“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said Let there be light, and there was light…”
Genesis 1:1-2
God would not make “Lights” of the Sun, Moon and Stars until day 4. Gnostics are attempting to return the earth to the conditions before Creation. Why? The Serpent has caused them to believe a Lie, that Man can become God. Jesus returns to “…destroy them who destroy the earth: Rev 11:18 Big Bang; Black Holes, Dark Energy; Dark Matter are the Gnostic “Darkness”; their idea of “Light” is Lucifer and Laylat al-Qadr is their “Night of Destiny. The Spiritual battle is Arab versus Israel; Arab means “Inhabitor of the Desert” where Desert means “Void of God”; Cain-Canaan-Joktan-Ishmael-Esau. Israel means “One who wrestles with God” and by extension the Word of God. Do not mistake modern day Israel with Spiritual Israel; the former is “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8. Science is the primary Arab religion; Creation replaced with the Big Bang and Evolution are Jesuit created Lies.
Laylat al-Qadr means “Night of Power” or “Night of Destiny”. Destiny here refers to Arab Destiny, a Monotheist Renaissance seen in Baathist, Alawite, Wahhabist, Shia Twelver Ismailism etc. Cain, Canaan, Joktan (Arabs), Ishmaelites and Edomites are the Torch Bearers. Laylat al-Qadr floats with respect to the Gregorian Calendar and can be on any odd night near the end of Ramadan which ended Aug 7, 2013; as will be seen a lot happened this year. Laylat al-Qadr is about as Muslim as Santa Claus is Christian or Hanukkah is Jewish; it is an Arab “Night of Destiny”; an appointment with Lucifer.
“People who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities” Voltaire, pen name of 33° Luciferian Freemason, Rosicrucian, Hermetic Philosopher Francois-Mane Arouret.
“Now that the God Particle has been discovered…vacuum energy can be explained” Origins Project founder Lawrence Krauss. Don’t worry folks, there is no “God Particle” much less “Gravity” and there can be no “Vacuum Energy”; it’s all made up Luciferian nonesense. God defines Space as “Nothing”; Hermetic Philosophers define it as Neutralinos, WIMPS, Gluons, MACHOS “Black Holes”. Worm Holes, Alice Matter, RAMBOs, Muons, Binos, Guaginos, Higgsinos, Squarks, Gluinos and.P-BRANES. Absurd isn’t it? If Earth had “Weight” it would Fall in Space. It doesn’t because Gravity and Dark Matter are Gnostic Lies.
By definition, a Vacuum is “Nothing”, precisely the term used in Scripture to describe “Space”. Ever wonder why Particle Physicists walk passed Shiva, the Hindu “Destroyer and Transformer” to the CERN Large Hadron Collider where the force “Gravity” is being described as the consequence of the “God Particle” aka “Higg’s Boson”? They worship the same “Grand Architect” Luciferian Freemasons do! According to Hindu physicist Satyandra Bose and Zionist Albert Einstein “Dark Matter” and “Dark Energy” are composed are “Bosons” (Bose + On=Osiris=Heliopolis). The math used to describe this nonesense is as complex as “String Theory”; basically it all boils or I really should say “Condenses” down to Space being described as a He4 Superfluid State of Helium at the Lambda Point of 2.7K (Near Absolute Zero ie -4550F). The Luciferian idea is to destroy Creation by Nuclear Fusion (2H Deuterium +3H Tritium=He4 plus Energy) and form He, the title God used for Himself “I Am He”.
Lambda means “Null or Empty”, a subatomic particle called the “V Particle” made of an Up and Down Quark (Picture the Hexagram here) and a Strange Quark. Strange eh? Talmudic Rabbis open Synagogue with that “V” Sign. It means Nail as in the 3 Nails used to fasten God to the Tree at the Crucifixion! Remember Mr Spock? Vulcan is the Canaanite fire god! Bose proposed “Wave-Particle Duality” for Light and Einstein took a step further applying this nonsense to Matter. Waves cannot travel in the “Vacuum” of Space; hence Dark Matter was invented. The Oroborus Serpent is a picture of this Luciferian ideal; destroy God’s Creation and Shiva emerges from the Cosmic Fire.
Star Children refer to Luciferians; Astrophysicist Carl Sagan said “We are all children of the Stars” He Lied. On Aug 24, the world’s largest gathering of “Star Children” will convene in London, hosted by Sir Paul McCartney. Skip that one folks! Supersymmetry refers to Matter and Anti-matter (Dark Matter) combining in a giagantic release of Energy; the problem is God did not Create “Anti-matter”! For Star Trek fans, this concept is manifest in “Warp Drives”; warping Space and Time with Matter and Anti-matter? Nice try, Space is Notihng; you cannot Warp “Nothing”.
Lambda, the Hebrew Lamed and Phoenician “El” are names fo Lucifer, who impersonates JEHOVAH as “Elohim” meaning “Deity” or “Deities”. No, Elohim is not the Jewish God! Children of Elohim are Star Children and their saying “Revenge is a dish best served cold” is about to play out.
Supersymmetry can be seen in the Obelisk (Lingam) and the Yin-Yang, the Solar Shadow over an Obelisk representing Good versus Evil, Light versus Dark, Lucifer versus God. Zoroaster means “Star Seed”, no he was not a person, he is a Luciferian ideal. Folks, the so-called final battle of “Good versus Evil” is a slaughter; God won this battle 6000 years ago at the time of Creation! Luciferian Masons and Mormons believe Lucifer and Jesus are equals and opposites; they are not!
