“I’m a Berliner”
“Mr Gorbachev, Tear down the Wall”
– Ronald Reagan
“Will we live free or in chains, under Governments that uphold our Universal rights? Or regimes that suppress them? In open societies that respect the sanctity of the individual and free will or closed societies that suffocate the Soul?”
– Barack Obama
Hoist the BS Flag!
The G-8 Summit concluded its discussion of the Syrian War – Putin openly condemned Obama for arming Syrian Rebels, Obama then flew to Berlin for a purely symbolic speech at the Brandenburg Gate – the same day Mol Comfort (Mitsui OSK Lines?; MOL means “Millstone”) split in half with 4500 shipping containers full of weapons bound from Singapore to Syrian “Freedom Fighters” via Saudi Arabia. Let’s call them what they are – “Syrian “Rebels” are “Al-Qaeda” Mercenaries and they originated in the Wahhabist dictatorship called Saudi Arabia. Now stop and think about this; the decision to openly arm Syrian Rebels was made by Obama June 14; Mol Comfort was originally named APL-Russia; that’s American President Lines-Russia; it has with a Russian Crew of 26 as part of a larger flotilla of ships is carrying 4500+ containers full of weapons; it breaks in half on June 17!
Click Here
Just 3 days after the announcement, and after crossing the Indian Ocean? A voyage of 4300 miles from Singapore to Jeddah takes 14-18 days. Hoist the BS Flag! Mol Comfort is a bigger “Smoking Gun” than Benghazi! Mol Comfort must have launched when Gen David Petraeus awarded his “Mentor” Henry Kissinger the Intrepid Air Museum “Peace and Freedom Award”, the day before they both went to the Google Zeitgeist and Bilderberg Conference at the Grove Hotel where the Syrian War was top on their list of topics! Explains why the “Red Line” issue came up and John McCain and Liindsey Graham asked for Cruise Missile Strikes, a No-Fly Zone over Syria and Chuck Hagel left 20 F-16’s in Jordan eh? Mass murdering hypocrites! Petraeus even escaped Congressional testimony on Weapons running from Benghazi thanks to John Kerry, currently in Qatar for the “Friends of Syria” conference; your “Friendship” is causing “Civil War” John! Mol Comfort split in 2 the day before Putin was publically condemning the arming Syrian Rebels!
Hypocrites Abound
Here are 2 more hypocrites; Mormon Senator Mike Lee and Israel shill Rand Paul introduced legislation to block the arming of Syrian Rebels June 20; way to be on top of things boys! Rand says Dir of Nat Intel James Clapper lied and Edward Snowden told the truth; Rand, was Clapper lying about Saddam Hussein shipping weapons including WMD’s and other Chemical Weapons to Syria in 56 B-747 flights in 2002? While the news follows Booz-Allen-Hamiston hack Edward Snowden from Hawaii to Hong Kong to Moscow to Cuba; the biggest Arms Deal in history is unfolding in the shadows, which is ironically what Mol also means “Worker in the Shadows” Tune in to Syriatube to see how “Rebels” are viewed by the rest of the world; John McCain is proud of his “Rebels” like Northern Front Commander Abdel Baset Tawileh in Qatar on al-Jazeera News June 23 “Rebels will use Chemical Weapons…Syria will have a Government of Sharia Law…you have 1 month to supply advanced weapons to Rebels” The US is even considering moving the 5th Fleet to Qatar. Nothing like America flexing its muscle in support of the Ismaili “Assassins”, Arab Arms Bazaars, Muslim Brotherhood, Arab League, al-Qaeda and Sharia Law eh? Why? Sharia Law “Revealed Law” is Law revealed by Lucifer; it’s #1 requirement? Denial of Jesus Christ! Want to approach Satan’s Seat? Deny Jesus Christ. Want to approach the Throne of God? Accept Jesus Christ. It’s as simple as that folks!
