Updated 10/6/13
“A man’s enemies are the men of his own house”
Not the first time, but the US has no Federal Government as of Oct 1. On Sept 30, Jesuit, Knight of Malta, Rockefeller shill Joe Biden was photographed, treasonously, not unwittingly carrying a Classified Brief “CODEWORD” (viewable only in a “Sciff” room)
into a meeting with Jay Carney, Prince Hall Mason, Mujahideen (Warrior of Allah trained in an Indonesian Madrassa “Quran School”) Barack Obama and 330 Mason Benjamin Netanyahu on Sept 30. CODEWORD is allegedly was taken from a fictional book Codeword: Apollyon Terrorism’s Second Wave by Defense Attaché’ Rodney Cron detailing a second 9/11 type attack by Muslims; He is a Liar. Apollyon means “Destroyer/Place of Destruction”, a name for the Angel given the keys to the Bottomless Pit Lucifer, in Rev 9:11 who musters 200 Million demon controlled soldiers/persons to Armageddon. Now go to Amazon.com and check the price $16.16
Ishmael is born to Hagar in Gen 16:16. Rev 16:16 “And he gathered them together into a place in the Hebrew tongue called Armageddon”. A $16.16 book about Apollyon gathering people across the Middle East to Armageddon (Mt of Slaughter) is some pretty overt communication. In Gen 16:16 Abram is 86 years old when Hagar bears Ishmael; the goal of Hagarenes is to “86” anyone in covenant with God.
Black War Flags of Khorasan flew in New York City on Sept 22, the day after the “UN International Day of Peace”. Muslims are taught to follow those flags of War and the Islamic Caliph to Jerusalem for the final battle of Armageddon! Pretty coincidental eh? Folks, the FAKE, I repeat FAKE gathering of Armageddon may be forthcoming.
The impetus for the world’s largest Exodus will be Fukushima! The “Silk Road” (Underground “TOR” Internet) is also not in the news by chance. The original post-flood Solar Priests came “From the East” in Gen 11:2 KJV to build the Tower of Babel; they were “Konn-Torrs” (“Priests of the Tor” ie Torroid, the Earth’s Magnetic Field). EM Weapons used to create Fukushima will be used to finish “Babel”, the Gate of El! The physical “Silk Road” connects Fukushima, the Korean DMZ and Shanghai to the Karakoram Highway through Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Jordan to Har Megiddo. The Messiah rising from this “Chaos” will NOT be Jesus Christ, rather an Alternative Messiah of the “New World Order”. Godzilla is a metaphor for atomic weapons; Zillah was the mother of Tubal-cain, the artificer of metals; Uranium and its man-made derivative Plutonium are Godzilla. “I have become Death (Shiva) the destroyer of worlds” 330 Luciferian Mason/Soviet “Red” Spy J Robert Oppenheimer. Vishnu the protector becomes Shiva the “Destroyer”. Who is Tubal-cain? Vulcan of the Canaanites (Masonic password)
Scapegoat: Azazel or Jesus Christ?
Muslim Terrorists had nothing to do with 9/11/2001, nor with the next “False Flag” event. Comet ISON will not trigger earthquakes or magnetic field disruptions; EM weapons will, and Liars will use Comet ISON as the “Scapegoat”. Warning? On the cover of the September 2013 AF Academy magazine “Checkpoints” is the title “Are you prepared?” For “Outbreak, Famine, Wildfire, Hurricane, Tsunami, Flood, Earthquake and Revolution” With no Government, and a potential default on Credit, control over Aircraft Carriers, Tomahawk Cruise Missile Ships, Destroyers, Minuteman ICBM’s, Nuclear Subs and Inter-continental nuclear bombers will go to the Creditors. China is the America’s biggest Creditor. Jesuit, Freemason, Shriner, Bohemian Grove, Bilderberger, CFR, Benghazi gun running traitor John (Kohen) Kerry is in Bali, Indonesia at the APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Council) Summit Oct 6. On Oct 4 Kerry was in Japan, a “2+2” meeting with Jesuit Chuck Hagel and their Satanic counterparts planning War with China on APEC’s “China Day”! Ironic eh? Kerry, filling in for Obama is discussing exactly who will get what US asset during the “Fire Sale”; the TPP (Trans-pacific Partnership) is designed to allow foreign corporations the right via International Tribunal to circumvent US Laws! Kerry will finish his 2 week trip groveling at the feet of the Edomite “Hashemite” Sultan of Brunei. Want to protest this treason? The Capitol Mall is a closed National Park. The Federal Reserve is still printing $85B/month (conducting a currency war directed at our Creditors and Citizens) while traitors in Congress still get paid and 400+ thousand Pentagon employees get paid; a Government of the people? or the Beast? “A man’s enemies are the men of his own house” Micah 7:6 Then (Just before the fall of Israel at the end of the 8th Cent BC) as now we know them as “Traitors”; here is Senate majority leader, fake Mormon, US Traitor Harry Reid openly admitting the Senate serves the Federal Government not constituent citizens
There is however, hope of eternal Salvation “Therefore I will look unto the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me” Micah 7:7. Does the LORD in Micah 7:7 sound like a Beast? In Amos 7:7 the LORD creates a wall using a “Plumbline”; better decide right now, which side of the Crucifixion you will be on; Goats on the Left; Sheep on the Right. “Depart from me…I never knew you” is not what we want to hear!
Daniel 7:6 (7+6=13, the number of Rebellion; 7X6=42, the number of months in the “Great Tribulation”) describes the 3rd Beast given “Dominion” (Sovereign authority to rule) over the Earth by Jesus Christ. Read Gen 27:39-41 KJV until you understand that Esau (Edomites) obtains “Dominion”; not Jacob! “I get on my knees and pray; we won’t get fooled again” The Who. Jacob impersonated Esau to obtain his father Isaac’s blessing; God wasn’t fooled and neither should we! Esau’s stated intent of to kill Jacob and everyone spiritually grafted on to his legacy ie “Born Again Christians”. Jacob is not Israel! Ref Amos 7:2-3; 5-6 KJV. Why? Israel adopted the Star of Molech and Chiun (Amos 5:26), the same Ensign Israel uses today. The 10 horns are the 10 Kings of this Edomite “Beast” (ref Gen 27:39-41 KJV; Ishmael and Esau both married Hittite ie Canaanite/Phoenician/Philistine women) who give their newly acquired “Sovereign Authority” over to a 4th Beast headed by a False Prophet and Alternative Messiah (Bab and Baha’ullah aka Beast and False Prophet), both Luciferians who intend to rid the Earth of all followers of Jesus Christ. Evidence of this happening now?
Black Flags of Khorasan
On Sept 22 (September means “7th Month”; 22/7=Pi “Circle of Heaven on Earth”), the day after the “UN International Day of Peace”, Black “War” Flag of Khorasan (Afghanistan, Iran (Khorasan, Iran), Northern Pakistan (Islamabad/Karakoram Hwy), Central Asian “Steppes” (Stans), Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and occupied Muslim lands such as JERUSALEM!) were flown in New York City by Salafists (Ancestors ie Joktan, Ishmael, Esau) with White Flags denoting the War for the worldwide Islamic Caliphate has begun! The signal for the appearance of “al-Mahdi” are these banners appearing in the west, the destruction of Olive Trees (Israel began a systematic destruction of Olive Trees in Palestine in 2006) and the march west from Khorasan to Jerusalem. Remember, the US installed the “al-Mahdi” worshipping, “Twelver” Shia Ayathollah and Grand Orient Mason, Ali Khomeini during the “Green Revolution” in Iran.
