“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God” 1 Thess 4:17 Note: The only Archangel is Michael.
“In a moment, at the last trump: for the trumpet whall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed” 1 Cor 15:52
JESUS is the Trump of God, the 7th and final Trumpet. Don’t be fooled by imposters trying in vain to Trump God. Jesus is the Word of God made Flesh; the Hashemite (Edomite) Kingdom of Jordan now claims God did not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah; they found the cities of the plain in tact! Bull Shit; details at the end of the Trump article.
WWIII is planned to pit Zionism (Restoration Theology) against Islam in order for the true doctrine of Lucifer to be accepted. WWIII is being planned at the G-20 meeting Nov 15-16 in Antalya, Turkey aka Satan’s Seat. The G-20 is now chaired by Turkey and Luciferian Mason Erdogan; the G-20 is meeting Nov 15-16 in Antalya the city named after King of Pergamon, Attalus II. Pergamon is where Satan’s Seat was when JESUS gave John His Revelation in 96AD. Today the so-called Throne of Zeus is in the Berlin Museum near the Quadriga of Apollo where Obama gave the “Yes We Can” speech twice; Yes We Can means Thank Your Satan. Antalya is home to the relics of St Nicholas of Myra, Constantine’s representative to the Council of Ephesus and namesake of Santa Claus aka St Nicholas, the Nicolaitane (Conquer the Laity) who with Constantine and his Druid mother Helena convinced the world Jesus was born Dec 25 the same day Apollo, Saturn, Attis, Dionysus, Bacchus, Mithra, Sol, Krishna and Horus were born. Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles not on Saturnalia folks! Read Luke 1 until this sinks in.
“We were prepared” Francois Hollande I guess so..
- http://superstation95.com/index.php/world/534
Twitter posted this from PFeed Ebooks 2 days before the attacks “Breaking: Death toll from Paris terror attack rises to at least 120 with 270 others injured” Nothing new, Robbie Parker the laughing Mormon father of Sandy Hook student Emily Parker set up a Memorial Fund several hours before the Staged event. - Counter-terrorism drills were taking place the same day, Friday 13th, at the same locations in Paris with Francois at the Soccer Stadium; reminiscent of the London Subway Bomb exercises of July 7, 2007 (777) and the FEMA/DHS exercises on 9/11/2001.
- Alleged attackers were French not Syrian; Francois Hollande ordered the Charles DeGaulle Aircraft Carrier to Syria on Friday 13th and launched airstrikes on Raqqa, Syria Sat 14th. An act of War with no proof whatsoever.
- On Nov 16 France invoked Art 5 of the NATO Treaty in Antalia Turkey at the G-20 Conference. If NATO votes in favor this declaration will force NATO and its member nations (US is the largest and most powerful militarily) to go to war with ISIS over the recent False Flag in Paris.
Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the US, in addition to Russia (Ref Mol Comfort) arm and train ISIS (ref Nour M) Saudi King Salman Abdulaziz is meeting with Obama today; the decisions made here may very well lead to WWIII.
Notice who has control over the “Holy Sites”: King Abdullah (Abd=Servant; Allah=The God or Sun) II of Jordan an Edomite descendant of the Korahites has control over the Temple Mount. King Salman Abdulaziz (Abdul=Servant of El or Allah + Aziz=Great and Powerful Oz) of Saudi Arabia has control over Mecca and Medina. This is why JESUS says Jerusalem above is in Heaven while Jerusalem below is Spiritually Sodom and Egypt holding the world in bondage (Gal 4, Rev 11:8) Aleister Crowley’s book Liber Oz may ring a Baal.
The French version of Donald Trump is presidential hopeful Marie LePen who called for the Internment of Muslims, Closure of Mosques, Expulsion of Foreigners and Illegal Immigrants over the Paris False Flag on Friday 13th. Congress leadership met Nov 16 to discuss similar Muslim internment in the US; ISIS is not Muslim nor did Muslims have anything to do with the New Pearl Harbor Event planned by the Neo-cons on 9/11/2001. The French Tail is definitely Wagging the American Dog. The Cross of Lorraine is called the Cross of Free French Forces or “Double Cross” for a reason
Notice who escapes the Antichrist in Dan 11:41: Edom, Ammon, Moab ie Trans-Jordan. Antichrist aka God of Forces (CERN’s Graviton) will control the Gold (Dan 11:38) While the world was watching Paris, did you know 40% of COMEX Gold Bullion (21+ Tonnes) stored in Hong Kong was withdrawn? Clever eh?