Laylat is Layla meaning “Dark Beauty”; in Norse, Laylat means “Holy”. Talmudic Rabbis claim Lailah is “He” (recall the Helium example), the guardian Angel “Night” who fought with Abraham against the Kings of Sodom and Gomorrah in Gen 14). BS? Of course, “He” means “God is with me”; if you want God with you, ask Him just like Abram and Sarai did. “Night” also comes from the “New Moon” end to Islamic months; the following month begins with the “Hilal”, the Waxing “Crescent”. Mormons use the phrase “Pey Heylel” meaning “Wondrous Lucifer” for this same “Crescent”; Shriner Masons like Harry Truman (Atomic Bomb, NSA, CIA, Area-51, UN) in the “Noble Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine” proudly wear the same Crescent (Hilal) on their Christian blood soaked Fez. Note: Noble Arabic Order here; Iran means “Noble Caste”; the Arab Order began with Joktanites from Mesha to Mt Sephar ie Mashad, Iran to Mt Everest “Holy Mother”. Lailah also appears in Rabbinical (Rabbi means “Great One or Master”) commentary as an angel fighitng with Barak against the Canaanite army of Sisera; BS? Of course. The Laylas in Barack Obama’s circle are Benghazi liars, Nat Sec Adviser Susan Rice, and Iranian born Marxist Valerie Jarrett and their UN puppet Samantha Power.
A new “Cold War” with Russia over a CIA/NSA/ Booz-Allen-Hamilton hack Ed Snowden; seriously? There never was a “Cold War”; Reagan and Gorbachev attended Bohemian Grove for 25 years together; both men are/were Luciferian initiates. Think Ron or Rand Paul have the answers? Guess again, Ron is a “Lambda Chi Alpha” (Chi=Masonic Messiah/Christ; Alpha=Beginning) Lodge initiate for Life! Check that Eternity; he is a Luciferian! Once again, Cold refers to the Lambda Point; 2.7K (Absolute Zero has no molecular motion) is about as Cold as it gets! A war with Iran when they are backed up by Russia and China? China and Russia already have troops inside America under the command of NORTHCOM; no invasion will be necessary! A war with Syria and Lebanon? Mt Hermon means “Mountain of the Chief”, the spot where Lucifer’s Angels coerced human women to Sin in Gen 6. Lebanon is ancient Phoenicia; the Arabian Phoenix destroys itself by Fire and is reborn anew; sounds al lot like Shiva “Destroying” and “Transforming” because they are the same. Laban means “To make White”; Aztec and Aztlan also means “To make White”; these are identical to the Mormon “White and Deligtsome” teaching. Gnostic Cathars taught the same thing; “Purify by Fire”. 12 years of fighting illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq all based on the 9/11/2001 Lie; and WWIII hasn’t even started yet! So who is Layla really? Hint: Muhammad Ali avoided the Vietnam draft by joining and taking the name of Nation of Islam Elijah Muhammad and Drew Ali; his daughter? Layla.
Barry Soetero? Barack Hussein Obama? or Bari Malik Shabazz? Shabazz means “Royal Falcon” and “First Race”. Again, 1st Race refers to a time before Creation. Nation of Islam preaches a return to the “First Time” just as the Egyptian Priesthood did with “Zep Tepi”, the Universe before incarnation. If you hear the term “Time Wave Zero” it refers to this concept. It’s a simple plan to get “Back to the Future” (remember that movie?); kill God and everyone who worships God. Derek and the Dominoes also tells us who Layla is. Dominoes are the favorite game of Bohemian Grove; Nations falling to Luciferian control like Dominoes; Muslim means “One who submits”; submits to Lucifer folks! Dom means “Mask” meaning our enemies are right under our noses as “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes”; Priests, Masters, Imams are all Luciferian! (ref Mat 23:8-10) Dominion goes to Esau (turn about is fair play to the occultist as Jacob impersonated Esau) who married into Ishmaelite and Canaanite lineage. Eric Clapton said “Like a fool, I fell in love with you…you turned my world upside down” Lucifer has a nasty habit of doing exactly that and no dates do this more than the “Holy Night” called Christmas Eve, Easter and Feast of Tabernacles.
The “Destiny” associated with Islam is the revealing of the occulted 12th Shia Imam “al-Mahdi” meaning “He who rises”; the He here is Lucifer. The Sun spends 3 days in the Sea and Rises on Dec 25th, the morning the Magi (Solar Priests) visited Jesus in the Manger. One problem. Jesus wasn’t there and it wasn’t Christimas! The Christ of the Nativity is the Theosophical Society “World Teacher” “Maitreya” and everyone seens to be expecting him.
“Holy Night” 2013 aka Natalis Solis Invicti or Christmas is 91 days or 13 weeks after the Autumn Equinox called “Mabon” on the witchcraft calendar. Theosophical Society (Armageddon Script) claims WWIII has been planned to last 13 weeks. CERN is planning to up the power from 7 TeV to 10 TeV by Christmas 2013 in the effort to produce STrangelets; using what they call a “Superconductive, superfluid, quark-gluon soup” in a project called CASTOR (Centauro STrangelet Object Research). The purpose of to create an Ice-9 reaction believed to create Supernovas. Folks, all this is made up nonesense to be used as the Scapegoat (Desert Goat) for Earthquakes. In 2013, the Fall Equinox also falls on Feast of Tabernacles, the true birthday of Jesus Christ. Mabon was coined from Mabon op Modron a mythical soldier in King Arthur’s company (Knights of the Round Table is the Zodiac); Modron also means “Holy Mother”. Recall “Silk Road” is not only the DarkNet, it is also the “Highway to Hell” passed another Holy Mother “Chumolungma” aka Mt Everest”. “They” of Tower of Babel fame came from the East; they were Arabs descended from Joktan, the elder brother of Peleg in whose days the Earth became divided by Water.
The Silk Road or Yellow Brick Road begins on the 38th parallel across the Yellow Sea from the 38th Parallel “DMZ” in Korea and the 38th Parallel at Fukushima, wihch will ultimately cause the “Exodus”. The star shaft in the Queen’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid is angled 380 with respect to the 520angle of the sides, it completes 900 in the Mr “Peace Triangle”; Jesus is not the “Man of Peace”! 60 years ago the first UN sponsored War ended in Armistice; a sequel was planned long ago, but when? WWI also ended in Armistice just after the Theosophical (God Philosophy) Society created the “Order of the Star in the East”; heard that before haven’t we? No, not Ron Paul’s wife and daughters who are “Order of Eastern Star”.
Jesus was born on the first day of Feast of Tabernacles and Circumsized on the 8th day of Tabernacles. This is the only Holy Feast with 8 days God ordained; Hanukkah has 8 days, but that is a Luciferian counterfeit.