In 1871, 330 Luciferian Freemason Albert Pike declared the need for 3 World Wars to usher in the “True doctrine of Lucifer”; WWIII would pit Political Zionism against Islam to the point of “physical, moral and economic exhaustion”. Just prior to the war, “Nihilists” would be unleashed; Bill O’Reilly leads the pack with “Killing Jesus”.
Jesus called the Pharisees, calling for His Crucifixion “Those who say they are Jews, but are not” and the “Synagogue of Satan”; Pharisees were about as Jewish as Talmudic Rabbis “…call no man on earth Rabbi” Mat 23:8
Edomite “Dominion”
Easter is a 4000 year old goddess “Ishtar”. The Edomite King Herod worshipped Easter (ref Acts 12:4 KJV) not any of the early Christians. “Santa” is a 3000 year old Hittite god; on 9/11/2013 a memorial service was held at St Nicholas (Nicolaitane means Conquer the Laity; Christmas and Easter are great example) Church near “Ground Zero”; Ground Zero means “Site of a Nuclear Detonation” and why the Hell not make Lucifer a Saint! Allah is the 4000 year old moon god “Sin”; all these are versions of Lucifer/Satan, the “Man of Sin”. In the Luciferian bloodlust, Jesus points out that unless “those days” were shortened, no flesh would remain. He will however “shorten those days” in order to keep his Word. 1000 years after Jesus Christ destroys this “Beast” at the 2nd Coming, “Dominion” lasting for Eternity begins (Dan 7:14; Eze 38; Rev 20:8) with the final worldwide rebellion “Gog and Magog”. Understanding current events is the key to assuring your presence in the Millennium; we can begin by understanding Russia is not “Gog” and Israel is not Jewish; it is Edomite!
Dan 7:7 “4th Beast”
Noah entered the Ark before the Flood in Gen 7:7; the 4th Beast is described in Dan 7:7 for a reason. 7/7=ONE The god of Monotheism whose worship will land you in Hell for eternity. 7X7=49 years “Jubilee” when roles of Servant and Master are reversed; Esau is currently serving Jacob; but not for long! Jesus might say “The wide hemmed robes of the hypocrites” are about to come off! Aleister Crowley wrote Liber 77 aka Book of the Goat, Book of the Law or Liber Oz, referring to 77 as the “Ultimate manifestation of Evil”. Recall, the Yellow Brick Road in the Wizard of Oz (77) ends in Emerald City; Emerald is the mythical Stone of Lucifer’s Crown. 77 is the Devil in Tarot. Anton LaVey lists 77 names of Satan in the Satanic Bible; Mormo (Mormo is King of the Ghouls; Mormon is a person who worships Mormo) is one of them which is why Mitt Romney is back in the news. Incidentally, in addition to 77 “Capricornus” (Horned Goat/Goat of Mendes), 93 is Agape (Love) or Thelema (Will); 11 is the number of the New Aeon of the Alternative Messiah Horus/Krishna aka Magick; and Liber 175 is the invoking of a deity through adoration. You may recall all these numbers corresponded to the aircraft allegedly used on 9/11/2001. UAL #77 allegedly punched a hole through 6 separate 18 in thick steel reinforced concrete walls at the 77ft tall Pentagon, whose Cornerstone was laid in Masonic ceremony on 9/11/1941 directly on the 77th Meridian originally placed in 1585 AD on “Meridian Hill” by Sir Walter Raleigh; Coincidence? In 1884, the International Meridian Conference in Washington DC voted to make Greenwich in SE London the “Prime Meridian”; the move from the “Rose Line” in Paris made Meridian Hill, Supreme House of the Temple, White House, Washington Monument and Pentagon align on the 77th Meridian in perfect alignment with a “Great Circle” from the Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Sun over America’s 1st 5 colonies (Washington DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston) to Stonehenge, Cathedral of St Sophia and the Golan Heights; Still Coincidence?
Crowley’s “Thelemites” are in every Secret Society, Religion and Government on Earth. Oriental (Eastern) Templars “OTO” and/or AA “Argentium Astrum” (Silver Star); the original conquering “Ayrans” (Noble Caste). Dorothy (Doro=Door) initially wore Silver shoes; later the shoes were changed to Ruby (Red=Edom=Esau). Thelemites are all over the world with one goal; usher in the False Prophet and Alternative Messiah. Folks, we are about there!
America is Amurru, the Edomite Shepherd
The Statue of Liberty and Lady Freedom atop the Capitol Dome (Womb of Jupiter/Zeus) face East to the “Rising Sun”. Amurru is the Edomite Shepherd and Serpent god; Amar the Canaanite god of the west; Ameru means “Serpent”. America will be their “Sabbath Goat” (Azazel) whose Sacrifice (mimicking Jesus’ self sacrifice), the Sins of the world will be placed (Immigrants representing most of the nations arrived under the Statue of Liberty) which is why Washington DC was intentionally placed by Masons on the 77th Meridian relative to the Prime Meridian in Greenwich. (The “Rose Line” at the Church of St Sulpice in Paris was the original Prime Meridian and location of the execution of the last Knight Templar Grandmaster. Jacques DeMolay was executed by fire on the 77th day of the year, 3/18/1314 in Paris. Paris “Par Isis” means “House of Isis”; Isis means “Ancient Woman of the Throne”. This is why al-Qaeda (Solid Foundation created by the US CIA) affiliate Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham aka “ISIS” is receiving USAID to destroy anything pro-western. Seen her before? How about standing on the US Capitol Dome and in New York Harbor! The 700th anniversary is a very big deal to DeMolay Masons like Bill Clinton (330 Luciferian Mason/DeMolay Mason, CFR, Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove) meeting this week in NYC is “Clinton’s Global Initiative”. Want to become a “Global Citizen”? Betray the Oath made to your country (turn your back on the US like Isis), reject Jesus Christ and accept Lucifer! Please don’t!!
The Law “Thelemites” will usher in takes 2 forms; Sharia (Revealed from Lucifer) Law and Noahide Law; both require denial of Jesus Christ as God in Flesh. Jesus is the sole source of the Holy Ghost. Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is the only “Unforgivable Sin”, a one way ticket to Hell for Eternity. Here is how easy it is to do this. The Shahada “There is no God but Allah” (Allah is the post Flood Arab moon god “Sin”) and Mezuzah “The LORD our God is One” (Deut 6:4 KJV reads “The LORD our God is one LORD”) deny Jesus Christ is the “LORD” and will land you in Hell for Eternity.
Hassan Rouhani is a Sharia Law Judge; the new President of Iran (Iran means Aryan; modern day Persia) works for a “Higher Power”. The US installed Shia “Twelver”, Ayathollah Khomeini 33 years ago after Iran’s “Green Revolution”; Lucifer is the Knight Templar (Int’l Money Changers) “Green Man” aka Bacchus or Dionysus aka Lucifer. Why Green? 33 atoms in a Chlorophyll molecule with Sunlight turns human waste and flesh (C02 CH4) into “Green” plants ; cute eh? The Plant Food? Man of course. Got to stop runaway “Global Warming” you know; cute little maps CNN is putting out showing coastal regions flooding eh? Dan 8:3 describes the Mede-Persian Ram having 2 horns, one higher than the other. Iraq is Media, Iran is Persia; in Iraq’s “Green Zone” (created by the US via Bush Sr and Jr) is the Grand Ayathollah Ali al-Sistani; in Iran is the Ayathollah Ali-Khameini. The goal of Shia “Twelvers” is the revealing of “al-Mahdi” (He who rises); that’s Lucifer! In Dan 8:5 a “Goat from the west” who does not touch the ground (Drone/Air war?) defeats the Ram and waxes great. The Goat from the West? Seems a lot like Uncle Sam and the layout of Washington DC doesn’t it? Remember Bush Jr reading My Pet Goat on 9/11/2001? GOAT (God Of All Things) is the “Baphomet” or “Goat of Mendes” Knights Templars as well as the Amorite King Hammurabi (cover of this website) worshipped. The mirror image of GOAT is an acronym The Ark Of God which is also found in Gen 7:7 which describes Noah entering the Ark before the Flood begins
Greeks called this Sabbath Goat “Pan” meaning “All”. Azazel “Wilderness Goat” is America, soon to be turned into a Wilderness which FEMA is planning for!
