Independence from God
July 4, 1776 was chosen by 33° Luciferian Freemason, Hellfire Club Initiate (Think Eyes Wide Shut here), Rosicrucian traitor Ben Franklin and British Freemason, Swedenborg Preacher (Swedenborg said the Last Judgment occurred in 1757; a Sabian mystic/astrologer, he conversed with 7 Planetary Spirits on his travels to Heaven and Hell), Sabian Astrologer Ebenezer Sibly because of a rare 5 planet occultation. The most prevalent theory on the Star of the Magi is a Springtime planetary conjunction (merely close to one another) of Saturn and Jupiter at the birth if Jesus Christ; sorry, but Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles and the Magi never saw Him in Bethlehem. For Ben, July 4 must have been the birth of something really special! Remains of 10 bodies, sawn, trepaned, cut and dissected, carbon dated to 200 years old or both adult and child were found beneath the house Ben owned near Trafalgar Square in London. Cain, the first “Farmer” and “Murderer” served as Ben’s inspiration for the “Farmer’s Amanac” I guess he went Postal! Sabian Astrology is Planetary Astrology as opposed to Zodiac “House” Astrology; In Arabic, Sabah means “Sunrise”; it is Luciferian or Magi Astrology first practised in Abraham’s day by Sabians of Harran, who were the original Chaldean Magi. WWIII is all about Abraham and God’s Covenant with him. The covenant was made by God as Melchisedek (Gen 14:18); you may recall the series Wild Wild West; Amurru is the Edomite Serpent and Shepherd god of the West served by Secret Agents Jim West and Artemis Gordon; Artemis/Diana is the goddess of Witchcraft whose initiations to the 33rd degree occur in the Supreme House of the Temple designed as an exact replica of the Temple of Artemis/Diana on the 77th Meridian. Mormon men claim the title Melchisedek Priest; the NSA is building its Spy Facility between Brigham Young Univ and the Mormon Temple; Mormons have a “Blood in the streets prophecy. Why? The “President” West and Gordon served was Mormon President, Luciferian 33° Freemason and Witch, Brigham Young.
Mormon means “Gates of Hell” in Chinese; China is derived from Sina “Sin”; 2013 is the “Year of the Snake”. Mormo is one of 99 names of Satan/Lucifer in Anton LaVey’s “Church of Satan”. Mormo is “King of the Ghouls” in occultism; Mormo is “God of the Living Dead”; America, the Mormon version of Nod where Adam, Eve and Cain were cast out of Eden is set to become the world’s “Graveyard”, a Scapegoat for “Babylon” (America is however not “Babylon”; Witchcraft is). Hillary Clinton ended her campaign in front of the US Flag with all 50 stars Upside Down; that’s the GOAT (God Of All Things or Baphomet). Obama was elected next to Michelle wearing a “Black Widow Dress”; he was not made to swear to defend the US Constitution by Jesuit John Roberts. He then proclaimed “A New Beginning for Islam” in Cairo and bowed to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. Obama is currently under House, Senate and FBI investigation for Fraud, Treason and Bribery over Behghazi, Operation Gun Runner, IRS Gate, NSA Gate etc. TX Congressman Kenny Marchant said “when not if articles of impeachment are drawn up…”. Mitt Romney advisers Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Mike Zullo are set to produce (again for the 3rd time) evidence of Birth Certificate fraud just as news is being released the DOJ funded and instigated “Race” (there is 1 race of Man and Woman made from Man on Earth) Riots in Florida, over the Trayvon Martin shooting. South Florida and Texas west of I-35 are slated to be returned to Mexico as part of “Aztlan” acording to Voz de Aztlan, MEChA (Mestizo-Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan) and La Raza Unida (United Race). Try to imaging the sort of “Race” Riots that would ensue if Mormon Mitt Romney steps up to replace Obama and fills Mormon Prophecy to “Save the Constitution” as “Blood runs in the streets as water down a storm drain”. Yes it’s in print and as old as the Civil War! Curiously, there is an irony here.
Curious George
Obama may in fact be a legal US President albeit one not sworn-in on a Bible to protect the Constitution. My best guess is he is the son of Nation of Islam leader, 33° Prince Hall Mason Malcolm X aka Bari Malik Shabazz (Bari=Barque; Malik=Molech/Melek; Shabazz=Royal Falcon) and Betty Shabazz, the man sworn to end America. Mitt Romney is not legal to be President. George Romney was born in Mexico and was never Naturalized a US Citizen; Nixon said “If America had lost the war with Germany, you could thank George Romney” (He supplied Aluminum to the Luftwaffe through American Aluminum “ALCOA”). A similar situation to George Bush Jr whose father George HW Bush was born in Germany as George Scherff Jr, son of Nikola Tesla’s Nazi accountant George Scherff Sr. Prescott Bush, also a Skull & Bones Satanist stole the Skull of Apache Chief Jeronimo for Yale “Society 322” Initiation Rituals and had his assets siezed by Congress in Oct 1942; 3 months later he had his assets and Tesla’s patented inventions in hand. George came to be called “Curious George” snooping in Tesla’s lab; Tesla said “Get that monkey out of my lab”; almost as funny as the “Curous George” cartoon put out after Hitler’s body guard Otto Skorzeny and Reinhard Gehlen suffocated the genius in New York and stole his technology, 1st used by Hitler and then Joseph Stalin; the Cold War was never about Atomic Weapons; it was about Tesla’s Inventions now used to create artificial Earthquakes and Designer Weather the Elite place sure bets on with “Weather Derivatives”. Project Odessa and Paperclip brought 50,000 Nazis to the Americas; funny eh? Odessa is the Black Sea Port of the Scythians “Black Sea Princes” and later Khazars; it was founded by “Obadiah Kagan” where Obadiah means “Servant of JEHOVAH” (Jesus authoried the book Obadiah; He is Obadiah) and Kagan “King”; Jewish? Hardly, Samaritan, Babylonian, Medean, Canaanite more like! Just ask Obama mentor Elena Kagan! Even more comical is Obama Care being voted into Law on 3/22 at 3:22UTC; “Society 322” is also called the “Brotherhood of Death”!
Arab Spring
Arab Spring is the final outgrowth of Sabian Astrology upon which America was “Born”. Muslim means “One who submits”; to what? The “Shahada” is a Luciferian Initiation under binding Sharia Law. The “Mezuzah” eliminated Jesus Christ and is binding under Noahide Law. The world is encountering a Luciferian Initiation; a worldwide Muslim Brotherhood if you will, centered in Jerusalem (Arabic Quds) and enforced by the United States, a modern day incarnation of Assyria. Hard to believe?