The Green Revolution in Iran is 33 years now old; Jesus was 33 at the Crucifixion; Masons become “Sovereign” at 33 degrees and Water changes state at 33 degrees. The release of 52 Iranian hostages was contingent on George Bush Sr aka Nazi spy George Scherff Jr aka “Curious George” becoming VP. The Ayatholla Khomeini and George Scherff are 330 Luciferian Freemasons (Bill Clinton too) folks, their nations mean nothing to them. “Poppy” as he is called for overseeing Afghanistan Opium production and distribution, is first of 3 (that I know of) illegal US Presidents. A shot in the Gipper’s chest effectivley gave the usurping Nazi Scherff family 20 years in charge of the White House; FEMA, Iran-Contra, Iran-Iraq War, Savings and Loan Crisis, BCCI (Bank of Commerce Credit International), Golden Crescent Opium, Gulf Wars 1&2 (Scherff and Saddam Hussein are business partners; yes still!), 9/11, Patriot Act, Homeland Security, TSA the result.
Christmas means “Sacrifice and Concumption of the Messiah”. It has nothing whatsoever to do with Jesus Christ. Green Man is the Knight Templar GOAT (God Of All Things); Romans called him Bacchus, Greeks called him Dionysus, Druids call him Apollo and Persians in Iran call him Mithras. Alll share the common birthdate Dec 25,m but Mithra is unique in he is depicted slaying the Lion. “1000 pts of LIght”Important because the world was truly “Upside Down” (Layla Lyrics) in the Astrological Age of Leo in 10,500 BC. the Spinnx was made to track the Spring and Fall equinox and the Great Pyramid to track the “Great Year”. The problem is the earth is not even that old.
Prophecy of St Malachy declares Rome will burn when Peter the Roman, Pope #112 from Celestine II is elected; Pope Francis I is #112. Pope Benedict resigned on cue Feb 28, 2013 as lightning hit St Peter’s Basilica “Twice” that evening. Mars followed; Mars is the Roman god of War, Cuthites (Medes) in Babylon worshipped Nergal, the god of War as a Rooster. Mars became identified with the Rooster/Cock symbol used in Persia as Sanjak, the idol of Nowruz “New Light”. Mars also became identified with the Lion in Britain because all are associated with Mithraism and Dec 25. Pope Francis I is the 1st openly Jesuit Pope and was elected on Red Heifer Day 3/13/13. Interestingly, there were 313 of Abram’s house who went with him to battle the Canaanite kings of Sodom and Gomorrah. There was no Irish Saint named Malachy; he is none other than Moloch. St Patrick? A mythical fraud as well. Pope Francis I was an “Operation Condor” asset in Argentina’s “Dirty War”; he is a murdering Jesuit Vicar of Jupiter wearing the Mitre of Dagan in Red Edomite slippers and is not worthy of your allegiance! Can you see why Jesus said “Call no man on earth father”? (Mat 23:8) Folks, that Angel standing on your Illuminated Evergreen Tree has no business in your home! Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles; in 2013 Muslims will gather for the Hajj.
“In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again” Cathar Prophecy . The “Council of Vienne” ended March 20, 1313. Assets of the International Bankers were stripped; Do the Math. Realize of course Mar 20 is the Spring Equinox, Persians celebrate as Nowruz!
11Q13 Prince Melchisedek Scroll After 10 Jubilees, the Trumpet blast will herald the coming Melchisedek. Folks, Jesus is Melchisedek! This will be the Alternative Messiah. 10 Jubilees=500 years from what? Black Pope Leo X in 1513 bankrupted the Vatican Bank. It is no coincidence HSBC (Hong Kong Shanghai Bank) ceased business with the Vatican in July 2013 or that Vatican Banker Tarscio Bertone abruptly quit. The Rats are jumping ship. Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel with a crack separating Man from God for a reason and Gnostics want this “Freedom from God”! Melchisdedek Priests Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman are not done yet.
Hopi “Great Purification” Prophecy States the 5th age (Blavatsky called this the 5th Root Race) will begin with the arrival of Blue Star; Disease, Great Dying, Earthquakes and the World rocking to and fro. Comet ISON (anagram of Sion=Mt Hermon “Mt of the Chief”)
Prophecy Rock in AZ “When Blue Star comes Red Kachina will remove his mask in the plaza before the Unitiated” and White Brother “Pahana” will be revealed. White Brother is Lucifer by the way. You will want to be “Uninitiated”! The UN Planetary Initiative states “Nobody will enter the New Age unless he or she takes a Luciferian Inbitiation”. Just repeat the Mezuzah “The LORD our God is One” or the Shahada “There is no God but Allah” and you are in! Hell for eternity that is!!
Nostradamus “The Last Pope will flee Rome in December when there ar 2 Suns in the sky to usher in Judgment Day” Comet ISON makes it’s closest approach to Earth Christmas Day 2013.
C Alan Martin published a vision in 1971 predicting the last US President would be #12 from Harry Truman; Obama means “He is with us” in Farsi (Zoroastrian Persian; language of Mithraism) is #12.
Condor and Eagle Prophecy says 500 years after Columbus discovered America, and nearly wiped out the Condor people (Heart, Intuitiion, Mystical), a merging with the Eagle people (Brain, Rational , Material) will herald the New Age. Jesus says “where the carcase is, Eagles wil gather”. Seen any Eagles on US Government or Currency lately? Pope Francis I is an “Operation Condor” operative.
His right hand man Vatican Sec of State Cardinal Tarsciio Bertone abruptly resigned June 2013.
The Beast is the Rising Sun of Fukushima
Japan means “Rising Sun”; WWII was extended until the Atomic Bombs were ready. The goals of creating Communist Russia was to create a “Cold War” in which 200 million people under Communist rule could be slaughtered. “To accomplish the goal of a Cold War, you will need a very good tally of at least 1 million. You need to keep Japan in War until the bomb is ready” John Foster Dulles to Sec of State Edward Stettinius. The other goal? Give Nikola Tesla’s technology to Communist Russia and create the privacy needed to perfect it. Nikita Kruschev called these new weapons “Fantastic” in their ability to destroy the earth.
