April Fool’s Day is an especially Blasphemous Holy Day which is why Donald Trump chose it to reaffirm his unwavering support for Zionism and Islam’s Cornerstone UN Res 2334. 2334 Holida Isis is the Whore about to give Birth.
The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the “agentur” (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions.”
The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.
The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam and political Zionism mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…the true horrors of absolute atheism and true doctrine of Lucifer… Jesuit controlled (Jean Pierre De Smet; also controlled Mormon Freemason Brigham Young) Confederate, Sodomite, Glutton, Freemason, KKK Founder Albert Pike (his far larger than life stands at the Federal Justice Dept; a later Sovereign Grand Master of Scottish Rite Masonry and Arab Shriner Ken Kleinknecht managed the Apollo Hoax; his brother C Fred Kleinknecht was head of Scotch Rite Masons managing the Cold War Hoax with Russia) to Jesuit, Freemason, Italian Revolutionary, MAFIA Founder Giuseppe Mazinni on the Feast Day of Lucifer Aug 15, 1871.
The “Promised Land” is a Covenant God (Melchisedek aka Jesus) made with Abram; included in the Contract which changed his name to Abraham (“h” means “God is with me”) was for his sons never to take the daughters of Canaan as wives; Ishmael and Esau took Canaanite (Hittite) wives; Isaac and Jacob did not. The Earth is about to give birth to an Atheist Beast; Jesus said unless “Those Days” were shortened, no flesh would remain on Earth. In personal Covenant with JESUS? What are you waiting for WWIII? The Rapture? Aliens? All Jesuit Inventions just like WWI, WWII. “Gog and Magog” War? That’s at the end of the Millennial Reign of Jesus, 1000 years after the 2nd Coming.
Jared Kushner and Gen Joe Dunford met in Baghdad with Anti-ISIS leaders April 2017.
John McCain met with ISIS leaders in Syria 44 days before the April 6 attack. Trump is the 44th person selected President; Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix ring a Baal?
John McCain and John Kerry regularly meet ISIS leaders. The US State Dept supplies ISIS Toyota SUV’s made in Texas. Both John’s pray at Herod’s “Wailing Wall”
ANU and Zoonoverse Citizen Science declare Chiron or Comocina most likely candidates for Planet 9. ANU=Australia National University? or Anu “Zeus/Lucifer”? Tuatha de Danaan aka Tribe of Danu/Anu may ring a Baal. Chiron is the Wise Centaur who educated Achilles in the arts of music, archery, medicine, hunting, martial arts and prophecy. Chiron is the son of Cronos/Saturn the “Grim Reaper”. Planet 9 is said to be a supermassive planet whose “Gravity” wreaked havoc with the Earth causing the Flood; Chiron is a 128Mi wide Comet; Comet means “Long Haired Star”; Merovingians were called “Long Hair Monarchs”. Zoonoverse comes from Zoonomia, the work precedeing Charles Darwin’s plagiarized “Origin of the Species” written by his Satanic Grandfather Erasmus. Planet 9? Nothing but Nibiru “Planet X” (Planet of the Crossing) nonsense promoted by Zechariah Sitchin. Don’t fall for this April’s Fools Day garbage.
NIH begins Phase 2 Zika Vaccine Trials in South, Central America, Mexico, San Juan. www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Zika “The world’s most dangerous animal is the Mosquito and #2 isn’t even close” “With Vaccines, we can reduce world population by 10-15%” Bill Gates funds Aedes Aegypti Mosquitos. 3 of the 10 Kings are destroyed at the misnamed “End of Days”? America means Serpent, after Amurru the Edomite Serpent and Shepherd god.
Nail bomb explodes in St Petersburg metro station; one mangled door, no blood, metro opened in 2 hrs. Crisis Actors move from London to St Petersburg it seems.
I-85 Bridge Collapse in Atlanta; 8/5=1.618 “Phi”; Venus (Lucifer) forms a 5 Pt Star around the Sun every 8 Years. 3 transients ignite 70 gallons of Diesel Fuel; steel weakens and concrete road section collapses from total Bullshit. ISIS? ISIS video explains how to make PVC and Diesel Fuel bombs to destroy concrete bridges and buildings. Rita Katz and US Army SITE (Search for Int’l Terrorist Entities) make ISIS videos. Diesel Fuel can no more soften steel imbedded in concrete on a bridge than Jet Fuel can melt asbestos encased steel supports at the Twin Towers.
Mormon Church General Conference building 5 new Temples “Focusing on Principles welcoming the Holy Spirit” “Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands” Acts 7:48 The Holy Spirit in Mormon Temples is that of Antichrist. Mormon Church “Prince of Peace” Campaign will usher in Antichrist.
AIPAC Summit Mar 28 “I’m a lifelong supporter and true friend of Israel” Donald Trump. Zionist Mike Pence (Initiate of “The Family” www.theresnothingnew.org/index/The_Family) AIPAC Whore spoke for him “We are committed to finding an equitable solution to the 2 State problem, never compromising on the safety and security of the Jewish State of Israel”; 2 eeensie weensie problems Israel is not Jewish and Edomite King Abdullah II and the Arab League oppose this idea! In common is both nations are led by Luciferian 33 degree Freemasons. Israel is not Jewish (Ref Obadiah, Amos 5:2;26; 7:2-3; 5-6KJV) Israel is under the Six Pointed Star, the ensign of Molech/Saturn. Zionist fake Jews Jared Kushner, Nikki Haley and David Friedman are on the Zionist side of the Dialectic to wipe Palestine from the map. UN Res 2334 www.theresnothingnew.org/index/UN_Resolution__2334 sets the stage for WWIII In personal Covenant with JESUS (JEHOVAH Ex 6:3; JAH Ps 68:4; JESUS Mat 1:25) yet? Pardon me, but What are you waiting for? WWIII?
Arab League Summit Mar 29 King Abdullah II of Jordan is (or at least claims) Hashemite, an Edomite descendant of Korahite Priests from Num 16 living in Idumea, the land of Edom, Ammon and Moab. Abdullah is a Grand Orient Lodge Freemason initiated in Paris; Abd=House + Allah=Arab moon god “Sin”. These are the people in Dan 11 who escape the hand of the Antichrist for a short time. “Arab-Israeli Peace is dependent on a 2-State Solution” Palestine is also led by a Luciferian Mason as is Israel; the latter obviously against a 2-State solution. The Vatican controls the Temple Mount; Jesuits control the Vatican. The Jesuit/Masonic Dialectic: Israeli “Thesis” + Arab “Anti-thesis” will yield the Synthesis; revealing of Antichrist. In a personal Covenant with JESUS yet? What are you waiting for? WWIII?
Jared Kushner put in charge of White House “SWAT Team” Office of American Innovation Ivanka given West Wing Office and Advisory role as well; both paid positions. Donald means “World Ruler”, collects Subsidies for his Penthouse and a Screen Actors Guild Retirement; Donald is a Knight of St John of Jerusalem (Hospitallers; Gnostic Johnnitters may ring a Baal) who was married to Ivana, the femine of “John”; Ivanka is their daughter. Jared, an Ashkenazi (Non-Semitic Germanic fake Jew descended from Japheth-Gomer-Ashkenaz just like Donald Drumpf “God shall enlagre Japheth and shall dwell in the tents of Shem”), Orthodox, Talmudic, Zionist (Jesus is in Hell in His own boiling excrement according to the Talmud). Jared is Noah’s great grandfather; Jaredites are integral to Mormon mythology/religion concerning America) Kushner means “Furrier” referring to the “Fur” worn by Jacob to obtain the blessings of his blind father Isaac (God gives blessings, not people and God is not fooled); essentially the name fulfils what God prophesied: Japheth is the eldest son of Noah, living as “Fake Jews” (Shem’s Tents), married to Canaanite women (violates the Covenant God made with Abraham). Jared’s father Charles was convicted of Tax Evasion, Loan Sharking, Conspiracy, Witness Tampering and Obstruction of Justice; Jared is the lead negotiator for Trump’s relations with China (read TiSA “Trade in Services Agreement), Mexico and Canada (read NAFTA/CAFTA), Israel (Zionist side of WWIII), the Middle East (Arab, Islam side of WWIII) will work with Apple’s (Apple means Apollo; Donald Trump’s Penthouse is a shrine to Apollo), Tim Cook, Elon Musk (Moon/Mars liar; Tesla Motors is named after Nikola Tesla, whose Scalar Electro-Magnetic Weapons capable of destroying the Earth were weaponized by Donald’s uncle John; pretty coincidental with all the Johns eh?), Bill Gates (Oxitec Aedes Aegypti Mosquito warfare, Vaccine population reduction), Geo-engineering proponents and BlackStone Group CEO Stephen Schwarzman. FreeScale, a division of Motorola is controlled by BlackStone Group who controls the KL-03 RF Micro Chip capable of controlling: Nuc Power Plants, ATM’s, Commercial Aircraft Flight Navigation Computers and Autopilots (BUAC=Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot, removes pilots from the equation); MH-370 had the original patent holders onboard until the KL-03 Chip was tested; MH-370 did not crash folks; it was a Beta Test for fake Rapture; remember “Left Behind”? Pretty dramatic is hundreds of airliners crash at the same time eh? Trump Administration approves (Geo-engineering has been going on clandestinely since the Korean War) full scale Geo-engineering of Atmosphere; How can people still deny this is happening? www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Malaysia_Flt_370
Edomite King Abdullah (Servant of Allah; Allah=Arab moon god Sin”) II and Donald Trump (Ashkenazi Drumpf) White House “Israel-Palestine Press Conference” April 5 “You will find a strong ally in Jordan for all your policies” “We will be successful in negotiating a lasting Peace between Palestinians and Israel” Donald Trump. Trump listens to Nikki Haley (Sikh), David Friedman, Jared Kushner, Steve Bannon (Brietbart is HQ in Tel Aviv for Pete’s sake) on one side and Edomite King Abdullah II. In common, both Israel (Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is the rediculous stage name of Simon Elliot, just ask traitor John McCain) and Jordan arm train and finance ISIS. Do you need to review the pictures of Putin and Netanyahu at the Wailing Wall to understand this is the pre-planned basis of WWIII? When Jesus returns to Mt Zion, He destroys every last Edomite; now do you think Israel is Jewish? In “The Shape of things to come” HG Wells channeling a Demon aka “Guiding Spirit” in 1933 predicted “WWIII will begin with an event in Basra; the etymology of Basra is Bas-Rah=”Paths where many paths meet”. That’s the Wide Gate Jesus warned of that leads to Hell for eternity. Jesus is the “Narrow Gate”.
