[frame_right][/frame_right]The U.S. and Israel are building a 5 story underground, nuclear hardened, chemical weapon resistant bunker called “Project 911” on “Site 911” near Beit Shemesh “House of Shamash”. On every doorpost is a “Mezuzah”, a declaration God “El Shaddei” is “One”. Oops! Shaddei is abreviated by the letter Shin on the uppermost part of the Mezuzah. Talmudic Rabbis open Synagogue with the “sign of Shin” where Shin refers to the Nails that fastened Jesus to the Crucifixion Tree. The Victory Sign or Peace Sign refers to the same thing which is why US Foreign Military Sales are code named “PEACE”. The military facility 15 miles from Jerusalem; US taxpayers will finance construction through US Foreign Military sales near the site where Israel maintains its “peaceful” nuclear arsenal of Jericho III ICBM’s (3 stage, 7000 mile range, MIRV Nuclear capable).
Are these subject to UN inspection?
Heaven’s no!
The US sends weapons only to those countries with like minds such as Israel, Egypt, Pakistan, Oman, Iraq, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and South Korea. If it seems the US is supplying weapons to its enemies, it should.. America is nothing short of modern day Assyria. “ONE” can even be seen on the $US; pretty obvious “ONE” is not Jesus Christ eh? El Shaddai made a covenant with Abram in Genesis 17:1; Shaddai has the connotation of “Breasted One” meaning “Caring or Nurturing” but it also derives from Shadad meaning “To Destroy”. We can see this in Obadiah where nobody in the House of Abraham’s grandson Esau will survive the 2nd Coming. Abram had met God once before in the person “Melchisedek” in Genesis 14:18; Melchisedek is Jesus Christ, both King of Salem and Priest of the Most High. (ref Hebrews chapter 7). You need to be in covenant with Jesus Christ before the Great Tribulation begins!
Shamash, the center candle on the Hanukkah Menorah is the Assyrian sun-god equivalent with Marduk “Son of pure origin”. Jewish? Not on your eternal life. Whatever else is housed at the site is speculation; I suspect Tesla Shield type weapons.
The project is expected to take 2 years, and requires Top Secret clearances for contractors. On every door frame will be the Mezuzah; inscriptions from Deut 6:4-9 and 11:13-21 written by professional “Scribes” in indelible black ink on scroll parchment and sealed in leather or metal cases.
“Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD”
– Deuteronomy 6:4 King James Version
“Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one”
– Deuteronomy 6:4 New International Version
They don’t sound the same because the latter denies Jesus Christ is the Lord; it is a Monotheistic alteration to the Word of God. Compare various translations here http://bible.cc/deuteronomy/6-4.htm Professional Scribes? Not the ones God Ordained!
Ashkenazis tilt the Mezuzah toward the room, Sephardics and Mizrahis place the Mezuzah vertically. Ashkenaz is a grandson of Japheth, not Semitic or Jewish (reference Genesis 10:3). Sephardics descend from Sepharvites who burned their children in fires to Molech (Marduk or Shamash), the Babylonians, Cuthites, Hamathites, Canaanites (Avites) who replaced Israel during Assyrian captivity under Sargon II ca 722 BC (ref 2 Kings 17:30-32). Mizrahi descend from Mizraim,, the son of Ham who founded Egypt (ref Genesis 10:13). Mezuzah Scribes are the Scribes Jesus warned of in Matthew 23
“Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites…”, they killed God’s Scribes and Priests and replaced them with “the lowest of them…”
– 2 Kings 17:32
They killed God in Flesh and await the arrival of Marduk “Son of pure origin”. None of these groups are Jewish in the slightest!
Now, Why call this “Project 911”?
Eretz Israel runs from the Nile to the Euphrates River. Satan is cast to Earth in Revelation 9:11 at the 5th Trumpet Warning “1st Woe” 18 months (540 days) before the “Day of Wrath” (7 Bowls/Vials). Two hundred million demons will be released from the Euphrates River (Mormons believe the Euphrates River is the Mississippi River; this is a bald faced lie, but one that does not bode well for America) to torment those without the Seal of God in their foreheads. Got one? It’s free when you ask Jesus Christ for it! It’s the equivalent of placing Lamb’s blood over your doorpost at the first Passover.
Israel was protecting itself from God’s wrath with the blood
of the Passover Lamb and you need to do the same. Or you can have a Satanic Scribe write the Mezuzah and hope that works!
Over 540 days, a two hundred million strong army will converge on Har Meggido “Mount of Slaughter” (Revelation 16:16) filling the valley to the horse’ bridles with blood.
Are they fighting Jesus?
Heaven’s no!
No words (Revelation 19:19-20) are written to describe the battle with God because nobody fights God and wins. The Great Tribulation lasts 3 1/2 years (1260 days), subtracting 540 days = 2 years. Can you see why Project 911 on Site 911 will take 2 years to complete?
Folks, none of this is haphazard, it is pre-planned by the “Synagogue of Satan”, “Those who say they are Jews but are not…”. These men reject God and hope Satan will “Passover” them the way God did the Israelites in Moses’ Day. Satan will not Passover anyone. Jesus warned Satan is a Liar, only interested in 1 thing; replacing God and sitting on His throne.
You can receive the Seal in your Forehead (this is not a visible mark) today by asking the “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS” Jesus Christ, or you can have a Scribe alter the Word of God, hang it on your Mezuzah (doorpost) and hope there is room in the bunker when Satan is given the key to the “Bottomless Pit”. I suggest you ask JESUS! One of His Prophets Isaiah wrote “Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14) Guess what folks? JESUS was born at Even on the 14th day of the 7th month on Feast of Tabernacles. Marduk is due this Christmas; I would not wait a minute longer to get that Seal!
I agree Jacob; Why would anyone think they can fight God and win. The answer lies in Satan/Lucifer portraying himself as a viable Alternative to God; it’s where the Twin myths such as Horus and set, Castor and Pollux or Remus and Romulus come from; Mormons even teach Lucifer and Jesus are Twins. Obviously all this is false and contrary to the Word of God which is why we have alternative Creation accounts such as the Epic of
Gilgamesh and the Bhagavad Gita, Quran, New Bible Versions, Gnostic Texts, Book of Mormon etc etc.
Luciferians don’t believe the Word of God is accurate because they don’t believe God interacts with man via the Holy Ghost to provide an inerrant Word to rely on.
The Mezuzah is preparation for their big day when Satan descends to a man ready for this event “Sargon III? The One? Who knows, but like God instructed Israel to prepare with Lamb’s Blood at the first Passover, they are preparing with the Mezuzah declaring their LORD is One.. Sadly they are deceived by the Liar in Chief Satan
Are the men behind the NWO fully awake of all the plagues described in the Bible? Your article seems to suggest they’re preparing for the events to come. Revelation does talk about the mighty men, chief captains, etc. hiding themselves in the mountains and praying for the rocks to fall on them. Sort of funny to think that these deceived Luciferians will one day be hiding from the Lamb in their deep underground bases, wishing for death…