A man-made Flood of biblical proportions for America it seems. Out of this “Goat” comes “Little Horn” (Dan 7:8; Alternative Messiah). We can see this played out in the short video My Pet Goat II (Google it). The “October Surprise” was Ronald Reagan being forced into accepting George Bush Sr (George Scherff Jr) as VP; he was the architect of Iran’s Green Revolution and Grand Orient Freemason Ayathollah Khomeini assuming power in Iran and later in Iraq!
Sabbath Goat, Baphomet, Goat of Mendes and 77 are all merely names/symbols of the mythical offspring of Samael (Lucifer as Creator) and Lilith; Cainites who became the first murderers, empowered by Tubal-cain fashioning metal into weapons. The myth continues to the Flood with Nephilim, Watchers, Grigori co-habituating with Cainite women and continuing after the flood in the genealogy of Canaan, “Cursed” through the incestuous union of his father Ham (Black) and his grandmother (Noah’s wife). Canaanites then married into the Ishmaelites, Edomites and tribes of Israel where Baphomet is now the Arab “Father of Wisdom and Understanding”, Sufi “Head of Knowledge” and the Talmudic Sabbath Goat “Azazel”. Folks, I cannot stress enough, there are millions of so-called “Thelemites” crossing all religious and national borders who believe this lie and have sworn oaths of allegiance to Lucifer, in order to become Transcendent/Ascended Men.
(Mol means Millstone) Jesus was circumcised at 8 days of age on 22 Tishrei. the 22nd day of the 7th month; 22/7=Pi, the Circle of Heaven was brought to Earth and became the “Law” in 6 BC this day. Jesus is the only path to “Debt” forgiveness “The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender” Proverbs 22:7; no this is not by chance! Freemasons (Luciferian Dupes) represent this with the Compass and Square and have amassed a $1.6 Quadrillion “Derivative” based “Debt” enslaving the world; their Luciferian based “Sovereignty” will not help them on Judgment Day!
On the 8th day “Great Day” of Feast of Tabernacles Sept 25, 2013, Skull & Bones, 330 Luciferian Freemason, Jesuit Co-adjuror, Knight of Malta, CFR, Bilderberger, Bohemian Grove Satanist John Kerry (Nee Samaritan Kohen) signed the UN Arms Treaty saying “This is about keeping weapons out of the hands of terrorists” American President Lines-Russia aka Mol Comfort, with a Russian crew of 26 sank June 17, 2013 enroute from Singapore to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia with 5000 shipping containers full of weapons destined for the Free Syrian Army aka al-Qaeda and al-Nusrah “Rebels”; awaiting the shipment was John Kerry in Qatar with “Friends of Syria”. Benghazi gun running, financing and al-Qaeda training; John Kerry in cooperation with Russian arms shipments to al-Qaeda “Rebels” and Dir of Nat Intel James Clapper admitting the US was aware Saddam Hussein transferred WMD’s to Bashar al-Assad (Alawites are Strict Shia Monotheists) in 2002 makes the US a “Rogue State” second to none.
The information presented here originated on David Brennan’s website “America’s Last Days”, a Blog associated with the false prophet Leslie Johnson and “Prophecy Club”; Red Herring? Sec of State John Kerry signed the UN Arms Treaty just ahead of the DHS, CDC and UN “Peacekeeper” preparedness deadline of Oct 1, 2013. Preparations include MERS CoV Vaccines, DHS qualifications with Shotguns and AR-15’s and 368,000 UN Peacekeepers trained for Urban Warfare in Region 3 (PA, MD, VA, WVA) and English. What is true?
The US Gov’t Shutdown on Oct 1, tied to the Un-constitutional Obama Care funding vote. Another Shutdown vote will occur Nov 15. The real threat? Default on International Banker (FED) Usury induced debt Oct 17.
The Hajj Pilgrimage of 3 million Muslims to the Black Stone in the Ka’aba at the Zamzam Well in Mecca where Hagarenes believe Abraham cast out Ishmael and Hagar is set for on Oct 8. MERS-CoV is breaking out in Saudi Arabia. They will be returning, perhaps with a Chimera Virus in mid October. MERS CoV is 50% fatal and showing signs of human to human transmission; Spanish Flu, created at Ft Detrick and administered via vaccines at Ft Riley was 2.5% fatal and was not human to human capable.
Quantum Dawn II Bank Cyber Attack Drill is planned for Oct 16-17 and again on Oct 23-24
On Oct 17 at 10:17; that’s 10/17 at 10:17 (Local Time) FEMA and DHS will conduct the “Great Shake Out” Earthquake Preparedness Drill. FEMA put out this commercial advertising Oct 17
Now, why would FEMA highlight the day San Francisco was hit by a major Earthquake on Oct 17, 1989? On 9/10/2001 FEMA was in place for a Terror Drill in New York City, saying their #1 concern was a Terrorist Act in New York. #2 was a Hurricane in New Orleans; #3 was a major Earthquake in California. Catching on yet?
Quantum Dawn II: Cyber Attack Bank Drill Oct 17 Obama ex-Chief of Staff, now Treasury Sec, Orthodox fake Jew Jack (nee Jacob) Lew claims the US Treasury will default on its Debt on Oct 17. Pretty coincidental with the Bank Cyber attack drill and FEMA “Shake Out” drill eh? Jacob means “Supplanter” and Esau’s Pay Back will be a Bitch!
GridEx II: Nationwide power grid shutdown drill Nov 13-14.
Comet Ison will reach perihelion Nov 28 on Hanukkah/Thanksgiving and pass closest to Earth on Christmas Day; it is still estimated to become brighter than a full moon. Claims Ison will rip apart the Earth’s Electro-magnetic field are of course nonsense. Claims Earth will pass through it’s debris field are equally ludicrous “…the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved” Ps 96:10 (also Ps 93:1; Job 26:7; 1 Chr 16:30; Ecc 1:5; Josh 10:13) Heliocentrism? A Luciferian Lie! Science? Read 1 Tim 6:20 KJV.
Treason doesn’t quite describe this; “Order out of Chaos”, the motto used by high level Jesuits, 330 Sovereign Freemasons and Shriners (Noble Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine) does. Bet you didn’t know over half of Congress have cast their lot with Arabs and a Muslim Caliphate and the Black Pope eh?
On 9/11/2001 FEMA, NORAD and the FAA were conducting the “Vigilant Guardian” Terror Drill. FEMA stated on 9/10 they were in NYC and their #1 concern was a “Terrorist Act in NYC”. Good foresight?
On July 7, 2005 “777”, a Terror Drill was being conducted at the precise 3 of 274 Subway terminals attacked in London. Good guess? I doubt it.
