[frame_right][/frame_right]Pegasus means Fountain or Spring Horse, the Divine Messenger of Good News.. Right? D James Kennedy taught this, and the Pikes Peak Prophecy Summit teachers will teach this in July..
..but they are lying.
The constellation stands above Aquarius “Water Pourer”; the Winter Solstice of 2012 (, the New Moon of Jan 13th, the Jan 20th “Inauguration” of Aquarius and March 20th (March 20, 1313 the Council of Vienne ended) Equinox (Iranian New Year), ring in the New Age of Aquarius, Rapture and the return of Jesus Christ..
The revealing of the Alternative Messiah, Lucifer is heralded by Pegasus. Jesus washed the feet of His disciples at His Passover. Jesuit Pope Francis washed the feet of a Muslim girl because “Pegasus” is the Arab and Muslim horse “Buraq”. Maybe now you can see why the Roman Catholic Pope carries the Twisted Crucifix and sits on a Papal Chair with the Shahada
“There is not god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet”.
The original Pegasus sprang from the severed head of the Gorgon Medusa after Perseus slayed the monster. The head was used as a warning symbol thereafter – the arrival of Pegasus is therefore called the “Perseus Prophecy”. Scythians and Amazons used severed heads as a warning as did Knights Templar. Two thousand years ago Jesus overthrew the tables of the Money Changers who had made the Temple a “Den of Theives”. 700 years ago, Cathars (Catharsis means Discharge of pent up emotion) were executed in Languedoc and the Usury created assets of their Military Bankers, Knights Templar were confiscated. Templars worshiped a “Severed Head” – a Goat Head or John the Baptist? It matters little; Aquarius will be an Occult Baptism and the blaming of a Scapegoat. On the Arab side “Assassins” known as “Ismailis” or “Twelvers” served the same purpose as Templars and nothing has changed.
Languedoc means Language of Oui, “Yes”. “Yes We Can” was the mantra of the Barack “Lightning” Obama “He is with us” Inauguration. Augury is Divining the future by the flight, entrails or ashes of Birds; Ouissex=Birds so Languedoc also means Language of Birds, an ancient language used in Sorcery. Cathars predicted “In 700 years the Laurel will grow Green again”. Green the color of Satan (Serpent in the Evergreen Tree) was hidden from public view as the Templar “Green Man” aka Greek Dionysus or Roman Bacchus. In Old French, Yes means Oil.
Rockefeller’s Standard Oil used the Pegasus Logo. After the Monopoly break-up, Mobil Oil took over the Pegasus Logo and Standard used the Torch seen atop the Capitol Dome and Statue of Liberty. Easter is Ishtar, the original Mother Goddess and Queen of Heaven. Knight means “Person in service to the Queen”. On Easter Sun Day, the Mobil Pegasus Pipeline burst and legally the Corporation is not liable for damages; likely there is more to this story than first meets the eye.
Gnostic salvation is Freedom and Liberty from God..
..the original promise of the Serpent. Here is why their time has come. Mormons regard the Winged White Horse as the herald of the Messiah to be announced by the Angel Moroni who faces the Rising Sun in the East from the top of every Mormon Temple. The Mormon “White” Jesus is Lucifer. The Mormon phrase “To make White” refers to purifying by sacrificing filth seen in the words Aztlan and Voz de Aztlan, MEChA (Mestizo Student Movement of Aztlan), Aztec, etc. The origination came from the East to Babylon, brought by Shaman of India who created Kalki (aka Krishna) as the archenemy of the dark demon Kali. Kali means Confuse, Confound, Suffer. (The Phoencian Bel was also called the “Confounder”.) Kalki means Eternity, White Horse or Destroyer of Filth; the final Avatar of Vishnu foretold to appear at the Indian New Year (March-April) to bring an end to the current age Kali Yuga. Kalki/Krishna/Vishnu arrives with Blazing Sword drawn, riding a Donkey to destroy ignorance represented by the demon Kali. Sounds a lot like Jesus but it isn’t. The Persian “al-Mahdi” is the same false Messiah worshipped by Shia “Twelvers” like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Sikh’s await a similar end to the “Iron Age” which you may recall is described as the Iron legs of Daniel’s statue (Dan 2:33) Nordic Shaman (same group originally known as Akkadians) created Odin’s horse Sleipnir for the same purpose and there are others. Why? WWIII, the final battle of Light (Ahura Mazda=Lucifer) versus Dark (Ahriman=America) or Good versus Evil. Zoroastrian Gnosticism just arrived on Pegasus.
