Trump Theme “I have never apologized to God; I do however take Communion”-Donald Trump FBI Director James Comey (Clinton Iran-Contra Lawyer) firing and Russian spy (Flynn Intal Group) Gen Mike Flynn are not coincidental; they are the set up for a Trump Impeachment/Assassination. President Pence would be a nightmare of unimaginable proportion, an initiate of “The Family”, a closeted Sodomite who admires mass murderers of their own citizens like Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin, Chairman Mao Tse Tung, Adolph Hitler and a host of African Kleptocrats. “Thou shalt not kill” pretty hard to understand eh?
“Who was the last actor to shoot a President?”-Admitted Satanist Johnny Depp
In May, the Trump family stood next to Pope Francis wearing black veils. GWAR and Municipal Waste Rock Bands led the Satanic pack decapitating Donald Trump. Rastafarian (Rastas believe Haiie Selasi was Jesus reincarnated) Calvin Broadus “aka “Snoop Dog” rejected Jesus and made a pact with Satan, his Lord and Savior, written in “Doggfather”(Sirus is the Dog Star aka Arab Qalb and Mormon Kolob) and changed his name to Snoop Dog.
Brian Warner aka Marilyn Manson, also a self admitted Satanist seen recklessly tearing out Red Printed (Words of Jesus) pages from the Bible on his Say Ten music video changed his name to Scientology and Process Church CIA mind controlled mass murderer Charles Manson and CIA martyred (Barbiturate anal suppositories to silence the Kennedy concubine) mind controlled sex slave Marilyn Monroe.
Self admitted Agnostic Simpsons creator Matt Groening predicted the Trump Presidency 20 Yrs in advance as well as the Trump Presidential funeral. In “Trumptastic Voyage” the 2001 Monolith sits at the tip of Trump’s Golden Haired Head; you may recall Astronaut David Boman (Bowie’s Black Star may ring a Baal) ends with his death and re-birth as a Spirit Baby, a Gnostic theme called “Transmigration of Souls”; Siriusly folks! Note the Secret Service Agent; they are Treasury Dept Agents not hired to protect the President but the $US. Assassinated Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy threatened the $US by printing “Greenbacks” and “Silver Certificates”; they died.
Ordained Minister in the Universal One Church (ONE on the $US is the All Seeing Eye of Horus aka Satan) in Florida, Kathy Griffin got into the act; and it was just that, an act; she and Donald Trump are good friends. Kathy Griffin admits she made a pact with the Devil. In comedy routines, the aging Satanist regularly Blasphemes Jesus, His followers and the Bible. On June 21, 2011 she attended Prince Charles’ masked ball with Joan Rivers (think Eyes Wide Shut); Joan quietly faded away 3 years later with no autopsy and a $130M insurance payout and Kathy, a $10M Bel Air mansion next to the Kardashians
University of Alaska proudly displays a painting of the decapitated Donald Trump, by Captain America.
In 1971 C Alan Martin predicted the 44th President and 12th from 33 degree Mason and 33rd President Harry Truman would be its last; Trump is both. Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix by Satanist Aleister Crowley may ring a Baal; 44 is the number associated with Blasphemy of God, the 9th Circle of Hell in Dante’s Inferno. America is the Phoenix of the New Age and Donald Trump is driving the bus.
“Devil is in the Details” Delta Air Lines “Wiget” logo is called the “Dragon Eye” (Dragon is the Serpent, Devil, Satan Ref Rev 12:9) an official sponsor of Shakepeare in the Park (pulled suport over the event on June 12; the play had been rehearsed for a month). Delta Airlines even put the Devil in the Tail.
“There is no new thing under the Sun”-Solomon In 1937 Martian Hoaxer Orson Welles wrote “Heil Caesar” portraying Julius Caesar as a combination of Fascist Benito Mussolini and Nazi Adolph Hitler, setting the pre-planned stage for WWII; Fascists/Nazis/Japan playing the Dark role; Communist Russia/British/US wearing the White Hats. Shakespeare in the Park: Julius Caesar portrayed as Donald Trump; Tweeting from a Gold Bathtub with Golden Hair, with his Slavic Wife, assassinated beneath an American Flag (hence Captain America and the Secret Service Agent scenes). Note: Nude model/prostitute, Communist and University of Slovenia Architecture Degree (total fraud) Melania Knaus had been groomed as a child for this role (Yes, it’s all an act) starring in a 1993 commercial playing the role of US President she was introduced to Donald Trump by who else but the Russian Communist business partner of Trump. William Shakespeare is myth; Shakespeare is an epithet of Pallas-Athena, the goddess of War shaking her spear. Francis Bacon wrote “New Atlantis: A work unfinished” in 1620 detailing the self immolation of America as the Phoenix of the New Age. The US Senate is set to announce “Tough, Bi-Partisan Russian sanctions” over Election tampering; Sanctions are an Act of War.
Herald the Messiah! NOT. Rabbi Yosef Berger, Chief Rabbi of King David’s Tomb (Controlled by the Vatican) says lightning storm over England is a sign from the Book of Job 37:3, a presage of the Messiah and Israel’s redemption. The Rabbi says England means “Edge of the Earth”; it does not. England means “Land of the Angels”, a Pagan Germanic tribe. Britiish means “B’Rith” or “Covenant Men”; the Birthright Covenant of Cain, Japeth (Japheth-Gomer-Ashkenaz are Germanic fake Jews) Canaan, Ishmael and Esau.
Emmanuel Macron “Make our Planet Great Again” refers to the US withdrawl from the Paris Climate Accord. If CO2 is so bad for the environment, why do commercial Green Houses use CO2 generators to triple the CO2 levels? Why are Green Houses called “Hot Houses”?
LA Mayor Eric Garcetti and Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter started “Climate Mayors” in 2014 for this event. NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio led the pre-planned break with the Federal Government position signing an Executive Order committing NYC to the Paris Climate Agreement; over 187 Cities have also committed to the Paris Agreement. Pretty fast action eh? It appears the break up of America may be over the Paris Climate Agreement. Ex NYC Mayor, Billionaire Knight of Malta (Donald Trump is also SMOM) is putting together a coalition of States starting with CA, NY, WA to agree to the Paris Agreement. As will be seen shortly, the Paris Climate Agreement is Planetary Suicide, first for plant life, then for animal and human life.
Pope Francis’ Encyclical “Laudato Si” (Be Praised” is an Earth worship teaching paper calling for the death of over 6 Billion people to save the planet from CO2 and Methane pollution. CO2 increases Plant Respiration; Methane oxidizes into CO2 and Water Vapor, the conditions in “Green Houses”. The Georgia Guide Stones in Elberton GA call for the death of all but 500M people. Talmudic Rabbis use the term “Tikkun Olam” (Repair the Earth) to call for a return to the Garden of Eden, a world without God “Desert” is the meaning of “Free” seen in France, America is set to be the Scapegoat (Num 16) for “Babylon” (Rev 18), the Phoenix destroyed on the altar of the New World Order.
Alleged closeted Pedophile/Sodomite, Jesuit Knight of Malta Donald Trump (Ref Jeff Epstein Pedophile Island; Mar al Lago, Roy Cohn, Plaza Hotel) and alleged Sodomite Emmanuel Macron (Mathieu Gallet Radio France CEO; Jesuit High School arranged private meetings between Macron and his 25 Yr senior drama teacher now wife/beard at 15) are just playing their Jesuit scripted parts. Sodom and Gomorrah was the post Flood continuation of Cainite religion; no coincidence Ireland elected its youngest and first openly Gay, Hindu, Prime Minister Leo Varadkar June 2. Ireland is called “Emerald Isle”, the end of the “Yellow Brick Road”.
Jesuits use Blackmail to control their initiates; the motto “Sex before 8 or its too late” may ring a Baal. Jesuits are the “Militia of Zeus (Jupiter is Zeus) and Minerva”; June means “Sacred to Juno”, the daughter of Saturn (Six Pointed Star of Saturn/El/Moloch/Chiun) and sister-wife of Jupiter originally called “Lucina”. A bit too obvious, Lucina is the sister-wife of Lucifer which is why Juno goes by the title “Regina”, Queen of the Satanic Triad Jupiter-Minerva-Juno. Juno’s most prominent role is Juno-Moneta, in charge of the Treasury. The easiest way to stop the US from polluting the planet? Collapse the economy. Macron is a Rothschild (Edomite) controlled banker as is Bilderberger Initiate and Trump Treasury Sec Wilbur Ross who is attending Bilderberg 2017.
Make our Planet Great Again also refers to debt forgiveness; 2017 is the Satanic Jubilee Year and the US is in Debt (Edomite Red Ink) over $100 Trillion. America’s Holocaust will erase $22T in cash; $77T in unfunded liabilities (Gov’t insured pensions eg PBGIC, Government Pensions, Medicare, Social Security) and $700+Trillion in Derivatives. “Creditors make Slaves of Debtors”-Jesus Who are the Creditors? Edomites, the Wealthy Usury Lenders Jesus turned the tables on 2000 Yrs ago. Jesuits are in control of the Vatican, King David’s Tomb, Cenacle (Last Supper Room) and Temple Mount where this event happened. Want to have your debts erased? Better ask JESUS before it’s too late. Want to live in the “Free World”? Accept the Mark of the Beast and reject JESUS. A simple choice with consequences that last for eternity.