The US is sending Egypt F-16’s as part of a $multi-billion aid package. The US bankrolled the Sharia Law Military Coup in Egypt replacing the Muslim Brotherhood with Salafis (Ancestor worship) ie Wahhabists like Ibn Sayyid Qutb who created al-Qaeda. Saudi Arabia, also Wahhabist is sending the illegitimate Sharial Law based Government $5B. During Iran-Contra, the US sent Saddam Hussein and the Ayathollah Khomeini in Iran, weapons which were transferred to the Syrian Army from Iraq in 2002 according to James Clapper; he basically plead the 5th in Congressional testimony. The US sends al Qaeda Syrian Rebels, weapons through Benghazi. Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey. Qatar is sending $5B to al-Qaeda Syrian Rebels; their name? Ansar al-Sharia meaning “Helpers of Sharia”. Saudi Arabia is sending $5B to Egypt’s new illegitimate Sharia Law Government. The US left 20 F-16’s in the Edomite (Hashemite) Kingdom of Jordan; that’s Edom, Ammon and Moab in case you forgot. France and Great Britian are sending weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon. Arab Spring is a US creation. Anything seem wrong with this picture?
The War for American Independence started April 12, 1775; America’s first flags were the Evergreen Tree (Initiation Grove) followed by the Coiled Serpent symbolizing “Freedom and Time”. Time is up folks! Mormo means “Gates of Hell”; the NSA is Lucifer’s Worldwide Spy Network simply the final iteration of the “Culper Ring” (Culper was Judge Abraham Woodhull); it’s flagship computer is in Mormon “Zion”.
On July 4, 1959 the Cayman Is (Isle of the Crocodiles) became a “Colony of the British Crown”; (Brith=Birthright Covenant of Cain, Ishmael and Esau) where today International Banks including the Vatican (Divine Serpent) and Mitt Romney’s Iran-Contra money laundry “Bain Capital” (currently managed by Israeli Mossad agent Orit Gadeish) maintain “Off Shore” accounts. Why Cayman? Sobek is the Crocodile God of the Hyksos; Amalekite Foreigners (Canaanites mixed with Ishmaelites and Edomites); the famous Labyrinth was built on Lake Moeris near Fayoum “City of the Crocodiles” where on May 1, 2011 the Temple of Sobek was opened to tourists. On July 4, 1861 Abe Lincoln requested the draft of 400,000 soldiers after Freemason “Outlaw” Robert James fired shots on Ft Sumter; fittingly Alice in Wonderland debutted July 4, 1862 because nothing is quite what it seems; in fact it is most often backwards; for example; On July 4, 1895 “America the Beautiful”, written to music from “God save the Queen” made its debut.
On July 4, 1903 the Trans-pacific cable was laid; today the NSA, led in secret by so-founder of the Church of Satan and Temple of Set founder Gen Michael Aquino captures all Foreign and Domestic Data crossing the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean in “Project Upstream” and all electronic “Downstream” media in “Project PRISM”; a giant Global Crossing “Sting” perpetrated on the world with data processed near Mormon Church HQ; hard to believe isn’t it? In the event of a Martial Law declaration, DHS and FEMA will assume control over the Federal Government with a host os Military assault vehicles, Drones, 1.6 Billion .40Cal rounds stamped on the business end with the Star of Molech (Hexagram), Constitution Free Zones along the Canadian and Mexican borders and 200+ Civilian Inmate Detention facilities courtesy of “Operation Garden Plot”. Cain, is the “Gardener” here and only “Organic” fertilizer is used. Want to leave? Just pay you and your family share of the National Debt; $50,000+/person or your name will appear on the DHS “No-Fly List”. Harder to believe? On 7/4.12 Obama signed an Executive Order allowing DHS to shut down all Communication: Wire, Wireless, Internet, Satellite, and Broadcast under the title “Assignment of National Security Emergency Preparedness Communications Function”. Why now? Cathars are Normans; “In 700 years the Laruel will grow green again” in 1244 Cathars were executed in Languedoc; in 1302 Norman Bankers were ejected from England; 1313 the Cathoic Church stole their assets; on 3/18/ 1314 Jacques de Molay was executed. “Dead Men Tell No Tales” comes from a 1935 book Norwich Victims. Norwich means “Port of the Normans”. Think Normans like Mitt Romney have forgotten? Sure, just like D-Day on Normandie Beach and 9/11/2001 were just coincidences!
Lady Liberty and Lady Freedom face East with their backsides to America
July 4, 2004 the Cornerstone of the 1776ft “Freedom Tower” was laid in Masonic ceremony. On July 4, 2007, the Crown of the French (France means Free) Freemason designed “Lady Liberty” aka Isis (Paris means House of Isis; a replica is in the Seine River near the spot where Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay was executed by fire on 3/18/1314) was re-opened after 9/11/2001. On July 4, 2013 Egyptian Constitutional Supreme Court Chief Justice Adly Mansour and Mohammad el-Baradei were sworn in after the Arab Emirates financed Military Coup. On 7/9 Hazem el-Bablawi was apponted interim Prime Minister; nice pick Adly, Hazem was an economist with the Arab Monetary Fund in Abu Dhabi financing Arab Spring Revolutions. Mohammad Morsi had signed into law on Boxing Day aka “Yule” 2012, a new Constitution based on strict adherence to Sharia Law (Revealed Law of Lucifer/Allah); Adly Mansour is basically a clone of Iran’s new Sharia Law Judge and President Hassan Rouhani with one exception; Morsi declared a Holy War on Shias! Digest this a moment because the US installed Shia Ayathollahs Khomeini and his Luciferian successor ali-Khameini in Iran as well as Grand Ayathollah Ali-al Sistani in Iraq. “In God we Trust”? Sure folks, as long as you realize this:
- Ben Franklin brought Luciferian Masonry to America.
- The God Luciferian Freemasons installed in America on top of the Unfinished Pyramid on May 1 and July 4, 1776 is Lucifer!
- The Declaration of Iindependence proclaims Independence from God not England.
- Sharia and Noahide Law requires the rejection of Jesus Christ!! The Shahada “There is no God but Allah” is the same as the Mezuzah “The LORD our God is One” (Deut 6:4 KJV “The LORD our God is One LORD”) Rejection of Jesus Christ as the Holy Ghost is the “Unforgivable Sin”.
- Accepting a Luciferian Initiation will land you in Hell for Eternity!!!!!! When? Project 911 on Site 911 near Beit Shemesh will be completed by Fall 2014. Lucifer is ejected from Heaven Rev 9:11. Shemesh is Lucifer!
Also on July 4, 2013 Lady Liberty (Egyptian Isis or Roman Libertas) was again re-opened after Hurricane Sandy (NOAA put out a FEMA planning map with the exact path and name of Hurricane Sandy years in advance) to a Macy’s (Red Star: Edom is Red, Pentacle used in Witchcraft (Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Quintessence) fireworks display with music Curated by “Usher”. Usher means “Door Keeper or Escort”, his song list sums it up: Yeah (Jesus says Swear no Oaths; let your communication be Yeah of Nay), Save the World, Euphoria, Oh My God, Hero, All the Lights, and Star Spangled Banner (Masonic lyrics set to the Greek poem Anacreon in Heaven). Taylor Swift promoted her “Red” album in a “Red Coat” with “We are never, ever getting back together again”; she sang the song at a May concert in Texas, the first Lone Star State will the first State in the Union to secede; I seriously doubt she knows the Jesuit/Confederate plan for America is about to happen, but Voz de Aztlan, MEChA (Mestizo-Chicano Movement of Aztlan) and La Raza Unida sure as Hell do; as does Pope Francis I. Ready for Shock and Awe? Me neither, but it’s starting. Nobody will progress into the New Age unless he or she takes a Luciferian Initiation! -UN Planetary Initiative; Church is in session at 777 1st St NY! You can Medidate on that in one of 11 Chairs in front of a Black 13,000LB Lodestone Altar Illuminated by a single shaft of Light in the UN Meditation Room. God separated the Nations; Lucifer will put them back together, but how?