Syrian Sarin Gas False Flag Crisis Actors and Soros backed White Helmets used to blame Assad? Handling a body dead from Sarin gas sithout gloves, is a death sentence. Sarin caused bowels and bladder to release, and vomiting. White Helmets waving ISIS Flag? T Rex Tillerson (Pilgrim Society) says “Strong response is forthcoming”. Trump says “I have changed my mind about Syria a lot” “Damascus shall be a city no more…a ruinous heap”-God
Trump tops ISIS “Kill List” New video “America, you have drowned; you have an idiot for President; there is no Savior” Marilyn Manson, Snoop Dog and “The Simpsons” all feature Donald Trump dead; “The Family” Puppet, Zionist Mike Pence in the White House? The Black Horse collapses the World Economy and in exchange for Satanic Loyalty, offers a day’s work for One Pence (Denarius=Penny=Pence).
The US is about the only nation missing out on the One Belt One Road Chinese Rail Line connecting Indonesia, E China, and the Korean Peninsula to Russia, Europe and London. Why? America is the Scapegoat for Rev 18 “Economic Babylon”; the last ! is the “Woe” in Rev 18:18. There are 313 ! in Scripture “When there are 313 sincere followers of Shia Islam al-Mahdi will return” al-Mahdi, the occulted 12 Shia Imam is Antichrist. Think it’s coincidence the final Pope predicted by St (Gag me) Malachy, Pope Francis I was selected on 3/13/13? WWI, WWII, WWIII were pre-planned in writing on the “Feast Day of Lucifer” Aug 15, 1871; WWIII Zionism against Islam to the point of economic, moral and physical exhaustion in order for the true doctrine of Lucifer to be accepted. If or when Donald Trump is impeached or assassinated, Zionist puppet Mike Pence will enact what his masters at “The Family” dictate “The men who knew the true meaning of the New Covenant best were Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin and Adolph Hitler” Doug Coe head of “The Family” whose initiates include Mike (Black Horse Penny-Denarius-Pence) Pence, HUD Director 7th Day Adventist Ben Carson, AG Jeff Sessions, Dir of Nat Intel Dan Coats and Education Sec Betsy De Voss (The Gathering is an offshoot of “The Family”) whose brother Knight of Malta Eric Prince trains Arab mercenary armies as well as Academi (named after pederast/pedophile Plato’s Academy in Athens) www.theresnothingnew.org/index/The_Family
US enters WWI April 6, 1917, US may very well have started WWIII on April 6, 2017. Just months after Woodrow Wilson was re-elected on the campaign slogan “Re-elect the man who will keep your sons out of war in Europe”, soldiers given vaccinations were sent to trench warfare, incubating the “Spanish Flu” plague that would kill 1/3 of Europe. April 6, 2017, Donald Trump orders Tomahawk Cruise Missile attack on Syria on 100th anniversary of US entry into WWI called “The war to end all wars”. The obviously pre-planned attack (the US cannot plan and approve a 100 Tomahawk Cruise Missile attack in one day), timed during a Congressional Recess (Libyan War was also pre-planned and timed during Congressional Recess) is an Undeclared War on Syria without UN approval, coming 1 day after the False Flag Chemical Weapon attack. Guess whose Chemical Weapons those are? In 2003, Evergreen B-747’s flew US made Iran-Contra weapons from Baghdad to Damascus; just ask Boy Scout Director (no coincidence T Rex Tillerson was also Boy Scout Director), CIA Director, DOD Sec Bob Gates who admitted this fact.
1917-1944-2017 US entry WWI, WWII, WWIII match the Golden Mean 1948-1967-2017 Israel, 6-Day War, 3rd Temple? match the Golden Mean. I-85 Bridge in Atlanta (Diesel Fuel cannot weaken concrete encased steel) 8/5=Golden Mean. Think all this is coincidence?
Trump Summit with Putin ally Xi Jinping at Mar a Lago; Tillerson met Xi Jinping at the Palm Beach airport not Trump; Trump orders a Cruise Missile attack on Russian-Chinese ally Syria during dinner and plays golf the next day, a sport Xi Jinping regards as a symbol of Capitalism’s excess. Biff from Back to the Future wouldn’t be this callous.
Vladimir Putin calls emergency mtg of UN Security Council condemning the “US Act of Agression on a Sovereign Nation”. “US is one step from War”-Vlad Putin Donald Trump promises more airstrikes
ISIS arming Traitor John McCain makes secret trip to Syria 44 days before the alleged attack. Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix may ring a Baal; Trump is the 44th person selected US President.
Aug 21, 2013 Assad is accused of firing Sarin Gas Shells into Damascus suburb; UTube Videos of the alleged atrocities are uploaded on Aug 20. “Tomorrow’s media campaign will begin to cover air raids on Hama countryside and the use of chlorine gas against civilians” All Night Tweeter Feras Karam tweeting about the alleged attack before it happened. Gas Masks were distributed 2 days ahead of the alleged attack.
“Rescue Workers” (Actors) not wearing protetive clothing, gloves or masks.
UN Ambassador Nikki Haley condemns use of Chemical Weapons, says “Trump Administration considering new Russia and Iran sanctions” During the Iran-Contra scandal, US Chemical Weapons were provided to Saddam Hussein and Iran’s “Chemical Ali” for their genocidal war; those WMD’s were then transferred just ahead of the 2003 invasion force to Syria; in 2013 the UN placed China and Russia in charge of disposing those WMD’s.
Recip Tayyip Erdogan calls for Syrian “No-Fly Zones”; this coming from the man who brokers Afghanistan Heroin, and looted ISIS Oil, arms, trains, and provides passports to ISIS and shoots down Russian pilots in their parachutes. To have known where the Russian plane would have been and when, obviously involves Putin who himself arms ISIS (Ref Russian ship Mol Comfort splitting in half with 50,000 tons of ISIS weapons destined for Jeddah Saudi Arabia and the waiting arms of traitor John Kerry; Turkish Ship Nour M intercepted by Greek Coast Guard with 50,000 Kalashnikov Rifles and ammunition) WWI broke up the Ottoman Empire, creating the Syrian and Jordanian States; the war ended in Armistice as did the Korean War; WWIII is the pre-planned sequel. No stranger to False Flag Operations, Erdogan plans to rebuild the Ottoman Empire from his newly declared Shariah Law Dictator for Life position, using what else but US military equipment including F-16’s and F-35’s.
ISIS launches major offensive in Homs in wake of Shayrat Airbase destruction; Because the US arms, and funds ISIS. Now we know why John McCain went to Syria ahead of the pre-planned False Flag Operation.
Notice the Eagle carrying E Pluribus Unum is prominently displayed next to the Pedophile in Chief; “Out of Many One” refers to a One World Edomite Dictatorship prophesied in Gen 27:41KJV, Dan 7:6. Esau exalts himself as the Eagle which is why Jesus prophesied “Whersoever the carcase is, Eagles will be gathered together” Mat 24:28; Jer 7:33 Esau intends to slay everyone in Covenant with JESUS and therefore part of Jacob (Gen 27:39-4-KJV); Esau violated the Covenant with Abraham by marrying Hittite women, which is why God changed his name to Edom (Red) just like the Red Hittite (China=Sina=Sin=Cathay=Cathars=Heth=Hittites) Train reforming the ancient “Silk Road”. Welcome aboard the Trump Crazy Train to Hell. Want off the Train? Tell JESUS!
Why April 6, 2017? Mormons, specifically Re-organized Community of Christ (RLDS) First: 2017 is 50 years “Jubilee” after the 1967 6-Day War and 7th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles; a Jubilee forgives Debt (Red/Edomite Ink) and reverses the role of Slave and Master; Esau is currently Yoked to Jacob and will be until he obtains “Dominion” (Gen 27:39-41KJV). Second: The Mormon Church started the unbiblical nonsense Jesus was born April 6, 1830. “The rise of the Church of Christ in these last days being 1830 years since the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the flesh in the 4th month, 6th day which is called April” Joseph Smith Scribe (“Woe unto you Scribes”-Jesus) and founder of RLDS John Witmer. Aprilus means “Give Birth” to Jesus? Hardly; the Mormon Church just launched the “Prince of Peace” Campaign; the “Prince of Peace” is “Antichrist”; Jesus returns with a Sword! The RLDS aka “Witmerites” or “Dissenters” are now the “Community of Christ”. The RLDS Temple in Independence Missouri will be the site of the small Temples, a haven called Adam Ondi Ahman, the land Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden; if you thought the Garden of Eden was in southern Iraq, you’re right; this is Mormon nonsense. The return to the Garden of Eden will come through the destruction of the US as a Scapegoat “Babylon”. The Temple is built as a Spiral conforming to the “Golden Mean” which is why April 6, 2017 was chosen.
By the Numbers
Trump’s 77th Day in Office comes 9 mionths 23 days before the Whore of Babylon apppears on 9/23/2017 On April 6: US entered WWI April 6, 1917; US potentially began WWIII April 6, 2017; Birth of Mormon Jesus April 6, 1 BC; Birth of Mormon Church April 6, 1830; Birth of Re-formed LDS Church April 6, 1860, Nauvoo Temple 1841, Salt Lake Temple 1893 and wait for it! UN supplies Temple Mount Heritage Foundation $550,000 to begin building the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem on April 6, 2017 How coincidental is is that all these events occurred on April 6 and conform to the Fibonacci Spiral aka Golden Mean represented in the RLDS Temple in Independence Missouri? Independence from God is the Gnostic goal folks! Jesus refers to Jerusalem as “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8KJV The Golden Mean aka Fibonacci Sequence or Ratio of Life is 1.618/1. Using WWII as a focus, WWI, WWII and 2017 conform to the Golden Mean. Using the 1966 founding of the Church of Satan, 1967 6 Day War, USS Liberty attack and 7th Tetrad (4 Consequetive Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles) as the focus, the 1948 founding of Israel, Year One Satan and 2017 3rd Temple? conform to the Golden Mean. 5 Doves copyrighted the photos but can be viewed here; just be careful as 5 Doves outlines everything from Aliens to Rapture to 7 Yr Tribulation www.fivedoves.com/letters/march2017/luisv319.htm
Luke 1 spells the real timing out clearly; John the Baptist was conceived during the course of Abia (June) and born on Passover. Jesus was conceived during John’s mother Elizabeth’s 6th month of pregnancy on Hanukkah “Feast of Dedication” (Mary became the New Covenant Temple of God) and born on Feast of Tabernacles 9 months later; Jesus was then Circumcised as called for under Jewish Law on the Great “8th Day” of Tabernacles (7th month 22nd Day; 22/7=Pi; the Circle of Heaven on Earth “Behold, I come quickly” Rev 22:7 is no coincidence). Now what year? Herod died April 4 BC (attested by Ceasar Augustus and Herod’s son; Herod died by the hand of an angel of the LORD after ordering the “Slaughter of Innocents” (1st born sons of Judea 2 Yrs and under); Jesus was a “Young Child” at that time and was taken to Egypt; 2 choices, Jesus was either 6 months old or 1 1/2 years old. So, if you were a Satanist organizing WWIII and a fake 2nd Coming, what date would you choose? In the Satanic Rituals “Mormo” is listed as one of the infernal names of Satan, it means “King of the Graveyard”; America will become a Graveyard; out of the ashes of the Phoenix, the New Atlantis will rise. The Mormon Oath of Vengeance requires Mormons to avenge the death of Joseph Smith on America until the last drop of Gentile blood is spilled. Sounds like fun eh? April 6: North Korea, Russia, Iran and Syria V US. Nero fiddled while Rome burned from a fire he started; Trump golfed.
