Solar Oriented Masonic Death Memorial
[frame_right][/frame_right]The St Louis Arch is a Solar Oriented Masonic Death Memorial for a land (West = Amurru = America) destined to become “Wilderness” i.e. Desert. The Fleur de Lys (Louisiana Purchase) symbolizes Father, Mother Son, the Occult “Trinity”; America is to be the sacrificed Son, completing the Nazi German “Fatherland” and Communist Russian “Motherland”. The Crown of Charlemagne is the Fleur de Lis and was used to coronate Merovingian Franks. The BSA (Boy Scouts of America) voted this week to admit Sodomites; a trend for the very near future in all churches of the west.
On May 31, a Tornado ripped through the West Lake Landfill in St Louis which holds 143K Cu Yds and 8700 tons of Manhattan Project era radioactive waste; 70 years worth of Radioactive Isotopes sits 1200 ft from the Bridgeton Landfill, currently spewing steam and noxious fumes described as “Rotting Flesh”; it is polluting ground water and lofting particulates into the air from a massive, underground, smoldering fire; all this just north of the primary reservoir for St Louis and 1.5 miles away the Missouri River feeding into the Mississippi River. Good location eh? Just like Fukushima at the source of the Pacific Jet Stream and Pacific Ocean Currents or Deep Water Horizon at Atlantic Gulf Stream and the “Gulf of Mexico” which means “Place where the world’s oceans converge”. Coincidental? Not on your Eternal Life!
Like the Gulf of Mexico, St Louis came into US control via the Louisiana Purchase; the Fleur de Lis? Pagan Trinity folks! The entire area is in danger; From Nuclear explosion? No. Dirty Bomb? No. Gehenna? Let’s see. The Gulf of Mexico has been filling with Methane since its intentional collapse by fire on Earth Day 2009; the article on Fukushima and Deep Water Horizon goes into more detail; suffice to say, Man cannot stop Methane from saturating the sub sea Earth at 100,000 PSI; if you recall, when the Halliburton designed Well Head dislodged, preventing the Shear Ram from closing off the flow, a Super-cavitating flow of sand and Methane eroded the Drill Casing; then the well was plugged; a designed move to hide Methane profusion under the Gulf of Mexico that is still going on. What happens when Methane induced Sink Holes catch fire is called Gehenna.
NOAA and FEMA have planning maps showing the entire area around the New Madrid Fault from north of St Louis to New Orleans as being underwater. FEMA has conducted several large scale “Disaster Drills” and ordered 200,000 Death Certificates; planning a bigger event is already underway. Occult planning?
St Louis became the defacto Capital of the Louisiana Purchase under Luciferian Masons Thomas Jefferson and Luciferian Mason Albert Gallatin. The Treaty with France authorizing the purchase was April 30, 1803 “Walpurgis” ie the Eve of Beltane; and possession took place Oct 31, 1803 “All Hallows Eve”, the Eve of “All Saints Day”. Sainthood is bestowed on Death, thus America’s tallest Masonic Monument is rather a Memorial that was authorized 132 years later (132=4X33) Important? The 4th Beast described by Daniel is the 4th Sovereign Kingdom diverse from the previous 3; 33 is the Masonic number associated with Sovereignty.
The word Kitchen comes from Kiln; Kilns, use hot fire to harden clay such as the toes of the statue Daniel described in Dan 2 or the fire Nebuchadnezzar used in Dan 3:27 against Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego; with Jesus’ protection, no fire is hot enough to destroy what God has made! Well except “His eyes were as a flame of fire”; you see those Eyes at the 2nd Coming and Gehenna awaits for eternity! Kilns are built like Arches used in Cathedrals; the Masonic Royal Arch is shaped mathematically as a Catenarian Arch. This is the shape an Anchor Chain assumes under its own weight; the shape a simple Suspension Bridge takes or an electric Transmission Line takes; the shape a Charge in an Electric Field makes or the shape a Spider’s Web forms. The St Louis Arch is actually a flattened Catenarian Arch, a mirror image of a suspended chain with lighter links in the center; it is not a Parabola which defines Orbital Paths, but a Masonic approximation of such. The Arch thus represents Man’s approximation of God seen in Royal Arch Masonry, a Bridge over troubled Waters or Tower to Heaven if you will; the Deification of Man through, Sacrifice is the basis of Gnosticism.