Thank You Satan
Mol Comfort was completed July 2008 for APL Russia (American President Lines-Russia); strange name eh? Obama gave his first speech at Victory Column in Berlin as the APL Russia was named MOL Comfort; (MOL=Mola=Millstone or Mole “One who operates in the shadows”) and the speech highlighted the phrase “Yes We Can” dozens of times; “Yes We Can” means “Thank You Satan” Mol Comfort was built in Japan (Jipun means “Land of the Rising Sun=Lucifer) the year before Obama bowed to Shinto Emperor Akahito; the ship was bound for Saudi Arabia and yes, Obama bowed to King Abdullah too! Abdullah has a new FOX News Bureau Chief Jamal Khashoggi; his cousin Adnan Khashoggi is a Mormon Church and Mitt Romney (Clear Channel Communications is owned by Bain Capital; Khashoggi owned the Mormon Church owned KSL News Broadcast House) business partner; funny eh? Adnan was the principle Saudi Arms Dealer supplying Iran with covert weapons under “Operation Phoenix” assassin, turned Methodist Reverend, Rex-84 “Civilian Inmate Detention Facility” manager and Fox News Contributor, Lt Col Oliver North during the Iran-Contra Drugs for Weapons pipeline; rather duplicitous eh? During a “Friends of Syria” meeting June 22 in Qatar with Foreign Ministers from the US (John Kerry), France, Germany, Italy, Jordan, Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt Jamal said..
“Saudi Arabia will not allow an Iranian victory in Syria”.
The Ministers approved immediate arming of al-Qaeda Rebels in Syria. 1 day later a report from Lebanon indicated Qatar supplied the Chemical Weapons used by “Rebels” through Turkey. A bit nervous fellas? Just know that Hell is forever! The Cargo Ship full of 10’s of thousands of tons of Guns, RPG’s, APC’s and mobile Rocket Launchers split in half 4 days ago; the world will soon know Qatar, the US, Russia and Turkey are all in this together! Funny how 9/11/2001 to 6/22/2013 is 11 years 9 months 11 days eh? Catch the “Mirror Image” here boys? No? Read Rev 9:11 and you will! If you like Google Doodles, then you should know they forecast future events. The Summer Solstice Doodle featires a wave washing over the logo; sort of like the flooding in Northern India and Calgary, Canada.
Click Here to view the Doodle
Mirror Image? HAARP alters Jet Streams by Ionospheric Heating; combined with NexRad Radars in Canada and the US Artificial “Ionospheric Mirrors” form to create Artificial Floods; think Steven Harper knows about this? June 23 Google Doodle features Mt Fuji as a UNESCO World Heritage site; might that be because Mol Comfort was made there? Or because Fukushima Radiation will force an Exodus soon? Here are a few more symbols..
Symbols of the Beast
Obama made another purely “Symbolic” visit to Israel, the same day Pope Francis I was inaugurated at the Vatican (Vatis=Divining; Can=Serpent); scheduling conflict? Nah. Pope Benedict XVI resigned, Feb 28, as he did, Lightning hit St Peter’s Basilica Twice. Benedict means “Blessing; Francis means Free”. On “Red Heifer” Day (2 Nisan/Abib) Moses used ashes from the 1st Red Heifer to consecrate Aaron as Levitical Priest; the Chief Levite Priest then used ashes of sacrificed unblemished and non-Yoked Red Heifers to consecrate the Cornerstones of the 1st and 2nd Temples; a fake Levite (Samaritan) Priest will soon do the same for the 3rd Temple where Satan’s Seat will be installed. On “Red Heifer” Day 3/13/13 Pope Francis I was elected the first Jesuit Pope; his name means “Free”; on his Inauguration Day as the final Pope #112 according to the prophecy of St Malachy, Barack Hussein Obama (Lightning; Handsome and He is with us), the final American President according to C Alan Martin and his 1971 “vision” (I regard C Alan Martin, St Malachy and 11Q13 “Prince Melchisedek Scroll” as Gnostic deceptions designed to replace Jesus Christ with Lucifer) visits the Church of the Nativity (Hanukkah/Christmas is the Nativity of Sol “Natalis Solis Invicti” aka Lucifer not Jesus Christ; Jesus was Born on Feast of Tabernacles; the site is an ancient Grotto below the Temple of Venus and Apollo) and lays a wreath on the graves of Zionism’s founder Theodr Herzl and Yitzhak Rabin at both sites Obama wore a White Yarmulke, and Masonic Light Blue Tie, accompanied by Israeli President Shimon Peres and PM Benjamin Netanyahu, at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial; as he did, an East Wind (the original Exodus across the Red Sea from Egypt to Arabia was facilitated by a similar but obviously far larger East Wind) sandstorm grounded AF-1 before his “Symbolic” visit to the Hashemite ie Edomite (Edom=Red) King Abdullah II of Jordan. Jordan is Idumea, the ancestral home of Edom, Moab and Ammon; Yup, the ones listed in Dan 11:41 as escaping the hand of the “Beast”; Obama’s Limo is “The Beast”. What all these men have in common is Free Masonry; all 3 men wore identical light blue Masonic ties; Why? Going back to Glastonbury Tor; the name Glastonbury means “Woad”; Woad is a Celtic word meaning “Stronghold of the people” and is the name of “Blue Dye” used in Masonic ties. The White Yarmulke? Skull Caps (Yarmulke, Kippah, Zuchetti) are separations from Jesus Christ; a replacement Temple Veil of sorts; Masonry eventually forces one to reject the Holy Ghost and this symbolizes the “Unforgivable Sin”; Pope Francis? Yup, he wears one too! Pretty symbolic eh? How about this?