Eid al Fitr (Break the Fast) on Aug 8-9, coincided with the anniversay of the Deuterium-Tritium enhanced Plutonium bomb “Fat Man” used to obliterate the mostly Christian city of Nagasaki, Japan on Aug 9, 1945. Deuterium-Tritium is in Kelp off the coast of Fukushima and TEPCO is pouring 100,000 gallons/day onto the below ground melted fuel. Tritium radiation pollution is not the issue here. Uranium-Plutonium MOX Fuel melted into the earth under Fukushima and mixing with Deuterium “Heavy Water”. Critical mass is evident because Tritium is being produced. Cocoons are forming as the fuel melts the rock; the silica forming glass mirror like pockets eerily similar to the way Nuclear Fusion bombs are constructed. What happens if a chain reaction begins under the earth at the intersection of techtonic plates on the “Ring of Fire”? How could Uranium-Plutonium begin to Fission in the first place? EM Scalar “Tesla” weapons such the one’s tested at Chernobyl to fission the Uranium fuel rods and used to create the Indonesian Earthquake-Tsunami on Yule 2004, and on Lent 2011 at Fukushima. Recall Deuterium-Tritium Fusion creates He4; “God is with me”; Father, Son, Holy Ghost and the Word; He4! Isaiah forsaw a time when the “Earth will reel to and fro as a drunkard”; I’m not a nuclear engineer, but Fukushima has all the hallmarks of an engineered nuclear disaster of unimaginable proportions. The earth’s crust sits atop Water not melted rock. Water is incompressible and conducts Shock Waves rather well. Unthinkable for most of us, but not to Luciferian intiates!
Manhattan Project head, Communist Spy and Luciferian Freemason J Robert Oppenheimer quoted the Hindu God Shiva “I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds” upon witnesseing the 1st Atomic Fission bomb. Bohemian Grove initiate Edward Teller designed the first Nuclear Fusion bomb which used nuclear fission to set off Deuterium-Tritium Fusion. On detonation he said “It’s a Boy”. Shiva had given birth!
Scientists work under the shadow of Shiva the Destroyer/Transformer god in their vain efforts to create the “God Particle”. This mythical source of “Cosmic Order” exists in their mind as “Gravity”, the ultimate form of Gravity is the tightly Warped Space-Time idea of the “Black Hole”. New idea? Hardly, The concept of a Centra Black Sun “TULA” (Tule Society is the modern day version) is as old as the Flood! Physicists will start up the Large Hadron Collider soon and in the process of attempting to prove the “God Particle” will claim a “Black Hole” was created. The resulting worldwide earthquakes foretold in Mat 24:7. The Pestilence in that same paragraph will be the creation of biologists bent on “Weaponizing” Bird Flu (The story on this is in Daily Updates “Plague” section). CERN sits on the graveyard and chapel called “Voltaire’s Castle” The “God Particle” is a Lie; what will cause Earthquakes simultaneously all over the globe? Fukushima Nuclear Fusion, set off on the “Ring of Fire” at the one spot on earth capable of causing this type of detruction. Now let’s look at the preparation for the “Begining of Sorrows” aka 1260 day “Great Tribulation”.
Laylat al Qadr
On Laylat al-Qadr, Aug 7, Presidents Obama and Putin initiated a new “Cold War” over NSA/CIA/Booz-Allen-Hamilton hacker Edward Snowden. Obama stood on the exact same spot Ronald Reagan said “My Gorbachev, Tear down this wall” last June. Obama bowed to Emperor Akahito, whose father, a Luciferian Freemason extended World War II until the bombs could be used. He proclaimed “A new beginning for Islam” in Cairo on the spot the Arab League and Muslim Brotherhood were founded. Obama bowed to Wahhabist dictator King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and toasted Queen Elizabeth II to “god Save the Queen”.
On Aug 7, Texas Magistrate Judge Amos Mazzant declared “Bitcoin”, the digital currency used on the “DarkNet” aka “Silk Road” for illicit activities ranging from Narcotics, Weapons, Pornography, Assassinations, and Human trafficking to be “Legal Tender”. He has no legal ability to do this, but it sure made global money laundering a whole lot easier, which is fantastic news if you are running Heroin in Afghanistan or weapons in Benghazi. On Aug 11 NYC Financial Regulator Benjamin Lawski has given “Legitimacy” to Virtual Currency by regulating it through the court system. Just coincidence or “Black Horse” riders working in concert?
BitCoin and TOR is not just for “Black Market” Drugs/Porn/Weapons, it is also the preferred “Anonymous” Black Market for Journalists; Politicians; Human Rights Advocates; Whistle Blowers, like Booz-Allen-Hamilton asset Ed Snowden; Political Dissidents and Protesters like “Anonymous” or the “Tea Party”. TOR Mail has all their off-record communications “Black Mail” stored, so a new MalWare allegedly introduced on the TOR has a lot of people running for cover.
Need to get out of Dodge? How about an “Anonymous” aircraft callsign “Dot Com”? Just Charter a Jet, load your favorite criminals onboard and file the flight plan through an “Anonymous” Corporation. Need to pick up some weapons or drugs? How about a Customs By-pass facility in Abu Dhabi?
Chaldean Priests first went by the title Konn-Torrs and Bitcoin the currency used on the TOR “The Onion Router” connecting “Servers” on the TBB “TOR Browser Bundle”. Luciferian Mason Neil Armstrong said “Victory goes to those who can peel away truths protective layers” That would be like an Onion! Bitcoin uses the letter “B” and “Vires in Numeris”. “B” was derived from the Phoenician alphabet; in Hebrew it means “House”. Vires in Numeris means “Power or Strength in Numbers”. Jesus said “Who is like unto the Beast…who is able to make war with the Beast”.
On Aug 3 TEPCO admitted highly radioactive water has been flooding into the Pacific Ocean since 3/11/2011; 80,000 gallons/day of 150 Billion Bq/m3 Strontium (mimics calcium causing bone cancer), and cesium laced warer; the equivalent of 112 Hiroshima detonations every hour for 2 1/2 years. This is in addition to Atmospheric releases, far in excess of Chernobyl. The first stop on its Atmospheric and Oceanic course? North America. Fukushima not only uses Plutonium MOX Fuel which is a million times as toxic as Uranium, it has ten times the fuel Chernobyl used.