777: Shekinah
Sunday is the 7th Day; July 7 is the 7th Day of the 7th Month. 777 comes from Noah’s father Lamech, the 8th descendant of Adam lived 777 years; he shares his name with the 7th descendant of Cain; God tells Cain He will avenge his killer 7 Fold and his son Lamech 77 Fold. The word Lamech has no meaning in Hebrew; in Arabic it means Powerful, Wild Man (these are the attributes given to Ishmael) or To be made Low; Humiliated. Seth’s Lamech continued after the Flood with Noah; his wife presumably (only Noah was “Perfect in his generations”) had Cain’s Lamech genealogy. Ham’s union with his mother produced Canaan, proophesied by Noah to be a “Servant of Servants” (about as Low or Humiliated as one gets). The Covenant with Abraham stipulated “Do not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan”; Ishmael and Esau did not heed their father’s advice.
Asia means “Land of the Rising Sun”; the word is Akkadian “Asu” means “To go out or Rise” in reference to the Sun. On 7/7/13 Qatar (note the Tree of Knowledge is their Ensign) Charity announced a $5 Billion gift to al-Qaeda Syrian “Rebels”; that’s in addition to the 50,000 Tons of Weapons aboard American President Lines-Russia “Mol Comfort” which split in half June 17th. On Sunday the 7th Day of July the 7th month Asiana #214 (2+1+4=7; 2X1X4=8; 2X14=28; the crash was on Rwy 28 A bit odd eh?), a Boeing 777 crashed into the sea wall of Rwy 28L; 2 crews of 4 pilots would have seen airspeed indications turn Red and heard “Too Low, Glideslope”, followed by “Whoop, Whoop, Pull Up” and finally the “Stick Shaker” indicating imminent aircraft stall; Tower controllers would have heard a “Low Altitude” Alarm, all playing out over the last minute or so (guessing as of 7/7). The Deborah Hersman (Bush Jr Appointee at 34 years old) NTSB Chair claims the Auto-throttle and Autopilot was engaged until the final 83 sec; with the ILS (Instrument Landing System) out. Pilots claim they were momentarily blinded and the aircraft was off-course and slow. Speed of crash was 103KTS rather than a target of 137 KTS. If the Auto-pilot was engaged it had to have been in a GPS mode flying an Artificial Glide Slope and Course; if Rwy 28R was inadvertently entered it would explain the course deviation but not the airspeed deviation. Flying well below the 30 Glide Slope, 30-40Kts below target airspeed with throttles at idle, nose well above any normal landing attitude and warnings blaring from the overhead speaker? Seems some serious Meditation was occurring in that cockpit; the ship #7742 even corresponds to Strong’s #7742, the Hebrew word for “Muse pensively or Meditate”. Being that far out of normal parameters in a commercial airliner never happens! Sandy Hook instigated a ban on Assault Rifles (even though the story changed to Adam lanza having 4 handguns); Cockpit Cameras will be the story with this incident. Maybe Deborah and the NTSB can explain how TWA 800 crashed from faulty Fuel Pumps and why $70K Fuel Boost Pumps were replaced on all Commercial aircraft needlesly; or why $50K Cockpit Doors were necessary after 9/11/2001; or how a B-737 engine anded up at Church and Murray St at the NE corner of the South Tower; how a B-767 Landing Gear with a rope tied around it ended up at the Ground Zero Mosque 2 months ago or how Colgan Air #3407 crashed with 9/11/2001 Family Steering Committee Director Beverly Eckert on board just days after meeting Obama about delivering the insurance settlement! Bush Jr appointed Deborah Hersman because covering up the truth is her specialty.
Liber 777 and other Qabbalistic writings of Aleister Crowley describe 777 as the Gematria of the Hebrew letters in the Qabbalah “Tree of Life” taken by the path of Shekinah (Presence of the Deity); God? no way Lucifer, the Zig Zag path Lightning takes. Remember “Shock and Awe”? The Gulf Wars started with this doctrine of overwhelming force. The Roman goddess Liberty (Libertas) is depicted standing on the Twin Pillars Jachin and Boaz under a Triangle with 777. The New Era Masonic Lodge #777; Rhiana’s 777 World Tour; International Order 777: the 12 Knights and Ladies of Tabor (Mt Tabor is the Mt of Transfiguration; Barak and Deborah, today played by Obama and Hillary battled Sisera there and United Nations Church Center at 777 1st Ave 44th St (Barack is President #44 and #12 from Harry Truman who founded the NSA and the Korean DMZ is the last President according to C Alan Martin) should be plenty of evidence 777 is a big deal.
Three Boeing 777 aircraft have crashed; the last on 7/7; 3 is the number for the hidden path Binah to Chesed, just above Daat “Gateway to the Abyss”.
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777 is represented several ways: July 4, 1776 or May 1, 1776 are on the $US; the Freedom Tower is 1776ft tall; 1+6=7 with 2 more 7’s for 777; 1+7+7+6=21, the number of accountability (adulthood) in the bible is 3 7’s.
777 days before Sunday July 7th Boeing 777 accident, Harold Camping predicted May 21, 2011 would be the “Rapture” and “Judgment Day” and that the world would end as it did in Noah’s day after 5 months of plagues, war and tribulation on Oct 21, 2011. He got rich lying to gullible Christians. Asiana Flt #214 originated in Shanghai; H7N9 Bird Flu began here when Avian Flu infected feces of poultry were put in Swine Feed which killed them; 40,000+ dead Swine carcasses were then dumped in rivers feeding Shanghai where the Human to Human disease originated. Incheon: July 27 is the 60th anniversary of the Korean War “Armistice”, coincident with the mid-week of Bohemian Grove north of San Francisco; the Korean War will resume at Incheon on the 38th Parallel. San Francisco. Denzel Washington starred in the movie Book of Eli (in the Bible, Eli’s appointed sons were “Sons of Belial”) which ended in San Francisco with 3 orally transmitted false versions of Scripture (Tanakh, Quran, New King James) and his protege Solara (Daughter of the Sun) heading into the Rising Sun. The crash is eerily similar to the British Airways Boeing 777 Flt #38 (San Francisco is on the 38th Latitude with the 38th Parallel DMZ at Incheon) which suffered lack of thrust on approach to Heathrow in 2008; Coincidence? Sure, just like British tennis player Andy Murray winning Wimbledon for the first time in 77 yrs on 7/7, the same day a train derailment occurred in Canada. That event was eerily similar to Denzel Washington’s movie Unstoppable; the Runaway engine in that movie was Engine #777 with 1 headlight, the left headlight; the left eye is the “Sinister Eye” representing Lucifer. The traiin he and his protege were riding was Engine #1206; Why? Lucifer is Unstoppable because God wrote the Word; Lucifer will be incarnate the “Man-Child” and rule all nations described in Rev 12:6! You may recall Denzel was incarnated by the Demon “Azazel” in the movie Fallen. Azazel means “Goat that Departs”; Azazel is Satan! Reports are a fire broke out on the train; firefighters shut-down the Diesel Engine supplying air pressure to the air-brake system (I am not a train engineer); Problem: Air Pressure bleeds off slowly; If the Engineer shut-down the engine, he would have set the hand brake system especially on a 1.2% grade; if he didn’t, the emergency air pressure reservoir system must also have failed; a fire plus 3 compound errors or intentionally planned for a specific date? The train started moving down the 1.2% slope where derailment at 63MPH was virtually assurred. Whether any of this is a warning about Oct 21, I am not sure but I am warning you Do not take a Luciferian Initiation!