Society 322
Obama Care aka Universal Health Care or UN-Affordable Health Care (Congress has no authority to force Health Care much less force Commerce between Citizens and States with the Federal Government ref Art 1 Sec 8 Clause 5) was signed into law on 3/22/2012 at 3:22 UTC; here are the projected premiums ($2500/yr per person)
Want to join Obama Care? Call 1800 318-2596 (1800 F*UCKYO) Think this is a joke? This is a Government who released names of ASiana Pilots as Sum Ting Wong, Wi Tu Low and Holy Fuk! Remember the Christmas Bomber Abdul Mutallib? That’s the name of Muhammad’s Uncle!! These people are not just Traitors, they are sick! Want to get out of the Obama Care? Pay a “Tax”, or Say the Shahada in public; Islamic Law prohibits purchasing of insurance; those os us who are not Muslm will pay the “Dhimi” (Tax). Now maybe Obama bowing to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and proclaiming a “New Beginning for Islam” in Cairo will make more sense. Obama was raised in a Madrassa (Quran School) in Indonesia.
Muslim means “One who Submits”; Thelema means “Will”; Allah is Sin. This is the Will of Lucifer!
Why 3/22 at 3:22UTC? The fall of man occurred in Gen 3:22. Society 322 aka Skull & Bones is the “Brotherhood of Death”. Universal means “All together; Turned into One”. “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches” Rev 3:22 What the Holy Spirit is saying, is we need to “…put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever” Gen 3:22 Jesus is the “Tree of Life”! Why 322? 3+2+2=7 the number of perfection; 3X2X2=12, the number of disciples and houses of the “Zodiac”; 3X22=66. Jesus is regarded as the 2nd Adam (Adam was created on Day 6) to occultists; the alternative Messiah will have the Mark “666” to go Him one better, NOT! Remember, the Serpent in the Garden of Eden is none other than Lucifer (ref Eze 28:13) Some men feel like gods; the rest of us know the time has come to reach out to the Tree of Life, Jesus Christ.
The Peace Sign is called the “Witch’s Foot or Broken Jew”; The V sign? Nail
To advance to the highest levels in Wicca (Templars did this as well), the Cross is turned upside down, broken and urinated on while the initiate “Blasphemes the Holy Ghost”. That’s all there is but getting to Heaven via Jesus Christ is no longer an option! The Serpent descends the steps of the Temple of Kukulkan at Chichen Itza at the fall equinox Sept 21-22; September means “7th Month”; 22/7=Pi, the Circle of Heaven. Sept 21 is the “International Day of Peace”. Peace means “Covenant or Agreement”; time to decide if you are in agreement with the Serpent or Jesus Christ. The UN Council on Nuclear Disarmament meeting at the UN in NYC was Sept 26. Out front are statues of a Gun with its barrel tied in a knot and a man beating a sword into a plowshare; inside is a 13,000lb Lodestone Altar illuminated by a single shaft of light, in front of 11 chairs (10 Horns/kings, 1 False Prophet).
On Sept 21, Obama ordered a nuclear capable Minuteman III Inter-continental Ballistic Missile launch from Vandenberg AFB, CA to Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Is over the Pacific “Peace” Ocean. Pretty symbolic eh? A second launch was conducted at 3:33 PDT on Sept 26; Nice timing! 333 refers to the Rite of Mars; one of 7 Rites of Eleusis invoking Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury and Luna. The US was born on July 4, 1776 according to Sabian Astrology; Sabah means “Sunrise” (Lucifer is the Sun; the Eastern Temple); Sabi means “Leave one’s religion to enter that of another”; Sabah means “Sunrise” Solar Cult initiates are today called Father, Master, Rabbi and Reverend; oh and Very Reverend! They are all “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing”.
The Rites are a continuation of the Eleusinian Mystery religion from Greece, re-written by Luciferian Freemason Aleister “The Beast” Crowley (Rite of Mars was allegedly written anonymously) and his “Scarlett Woman” Leila “Laylah” Waddell. http://hermetic.com/crowley/the-rites-of-eleusis/ They are veneration of the planets (wanderers) of the Solar System (Earth is Fixed; there is no Solar System). The origination of this religion? Sabians of Harran. Mars, the Roman god of war is the UNKNOWN GOD worshipped at the Areopagus (Mars’ Hill in Acts 17:22-23). The rite leads to the birth of the Alternative Messiah (Krishna, al-Mahdi, Baha’ullah etc) “Lucifer”.
In Hebrew, Lailah means “Night”; adding to God’s Word, Talmudic Rabbis claim the angel Laylah, a manifestation of “Lilith” (Rabbis falsely claim Lilith was the real Eve), the original night creature, is the angel of conception for the “Beast” (Alternative Messiah). Crowley’s lifelong mission was to conceive this “Beast”. 10 years ago, George Bush Jr, son of George Scherff Jr aka “Curious George” (Monkey cartoon character) or George Bush Sr landed on the Aircraft Carrier “Abraham Lincoln” at 3:33 EDT May 1, 2003 in front of the banner “Mission Accomplished”. On 9/11/1990 George Scherff Jr (George Bush Sr) formally inaugurated the “New World Order” in a speech at the UN. 11 years later to the day his son presided over the mother of False Flag events reading My Pet Goat upside down. George Bush Sr is married to Aleister Crowley’s illegitimate daughter, Barbara; George Bush Jr is the product of that union. Here is George Bush Sr wearing the Goat and “77”
(Note: I do not endorse this site or anything to do with Aliens or Nephilim; there are no Aliens and “Giant” is the word God uses in Gen 6, not Nephilim). A Peace Covenant with Lucifer is something you don’t want to be part of! Jesus divides Goat on His left from Sheep on His right; Jesus will tell those on His left “Depart from me, I never knew you”
Ultimately, occultists derive their Authority from God’s Covenant with Abram. Sabians of Harran were the Solar Priests in Harran when Abram arrived (mid 1900’s BC). Talmudic Rabbis falsely teach Lailah was Abram’s “Guardian Angel” in his war with Canaanites; Abram took 318 men with him; is it just coincidence Jacques DeMolay was executed on 3/18, the 77th day? Is it also coincidence 7+7=14 and Gen 14:14 describes Abram’s preparation for battle? How about 77 generations from Adam to Jesus Christ? Don’t bet Eternity on it! DeMolay represents International Bankers, whose Usury has made servants of everyone in debt to the rich on earth. Who are the “Rich”? Edomites!
Edomites: Reds at the Public Trough and on the Altar
“Behold, thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth…”Gen 27:39 KJV. That “Blessing” went to Esau not Jacob! Edomites are Wealthy Hashemites, found ruling in Brunei, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and in league with rulers in Israel; Templars, Assassins and Shia Twlevers if you prefer! Jesus turned over the tables of the “Money Changers” and was Crucified (Hung on the Tree); just what will the modern day Edomite “Money Changers” (Rothschild means Red Shield=Edom) do to His followers? “The days of mourning for my father are at hand; then will I slay my brother Jacob” Gen 27:41 KJV. Esau will hand over “Sovereignty” of the Earth to Lucifer (Dan 7:7) and pardon the expression, but “All Hell will break loose”! The justification?
The UN just announced proof of “Human caused Global Warming”. Literal BS! Methane oxidizes to form water vapor and clouds, reflecting sunlight. C02? That’s called plant food and they produce 02. Why announce this now? For occultists, Atlantis was the mythical pre-flood world they aspire to re-create. A world full of plants and a “…mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground” Gen 2:6. Francis Bacon called America “New Atlantis”, rising as a Phoenix from its own ashes! Is there any “Science” to back this nonsense up? No, just our “Inconvenient Truth”, Luciferian Mason buddy, ex-senator of Transylvania, oops Tennessee Al Gore and Unification Church “Moonie” disciple, KCIA asset Ban Ki Moon. Now you know why Jesus said “No flesh would remain”!