The Constitution requires the President to nominate and Senate to confirm or reject Supreme Court vacancies; Merrick Garland needed to have that consideration. Neil Gorsuch will walk passed the Fasces on the Supreme Court Doors; his nomination confirmed by the Senate meeting in front of the Fasces, the symbol of Rome’s Capital authority over America. Illegally confirming Gorsuch, the Senate even played the “Nuclear Option” preventing Fillibuster of current and future Supreme Court nominees. Still think Neil Gorsuch as President and Founder of his Jesuit Prep School “Fascism Forever Club” was a joke? How about being editor of the “Federalist Paper” at Columbia? Still think the US is a Constitutional Republic? In fact, the US is Jesuit controlled Fascist Dictatorship. 5 Roman Catholics beholden to the Jesuit Pope sit on the highest court in the US. 3 Justices are near retirement: Ruth Bader Ginsburg 83, Stephen Breyer 79, Anthony Kennedy 81; Knight of Malta Donald Trump may very well nominate 4 or 9 Supreme Court Justices. When Rome conquered new territory, the first to arrive were legates carrying the Fasces demanding allegiance to Caesar; that symbol struck fear into everyone then as it should today rather than proudly being displayed over the Supreme Court Doors, Oval Office Doors and Speaker’s Rostrum. Federalism promotes control by a strong Federal Government. The Federal Government is not part of the United States nor subject to the laws it makes for the United States; like the Vatican, it is located on Sovereign Land. Neil Gorsuch is a “Graduate Brother for Life” in Phi Gamma Delta with fellow brothers Mike Pence (Mike Pence flashed “I love you Satan” at the Republican Convention; most of us didn’t notice everytime Pence spoke behind the Republican Elephant, the Stars were Upside Down), Donald Trump Jr and Donald Trump’s 33 degree, Arab Shriner Mason and lifelong mentor Rev Norman Vincent Peale. Quite the Fascist Trump Card eh? Arab Shriners (Noble Arabic Order of the mystic Shrine) wear the Red Fez to commemorate the slaughter of 50,000 Christians at Fez Morrocco. Still think America is a Christian Nation? Check out the Jesuit Oath requiring initiates to kill on command anywhere on earth including tearing open women’s wombs and swinging babies against the rocks; to pretend to be Catholic, Jewish or Protestant; to incite strife; to preach from pulpits and University lecterns and judicial benches. reformation.org/jesuit-oath.html
“T Rex” Tillerson is a Pilgrim Society Initiate (Corporate Elite bent on controlling the world’s assets like Oil, Exxon-Mobil would bring to market through Syria) “Steps are underway to depose Bashar Al Assad” What steps? 20 Armored vehicles entered Syria from Jordan April 9; ISIS will soon follow; now we know why Trump met with Edomite (Hashemite) King Abdullah II last week.
Russian warship Admiral Grigorovich (Grigor means “Watcher”) transited the Bosphorous Strait April 9 armed with Kalibr Mach 3 anti-ship cruise missiles, heading toward US ships that launched the Tomahawk Cruise Missiles.
Israel Def Minister Yisrael Katz (Katz means Kohannim “Chief Priest” + Tzaddiq “Righteous” eg SITE ISIS Propaganda Whore
Rita Katz) “US Defense Dept gave Israel front row seats for the attack…real time video and updates” That’s because Israeli Simon Elliot goes by the rediculous stage name Abu Bakr al Baghdadi who meets regularly with John McCain
Gen HR McMaster (Nat Sec Adviser) and mentor/traitor Gen David Petraeus call for 150,000 US Troops on the ground in Syria “Damascus shall be a city no more…a ruinous heap” Is 17:1 McMaster also calls for “Denuclearization of North Korea”; says President Trump is reviewing a full range of options to remove the threat.
USS Carl Vinson Aircraft Carrier Group reverses course, takes up position off North Korea; in time for April 15; Tax Day? In North Korea it’s the Birthday celebration of Kim il Sun, the US installed Dictator for life put in charge north of the 38th Parallel, marked with a pen on a Nat Geo Map by Charles Bonesteel and Dean Rusk. Like WWI, the Korean War ended in Armistice to be continued at a later date; the Korean War, displaced and divided 1 million Korean families over the world’s first UN managed War started by 33 degree, Shriner Mason Harry Truman. Good choice, USS Carl Vinson received the “Fed Ex” package; the alleged body of Osama bin Laden after the 9/11 stage managed raid, flown 1100+ miles in a 150mph Chinook Helicopter while being DNA tested before being tossed overboard from the Carl Vinson. Who still believes this garbage?
Donald Trump Jr “Mike Pence is in charge of my father’s Foreign and Domestic Policy” Why Mike? Donald Jr and Mike Pence are Phi Gamma Delta brothers for life. Mike holds mass murderer Dick Cheney in high regard; as an initiate of “The Family” Mike also holds Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin and Adolph Hitler in high regard; you see, those men understood the true message of the New Covenant best; 200M dead people probably differ with them however.
“Red Lines have been crossed in Syria…Russia and Iran will respond with force in the event of new US attacks in Syria” -Reuters, al Masdar News, Daily Sabah, Independent News. When Adolph HItler reversed the Swastika for the symbol of the Nazi Empire, too few took notice of the 4000 yr old broken “Sun Wheel” aka “Celtic Cross”. Time is Cronos the “Grim Reaper”; Red=Edom, the name Esau was given after he rejected the Covenant with God; the Golden Haired Apollo (Destroyer) worshipping Donald Trump wearing Red Horns was a little too obvious to notice eh? Satan Loves you too Donald! Jesus however finds nothing amusing “When I eat my little cracker and drink my little wine, I feel cleansed”-Donald Trump speaking of Communion, usually given to him by Arab Shriner, 33 Degree Freemason Rev Norman Vincent Peale.
Vladimir Putin says “US plans to attack Damascus and blame it on Assad’s forces” refer to Is 17:1
“Trump orders military to prepare plans to strike North Korea” UK Times Mirror Headline; the article claims “Pre-emptive missile strikes and special forces”
Tillerson travels to Moscow from Mar a Lago to deliver Vladimir Putin an “Ultimatum” over Syria. In 2013, Oil Billionaire Putin gave Oil Billionaire Tillerson the Russian Order of Friendship. 2 actors playing their new parts.
On St Patty’s Day #77 (Liber 77: Book of the Goat may ring a Baal) Trump met Angela Merkel at the White House; failing to acknowledge her presence, the “Biff in Chief” wouldn’t even shake her hand after being prompted by her and the press photographers; 2 actors playing their new parts in the greatest Stage Show on Earth.
Time is Chronos aka Saturn or “Grim Reaper”; Donald Trump wearing Red Horns or Queen Elizabeth II with her Maltese Cross Crown centered under IM and a story about the 9th Circle Satanic Sacrifice Cult a bit too obvious for most to take notice? Donald Trump is a Knight of Malta descended from Clan McCleod Knight Templars and Germanic fake Jews “Drumpf”; Queen Elizabeth II and the Windsor Royals are in the 9th Satanic Circle Cult and are Germanic as well (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha). In Gen 9:24 Japheth is prophesied by Noah to “Dwell in the tents of Shem” ie non-Semitic, fakes or “Cryptos” pretending to be Ole Covenant Jews and New Covenant Christians. Dante’s 9th Circle of Hell is “Treachery against God”, considered the worst of 13 Sins; hence M is the 13th English Letter representing “Rebellion against God”. British is derived from “B’Rith” ie “Birth Covenant”; that being Cain, Japheth, Ishmael and Esau; the latter renamed Ismail and Edom after their rejection of their Covenant with God. Edom means Red; hence the Red Horns and Red IM on the cover. Jesus’ titles” Alpha, Omega, Melchisedek (Priest-King of Jerusalem), I AM, JEHOVAH, I Am He and Jehovah; note the IM on the Queen’s Crown; Queen Elizabeth II proclaims herself “Queen of thy people…Queen of Jerusalem”. You may recall David Bowie’s Black Star used the phrase “I AM the Great I AM”; Black Star is Saturn, called by the Nazis “Schwarze Sonne” (Black Sun).
9 Interlocking Numbered Circles, each forming the “Fish Symbol”; Christian? Hardly, more like Phoenician; it symbolizes the Golden Mean seen atop the Aquarian Cross at Glastonbury Tor which is also shaped as a Fibonacci Spiral. The Age of Aquarius is ruled by Saturn folks! The 8 Pt Star of Isis in the Center is the same shape Foundation is under the Statue of Liberty (Isis) and Golden Dome of the al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount. Adding the 4 layers 9+2=11; 8+3=11; 7+4=11; 6+5=11, results in 44; Donald Trump is the 44th person selected President of the United States. There have been 8 Covenants between God and Man; the 8th is through the Holy Ghost; Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is the only Unforgivable Sin.
The intersection of the 9 Circles forms 8 “Golden Mean”, “Ratio of Life”, or “Fibonacci Ratio” aka “Phi” (1.618) seen in the RLDS Temple in Independence Missouri. 8 people were saved on Noah’s Ark and there have been 8 Covenants between God and Man; the 8th will be broken with acceptance of the Mark of the Beast.
WWI, WWII, and the Tomahawk Cruise Missile attack on Syria conform to the Golden Mean as does the 1948 Founding of Israel and 5th Tetrad, 1967, 6-Day War and 6th Tetrad and the April 6 attack on Syria. 2017 is 50 Years after the 1967 Tetrad ended; therefore a Jubilee Year. Think all this is just coincidence?
Passover/Easter Week
The week God was rejected, sent on “Fool’s Errands” by illegal fake Priests (Annas/Caiaphas) and the Sanhedrin, before being Scourged and Nailed to a Tree on “Good Friday” (actually the Eve of Passover) Fake Jews reading the Talmud story of Jesus boiling in Hell in His own Excrement and Christians busy with children hunting for Ishtar’s Eggs just brings a tear to the eye. Time to Wake UP! www.theresnothingnew.org/index/mn40677/Holiday
Roughly 100, mostly Germanic-Ashkenazi “Fake Jews” control the Trump Administration; Time Magazine calls Trump’s De-regulation Czar Carl Icahn “Master of the Universe” thezog.info/who-controls-donald-trump/
“Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord 1 Cor 11:27-Jesus
April 11-12 “Passover”
April Calendar: Passover April 11-12; Unleavened Bread April 12-19; Feast of First Fruits April 15-16; Pentcost June 3. Tax/Burden Day in the US aligns with “First Fruits” and the Roman festival “Fordicidia” where the sacrifice of a pregnant cow and her calf by fire in honor of the Earth goddess “Tellus” is required. Counting the Omer ends June 3.