The Glory of the LORD departed Solomon’s Temple in Eze 8 after the ancients of Israel turned their backs to the temple of the LORD and faced the rising sun in the East; Easter is the Star in the East aka Lucifer or Venus. Jesus rode “an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass” (Mat 21:2;5) through the East Gate of Jerusalem but He will return on a White Horse at the end of the Great Tribulation; these Horses are not the same. There is one nation on earth that could be declared the architect of Kali Yuga (Age of Vice) or the Gorgon Medusa (Dreadful Venemous Snake; Protectress); America. America’s first flags were the Evergreen Tree (Grove) and Coiled Venemous Snake for this reason. The first map made by 330 Luciferian Mason Ben Franklin of the original 13 colonies featured a venemous segmented snake connecting them; 13 will become imprtant in moment. Mormons intend to build New Jerusalem aka Zion in America; Mormo is listed in the Satanic Bible as one of 99 names used by Lucifer/Satan for a reason.
The Winged Horse appears in Greek mythology as Pegasus; sired by Poseidon and foaled by the Gorgon Medusa; Poseidon means “Earth Shaker; Husband or Lord of the Earth”. Pegasus means “Ocean Spring”. Catch the Beast rising from the Sea to become Lord of the Earth here?
Poseidon as “Earth Shaker” also used Pegasus for a Logo; Atlantic Richfield “ARCO” uses Pegasus; its Atlantic Richfield Power Systems “APTI” was part of ARCO when HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project) patented technology used for Geo-engineering, Weather Modification and to produce; you guessed it, Earthquakes. HAARP was used to cause the Fukushima Earthquake and Tsunami still showering the earth in radiation.
Arab mythology has a similar winged horse al-Buraq “Lightning” or “White” taking Abraham from Sarah in Syria to Hagar and Ishmael in Mecca. The Quran says Abraham offered Ishmael as a sacrifice on the rock now covered by the Al Aqsa Mosque; the Word of God says Ishmael was a wild man against everyone and that his 13 years younger brother Isaac was Abraham’s sacrifice “Houston we have a problem!” That line was heard from Apollo 13 “Aquarius” at 1313 Hrs July 13, 1970; July 13 is the “Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel”, celebrated by the Orthodox Churches of the East; the problem is that Gabriel is not an Archangel, Michael is the only Archangel listed in scripture. Also significant is the same angel faces East from the top of the Cathedral of St John the Divine in NYC. Gabriel went to Zecharias (ref Luke 1) to herald the birth of John the Baptist; the problem here is John was not Divine; he was however the greatest and last martyr of the Old Testament.
Kali Yuga “Age of Vice” is evidenced in America by the upcoming Supreme Court decision on Sodomite Marriage. Instigating Wars in Syria, Iran, and Korea is further evidence; when America falls, there will be no Tears shed nor Appeal heard. America was set up from the beginning to serve as a Scapegoat for Rev 18 “Babylon”; the false Messiah will follow soon after the Military and Monetary collapse of America. Abraham is how it all began.
Isaac became the family line of Jacob and Jesus Christ. Ishmael and Esau defied their father’s advice by marrying Canaanite women. Arabs claim some 2500 years later, the Angel Gabriel then brought Al-Buraq back where he was able to be ridden by 1 man, the prophet Muhammad, who took the horse on a night flight from Mecca where the Black Stone of the Kaaba and Zamzam Well of Hagar and Ishmael are, to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount where the Al Aqsa Mosque now covers the Rock of Abraham. The only remnants of the 2nd Temple called the “Western or Wailing Wall” came to be called the “al-Buraq Wall” when Muhammad tied the horse there.
Standard Oil spun off Mobil Oil whose Logo is a Red Pegasus. A leak in its Pegasus Oil Pipeline from Illinois (home State of another famous Barack) to Texas has spilled 10,000 Bbls of Canadian Crude Oil in Arkansas, the home State of Freemason Albert Pike who famously predicted WWIII would pit forces of Political Zionism against Islam back in 1871. Arkansas (Mena Airport) was also home to the Iran-Contra Drug Pipeline during the Reagan administration managed by Gov Bill Clinton with money laundering courtesy of Bain Capital and Mitt Romney. The Pegasus Exxon-Mobil crude oil Leak is also coupled with an Emergency at Arkansas Nuclear One. Unrelated?