Anthropogenic Global Warming is a Lie Green Houses achieve CO2 levels of 1500PPM using CO2 Generators, a 3-5X improvement over current levels of 300-500PPM. Plants use CO2 to produce Oxygen, the fuel source of human and animal life. Global Warming increases Evaporation; increasing the Hyrdologic Cycle (Rain) and indeed all life from Plants to Animals and Humans on Earth. CH4 (Methane) oxidizes on contact with O2 to form Water Vapor which is lighter than Air and rises to the Saturation Level forming Opaque White Couds which reflect Infrared Light, the only source of Solar Heat. Global Warming is Bull Shit, a clever, crafty Lie to convince people to reduce CO2, killing Plants, the producers of Oxygen and indeed all life on Earth. Believe Leonardo DiCaprio and Al Gore or God but not both. Earth has 2 primary mechanisms to correct Temperature: 1 Evaporation or Hydrologic Cycle and 2. Thermohaline Conveyor. 75% of the Earth’s surface is covered by Water, most of it Salt (Haline) Water. Warming increases Evaporation; Water Vapor is lighter than surrounding Air, so it rises to the Saturation Level. Clouds form which are White and Opaque reflecting Light away from the Earth’s surface. Red Light refracts to form Infrared which interacts with Water in the Atmosphere causing Heat Energy. More clouds, less heating, it’s that simple.
How does the Earth create CO2 and H2O? Volcanic Eruptions. How does Earth correct a Fever? Thermohaline Conveyor
Deep Water Horizon has and still is destroying the Thermohaline Conveyor. The Thermohaline Conveyor works because Salt Water is heavier than Fresh Water. Salt Water also differs from Fresh Water in that Colder and or Saltier Water is denser; circulation occurs as denser water migrates toward less dense. Warming at the equator is offset by melting of Fresh Water glaciers nearer the poles. Heavier Salt Water dives under Fresh Water inhibiting the heat distribution at higher latitudes, both north and south. Again, Earth has a self correcting system to keep the temperature necessary for life just right. God created the Earth to self correct; Volcanic Eruptions release Methane to increase CO2 and Water Vapor; anyone who has seen or visited a Cloud Forest knows what life in the Garden of Eden could be like. Make our Planet Green Again, by increasing CO2; increasing the Population and increasing Global Temperature. Let Hollywood actors Mark Ruffalo and Leo DiCaprio, Nobel Peace Prize winner and Luciferian Mason Al Gore, and Jesuit Pope Francis believe Global Warming is bad for the Earth; God said “Go forth and multiply”. I’ll debate the issue with anyone on Earth.
CO2 is prodiced by Ocean Life; Fukushima is destroying Ocean life in the Pacific. Chloro means “Pale”; Chlorophyll and Sunlight turn CO2 and H2O into Human Food; Pale Horse “Death” ring a Baal?
Luciferian 33 degree Mason, Nobel Peace Prize Winner, St Al of Gore at South Korean resort “Jeju” for the “Challenges and Opportunities of Climate Change” Summit. Al Gore believes “Arab Spring Revolutions and Syrian War are the result of “Climate Change”. Damn fool needs to look at George Soros.
Bilderberg MTG June 1-4 Westfield Marriot, Chantilly VA. #1 Topic? Trump of course. Now how does one destroy America for its Climate Change denial
and blame it on God? CERN, which is why Fabiola Gianotti, the CERN Director General is attenting. CERN is situated over an ancient Grotto of Apollo aka Apollyon/Abaddan “Destroyer”; Hindus call Apollo “Shiva” whose Idol dances the “Nataraja” (Dance of Destruction) out front. J Robert Oppenheimer “I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds” the 33 degree Luciferian Freemason, Soviet Spy was quoting Apollo/Shiva in the Bagavad Ghita; the Mahahattan Project Head witnessing the Trinity Detonation declared himself “Death”, another name for the Pale Horse. Now you know why CERN uses the 666 Logo.
You may recall on American Independence Day July 4, 2012 CERN announced near 100% proof of the “God Particle”, the mythical particle that gives Mass to Matter and Order to the Universe. The day was originally chosen by Rosicrucian Satanists Ben Franklin and Ebeneezer Sibly and published in the Library of Congress as the “Sibly Natal Chart”. Bilderberg will decide America’s Death and Re-birth time as the Phoenix rising from the ashes to form the New World Order. Now you know why Donald Trump has dedicated his Trump Tower Penthouse to Apollo; and why Vladimir Putin dedicated the Sochi Olympics to Apollo. Sochi is a famous pilgrimage site where Prometheus breaks free of his chains and the American Eagle pecking his liver; Sochi means “Flame”. Prometheus gave fire to man, seen at Rockefeller Plaza.
An injured man arrives to a hospital after a blast in Kabul, Afghanistan May 31, 2017.Afghan man carries an injured man to a hospital after a blast in Kabul, Afghanistan May 31, 2017.
Kabul Bomb Blast predicted April 21 “Imminent False Flag in Afghanistan” Australian Embassy in Lockdown; what a coincidence ISIS arming, war hawk John McCain was in Sydney speaking on Terrorism eh? The event follows a similar car bombing in Baghdad, Iraq, the significance will become obvious in a moment.
Chanakya, a 4th cent BC semi-mythical philosopher similar to Zoroaster was known as Vishnu Gupta (Protector of Vishnu) “Kill your own people and blame it in the enemy”. The April prediction not only specified Kabul, but the Diplomatic District and also the full commintment of the US. Right on cue, Jesuit Initiated, Greek Poetry afficionado and lifelong bachelor Gen “Mad Dog”, “Chaos”, “Kill everyone in the Room”, “Its fun to shoot people” Mattis calls on US to send in thousands more troops to Afghanistan, the land his Sodomite idol Alexander the Great called “Graveyard of Empires”. The Chaldean/Medean/Aryan/Vedic Trinity “Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva” may ring a Baal. Shiva was known in Rome as Apollo and not only stands in front of the CERN Large Hadron “God Particle” Collider over an ancient Temple of Apollo/Shiva, he is the God enshrined in Donald Trump’s Penthouse. Apollo/Shiva is called in scripture, Apollyon/Abaddan “Destroyer” in Rev 9:11.
The world’s largest Exodus will start at the 38th Parallel in Fukushima from radiation and the 38th Parallel in Korea where 3 US Aircraft Carrier Groups await the orders to start WWIII; Korea is named after Korahite Priesthood/Koreish Bedouins in Num 16); across the Silk Road to the Karakoram Hwy to Islamabad, Pakistan, home of the fake bin Laden raid “Zero Dark Thirty”; from there to Kabul, Afghanistan, Teran, Iran, Baghdad, Iraq, and Jordan, the ancestral home of the Ammonites, Moabites and Edomites and thence to Armageddon “Valley of Slaughter”, completing the 5th, 6th and 7th “Woes” aka “Trumpets”. That blood looks as real as an ISIS decapitation or Pulse Night Club Crisis Actor. Carrying a person with a Triage Tag? and a gaping shoulder wound by what else? his wounded shoulder facing the camera; Why not put him in the Red Crescent AMBULANCE?
NATO BALTOPS 2017 1-16 June, 2017. “Cyber attack against any NATO Nation is now grounds for War.” 9th Circle Satanic Cult initiate and Bilderberg 2017 invitee, NATO Sec Gen Jens Stoltenberg Who knew Turkey or Luxembourgand could start WWIII? MH-17 was directed by air traffic controllers in Germany, Poland and Ukraine over a war zone during NATO Exercise “Rapid Trident” with several dozen deceased corposes on board and a tail number that didn’t match the cancelled aircraft from Schipol airport; no worries, any one of these liars can start WWIII with a simple Cyber allegation Now how does hte $Billion NAZI Lightning Bolt NATO HQ look?
IISS (International Inst for Strategic Studies) Shangri-La Dialogue Summit June 2-4 in Singapore. Timed with the arrival of the USS Nimitz Carrier Groups, joining the USS Carl Vinson and Ronald Reagan off the Korean Peninsula, Jesuit, Gen “Mad Dog” “Chaos” “Warrior Monk” “Its fun to shoot people” Mattis “North Korea is a clear and present danger and an urgent military threat” As the 2013 Summit ended, Mol Comfort, a Jaopanese built cargo ship for American Presidents Line Russia (Yeah I know; Camp David was also called Shangri-La) departed Singapore and split in half 11 days later on the Feast Day of St John dumping 5000 Shipping Containers of weapons destined for John Kerry and ISIS leaders in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Shangri-La means “Earthly Paradise”; Talmudic Rabbis call the process “Tikkun Olam” meaning “Repair the Earth to conditions in the Garden of Eden after Cain murdered his brother Abel. Better check with JESUS, HE has other plans.
TFL worker pens message to Londoners after terror attack
ISIS Terror attack/False Flag in London starring Khuram Butt from the (Netflix pulled the Documentary for obvious reasons “Butt” you can watch it here Documentary “Jihadis Next Door” Why?
“We must regulate the Internet” Theresa May. The event, starring actors from the 2016 Documentary “The Jihadist Next Door” planned for the Eve of Pentecost, Week 1 of Ramadan and just ahead of the British General Election, comes right after the Westminster Bridge and Manchester False Flags, 2 days after a Lightning Storm that prompted the Rabbi of King David’s Tomb to declare the Messiah is arriving and “SAS Blue Thunder” Special Forces “Terror Drills”. “WWIII will pit forces of political Zionism against Islam to the point of physical, economic and moral exhaustion…” Jesuit handled (Jean Pierre De Smet SJ), Confederate Freemason/Satanist, Albert Pike on the Feast Day of Lucifer, Aug 15 (also the anniversary of 1st Jesuit Oaths in 1534) 1871. Knife weilding Gang obviously Muslim “This is for Allah”; of course it is. Crisis Actors so scared they run without spilling their beer. Police were even caught changing from Uniform Police to ISIS Terrorists.