Jesus was Crucified and removed from the Tree before Passover; He rose 3 1/2 days later on Feast of First Fruits; the Holy Ghost was provided to man on Pentecost. Easter has nothing to do with Jesus. Easter/Oestre/Ashtoreth/Ishtar/Cybele ring a Baal?
Revolutionary War begins at Lexington and Concord, planned by Freemasons at the “Green Dragon Tavern”
Holocaust begins with fire sacrifice of the Warsaw Ghetto; Hitler financed by the US.
Branch Davidians (David Koreish named after Korahites and King David) sacrificed by US military in violation of the US Constitution “Posse Cammitatus” using flame throwers mounted to tanks.
AP Murrah Bldg “America’s Choice Day Care” destroyed by professional demolition, Tim McVeigh a mind controlled patsy trained at Elohim (Elohim=followers of El aka Saturn/Satan) City
Boston Marathon “False Flag” using American Sniper Chris Kyle’s mercenary band “Craft International”
Counting the Omer 2017. www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Pulse Omar is the original Chief of the Edomites (Gen 36:15); Edomites are Wealthy (Fatness of the Earth), Priests (Dew from Heaven), Military (Live by the Sword) and in control of the entire World (Dominion) Ref Gen 27:39-41KJV. Jesus hates Edomites for “Selling their Birthright”; Jesus hates “Nicolaitane Doctrine” (Rev 2:6;15). Edomites “Conquer the Laity” by leading them to the Slaughter; Bolshevik Edomite Vladimir Lenin said “The best way to defeat the opposition is to lead it ourselves”. God renamd Esau “Edom” meaning “Red” which is why trained Scapegoats have Red Painted Legs. Without the Holy Ghost, Christians are Color Blind to this fact. 2016 was the UN “Year of Pulses”; A Pulse is a Tare among the Wheat; the Temple Mount is the Jebusite “Threshing Floor”; Tares (Born Again followers of JESUS) are removed from the Wheat (Cain’s offerings) at the “Mosque of Omar” (Mosque of the Great Speaker). 2017 is the UN Year of Sustainability. Eliminating the Tares from the Garden of Cain.
In 2016 at the conclusion of the 49 Days “Counting the Omer” on the 50th Day, June 12, 2016 Omar Mateen allegedly killed 49 people at the Pulse (Tare=Pulse) Nightclub. Omar=Omer; the Mosque of Omar on the Temple Mount is to be destroyed in preparation of the 3rd Temple at the start of the final Seven Sevens or 490 Days before the 2nd Coming of Jesus (Ref Dan 9:23-27) Folks, read the words of God, not the BS in your Study Bible notes. Omar’s father and exiled Afghani politician Seddique Mateen was placed directly behind Hillary Clinton at the Orlando Rally on 8/8/16; JESUS=888. On the Feast of Unleavened Bread, FaceBook Killer Steve Stevens posted a video of him killing an elderly man; Staged Hoax? Stephen means “Crown”, specifically a Martyr’s Crown from Stephen, the 1st Christian Martyr. Sackcloth and Ashes puts the puzzle pieces together, connecting this event with the Trinity Atomic Detonation and the Goddess of Discord. www.youtube.com/watch
Counting the Omer 2017 ends June 3; 2017 is the 50th Year following the 1967 capture of the Temple Mount and Golan Heights during the 7th Tetrad of 4 consequetive Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles. Recall, the Church of Satan was founded in 1966, the same year the term “al-Qaeda” was coined by Dervish Philosopher and Stanford University guest speaker Ibn Sayyid Qutb (Qutb or Kotb refers to the World Pillar) later executed for treason; Qutbism is based on Wahhabism (Muhammad Wahhab) prevalent in Saudi Arabia; Jebel al Laws aka Mt Sinai is in Saudi Arabia; Shariah Law and Noahide Law should ring a Baal.
Back to the goddess of Discord for a moment; Principia Discordia is “Eris”; Planet X (Planet of the Crossing) is designated 2003 Eris UB 313. Constantine saw this X in a demonic vision with the IHS “In Hoc Signo Vinces” sloganremovetheveil.com/ primes.utm.edu/curios/page.php/313.html “When there are 313 sincere followers of Shia Islam, al Mahdi will be revealed”. Islam’s 1st battle “Battle of Badr” against pagans of Mecca was allegedly won by 313 followers of Muhammad. There are 313 ! in the Authorized Bible; ! means “Woe”; the last “Woe” is the day of God’s Wrath; the 7th and final Trumpet. Donald “Biff” Trump is not the 7th Trumpet; the United States is not Rev 18 “Babylon” and al-Mahdi is definitely not Jesus Christ! The same day Steve Stevens (Martyr or Crown; note the Crown above the Baal’s Shaft on Iran’s Flag) appeared, Iran declared their mission to destroy Israel.
WWIII will center around the Temple Mount; the Mosque of the Great Speaker rejecting God is the Jebusite (Canaanites in Jerusalem) “Threshing Floor”. Saturn’s Flag and Saturn’s Scythe will be there because Saturn is “Father Time” (Cronos=Cronometer=Calendar=Clock) aka “Grim Reaper” and Time is Up!
This ridiculous picture of Iran’s Stealth Fighter F-313 “Qaher” is total Bullshit! A 1/4 scale plastic model the moron pilot can hardly sit on next to Crypto fake Jew Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Nee Saborjian “Cloth Weaver”) whose stated goal is to “Usher in the 12th Shia Imam “Al-Mahdi”. Come on folks! English “Danger”, “Remove Jury Strut” and “Remove before Flight” signs and a cheap crazed plastic canopy? We are being played for fools by Iran, Russia and our own Government!
Count the Omer folks! The same day, Iran declared “Death to Israel” (One who wrestles with God ie real Jews and Born Again Christians) the Nascent Sanhedrin (The Sanhedrin ordered the Crucifixion of God) petitioned Iran (Iran=Aryan=Noble Caste) to aid in the building of the 3rd Temple aka Mosque of the Great Speaker “Antichrist” “And a mighty king shall stand up, that shall rule with great dominion…and in his estate whall stand up a vile person…and obtain the kingdom by flatteries…both these kings hearts shall be to do mischief, and they shall speak lies at one table…and shall take away the Daily Sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate…” Dan 11. The “Kings” here are Antichrist and False Prophet aka Beast from the Sea and Earth aka al-Mahdi and al-Kidr; the Messiah Jesus said Israel would accept. The Sanhedrin cited Cyrus the Great ending 70 Yrs of captivity; “Houston we have a problem!” God annointed Cyrus because Cyrus recognozed the Sovereignty of God just like his Babylonian predecessor Nebuchadnezzar. Modern Iran is run by Paris “House of Isis” initiated Grand Orient (Rising Sun) Lodge Freemason Ayathollah ali Khameini who not only rejects the Sovereignty of God but regards his being as integral to the world; an egotistical moron matched only by Donald Trump. If you have not had a Baptism of the Holy Ghost; now is a really great time! If you are not sure, you haven’t had one yet.
4/20 “Weed Day” (Weeds are Pulses in Cain’s Garden or Slips in the Canaanite Gene Pool) Deep Water Horizon was set ablaze and sank on 4/22 “Earth Day”; forecasted 1 Yr earlier in Nic Cage movie “Knowing”. US Navy, FEMA and NOAA Disaster Planning Maps feature the area being blanketed to this day with high pressure Methane as being underwater from the inevitable collapse of the Salt Dome covering the area of the world’s largest Oil Deposit.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recognized Allegheny College Award for “Civility in the Senate” to previous winners “Women in the Senate” War Hawks Diane Feinstein and Lindsey Graham. She also recognized ISIS arming War Hawk award winner John McCain for insisting on the murder of Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Muamar Qadaffi and Bashar al Assad. “I endorse a pre-emptive strike on nut job Kim Jong Un” Nut Job Lindsey “Isis will Nuc Charleston Harbor” Lindsey Graham
China, “Shocked by the Syrian Missile attack” is moving 150,000 Troops to the Korean border; Korean News “Chosun”
Russia deploying S-400 missiles and troops to the Korean border.
US moving Cruise Missile ships and 3 aircraft carrier groups to the Korean Border.
Nero fiddled while the fire he set burned Rome; Trump played golf Trump sent ExxonMobile CEO turned Sec of State Rex Tillerson to greet “Golf Hater” Xi Jinping at Palm Beach Airport, a mile away from his $200K Private Pedophile Club “Mar a Lago”. Trump then excused himself during the “Most Exquisite Chocolate Cake ever” (a reference to the equally clueless Marie Antoinette “Let them eat cake” during the French Revolution) at the Dinner Summit to launch 60 $1.5M/ea Raytheon Tomahawk Cruise missiles which he owns stock in, that went up on the news, on China’s ally Syria. at a location that ExxonMobil needs for an Oil Pipeline (Rex Tillerson the ExxonMobil CEO turned Sec of State). The airbase was not damaged in the slightest and operational within 24Hrs of the Missile attack. The attack was in response to an obvious Chemical Weapon Hoax. Why would Assad use Chemical Weapons he doesn’t have (China and Russia were tasked by the UN with disposing the weapons), on a target of no military significance, on the eve of UN Peace Talks? Because it didn’t happen. Trump then sent Xi Jinping packing solo and played another round of golf; Shocking eh? On April 13 during an interview with “Money Honey” Maria Bartiromo, Trump couldn’t even recall which nation he bombed; Trump thought he sent missiles to Iraq instead of Syria. Shocking eh? Last month Trump refused to acknowledge or shake Angela Merkel’s hand at the White House; Shocking? or part of the world’s most elaborate Stage Show? “Nothing in politics happens by chance; if it happened you can bet it was planned” FDR
Egypt-Israel border closes amid concerns of “Imminent Attack” during Passover. You can read the full list of nations President Biff Trump has intentionally pissed off in Eze 38-39 “Gog and Magog” War. Germany=Gomer; Persia=Iran; Togarmah=Turkey Libya and Ethiopia? Done that. If your Bible has “Rosh” or “Rus” in Eze 38:2 toss it and get an Authorized Bible (KJV) Russia is not Rosh or Rus; Moscow is not Meshech and Tobolsk is not Tubal. The real “Gog and Magog” War is “AFTER THE THOUSAND YEARS” Rev 20:7-8
Massive US Convoy headed from Turkey (Togarmah) to Kobani (Ayn al-Arab). Kurds “YPG” (Kurdish People Protection Units) are HQ’d on Kobani; “Devil Worshippers of Kurdistan” are the Yezidis who worship Satan in the form of the Peacock Angel “Melek-Taus”; just ask rockefeller’s NBC who uses Melek-Taus as their Logo. The US arms both sides of the conflict between Kurds and ISIL. This convoy from Turkey (obviously pre-prepared) is in addition to 20 US Armored vehicles from Jordan (Idumea=Land of Edom, Ammon, Moab in Dan 11:38)
Raytheon “Light of the Gods” made the Bunker Busting Cruise Missile used on the Pentagon on 9/11/2001 and Tomahawk Cruise Missiles used on Iraq, Yemen, Libya and Syria; now Raytheon receives a $23M contract for Patriot Missiles to protect Israel, Qatar and Kuwait. Patriot means “Fellow Countryman/Compatriot” Why not protect Edomite Dictatorships like Israel, Kuwait, Qatar and Israel? No typo, read Obadiah; Jesus returns to Israel to destroy Edom, the enemy “Inside the Gates”
MOAB “Mother of All Bombs” Trump praised the military for a “Successful Mission”, yet no evidence any ISIS fighters were injured, only civilians. Russia has the “Father of All Bombs” weighing in at 80K Lbs. “Massive Ordinance Air Blast Bomb”? The psycholigical weapon developed in 2003 has never been used, because it is obsolete, just like the 59 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles disposed of from Raytheon inventory as part of “House Cleaning” before the 2017 Budget request for $2B worth of new Tomahawk Missiles. So why drop a CIA made psychological weapon on the CIA’s main source of revenue ISIS, White Helmet and al-Qaeda? in the Achin is the Opium Capital of Afghanistan. Afghanistan is called “Graveyard of Empire”; remember Dorothy (Doro=Door) had to traverse Opium Fields to get to Emerald City (Emerald is the mythical Stone cut from Lucifer’s Crown) which made her “Sleepy? The MOAB test was a distraction from the real War and US invasion in progress in Syria. MOAB means “Of his Father”, specifically referring to Lot whose incest relations with his eldest daughter produced MOAB, the perrennial enemy of God’s people. SALT “Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty”? There’s another good one! Lot’s wife became a “Pillar of Salt” for lamenting the wealth and freedom of Sodom and Gomorrah. The US and Russia never had a Cold War or SALT Treaty; they have always worked together to vacuum the wealth of their respective nations for the Bankers Jesus “Turned the Tables” on. MOAB was dropped on the Eve of “Good Friday”, the day Moabites, Ammonites and Edomites celebrate Crucifying God on the Tree. Dan 11:38 explains the “God of Forces” aka Antichrist will control all the resources of precious stones, gold and silver, allowing Moabites, Ammonites and Edomites to escape. Well folks, they won’t escape JESUS!