Druids rode Hobby Horses into Congregations on April Fool’s Day to mimic Jesus Christ, their so-called “April Fool”; no I’m not Jesting! thank God we don’t do that sort of Mockery anymore! Most Congregations send children on Rabbit laid Easter Egg hunts on Ishtar’s Day instead! The mockery stems from Jesus being sent on “Fool’s Errands” from Chief Priest Caiaphas to Annas to Pontius Pilate to King Herod and back again before the Crucifixion; Druids are “Knowers of Trees” and Jesus was “Hung upon the Tree”. April is derived from Aprilis “Month of Venus”; Venus is Lucifer! What day would be better than April “Fool’s Day” 1314? On 3/18/1314 the 700th anniversary of the last Templar Jacques de Molay being executed followed by the New Moon on 1 Abib/Nisan to start God’s New Year, followed 2 weeks later by a Lunar Eclipse to start a Tetrad of 4 Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles in 2014-15 and 2 Solar Eclipses on 1 Abib/Nisan and Feast of Tabernacles in 2015? Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles and Lucifer wants to replace Him. Pharisees just love “Signs in the Heavens” and God is sending plenty of them!
First up is Comet ISON on Hanukkah/Christmas 2013. ISON means “Son of Joseph” and is an anagram of Sion aka Mt Hermon. Anyone preparing for its arrival? The Planetary Defense Project “Wormwood” in Australia for one! “Project 911” is another! The Shahada is all that is required for a Luciferian Initiation to Islam; repeating “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet” will do it. Jesuits and Masons have their own version; Witches turn the Cross upside down and blaspheme Jesus similarly. Pope Francis I sits on the Chair of St Peter above the Shahada. Obama has worn a wedding ring for years before he met Michelle; on the ring is the first line of the Shahada “There is no God except Allah”. That folks, is the Sacred Marriage or Divine Union to Lucifer from which there is no turning back. Jesuit, Masonic, Islamic and Witchcraft Oaths all deny Jesus Christ, so does the Mezuzah. Project 911 on Site 911 near Beit Shemesh (Allah the Akkadian Moon god is the reflection of Shamash “Sun”) is a radiation hardened bunker due for completion Aug 2014, with the Mezuzah over every door. “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD” Deut 6:4KJV The Mezuzah? “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is One” Most bibles including the versions used by John Calvin (1599 Geneva) and John Knox (Presbyterian) alter the scripture to make God “One” instead of “One LORD”. Why put a Mezuzah over a Doorway? Protection from the Angel of Death of course! Satan arrives at Rev 9:11, so time may be quite short to secure the protection of Jesus Christ! Now, why the Brandenburg Gate?
Berlin means “Bear” as does “Arthur” the mythical “King of the Britons”, mythically buried at Glastonbury Tor below the Aquarian Cross. Sorry, but the Christian “Fish” symbol on top of that Tor “High Hill” has nothing to do with Jesus Christ and everything to do with the coming Alternative Messiah aka “Fisher King”. British means “Covenant of Birthright”; Cain, Japheth, including Gomer (Germans) and Ashkenaz (fake Jews), Canaan, Elam (Persians), Joktan (Arabs), Ishmael and Esau might ring a bell here. 50 years ago, JFK was killed by Masons 5 months after that speech in front of the Berlin Wall at the Brandenburg Gate because he woke up to reality and began warning the world about the danger of Secret Societies; 50 is the number associated with Jubilee; the rest following the perfect consummation of time (Seven Sevens). Gnostics predicted in 11Q13 Prince Melchisedek Scroll “After 10 Jubilees, the Trumpet blast will herald the coming Melchisedek” Jesus is Melchisedek! Does this means the 2nd Coming is imminent? NO!! This will be an Alternative Messiah. 10 Jubilees=500 years from what? Black Nobility Pope Leo X in 1513 bankrupted the Vatican Bank. Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel with a crack separating Man from God to illustrate “Freedom and Liberty from God”; the removal of the “Yoke” described in Gen 27:39-41; essentially, God as the “Restrainer” is allowing Esau to remove the “Yoke” of service to Jacob and like Frankenstein, his intent is to kill his master.
