion of Demons. There is nothing “Hallowed” about Halloween; it is a Celtic day of Sacrifice. Folks, a lot of things are happening fast now, I suggest you give Jesus what He wants before the offer is pulled off the table!