The Trump Penthouse
Donald Trump is a Knight of Malta aka Knight Hospitaller aka Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Cyprus, Rhodes and Jerusalem aka Knight of St John of Jerusalem sworn to serve the Black Pope aka Jesuit General Adolpho Nicholas, as is Joe Biden and Paul Ryan. The Cathedra (Teaching Seat) of the Jesuits is the Arch-baslilica of St John Lateran; Lateran means “Hidden Frogs”, the 3 unclean spirits of the Dragon, Antichrist and False Prophet (Rev 12:9; Rev 16:13) which have deceived and weakened the nations.
Jesus hates Nicolaitane Doctrine (Rev 2:6-15); Nico=Conquer; Laitane=Laity; Conquering the Laity of God’s Church is done from the Pulpit where Jesuits pretend to be Protestant, Catholic and Jewish. Jesus refers to these men as “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes”; Adolpho=Noble Wolf + Nicholas. St Nick (Old Nickar) is Santa aka Satan or Saint Nicolaitane. Christ=Messiah; Mass=Sacrifice. The Sacrifice of Jesus in the Grove and replacing with Lights (Lucifer) is the essence of Babylonian Sun worship and has deceived most every nation on earth.
Perhaps the Jesuits greatest deception is the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church. JESUS does that at the 7th Trumpet 1 day before His Wrath is poured out on an unbelieving world.
The 42 month Great Tribulation has not started yet, nor the 7 Trumpet Warnings. The 5th Trumpet at Rev 9:11 is the 1st Woe, occurring 5 months (150 days) before the 6th Trumpet 2nd Woe which occurs 13 months, 1 Day, 1 Hour before the return of JESUS; the 7th Trumpet is the 3rd and final Woe. Donald Trump is likely signaling the occult are planning to falsify the 5th Trumpet release of Apollyon.
November means 9th Month so Armistice Day on Nov 11 is a hidden 9/11 originating as the Druid and Pictish (Picts are considered the originators of Witchcraft) New Year. Donald Trump’s Penthouse, Out Magazine with Obama on the cover with the caption Our President: Ally.Hero.Icon and the 7 Horn Trumpet Google Doodle all came out for Armistice Day.
In Gematria JESUS=888; Trump=88 “I am the lord. I change not” Mal 3:6=888. Don’t be fooled. Donald means “Mighty ruler of the world” Trump means “To Deceive, Mock, Surpass, Beat, Cheat, Fabricate, Devise, Play a Horn. Note the recent Adolphe (Adolph=Noble Wolf; Sax=Saxon ie Germanic Pagan) Sax Google Doodle with 7 Trumpets; the 2nd G has a 7 Bell Trombone
“The Donald” is all of these. The Penthouse is home to his 3rd wife Melania (Black or Dark); Ham, the father of Canaan also means Dark or Black as does Krishna and there is a reason for this; the Trumpet heralding the arrival of the Dark Lord has arrived.
The Symbolism
Trump’s 66th Floor 5th Ave Pent (5) House is loaded with symbolism. First take note of the 66 books that make up the Bible. The original compilation had 49 (7X7) rather than 66 which shows the Hand of God versus the Hand of Man. No words were changed in the Authorized Bible (KJV), just the divisions such as 1-2 Kings, Joshua-Judges, 1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Chronicles, Ezra-Nehemiah etc. The $15K (555=666=3 Nails holding Jesus to the Tree) Commemorative Book to Muhammad Ali, the painting of Apollo (Apollon) and Aurora (Goddess of Dawn=Venus=Phosphorus=Lucifer; Phosphorous is deemed the one element necessary for all life) the painting of Eros and Psyche and the Louis XVI desk stand out for me.
Louis XVI was the Sun King, after whom St Louis MS is named. St Louis is the Masonic Gateway to the West, the St Louis Arch built in the form of a Catenary Arch (arc of a chain pinned at both ends) but thinned at the top. This Gateway to the Setting Sun (West=Death) is seen in “”Shalim” (Shalom), the god of the setting sun of Jerusalem, the “Great City” JESUS refers to as “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt where our Lord was crucified (Rev 11:8). St Louis, besides having an out of control underground fire near a nuclear waste site, sits over the New Madrid Fault, the most seismically active fault on earth. FEMA, NOAA and DHS have maps drawn up showing the area from St Louis to Memphis to New Orleans underwater; the cause is underground methane permeating the Salt Dome over perhaps the world’s largest underground oil deposit in the Mississippi Canyon under the Deep Water Horizon site.