Ramadan and the Hajj
Umrah (Lesser Pilgrimage” occurs during Ramadam. What may or may not happen after the Hajj on Oct 21 remains to be seen; Ramadan begins July 8 and MERS-CoV is the WHO’s most urgent concern. Every entry point into Saudi Arabia has Medical Surveillance Systems in place to detect fever; many MERS-CoV carriers are however Asymptomatic. WHO Director Margaret Chan is an Officer of the British Empire; British means “B’Rith” ie Birthright Covenant of Cain, Ishmael and Esau. Her boss is Prince Phillip will become a Grandpa of the future King or Queen of England during Ramadan; his son Charles reportedly already converted to Islam. Phillip has stated his desire to be “Re-incarnated as a Killer Virus”. An “Emergency” meeting on MERS-CoV began July 9 as Ramadan began. Mormons also worship “Hilal” with the phrase “Pey Heylel” for Marvelous Lucifer with the NSA Spy Facility in Salt Lake City set to open next month.
The Hajj is Oct 13-19, 2013. MDCCLXXVI is on the bottom of 13 courses in the Unfinished Pyramid on the $US to commemorate “Beltane” May 1, 1776; the day Jesuit Adam Weishaupt and Ben Franklin brought Esoteric Masonry to America. Ben Franklin’s 1st map of the 13 American Colonies was a segmented Serpent with the slogan “Join or Die”. According to Gematria where A=6, B=12, C=18… May First=666. 1776 to 2010 is 234 years; on May 1, 2010 America became 234 years old May=234; First=432; adding the Mirror Image=666. May 1, 2010 + 1260 days=Oct 12, 2013, the Eve of the Hajj. So if America was born May 1, 1776, what would be in store for the Mirror Image? There is a lot more to May 1, including the fake bin Laden raid, but let’s continue with the Hajj.
Three million people in very close proximity will Circumambulate the Ka’aba (sounds like Kabbalah because they are the same) where Ishmael and Hagar were cast out from inheritance of Abraham and Muhammad smashed the Red Idol of “Hubal” coupled with the designer Virus, MERS-CoV seems a recipe for disaster. What’s in the Ka’aba? The stone that fell from Jupiter; now you know why Joseph Smith was buried with a Talisman of Jupiter! Russia is presenting “Forensic Evidence” to the UN on 7/10 proving Syrian Rebels used Sarin Gas and posess enough weapons to “Blow up all the Cities in Syria” No Shit Sherlock, a Russian crew of 26 aboard American President Lines-Russia aka “Mol Comfort broke in half delivering 50,000 tons of just such weapons to Syrian Rebels with John Kerry awaiting its arrival with “Friends of Syria” in Qatar. Ever wonder why Qatar’s flag is identical with the first US Flag and Lebanon’s Flag? Payoffs to Muslim Brotherhood Operatives “Ali Babas” in Egypt from Qatar have just been released meaning the Military Coup was facilitated by the Arab Emirates and the US. Great idea for Congress to allow US Customs and the Emirate of Abu Dhabi to construct a Customs pre-clearance facility eh? Plane loads of disease and weapons coming Direct to your City! That’s what Treason looks like! Israel IDF moved ground forces into the Golan Heights; funny how Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital is run by Orit Gadeish, a Mossad agent and daughter of an IDF General eh? 175%/Yr is some serious “Return on Investment”! France and Britain announced they are arming Hezbollah, the Lebanese Military with heavy weapons. WWIII is on the Doorstep folks! The US Government has sealed the records from the May 1, 2011 bin Laden raid; Why? It didn’t happen! Helicopters can’t fly 1200 milies in one night! CIA asset Osama bin Laden said “America is Hubal of the modern age”. Why? America is bout to be smashed and re-dedicated to Allah, the Akkadian moon god “Sin”!
The “Society of Jesus” are Gnostics infiltrating the Roman Catholic Church much the way Freemasons do in Protestant Churches, Kabbalists do in Synagogues and Sufis do in Islamic Mosques. They are all continuing the lagacy of the Cathars, Bogomils, Abigens, Johnniters, Yezidis, Pharisees, Theraputae of Alexandria and in general, the “Baallims” described in scripture. Bigot means “Santimonious religious hypocrite”; today they go by titles Very or Right Reverend, Master, Father or Rabbi, precisely the names Jesus said to never call any man on earth! (Mat 23:8-10) A major change to Paul’s teaching occurs in 1 Cor 13:13 KJV “And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity” Charity “Alms Giving” is doing the work of God; Jesuits have contributed much in the work of their God “Lucifer” and Pope Francis’ Enclyclical “Light of Faith” is no exception. Ever wonder why the Roman Catholic Pope would sit above the Shahada “There is no God but Allah” and below Peacock feathers? Melek-Taus is the Zoroastrian Peacock Angel aka Lucifer; Ahura Mazda? The “God of Light” of course!
- Pierre Tielhard du Chardin: God and Creation be damned, by attaching Ape Jaws to Human Skulls, Darwinian Evolution from Alien Pond Scum to Gods became more accepted. Soon to be Saint John Paul II praised Chardin, finding no disagreement between Evolution and the World of God.
- Georges LeMaitre: The Big Bang and Red Shift (Expansion) Theory virtually eliminated the idea of the Central, Fixed Earth described in God’s Word.
- Athanasius Kircher: Without his Germ Theory, Jesuit Quack Edward Jenner would not have been able to introduce the world to Smallpox with a Vaccine. MERS-CoV, Bird Flu and Swine Flu owe their start to Jenner’s misnaming of “Cowpox”
- Christoph Scheiner: Sunspot Theory gave the Sun its own Magnetic Field and Heliosphere; the Sun could now be blamed for devastating weather events, magnetic pole shift/reversal, global climate change and power outages.
- Paul Shanley: NAMBLA ” North-American Man Boy Love Association” uses the slogan “Sex by 8 or its too late” Read the Word of God next time Paul.
- Roger Boscovich: “Theora Philosophilae Naturalis” was the progenitor of the “Theory of Everything”; God was now reduced to the smallest part of Space, a “God Particle” erupting from “Dark Matter”. I feel so special!