Mike Pence spending Korahite (Korea=Korahite)-Edomite Holy Day of Easter (no typo Easter=Ishtar, Astarte; Edomite King Herod celebrated Easter not Christians Ref Acts 12:4KJV) with US Troops in Seoul; Kim Jong Un orders 25% Pyongyang residents to evacuate; mostly those with criminal records not welcome in Bomb Shelters. US Ohio Class Nuclear Missile Sub carrying 154 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles takes up position off N Korean Coast. April 15 is North Korea’s “Day of the Sun” in honor of US-Russia installed puppet dictator Kim Il Sung. “The US will always seek peace, but the sword stands ready”-Mike Pence (The Family stooge) Pence is the first US Vice President to threaten a sovereign nation with war and he did it without Congressional authorization. The rest of the thinking world remembers how the US seeks peace in: Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan and Syria. Pence, the fake Christian should recall “He who kills with the sword must die by the sword”; Jesus said that Mike.
North Korean missile launch explodes on lift-off. US SBX-1 (Sea based X-Band Radar); off the Korean Coast. SBX is a Mobile HAARP (High Power Microwave Ionosphere Modification Weapon) used to project energy; examples of HAARP attacks were the destruction of Space Shuttles Challenger (Endo-thermis “Cold Explosion”) and Columbia (Ionospheric Heating); Thresher Submarine (ELF Waves travel through Earth and Water); Sichuan China and Fukushima Earthquake/Tsunami; Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy (Steering and Energy increase of Hurricanes). Worried about North Korea launching missiles? That’s funny.
Donald Trump delivers Easter/Passover message “The story of the Exodus is one of Freedom…” No Donald it’s not. The Exodus is a truth about absolute reliance on God. Lucifer promises “Freedom from God”. “When I eat my little cracker and drink my little wine, I feel cleansed” Donald Trump speaking of Communion; Pauls warns such Blasphemy brings on the of the Body and Blood of the Crufixion. Donald will get his “Freedom” “Depart from me I never knew you” will be Jesus’ response.
www.youtube.com/watch Video surfaces of Russian S-400 Missiles, Armored Vehicles and Troops moving into Vladivostok on the North Korean border.
“Nothing is more powerful than the bible in the hand of the common man”-King James The KJV is the only Non-copyrighted Bible; got one? you need one! John Baskett, a Scottish printer attempted to patent bible production including the KJV in 1717 by changing the only true Word of God subtely; the result became known as the “Vinegar Bible”, generating the slang term “Basket Case”. In Luke 20, the “Parable of the Vineyard” became the “Parable of Vinegar”; accidental mis-print? Hardly, Baskett was known as “The greatest bible monopolist who has ever lived” The “Baskett Case” even produced the “Book of Common Prayer” used in Protestant Churches today; your Personal Relationship with JESUS has nothing to do with “Common Prayer”; it’s a One on One “Baptism of Fire” via the “Holy Ghost” with the Creator of the Universe in your “Prayer Closet” “God hath put in their hearts to fulfill His will, giving their kingdom to the Beast until the words of God whall be fulfilled” Rev 17:17 In Gen 17:17 Abram falls on his face and laughs at God’s promise of Isaac at the age of 100; the Covenant with JESUS dates from that promise and Isaac. John Baskett has the unmitigated “Gall” to try to control publication of God’s Word; on the 300th anniversary, during the 2017 Satanic Jubilee Year, isn’t it time to get one? CISPA can prevent publication of all other Bibles; the KJV may soon be one of the most valuable and powerful commodities on Earth.
Crypto (Satanists who pretend to be Jewish, Muslim or Christian) Reccip Tayyip Erdogan wins Turkish (Togarmah) Referendum giving the ISIS arming, oil and heroin trafficking, wanna be Ottoman Sultan, Shariah Law Dictator, Israeli Sayanim (Whore), backed by the US Military, Fascist powers for life in a stolen election of course. Ergun Poyraz, imprisoned for his 2007 book “Children of Moses” states Erdogan and his wife work with Mossad; Jewish? Hardly, Ashkenazim are Germanic descendants of Japheth-Gomer-Ashkenaz and the brother of Ashkenaz, Togarmah, just like British Royals and the Trump (Drumpf)-Kushner clan. Jared Kushner’s Rabbi Chevrat Pinto is a generational Mystic and Kabbalist from Morocco, an initiate of Chabad (Chockmah-Binah-Daat=1st 3 levels of Kaballah) Lubavitch heading up an Ultra-orthodox Synagogue; he even claims to receive instructions from Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, the alleged 2000 yr old author of the Zohar, the Satanic “Book of Spendor”. Think Donald Trump is running the US? Guess again, try Jared Kushner. www.youtube.com/watch The fake Gog and Magog War is shaping up nicely eh?
USS Carl Vinson, USS Ronald Reagan, Aircraft Carrier Groups, USS Michigan Nuc Submarine headed for the Korean Peninsula. “The end of strategic patience is over”-Mike Pence who regards Mao Tse Tung as a pillar of the New Covenant. “I don’t telegraph my moves in advance”-Commander in Chief Biff. Russia was notified in advance of the Cruise Missile attack on Syria. “All options are on the table including Nuclear for North Korea” Nat Sec Adviser Gen McMaster, protege of traitor “All In” Gen David Petraeus whose mentor is Henry Kissinger “Soldiers are dumb stupid animals to be used as cannon fodder in our wars”. Who divided North Korea and South Korea? The US. Army Officers Charles Bonesteel and Dean Rusk used a Nat Geo map and a Marker to set up the 1st UN War which ended in Armistice on the Grand Climax of the Bohemian Grove Ritual “Begone Dull Care”, a 4000 Yr old Sumerian Ritual. Kim Jong Un’s grandfather Kim Il Sun was also set up by the US and Luciferian Mason Jesuit Joseph Stalin SJ. “We are regarded all day long as sheep for the slaughter”-Pharisee Tax collector Saul, turned Born Again Christian Paul by the power of the Holy Ghost.
InfoWars Alex Jones lawyer “Alex is simply playing a character, part of his role as an actor” in Divorce/Custody hearings. His wife Cindy also claims he is an actor. Why? Alex is the alter ego of Comedian Bill Hicks www.avclub.com/article/video-offers-irrefutable-proof-bill-hicks-alex-jon-212279.
DARPA (CIA research Def Advanced Research Projects) RADICS (Rapid Attack Detection Isolation and Characterization Scheme) awarded $77M to prep the DOD for Cyber attack of Power Grid. Boeing-Raytheon (Light of the gods) CHAMP (Counter-electronics High Powered Microwave Advanced Missile Project) is an MQ-9 Reaper (Saturn is the Grim Reaper) Drone based Microwave Power Grid destroying Weapon. NERC (Nat Elec Reliability Corp) is an NGO set up to crash the Power Grid using varying frequencies. Why $77M? Liber 77: Book of the Goat aka Liber 77 of Liber Oz may ring a Baal. America is the Scapegoat for “Babylon” aka Gate of Saturn. RADICS is a “Characterization Scheme”; Characterization of ISIS or Iran or Russia for example. Jesus however says “A man’s foes shall be they of his own household” Mat 10:36; Mic 7:6
Donald Trump claims “Korea was once part of China”; Biff in Chief is occultically referring to the mythical founding of Korea and Manchuria in 2333 BC by Dangun, the grandson of Hwanin “Lord of Heaven” whose son is Hwanung, the mythical Korean “Adam” whose son, wait for it! Cain. Cainites crossed the Flood with Ham and his mother producing Canaan. President Biff is telegraphing the Canaanite plan is in its final year: Creation to Flood=1656 Years; Flood +2333 years=0BC + 2017=6006 Years. Jesus was born in 6 BC. The occult meaning here is the Antichrist will be revealed in 2017 during the 50th Year Satanic Jubilee. 2333 BC is 1 Yr after Creation according to the usually accepted chronology of Bishop Ussher. 1656 Years Creation to Flood + 2160 Years Aries to Pisces + 2160 Years Pisces to Aquarius + 21 Years for Sargon the Great of Akkad to be declared “Legitimate King” brings us to the start of the 3 1/2 Yr Great Tribulation. Biff, getting pretty clever eh? Ready for the Great Tribulation? The occult intent to present the Alternative Messiah in 2017. If you are not in a personal covenant with JESUS, you need to be, the “Strong Delusion” comes with Antichrist.