Whether the MOX (Oxide of Uranium/Plutonium) Fuel used at Fukushima came from the Areva Nuclear Plant in Normandie (Cathars were Normans; important in a moment) France, Savannah River Nuclear Plant or from Texas seems moot; America’s first Prince Hall Mason President Barack Obama bowed to Taoist-Shinto Emperor Akahito, son of 330 Mason Hirohito; both believe they are literal descendants of Sun goddess Amaterasu (Magna Mater is you prefer) and the trip was just before Reactor #3 was loaded with MOX Fuel at Fukushima. On Lent 2011 the world began receiving the “gift that keeps on giving”.
Lent is “40 days Weeping for Tammuz” where Tam=Purify; Muz=Fire. Phoenician, Ammonite, Moabite religion entered Israel first with the Tribe of Dan; worship of Jah, Baal and Molech was the sacrifice of children by burning them alive in fire; often in a Kiln shaped like a Bull “Molech”. Bodies were dumped in a landfill in Gehenna “Valley of Hinnom” called “Tophet” which constantly smoldered and caught fire. Notice Daniel 11:43 describes Moab, Ammon and Edom as escaping the hand of the 4th Beast Kingdom; sacrifice oriented religion came from them.
Burning radioactive material at Fukushima is insane; this allows the waste to loft into the Pacific Jet Stream toward the “Americas” and beyond. Flooding the reactor with Sea Water is insane, especially when Siemmens Corp (a Nazi era Corp) Nitrogen Inerting systems mysteriously failed and allowed a Hydrogen reaction to create perfectly neutrally buoyant Radioactive “Bucky Balls”. Spilling radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean contaminates the Pacific Ocean Currents where fisheries from Alaska to Chile are in the direct path.
The Americas were named after Amar the Canaanite God of the West, Ameru, the Ethiopian Serpent (important in Rastafarian beliefs in Jah) and Amurru, the Edomite Shepherd and Serpent god. Am I saying all this was pre-planned? Absolutely.
Hanford is also a Superfund Nuclear waste site that is leaking uncontrollably into the Columbia River. The Hanford Nuclear Site in Washington St is leaking radioactive sludge from 60 of 177 tanks holding 50 million gallons directly into the Columbia River. The tanks were built from 1943 to 1986 with a 20 yr lifespan; go figure! Bechtel Corp (Wackenhut Security, Hoover Dam, Mercury Nevada Nuclear Test Site; Bechtel brothers are Molech worshiping regulars at Bohemian Grove) has the contract to “Vitrify” (mix with sand and boron and melted into glass rods) the sludge, but the process will take 30 years. As Plutonium sludge congregates in the tanks or pipes, there is a real danger of Fission or Hydrogen explosions.
Warnings? 9/11 was forewarned on the US $20, by now you have likely seen the Twin Towers and Pentagon in a folded $20 put there before 9/11/2001. The Twin Towers collapsing is carved into the Arched entrance to the Cathedral of St John the Divine in NYC. Next to that is a giant Bronze Statue of the Crab (Cancer) sandwiched between the Sun and Moon (Hieros Gammos or Sacred Union is the merging of the Sun and Moon or Man/Woman becoming like the sun god) atop a DNA Helix (man becoming physically, a god) cutting Satan’s Head with its claws. Telling us something about the timing being in June-July? Radiation alters or rather damages DNA.
The Hoover Dam can be seen collapsed on the $50? Bechtel Corp. built that Dam too. Just 35 miles north of the Hoover Dam is a 1.4Million Lb ANFO (Ammonium Nitrate, Fuel Oil) Bomb sitting atop the “Crucible” where 1000+ Nuclear Tests were conducted at the Mercury Nevada Test Site; both are controlled by Bechtel Corp. What happens when 50 years worth of radioactive materials loft their way into Lake Mead? The bomb is called “Divine Strake” for a reason! “Down winders” in Utah know all about life with Cancer caused by the testing of these weapons. On 9/10/2001 FEMA was already in place for a “Terror Drill” in Manhattan; spokesman Tom Kennedy told Dan Rather on the CBS evening news their #1 concern was a Terrorist Event in NYC; #2 was a Hurricane in New Orleans and #3 was an earthquake in Los Angeles. Yes Hurricane Katrina was a planned event and on the Feast Day of Herod’s beheading of John the Baptist Aug 29, 2003 no less! Katrina is derived from Catherine; lying to people that Mt Sinai is at St Catherine’s Monastery in Egypt instead of Arabia as scripture says (Gal 4) is fully to occultists; Hurricane Katrina must seem Hilarious. Can’t you just hear George Bush saying “Fabulous Job Brownie?” The only job FEMA director Mike Brown held previous was organizing an Arabian Horse race. Los Angeles, St Louis, the New Madrid Fault, Gulf of Mexico and Fukushima are Time Bombs ready to go off; Why?