- Franz Xavier Wernz: Bolshevik Revolution, Rasputin and the Romanov murders, Communist Party, Federal Reserve Act, Black Hand MAFIA and WWI can be laid at the feet of this monster.
- Fr Joseph Stalin gave the world Bolshevik Communism and 200 Million+ people have been paying the price.
- Bernhardt Staempfle: Mein Kampf was Hitler’s ghost written opus; Jesuits also wrote his sequel New world Order
- Fr Heinrich Himmler: The SS was the Nazi Party; the SS is the Skull & Bones aka Thule Society to which 4 generations of the Bush family and John Kerry belong; TULA is “Black Sun”; that originated in Egypt. Wonder why Obamacare was signed Sunday 3/22 at 3:22UTC? Thule Society is “Society 322”
- Adam Wieshaupt: Freemason builders of the Pyramids and Cathedrals could now become Gods in “Speculative Masonry” by swearing Oaths to Lucifer.
- Wlodimir Ledochowski: Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is as Blasphemous as the Babylonian Talmud. Blaming Jews took on a whole new life with this garbage and no Israel is not Jewish.
Vaticinus (Latin Vulgate) is the product of Gnostics in Alexandria, Egypt and the property of the Vatican (Vatis=Divining; Can=Serpent); miracles bestowed on the Apostles through the Holy Ghost, such as those listed in Mark 16:9-20 are removed, but “Miracles” required for “Sainthood” handed down from St Peter, to Constantine the Great (son of Druid princess St Helena) the first Pope as “Vicarious Christ” to St John Paul II by whom may be the last Pope Francis I? That folks is BS! In Mat 16:18 Jesus told Peter (Small or Movable Stone) “…upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it” Jesus’ Divinity is the Immovable Stone, the Rock of the Christian Church; anyone who realizes this can obtain the Keys to Heaven; no Pope or Stone Cathedral required! “And call no man your father upon the earth…” Mat 23:8 “Howbeit the Most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands” Acts 7:48 Same goes for Mormon Temples folks! 6 Sun Stones and 28 Moon Stones? Seriously?
San Francisco, Franciscans and Franks, Francesca and Shekinah
Gulf War I and II began with Shock and Awe; a phrase derived from Shekinah (Presence of the Deity=Lightning=Lucifer) Merovingian Franks are Pagans who claimed descent from Merovee a Sea Beast (Sun); the Double Sided Axe “Francesca” is known as a “Tomahawk”, the Cruise Missile used to start both Gulf Wars was used in Libya and is now being called for in Syria.
Vaticinus changes “Charity” to “Love” (Agape) but the words have little to do with one another. When Humbolt visited the Pyramid of the Sun and Moon in Teotihuacan (Burial place of the gods), he asked a native woman “Who made the Pyramids”? she answered San Francisco. Pope Francis delivered his encyclical at 11 AM Rome time; on 12/21/2012, the Sunrise at Teotihuacan formed the Chi-Rho at 11:11 UTC in London; Coincidence? In “Canticle of the Sun” St Francis of Assisi after whom the Franciscans and Jesuit Pope Francis I is named praised Brother Wind, Sister Earth and Sister Moon. At the Cathedral of St John the Divine; the “Peace Fountain” illustrates the Luciferian Initiation called the “Sacred Marriage” a symbolic between of the Sun and Moon atop the Crab (Cancer) indicating June 22-July 21 is the time period Satan will be “Cut-off”; Is this Satan or Jesus Christ? The Moon (Allah=Sin) reflects the Sun (Lucifer); this then is the essence of Gnosticiam. The Union of the Sun and Moon is the age old Luciferian Initiation required to progress into the “New Age” according to the UN Planetary Initiative, so this indicated the “Strong Delusion” when Man will be “Free of God”. Will this occur in 2013? We will soon see. Did we see a “Strong Delusion” come over San Francisco with Asiana Flt #214? A lot of people stood by and did nothing with a commercial aircraft operating well outside normal parameters.
Proposition 8 was repealed by Sodomite Judges in San Francisco. al Qaeda originated from a San Francisco speech by Dervish Stanford University professor Ibn Sayyid Qutb. The Church of Satan and Temple of Set (General Michael Aquino is the highest ranking member of the NSA most people never hear about) originated in San Francisco. The Eagle’s (Eagle is a symbol of Esau; remember Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest?) song Hotel California is about a Luciferian Initiation in the Church of Satan in San Francisco.
A Gnostic Love “Agape” Feast is a Cannibalistic Orgy mocking the Last Supper of Jesus Christ seen in Bacchanalia, Liber and Liberia (Lady Liberty is Libertas) and Dionysiac Rituals; it stems from Rev 19:18, but Satan is not Jesus Christ, he will only appear to be Jesus Christ as an “Angel of Light”. Dionysus, Liber (Iran-Contra was managed from Liberia, Costa Rica) and Bacchus are the Knight Templar “Green Man”; Communist Dictator Mikhail Gorbachev originated “Green Cross International” in San Franciso; he and Michael Aquino were involved in the McMartin pre-school pedophile ring at the Presidio Army Base. That is Rebellion in its purest form.
Charity is “Alms Giving” and has nothing to do with “Love”. 13 is the number of “Rebellion” seen in the Sins of Sodom “But the men of Sodom were wicked sinners before the LORD exceedingly” Gen 13:13; Understand? If not, read Mat 13:13 and you will understand Parables. Are you Loved? “And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake…” Mat 13:13. Do you need to Repent of Sin? Read Luke 13:13 and be forgiven. Are you Clean? Read John 13:13 and be cleaned. Folks, Jesus forgives Sin not any Man. Want to see the Beast make fire come down from heaven on the earth? Read Rev 13:13 because that day is coming soon.
Benedict means “Blessing” Pope Benedict XVI wrote 3 encyclicals on Hope and Love; his 3rd called “Light of Faith” was just released by Pope Francis I; completing Encyclicals on Faith, Hope and Love which pave the way for Sainthood of Pope John Paul II. Why Sainthood?
Pope John Paul I was poisoned after 33 days in office for conducting an investigation into the Vatican Bank involvement with the P-2 Masonic Lodge and Banco Abrosiano President Roberto Calvi whose Bank collapsed; he was later hung from London’s Black Friar Bridge; an apparent suicide with bricks in his pockets. John Paul II became known as the “Ecumenical Pope” taking the stage with leaders from most every religion. A Saint?
- With the help of Ronald Reagen (really Satanist George Bush Sr) John Paul II recognized the Jesuit Order, its “Superior General” aka “Black Pope” and Jesuit Ambassadors from the Vatican.
- JPII instituted veneration of Mary as Mother of God and Mother of the Church; Francis I calls Mary the “Daughter of Zion”; he closed the Encyclical with a Prayer “Mother help our Faith…”
- JPII began carrying the “Twisted Crucifix”, a Pagan symbol carried after the Crucifixion representing “Freedom from God”
Vaticinus also changed ‘Headdress” (Turban) to Mitre a word derived from Mithra aka Lucifer; Mithraism originated in Iran with Zoroastrians. Francis means “Free”; the coincidence with American “Independence Day” and the re-opening of the Statue of Liberty following Hurricane Sandy is worth noting. Pope Benedict XVI also carried the “Twisted Crucifix”. As Benedict XVI announced his resignation, lightning hit St Peter’s Basilica Twice; Vatican Banker Cardinal Tarscio Bertone then abruptly resigned, followed by 2 managers of the Vatican Bank in July.
