Oct 3, 2012 was a very busy day.
An “October Surprise”?
- Turkey authorized war on Syria giving Crypto/Marrano (Turkish “Donmeh” aka Sabbateans, Frankists or Kaballists) Recep Tayyip Erdogan license for 1 year to conduct War on Syria. Turkish artillery began shelling targets inside Syria immediately after the Parliament Vote. Erodogan, Assad and Ahmadinejad fill similar roles and have similar beliefs; Erodogan a descendant of Sephardic Satanists evicted from Spain during the Alhambra Decree on 9 Av 1492; Sephardics are not Jewish but they pretend to be Christian, Jewish or Islamic. Assad is Alawite, strict Arab Monotheists whose goal is Sharia Law. Ahmadinejad descends from Jews in Persian captivity who chose to remain, in the process they adopted Zoroastrian religion. All these men serve Lucifer.
- The US announced they will stand with Turkey. Why? Turkey is the central shipping point for the Afghanistan Heroin pipeline. Erodogan is a disciple of Fethullah Gulen a Heroin Billionaire living in the US. Chasing bin Laden was never the goal; setting up a Heroin pipeline was.
- Speaking with Charlie Rose, a Bohemian Grove initiate, Hillary Clinton and James Baker III (Bush Sr Sec of State) said “The slightest provocation will start war with Iran…let’s just get it done.” Hillary laughed at the prospect of an Iran War. Russia, China, Syria and North Korea all back Iran, as do 120+ Nations in the NAM (Non-aligned Movement) Some callous disregard for human life eh?
- Messianic fake “Jews” and Rabbis wearing religious attire and Kippah’s forcefully entered the Al Aqsa Mosque under Israeli military escort to proclaim the spot “Haram al-Sharif” meaning “Noble Sanctuary”. Folks, that is the “Sanctuary” Jesus “Cleanses” by fire at the 2nd Coming (ref Dan 8:14). Notice too, a man praying with his head covered violates 1 Cor 11:4; the Kippah aka Yarmulke or Zuchetto is the “Cap of Cybele”; it is not Jewish in any sense, nor is Herod’s “Wailing Wall”. Mitt Romney visited the wall, wearing his Kippah last month; Obama has done this many times. They are serving Edomite “Dominion” (ref Gen 27:39-41KJV)
- A symbolic decision in NY District Court by Judge George Daniels proclaimed Iran, al-Qaeda, Hezbollah and the Taliban guilty of 9/11/2001; a bit odd since he exonerated the entire Osama bin Laden family earlier; an uncollectable $6 Billion judgment was rendered for victims of 9/11. None of these entities has even a remote connection to 9/11, but it sure opens up a variety of fronts in the “War on Terror” eh?
The 10th Jubilee may be here.
The 700 years is in fact, here. The anticipated Sign in the Heavens on will soon be here. What are you waiting for – WWIII? Well, that too is about here. Now go submit to Jesus Christ; it’s far easier than submitting to Sin “Lucifer” and the benefits last for Eternity!