Mars the Angry Red Planet and God of War
The chant “333-333” means “Let us depart, victory is accomplished”. Nov 29 is the 333rd day of the year; according to Hebrew law, it begins the Eve prior, the exact moment Comet ISON reaches Perihelion on Hanukkah/Thanksgiving. Think this is just a chance occurrence? ISON was produced by “Fountains of the Deep” at the Flood and is likely making it’s first return to Earth. Oort Cloud? BS! There are no Comets in the Oort Cloud, all Comets were produced by the Flood! Comets are harbingers of disaster; in America, Thanksgiving celebrates Indian slaughter. Time for Payback? “Mission Accomplished” or not, isn’t it time to establish a relationship with Jesus Christ? He is our only way out!
“We never made the case Osama bin Laden had anything to do with 9/11/2001” Dick Cheney 3/29/2006 Tony Snow show.
Hmmmy Isn’t Janet Yellen 67
Remember 6+7 =13. And 6 X 7= 42. (42 Months of tribulation?)
67th/=13 London film festival. it is a public event in merry ole england. clooney/clown, and bullocks/balls in s. London, will brighten up the line up with gravity. ah the bull sh!# industry, is a trillion $$ business where people go to get – well, bull sh!##ed/programmed.
colors for healthcare.gov site are black and blue. they have a hispanic women who’s earrings are 3 turquoise tear drops? silver? black and blue reminds me of royal scam
Welldone Craig Naturalnews.com/634 Ponzi scheme ofmillions Indeed042427_Obamacare_private_details_Trojan_Horse.html
ps brazil is pissed. they want greenwalds documents. brazil is the b in bricks. strange movie. dark ending
rt reports brazil/celtic origin, is pressing greenwald/fake jew, and his sodomite for info and documents on the spy thingy. http://rt.com/news/brazil-snowden-leaks-greenwald-959/. are they all sodomites?
The Man of Sin will not regard the affection of women You tell me! Sodom comes from CeDom meaning to Scorch one’s Soul Rom 1:27 further clarifies this hardening of one’s heart toward Sodomy
The Man of Sin will not regard the affection of women You tell me! Sodom comes from CeDom meaning to Scorch one’s Soul Rom 1:27 further clarifies this hardening of one’s heart toward Sodomy
malala wins sakorhavo prize, for getting shot in the head. it either Bradley/nancy or showden for peace prize, oh then there’s putin?
IN CRIMINAL MATTERS vatican.ca holy_father/francesco/motu_proprio/documents/papa-francesco-motu-proprio_20130711_organi-giudiziari. .Friends this was Issue in July() effective in September 1
Ancient Confession Found: ‘We Invented Jesus Christ’
Biblical scholars will be appearing at the ‘Covert Messiah’ Conference at Conway Hall in London on the 19th of October to present this controversial discovery to the British public.
CovertMessiah.com Covert Interesting Name Entry here
Asiana Flt214 was a Boeing 777. The NTSB callously released the pilots names as Capt Sum Tng Wong, We Tu Low, and Ho Lee Fuk. This was intentional as is the TPP excluding China and APEC putting John Kerry (Cohem) in the back row far left side of the press release.
There is not way the Auto-throttles would allow the aircraft to slow to 40KTS below target speed. 4 pilots watched the aircraft descent to 100ft above the water and slow well below approach speed for over 90 sec. Sum Ting Wong alright. The NTSB is no stranger to lying; TWA-800 and 9/11/2001 are 2 examples
What was up with the flight 777 or was that a boing 777 that crashed in Frisko didn’t it crash on takeoff ?
The big Pail horse in Denver Airport are they sending the world a message that the horse is about to ride ? He is reared up on his hind legs rearing to go . The sculpture the first victim.
ps I got it. she’s the fat/headed lady that will sing for us at” the end”. the end of the ring trilogy is my guess for music. her face is going to crash the market.
that new fed nominee looks like michael aquino’s twin. she looks straight out of the “fearless vampire killers”.
Cloro= Pail =Death. (Pale Horse?). Chlorine gas outlawed in war to effective at killing !
WOOE. WOOE WOOE. Q. Has anyone noticed people setting themselves on fire lately ! Girl in school experiment, and man set himself on fire in DC. What up with that?
my guess is harsh judgment symbolism. nsa is having a little combustion problem themselves.
Phoenix resurrecting from its own Holocaust is how Francis Bacon described America in New Atlantis
having trouble finding out what the nobel prizes look like for each category. you’d think that was easy. anyway, the guys that are getting the chemistry prize were making computer programs that understand chemical reactions like photosynthesis. hmm. also will help them make new drugs for royal scam.
Chloro=Pale it has 137 atoms and is the 33rd Prime Number; Plant Food is human/animal waste and decomposition. Let the slaughter begin.
/shortages-of-rare-minerals-chinas-strategic-control-over-terbium-yttrium-dysprosium-europium-and-neodymium/ No Jewish Bashing here~excuse the website called Jewishterrorism smh. Noted: 63 is the atomic number of europium.
I guess that’s why the congo has constant war.
St Louis Arch is the Masonic Gateway to the West. It’s 630ft Height and 630ft base encloses an Equilateral Triangle denoting the occult Trinity “Father, Mother, Son”. . The Arch frames the Rising/Setting Sun and symbolically bounds an Equilateral Triangle and Triple Tau. The North Pillar “Jachin” means “Moon” (Jarac); the South Pillar “Boaz” means “Moving Fire”. Can this Be Hidden Message signall thru that CODEWORDJoe Biden“absent minded gaffes
For StLouis. Howard this From your Article refer Stlouis GatewaytoBabylon.
Interesting timing Travis; the equilateral triangle is Father (58) + Mother (79) =137 the “LIght” God created on Day 1 is Alpha, the Holy Ghost. The Fine Structure Constant 1/137 is the inverse of Jesus. The 33rd Prime Number is 137; Kaballah is 137; Chlorophyll has 137 Atoms (note there is an error I put 33 in the original article by mistake)
Pretty coincidental the God Particle founder Peter Higgs won the Nobel Prize; they expect Dark Matter to have a mass/energy of 137 GeV.
Cern has counter part technology in hoover dam.there is a connection between this type of technology being harmonically attuned to older more advanced technology that has been placed in curtain points around the world (leylines)Connection between cern and underground experiments at hoover dam with one of the first quantum experiments called a double beta decay.
The Pentagon and TWin Towers being hit were advertised on the $20; Hoover Dam destroyed is on the $50. This may be the reason for the new sky bridge
Janet Yellen Chose by Barrack Yeah Right chosen by Zibigniew for Fed Chairmen.Janet work on Board of one the Fed Looting Banks in San Franciso the 12 District. Hmmm isn’t Fema Holding some sort drill in the next upcoming days ????