Why now?
- “After 10 Jubilees the Trumpet blast will herald the arrival of Prince Melchisedek”; in 1513 Black Nobility Pope Leo X bankrupted the Vatican and Michelangelo drew a separation between God and King David in the Sistine Chapel. 500 years later, Pope Francis I becomes the 1st Jesuit Pope
- Pope Francis is Pope #112; the last Pope according to the “Prophecy of St Malachy” will hand the Keys of the Kingdom to Jesus Christ. No folks, everyone in front of Jesus at the 2nd Coming dies from fire!
- Pope Francis was a Jesuit operative in the CIA “Operation Condor” in South America, Francis I seems to be fulfilling the “Condor and Eagle” Prophecy as well.; no mystery, Hopi Shaman like the Maya Priests of Quetzalcoatl long before are Luciferian Solar Priests from Phoenicia who sailed to the Americas in the days of King Solomon. All this is a bit coincidental to say the least.
America is named after the Edomite Serpent god Amurru, the Canaanite god of the west Amar and the Arab serpent god Ameru (Priests of Ameru are in Ethiopia); July 4th has no particular importance except for 33° Rosicrucian Masons Ebenezer Sibly and Ben Franklin who chose the day because of a rare occultation of 5 planets according to Sabian or Planetary Astrology. Sabians of Haran (Abraham’s elder brother) were known for infiltrating nations and religions as “5th Column” Traitors; known earlier as Crypto or Marrano “Jews”. The American Revolution was instigated by Luciferian Freemasons in Boston’s Green Dragon Tavern; the Tea Party Dec 16, 1773 led to the first shots on Lexington Green by Luciferian Masons Aug 19, 1775; on 9/11/1776 Traitors Ben Franklin and British Mason, General William Howe (his traitor brother Lord Richard Howe commanded the British Army in America for the 1st 3 years and was called “Black Dick”) met on Staten Is to reach terms of peace which of course failed; the war continued for 7 more years until America signed terms of peace with Britain; America did not win anything in the way of Freedom. Fittingly, Freemason, Knight of Malta, Jesuit Co-adjuror, CFR Traitor John Kerry (Kohen) was on Isabel his 76ft (Mic 7:6; Dan 7:6 sum up the Beast in John Kerry) Yacht in Nantucket during the Coup de Grace in Egypt. As a Gnostic Johnitter, Kerry knows Isabel is the mother of John the Baptist; no worries John, the Muslim Brotherhood said “May the LORD destroy secular opponents of the Islamist movement”. Kerry just came home from meeting the “Friends of Syria”, al-Qaeda arms dealers awaiting the arrival of 50,000 tons of weapons aboard American President Lines-Russia ship Mol Comfort. Mol means “Millstone”; Gnostic Satanists like John and Vladimir “Pooty Poot” Putin will try to falsify the Rev 18:21 “Millstone” with America’s destruction; conveniently, the Ismaili Emirate of Abu Dhabi is building a pre-clearance facility by-passing US Customs for John. John, is that for MERS-CoV or for Weapons? Next, he travels to Santa Rosa for 3 weeks of Molech worship at Bohemian Grove. The same day, his Zionist pal Benjamin Netanyahu called for “Tikkun Olam”; a Gnostic “Repair of the World” without God in it saying “The Jew is the Savior and Liberator of humanity” Jesus is Jewish! Ben is however Ashkenazi, a descendant of Japheth’s grandson, not Jewish by Talmudic or Kabbalist religion or blood, he serves Lucifer under the Star of Molech. Read Amos 5:2;26; 7:2-3;5-6 until this sinks in!
Ben Franklin’s map of the 13 colonies was a 13 segmented Serpent with the slogan “Join or Die”; the 1st Flag, an Evergreen Tree; the 2nd a Coiled Serpent; the 3rd was the Masonic “Betsy Ross” Flag with 13 Stars which flew over the Battle of Brandywine on 9/11/1777. Ben Franklin, a member of Sir Francis Dashwood’s “Hell Fire Society” kept secret his communications with Gen Howe with approval of fellow Mason George Washington for obvious reasons as were the forensic evidence of his numerous child sacrifices at his Trafalgar home.
Jesus gave His warning to the Roman Catholic Church in Rev 2:18-29 “Thyatira” means “Continual Sacrifice”. For most Catholics this warning is not that severe; for people like John Kerry and Jezebel Hillary Clinton, it is sure spiritual death. Catholic means “Universal”; Lucifer means “Light Bearer”; now you know what “Light of Faith” means. Most every nation on earth has evicted the Jesuit Order because the Oaths they swear are Luciferian Initiations requiring continual Sacrifice.
Read Link Here
Jesuits promote Discord and Spying on Roman Catholics, Protestants, Calvinists and Jews (Sufis do the same to Muslims) who swear oaths to kill on orders of the Jesuit General aka Black Pope by Poison, Stangulation, Poinard, Bullet or swinging babies heads against the rocks. No, I’m not joking. The continuation of the Knights Templars are Freemasons and Jesuits; the “Thesis” appearing in opposition to Sufis, Ismaili “Assassins”, “Twelvers”, and “Wahhabists”; they are no more Protestant or Catholic than the latter are Muslim; they serve as the “Anti-thesis”. The “Synthesis” is the revealing of Lucifer, the “Light Bearer/Bringer”.
The Encyclical letter uses the word “Light” perhaps 100 times. Other key phrases:
- “Israel trusts in God”: Amos 5:2 “The Virgin of Israel has fallen; she is forsaken upon her land; there is none to raise her up” Oops!
- Is 7:8 is quoted from the Gnostic Septuagint “The head of Aram is Damascus”; Wrong! “The head of Ephraim is Damascus” Aram is Syria! “…within 65 years Ephraim shall cease from being a people” Is 6:9 What a coincidence? 2013 is the 65th anniversary of the founding of Israel! Mormons claim to represent Ephraim in the US! Mormon means “Gates of Hell” Refer back to the “Gates of Hell” in Mat 16:18. Now read Rev 7 and see why Jesus did not list Ephraim as “Saved”!!!!! Need a translation here? Francis is saying America is Toast!
- “Transmission of our faith occurs first in Baptism, second in Confirmation, third in the Eucharist where Bread and Wine are changed into the Body and Blood of Christ. Born Again Christians know the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is purely Spiritual. Trans-substantiation of the Eucharist is Pagan nonsense derived from Chaldean/Phoenician “Kahn Baals” (Priests of Baal) who taught “Ritual Cannibalism”.
- “Our Father, Light from Light, the Church, one in Body and Spirit, in Communion, standing upon the same Rock, transferred by the spirit of Love, radiating Light to illumine the entire cosmos and all of history… a single insight into reality” Standing on Peter is Quicksand! Light radiating to the Cosmos? That is the Sunlight and Starlight God made on Day 4 (Gen 1:14); the Holy Ghost is the Light He made on Day 1. Ask Jesus for that and skip Mass! Mass means “Sacrifice and Consumption of the Host” Cannibalism of God has nothing to do with the Spiritual Communion Jesus instituted at the Last Supper!