Self described “Christian Pacifist” Theresa May passed the Draft Communications Data Bill aka “Snooper’s Charter” as Home Secretary in 2014; ISP’s and Cell Phone Companies record and make available to the Government, personal voice calls, internet browsing, text messages, and e-mails. After the incident, May said “We need to work with allies democratic governments to reach international agreements to regulate cyberspace to prevent the spread of extremist and terrorism planning” There we have it, the reason for the 5 location “Terrorist Attack” is “Internet Regulation”. “A man’s foes shall be they of his own household”-Jesus Mat 10:36
London’s Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan calls on Theresa May to cancel Donald Trump’s State visit. June 10 Brigitte Gabriel 28 US City rallies against Shariah Law. Brigitte signalls the Single Eye (Alternatice Messiah) and Nose Tap (Yes, I understand; Mission Accomplished) gsture on the cover of her books. She meets with Donald Trump and is a self described Expert on Radical Islam, a regular on FOX News. John McCain is also an expert on Radical Islam, because he manages them. Donald Trump is also partnered with ISIS, in Indonesia with Freeport MacMoRan and Carl Icahn. Brigitte, like Donald are Zionists who know Osama bin Laden is a CIA asset named Tim Osman and Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi is Israeli Mossad asset Simon Elliot. ISIS “Beheading Videos” are also Israeli; SITE (Search for Int’l Terrorist Entities) is run by Israeli spy Rita Katz using actors like McCain pal Muhammad Nour.
Maronite ie Eastern Rite Lebanese Catholic trained by Luciferian Freemason, Jesuit, Knight of Malta, Pat Robertson’s “700 Club” Middle East branch; 700 refers to the Cathar prediction “Every 700 years the laurel grows green again”. Brigitte is also a prominent speaker at John Haggee’s CUFI (Christians United For Israel) Brigitte incites Zionism against Islam, the basis of the pre-planned WWIII; not coincidentally, Maronites celebrate the Assumption of Mary (Feast of the Dormition) on Aug 15 which is also the date the Jesuits like Pat Robertson took their first Oaths in the Cathedral of St Denis (Dionysus) in Paris 1534 and the date of Albert Pike’s letter detailing the plan for 3 World Wars in 1871. Aug 15 is the Feast Day of Lucifer folks!
Brigitte says “They have no soul…Israel and Arabs represent Civilization and Barbarism; Good and Evil…the 2 State Solution rests on Palestinians accepting Israel and Jews”. Like Pat, Brigitte does not follow the bible; Amos 5:2;26; 7:2-3;5-6KJV clearly state Israel and the Six Pointed Star of Moloch/El/Chiun/Saturn are not Jewish in any sense. No wonder, Lebanon is Phoenicia; Phoenicians brought Saturnian religion into Israel during Solomon’s Day; their god El is represented on the Flag of Israel; the Evergreen Tree on Lebanon’s Flag is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, used in America just before the Stars and Stripes. “Love God” “Love our Neighbor”; pretty simple tennets of the New Covenant in Jesus Christ. Stopping Brigitte’s “Radical Islamists” is not possible because they are home grown as Jesus said “A man’s foes shall be they of his own household” Mat 10:36
Dialectic: Thesis (Shariah Law) + Antithesis (Noahide Law)=Synthesis. Both Shariah and Noahide Laws regard worship of Jesus Christ as Blasphemy requiring the Death Penalty. This folks is the proverbial “Rock and a Hard Place”
666 D-Day Anniversary 6th Hour, 6th Day, 6th Month Jehovah’s Witness Dwight Eisenhower “Operation Overlord” gift to Jesuit Bro Stalin; 100K mostly US sodiers die on Omaha, Sword, Juno (6th month June is named after Juno), and Utah beaches; 65K French killed, 150K injured and 1.2M made homeless just before the attack. Normandy is named after the Norman Cathars, burned alive at Montsegur in 1244. “Every 700 Years the Laurel grows green again” It certainly did.
June 25 marks the 66th anniversary of the Korean War. South Korea suspends THAAD deployment; US pulls 2 of 3 Aircraft Carrier Groups from Korean Peninsula.
ISIS attack on Tehran Parliament kills 12, injures 39. Right after ISIS claims responsibility for the London attack; Odd? Anglo-Iranian Oil aka British Petroleum may ring a Baal; just 2 heads of the same snake. Ayathollah’s await the arrival of “al-Mahdi”; misguided Jews and Christians await the same “Messiah”. Jesus arrives 1260 days after the Great Tribulation begins (WWIII), 540 days after Satan is cast to earth (Rev 9:11; 5th Trumpet 1st Woe) and 490 days after rebuilding of the 3rd Temple begins (Dan 9:23-27). Don’t be fooled.
Christopher Wray appointed FBI Director. Yale Skull & Bones? Perhaps. Need Shariah Law compliant investments and legal advice? Call Christopher Wray. Wray is a litigator at King & Spalding, voted “Best legal advisers in Islamic Finance” by Euromoney Magazine. Shariah Law requires denial of Jesus Christ, the Unforgivable Sin (Ref 1 Jn 5:7KJV) Unusual? The FBI was founded by lifelong Sodomite, Pedophile, Luciferian Freemason J Edgar Hoover, Like Bush Sr and Jr, Wray is a Phillips Andover Prep School initiate and Yale Grad “We have never experienced anything so savage and cowardly as the 9/11 attacks…” True that, a cowardly and savage “Inside Job” used to blame Muslims via CIA Asset Tim Osman (Osama bin Laden means Lion of Ladon; the mythical 100 headed dragon which grows 2 heads when one is cut off; Osman is taken from the 1st Ottoman Sultan Osman I) and 33 degree Mason, Baathist (Renaisance/Re-birth) Bush, Carlyle Group Business partner Saddam Hussein. Wray was instrumental in blaming Muslims for 9/11, conducting warrantless wiretaps, extraordinary rendition, illegal detention without legal counsel, secret accusations; torture including water boarding, isolation, sleep deprivation, forced rectal feeding. Christopher Wray was Chris Christie’s Attorney during Bridge Gate. Christie handed Charles Kushner (Jared’s Felon fake Jew father) a plea deal, hired Wray during “Bridge Gate”. Wray has worked for 15+ Years with Robert Mueller (Russian-US Special Investigator) and James Comey (Clinton Whitewater and Iran-Contra Tax Attorney with Loretta Lynch). Remember the al-Qaeda Anthrax attacks after 9/11/2001? Comey and Mueller with AG John Ashcroft (warned against flying commercially ahead of 9/11) framed USAMRID researcher Steven Hatfill for the US Government sponsored Anthrax letter attacks. Ever wonder why nobody in Crongess speaks out about 9/11? It’s a very small Swamp! “There is a power so organized, so subtle, so complete, and so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” – Woodrow Wilson< Industroyer Malware, capable of attacking Power Grid Controls, Power Generation systems and rendering Siemens SIPROTEC protection devices inoperable. "The goal of practical politics is to menace the population with an endless array of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary" HL Mencken The NAZI Lightining is appropriate for the NAZI Corp Siemens, manufacturere of the Atomic Power Plant Coolant Valves (US Atomic Energy Plants also use Siemmens controllers) that mysteriously closed BEFORE the Tsunami Wave had even gotten to the Fukushima Reactors. When Seawater was flooded into the Reactors, Radioactive Hexagonal shaped, Buoyant "Bucky Balls" formed and have continued to form since, killing most of the Pacific Ocean. Industroyer Logo looks like the NAZI Schwarze Sonne (Black Sun) because it is. The Black Sun is Saturn aka Molech, Chiun, Remphan, Milcom, Sikkuth, El aka Satan. Julian Assange predicts America's Economic Armageddon June 21, 2017 Assange was initiated as a child in Anne Hamilton Byrne's Australian Doomsday Cult "The Family". Gnostics worship St John the Divine, a cross between John the Baptist and John the Evangelist. For Knights of St John aka Knights of Malta like Donald Trump, it's their big day. At the Cathedral of St John the Divine in NYC, a giant statue out front commemorate St John Jesus turned the tables on the "Money Changers", today's Central Banks who since 2008 have been propping up markets by buying $Trillions in Stocks and Government Debt (Spain and Italy will be first to default when the ECB sells off) with printed fake money backed by nothing; that's "Money Changing"; Creditors making Slaves of Debtors since the Crucifixion. Note the "Trump Theme" above, a convenient Scapegoat for America's monstrous $100 Trillion Debt load (not counting $Quadrillion Derivatives Debt derived from the underLYING asset values) and in rides Black Horse rider? Mike Pence, also an initiate of "The Family", offering barley and wheat for, whatelse but a Pence, under the watchful eye of Jesuit Austerity King Paul Ryan. 2 Presidents tried to stop the Central Bankers from controlling the Money Supply and were killed for it; Lincoln and Kennedy. Who conntrols the Money Supply? "Permit me to control a nation's money supply and I care not who makes its laws"-Mayer Amschel Rothschild aka Bauer. Bauer=Farmer=Cain The covenent God made with Abraham stipulated his sons would never take a wife of the daughters of Canaan. The bloodline of Cain crossed the Flood to Canaan through Incest; Ishmael and Esau married Canaanite women; Esau was then renamed to Edom=Red=Rothschild. Got it folks? Central Bankers are not Jewish, they are Canaanite-Edomite using Usury Debt and fake money to obtain worldwide "Dominion" (Gen 27:39-41KJV; Dan 7:6). SEAR-1 (Special Event Assessment Rating) 30 Tall Ships sail into Boston June 17-21; first time since 2000. Emergency