Pre-planned Final Assault on America
SANDY HOOK means “Play the Joker Card” or “Board a Sovereign Ship”
The UN Conference on the Global Arms Trade Treaty met in New York City July 2-27, 2012. After the trailer for Gangster Squad at the opening of Dark Knight Rises on 7/20/12 a man dressed as the Joker opened fire in Aurora (Aus=To Shine=Lucifer) killing the exact number of people killed in Lil Wayne’s music video, also shot in a Theater. The Dark Knight Rises from a financial collapse initiated by Bane; that wouldn’t be Bain Capital by any chance?. The UN will “Conclude the work begun in July 2012” in NYC “Gotham City” 18-28 March 2013. In Dark Knight Rises the Joker’s Calling Card is the Devil. Need more reasons to get Jesus Christ in your life now?
United Nations Scheduled Meeting..
Read on..
- Gov Andrew Cuomo set to vote 1/14 on changes to NY Gun Laws prohibiting magazines larger than 7 rounds, background checks on all private party sales and stiffer penalties on gun related offenses. Andy says “After what happened at Sandy Hook, people do not need assault rifles to hunt deer” Major News and CT Police say only 4 pistols were recovered inside the school; the Bushmaster “Assault” Rifle was allegedly pulled from the trunk of a car that did not even belong to the Lanza family. Rushing things a bit aren’t we Andy? What does your News Anchor brother Chris have to say about this? Here is what Jesus has to say “All liars shall have their place in the Lake of Fire”.
- A Petition at the White House website is asking for prosecution of individuals and websites dmeonstrating Sandy Hook is a “Hoax” and victims are “Actors”. Is the reason of such bungling of evidence and official stories an attack on the 1st and 2nd Amendments?
- Superior Court Judge John Blawie sealed search warrant requests for Adam Lanza’s Black Honda License Plate 872 YEO and Nancy Lanza’s home for 90 days. The Black Honda belongs to Christopher Rodia, not Nancy or Adam Lanza. Sealing warrants during the investigation is fine; obstruction of Justice is not.
- Adam Lanza’s doctor Rima Laibow says Adam was not on any medications. The news claims he was taking SSRI’s.
- Gotham “Goth” means Savage Despoiler, Cruel or Barbarous; The Gotham City Map was released in a Dark Knight movie promotion package 1 year to the day before Sandy Hook (12/13 is St Lucia Day “Bride of Light/Lucifer”) with a T-Shirt and Sandy Hook shown as Strike Zone 1. That same day, charred remains of children sacrificed at the Temple of the Feathered Serpent in Teotihuacan Mexico were “unearthed” and published. Sandy Hook Elementary was built on the same Great Circle, and designed to mirror image the Temple. Sandy Hook means to Commandeer a Sovereign Vessel at Sea or to Play the Joker Card meaning a Trump Card. The T-Shirt featured Bane and “Fire Rises”; Pyramid means “Amid the Flames”. Bane means Death, Misery, Affliction, Curse or To Poison. An Armistice (Temporary Cessation of Hostilities) was signed May 10, 1865, the anniversary of Columbus “Discovering” the Cayman Is where Bain Capital founder Mitt Romney controls 1000’s of Hedge Fund accounts totalling $Trillions through “Marvelous Investments” with Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and George Bush Sr. The Vatican keeps its Offshore Accounts in the Cayman Is (Previously called Institute for Works of Religion “IOR”) as well. On 1/13 “Hilal” meaning “Crescent” became visible to begin the 1st Lunar month of the “Golden Age”; the stars aligned on 12/21/2012, and the Sun will align on Jan 20 “Inauguration of the Golden Age”. Mormon Melchisedek Priests chant “Pey Heylel” meaning “Marvelous Lucifer”; their religion is founded on Ishmaelis arriving to America whom God said would be a wild man against everyone and everyone against him. Why watch for Hilal? Under the Papal Chair of St Peter is the Shahada “There is not god but Allah”. Got Jesus in your life yet? Now is a good time.
- Vision Box Crisis Actors website states they “Train and supply actors for Schools, 1st Responders and Police to create realistic Drills, Full Scale Exercises and High Fidelity Simulations”. CT Emergency Services, BATFE and the FBI were conducting a Drill entitles “Providing for children affected by emergencies” on Dec 14th. Vision Box Actors Jennifer and Richard Greenberg-Sexten look like Nick and Laura Phelps and Laura Phelps looks a lot like Tamara Brady, the attorney for alleged Aurora shooter James Holmes; himself likely an actor replacing the real James Holmes. Jennifer’s uncle Michael Greenberg can be seen making the Il Cornuto Hand Sign in Victoria Soto’s picture and Kaitlin Roig looks like Jennifer Rincon, the Exec Dir of Vision Box Crisis Actors. Ultimately, you will need to judge this. http://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2013/01/remarkable-resemblance-of-sandy-hook-victims-and-professional-crisis-actors-2557294.html
- Joe Biden “There is only a short window of opportunity to change Gun Laws” Small Window Joe? The UN conference on the Arms Trade Treaty met in NYC “Gotham City” July 2-27, 2012 coincident with the Aurora shooting and Bohemian Grove 2012 (Anderson Cooper displayed an Owl drawing destined for Sandy Hook; the Owl is the Bohemian Grove mascot) no agreement was reached then; a final meeting in NYC is scheduled for March 18-28, 2013 (Nowruz “New Light” is 3/20) to “Conclude the work begun in July 2012” http://www.un.org/disarmament/ATT/ Joe met with gun and ammunition dealers and the NRA at the White House. Condicentally a Shooter injures 2 at Taft High School in California. Taft is the name of Skull & Bones founder Alphonso Taft. “Bruce Wayne’s grandfather founded Skull & Bones” Quote from Episode #33 Batman Series 1966. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wm9aadkgPig Joe is a Knight of Malta; Stated goals: End Sovereignty, End Property Rights, End Gun Rights, Re-distribute Wealth. Only 1 Goal to go Traitor Joe!