Jesus’ DNA: Scientists are digging up the fake bones of John the Baptist in Bulgaria to determine a famillial link to the fake burial robe of Jesus “Shroud of Turin”. Not the first idiotic hunt for Jesus’ DNA, 7th Day Adventist Ron Wyatt claimed to find Noah’s Ark in Turkey (Try East of Babylon/Shinar like the bible says), the Ark of the Covenant (try Heaven), Mt Sinai in Arabia (I agree with this as do plenty of other invetigators and the bible narrative) and Jesus’ blood, released by the Spear of Longinus which dripped through the Earthquake crack onto the “Mercy Seat” of the Ark of the Covenant in Zedekiah’s Cave. What they will find is BullShit DNA.
April 24 “Operation Gotham Shield” FEMA simulating a Nuc/EMP (CHAMP is an EMP Weapon) detonation in NYC aka “Gotham City”. The same day Gotham TV Series episode premiers “How the riddler got his name”. Goth means “Barbarous, rude, cruel” speaking of Teutons (Germanic Pagans). Goths are “Cryptos”, they converted to Arianism, the false belief Jesus is subordinate to God rather than God in Flesh. Donald Trump’s Inauguration speech was copied from Bane in “Dark Knight Rises”. You may also recall, the map of Sandy Hook featured the exact number of boys, girls and teachers allegedly killed by Adam Lanza at Sandy Hook Elementary, 1 Yr earlier. Adam Lanza means “Red Spear”; Sandy Hook means “Play the Joker Card”. You may also recall Bane intended to detonate a Nuc/EMP in NYC. Coincidence? Sure, just like FEMA conducting a “Terror Drill” on 9/11/2001 in NYC.
The real president is Chabad Lubavitch President in Law Jared Kushner, initiated into a Zionist Doomsday Cult bent on starting WWIII. While Donald Trump was quoting Bane, did you catch the January cover of New York Magazine?
The official story is that the shooter pulled up to a police van stopped at a red light, opened fire on the van, ran off and was later shot dead. Chelloug, a witness, said “As soon as the policeman opened the door of the van, he fell.” No damage to the police van? Same thing happened in Nice; another staged hoax. Recall in London, alleged victims (Crisis Actors) posted photos from Westminster Bridge and were seen the next day jumping after the shooter passed by.
Champs Elysee is another Government Staged False Flag. Karim Cheurfi, convicted of killing a police officer in 2001, sentenced to 20 Years, let out early, back in custody Feb 2017, released Mar 2017, joins ISIS and kills another police officer and critically wounds 2. Rita Katz (Pearl + Kohannim/Tsaddiq “Righteous Priest) identifies killer as ISIS; must be true then, SITE (Search For International Terrorist Entities) wouldn’t release staged videos to blame Muslims; here is the staged video of Muslims cheering the attack gizmodo.com/this-video-of-muslims-celebrating-the-paris-terror-atta-1794523785 Just in time for Sunday’s vote for ISIS foe and Socialist Marine LePen who wants the Stte to run Health Care, Police, Fire, Financial Services, Hospitals, Schools and Transportation just like the US will do with TiSA (Trade in Services Agreement); the only difference is US Services will be managed by Foreigners who bid the lowest. Paris means “House of Isis”; the city was founded in 200 BC by Parisee Celts “Warriors of Isis”; Champs Elysee means “Field of the Blessed” (Elysium); on the north end is the Arch of Triumph and on the south is the Place of Concord ie those in league with Antichrist who promises Freedom (France=Sicambrian ie Germanic Franks=Free) from God.
The discovery was made by United Nations scientists who carried out a forensic study of the wreckage recovered from the Sea of Japan in February 2016British made Pressure Triggers recovered from failed North Korean ICBM test; odd? Not really, Kim Il Sung was installed by the US and Russia after WWII; the 38th Parallel drawn on a Nat Geo Map by US Army officers Dean Rusk and Charles Bonesteel; the Korean War ended in Armistice and is set to be continued after Donald Trump obtains the OK from 100 US Senators scheduled to meet with him at the White House April 25.
Related image Image result for dutch east india company logo picturesMike Pence “I love you Satan” After threatening North Korea with War, Zionist fake Christian Mike Pence visits the largest Mosque in Jakarta; Pence and Trump’s De-regulation Czar Carl Icahn are working with ISIS for Indonesian Regime Change. Carl Icahn controls Freeport McMoRan; his Corporate Lawyer called “Manarman” conducts ISIS (called FPI) Swearing In Ceremonies in Indonesia for Mossad. www.dailykos.com/story/2017/4/23/1655472/-TRUMP-CARL-ICAHN-AND-ISIS-IN-INDONESIA
Pence handed Indonesia $10 Billion worth of deals from Rex Tillerson company Exxon Mobil, General Electric, Lockheed Martin and Freeport McMoRan. Indonesia “Dutch East Indies” is the HQ of the Dutch East India Company (VOC), the first and by far the largest Global CORPORATION in world history. Military Industrial Complex (Lockheed, Boeing, Raytheon, BlackWater, Exxon-Mobil, Shell), Global Finance (World Bank, IBS, Federal Reserve), Investment Banking (“Money Changers”), Market Manipulation, Futures/Short Selling, Derivatives (ssentially Insured Casino Betting with a rigged deck), Limited Liability, Venture Capital, Slave Trading (Monsanto), Organ Harvesting (DYN Corp), Red Tape (Edomite Bureacracy) are all offspring of VOC.
Mike Pence is a Zionist, Satanist, initiate of “The Family” enamored with Mass Murderers Jesuit, Luciferian Mason Joseph Stalin SJ, Mao Tse Tung (Yale Divinity School Grad), Pol Pot and Adolph Hitler www.theresnothingnew.org/index/The_Family Pence is also an admirer of CIA asset, mass murderer, 32 Yr Indonesian President Mohamad Suharto and his son Tommy Suharto. Suharto was the surrogate family for Obama’s Indonesian Madrassa (Quran School), Mujaheddin (Warrior of Allah) CIA training (Columbia U “Missing Years”; 1983 travel from Indonesia to Pakistan ring a Baal?). Satanists Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld were invited on board AF-1 with generational Satanist Gerald Ford giving the “Green Light” for Suharto’s E Timor Genocide beginning in 1975. Transparency International voted Suharto “World’s most corrupt leader 20 Yrs running”. Suharto is worth $35 Billion from “Kickbacks” by handing State run monopollies to family and friends. Trump is building 2 Trump Resorts in Indonesia and Bali (Mossad orchestrated the Bali Nightclub Bombing) with Billionaire business partner Hary Tanoe, a fake “Crypto” Christian like Pence. Tommy Suharto and US Army trained, ISIS commander Gen Prabowo aka “Butcher of E Timor” are instigating another revolution, this time under the Black Flag of ISIS in order for Trump’s De-regulation Czar and Billionaire Ashkenazi fake Jew pal Carl Icahn and Freepost McMoRan to control Indonesian Gold, Copper and other raw material wealth. Read the bible people; Japheth-Gomer-Ashkenaz live in the tents of Shem ie “Fake Jews” Gen 9:27; Esau (Edomites) gather the Wealth (fatness of the Earth Gen 27:39-41KJV) and Indonesia is the center of the Edomite Kingdom.
Indonesia aka VOC is run by Crypto “Fake” Jews, Trump (Ashkenazi Drumpf building 3 Trump Resorts in Indonesia and Bali) and CORPORATE (Trump CORPORATE Tax Rate reduced from 35% to 15% make sense now?) Raider Carl Icahn business partner Indonesian Billionaire Hary Tanoe with Israel President, fake Jew Shimon Peres (Nee Simon Perski). Nobel Prize Perez (PERES means “Divide” referring to one’s SPIRIT Ref Dan 5:28) winner who handed control of the Cenacle (Upper Room of the Last Supper), King David’s Tomb and Temple Mount to the Jesuit controlled Vatican. Annual trade between Tel Aviv and Jakarta exceeds $500M; Indonesia like Israel is part of the Kingdom of Sabah (Sunrise) and Kingdom of Sulu (Quyraish ie Korahites of Mecca); overall, the Pacific arm of the Edomite World Dominion (Gen 27:41KJV). Sabian Astrologers founded the Unites States (Ref Sibley Natal Chart) and have been hard at work since the days God set Abram forth from Ur of the Chaldees to Harran. Chaldean Priests “Sabians of Harran” were known in Egypt as Hyksos (Foreign Shepherd Kings) and Priests of On (Osiris/Heliopolis; Trump and Putin are in love with his Roman name Apollo “Destroyer” ref Rev 9:11) and todays Chabad/Ashkenazi/Sephardic/Orthodox Rabbis whose goal is the destruction of God’s people “Israel”; not the modern Satanic version of Israel, but everyone who “Wrestles with God”. Sabian Astrologers later founded America, named after Amurru, the Edomite Shepherd/Serpent god. MH-370 had all 5 provisional patent holders of Freescale Technology KL-03 RF Hardware Micro-Chip on board. A US Patent Court awarded the Patent the day Indonesia declared the death of MH-370 passengers. Coincidence? or meticulous planning? www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Malaysia_Flt_370. The most valuable Patent in history is now owned by BlackStone Group and Edomite Gold King Jacob Rothschild. The chip is capable of remotely controlling Commercial Aircraft (handy in the event of a “Left Behind” fake Rapture event), Atomic Power Plants (handy for future planned Fukushima events), Power Grid Generators, ATM’s, Gas Stations, Cell Communications and the like. Mike Pence (Archangel Michael is the only Archangel in scripture; forget the Rabbbinical nonsense + Pence=Penny or Denarius); Mike Pence, the Black Horse’ Ass. Need to stage a fake 2nd Coming of JESUS? Start with BlackStone Group and Russia/US “Operation Blue Beam”
On April 24 Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Lord Jacob Rothschild and Trump’s Billionaire fellow Knight of Malta pal Rupert Murdoch (Murdoch=Babylonian “Marduk”) began Drilling for Oil in the Golan Heights. US based Genie Energy and subsidiary Israel based Afek Energy just received the illegal “Green Light” from fake Jew Luciferian Mason Benjamin Netanyahu to Tap Oil Reserves in Syrian territory, a sure fire trigger for War with Russia and Syria. Netanyahu is Ashkenazi ie a Germanic Pagan “Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes” who claims to be from the tribe is Benjamin. “Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf…and divide the spoil” (Gen 49:27) may ring a Baal; it’s Jacob’s prophecy for his son Benjamin. Folks, you are either in Covenant with JESUS or in league with the Devil. Time to choose sides! Edom is Red and inside the gates of Israel by the way. Read Obadiah if you doubt this.
UN Elects Saudi Arabia to Women’s Rights Commission. Women must wear Hijab or face public execution; have a male guardian making every decision from birth until death and no driving cars.