MGT assigned the event it's highest security level, equivalent to the SuperBowl. Fitting I suppose, Freemasons dressed as Indians started the Boston Tea Party and then fired the first shots of the American Revolution and Civil War. "A man's foes shall be they of his own household"-Jesus. Oliver Stone interview with Vladimir Putin aires, same day House Armed Services Committee interviews Jesuit Gen "Fighting Joe" Dunford and Gen James "Mad Dog" "Warrior Monk" "Chaos" Mattis and Dennis Rodman visits Kim Jong Un. "Russia, China, Iran, North Korea are our greates national security threats"-Dunford "North Korea is our most dangerous threat to peace and security...nuclear weapons programs have increased in pace and scope"-Mattis "Al Qaeda and bin Laden were not the result of our activities...US nurtured Al Qaeda, bin Laden and ISIS to serve its interests" Maybe Oliver Stone should do a movie about the Turkish Cargo Ship Nour M, intercepted Nov 8, 2013 with 50,000 Kalashnikov Rifles and ammunition destined for ISIS in the port of Tartus; or a movie about the American President's Line Mol Comfort, another Russian cargo ship which broke in half carrying 5000 shipping containers of ISIS bound weapons to the Saudi port of Jeddah and the waiting arms of John Kerry. CIA asset Tim Osman (Osman I founded the Ottoman Turks) aka Osama bin Laden (Lion Crib of Ladon; the Ladon Dragon guards the Golden Apples of Hesperides, has 100 heads and sprouts 2 when 1 is cut off just like al-Qaeda and ISIS) shooting a Kalashnikov AK-47; so where exactly did al-Qaeda get the Kalashnikov Rifles Vlad? Kim Jong Un visit by Freemason Bro Dennis Rodman. Rodman's gift to the CIA controlled pedophile dictator "The Art of the Deal" by Donald Trump. Remember, JESUS is the Trump of God; Donald just thinks he is. Kim Jong-nam was killed at Kuala Lumpur airport Feb 13 smuggling $120K in CIA funds using his Diplomatic Passport under the alias Kim Choi, ecchanged for N Korean Intel. Nothing unusal, Army officers, Rhodes scholar Charles Bonesteel and Dean Rusk created North Korea using a Nat Geo Map and a pencil while and the US installed Kim Il Sun as puppet dictator in preparation for the Korean War. Jailed Otto Wambier released in an alleged Coma on Rodman's arrival; that should increase tensions eh? Flag Day June 14. Let's not forget the America's first Ensign was the Evergreen Tree "AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN". The Babylonian Tree of Knowledge to which human sacrifices were offered is the Christ Mass Tree; Christ=Messiah + Mass=Sacrifice and Consumption of the Host. This was soon followed by the Serpent "DONT TREAD ON ME" Flag. Pretty much sums up the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil from the Garden of Eden in which the Serpent taught Cain to murder his brother Abel. America is the land, long before the Crypto Satanist Columbus arrived named after the Canaanite Serpent god Amurru or Ameru. These flags were soon followed by 13 Hexagon Stars and 13 Stripes The Hexagram is the Star of Saturn, Molech, Chiun, Sikkuth, El aka the Serpent Satan. JESUS gave 70 of His followers the power to tread on Serpents when He sent them into Samaria as "Lambs among Wolves" (Ref Lk 10:1-20). This is the only instance of Calvinist "Pre-destination"; the Protestant America you hear about in Church is a Lie. 13 is the number associated with Rebellion to God, the Beast and Antichrist (Rev 13); in Kaballah 13 is the Snake, Dragon and Satan; Psalm 13 "The fool said in his heart There is no God"; Jesus died on the Cross on "Good Friday" 13 Nisan according to the Babylonian "Good Friday/Easter" Lie; Gen 13:13 "The men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the Lord"; Rev 13 describes the Beast (Unrestrained evil) The Hexagon is the Seal of Solomon brought into Israel by the Phoenicians (Lebanon=Laban "To make White"=Phoenicia and uses the same Evergreen Tree Flag) 13 Stripes refer to Purification; followers of JESUS are healed (made white) by His "Stripes"; Gnostics who follow the Serpent are Purified by the sacrifice of others. Ben Franklin, a Rosicrucian, Luciferian Freemason and probable child (ritual tortured bones found under Franklins's Trafalgar Sq home date to the dates he lived there) sacrificing member of Francis Dashwood's Hellfire Society (Think Eyes Wide Shut here) used the Join or Die slogan to entice the 13 Colonies to band with Britiah in fighting the French and Indians, then 11 years later he used the same slogan to entice colonists to fight Britiah. Think about this on Flag Day; Fascism usually comes draped in a Flag. Emerald Isle selects 1st open Sodomite Taoiseach Leo Varadkar. Liber Oz may ring a Baal; Oz is the Emerald City; Emerald is the Stone occultists believe was cut from Lucifer's crown in Heaven; Lucifer never had nor will ever have a Crown; the Michael Douglas movie "Romancing the Stone" may ring a Baal; Green is the sacred color of Satan just like America's 1st Flag. Republican Baseball Practice Shooting Republican Baseball Practice? It seems like another Gabby Giffords moment, this time for Majority Whip, T-Party, Rep Steve Scalise, currently investigating and seeking justice for Human Sex Trafficking. Scalise blowing the lid on DynCorp? Scalise exposing PizzaGate, Trump's Mar a Lago Resort or Pedophile Island? CBS Anchor Scott Pelley even blamed "Trump Tweets" for the shooting; he promptly switched from the Anchor Desk to 60 Minutes. Baseball is called in Masonic circles "Sweet Science"; Science in the Bible appears twice; in Dan 1:4 "Tongue of the Chaldeans" and 1 Ti 6:12 "Vain and profane babblings") shooting with assault rifle prompts vote on Gun Silencer de-regulation bill to be cancelled. What on Earth does an "Assault Rifle" or "High Powered Rifle" have to do with a Silencer? T-Party fraud Rand Paul described it as a "Killing Field"; Pol Pot's "Killing Fields" ring a Baal? The T-Party was founded and is thoroughly controlled by Freemasons. Refinery explosion in Mexico; Fire in London Apartment Building; Shooting at a UPS building in San Francisco. USS Shiloh sailor Peter Mims declared "Lost at Sea" after 3 day man overboard search. Shiloh means "He whose it is" referring to the "Messiah" The liklihood Mims would accidentally hide 3 days during a muster and roll call of the crew is Nil. Fake Jews await their Messiah aka Antichrist (Alternative Messiah); Born Again Christians know Shiloh is JESUS, described in Gen 49:10 as "The Lawgiver" having the "Scepter of Judah". The "Lawgiver" here will institute Noahide and Shariah Law, decapitating followers of JESUS and real God fearing Jews. More Occult Communication; Shiloh is not coming yet! ‘Empty moments’: Pope Francis has questioned God’s existence, calls himself a ‘sinner’Pope Francis carries the "Twisted Crucifix" pagans carried after the Crucifixion to celebrate the broken Messiah hanging from the Tree. Oops! Pope Francis announces Big Bang and Evolution Theories are true "God is not a magician with a magic wand, able to do anything he wants...this should put an end to Creation and Intelligent Theories" Jesuits hammer the final Nail of the Catholic Church. The plan is to declare the Catholic Church "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT. MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH (Rev 17) JESUS however wrote the warning to Thyatira (Continual Sacrifice aka Mass) to the as yet to be formed Catholic Church and makes no such declaration. 500 Years ago Black Cloistered monk Martin Luther declared the Roman Pope to the the Antichrist and the Catholic Church to be the Whore or Babylon. He Lied and married a Nun. Here are 3 plans for the future about to be enacted to present Lucifer to the world. The Vicar of Christ believes God was wrong saying "Go forth and multiply"; his Encyclical (Teaching Paper) calls for eliminating 93% of the population. "In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again" Cathar Prophecy On 1/13/1313, the King of France and Pope Roman Pope illegally confiscated Templar wealth and made a new Concordat with the Knights of Malta called "Licet Pridem" Catharsis means "Discharge of pent up emotion". The "Council of Vienne" ended March 20, 1313 and Jacques de Molay, the last Cathar Military Banker was executed in Paris 3/18/1314. 700 years later the 8th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses began. The Laurel is the Crown of Bacchus/Dionysus/al-Khidr=Saturn/Satan "Green Man". French President Francois Hollande is honorary Canon of the "Mother and Mistress Church of Rome and the earth" (Basilica of St John Lateran aka Teaching Seat of the Hidden Frogs: Beast, False Prophet, Dragon), the seat of Jesuit Pope Francis as Bishop of Rome. "al-Mahdi" arrives after the great war in the 40th generation; the 40th Sayyid of Muhammad" Sheikh Nazim abdul al-Haqqani, the 40th in the "Golden Chain" of Sayyids died May 7, 2014. al-Khidr is "Green Man" aka Bacchus/Dionysus/Hermes/St George. 11Q13 Prince Melchisedek Scroll After 10 Jubilees, the Trumpet blast will herald the coming Melchisedek. Folks, Jesus is Melchisedek! This will be an Alternative Messiah. 