On Aug 1, the US closed 22 Embassies in Muslim Nations over “Credible Threats” from al-Qaeda; funny eh? al-Qaeda is a CIA creation.
On Aug 1, Israel attacked Homs, Syria with air-burst Tactical Nuclear Weapons. You read that right and 4 have been used thus far.
On Aug 5 all non-essential personnel from Yemen were ordered to evacuate. This does not include the 100,000 troops and who knows how many mercenary contractors on Socotra and Masirah Islands. Drone Strikes began the next day and have continued unabated. Like all Mid East Operations Congress has not approved this War.
On Aug 5, the US declared a worldwide “Terror Alert” in response to “Credible” threats by al-Qaeda in Yemen. On Sept 11, 2013 1 Million Muslims intend to march on the White House to demand “Rights”. AMPAC (American Muslim Political Action Committee) sound a lot like AIPAC (American-Israel PAC) because they have the same Luciferian root. AMPAC is demanding a panel to investigate 9/11/2001 and NSA Spying; Obama appointed Dir of National Intelligence James Clapper to head the board. Sort of like 330 Luciferian Freemasons being appointed to investigate the JFK murder eh?
On Aug 5, FED Chairman Ben Bernanke declared an end to Quantitative Easing; the end of money printing is bringing fears of a collapse in the $1.5 Quadrillion “Derivatives” Markets. “Usury” (Charging Interest) is prohibited under Islamic Law, so this will affect mostly western economies, not China, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Yemen or Iran. Pretty powerful events on Laylat al Qadr eh?
Abdel Mutallib mentored Muhammad to create Islam. Farouk Abdulmutallib became known as the Yemen “Christmas Bomber”.
Osama bin Laden aka Tim Osman becomes public enemy #1 after the USS Cole incident in Yemen. Osman I founded the Ottoman Empire.
Jafar was Sultan’s evil Vizier in Disney’s “Alladdin”. Jafar al Sadiq was from what is now Yemen and became the first Shia Imam, causing the Sunni-Shia split. His son Ismail Jafar then split “Twelver” Shias from Ismailis “Hagarenes” which later split again as “Assassins”.
Mothman was the evil winged Alien in the movie “Mothman Prophecies”. Mazlan Othman is also the name of the United Nations Space Alien Ambassador. Almost comical isn’t it.
All just coincidence or part of Islamic “Destiny”? One thing for sure is they have a lot of “Strength in Numbers”; just not enough to beat Jesus Christ!
8/28/63 mr king had the same veiw as ugly abe, when he gave his speach. I don’t know what stars were rising over wash monument, but leo’s on the rise w/the sun now 8/28/13.
ps the international press is chattering about usa’s involvement with iraq /iran chemical warfare. we weren’t too worried about chemicals then. 1000’s dead. we have a bad record with chemicals. mostly on our own population.
yeh, he has the same plans for us as they did for the Indians. yosemite = those who kill, fires are still at it. san fran water is being fouled.
Craig/Howard this Hilarous and Truth to it Also.gathering of the American Indian Nation a few weeks ago in upstate New York .He spoke for almost an hour about his plans for increasing every Native American’s present standard of living. He referred to his time as a U.S. Senator and how he had voted for every Native American issue that came to the floor of the Senate.Although President Obama was vague about the details of his plans, he seemed most enthusiastic and spoke eloquently about his ideas for helping his “red sisters and brothers.”At the conclusion of his speech, the Tribes presented Obama with a plaque inscribed with his new Indian name, “Walking Eagle.” The proud President then departed in his motorcade to a fundraiser, waving to the crowds.A news reporter later asked the group of chiefs how they came to select the new name they had given to the President.They explained that “Walking Eagle” is the name given to a bird so full of shit it can no longer fly.- See more at: http://www.commonsenseevaluation.com/2009/11/24/obama-dubbed-walking-eagle-by-native-americans/#sthash.mLBtTek4
http://localuknews.co.uk/international/topstories/localnews/syria-crisis-warplanes-spotted-in-cyprus-as-tensions-rise-in-damascus During Weekly Study I Came Across this Interesting I’m Not in miltary or have a Background in it. This is a interestinghttp://www.virtuescience.com/851.html
Good catch Travis; I I tried to find info on Cyprus building up yesterday and could not. Ironic: The USS Barry will fire the first shots on Damascus just like it did on Tripoli. USS Barry Soetero was on the cover is Israel’s main newspaper yesterday firing a Tomahawqk Cruise Missile at Assad with the caption “On the way to War”
So Tomorrow August 27 – Volturnalia in honour of Volturnus(Voltron) sound familar. 8/28 P Krishna Janmashtami: Hindu: Birth if Krishna .
Most sites that propagate the “Rapture” Lie make the sace for Rosh Hashanah as it is the replacement name for Feast of Trumpets.1 Thess 4:16 and 1 Cor 15:51 use “Trump”; a Trump is a card that beats the rest; ie Jesus Christ returning.
Hold on to your hats guys, it’s going to get interesting rather quick from here
Kerry says there is no question Assad has used Chemical Weapons.
Kerry was wwithing on a shipment of 50,000 tons of weapons with “Friends of Syria” in June when the Russian ship split in haof.
The Chemical Weapons cash posted by RT show that they are American weapons or at least have English Labels on them.
An attack is not if but when. My guess is Sept 5-6 Rosh Hashanah and/or Spt 6-7 Feast of the Beast aka Marriage to Satan.
I have never seen such lies put out for public consumption.
Sorry Travis I messed that up a little; PDS Prieure of Sion refers to Mt Hermon and Gen 6 “Giants”. The PDS as Guardians of the so-called “Holy Grail” is BS.
Zion is the Temple Mount where Jesus will return; Gnostics of course will fake that with their own Alternative Messiah
Sion is not Zion. Comet ISON is an anagram for Sion; we might see some sort of fake Alien encounter by Hanukkah or by Christmas I suspect. We shall see eh?
essene’s , I think they are bs like the dead sea scrolls. the people who have the scrolls are bs. lots of controversy. they do go on and on about this battle of the sons of light and the sons of darkness.
