[frame_right][/frame_right]FEMA is a 40 yr work in progress beginning with the Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan years. Executive Orders 10990-11005 allow Government takeover of all public, private and corporate assets during a Martial Law declaration; FEMA director Craig Fugate, appointed by Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove, Knight of Malta, 9/11/2001 architect, Iran-Contra drug runner Gov. Jeb Bush to FEMA Director in Florida; offered FEMA Director by Bush Jr after Katrina and accepted FEMA Director under Obama would assume the role of “Dictator” for an emergency such as a “Major Environmental Disaster” directed by the National Security Council from FEMA built underground facilities. FEMA became a Secret Government Bememoth during the Iran-Contra Drug for Weapons pipeline managed by Reagan NSC Adviser now Methodist Reverend Oliver North, George Bush Sr, Gov Bill Clinton (managed supply lines from Mena AK) and Mitt Romney (managed the 173%/Yr $Multi-Trillion Money Laundry). Central American Cocaine essentially financed FEMA; isn’t that special? Is is just coincidence that most of Obama’s NSC (National Security Council) are being sued for $43Trillion in Racketering and Money Laundering?
Mitt Romney is repeating Gen 11; he is Akkadian (Gypsy) “They” who came from the East to blame the Scapegoat King of Babylon, Nimrod for building the Tower of Babel and Nineveh; Nimrod did neither and neither did Obama. Obama is willfully playing the role of the Cushite Nimrod, Ethiopian princess and all. Mitt Romney controls SCYTL and E-voting; he is illigitimate under the Constitution to be president much as Sargon the Great of Akkad was just after the Flood; his advisers are Reagan era “Neo-cons” who orhestrated Iran-Contra, the Savings and Loan Crisis, 9/11/2001 and all 3 Gulf Wars. Civil War and Martial Law are a very real possibility.
40 million people live around the Gulf of Mexico where for 30 months since the engineered Deep Water horizon disaster, Methane under extreme pressure has saturated the ground surrounding the Gulf and along the New Madrid Fault, resulting in FEMA generators being pre-positioned and fire bans put in place. That’s a bad situation FEMA already planned for.
Some 25 nuclear power plants are in the projected path of Hurricane Sandy, an engineered Storm set to collide with an engineered Pacific Ocean cold front, moisture laden Jet Stream and arctic cold mass at a Full Moon “High Tide” over Samhain; an engineered “Hybrid Storm” carrying a special delivery of Fukushima radiation (reports from last week, indicated spent fuel was uncovered and sending plutonium radiation airborne). Particularly dangerous is the Baroclinity (Thermal Contrast based on Temperaure and Density) of Sandy interracting with the Cold Front is extreme. Sandy is 1000 miles across with a Storm Surge of 6-11ft predicted in NY (NY Subways will shut-down at 7PM Oct 29) and a total Kinetic energy rating of 5.8 out of 6 according to NOAA, and this is prior to its interaction with the Jet Stream, Arctic Air and Cold Front making it the “Storm of the Century”. Some 60 million people are projected to be impacted by Hurricane Sandy; estimates of damage exceed that of Hurricane Irene at $15 Billion and the Storm Surge is 3 times higher.
Leaves are still on the Trees and Rain Bands are saturating the ground ahead of Hurricane Sandy, the largest storm to ever hit the US, assuring widespread power outages; a bad situation made worse if refineries in New Jersey are interrupted as back-up atomic energy coolant pumps are Electric and Diesel powered.
The date Knight of Malta Donald Trump called for Obama to release Passport and College Transcript records coincides with Hurricane Sandy; Coincidence? The Perfect Storm for implementation of Martial Law cannot get set up more completely than this, and all this is happening over a Full Moon, Samhain and Guy Fawkes Day. Anonymous stated they were preparing for “Civil War”. Guess they got the FEMA plan before we did.