10 Jubilees=500 years from what? Black Cloistered Rosicrucian Monk nailed 95 Thesis against the Catholic Church to the Church of Wittenburg on Halloween 1517. Black Pope Leo X in 1513 bankrupted the Vatican Bank and signed the 5th Lateran Council of 1517 The first recognized by the Catholic Church and last before the Reformation of Black Cloistered Monk Martin Luther on All Hallows Eve 1517. Pope Francis plans to heal the Protestant-Catholic Schism Oct 31, 2017 during the Satanic Jubilee 50 Years after the 1967 6 Day War captured the Temple Mount and Golan Heights. Ashkenazi (Japheth-Gomer-Ashkenaz are not Semitic or Jewish) Fake Jew, 33 degree Luciferian Freemason Benjamin Netanyahu in Thessalonica promoting a Pipeline to Cyprus. Why Thessalonica? In 54AD, Paul wrote 1 Thessalonians to 1. Encourage new believers in Jesus as "Lord Jesus Christ" (Jesus=Jah=Jehovah) 2. Stand fast in persecution 3. Be conforted concerning Christians who had died. 4. Hope of the Lord's coming. Obviously Netanyahu does not believe in Jesus Christ as Messiah, so why Thessalonica? "...the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in th air..." 1 Thess 4:17 1 Cor 15:52 further refines the message saying "Last Trump". The plan is to fake a "Rapture" of the Christian Church at the start of the 7 Yr Tribulation. There is no Pre-Trib Rapture, 7 Yr Tribulation or new Dispensation for Israel folks! These are Jesuit Lies just like Evolution and Big Bang Theories. Pretty coincidental the Pipeline follows the same route Knights Templar took on their expulsion from Jerusalem to Cyprus eh? Pretty coincidental the Gas Field is called Leviathan too eh? How about getting right with JESUS before the show starts! Trump/Drumpf and Mad Dog Mattis to announce 4000 additional troops headed to Afghanistan aka "Graveyard of Empires" to battle Taliban and ISIS. Talib means "Student"; Mujaheddin means "Warrior of Allah"; Allah is the Arab=rab Moon god "Sin". Osama bin Laden aka CIA asset Tim Osman and Barack Hussein Obama (Indonesia-Pakistan 1983) aka Barry Soetero are 2 examples of Taliban turned Mujaheddin. Afghanistan is the Heroin capital of the world, transported around the globe by Turkey, US MQ-9 Reaper Drones, US Airbase at Manas and Russian Airbase at Kant, both co-located. Trump "Qatar is our strategic partner" Well, obviously the 5th Fleet is based there. "Qatar is funding terrorism". Mattis seals deal to sell $15B in F-15's to Qatar. Jesus railed on "Hypocrites" like these. China and Kazakstan announce major production capacity increase for Silk Road Initiative and central China Belt and Road hub. Ever seen pictures of Astana, Kazakstan "Capital of the Sublime Threshold"? Pilgrim Society Initiate T Rex Tillerson "Iran policy is under development...we support regime change" Mede-Persian Ram versus Grecian Rough Goat" Dan 8:19-27 may ring a Baal. NASA launches SOPHIA an airborne 8ft diameter Infrared Telescope before the quakes began; 72 Earthquakes June 16th, 624 earthquakes M2-4.4 June 16th-21st. Sophia means "Gnostic Wisdom"; Hagia Sophia may ring a Baal. 650,000 Years overdue? Earth is roughly 5996 years old; this is a man-made Quake swarm. Celebrate the end of Ramadan June 24 with London Mayor Saddiq Khan at the "al Quds Day" Parade; or not. Quds means Jerusalem; Knights of St John of Jerusalem aka SMOM (Sovereign Military Order of Malta or Hospitallers or Knights of St John of Jerusalem, Cyprus, Malta and Rhodes may ring a Baal; June 24 is the Feast Day of St John. What a coincidence al-Quds Day and Feast of St John align in the Satanic Jubilee of 2017 eh? or Not! In 1967 Israel captured the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the same year Margaret Drabble wrote Jerusalem the Golden; 2017 is the 50th Jubilee Year. al Quds day was started by Ayathollah Khomeini, a Grand Orient Lodge Freemason initiated in Paris who called for the destruction of Israel. Eid al Fitr celebrates Abraham offering Ishmael on the Rock of Offense in the Quran; the bible of course says Abraham offered Isaac; it's time to whether to believe the time tested Word of God or the Quran, written by a 14 Yr old in a cave. Guess who else is a Luciferian Freemason? Benjamin Netanyahu (Ashkenazi fake Jew), Mahmoud Abbas (Palestine President). Quds "Jerusalem", is the Great City JESUS refers to as "Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt" (Rev 11:8KJV) This how Dialectic (Thesis + Antithesis=Synthesis) works. WWIII was planned and put in writing on the Feast Day of Lucifer (Aug 15) 1871 to pit forces of Zionism against Islam to the point of physical, economic and moral exhaustion in order for the true doctrine of Lucifer to be accepted. Lucifer is the "Man of Sin"; Allah is the 4000+ Yr old Moon God "Sin". Got it? Now go get JESUS in your life. USS Fitzgerald collision "Just a smidge lower and shaft alley would have flooded"-Cmdr Bryce Benson The odds a $1.8B Aeigis Radar Missile Cruiser would not see a Cargo Ship coming are next to nil. Collission was on June 18 in Japan, June 17 in the US. June 17 is the anniversary of the Statue of Liberty arriving in New York Harbor; Statue of Liberty is Isis set on an 8pt Star of Isis with her back to the nation, holding a torch for the Rising Sun "Lucifer". Fitzgerald recognizable in "The Great Gatsby", a somewhat hidden story about America's meteoric rise on the world's stage, it's lavish expenses (like Babylon in Rev 18) and equally meteoric fall into oblivion with nobody attending the funeral. America is to be the Scapgoat for the Great City "Babylon"! Rev 18:18 The plan was put in writing in 1620 by Francis Bacon in New Atlantis: A Work Unfinished; America will be the Phoenix of the New Age. This theme is on the $US ONE with the All Seeing Eye "Pyramidion" over the Unfinished Pyramid, In Egypt the Pyramidion was called the Ben-ben Stone, the mythical perch in Heliopolis where the Phoenix died and was reborn from its own ashes. Jeff Bezos building 10,000 Yr Clock; Why? Long Term thinking? Not quite. The Egyptian "Great Year" of 25,990 Years is caused by Earth Axis Precession; there was no precession before the Flood. You may recall the movie "10,000BC" dealt with the time the Sphinx and Pyramids were constructed at least according to Gnostic philosophy. Amazon means "One fighting together" (Ha-ma-zan), not referring to the current movie "Wonder Woman", but Gnostics fighting God in order to return to the beginning, seen in the Plallus/Snake connecting A-Z. Aleister Crowley wrote Liber Oz: Book of the Goat aka Liber 77, a 1 page declaration of man's rights under the Law of Thelema (Will) summed up as "Do what thou wilt shall be the sum of the law". Gnostics believe a return to the Garden of Eden is possible by liberating the SPIRIT from one's body by destruction; a return to the beginning seen in the Oroborus Serpent eating its own tail. One little problem; God placed a Cherubim to guard the return to Eden without going through the Tree of Life, Jesus Christ. Finsbury Park Mosque in London attacked by another White Van. Witnesses claim 3 men in White Van; Police began cordoning off the Mosque and clearing the streets in advance. Finsbury Park Mosque connected to 7/7/2007 Subway Terror Drill patsies, Shoe Bomber Richard Reid (C-4 in a shoe and a match will not explode) and 9/11 "20th Hijacker" Zacarias Moussaoui. Darren Oswald blamed. Must have a White Van rental company in London for Terrorists eh? NASA planning mission to probe Uranus for Gas in 2030; Satanic humor I guess! 20X30=6000; UN Agenda 2030 calls for the elimination of most of humanity under the guise of "Sustainability". Creation is approaching 5996 1/2 Years of age now: 1696 years Creation to Flood + 2160 Years Aries to Pisces + 2160 years Pisces to Aquarius + 21 Years (Age of Adulthood) for Sargon the Great to be declared "Legitimate King)=5996 Years. Uranus in Greek mythology is Father Sky aka Zeus, the Son and husband of Gaia "Earth Mother". God killed all but 8 people who stepped off Noah's Ark on Chumolongmo "Earth Mother", the world calls Mt Everest; this is just payback. Mt Ararat is Turkey? Not Quite "And it came to pass, as they journeyed FROM THE EAST that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there" Gen 11:2KJV Shinar is Babylon, the original Garden of Eden; Mt Ararat is west of Babylon; Chumolongomo is the highest point on Earth and East of Babylon. Ever hear about this in Church? Didn't think so. June 18th "Phi Day" Jared Kushner meets with Luciferian Freemason, Ashkenazi fake Jew Benjamin Netanyahu and Luciferian Mason Mahmoud Abbas to finalize Middle East Peace Plan. Allegedly Donald Trump (Ashkenazi Drumpf Crypto fake Jew, likely Freemason and Knight of Malta pretends to be Presbyterian, takes Communion but has never "Apologized to God"), Netanyahu, and Abbas have already signed the deal; we'll see; remember the Vatican controls the Temple Mount and Donald Trump gave Pope Francis an opened Lilly Flower "Rising Above" as a gift; pretty coincidental Pope Francis just declared Evolution is True eh? Noahide Law requires rejection of Jesus Christ. Shariah Law requires rejection of Jesus Christ. Out of a world population of 7.5 Billion, Chabad Lubavitch represents perhaps 100,000; What are the odds Middle East Peace would be negotiated by 4 members of Chabad Lubavitch? Chabad is an outgrowth of Sabattean-Frankist Satanism dressed in Jewish garb. Kaballah and Noahide Law is their religion. Synagogues of Satan open with the Sign of Shin meaning the 3 Nails used to Crucify Jesus; Shin not only means Nail, it represents the number 6 and the 6th planet; Saturn, 666, 3 Crucifixion Nails The Flag of Israel is the Star of Saturn revered by Chabad House which connects Donald Trump (Sovereign Military Order of Masta aka Knight of Malta, Ashkenazi Drumpf, raised in Chabad Lubavitch tradition; Presbyterian Minister was 33 degree Luciferian Freemason and Arab Shriner