Exxon-Mobil is legally exempt from cleaning up 10,000 Bbls of Canadian Crude because Canadian Crude is not Oil. Jesus would say “Woe unto you Lawyers” (Lk 11:52) because the “Honourable Society of the Inner Temple” in London are Barristers and Judges working together under the logo of Pegasus. Mobil’s Pegasus Pipeline carries “Dilbit”; Methane diluted Bitumen is not a “Legal” definition of Oil; therefore Mobil is not liable for the spill. Super eh? Canadian firm Enbridge spilled hydraulic fluid into the Kalamazoo River and Lake Michigan; the Exxon Silvertip Pipeline polluted the Yellowstone River with Canadian Crude, the Exxon Valdez spilled ANWR oil in the Gulf of Alaska (Sarah Palin saw this from her porch) and another famous and far larger pipeline called the Keystone XL Pipeline also carries; you guessed it Canadian Crude called “Dilbit”. Canadian Tar Sand Oil not only creates wastelands in Canada, it will be carried and/or spilled over the largest Aquifer in North America “Ogallala” used for not only US food but export food. Bad enough? The Dilbit will be refined in the US and sold to foreign markets via the Gulf of Mexico which will keep Oil prices high, a great thing for Exxon-Mobil. US taxpayers get the tail end of that Horse, as we will with the $1.40 International Tax proposed by the IMF on America. Treason doesn’t quite do this justice does it? Why?
Bitumen is used to hold Bricks in the Tower of Babel; Bricks are people initiated in Secret Societies like Freemasonry and Babel means Gate of the gods. Putting Nations under the rule of “ONE” is the goal of the UN which also has a statue of Poseidon, the father of Pegasus in its lobby. Mobil uses Pegasus as its Logo because Pegasus will herald the coming Mormon and Arab Messiah; google “Mormon White Horse Prophecy” for an eye full of blood; Why? Pegasus was said to spring from the blood of the slain Medusa; the Mormon “White Horse Prophecy” is also called the “Blood in the Streets Prophecy” for this reason.
Angel Gabriel was said to have revealed the Quran to Muhammad; Mormons claim Gabriel also took human form as Noah; guess that makes the human race offspring of Angels and Human women eh? NOT! The Word of God says no such thing, but does say Gabriel delivered the vision to Daniel detailing the War between the Mede-Persian Ram and Grecian Goat in Dan 8. So which version is correct? Dan 11 tells us Edom, Moab and the chief of the children of Ammon escape the hand of the false Messiah. Remember all those 13’s? 13 is the number of Rebellion; Gen 13 describes Lot and Abraham separating at Sodom; Moabites and Ammonites descend from Lot’s incest with his daughters. In Rev 13 the Beast from the Sea Rises. Coincidence? Obadiah tells us everyone in the house of Esau will die. Malachy and Paul in Romans tell us God hates Esau. Are you listening? Esau sold his soul and we will soon have the same opportunity. Rev 13 is here; it’s time to make a choice!
In Persian, Pegasus is called “Pegaz” and Obama means “He is with us”. Who? Barack “Lightning” aka “al-Buraq”. Folks, Pegasus is here; al-Buraq represents the 12th Shia Imam “al-Mahdi” meaning “He who rises”. Rises from what? The Sea, Pegasus is the son of Poseidon remember? The Beast rising from the Sea is imminent. Time to make your choice; Abraham, Ishmael, Esau and the False Messiah or Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus Christ!
Esther and Song of Solomon do not mention “God” because they are man’s idea. IMason’s revere the Wisdom of Solomon, but need to know Solomon was not Saved in the end. Esther was the Babylonian name Ishtar as Mordechai was Marduk; they were Jews in Persian captivity who became quite comfortable in their new lives and had no desire to return to God’s Promised Land . Edomites have never forgotten or forgiven what they did
I’m reading through my Authorized Version for the first time and just finished with Esther. I noticed that God or Lord isn’t mentioned once in the book. Is the book of Esther in the King James Bible still to be considered holy Scripture? I have read that Esther and Mordecai are supposed to represent Ishtar and Marduk, respectively. Any thoughts on this?