JFK woke up to reality; Ron Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev attended Bohemian Grove Rituals together for 25 years, a modern day version of a 4000 year old Sumerian Ritual “Begone Dull Care”; no waking up for Ronnie or Gorby; he runs “Green Cross International” in San Francisco; “Green Man” is Satan. Bush and Obama attend Bohemian Grove. Putin is a product of Stalin just like North Korea’s Kim Il Sun; the Obamas are Marxists; there is no difference between Putin and Obama; they both serve Lucifer from both sides of the “Dialectic”. Thesis+Antithesis=Synthesis; the Synthesis? WWIII and the ensuing “Order out of Chaos”.
The Brandenburg Gate or Tor is not a Gate; rather an Acropolis built on a “High Hill” to replicate the Acropolis of Athens. Acropolis means “Highest City or Citadel”; Athens the “City of Athena” the Greek goddess of War. Standing atop the Brandenburg Gate is the Quadriga of Victory; 4 Horses line abreast puling the Chariot of the goddess Victory (Greek Nike; Egyptian Nepthys; Sabine Vacuna). Victory is a goddess promising Victory over Death; that is meant here, but it is a Satanic Lie. The inscription “Who brings Peace” refers to Lucifer, the “Man of Peace”; Jesus returns with a Sword! The timing with the new movie Elysium is not coincidental; Nazis adopted the Norse version “Valhalla”. In Paris, the Quadriga of Victory stands atop the Arc de Triompfe at the end of Champs Elysee (Elysium), connecting the Luxor Obelisk of the Exodus, Place de la Concorde (Agreement with Satan/Lucifer), Pont Neuf, the spot Jacques de Molay was executed 3/18/1314; Notre Dame Cathedral and the “Rose Line” (original Prime Meridian) at St Sulpice Cathedral. Similar Quadrigas of Victory are Wellington’s Arch in London (Wellington-Napoleon created the Rothschild Banking House, Central Banks, FED etc; they are Edomite not Jewish); Altar of the Nation in Rome; Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn (Columbia represents the US in this one); Palace Square in St Petersberg, Russia and the Horses of St Mark in Venice where Black Nobility Merchants propagated Luciferian Religion.
The original Acropolis in Athens was a “Sun Temple” dedicated to Cecrops a mythical 1/2 Man 1/2 Serpent. Obama is part of the Serpent Cult aka Gnosticism. His 2008 speech at the Victory Column opposite the Brandenburg Gate featured the phrase “Yes We Can” to 200,000 people; in Reverse Speech “Yes We Can” means “Thank You Satan”. “Yes” being equivalent with “Green Language”, “Language of Birds” (Augury or Inauguration), Languedoc, the place Cathars were executed by fire and Language of Oil. (Ouissez=Oil=Oui=Yes). Obama’s 2013 speech at the Brandenburg Gate was behind Rocket Proof Glass to a handpicked group of 4000 people; protesters held up signs “Yes We Scan” instead of “Yes We Can”. The speech had several key words: “Free”; “Universal Rights”; Open Societies” and “Soul”. Universal Health Care and George Soros’ “Open Society Inst” may come to mind. Universal Rights are provided by Satan not God. Adam and Eve had “Rights” to live forever in Paradise until the advent of Sin in the form of the Serpent broke the Covenant; the world is now at the end of the 8th Covenant and Gnostics look to break that one too. New Covenant “Rights” were purchased by the Blood of God at the Crucifixion. Our “Rights” are the same as before; “Live Forever”, but this time it is by accepting the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ on our behalf. God “Judges” the “Soul” based solely based on that fact; that folks, is a “Closed Society” with an impassible gulf between Heaven and Hell. Time to choose where you will spend Eternity!
Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama is playing the role of Exodus Pharaoh, but Deliverance and Salvation is not in the cards this time; Hell is. WWI eliminated Tsarist Russia, killed 1/3 of Europe with US made Ft Detrick “Spanish Flu” Plague and created Nazi Germany. WWII ended on Walpurgisnacht with Hitler’s faked suicide, and Stalin’s “May Day” (Beltane is Baal/Satan’s Birth) Parades in Red Square as Eisenhower set up; the line between East and West became the “Berlin Wall”; symbolically, JFK, a Catholic, delivered his speech on its West “Setting Sun” side; Obama on its East “Rising Sun”. Masons murdered JFK and intend to destroy the Roman Catholic Church; this time with help on the inside by the first Jesuit Pope Francis I. Cardinal Bergoglio was an “Operation Condor” operative; if you haven’t researched the Condor and Eagle Prophecy you might want to.