Apollon is the son of Zeus in Greek mythology. Opus Dei is the Work of Zeus; Paul Ryan as Opus Dei initiate is Speaker of the House. The Sun of the Sun (Dies=Zeus) is like Horus or Tammuz (T-Party), born at Christmas. Whether in 2015 remains to be seen, but if you want a relationship with JESUS, you may consider tearing down the “Grove” and lights this Christmas. Hanukkah is 12/6 “Festival of Lights” may very well usher in the final 1260 days. Apollon makes his appearance at Rev 9:11 as Apollyon (Destroyer). The Hurrian Aplu (Apollo) is a god of Plague. Apollo’s twin is Artemis/Diana the goddess of Witchcraft whose Priests “Mellissae” (Bee Keepers) can be seen in the Mormon Church in the Beehive State. Aurora brings Apollo across the sky; Auroras form from Solar Radiation contacting the Ionosphere, a world encompassing Television Screen designed as part of “Operation Blue Beam” during the US-Russian “Cold War” charade called “Star Wars”, capable of projecting Satellite guided images all over the world. The occult message? Deception, fake Rapture, Earthquakes and Plague are coming soon (Ref Mat 24).
Eros and Psyche represent Immortality and Love. Psyche “Deity of the Soul” was tricked into murdering Eros; Zeus made them Immortal so their love could go on forever. The first Lie the Serpent told Eve was she would never die and become as the gods ie Immortal. Note the tie in with 1 Cor 15:55 “Oh, death where is thy sting?” Now Why a $15,000 Book on Muhammad Ali?
Nation of Islam is Arab religion and has nothing to do with Islam
Muhammad Ali converted to the Nation of Islam; he was not a Shiite nor Sunni Muslim. He took his name from Muhammad and Ali. Muhammad was a Quyraish Arab Bedouin of Mecca, Numbers 16 describes this Korahite “Rebel” Priesthood; don’t fall for the deception and perish in the “Gainsaying of Core” Jude 7. Arabs worshipped Allah “The God” aka Sun (Helios, Apollo, Dionysus etc) and his 3 daughters: Uzza “Mighty One”, goddess of the Morning Star aka Venus or Lucifer. Al-lat “The Goddess” aka Ishtar, Aphrodite or Isis and Manat the Crone goddess of Fate and Time symbolized by the Crescent Moon “Hilal”. (Mormons and Shriners worship Hilal as well) Folks, all 4 Arab gods and goddesses are Lucifer by other names. Isis has nothing whatsoever to do with Islam or Muslims whether Shia or Sunni; Isis is the “Black Virgin”, the name means “Throne” of the Alternative Messiah or Satan’s Seat. Dozens of nations arm, fund and train Isis including Russia. Don’t fall for the deception.
Ali is considered the 4th and final legitimate Caliph in Sunni Islam while Ali is also the 1st Shia Imam; this Ali is the center of the Sunni-Shia split. US-Russia created ISIS (Throne/Lap of Antichrist aka Black Virgin) takes the Sunni side (they aren’t however; led by Israeli Simon Elliot) enforcing Sharia (Revealed) Law while Shias aka Twelvers or Hagarenes (Hagar and Ishmael, cast out of Abraham’s inheritance found a home at the Zamzam Well in Mecca where the Kaaba is today) await the arrival of the 12th Shia Imam “al-Mahdi” aka “King Arthur”. Shias themselves are split into Nizari Assassins led by Agha Kahn IV from Paris and Shia Ayatollahs themselves in Iraq (Babylon) and Iran (Persia) are led by Grand Orient Lodge Freemasons trained in Paris; Why? Paris means “House of ISIS”. Trump knows this; he is an initiated Knight of Malta aka Hospitaller, the counterpart to the Knights Templar-Assassins Dialectic.
Muhammad Ali is taken from the Nation of Islam founder Elijah Muhammad and the founder of the Moorish Science Temple Noble Drew Ali. Prince Hall Masonry is based on Nation of Islam which teaches Blacks are the superior Race; Blacks here, refer to Noah’s son Ham (Black), the post-Flood Cainite “Race”. Obama is a 32 degree Prince Hall Mason; a lifelong Masonic trained (33 degree Masons Rev Jesse Jackson, Rev Al Sharpton, Malcolm X, Rev Louis Farrakhan) stooge. Sarah “Going Rogue” Palin established April 14-14, 2007 Prince Hall Mason Week in AK in preparation for Obama aka Bari Malik Shabazz Jr; Hillary Clinton ended her run for President in Kentucky in front of a US Flag with all 50 Stars sewn on upside down commemorating Baphomet, the Union of Spirit and Wisdom of the sort provided by Apollo (Apple Tree). Follow so far?