Howard in your Article about Mania its quite interesting about the Zion and Mt Sion Mt Hermon that You make a distinction between the two. It Root of David in Rev 5:5 connection tao Jesus vs the Aramaic Syraic Gnosticism.. In Micah 4:8. A Promise of Restorationflock–following up the metaphor of sheep (see on Mic 4:6). Jerusalem is called the “tower,” from which the King and Shepherd observes and guards His flock: both the spiritual Jerusalem, the Church now whose tower-like elevation is that of doctrine and practice (So 4:4, “Thy neck is like the tower of David”), and the literal hereafter (Jer 3:17.stronghold–Hebrew, “Ophel”; an impregnable height on Mount Zion (. Basically It Another Confirmation Article for Me. Praise to Holy Spirit(Jesus) on that. Just funny how when. ONE ACCORD come into Play. Thanks
Right, the Priure of Zion concerns the Gnostic idea of physical Demon-Human relations “Nephilim” The correct word is “Giant” in Gen 6; Demons were Marrying in Rityual, Human Women in places like the Tower of Babel; 2 Kings 17:30 uses “Booths of Daughters” to describe this Canaanite practice.
Obama and David Cameron said war in syria will begin within 2 weeks on Saturday; in 2 weeks will be Rosh Hashana “Head of the Year”; that is opposite God’s “Head of the Year” on 1 Abib. Everything these people do is in opposition to God!.
Yeah Craig VMA(Masonic TV)MTV awards is Tonight…..
ps will read the mania. can already hear it in pop music.
Howard, knew you’d have something on it. I think the devon tower is lined up to what the statue at st john devine. so I know you will have plenty on that. are the dead sea scrolls a scam like everything else? starting to think so.
Dead Sea Scrolls are Gnostic texts written by the Essenes (Essen meand Priest) of course Jesus is the only Priest anyone ever needs, these guys are the imposters. close but no cigar!
Hey refresh me on the Devon Tower and St John
Yeah We defintely on ONE ACCORD . 6 days after Lee Thompson Young so called suicide(Ritual Killing) 3 day South Carolina Has Fema Opening for the Homelessshttp://www.pakalertpress.com/2013/08/25/south-carolina-fema-camp-opens-for-business/ 1st day / of the week ; 2nd day of Mania Brothers. Marches 50’th anniversity of the Civil Rights Movement on Washington. 50 means Purification.
Yeah We defintely on ONE ACCORD . 6 days after Lee Thompson Young so called suicide(Ritual Killing) 3 day South Carolina Has Fema Opening for the Homelessshttp://www.pakalertpress.com/2013/08/25/south-carolina-fema-camp-opens-for-business/
The Once and Future King is an Arthurian fantasy novel written by T. H. White. Caught in the Xmen 2 film . Is it any significiant you guy ever came across before. Evolution so this Have to be some sort Tranhumanism Sphinx ordeal.
groves are burning in san fran area. made me think of the essenes with their battle between the suns of darkness and the sons of light. duality? weirdo’s of Qumran. syria says mid east will burn if attacked?
Hi Craig, I am unfamiliar with the Essene battles; is there are bible reference? Essen means Priest Water Baptism was a big deal to them, played out today by the Mormon Church. Essenes were the spiritual successors to the Chaldean, Phoenicians, Philistine Priests who manifested as Nicolaitanes, Yezidis, Cathars etc etc. Interesting observation.
Have yuo guys read my latest at http://www.Theresnothingnew.org/ ? Mania is going on now in London and a lot of Manic activity in Syria and Iran is going on now
I agree Craig, nothing makes any sense about the supposed Chem Attack the day UN weapons inspectors arrive they post those fake pix the day before the alleged attack? Come on, what will it take to wake people up
the pictures of foreigners protesting with signs printed in english? can’t they read their own language? Syrian army, with usa helmets, russian helmets, russian camo, and made in usa chemical weapons. my favorite is the intern in London who worked themselves to death(not funny). bankers, have all the money, hire intern for no money, are sad that they worked the intern to death. they said “we’re so very sorry” in their stupid english accent.
I do. I also think the chemical attack photos are real bad fakes. they all have arms crossed on chest. nice white sheets. only the clan has nice white sheets.
Howard/Craig 2 King 6:13 is Interesting Famine in Syria/Syria Warred against Israel 13 .Dothan–or, “Dothaim,” a little north of Samaria . Then Cross reference 37:17THE DREAMS OF JOSEPH.. Joseph went after his brethren, and found them in Dothan–Hebrew, Dothaim, or “two wells,” recently discovered in the modern “Dothan,” situated a few hours’ distance from Shechem. In King 6:13 refering to the A Spy .. Do you guys think Israel/US/UK/Jordan have a spies in the Assad ARMY
Absolutely. Assad and his British wife (who really runs the show) are US assets just like his father Hafez Assad, Nominally, he is Alawite (Arab Monotheists). Saddam Hussein a 33 degree Luciferian Mason was Baathist as most of Syria is which means Renaissance or Re-birth of the Sunni Caliphate.
Remember that ship Mol Comfort that sank enroute to Jeddah Saudi Arabia with 50,000 tons of weapons for the Syrian “Rebels”? It was Russian. and John Kerry was there awaithing its arrival with “Friends fo Syria”
It’s all a massive stage show.
Howard/Craig 2 King 6:13 is Interesting Famine in Syria/Syria Warred against Israel 13 .Dothan–or, “Dothaim,” a little north of Samaria . Then Cross reference 37:17THE DREAMS OF JOSEPH.. Joseph went after his brethren, and found them in Dothan–Hebrew, Dothaim, or “two wells,” recently discovered in the modern “Dothan,” situated a few hours’ distance from Shechem.
Paul McCartney will be celebrating the World Star Seed Assembly in London over Aug 24-27 “Mania”. The Heliacal rising of Sirius Ceremony is the occult version of the Christian Baptism.