Hitler’s Pulpit “Zeppelintribune” at the 3rd Reich rally grounds in Nuremberg was based on the Throne of Pergamon “Satan’s Seat”; the real one is located in the Pergamon Museum on Museum Island in Berlin. The “Throne of Pergamon” and processional of Babylon with “Ishtar’s Gate” were taken to Germany in advance of the Nazis according to Albert Pike’s plan for 3 World Wars. You may recall Madonna re-enacted “Ishtar’s Descent int Hell” at the 2012 Super Bowl. Ishtar’s Gate was the 8th Gate to Neo-Babylon; the Judge of the 8th Satanic Covenant will soon sit on the Throne of Pergamon. The Nuremberg Trials a public show covering America’s financial and material backing of the Nazi Empire and involvement with the Rat Lines. Nazi Germany was not the 3rd Beast of Dan 7:6; Esau’s “Dominion” is the 3rd Beat and that is coming soon, and the result will be a Global Holocaust that made Daniel faint and Jesus inform us “Save those days should be shortened there should not flesh remain”. Not ready for “those days”? Me either, but we had better get ready by entering the New Covenant with Jesus Christ! Think Hitler and Goebbels were monsters? Thank Prescott Bush and George Romney among others.
The Knights Templar “Green Man” will sit on the Throne of Pergamon in Jerusalem. Stalin removed the “Throne of Pergamon” to Leningrad (Lenin instigated the Bolshevik Revolution with Wall St funding) in 1948 when Israel was born; likely it will be taken to Jerusalem before Rev 9:11 when Satan is cast to earth, 18 months, 1 week, 1 day before the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ. Project 911 on Site 911, a radiation hardened bunker with the Mezuzah over every door will be completed by 9 Av 2014. Remember the signs: 4 Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles 2014-15 and 2 Solar Eclipses on 1 Abib and 1 Tishrei “Rosh Hashanah” 2015. Heralding the arrival of Jesus Christ? I doubt it; Jesus comes as a “Thief in the Night”. The point? Be ready! Mick Jagger said “Time is on our side”; it is not on the side of Christians! Get right with Jesus now! So when would the Great Tribulation begin? Comet ISON means “Son of Joseph”; it is also an anagram of Si on aka Mt Hermon “Mount of the Chief”. Whether ISON proves to be “Wormwood” of Rev 8:11 remains to be seen, but its supposed Russian discovery by a man (Artonym=Artemisia Abysinthium=Wormwood) with a name meaning “Wormwood” should be of some alarm as it arrives Hanukkah 2013. You may recall the Live 8 concert at the Victory Column opposite the Brandenburg Gate was 8 years ago on July 2, 2005. Just coincidence I’m sure, and who can forget Green Day singing “American Idiot”, “Holiday”, “Minority” and “We are the Champions”; Want to be in that group? Take the Mark of the Beast at the Throne of Pergamon.
The Prince of Dan is awake. The subject is being discussed here : http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message2289328/pg1
A spokesman here apparently : https://www.facebook.com/william.amishaddai
Exciting times!
how about satan’s night out?http://www.reuters.com/news/pictures/slideshow?articleId=USRTX116NO#a=4 —mick/derogatory jagger/cool and the boys at one of their creepier venues. glastonbury, on the pyramid stage.6/29. sympathy for the devil, NOT!!
you are wrong about your site 911 completion date
Conti has 900 days from the date of notice to proceed (NTP).
The project was awarded on 2-13 and 900 days from that is 8-2-15.
Sometimes the NTP at the same time as award, but not always. I have seen not NTP on the fed website.
sure are lots of our national monuments testifying to these events the Prophets of God spoke of, the very events you are warning us of. written in stone for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. worlds biggest stone phallic symbol for all the world to see. we have temples to satan disguised as fed buildings, idols to war and wickedness. most of this country willingly drink from the cup of the you know who. we carved this country’s sins in stone.
lot of info Howard.mick jagger sang sympathy for the devil while they filmed a snuff movie/human sacrifice at a racetrack at altamont. “war is a racquet “gen smedly butler usmc, 2 time medal of honor .