- Joe Biden assured Gov’s Malloy, Cuomo and others Obama will use Executive Orders if necessary to enforce Gun Control. Biden “The massacre of 20 at a CT school with a semi-automatic has mobilised the nation to act”. Gov Cuomo “One does not need 10 rounds to hunt deer” Fact: There was no Bushmaster .223 recovered from Sandy Hook; it was simply a ruse to confiscate listed under the broad category “Assault Weapons”, in compliance with the UN Arms Control Treaty. Fact: The 2nd Amendment is not about Deer Hunting; it’s about protecting Citizens from Government Tyranny. A sad fact: Citizens have no Rights under the Constitution; the Government sold those Rights to the Bankers to pay for the Civil War.
- Google indexed a United Way of CT site offering condolences to the victims of Sandy Hook (and soliciting donations of course) on Dec 11, 2012.
- Senator Diane Feinstein met with the BATFE to finalize gun control legislation Nov 2, 2012.
- Eric Holder (Operation Gun Runner) met with CT Governor Dan Malloy Nov 27 to initiate “Project Longevity”, a Federal program bringing together Academics, Social Worders, CT Emergency Services, the FBI and the BATFE. FEMA and CT Emergency Services conducted several drills called “Providing for children affected by emergencies; one was in play during Sandy Hook.
- Vicky Soto’s “RIP Victoria Soto” Facebook page was posted Dec 10, 2012.
- Robbie Parker (or someone acting for him) joined Facebook and posted the Emilie Parker page Dec 14, 2012. Emilie was then seen on Barack Obama’s lap Dec 16.
- CT Dept of Emergency Services and FEMA conducted a pre-scheduled Drill “Providing for children affected by emergencies” Dec 14, 2012. Were Vision Box Crisis Actors involved? If not, why did CT Police keep 1st Responders out of Sandy Hook Elementary and send them to the Fire House across the street?
- Mayor Bloomberg hires Hollywood actors to make videos promoting gun control called “Demand a Plan” on Dec 17. Mike is a Knight of Malta sworn to end Gun Ownership.
- The Gotham City Map in promo package for Dark Knight Rises was released by Dark Knight production director Nathan Crowley on 12/14/2011. Dark Knight graphic artist Sonny Archuleta drew the map and was murdered by police in Denver Jan 6. Some Feast of Epiphany eh?
Dark Knight Rises Property or Prop Master Scott Getzinger, a Newtown resident, was involved in a car accident with what CT Medical Personnal called “Non-threatening Injuries” on April 7, 2012; why then did he die in the hospital that day? Scott published Nathan Crowley’s map with Sandy Hook replacing South Hinckley on the prop; the change from the original map with Strike Zone 1. SANDY HOOK is capitalized as is NARROWS; this is not for dramatic effect or the normal way of writing the name of Cities. We (Born Again Christians) are fighting a SPIRITUAL Battle; the JOKER represents the SPIRITUAL enemy of GOD. A little too much info getting out? - Tamara Brady, the lawyer for the fake James Holmes (man likely to escape trial using “Diminished Capacity” is not college student James Holmes http://z6mag.com/featured/james-holmes-pictures-dont-match-1612599.html ) is a dead ringer for the on camera mother Laura Phelps, a Crisis Actor and alleged parent of 2 Sandy Hook students. Whoever she is, said her 1st grade son told her “Kids were lying on the ground, sleeping”; after 100’s of rounds fired with each victim taking between 3 and 11 rounds according to the Coroner? This is pretty rediculous even for a professional Crisis Actor.
Enough “Smoking Guns”?
There are plenty more.
“The best place to keep a big secret is out in the open..”
Has everyone caught the St Rosa connection to this? St Rosa pre-school appears to have been used for the CNN footage. The date “Dark Knight Rises” was the mid point in Bohemian Grove in Santa Rosa CA, the “Grove” ritual is a sacrifice to Molech; in Sumeria it was held in the E-Barra sanctuary as a Rite of Melqart; today it is “Cremation of Dull Care”. Catch the term Bane uses “Fire Rises” and Cremation here? St Rosa and Santa Rosa?
An off-duty SWAT policeman was caught running into the woods wearing Cammo, a Black Shirt and carrying a weapon at Sandy Hook. The same day a Live Fire “Drill” was going on with Crisis Actors. Do they think we won’t figure this out?