August 23 – Vulcanalia in honour of Vulcan
August 24 – One of 3 days on which the mundus(Gates of Hell/Nethergate was opened
August 25 – Opiconsivia in honour of Ops
Sorry for the typos
It’s my understanding NORTHCOM is over these Dutch and Russian troops on Colo. Dep Chief of Staff Jim Winnefeld told Congress he turned the Enterprise and Strike Croup 12 around after seeing Flt #175 hit the South Tower and were 1st on station flying 700 sorties in Afghanistan. Captains of Aircraft Carriesr do not have that authority.
FEMA capls would be under the Homeland Security Sec and than I’m afraid will be NYC Police Commissioner Ray Kelly.
Russian troops in US uniforms trainde in Colorado? What will it take to wake people up?
Using Just Post so excuse me I assume that haven’t seen this. Have guys heardvSeen about this?????? Live Training Russian trained DiSArmed Citizen http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wq9S5L6GJzQ&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dwq9S5L6GJzQ
The scam works by using fear to contrl. Then they use anger. Duality makes a play as well. Won’t be long and movies/bs, make believe will interchange. Reality will shift for the programed. Then lights out, no meds or camodity cheese. Rats got it. I had to find out the hard way on fear. Just listen to Howard, rely 100% on Jesus. That and prayer is all i got that works.
Fort Carson – 20 miles. Fort Carson is the home of the Second and Third Brigade Combat Teams of the 4th Infantry Division, the 10th Special Forces Group, the 71st Ordnance Group (EOD) and the 43rd Area Support Group. http://www.carson.army.mil/
Fort Carsonhttp://www.kktv.com/news/military/headlines/Fort-Carson–220116631.html?device=phone
Contagion is released 9/9/11; a deadly strain of Bird Flu in Chicago; FEMA and Chicago EMS are planning a bird Flu Drill. Illinois means “Tribe of Superior Men”; Iriquois League sided with the British in the Am Revolution and means “Real Adders”. Druids are also called “Adders” and remember Jesus warned the Tribe of Dan (Judge) were like “Adders biting the horse heels so the rider falls backward”.
The Moon is like a clock running backward; the Blue Moon (Aug 20) symbolizes the transition from Crone to Divine in Shamanism ; this was the Blue Moon not of August but of Leo. The British (Birthright) changed the Rooster/Mars into the Lion just like the Tribe of Dan tribal standard “Snake ie Adder” was changed to the Eagle (symbol of America)
In Contagion it is said “The birds are doing this, so it can’t be stopped” BS! Ron Fouchier and his cronies are “Weaponizing” Bird Flu right now, both the Bat and Camel propagated version Mers CoV and Chinese Bird Flu.
Why now? Aug 24 is “Fundus Mundi” (Bottom of the World”; the day when the Gates of Hell open up. Remember, Spanish Flu was intentional as well, a 2.5% fatal disease that could not transfer Human to Human; it killed 50-100 million; Ron Fouchier resurrected this Chimera and made it Human to Human and 50% fatal.
Margaret Chan is not only a Committee of 300 “Olympian” but a Knight of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire working for Prince Phillip who said he would like to re-incarnate as a “Killer virus”.
Watch out for this; Mormon also means “Gates of Hell”; I have a feeling this will be a bumpy ride ahead
The last trip i made to okcity. Found out that a relation, was working on vaccines at ou health science center. They use baboons. He’s brainwashed and working hard to kill us.
Getting close to red line/kabalah in syria. Fukushima stays in the news as well. Howard, your posts. Are keeping it real so to speak. Nothing they. Do would. Surprise me.
http://www.legitgov.org/Illinois-zoos-agencies-conducting-bird-flu-disaster-drills Hmmm Iroquis
Guys this Very Interesting First this is A Year old for One but ;the News Media is presenting it as something New(Inside Edition) profile the story this Evening. Guy filming his nephew with a Fake Misson Gun parading in the Streets of Phoenix(Ashes) Arizona . PrePackage News a week prior to that March in/on September 1 I think…http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2012/09/26/police-arrest-phoenix-filmmaker-for-staging-fake-terrorist-attack-using-toy-grenade-launcher/
8/20 P Raksha Bandhan: Hindu celebrates the bond of protection between brothers, sisters, and cousins.
8/21 S Full Moon – Consualia, games and races in honour of Consus
8/24 P Mania (opening of Nether World Gate)
8/24 Sir Paul McCartney hosts the largest gathering of “Star Children” in London. These knuckleheads actually think Stars created them!
The oil co.s are all in on setting the stage. Getting special effects wired ( roman coliseum ). They store gas in some salt domes. Fracking loosens up the rock (liquification?). They want all the bang for buck. Angle of devon bld will get another look.
Howard, america’s cup ( o wrath) race, the boat names. Luna rosa reminds me of your blood red moons posts. They are having another race right now in san fran bay( golden gate). Other boat names are code too.
Rosa Luna eh? San Francisco=Franciscans “Golden Gate”; Bohemian Grove is in Santa Rosa just up the coast.. Church of Satan formed in 1966 in the “Hotel California” a warehouse on California St. al Qaeda formed from a speech by Dervish Stanford lecturer on Islamic studies Ibn Sayyid Qutb that same year.
In the Book of Eli Eli dictated the New King James Bible on Alcatraz Is; it was placed between the Quran and Tanakh before he passed the torch to Solara “Daughter of the Sun”. Remember, in 1 Samuel Eli did the same thing, making his sons priests who were Sons of Belial meaning Worthless.
Oracle/ shakespeat?,,emerate/desedant of m ohammad
Google images and earth show it, but i had to get a clue from the gazzet free paper in okc. Also walk around it. Crystal bridge across the st to the south is about 30 years old. That bld bothers me.
Devon Energy is a natural gas producer; ironically the Salt Dome under the New Madrid Fault is being undermined by Natural Gas forced under pressure from the ruptured Deep Water Horizon Well Casing and Natural Gas Fracking. Maybe these guys know the time frame?