Well Guys get those question Ready for Barrack Try to be on time wouldcha ahaha..BREAKING NEWS: President Obama will be doing a Question and Answer Session at 2PM regarding crisis in Washington
nobel prize for food/agriculture goes to monsatan executive for making gmo’s. it is my opinion that altering the genetic code can not be reversed. cat’s out the bag. rem’s, r/horas, e, el pheonician god, m, rebellion it’s the end of the world as we know it”. aspartame is gmo bacteria shit. they put gmo oil eating enzimes in gulf deep water horizon spill. etc
albert pike said” release the nihilists/dogs of war, anonymous says “we don’t forget, we don’t forgive” . I say they’re here mmm- million mask march, the lyrics that they rock too say” burn it down “in more ways than one. killing in the name of ?http://rt.com/usa/anonymous-fawkes-dc-march-902/
these guys in holland are not backing down. Russians will react accordingly. ooh its on now.http://rt.com/news/putin-punishment-attack-diplomat-888/
Libyans got their black flags w/gold fringe out. we are in double secret jehad trouble now. co co cowboy is sending marines to Italy. don’t get any sauce on those uniforms.
ks is where Dorothy/door, went over the rainbow/bridge, bifrost, to oz/ crowley’s liber oz to the emerald/satan’s stone, city. and her little dog too(Karen/pure, terrier)!!
Kathleen Zebelius, the Margaret Sanger disciple turned HHS Sec of Murder gave the Dem rebuttal at the 2007 State of the Union using the phrase “Unity” several dozen times. Robert Schuller conducted Satanic Rituals on River Road (not sure where this is) in Topeka Kansas which is named after the Kennites
Topeka ks 66675. PC fax # 785-266-675
the post mark is 666 topeka ks
ps forgot bradley/nancy manning. he put his gender on the line. do we have to pay for his surgery?
Speaking of area codes why does the prophecy club in Kansas have a 00666 in their address (CODE?)
The information at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqS06Gp1Ask
concerning FEMA preparations due by Oct 1 came from Leslie Johnson the lying prophetess of Prophecy Club. It’s no surprise at all to me
Interesting Parts of your Article Brother Your talking about Shiva and Banks SecretMoney could be 85billioni Currency war with China. Updates Recent Bible Study 808 Area Code to Hawaii, In Gematrix Shiva is the first thing mention. Eye of Anubis isn’t some ritual occurss with this sort of thing in October Climax?????
all I know is that they have shipped a lot of stuff to china, jobs, capital, tech, aero space tech, hmm. why should they back down from a currency scrabble? I don’t think these china men will blink from now on.
here’s a pic of the nobel prize for peace.http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=nobel+peace+prize&qpvt=nobel+peace+prize&FORM=IGRE— I think obama wears his when he parties! will the last pope edge out putin? snowden, pussy riot!!
Homeland Security Preparing for the Next Wall Street Collapse? ()Thanks for the Scoop Craig()/washington-dc-caught-running-fuel-tax-scam/
never thought i’d see this coming. green peace to start ww3?? putin gives dead line for explanation for assault on #2 diplomat in holland/buckles on hats like the pilgrims. around 6:30 pm their time. don’t make putin personally come over there.
Do you think their is a correlation between salt lake and Denver (airport)?
Lots of jobs no unemployment their lol
A facility that huge sounds like overkill .. Why do they need such a large data collection, they are already storing all activities phone/Internet etc? Do you believe it might be more sinister reason? Could it be to manage the implantable RFID ? Isn’t that part of OBO care?
Upstream data and Meta-data has been collected for over a dozen years, but processing the data has required a Quantum computer that makes inferences about the data; this project does that.
The facility is enormous, taning up nearly a mile of freeway frontage just north of BYU
God knows all the hairs on our heads. they want to play God.
And the Oscar goes to “Gravity”, a movie about the lack of Gravity starring CFR initiates George Clooney and Sandra Bullock whose debut coincided with Peter Higgs receiving the Nobel Prize for proving the existence of the “Graviton” aka “God Particle”, the mythical source of Gravity and “Order out of Chaos”
Mormon Mike Lee objects to the NSA Data mining yet he allows the NSA Data Collection Facility to go into his own backyard within a few miles of the Mormon Temple. Hypocrites! A new power substation needed to be brought in from Nevada owing to it using more energy than Salt Lake City.
MIke’s Dad was Ronald Reagan’s read George Bush Sr’s Solicitor General. He argued the legal case for Iran-Contra, the Savings and Loan Swindle, BCCI and the 100% fake “Star Wars” program which to date has not put one single hunter-killer satellite into space. The “Cold War” was nothing but a Hollywood act by 2 Bohemian Grove Molech worshipping Freemasons Ronny Reagan (really GHW Bush) and Mikhail Gorbachev
Here’s an interesting link on RT about the new data hub in Utah..
wacky world, christians are in jerusalem at the “2013 day of prayer for peace of jerusalem). if they only knew what those people thought of them! broadcast around the world on god tv!!900million idiot boxes tuned in. katy curik prays for these #s
It’s why Jesus refers to Jerusalem as “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” and prophesied Jacob would not rise again; especially under the Star of Molech,
can’t forget the nobel prize for physics now can we! goes to the francois engerlt, and peter higgs.(god particle) now the picture on this medal looks like a sanfran wedding w/2women. one is blindfolded with a boob hanging out and the other is lifting the veil. can’t wait to see who gets the peace prize.
m/2013/10/07/truckers-for-the-constitution-plan-to-slow-d-c-beltway-arrest-congressmen/ .
nobel homos are at it again w/ prize in medicine. the medal has this one lady copping a feel off the other. seems they found out how complex the transport sys in between cells works. they did the work of 3 men, larry currly and mo. in my opinion they didn’t scratch the surface of how complex those sys are and proves evolution is bull$#1+ http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2013/10/07/world/cell-traffic-pioneers-win-nobel-prize-in-medicine/#.UlN2LyMo6cw
nobel not only invented dynamite, he changed the battle field to a new dynamic/ smokeless powder and nitro based explosives. they loved that freak
is ben on the $100, for the same reason john dees picked 007 for his magik #?? the 0 compounds the magik?
$777B additional debt likely refers to Lamech, Noah’s father dying 2 yrs before the Flood. Cain’s Revenge is 7 Fold and his son Lamech is 77 Fold
Just a guess, but this 2 yr warning may refer to Comet ISON arriving this Hanukkah/Thanksgiving; the (fake I believe) Wormwod ie 3rd Trumpet. Also remember Project 911 is due completion next summer as a fake 5th Trumpet 18 months before the 2nd Coming.
I say just hold on to your hats and watch what happens with the al-Mahdi army and the Dome of the Rock
here’s some new benjamins hitting the streets. check out the symbols, j and b,22’s owls in the advertisements. http://www.nbcnews.com/business/new-100-bills-finally-hit-street-8C11352260, it is my opinion they borrow $ because it’s in the script.
they got lots of help from the music industry to get those hackers stirred up. “rage against the machine” lots of wrap too, wrapin bout them black flags dawg
here the fed pays off old debt 7.5t and prints up some more 8.3t the difference is 777billion and some change, hmm .http://cnsnews.com/news/article/terence-p-jeffrey/roll-over-plan-treasury-needed-pay-record-75t-maturing-debt-fy-2013
hackers/anonymous to celebrate guy fawkes day in dc. http://freebeacon.com/anonymous-to-march-on-dc-on-guy-fawkes-day/,don't forget hacker news w/boston brakes, hacker prophecy’s(not so rev oli north)million mask march/3m’s, they never forget and they never forgive. esau?
Guy FAwkes was the fall guy for Thomas Percy (Percy=Pierce as in Barbara Pierce the illegitimate daughter of A Crowley) ringleader of a Jesuit plot to blow up the British Parliament of King James I. The motive? He hired 54 men to translate the 66 books of the Masoretic Inspired Bible found in the only true book on earth the KJV aka Authorized Bible. Notice its the only bible that correctly identifies Esau with the “Dominion” of the 3rd Beast
If we can print our own money, Why borrow ?
