One Heaven (+ seven other sites just like it) declares the Pale Horse was released 12/21/2012. The Pale Green Horse is Death.
Prophecy of St. Malachy
Prophecy of St Malachy declares Rome will burn when Peter the Roman, Pope #112 from Celestine II is elected. The night Pope Benedict XVI #111 resigned lightning hit St Peter’s Basilica twice. Pope Francis I is #112.
Laurel Grows Green
“In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again” Cathar Prophecy On 1/13/1313, the King of France and Pope Roman Pope illegally confiscated Templar wealth and made a new Concordat with the Knights of Malta “Licet Pridem”. The “Council of Vienne” ended March 20, 1313; Jacques de Molay, the last Cathar Military/Banker was executed 1 year later. The Laurel is the Crown of Bacchus/Dionysus/al-Khidr aka “Green Man”.
“al-Mahdi” arrives after the great war in the 40th generation; the 40th Sayyid of Muhammad” Sheikh Nazim adul al-Haqqani, the 40th in the “Golden Chain” of Sayyids died May 7, 2014 al-Khidr is “Green Man”
11Q13 Prince Melchisedek Scroll “After 10 Jubilees, the Trumpet blast will herald the coming of Melchisedek”. Jesus is Melchisedek! This will be the Alternative Messiah al-Khidr. 10 Jubilees=500 years from what? Black Pope Leo X in 1513 bankrupted the Vatican Bank. The last Knight Templar (International Banker) Jacques de Molay was executed in 1314. Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel with a crack separating Man from God; Pope Francis means “Free”.
Hopi Prophecy
Hopi “Great Purification” Prophecy States the 5th age will begin with Disease, Great Dying, Earthquakes and the World rocking to and fro. Ebola means “The Balls” of a Flagrum used to Crucify followers of Jesus.
Prophecy Rock
Prophecy Rock in AZ “When Blue Star comes Red Kachina will remove his mask in the plaza before the Un-initiated” and White Brother “Pahana” will be revealed. White Brother is Lucifer.. You will want to be “Uninitiated”! Stay on the porch (Ref Rev 11)
Nostradamus “Last Pope will flee Rome in December when there are 2 Suns in the sky to usher in Judgment Day” Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa 2014? Time will tell.
Edgar Cayce
Edgar Cayce: The Sleeping Prophet of the Sleeping Land predicted Russia would die and be re-born to become the hope of the world.
C. Alan Martin
C Alan Martin published a vision in 1971 predicting the last US President would be #12 from Harry Truman; Obama means “He is with us” in Farsi (Zoroastrian Persian; language of Mithraism) is #12.
Condor and Eagle Prophecy
Condor and Eagle Prophecy says 500 years after Columbus discovered America, and nearly wiped out the Condor people (Heart, Intuition, Mystical), a merging with the Eagle people (Brain, Rational , Material) will herald the New Age. Jesus says “where the carcase is, Eagles will gather”. Seen any Eagles on US Government or Currency lately? Pope Francis I is an “Operation Condor” operative.
Mother Shipton
Mother Shipton aka Ursula Southhill, a medium/witch burned at the stake in 1641 predicted wars, airplanes, TV, earthquakes, fires and 1/2 the world dying just before the return of the Golden Age. Read the al-Khidr prophecy again; we are at the end of the “Golden Chain”
Bahai Prophecy
Bab and Baha’u’llah: Bahai prophecy says “Russia will rule the earth at the end of times” This lie is the source of Edgar Cayce’s lies. Russia is not Gog (Rev Eze 38:1; 20:7) America is not “Babylon” (Rev 18) The Roman Catholic Church is not MYSTERY, BABYLON…(Rev 17).
Lead to Slaughter
Feel like a Sheep being led to Slaughter? Jesus set it up that way. He is the only escape! “For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter” Rom 8:36; Ps 44:22. Obama is President #44 and scripture ends with Chap 22.
409 to dissolve make clean.. ?
Howard where does the 409 originate?
Not sure
10/24 United Nations’ Day