Amurru is Amorica
The West was Amurru in Babylon and Amorica to Druids. DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) has been abolished; Sodomite Marriage and Female Clergy is one thing; “Bestiality Brothels” and “Erotic Zoos” are sprouting up in Germany; Why? The Anglican Church gave birth to Protestantism; Angles and Saxons are Germanic Pagans from Bohemia. A Bohemian is a person who does not live under the laws of the land they reside in; just look at the 2000+ world leaders who converge on Bohemian Grove next week! Bestiality and Necrophilia are par for the course there. How much Independence from God can we handle! How about putting Mormon Sodomite Ed Smart (Elizabeth’s father) in charge of America’s Amber Alert? Need some Child Porn Snuff Films? He’s your man. Want to check out the progress of the New World Order? Barbara Bush (Aleister Crowley’s illegitimate daughter) allegedly writes the latest developments in the blood of child sacrifices at the Mother’s of Darkness Castle in Belgium; the “Marc Dutroix Affair” makes for light reading if you are interested; or check out the Omaha Nebraska (Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben=Nebraska backwards) Boy’s Town Pedophile and Prostitution Ring; Johnny Gosch and George Bush Jr are quite the pair; how about Jerry Sandusky and his Penn St scandal involving Obama “Body Man” Reggie Love? Muckracking? No, I’m trying to illustrate what Independence from God entails and why God rained Fire and Brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah!
July 4 is “Independence Day” of Amurru (America) the Edomite Shepherd and Serpent god. Francis wears the Mitre of Dagan, the Philistine God equivalent with Mithra, the Zoroastrian sun-god worshipped throughout the Roman Empire on Dec 25. Santa (Hittite god) wears the Red “Phrygian” Cap of Mithra. Francis wears the Mitre of Dagan rather than the Headress (Turban) of Aaron; carries the Pagan “Twisted Crucifix” and sits on the Chair of Peter above the Shahada “There is no God but Allah”. How’s that for Independence?
Also on the falsely named “Christian” side of the “Dialectic” is the Archbishop of Canterbury who recently declared “Iam pro-Israel. I believe in the State of Israel. Israel is the center of the world in so many extraordinary ways” ex-Oil executive, Archbishop of Canterbury, Right Reverend Justin Welby in communion with Roman Cathoilic, Greek, Assyrian, Russian, Syrian, Coptic “Orthodox” (means Having the correct opinion; they do not!), Sunni and Shia Islam, every Protestant denomination and most every pagan and nature religion on earth. His predecessor Rowan Williams was an ordained Druid Priest. These boys need to read Amos 5:2 “The virgin of Israel is fallen; she shall no more rise: he is forsaken upon her land; there is none to raise her up” Thus saith the Lord GOD. Jesus is the “Narrow Path”; This is the “Wide Path” that leads to destruction of the Soul.
On the Islam side, the Musllim Brotherhood declared “May the LORD destroy secular opponents of the Islamist movement” the same day Sharia Constitutional Law Judge Adly Mansour and Nobel Peace Prize winner and ex-IAEA Chairman Mohammad el-Baradei were sworn in as President/VP of Egypt; el-Baradei says “There is no credible evidence Iran is developing Nuclear weapons” and “Israel needs to sign the NPT and open up nuclear facilities for inspection”; that went over so well the Egyptian-Israeli Natural Gas Pipeline was bombed the next day.
PRISM and Rainbow
On Sunday, July 7 NSA/CIA/Booz Allen Hamilton Scapegoat Edward Snowden made the claim the US and Israel created the StuxNet Virus responsible for the Cyber attack on Iran’s Nuclear enrichment program. What has largely escaped scrutiny is that StuxNet caused Siemmens coolant controllers to shut down, leading to the Fukushima Nuclear meltdown with US created MOX Fuel; it seems Ed and his NSA handlers are prepping the US for similar attacks on US Nuclear Power Plants as they too are controlled by Siemmens controllers! Snowden told the world about PRISM, the NSA Data Collection program; what has largely escaped public exposure is FISA (US Foreign Intelligence Court) operates with 11 appointed Judges without Congressional oversight who have authorized 504 NSA and CIA Signals Intelligence gathering operations in conjunction with other Foreign Intelligence services. Now can you see why American President Lines-Russia aka “Mol Comfort” had a Russian crew of 26 bringing 50,000 tons of weapons to al-Qaeda Syrian Rebels? Russia supplies weapons openly to Bashar al-Assad and covertly to Syrian Rebels. The US supplies weapons openly to Syrian Rebels and covertly to Bashar al-Assad (James Clapper even admitted Saddam Hussein’s WMD’s were sent to Assad in 2002). Internet Service providers, Phone Companies, CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) and Medical providers all connect to the FBI, NSA and CIA and to every other Intelligence Agency in every Nation on earth. All Foreign Intelligence agencies work together because Lucifer is in charge! Lucifer “Light Bearer” is like a Prism which separates Light into the constituent colors of the Rainbow, the Logo used by the LGBT Movement. Lucifer is the god of Sodom and Gomorrah and those days are returning. In Israel, nuclear preparations are being made at the Jericho Site, a radiation hardened bunker “Project 911” is being built by the US near Beit Shemesh. Shemesh means “Sun”. Samson “Like the Sun” pulled down the Philistine Temple of Dagon there some 3000 years ago.
Sharia Law and Noahide Law forces one to reject Jesus Christ.
Mohammad el-Baradei and Adly Mansour are seen as “Lightning Rods” in Israel because of Sharia Law; how about Sharia Law Judge Hassan Rouhani as President of Iran?
On the Zionist side or the “Dialectic” is Noahide Law and fake Jew, Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel, minus his “Acme Bomb” cartoon he used at the UN to accuse Iran of building Nuclear Weapons. He used Independence Day to declare “Tikkun Olam” (Repair the Earth); a repair made by the elimination of God from the world. All this was foreseen in 1871 when Freemason Albert Pike declared the need for 3 World Wars; the last being Zionism against Islam in order for the “Light of Lucifer” to be manifested. The 3rd Act in Chaldean Magick is the “Prestige”; the revealing of Lucifer. You may recall the movie The Prestige ended with the revealing of Nikola Tesla’s technology; Hurricanes (HAARP Microwave Radars), Tornados (NexRad Doppler Radars), Earthquakes (ELF Scalar Radars), Droughts, Floods (HAARP moves Jet Streams; NexRad Radars damn them), Alien and Marian Apparitions (Star Wars aka Operation Blue Beam Satellites using the Ionosphere as a TV Screen) will all come into play when God finallly sends the “Strong Delusion” to believe the Luciferian Lie that Man can become God.