Mason Norman vincent Peale), Vladimir Putin (Putin's Chabad Rabbi is Berel Lazar; yes Putin dons the Yarmulke and kisses the Wailing Wall), Benjamin Netanyahu (33 degree Luciferian Freemason, initiated by the CIA-Mossad at Boston Consulting with Iran-Contra money launderer Mitt Romney), Jared Kushner (Orthodox, Chabad House, son of convicted felon), David Friedman (Chabad Rabbi mentor Salman Wolowik; Trump Bankruptcy Lawyer turned Israel Ambassador) and Jason Greenblatt (Trump Corp Legal Counsel). On the Arab side Palestine Authority President Mahmoud Abbas (33 degree Luciferian Freemason, Shariah Law advocate) These men forn the Satanic Dialectic: Thesis + Antithesis=Synthesis. The Synthesis is Antichrist sitting on Satan's Seat (Throne of Pergamon aka Throne of Zeus/Jupiter, currently in the Berlin Museum; whereelse would Germanic fake Jews keep sich a thing?) next to the Abomination of Desolation in a Rebuilt Temple and fake Levitical Priesthood. Negotiating the Middle East Peace deal between these men is a pack of wolves and a lamb making dinner plans. Herod was an Edomite; the Wailing Wall is the rebuilt remnant of the 2nd Temple Jesus said would be torn down brick by brick and replaced by New Covenant Born Again Christians. These Germanic fake Jews Crucified Jesus and will kill every one of His followers in a New York minute. T Rex Tillerson and Kushner at the Wailing Wall; quite a sight eh? Tillerson is an initiate of the Pilgrim's Society whose goal is acquiring every asset on Earth and indebting every citizen to pay for them. Edomite Creditors making Slaves of Debtors; great plan eh? Rothschild (Red=Edomite Shield) ring a Baal? War mongering, Edomite Bankers, and Priests seekingWorldwide Dominion. Who did Jesus turn the tables on? Edomite Bankers "Money Changers" selling what Jesus (God, I Am, Jehovah, Melchisedek) gives out free. Question: Who obtains Dominion over the Earth? Jacob or Esau? Gen 27:39-41KJV tells us Esau, the War hungry, Wealthy, Priests called the 3rd Beast in Dan 7:6. Note the Pilgrim Logo; looks like Santa Claus eh? Too hard to see Satan in that name eh? Jesus hates Esau (Rom 9:13; Mal 1:3; Heb 12:16) and Jesus hates Nicolaitane Doctrine (Rev 2:6;15) because Nicolaitane Edomites conquer the Laity by leading them to slaughter. Scapegoats have Red painted legs because Sheep are color blind; they are trained to lead Sheep to Slaughter which is why Jesus said never call any man on Earth Father, Master or Rabbi (Mat 23:8-10). God changed Esau to Edom (Red) after the Red Beans grown from the Earth which made Adam=Edom=Red. Debt is called "Red Ink". Jared Kushner is an Ashkenazi fake Jew, Chabad Lubavitch (Chabad: Chockma-Binah-Daat is Kaballah "Kaa'ba of Allah" aka Enclosure of the Arab moon god "Sin"), seen here at Herod's (Herod was an Edomite "Fox" whose family tried to murder Jesus and Crucified Him; Jesus called Herod "That Fox"; F-6, O=15=6, X=24=6 or 666, symbolized by the Six Pointed Star of Saturn) Wailing Wall wearing the Orthodox Black Yarmulke aka Cap of Cybele the "Magna Mater" of Satanic religion. Kushner means "Furrier"; Esau sold his Birthright to Jacob for a bowl of red beans; Jacob impersonated Esau by wearing "Fur" to obtain his father Isaac's blessing and hence the Covenant with God; Isaac was near blind, but the blessing came from God; don't be fooled folks! Kushner is simply an Edomite "Inside the Gates" (Ref Obadiah) pretending to be Jewish; Jesus returns and every Edomite on Earth dies; they know this; the Yarmulke (Pope Francis wears the same Kippah called a Zuchetto under the Papal Mitre of Dagan) is an open rejection of Jesus tearing the Temple Veil at the Crucifixion. Kushner paid $1.8B for 666 5th Ave and is building a giant 1400ft tall Phallus shaped skyscraper there; 18 represents 666; 18 reduces to 8, the number God "Saved" on Noah's Ark and the number of Eternity; 18 is also 9 the number of Divine Judgment. The same day June 18th, a US F-18 "Hornet" shoots down Syrian Jet to protect ISIS fighters. You heard that right. Russia suspends all interactions with US, begins tracking military aircraft, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles using S-300 and S-400 Triumf (Triumph, catchy eh?) air defense missiles. F=6; June=6th month 18=666. Vladimir Putin predictably objects, but remember, Putin wears the Yarmulke at the Wailing Wall just like Kushner and Trump; Putin also arms ISIS fighters (Ref Cargo Ships Mol Comfort and Nour M). Got JESUS in your life? Now is a really good time. The Christ Angle forms on "Rosh Hashanah" Sept 20 "As Below" and Rev 12 sign forms on Sept 23 "As Above",_2017 Notice in Rev 12:9 the Woman flees and is protected 1260 Days; start of Great Tribulation? 30 Days before the Christ Angle happens, a Solar Eclipse Divides America cutting through the Heartland on Aug 21. Now compare this to Daniel 12:11 the Abomination of Desolation set up there are 1290 Days left. So, why all this on June 18th? June 18 is "Phi Day"; Phi is the "Ratio of Life" aka "Golden Mean" 1..2..3..5..8..13 or 1.618; June 18 or 6/18 seen in 1.618. The inversion of the Ratio of Life 1/1.618 is .618. Call this what it is; Ratio of Death. Hard to see 6/18 in .618? 6/18 is called "Phi Day" for this reason. When Esau obtains Dominion, his intent is to slay his brother Jacob (Gen 27:41), the real 12 Tribes of Israel and all Born Again Christians grafted on to Jacob through the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the real "Lion of Judah"; the Lion on the Pilgrim Society Logo is Edomite. Jesus is Shiloh (Gen 49:10); Shiloh means "He whose it is"; Jesus is Alpha and Omega; Jesus never gave legal title to the Earth to anyone. The Man Overboard on the USS Shiloh was resolved June 18; that was planned just like the USS Fitzgerald ramming for June 18. Japan means "Land of the Rising Sun"; the Sun is Sol Invictus aka Lucifer people!! Antichrist is the False/Alternative Messiah. Question: Will Antichrist be Jewish? How about the Roman Catholic Pope? Folks, Edomites obtain Dominion by becoming the Wealthy Elite (fatness of the earth), Priests (dew of heaven) and by War (live by the sword) Ref Gen 27:39-41KJV. "He who lives by the sword must be killed with the sword"-Jesus. Jesus slaughters every single person in the House of Esau (Ref Obadiah); in like fashion, Antichrist attempts to slaughter ever single person in the House of Jacob. Jesus warned unless He shortens "Those Days", no Flesh will remain alive (Ref Mat 24:22) "Those Days" are here. So which king may be arriving on Rosh Hashanah 2017? Hint: It won't be Jesus. Champs Elysee attack by Salafist Adam Dzaziri. Salafi means Ancestor worship, referring to Quyraish Tribe Muhammad descended from; Koreish ie Kore in Jude 7 and Korahites of Num 16 are the Alternative Priesthood made of Ishmaelites and Edomites; an Alternative to that of the Levites under Moses and Aaron. Arch de Triompfe (S-400 Triumpf ring a Baal) at the head of Champs Elysee (Elysium is the Field of the Blessed who die in War) connects the Luxor (Lux=Light=Lucifer) Obelisk (Baal=Lord; Baal's Shaft) and Notre Dame (Magna Mother=Cybele) Cathedral, allegedly where the Crucifixion Nails found by Constantine's Druid mother Helena found, rest under the Cornerstone. Killing Jesus over and over is what this is all about folks; France means "Free" of God; Paris means "House of Isis" Building blocks for peace poster. Middle East Peace Summit expected in September "For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape" 1 Thess 5:3. "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword..." Mat 10:34 Total Solar Eclipse crosses the heartland of the USA Aug 21, 2017 Mormons refer to this land as "Adam Ondi-Ahman" Virgo Aug 23-Sept 23, 2017 Libra Sept 23-Oct 23, 2017 Jesus is Judge of the quick and dead not Lady Justice. Christ Angle forms Sept 20, 2017 This is the "Below" half of "As Above; So Below" Sept 20, 2017 is Rosh Hashanah, the Rabbinical "Head of the Year"; Good day for a "Fake Rapture" Well soon see. Notice the UN Peace Day Logo, all the people but 2 Raptured upward? UN Int'l Day of Peace "Together for Peace, Respect, Safety and Dignity for All" is Sept 21, 2017 Notice the "As Above; So Below" symbols on the promo poster. Sun hits the Altar of the "Rose Line" at St Sulpice Cathedral in Paris Sept 21, 2017 It's a Brass line because the 3rd Beast "Edomite Dominion" is a Kingdom of Brass Ref Dan 2:39 Serpent descends 91 steps of the Temple of Kukulcan in Chitzen Itza Sept 21, 2017 "Woman clothed with the child pained to be delivered" appears Sept 23, 2017.,_2017 This would appear to be the "Above" half of "As Above; So Below" May 13-Oct 13, 2017 is 100th anniversary of the Marian apparitions in Fatima, Portugal. Oct 31, 2017 is the 500th Anniversary of Martin Luther splittting the Protestant and Catholic Churches. Pope Francis (Evolution and Big Bang believer) intends to "Heal the Wound" Oct 31 on Samhein, the day Celtic Druids celebrate as Veil being thinnest between the Spirit and Material world. 