Wed April 26, 100 Senators summoned to White House, Operation Gotham Shield Washington DC “Coordinated Terror Attack Drill” and Minuteman III Operational Test Launch from Vandenberg AFB California. Trump’s Unprecedented White House meeting with 100 Senators, Jesuit Knight of Malta Donald Trump (Crypto fake Jew Drumpf), Chairman of Joint Chiefs Jesuit Joe Dunford, Pilgrim Society Rex Tillerson, Mad Dog/Chaos James “Kill everyone in the room” “It’s fun to shoot people” Mattis, and “The Family” Initiates Dan Coats, Jeff “KKK” Sessions and Mike Pence. White House descision on North Korea. April 26 FEMA exercise “Gotham Shield” simulating a nuclear attack on New Jersey and NYC. April 26 “Coordinated Terror Attack Response Drill” in Washington DC. Nuclear Minuteman III ICBM launch from Vandenberg AFB,
2 Aircraft Carrier Groups (Vinson off Korean Coast; Reagan in Phillippine Sea) and Tomahawk Cruise Missile carrying Ohio Class Nuc Sub USS Michigan (Area Code of Detroit Michigan is 313; there are 313 ! in the KJV for a reason) are in or near position off the Korean Peninsula. Mike Pence, summoned home early from Asia for White House MTG. The Korean War was the world’s first UN War (Balkan Genocide the first NATO War) and ended in Armistice. Trump advised the UN Security Council “Status Quo is Unacceptable”. The status quo may very well be the 1953 Korean Cease Fire? Korea is named after the goddess Kore and the Edomite Korahite Priests of Num 16 who worship the Devil under the name Azazel “Goat that Departs”. Kore “Goddess of the Underworld” is the goddess of Birth, Death and Re-birth in the Satanic minds of Gnostics. You may recall Kore as Persephone in the Nightclub Hell with “The Merovingian” in the Matrix; the same XXX Porn actress Monica Belucci played Jesus’ mother Mary in Satanist Mel Gibson’s “Passion of the Christ”. Korea is divided along the 38th Parallel because the 380-520-900 Pythagorean Triangle forms the angle representing the connection between “Mother” and “Son”, seen at the Great Pyramid “Queen’s Chamber” and Federal Triangle in Washington DC. This meeting is not just afternoon tea with the “Apollo in Chief” who admits he has never asked God for forgiveness.
Pre-planned? In March, Congress quietly allowed North Korea to be put on the list of State sponsored Terror Natons despite the fact they have never attacked anyone; this gives Pilgrim Society, Pedophile Boy Scout, Russian Oil Partner Rex Tillerson authority to declare North Korea a Terrorist Nation and attack in the event of a False Flag event like the Gulf of Tonkin or a false accusation of involvement with al-Qaeda and 9/11/2001 as was directed against Osama bin Laden in Afghansitan or Saddam Hussein in Iraq. What if Gotham Shield goes Live? God puts the “Basest of men” (Ref Dan 4:17) in charge of governments and they all want War. Ps 83:5 lists the Confederacy (Federal means Covenant with God; this is a confederacy against God) as Edom, Ammon, Moab, Ishmaelites, Amalekites, Philistines and Assyrians; basically the places Trump is building Trump Resorts. Rom 3:15, Prov 1:16 and Is 59:7 are also references.www.liveleak.com/view This AM Radio broadcast was repeated over and over on 1630 AM in Washington DC for days “Trump April 26” in 2016. The consensus? “North Korea’s pursuit of Nuclear Weapons is an urgent threat to US National Security”. NK’s next nuclear test whether fake or not will likely result in WWIII.
Crypto Trump planing 1st official State visit to Crypto/Marrano Saudi Arabian Royals in May; set up by Dina Powell (Egyptian ex Goldman Sachs, Dep Nat Sec Adviser) and Gary Cohn (Goldman Sachs FED Chair) to offer Arms/Oil Deals. Trump Resorts plans a new Saudi Arabia Golf Course to go with Trump Hotel Resorts in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Qatar. Like Trump (nee Ashkenazi Drumpf), Turkish Neo-Ottoman Sultan Erdogan, and Israeli PM Netanyahu Saudis are Crypto fake Jews claiming Israeli descent from Mordechai and the tribe of Benjamin, prophesied by his father to be a Wolf, dividing the Land for gain (Gen 49). The House of Saud arm and fund ISIS; Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal called Trump “A disgrace to all America”. Obama bowed in submission to King Abdullah; Trump will also bow to his Jesus rejecting Wahhabist/Qutbist overlords. The term “al-Qaeda” is “Made in America”; it was coined in Year One Satan (1966) at Stanford University by Ibn Sayyid Qutb. Saudi Arabian Terrorists on 9/11? Hardly, 9/11 was an “Inside Job”
Bill Nye “Science Guy” NetFlix Series “Bill Nye Saves the World” advocates letting 3 Yr olds choose their own sexual identity, claims anal sex is part of evolution and advocated developed countries punishing people for having children. Science eh? Yup, Science means “To Know”; you may recall the men who tried to have anal sex ie “To Know” to angels of the LORD at Lot’s house just before the LORD sent Fire and Brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah. Bill Nye believes People cause Global Warning and advocates less people; God however said “Go forth and multiply”; the time when people kill and think they are doing God a service may be here. Even a Carl Sagan “We are children of the Stars” trained moron like Bill Nye knows Homosexuals cannot reproduce; God saved the world from idiots like Bill Nye. The word “Science” is used 2 times in Scripture. Daniel refers to Science as the “Tongue of the Chaldeans” (Dan 1:4) ie Satanists and Paul tells Timothy “Science” is “Vain and Profane Babblings” (1 Ti 6:12). You can’t overestimate the damage caused by Science Liars, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Charles Lyell, Albert Einstein, Edwin Hubble (really Jesuit Georges LeMaitre), Stephen Hawking (Jesuit sock puppet), Carl Sagan, Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye.
National Geographic “Genius” Series begins. Einstein means “One Stone”; JESUS is the “Stone the Builders Rejected”; the Cornerstone of the New Covenant. Time to choose between a Lying, Serial Adulterer, Communist, Zionist, Plagiarist, War Monger, Attention Seeking Whore or the Man who embodied Truth and gave His life for it.
The US 7th Fleet is about to go toe to toe with North Korea; an understanding of North Korea’s Scalar Electro-Magnetic Weaponry aka “Vacuum Energy” may be in order. First off, the US created North Korea and installed the Kim Dynasty. Army officers Dean Rusk (Ref Memoirs “As I saw it” and Charles “Tic” Bonesteel divided North and South Korea on the Feast Day of Lucifer 1945, the same day Japan surrendered following the unecessary use of Atomic Weapons, in preparation for the UN sponsored Korean War which would claim the lives of 2.5M Korean citizens over 3 Years. At the same time, Donald Trump’s uncle John Trump was tasked with weaponizing the recently murdered Nikola Tesla’s technology for the US Army, which was transferred to Jesuit, Luciferian Mason Joseph Stalin SJ by Manhattan (Man + Aton=God Man) Project leader and Russian Ambassador Luciferian Mason, fake Jew J Robert Oppenheimer. North Korea has Russian EM Technology. Jesuits took their first Oaths of Allegiance to Lucifer/Satan on the Feast Day of Lucifer in the Crypt of St Denis (Dionysus=Lucifer) Cathedral Paris Aug 15, 1534; the plan for 3 World Wars was penned by Jesuit handled Confederate (Federal means Covenant with God) Luciferian Mason Albert Pike on the Feast Day of Lucifer in 1871.
“Lance” in Thomas Beardon’s book on Scalar Weaponry refers to the Spear of Longinus used to pierce the side of Jesus on the Tree; it is believed by the Luciferian Elite (Korahite Priests=Korea=Kore Ref Num 16 and Jude 7) that Scalar Weaponry “Tesla Shells” can be used to destroy Jesus at the 2nd Coming; they are wrong. Tesla Shells were tested on 9/11/2001, used to disintegrate the remote flown aircraft at the “Twin Towers”. Nikola Tesla invented and patented EM devices capable of transferring large amounts of energy anywhere on, in or above the Earth. Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, Weather Modification, EMP Power Grid destruction are all easy with Scalar EM technology.
When? The Cathedral of St John the Divine (Blasphemous combination of John the Baptist and John the Evangelist) tells the story. www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Cathedral_of_St_John_the_Divine A giant bronze statue featuring a DNA Helix, St John defeating Satan atop a Crab (Cancer=June 21-July 22) and a Union of the Sun and Moon. 2017 is the Satanic Jubilee, 50 Years after the 1967 6-Day War for the Golan Heights (Genie and Afek Energy are now drilling for oil in the Golan) and Temple Mount; these events timed with the 7th Tetrad of 4 consequtive Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles.
A Radioactive Jet Stream from the Scalar created Fukushima (also intentionally built on the 38th Parallel) disaster connects Korea (Korahites) and Japan (Land of the Rising Sun) with North America (Land of the Amorites). A “Vacuum Bomb”, whether physical “Thermobaric” Bomb such as the MOAB or Scalar EM “Endo-thermic” Bomb, detonated over a Naval Ship or City will remove the oxygen and pull down radiation killing in short order. A Scalar created Vacuum Bomb can implode Submarines at depth as demonstrated with the USS Thresher, 10 April 1963 or the USS Michigan Tomahawk Cruise Missle Sub off the Korean Coast, visible and vulnerable at depth using ELF Radars. America is the Phoenix of the New Age, planned from birth to be reduced to ashes. If you are not in a Personal Covenant with JESUS when the trigger is pulled, you will not be able to. I suggest a little One on One with the Creator of the Universe in your Prayer Closet may be in order!
US trained False Prophet Steve Ciocolanti “Discover Ministry” in Australia claims “Gog and Magog” War is tied to imminent Korean War. Gog and Magog is a gathering of nations around Jerusalem 1000 Yrs after the the 2nd Coming and Resurrection of King David; NOT NOW! www.youtube.com/watch Rev 20:7-8 “After the thousand years” and Eze 37-39 make this perfectly clear.
Image result for picture of tree stump on marsPetrified Tree Stump found on Mars? BullShit. To Petrify a living thing such as a Tree, High Pressure, Heat and Water are required in the presence of Sodium; the conditions found in one event only; Noah’s Flood. Petrified Tree Stumps in Escalante National Park, Petrified Forest in Arizona or the Grand Canyon are found buried in Sandstone once covered by hundreds or thousands of feet of Water. Don’t fall for the nonsense.
Skull & Bones “Brotherhood of Death” Satanist, Goldman Sachs Banker, Hollywood Horror Movie Producer, Trump Treasury Sec Steven Mnuchin promoting Donald Trump Corporate Tax Cut from 35% to 15%. Steve is a Chip off the ole block, in 1878 Supreme Court Chief Justice Morrison “Mott” (Mott is the son of Saturn “Grim Reaper” aka Phoenician “El”; Mott is his son, the Phoenican “God of Death”; Amerca is the “Phoenix of the New Age”) Waite Un-Constitutionally handed Coroorations the Rights of Citizens by changing the Constitution from “Consitution for the United States” to “CONSTITUTION FOR THE UNITED STATES”. The United States is a CORPORATION with its own CONSTITUTION that provides no rights to Citizens.