The FED is still printing $85B/month. A currency war mainly with China has been underway for 2 years. Debtors become slaves of Creditors ; that’s the real goal of FED borrowing and the CAPITALIZED NAME on our SS Cards; make Citizens party to the Gov Debt. It’s why Bankers have been forcefully evicted from 160 nations over histiry
Havent heard any talk about health care except the sigh ups are taking a long time . Class 2 implantable RFID? If so when and MERSA – cov vaccine comming soon ?
MERS CoV “Vaccine” was one of the FEMA/CDC preparations listed to be accomplished by Oct 1. Not sure if I trust the source or the vaccine
these guys say they got the fusion thing down.http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-24429621 they got a laser w/192 beams focused on a pellet to uh purify it. 192 is between prime #191 and prime #193, they do some math trick w/ that and I forgot what it was. they’re at livermore ca, just east of sanfran/golden gate?
the “red chinos” advise us not upset the rice bowl(economy)http://rt.com/business/china-us-default-debt-838/ borrower is slave to the lender. rt has a chart on that link. china is #1 lender. we owe ireland, and little luxemburg, even the sodomites in belgium(phillipe/ horse lover) #3 is japan, uh they don’t have any money what the? and my fav is #2 mr anonymous ,who the?
probably sick the tongs on us.
October 5 – One of 3 days on which the mundus is opened
10/5 New Moon. 10/5 P. Opening of Mundus Ceresis
10/5 P Navaratri: Hindu: Fall Festival, Worship of Durga. Lakshmi ans Saraswati
October 6 – Day of bad omens: anniversary of the battle of Arausio (105 BC)
Green the color of clorifil lots of green on the tube carry with the green tie ! Red October red line red makes a bull charge . Why all the red dresses and ties ?
When Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of Red beans; God changed his name to Edom meaning “Red”. Adam also means Red; he was fashioned of Red Clay. The 3rd Adam will be their Messian
interest duh
swiss are starting to probe shady market manipulators!http://www.finma.ch/e/aktuell/Pages/mm-untersuchung-manipulation-fremdwaehrungskurse-20131004.aspx has something to do with interstate fixing?
Kerry’s tip though Singapore may get interesting too; Mol Comfort sailed from there and sank as he awaited arrival of 5000 shipping containers full of weapons for al-Qaeda mercenaries; remember, it had a Russian Crew of 26
Kerry finishes his 2 week Asian trip igroveing at the feet of the Edomite ie Haehemite Sultan of Brunei’s feet. Esau is the Red October; if you want to hunt for them look to Kuwait, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Israel (ref Obadiah). Look for names like Shia Imam, Abbasid Caliphate, Twelver Imam, Shia Assassin (Agha Khan heads these ), Ismailis, Fatimid Caliphs.
Kerry went instead of Obama because Obama was raised in Indonesia; it would have been hard to keep a lid on that homecoming eh?
red oct was clancey’s ist novel i think? got $5,000 for it.
The lights went out on the supper bowl what time ? What for?
3rd Qtr; not sure why. Ravens refers to Noah’s Raven which never returned to the Ark (Freedom/Liberty from God’s protection) like the Dove (Jesus Christ/Holy Ghost) did. 49-ers refers to 77 , Aleister Crowley’s Thelemites supreme manifestation of Spirit in Matter aka 4th Beast in Dan 7:7 and Noah entering the Ark in Gen 7:7. The Book of the GOAT (God OF All Things) or the Mirror Image The Ark of God) is Baphomet or Azazel “Goat that departs to the wilderness” 7 is the number of perfection; 7X7=49. The Fleur de Lis represents the Circumcision and Satanic Trinity Father, Mother, Son. The lights went out likely as a prelude to the flooding of New Orleans due to Deep Water Horizon and Natural Gas Fracking collapsing the New Madrid Fault Salt Domes. FEMA has a map planning for this already drawn up
NFL & The Final Countdown
I’ve been seeing falcons in the news,falcon rocket from the space x co. and on direct tv ads. sport of kings from the east?? falcons were in the center and #s 80,81,88,falcon in center w/ball is 11, 99 on l trying to tackle and 69 on r trying to tackle 50,18,33. more mind manipulation. oh, only $29.99, your subconscious (which may have programed before your 6th b day) will flip that to see 666s, two changes to s?
The Martial Law signs have been reported before; as have the rack em stackem coffins and UN rail cars with shackles and stun guns.
Lennon’s Tree House; strange building. The La Sagrada FAmilia Cathedral in Barcelona (Hannibal Barca) is built like a giant Grove of Trees with Jesus hanging from a metal I-Bean. Just about as Blasphemous as it gets. Sgt Pepper=Aleister Crowley; Charles Manson was/is a CIA mind controlled dupe
lots of tension starting oct 13th – nov 1st maybe till 4th. starts satanists Halloween schedule. they’ll be getting ready for their sacrifices etc..this the 13th year thing for these sick o’s.
Howard, i think they made that “v” movie, and all those masks for a reason. occupy and all the coverage. “we don’t forget, we don’t forgive”!! million $ sign put up next door to the fed reserve bld in kansas city mo during occupy. who paid for?? it read “i owe you,”on one side and “usa” on the other. made w/ shipping containers stacked about 8 high and two rows deep. the people who fund revolutions paid for it. they also paid a bunch of assholes to be assholes and others to give classes on how to be retarded. still cracks me up.
hope that is not supposed to be a good vantage point for some event in la.
ps there is a lot of blood spilled in those hills.lots of famous and even more not so famous. http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/nwsltr93.html — i don’t know this guy, but he lists sources and has a lot to say about “those holywood nights” “high rolling hills”
tree house forsale in historic laurel canyon, once belonged to john lennon/eggman? or walrus? $999,000. wonder if they’ll take bit coin?remember the white album. how about ole charlie manson and the psychedelic wachy bunch of side kicks. the symbols are freaking out on this one.
hacking news,school children hack their ipads in la schools. oh those silly kids. they like to hand out these computers to kids so they can turn them on to spy on them at home. like when they are naked. some needs a rock tied around their head, then taken out for a swim.http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/10/06/la-officials-seek-fix-to-1b-program-after-students-crack-ipad-security-access/?intcmp=latestnews
Exclusive interview – 3 diesel trucks full of tens of thousands of “Martial Law Now In Effect” signs spotted in southern. Have You Guys Heard anything about these Truckers heading to Washington??? If so do you think these Trucker are Truly there to Protest or some sort of Double Agents to Trigger Civil War???
i have not, but we did attack libia and somalia over the weekend in some false story where real people get wacked. dejango/barrack the koo koo for coco cowboy.
Biden is a Jesuit; his CODEWORD file might be just that
Howard, it does say f you on the healthcare.gov site. first they have the bird/twitter= f u, then they have a f then the you tube symbol. the ph# works out that way as well but is deniable because the #s mean more than one letter. https://www.healthcare.gov/
ps vid of the queen and clowns celebrating the event, courtesy bbc, cheero http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-15752153
4ooth anniversary KJV. merry old England to give school kids a free one. 400/9=44.4444444444 . will cost 370,000 pounds 370,000/9=41111.1111111111
Maybe something is scheduled for Nov 5 “Remember, remember the 5th of November the Gunpowder and treason plot” The Jesuits tried their level best to prevent James from hiring 54 men to translate the Masoretic Texts into English.
http://gopthedailydose.com/2013/10/05/obama-ready-terminate So Barack is set to Terminate 17 States(… Tran PP) has something todo with this??? You Betcha
So Barack is set to Terminate 17 States(… Tran PP) has something todo with this??? You Betcha
AF Academy magazine “Checkpoints” Sept 2013 is titles “Are you prepared?” listing outbreak, famine, wildfire, hurricane, tsunami, flood, earthquake and revolution.
black market internet thrives after silk road bust. were they advertising for this black market economy?