Thesis (Christianity) + Anti-thesis (Islam)=Synthesis (Freedom from God). Sodom is derived from CeDom “Burnt, Scorched or Bitumen” such as the Burned Bricks held together by Slime (Bitumen) used in the Tower of Babel. Burning or Scorching of one’s Soul is meant here; Towers (Magdala) aren’t held together very well with asphalt or tar! On the Islam side is Ramadan which also means “Burnt or Scorch”; Ramadan means “Hot Month” but over 33 years, the Islamic Lunar based Holy Month migrates around the Solar Caldendar; the merging of the Sun and Moon is called the Sacred Marriage or Divine Union and can be seen in the “Peace Fountain” at the Cathedral of St John the Divine in NYC occurring in Cancer ie June 22-July 21. In 2013 Ramadan begins July 10 in Cancer and ends Aug 8 in Leo. Read the Sphinx article below to see what lies ahead. Ramadan and Sodom both mean Scorch or Burn (Bricks=People) Souls of people in Luciferian Initiation; the Crescent symbol represents Lucifer “Hilal” or “Heylel” for Mormons.
Taking the Independence cake in Science (Scire=To Know=Gnosisis=Gnosticism=Sophia=Logos) is Stephen Hawking. In his The Grand Design “The Universe created itself from nothing based on fundamental physics laws of Gravity, making God unnecessary…” How about the fundamental Law “Matter and Energy can neither be created nor destroyed” Stevie? Jesuit Fr and Gonzaga Univ President Robert Spitzer is a leading Hawking and avowed Atheist Leonard Mlodinow apologetic claiming their “M-Theory” is consitent with the “Real God”. The Gnostic “Society of Ormus” (Theraputae=Theraputic=Repair the Earth=Tikkun Olam) in Alexandria, Egypt used the same “M” Logo 2300 years ago; the 13th English Letter represents “Freedom and Liberty” From God and Equality With God. By the way, there is no “Law of Gravity”, just a bunch of Jesuit Lies to remove God from the equation!
The question is: Are you going to place your trust in the Right Reverend Archbishop of Canterbury and Pope Francis I or in Jesus Christ? “Light of Faith” is Faith in Lucifer aka Allah! Better decide fast because Time is Short!
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best I could find Howard was dr. michio kaku on cnn said fukishima was 50 times worse due to the tonnage of fuel ejected. with no mention of MOX fuel. which satisfied all the mouth breathers, but is like comparing mustard seeds to watermelons.all the different measurements mess with my limited schooling. this sore is left open to the air to spew indefinitely. at least they poured some concrete over Chernobyl. so the 50 to 1 is bogus. Howard you said mox is a million times more deadly. that means in my simple mind 50mil to 1, according to dr=quack kaku=retard by choice.
sorry I totally messed up your question, Howard. please disregard my stupid math.
so do we turn that into glassware too like they do at hanford site. glow in the dark christmas ornaments,baby bottles, glass eye. but seriously, I know there is no “safe ” level of radiation, but how much do we have to dilute that to even come close to making it safe? I get the feeling it is like the gmo plants and animals, once out the bag it stays out until JESUS fixes it. our nato and other allies are in disarray. Israel refuses to help in our terror suit against china bank. we steal from our kids to give them $$. kind of like a prostitute who pays the johns. as for your question Howard, the largest lpg tankers carry 80,000 cubic meters. if I added right that is 1,875,000 lpg gas tankers(the biggest model)full of death. if I did that wrong sound off.
Anyone know how bad 150,000,000,000 Bq/cubic meter of seawater is? That’s the level in the Reactor #3 trench at Fukushima likely pouring into the Pacific Ocean.
correction, now they say turkey was involved in syria attack. pakistan taliban getting into it. gay paris is celebrating storming the bastille day. is a beret a modified phyrgian cap? i’m starting to think it is because of what you said about the green berets,and their rituals. now b b neten yahoo wants to take on iran solo. getting close to jungle rules, constantly getting ripped off by companys I do busness with. $10,000 bounty on zimmerman’s head,where’s the love?where’s my purple drank? sorry if I ramble, little nervous.snowden nominated for nobel peace, here is a photo prizehttp://www.bing.com/images/search?q=nobel+peace+prize&FORM=HDRSC2#view=detail&id=D6BF8C0DFBA6A79149B015C9F8FEE939D2B96818&selectedIndex=13–It doesn’t get any gayer than that. the other prizes medals are weird/gay. hey lets dance ok, oh I forgot my pants, oh, that’s alright we forgot ours too, is it safe to dance?
Hi Howard, wonder if that is in response to israel’s threats in regards to s330, s440?? that is a good size exercise. chemical weapons turning up all over in syria. snowden show is getting interesting. we’ve heard planes 1st then a sub, now i’m hearing icbm that took out the syrian barracks. we’re making enemys fast all over. before we know it the carrot people from new guinea will be ready to attack us. the race card is being played world wide, tribe against tribe.your info on the aisianna #214 is chilling. I don’t think I could take a flight now.. marine blt off the coast of Egypt? oh yeah saudi arabia’s name was on the sacks of chemicals. looked like industrial stuff. we got” breaking really bad” in syria show. home made chemical weapons? civil unrest world wide makes for a hot summer, don’t know about it being long though.
7/13/13 Russia mobiizing 160,000 troops, 1000 tanks, 70 Navy ships, 130 long range aircraft in Eastern district (near N-S Korea/Japan). Luciferian Mason/Fake Jew Ben Netanyahu reiterates Iran Nuclear material lie on “Face the Nation” and attacks the Russian Yakhont Anti-ship Missle storage at Latakia, Syria. The NTSB confirms the identity of Asianna #214 pilots to San Francisco news which is read on air as Sum Ting Wong, Wi Tu Lo, Ho Lee Fuk and Bang Ding Ow. Black Panthers arrive in Florida anticipating vigilante George Zimmerman’s innocent verdict. Pretty amazing how on 7/7 the crash of B-777 Asianna #214 from the 38th parallel Korean DMZ to San Francisco, also on the 38th parallel and exactly mirrors British Airways #38 crash in London on the same day the movie “Unstoppable” with train #777 is mirrored in Canada eh?
that’s a lot Howard.july 29 I heard there is a 6 star thing. it is on the chart(the one with john dees symbols) they use not in the sky. ben franklin did that thing with the key=you know what and lightning=you know who, kite=chi rho?? for all the school children to marvel. sacrifices of ben, america’s abortion mills are open for all. I also think the plasma looking clouds have something to do with bluebeam and harrp. neon lights work like that. microwave towers are like huge guns aimed at our kids heads and we say and do nothing. glenn? greenwald=green forest leaking for snowden. works for Murdock/guardian? fox guarding the hen house? my wife has tried for 10 min to forward me a email with a picture of a poster in a nyc subway. seems easy but we can’t do it. any way the poster says they will spray you like rats with harmless rap spray to test for terrorism. hmm. what the ? I saw it in the news but I wanted to post the link, sorry. hope they flavor it with some of there toxic perfume. like the laundry soap. beit shemesh /house of the sun/ animals song house of the rising sun lyrics are evil/ neworleans named after orleans fr, druid meeting place for fun frolic and human sacrifice. the pictures I get, show a place that is more than 1/2 finished next to that missile launching facility you mentioned. that is from google earth. I sure wish my job would do itself just like evolution.