Illegal Immigrant Ted Cruz (father Raphael fled Vietnam draft to Canada; Ted was born in Canada when Canada offered no dual citizenship and gave up Canadian citizenship) promoting Mexico Wall by charging El Chapo Guzman. El Chapo used US Weapons transferred to Mexico by the State Dept account “US Direct Commercial Sales” and “Operation Gun Runner” during Hillary Clinton’s term. The US Army and Sinaloa Cartel deliver drugs into the US; nothing a Border Wall will stop.
Dr David Dao dragged off United Flight with broken nose; BullShit. Dao is not a Doctor (lost license in 2005); a Drug addicted Gay Prostitute, Poker playing Actor.
Apr 30-May 1 “International Worker’s Day” aka “Labor Day” in most of the world; Protests by Workers and Illegal Immigrants in Washington DC. Walpurga is the “Grain Mother”; Saturn is the “Grim Reaper”. St Walpurga? Patron Saint of the Merovingian Franks (Merovee is the Beast from the Sea; Frank means “Free from God”). Hitler escaped to Argentina, his double killed in Berlin the day before fellow Thule Society aka “Brotherhood of Death” Society Initiate Luciferian Mason/Jesuit Joe Stalin held Moscow’s “May Day” Parade in Red Square. The Celtic New Year is based on Agriculture; Jesus refers to those out of Covenant during the Great Tribulation as “Earth Dwellers” for this reason. Canaanites in Jerusalem “Jebusites” used the Temple Mount as a “Threshing Floor”. 2016 is the UN Year of Pulses; Grain Pulses are Tares; in people and the bible “Gene Slips”. 2017 is the UN Year of Sustainability; killing everyone not in league with Satan/Saturn. Jesus said no flesh would remain unless He shortened “Those Days”; they may be about here. Happy Walpurgisnacht/May Day folks!
The 14 Ft Wicker Idols “Gog and Magog” at Guildhall (Tax Hall) in the City of London Corporation aka “Square Mile” lead the Lord Mayor procession on Nov 11. November means 9th Month so in this framework 9/11. An Iron Wall is being built around Gog and Magog for 2017 because the 4th Beast (Morally Unrestrained) of Dan 7:7 is Iron. The Red Edomite Dragon guards Guildhall, the Justice Courts, Templar Church and Magna Carta from Commoners at the Temple Bar (Gate) until Taxes are paid. In America, Nov 11 is “Veteran’s Day”; Veteran means “Beast of Burden” aka Commoners or Donald Trump’s “People”. Gog and Magog are made of Wicker because they are of Celtic origin; “Wicker Men” contain Human Holocaust Sacrifices; Knight of Malta Nicholas Cage’ movie “Wicker Man” is worth a watch; unaware, he became the Wicker Man sacrifice on Beltane “May Day” May 1st, the Celtic New Year.
The British Empire is Ishmaili and Edomite; Brith=Birthright of the First Born aka “Covenant Men”; Cain, Japheth (Germanics/Turks), Ishmael and Esau (Red, hence the Red Dragon guards the Temple Bar. Prince Charles wears the Arab Keffiyeh Head Scarf as do Jordan (Jordan is Idumea the land of Edom, Ammon and Moab) Elite and Indonesia aka “British East Indies” because they are Edomite. Sir Francis Bacon wrote “New Atlantis: a Work Unfinished” in 1620, calling America the “Phoenix of the New Age”. Phoenix is a mythical Arabian bird used on US Gold Coins known to self immolate by fire in order to re-birth itself; America is named after the Amorites who offered human sacrifices to Molech; exact replicas of the sacrificial centers are currently in Trafalgar Sq London and New York City Hall Park. Amorites also wrote the Code of Hammurabi, the first laws in opposition to God’s Laws upon which the Magna Carta was written. America is to be destroyed by Fire as the Phoenix; a Scapegoat for Rev 18 “Economic Babylon” (Gate of Saturn/Molech)
Gog and Magog is in the Quran (Sura 18); the Arabic version is Yajuj and Majuj, 2 Giants who dig under the “Iron Wall” which is repaired by Allah, the Arab god “Sin”. In the Bible, Gog and Magog is a gathering around Jerusalem, King David and Jesus Christ of all Nations. In Dan 7:14, the 7000 yr old reunion of the SPIRIT of God and Jesus Christ (God in Flesh) destroys everyone, just as everyone is destroyed in an instant at the 2nd Coming when Jesus arrives at Armageddon “Valley of Slaughter”. Nobody battles Jesus and wins. The mythical final battle of “Good/Light and Evil/Darkness” (God and Satan) is Zoroastrian nonsense; in this Chaldean scheme, the God of Light is Ahura Mazda and the God of Darkness is Ahriman, the latter represented by America.
God’s New Covenant Laws are “Love God” and “Love our Neighbor”. Edomites obtain “Dominion” (Sovereign Authority to Rule the Earth) in Dan 7:6 as the 3rd Beast; the 4th Beast comes quickly afterward and destroys nearly everything and everyone. If you want to wait until Nov 11 and see how all this works out, fine but that may be too late to establish a One on One personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe; his name is JESUS (Mat 1:25KJV), JAH (Ps 68:4KJV) and JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3). There are no other Names of God to make a Covenant with.
Satanist Rex Tillerson making the case at the UN for War with North Korea; urges UN to act before North Korea does; threatens US sanctions on nations trading with North Korea; promises US will not sit idly by. The Korean War was the first UN War, just ask ex UN Sec Gen Unification Church disciple “Moonie” Ban Ki Moon. Sun Myung Moon taught Jesus failed his mission and he was sent to fulfill it. The UN Meditation Room has a Black 13,000Lb Lodestone (Leading Stone) Altar illuminated by a single shaft of light in front of a Serpent wrapped poll. Pretty hard to figure out how all this ends eh?
TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) is dead. TTIP (Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) is dead and the break-up of the European Union on the horizon. TiSA (Trade in Services Agreement) is however alive and well; Foreign Corporations bidding on Air (John McCain’s long awaited dream of Cabotage), Rail, Truck Transportation, Investment Services, Health Care/EMS Police, Fire, Prisons etc. Trump threatens to end NAFTA (Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico) by imposing Canadian Lumber Tarrifs and the Mexican Wall. Trump threatens War with North Korea with War. Trump threatens to end Free Trade deal “KORUS” with South Korea. Why isolate the United States? America is the Scapegoat for Rev 18 “Economic Babylon” and 2017 is the Jubilee Year. Read the text: “Babylon the great has fallen…nations have drunk the wine of her fornication…become the habitation of devils…no man buyeth her merchandise anymore…and cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying What city is like unto this great city!…that great city of Babylon…shall be found no more at all. America (Land of the Amorites) was born to be the Phoenix of the New Age, America’s bonfire of Debt ($21T Cash + $77T Unfunded Liabilities ie SS, Medicare, Gov’t/Military Pensions) + $1.6Q Derivatives) is far more than the currency in circulation; in a Jubilee, Debts are cancelled. The Golden Age of Saturn will rise from America’s self destruction under the only name possible, the “TRUMP” of Satan. Time for a little One on One with the real Sovereign God; His Name is Jesus.
Donald Trump “I’m a Nationalist and Globalist” Odd? Not really, honest. National: Birth, Common Ancestry, Tribe, Breed, Stock, Race, Rank, Country, Rank. Global: Universal, Earth, Worldwide. Gen 27:39-41KJV Isaac prophecies his son Esau will live Wealthy (Fatness of the Earth), by Killing (By the Sword), as Priests (Dew of Heaven). Common Birth Ancestry? Abraham’s Covenant with God required his sons to never take Canaanite women as wives; Ishmael and Esau disobeyed; Isaac and Jacob obeyed. Canaanites are connected to Cain through Incest of Ham and his mother. Ancestry/Tribe, Breed, Stock? Cain, Japheth, Canaan, Ishmael and Esau. Race? There is 1 Race of Man and Woman made from Man on Earth; Elitists ie Cainites, however regard Lucifer as the father of Cain. Rank? Esau achieves “Dominion”, meaning “Sovereign authority to rule” over the Earth; Sovereign “Person having highest Rank”. Donald Trump’s real name is Drumpf, an Ashkenazi (Germanic Crypto Jewish name) Donald: King of the World + Trump: Card agreed to outrank all others.
UN Sustainability Advisor: “The next human-caused climate disasters should be named Typhoon Donald, Superstorm Ivanka, and Megaflood Jared”
Proof! Iroquois Pipeline admits using XNG trucks!
Check the graphic. Iroquois says they are taking XNG gas at Manheim from trucks despite XNG telling everyone the direction was FROM the pipeline TO the trucks!
Graphic says trucks are 350 DTH/truck, although Titan XL is ~520 DTH. They say they are doing 50k DTH/day, which is 13% of the Constitution’s capacity of 650k DTH/day. Recall I estimated 8%. I was pretty damn close!
ocalled Black former slaves are the originators of the idea of honoring fallen soldiers. The official term “Memorial Day” came some years later. However, the original idea comes from scoalled Black Americans. And scoalled Black children participated in the first Memorial ceremony.
During the spring of 1865, African-Americans in Charleston, South Carolina—most of them former slaves—held a series of memorials and rituals to honor unnamed fallen Union soldiers and boldly celebrate the struggle against slavery. One of the largest such events took place on May first of that year but had been largely forgotten until David Blight, a history professor at Yale University, found records at a Harvard archive. In a New York Times article published in 2011, Blight described the scene. While it is difficult to pinpoint the precise birthplace of the holiday, it is fair to say that ceremonies like the following are largely erased from the American narrative of Memorial Day.
Donald J. Trump(Drumpf )gave Pope Francis a bronze flowering lotus made by Geo(Geo=Earth)ffrey C. Smith Galleries called “Rising Above,”
Donald Trump gives Pope Francis a Bronze Lotus Flower sculpture entitled “Rising Above”. The Lotus is the sacred flower of Buddha called the “Flower of Enlightenment” and sacred in Egyptian religion called the “Womb of Isis”. The Lotus symbolizes Divine Re-birth through Illumination; it is equivalent with the Eye of Horus, seen above the Unfinished Pyramid on the $US ONE. In “Secret Doctrine”, the Theosophical book by Helena Blavatsky, the Lotus carries the Seed of Reproduction, it’s placenta “umbilicus” attached to Mother Earth (Laudato Si is an Earth worship Encyclical), the Womb of Isis; the Holy of Holies and Temple of the Living God.
Zbigniew Brezezski Grand Chessboard/TrilateralCommission scoundrel is dead at 89(17). Now it some happen the co creator of Trilateral Commission David Rockefeller who’s Dead too. Fake Death to go into hiding. Something on horizon???
More recently, Brzezinski was senior research professor of international relations at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and a counselor for the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
In 2016, Brzezinski received the US Department of Defense Distinguished Public Service Award, the agency’s highest civilian honor.