Number 63 GOD’S WRATH.. How doe Palestine fitt into the scenario with either a Bomb or Drones for A False Flag of Domestic Terrorism??
You mean Is 63? Winepress of God and judgment of Edom? Is the number 63 in these latest developments?
This potential gathering for war and Armageddon will be the false one designed to usher in al-Mahdi, the Bab and Baha’ullah of Bahai in my opinion
Joe Biden was photographed the day the Gov’t shutdown carrying a classified file “CODEWORD”. It is taken from a fictional book “Codeword “Apollyon”: Terrorism’s second wave”. about another 9/11 style Terrorist Act. It refers to Apollyon, the Angel of the Botomless Pit in Rev 9:11 who gathers the army for the battle of Armageddon. Check out the price on Amazon for the book at $16.16 “And he gathered them together…at Armageddon”
Now compare all this with the Black Flags of Khorasan being flown in NYC and tell me all this is coincidence.
Folks, we need to get the word out
Universe means “Turn into One”; “All Together”. One big happy family of Death “Of one Voice” (Verse” beginning with “God said let there be Light”
i don’t buy this tor thing. i say business as usual.http://rt.com/usa/nsa-target-tor-network-739/
this emerald city picture on your article,Howard reminds me of the field of poppies the characters had to cross before they got to the city. that reminds me of the royal scam, take the white mans medicine and get sicker. eat the white mans food and get fatter and sicker. but that’s ok because we got a surgery for you. just call that 800 go f yourself # for obama care.
1800 318-2596 or 1800 F*UCKYO
Pretty special isn’t it?
When people were asked if they would sign up for Obama Care, most said “No Way”
When asked if they would sign up for “Affordable Care” they said “Absolutely” Of course they are the same Universal Care hat passed 3/22 at 3:22 Universal Time, but who reads the bible or knows that Society 322 is the “Brotherhood of Death?
new movie coming out.” let the fire burn”, about the” move” people getting bombed and burned out. I guess the burned out most of the block. in the city of brotherly love on may 13, 1985. got it off aljazira. lots of movies coming out with whity cracker oppressing the black man. 12 years a slave, de jango, to name a few. duality/black and white chess bd. took the chains off their feet and our feet and put them on our brains. reminds me of the movie “support your local sheriff” didn’t have any bars on the jail so the sheriff spilled some red paint on the floor. those were the days… not!
‘As any ful kno’, JB are the initials for Jachin and Boaz, the name of the pillars which stood in the porch of Solomon’s Temple and revered in Freemasonry and used in the masonic tracing boards. And I would suggest the Codeword from JB is ‘Is there no help for the Widow’s Son’.
Good catch; this was on his secret folder?
Travis, is there any truth to the Drudge report on 1-800 Fuckyou being the phone number for Obama Care?
Joe Biden“He’s well known for his verbal gaffes – now Joe Biden is in the spotlight for making a visual one.
The U.S. Vice President accidentally revealed the cover of a classified document for the world to see while standing absent-mindedly at a press event on Monday.
In a photograph published by AFP/Getty Images, the binder clearly shows the title ‘Codeword: Classified Document’ emblazoned across it. Below that, it said ‘Vice President’.”
Europium/*()On the flip side, Roskill Information Services — a London-based metals and minerals research company — agrees with our supply-demand picture:
By 2014, demand for rare earth metals will be 205,000 tons but production is expected to increase to just 180,000 tons, leaving the world with a shortfall of 25,000 tons.
Certain rare earth elements, like dysprosium, used to make magnets and lasers, will have a deficit supply of as much as 700 tons, and europium, used to create the color red in televisions, will be 50 tons short of projected requirements.
And you want me to believe the easy money has already been made?
That particular article is basing its sell position on rare earth stock valuations. It’s absurd.
The article goes on to evaluate Avalon Rare Metals (AVL):
ist hurricane watch/warning of the season, Karen/greek org,means pure. hmm we’ll see.la, to fl panhandle.
Barack Cancels – John Kerry Fills In – Barack will visit Indonesia and will attend APEC Meeting Oct. 7th and 8th .. and Asian Leaders Meeting October 9th and 10th
And .. China Moving Right Along .. Hawaii NSA Pentagon. 5(Billion). Chinese and Muslim had some sort Active Drill in Sept 7. Thoughts
indonesia was colonized by the dutch east india co. lots of muzlims there. some big volcanos too. didn’t ole barry go to school there? one of our ships broke off from us and went there for liberty back in ’83. so many guys got the clap that they made everyone get a shot. wasn’t true, but they still got the shot. wonder what was in it.
TPP allows Int’l Corporations to bid in US assets; nice timing with the default imminent eh?
It’ll be old home week for Barry; He was raised in a Madrassa, Quran school Suharto murdered 2 million Indonesians in E Timor. Irony is that the same AF1 Jet (I think) lifted off the tarmac with Ford, Rumsfeld and Cheney on board to green light the mass murderer
FEMA is putting out a warning for Oct 17, the day San Francisco was hit by a massive earthquake in 1989 is the same day the US will default on its debt, and FEMA is planning the Great Shake Out Earthquake Drill.
California Earthquake Drill was Two Months ago. Now this Earthquake Drill in the Bay Area Hmmmm Giving Commercial for Pre Conditioning smh
holywood has a new Christian movie?? “alone yet not alone” checking out the opening credits of trailer and couldn’t get past the 3 chevrons/sex magik, on enthuse/stimulate,galvanize,stir up,whip up, fire,etc, entertainment’s logo. I can see where this is going. flush
fbi arrests the silk road dude, ross Ulbricht/noble famous, he was at san fran pub library. cruising for weirdos? confiscated lots of bitcoins 2.2 m pounds. hmm. virtual currency( and it’s gone!). operated on the onion router(lots of layers). this dude was also known as dread buttpirate roberts.http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-24373759
Blue Oyster Cult “I’m livin for givin the Devil his due” Pretty much says it all eh?
Deut23 3:6summarises these incidents, and further states that the Ammonites were associated with the Moabites. Joshua, in his farewell speech, also makes reference to it.Moabite (Central Jordan, and Edomite (Southern Jordan). Abel Shittim meadow of Acadia places Located in Palestine Lowland of Moab Num33:49. Those Number again Howard/Craig indeed
On Article of Liber 77 mention 3×22 66 this Past socalled Sunday DENVER Field against the Eagles HELD A RING OF Honor for Tom Nalen Offensive Lineman his Number was 66 Interesting
check out the vince lombardi trophy. it has a phallic symbol with a foot ball stuck on it. fat men in tights, hut hut. drunk on the blood. there’s lots more symbolism of the dark sick nature.
b s artist tom clancy dead at 66. don’t let the door hit you in the back side.he wrote all kinds of trash about how cool the cia was. ha! bunch of homoshttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-24372224
can’t even spell grodzilla!
imagine dragon’s lyrics to radioactive remind me of Daniel’s vision of the beast. the japanese have been telling us for a long time that radioactive waste will usher in the beast from the sea” gradzilla”, blue oystercult/philistines, says the same. check the #’s from chicago train accident/?
On 10/17 at 10:17 Local Time FEMA and DHS will conduct the “Great Shake Out” Earthquake Drill. The same day Talmudic fake Jew Treasury Sec Jacob Lew claims the US will reach the end of its borrowing capacity and the same day a Cyber Bank Attack Drill will be conducted.
Aren’t coincidences wonderful?