2017 is the 50th Jubilee Year from the 1967 Tetrad, USS Liberty attack, 6-Day War, capture of Mt Hermon/Golan Heights. A Jubilee reverses the roles of Slave (Debtor) and Master (Creditor) and forgives all Debts. The US is in debt more than the world's money supply ($21T Debt + $77 Unfunded Liabilities + $700T Derivatives) Esau is currrently serving his brother Jacob, but is prophesied to obtain "Dominion" (Gen 27:39-41KJV) and slay his brother ie 12 Tribes + Born Again Christians. Judgment (Scales=Libra) made according to "Mark of th America takes its name from the Serpent and Shepherd god of the Edomites "Amurru" and the Amorites. Jupiter entered the Womb of the Virgin (Virgo) on Nov 20, 2016 and will spend 9 1/2 months in the Womb. On Sept 23, 2017 Jupiter exits the Womb of Virgo; Jupiter "King Star" is Zeus/Lucifer not Jesus Christ. Virgo is not the Virgin "Bride of Jesus Christ"; Virgo is Cybele/Ashtoreth/Isis Sept 23 is the date of the Flood (actually a local Flood in Washington DC) in "Evan Almighty" which means "John Almighty"; Jesus referred to John the Baptist as the "Greatest of the Old Covenant but less than everyone in the New Covenant Mat 11:11. "As in the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Mat 24:37 Sept 23 was the date of an unexpected Solar Eclipse in "Little Shop of Horrors"; America will soon turn in to a "Shop of Horrors" as the Scapegoat for Rev 18 "Economic Babylon" Time to choose which Covenant under which you will be Judged! So who do you think will arrive Sept 23, 2017? Hint: It's not Jesus! June 24: 300th Masonic Feast "Nativity of John the Baptist" and 300th Anniversary of the Grand Lodge of England. The Feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist was initiated by the Grand Lodge of England in 1717. It's a Lie on par with Dec 24th being the Nativity of Jesus Christ. Luke 1 tells us John's father Zacharias and mother Elizabeth finished the 8th Temple Service of Abia (mid-June), were visited by Angel Gabriel and conceived John who was born 9 months later on Passover. Mary and Joseph were also visited by Gabriel and Jesus was conceived in Elizabeth's 6th month of pregnancy on Hanukkah "Feast of Dedication". Jesus was born 9 months later on Feast of Tabernacles in 6 BC, 1 1/2 years before Herod called for the Slaughter of Innocents to kill the one true King. The men above who Wail at the Wall want to rebuild the Temple, install Antichrist and the Abomination of Desolation, and Throne of Pergamon "Satan's Seat". They will force every man and woman on earth to take the Mark of the Beast or behead them according to Shariah or Noahide Law. The Cathedral of St John the Divine and United Nations Plaza have a statue of St John the Dragon Slayer atop the Union of the Sun and Moon (Buddhist Mantra of Self Deification/Perfection) which rests on a Crab (Cancer June 21-July22) cutting Satan's head off, supported by a DNA Helix. Carved into the entrance is the Twin Towers collapsing, the Brooklyn Bridge collapsing and a US President being removed from the Capitol Dome; 2 of those Satanic predictions are yet to happen. This Micah 5 Timeline is being taught by proponents of Sept 23, 2017 being the start of the 7 Yr Tribulation, 7 Yr Dispensation of Israel and Pre-Trib Rapture. There is no Pre-Trib Rapture or 7 Yr Tribulation in Scripture, this is the false teachings known as Futurism and Dispensationalism originating with Jesuit Manuel Lacunza and promoted by John Nelson Darby (Plymouth Brethren) and Cyrus Scofield. Jacob's Trouble (Jer 30:7) implies Jacob (12 Tribes) has been gathered to the Holy Land; they have not; Jesus does that at the 2nd Coming during the Millennium (Rev Dry Bones of Israel Eze 37) David will be King and Jesus Christ the Lord; this can only happen after the 2nd Coming. Jacob's Trouble ends with Gog and Magog at the end of the Millennium (Rev Rev 20:7-8 "After the thousand years"; Eze 38-39). Amos 5:2;26; 7:2-3;5-6KJV are critical to understand; The Virgin of Israel has fallen and shall no more rise; the Six Pointed Star of Molech is the reason and still flying in Israel today. Don't be fooled people, Pre-Trib Rapture, 7 Yr Trib and a second Israel Dispensation are Jesuit Lies. City of Giants in Ethiopia unearthed June 24. Book of Giants is a Gnostic book about the offspring of Shemyaza (Satan) aka Nephilim (Fallen Angels) mating with human women (Ref Gen 6) to produce a hybrid race; BullShit! Giants were produced from selective breeding, arranged mating, culling of children and genetic manipulation. God is very clear Angels cannot mate with human beings. Elijah Interfaith Institute World religious leaders (Balaams) call for Interfaith harmony (picture is from Nov 2016 Interfaith Meeting with the Mormon Church in Salt Lake City aka Zion; 2017 interviews were released June 14) and dialogue. Elijah Inst was founded in 1996 by Talmudic Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein; he is also affilliated with Hassidic and Chabad Lubavitch. Why Elijah? Pharisees believed John the Baptist was the reincarnated Elijah; they do not worship Jesus Christ; they worship John the Baptist as "St John the Divine". Elijah means "The Lord is God"; his Lord was JEHOVAH-JAH, JESUS by another name; Elijah will be 1 or the 2 Witnesses during the final 1260 Days before the 2nd Coming (with Seth's Enoch); fake Jewish Rabbis, Wiccans, Shaman, Mormons, Jesuit Pope Francis, Anglican Archbishop Justin Welby (both men alleged initiates in the 9th Circle Child Sacrifice Ring), lutheran Archbishop Antje Jackelen, Shariah Law Judge/Iran President Hassan Rouhani, Shia Ayathollah Al Qazwini, Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew, Bahai leader Sahim Mohinder Singh, Hindu leader Sri Sri Ravi Shanker and others all call for unity of faiths. Jesus is the Narrow Path; the Wide Path leads to destruction. Interfaith? Count me out. Everyone of these leaders have rejected the New Covenant Baptism of the Holy Ghost, only available from JESUS. I suggest you ask Him for it. Witch Covens across the US urged to cast Binding Spell against Donald Trump at Midnight on the Summer Solstice. Like the Witch at the Elijah Interfaith Inst? June 24-25th "Feast of John the Baptist" Skycrapers, Bridges, Buildings all across the US bathed in Rainbow Light for LGBTQ+2 "Pride Month" The Rainbow is a symbol God will never Flood the Earth again; the colors of the Rainbow mix to form Black, the Black Lord Lucifer "Light Bearer" and Black Sun/Star Saturn should ring a Baal. Gen 13:13 and Rev 13 highlight God's punishment. When the Men of Sodom attempted to rape Angels of the Lord sent to Lot's house; Fire and Brimstone soon followed. Anonymous "NASA will soon announce proof of Aliens" Anonymous hides behind the Guy Fawkes mask because they are Jesuits just like Jesuit sock puppet and fraud Stephen Hawking. Guy Fawkes was the Scapegoat for the Nov 5, 1605 Gunpowder Plot to murder King James I and prevent publication of the Authorized Bible aka KJV. Ever read that Esau obtains "Dominion" (Sovereign Authority to Rule the Earth), yet sold his Birthright? You won't in New Bible versions. Ever read that God will never again raise Israel? Amos 7:2-3;5-6 is drastically changed in New Versions. Jesuits gave the world false doctrines such as the 7Yr Tribulation, Pre-Tribulation Rapture, Daniel's 70th Week New Dispensation for Israel, Big Bang Theory, Gravity Theory, Evolution Theory and of course Aliens. Aliens on the Dark Side of the Moon? Oceans on Jupiter's moon Europa? Hydrogen on Saturn's Moon Enceladus? All Bullshit. Hydrogen is "H"; in Hebrew the additional "h" means "God is with me" seen in Juda-Judah, Abram-Abraham, Sarai-Sarah. Enceladus was the mythical Giant offspring of Gaea and Uranus; pretty funny NASA is planning a probe t search Uranus for Natural Gas eh? A bunch of kindergarteners discovering "Potty Talk". Oceans on Europa? funny; we heard that in 2001: A Space Odyssey "All these worlds are yours except Europa. Attempt no landing there" Arthur C Clarke Sci-Fi author and avid occultist in the Cult of Saturn. SCOTUS reinstates Trump Travel Ban from Libya, Iran, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Yemen. During the Bush Jr Administration, Gen Wes Clark (nee Samaritan Cohen) laid out the plan to invade 7 nations: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan and lastly Iran. Guess were right on track. America was planned in 1620 by Francis Bacon in "New Atlantis: A Work Unfinished" to be the Phoenix of the New Age, New Atlantis rising from the ashes. The Unfinished Pyramid on the $US ONE is the Pyramidion, perch of the Phoenix; Pyramid means "Amid the Flames". Guess how many nations will accept US Refugees when we are in Flames? Mike Pence officiates 3rd wedding ceremony of Skull & Bones Initiate, Horror Film Producer, Goldman Sachs Banker, US Treasury Sec Steve Mnuchin and Horror Film actress Louise Linton. Mike Pence showing his devotion to Satan, now an Interfaith Minister, credits "Gay Conversion Therapy" for allowing him to marry, now an initiate of "The Family" whose members follow teachings of Abraham Vereide and Doug Coe "The men who understood the real message of the New Covenant best were Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin SJ, Pol "Cambodian Killing Fields" Pot and Chairman Mao Tse Tung (Yale Divinity School Grad)". The Black Horse causes the world economy to fall, forcing everyone into a choice of working for a Penny (Pence) or take the Mark of the Beast; collapse of the US Economy with its $22T Debt + $77T Unfunded Liabilities and $700+Q Derivatives is the only nation that could collapse the world economy. Zionist Mike Pence riding the Black Horse carrying a pair of Balances? Quite a TRUMP eh? Infrastructure will soon be in place for millions to fulfill their biblical mandate to make a pilgrimage to the Temple Mount 3 Times/Yr on Feast of Unleavened Bread, Shavuot (Pentecost) and Sukkot, as spelled out in Deut 16:16. Hotels will soon be finished/upgraded, Fast Train service from Ben Gurion (a 33 degree Freemason; fake Jew) Airport in Tel Aviv (Tel Abib is named after the city of exile in Babylon) to Jerusalem (Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt Rev 11:8KJV) and the Temple Mount Express Bus Line. What you haven't been filling your biblical mandate? Jesus designed it that way. The Temple was destroyed twice for the same reasons; rejection of the LORD (Eze 8; Mat 14:58) "I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and within three days I will build another made without hands" The Levitical Priesthood is corrupt; Jesus is Melchisedek who replaced this Priesthood (Heb 7:11). Israel is a man-made Crypto Jewish (Satanic) creation of the Rothschild (Red=Edomite), British (B'Rith=Covenant Men ie Cain, Japheth, Ishmael, Esau) and America (Amurru is the Edomiite Serpent and Shepherd god; Amar is the Canaanite god of the West; Ameru means Serpent). Time to get right with JESUS folks! CERN's GOLIATH, a super-conducting Magnet receives power from DAVID (of course it would), controlled by CESAR (King) in the Vain and Blasphemous (Science is vain and blasphemous contempt of God Rev 1 Ti 6:12KJV)search for the "Dark Photon". First off Magnet means "Depending on Lodestone; which means "Leading Stone"; God separated the nations at Babel; the United Nations has the largest Lodestone Altar in the Meditation Room. The "New Force" (Satan is the "god of Forces" Dan 11:38) carrier, "Dark Photon", is much like its puny (93% of the Universe is predicted to be Dark Matter) alter ego "God Particle" or "Graviton". "Dark Photon" is the "Mediator" (Just like Jesus) between Dark and Visible Matter; in other words between Creation and Bull Shit. Gravity is a made up "Force" and "String Theory" the made up Force Carrier. Earth is fixed on a foundation that shall not be moved (Ps 93:1; Job 26:7; Josh 10:13; 1 Chr 16:30; Is 45:18; 48:13; Zech 13:1) Jesus is "Light of the World" (Jn 8:13); Gravity necessitates a moving Earth. Whoever folows Jesus will not walk in "Darkness". On Day 1 God created Light and separated that from Darkness; this was 3 days before creation of the Sun, Moon and Stars "Lights"; what is this form of "Light"? The "Spirit of God" that "moved upon the face of the waters" (Ref Gen 1). The Spirit of the LORD departed Solomon's Temple (Eze 8) on the route Jesus departed the Temple because they are one in the same. Jesus is the "Mediator" between Man and God in SPIRIT; the requirements "Love God/Jesus" "Love your Neighbor". The requirements for the "Dark Photon" as Mediator? You guessed it 666; tough to Dis-CERN? God is the Creator who takes the Names: I AM (Ex 3:14; an aside; 3.14=Pi; Jesus says "BEhold I come quickly" in Rev 22:7; 22/7=Pi), God Almighty, JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3) JAH (Ps 68:4KJV); JESUS (Mat 1:25KJV); Satan the "Destroyer" takes on 99 Names including Apollo/Apollyon/Abaddan (Rev 9:11; that's why 9/11/2001 was chosen) and Shiva which is why Shiva dances the Nataraja "Dance of Destruction" in front of CERN. Can CERN create a Black Hole, Black Photon or Graviton to destroy the Earth? or a Portal to the Dark World of Demons? Absolutely not; CERN is a Finalcial Black Hole of Deception, nothing more. Physicists must think its hilarious to conduct mock Satanic sacrifice rituals in front or sing the praises of Peter Higgs, the namesake of the God Particle; David and Goliath and the Vatican's LUCIFER Telescope are no exception. Jesuit liars made up Gravity, Evolution, Big Bang (actually they laugh because Big Bang is really the Ejaculation of the Egyptian creator god Atum, the source of Atom) Theories. God's Creation has been reduced to grade school potty talk like WIMPS, MACHOS, ALICE and Mirror Matter and RAMBOS; no Im not kidding. Had enough Bull Shit for one life? Get JESUS in it. Petya Ransomware going viral worldwide. Petya is Russian for Peter "Small Stone"; Jesus of cours if the "Immovable Stone". Petra "Small Stone" is the home of Horites (Worshippers of Horus; Priests were Shemsu Hor; Horus means War Scythe; his father Osiris=On=Saturn, hence the Scythe of the Grim Reaper) and Edomites called the "Eagle's Nest" (Recall Hitler was also enamored with the Edomite Eagle so named in his "Eagle's Nest") Petya Ransomware is the CIA method of blaming Russia for a Cyber Attack. Hammer is a symbol of Thor (Phoenician Tyr); Sickle a symbol of Saturn "Grim Reaper". "Whom to men say that I the Som of man am? ...some say John the Baptist, some Elias and others Jeremias...but whom say ye that I am?...Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail agianst it" Mat 16:11-18 Gnostics (Satanists) worship John the Baptist as St John the Divine. European (Irish, Scots,English) believe Jeremiah took the biblically unmentioned daughter of Zekekiah (last King of Israel) to Ireland with Jacob's Pillar of cource, where she founded a Royal ling of Kings of Judah. Elias will come alright, as one of the 2 Witnesses (only 2 people in history who have not died before being taken to Heaven). Time to get the Big Stone in your Life, the Divinity of Jesus as I AM, JEHOVAH, JAH, Melchisedek, JESUS is the Big Stone. NASA's announces Juno Spacecraft has found 2 additional moons oribiting Jupiter; totaling 69. Why 69? June 21-July22 is Cancer, the Crab symbolized by "69" June is named after Juno, the daughter of Saturn and Sister-Wife of Jupiter. Again Why 69? Dan 9:23-27. Note: Dan 9:23 and Sept 23, 2017 is no coincidence. Jupiter "Dyeus-pater" means "Father Zeus" as used in the Roman pantheon or "Heavenly Father", the term Mormons use; Joseph Smith in fact was buried with a talisman of Jupiter. Capitol means "Womb of Zeus/Jupiter" As to Dan 9:23-27 "70 Weeks" being 69 Weeks coincident with 69 Moons of Jupiter + the "70th Week" being the 7 Yr Tribulation and oft quited "Pre-Trib Rapture?; why not read scripture just as God wrote it. "70 Sevens" first appeared in the Aramaic/Syrian Bible found at St Catharines Monastery at the foot of the fake Mt Sinai (real Mt Sinai is Agar/Hagar in Arabia Ref Gal 4); this gave rise to Dispensationalism and 7 Yr Tribulation being the 70th Week; this is simply not true. 70 Weeks is 490 Days which fits into the timeline just after Rev 9:11 5th Trumpet 1st Woe! and just before the 6th Trumpet, 2nd Woe!. Amos 5:2;26; 7:2-3; 5-6 KJV point out the virgin of Israel fell in 700 BC and shall no more rise; modern Israel is made up of Ashkenazi descendants of Japheth-Gomer-Ashkenaz (Ref Gen 10) and a mix of Babylonians, Cuthites, Canaanites and Medeans (Ref 2 Ki 17:30) They serve Satan under guise of Saturn; 6 Pt Star of Saturn, Osiris, Chiun, Sikkuth, Moloch. Sept 20 Rosh Hashanah forms the "Christ Angle". On Sept 23, 2017, Jupiter/Zeus exits the womb of Virgo . Virgo is re-creatd by the Federal Triangle (Capitol "Womb of Zeus", 666ft Washington Monument and White House; the same Mr "Peace Triangle" aka Mr-Akh-Bah (Body Spirit Soul) represented at the Great Pyramid; the King Chamber shaft is aimed at the annual circumpolar passage of Alpha Draconis; the Dragon, Satan, Lucifer (Rev 16:16) Jesus warned would deceive all nations. Scientific American even went so far as to call Jupiter a "Great Geast"; now if that's not enough occult communication to motivate you to accept Jesus, what is? How about Hollywood? Little Shop of Horrors and Evan Almighty predected cataclysm for Sept 23; the latter was strictly a local Flood in Washington DC. Why? America was planned in 1620 "New Atlantis: A work unfinished" to be the Phoenix of the New Age; the New Atlantis rising from America's holocaust. Pyramid means "Amid the Flames"; when America has the Pyramidion "Capstone", the symbolic perch of the Phoenix, Egyptians called the "Ben ben" Stone is placed; watch out! Red Line: White House says "Assad may be planning another Chemical Weapon Attack and wil pay a heavy price" UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, on Twitter: "Any further attacks done to the people of Syria will be blamed on Asaad, but also on Russia & Iran who support him killing his own people." Well, I admire the honesty. The Aptil 4 Cruise Missile Attack was in response to a fake Chemical Weapon attack; Trump couldn't recall if the missiles hit Iraq or Syria, but remembered his "Chocolate Cake"; pretty sick eh? Assad's Chemical Weapons are "Made in the USA"; admitted by then Geo-spatial Division Chief Bob Gates while CIA Chief. Evergreen B-747'a ahuttled the WMD's just after the "Shock and Awe" Tomahawk Cruise missile attack on Baghdad in 2003 during the Bush Jr Administration; the weapons were once supplied to Iran and Iraq for their 8 Yr Genocidal War during the Iran-Contra Treason in the Reagan Administration. Blaming Russia and Iran eh? Russian Cargo Ship Mol Comfort split in half in 2013 with 5000 Shipping Contrineres full of Russiah weapons destined for Jeddah Saudi Arabia and the "Friends of Syria" armed by John McCain and John Kerry. Why Syria" "The burden of Damascus...Damascus is taken away from being a city, it shall be a ruinous heap" Is 17:1 "Pope Francis is my man...Francis is stupid and does what I want"-Satan Resigned "Heralds of the Gospel founder Mgr Joao Scagnamiglio Cla Dias quoting his Priests. No surpirise; the plan is to make the Roman Catholic Church the Scapegoat for MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT. MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMIINATIONS UPON THE EARTH (Rev 17) It is not. Jesus' warning "Thyatira" (Continual Sacrifice) is directed primarily at the Catholic Church.