Manhattan is derived from Man Aton or “god man” in Egypt, the same Bull “Molech” sits at Wall St. Luciferian Mason J Robert Oppenheimer witnessed the Trinity Site detonation and quoted Shiva “The Destroyer” in the Baghavad Gita “I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds”. CERN scientists attempting to discover “The Force” of Gravity in the “God Particle” walk under Shiva to work. Again, notice Daniel 11:38 describes this 4th Beast Kingdom as honoring the “God of Forces”; God Particle is you like. Barbara Marx Hubbard, ironically, a disciple of Buckminster Fuller also described herself as “Death”, specifically the Rider of the Pale Horse “Death”. Royal Arch Masons know this same god as “JahBulOn” a merging of Jah, Baal and Heliopolis “On”. The symbols they use are the Triple Tau and Royal Arch; the strongest Arch in Masonry being the Catenary Arch used in the St Louis Arch.
Jesus condemned the Pharisees to Gehenna (Hell) and gave a stern warning in Mark 9 of Hell; their spiritual descendants, Talmudic Rabbis use the term Gehenna to describe “Hell on Earth” which St Louis, the US and indeed the world is set to become. Why? Masonry and Science is Gnosticism, the religion of Esoteric Knowledge that came from the Serpent in the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. America’s first flag? An Evergreen Tree. Its 2nd Flag? A coiled Serpent now used by the T-Party; Tau Party perhaps? Isaiah’s final warning Is 66:24, Jesus in Mk 9 and the KJV use Gehenna to describe Hell, a separation from God that lasts forever where the “Worm never dies”. Time to choose! Hell on Earth is biblically assured; Spiritual Hell is also 100% biblically assured for all who reject Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.
St Louis Arch is the Masonic Gateway to the West. It’s 630ft Height and 630ft base encloses an Equilateral Triangle denoting the occult Trinity “Father, Mother, Son”. It was perfectly oriented to the North South Axis by observing the Taoist “Yin Yang” symbol form over each base over the course of a Solar Year and drawing a perfect circle around the shadow lines. The Arch frames the Rising/Setting Sun and symbolically bounds an Equilateral Triangle and Triple Tau. The North Pillar “Jachin” means “Moon” (Jarac); the South Pillar “Boaz” means “Moving Fire”.
[…] The St Louis Arch is a Solar Oriented Masonic Death Memorial for a land (West = Amurru = America) destined to become “Wilderness,” i.e. Desert. The Fleur de Lys (Louisiana Purchase) symbolizes Father, Mother Son, the Occult “Trinity.” Source. […]
I work in residential remodeling. from my perspective. the usa building industry is like the usa medical industry. bogus. it won’t take much more than a few matches and gas to take out most of america. our homes are not designed to last. according to the medical industry, neither are we after we have outlived our peak slave years. most people I know expect to get some kind of magik pills when they go the dr/witch dr. I see a pattern of systems designed to fail. and so far they are working as planned. back to the bogus rainbow. when I said bright .2xto 3x as bright as any natural/God’s rainbow.
sorry here is link
here is a link to a video on operation plowshare. in it they show fracking w/ nukes. makes me wonder about the seismic activity that they blame on fracking. maybe it is because they aren’t fracking w/chemicals, maybe they are using something w/ a little more kick. you did mention the map where 1/3 of usa is missing. nukes could help. i’m sure they thought about nuking fault lines before they even made the 1st nuke. ditto for volcanos. they can chuck in a virgin or a nuke. who would’ve guessed that the big was going to be that big. if this event is planned to coincide w/other events, it will magnify them both. back to those bogus rainbows, they are only out when the spraying for geo engineering is heavy. the bright ones are only at 1-3 pm when the spray is thick. maybe they sprayed a different type of aerosol with more or less of what ever it is that they spray.
actually it was two rainbows( I should call them some thing different, because they are not rainbows) one inside the other but only the bottom part was visible. the light was reflecting off the particulate/ aerosol they were spraying. “they shall be as clouds without rain” these fake rainbows mock God’s promise. most of the time you have to wear good sunglasses to see them. lately we have been seeing really bright ones with the naked eye. I always remember rainbows in an arch. operation plowshare I think that is the one where they practiced engineering with nukes.
Upside Down Rainbows? Strange because Rainbows are always oriented to the observer with a partial circle scattering light 42 degrees opposite the Sun from the observer.
What the heck are those?
in ref to la earthquake. “view to a kill ” james bond, nuclear bombs buried on fault lines, lots of them. we are seeing upside down rainbows when the aerosol dust is built up after lunch time. these rainbows are very ominous in my opinion.