FEMA, NOAA and the US Navy have have maps with most of the Mississippi River Basin underwater for a reason..
link for bldhttp://www.bing.com/images/search?q=devon+tower&qpvt=devon+tower&FORM=IGRE#view=detail&id=9F71F179BB7F741D9CB954589AF031BC16CC1B3B&selectedIndex=578– and one more of crystal bridge looking at entryhttp://www.bing.com/images/search?q=devon+tower&qpvt=devon+tower&FORM=IGRE#view=detail&id=A867D93B55CC056CABD3596026DE1F459FED195D&selectedIndex=499
heard Obama’s speech on egypt, he said they would be a cornerstone of peace. red flag. also the devon bld in okc, is built to line up with astrological event. the entry skylight looks up the channel in blg towards the sw at 45deg angle. s facing channel looks down to the tree of life in park across st. to serpent stream that feeds the pond. crystal bridge(botanical gardens) looks towards the entry. I think it is a clock! egypt and chrismas. that’s 2 Howard that seem to line up w/ what you said.
Interesting from. Founding gematria 1057 Christ Punish Soros/ Then Open Society Institue with George Schtwartz(458). Confirmation or Coindence. Indeed
http://www.knowthelies.com/node/9301ALERT!… FEMA Region III… Is FEMA Preparing for ‘Something’ BIG?
Sheldon R. Songstad
Senator Retired: South Dakota State
According to Cook, the program will require collection of a massive amount of private information including all sources of income and the amount gathered from each source.
One of the areas of emphasis mentioned by HHS is the “development of comprehensive early childhood systems that span the prenatal-through-age-eight continuum.”
Last session, Cook added, South Carolina State Rep. Bill Chumley introduced a measure that would make the forced home visitations illegal in his state. The measure passed in the House but died in the Senate.
In 2011, he noted, HHS said $224 million would be allocated to support these home visiting programs.
http://altdrudge.com/how-to-ask-the-nsa-for-a-copy-of-your-file/ 500 Motion of Quash and Freedom of Information Act hmmm
Amman Ammonites sound very Similar http://www.debka.com/article/23199/New-Centcom-underground-war-room-in-Amman-for-US-intervention-in-Syria
On Aug 18 Jesuit, Knight of Malta, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey celebrated the opening of the Bomb/Missile proof CentCom “Forward Command Center” in Amman Jordan. Wahhabist King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia; Hashemite (Edomite) Committee of Luciferian Freemason, 300 member King Abdullah II of Jordan; 330 Luciferian Freemason, Ashkenazi (Germanic Pagan) fake Jew Benjamin Netanyahu and a Squadron of US F-16’s and 1000 US troops will command the invasion of Syria. Abdullah means “Servant of Allah” aka “Sin” “…but these shall escape out of his hand (Beast), even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon” Dan 11:41. Does any of this seem normal? ” “But he shall have power over the treasuries of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt…” Dan 11:43 Now can you see why Obama bowed to King Abdullah? Why the US created the conditions for “Arab Spring” Revolutions in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Jordan and Egypt? And why the US is sending military aid to the Egyptian Military and the Muslim Brotherhood? They all worship Lucifer/Satan/Devil folks!
Howard, the numbers and the article point to christmas from the cebu ferry sinking. Japan times. Thomas aquinous /aquino=cow was the name of ferry.
Rt reports, tepko has to move fuelrods or we have apocalyptic script. If they screw that up, we get a apocalyptic script. The nuke engineer i know through a friend is not talking. Just sent a link to some news. Wouldn’t touch my questions.
8/15/13 Muslim Brotherhood intiating Civil War in Egypt to re-instate Muslim Brotherhood initiate Mohammad Morsi with US supplied weapons against the US supplied Egyptian Military? You be the judge http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpmFIWm1dWw&nomobile=1 Much of this CNN Production appears to be the work of Crisis Actors just like the Aurora Colo Theater Shooting, Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon. Sodomite Lindsey Graham and John McCain are with Muslim Brotherhood now; as US military aid pours in to their opposition? Remember John McCain riding around with his “Heroes” on jeeps outfitted with machine guns in Benghazi, Libya after that war started? Funny how these ragtag teenagers with guns managed to set up the Central Bank of Benghazi amid the rubble in 2 weeks eh? Quite a Stage Show eh? The “Brotherhood” is opposed by the US supplied Egyptian Military; $1.6 Billion this year alone. The US is supplying weapons to both sides of Egypt and Syria’s Civil War. 300+ dead in 1 day (500 by Day 2; 100 more Day 3?). Anything seem wrong with this picture? How about Obama proclaiming a “New Beginning for Islam” in 2009 in Cairo? The world sees this and will blame everything on the US. Muslim Brotherhood wants Sharia Law; there is no quarter for Jesus Christ in Sharia (Revealed) Law because Lucifer “Revealed” the Law. No better actors in the world than Robert Ford, Col (oh don’t make me laugh!) Muammar Qadaffi, Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden either! Want to have a better idea of what’s really going on? Watch The Dictator Seriously, Sasha Cohen (Cohen=Samaritan Priest) tells more truth in that!
Very good Howard, got a little road trip to OKC, =circle squared& initiated. They sacrafice kids there. I get the urge to puke when i see the bomb memorial.want to see my Mom one more time. Got a lot of notes to review.
Hungarian Gypsie is At Howard George Soroshttp://thepaddyfieldsview.blogspot.com/2013/08/warning-george-soros-is-putting-put.html?m=1 500/9 is 55.5555555556 is Correct???
Soros used the $700B TARP account held at the US Treasury with full consent of Geothner, Obama and Bernanke to purchase naked Silver Shorts in Mar 2011.Silver went from $34/Oz to its pre-planned target of $47/Oz in one day because 47 is the Atomic Number of Silver. Soros was holding the Shorts and everyone who followed the advice of Metals Gurus took it in the Shorts (Good Pun eh?). Soros netted an estimated $10Trillion much to the consternation of worldwide Silver investors.
The Hugarian Gypsy is a world class prick and Economic Hit Man
Aug 17 honoring of Portunalia(Portunes)BUSTED! Best Ever Proof of Crisis Actors in Egypt & Syria! WAKE UP PEOPLE!! Is George Soros and Bauer (rothchilds connect to the Crisis Actor WorldWidehttp://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fpmFIWm1dWw