Masons are buried in coffins with 555 and an Evergreen sprig on the Diamond shaped lid; 5 in Roman numerals is V; in Hebrew Vau is 6, the number of Man which means Nail. The message is the 3 Nails holding Jesus to the Evergreen Tree. The Trees where Evil is done in sight of the LORD are called “Groves”. Obama has the Secret Service Codename “Renegade”, Michelle/Michael “Renaissance” (Re-Birth), Joe Biden “Celtic”, Jill Biden “Capri” (Goat=Baphomet or Goat of Mendes) and guess what Hillary Clinton has? “Evergreen”.
Trump knows Obama is not legal to be President evidenced by the Ivanka 1 Departure from West Palm Beach with “BRTHR” as one of the Navigation Points; it was made over a year before Trump entered the “Birther” show. Should this material be presented and proven, Paul Ryan, the Opus Dei initiate and servant of Rome will become President.
The Daily Beast
Newsweek aka “The Daily Beast” put Obama in a Rainbow Halo on the cover in 2012 with the caption “First Gay President”; mocking Jesus here? Out Magazine for Veteran’s Day
has Obama as “LGBT Ally, Hero, Icon of the Year”, because he is a lifelong Sodomite (Mohammad Chandoo, Kal Penn, Reggie Love, Michael Robinson; Chicago Bath House member “Man’s Country”) married to his Cross-dressing partner Michael/Michelle. Obama (He is with us) in Farsi is Bari (Solar Boat/Barque) Malik (Molech) Shabazz (Royal Falcon=Horus), the Horite/Canaanite “Son of the Sun” (Osiris) and husband of his mother Isis. This is why Obama carries the SS Name “Renegade” and Michelle/Michael “Renaissance”. Obama is a self proclaimed “Deeply religious man”, but one who can’t understand God means what He says in Lev 18:22; 20:13, Deut 23:17, Ex 23:17, Rom 1:27, 1 Cor 6:9, 1 Ti 1:8, Jude 7.
During the 100+ years after Cain killed Abel, the Gene Pool was corrupted from Incest; before the Flood “Only Noah was perfect in his generations”; after the Flood all but 1 Cainite (Noah’s Wife) remained alive. Shabazz means “1st Race”, that being of Cain and after the Flood Canaan; Malcolm X (Milcom/Molech + Christ) thought he was the one, but only Obama the Kenyan Kennite came from that. Canaan was the product of Incest between Ham (Black) and his Cainite mother “Cursed” because the
Cainite Bloodline was producing Giants such as the post-flood Og of Bashan or Goliath and the Sons of Anak (Anakin Skywalker may ring a Baal); these are the biblical “Men of Renown”
Why the picture of Apollo and Aurora? Apollyon and Apollo mean “Destroyer”; Aplu the god of Plague. Apollo destroys the Soul Apollo was born on the 7th Day, thus he became a Sabbath god; today in the west Sunday “Dies Solis”. In Rome Apollo was Helios or Sol; the birth of Solis Invictus (Unconquered Sun) is Christmas, a day having absolutely nothing to do with Jesus and everything to do with Apollo, Dionysus, Bacchus, Attis, Horus, Mithra and Tammuz. Worship of Tammuz was the reason the “Glory of the LORD” departed Solomon’s Temple in Eze 8 and will be the reason the Holy Ghost departs the Earth.
Jesus said “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world” When this light goes out and the Hanukkah/Christmas Lights go up; all Hell is going to break loose. Satan kills God’s 2 Witnesses and they rise after 3 days lying in the streets of Jerusalem, people will be in the midst of handing presents to one another; sounds like Christmas doesn’t it?
Apollo is the Apple; cut an Apple across and a Pentacle/Baphomet forms; cut vertically and the Labia (Valentine Heart=Sexual Initiation) forms. There was no Apple Tree in the Garden of Eden nor did Luciferian/Rosicrucian Isaac Newton prove Gravity by the fall of an Apple; Gravity gives Mass to Matter and Order to the Universe ie GAOU (Grand Architect of the Universe) Now the recent Hedi Lamar Google Doodle may make sense; the 7 horned Trumpet (Trump=Trumpet) is over the 2nd G, the Alternative to God.
Apollyon the Destroyer of Rev 9:11 uses Sun-Earth (EM) energy to Destroy; Apollo is thus the warning of Earthquakes in Diverse Places and Pestilence (Mat 24). Notice the picture on the book of Muhammad Ali is Up and Down meaning Earth will be destroyed and made anew “As Above, So Below”. Apollo Destroys using Aurora, the energy currently opening a giant Ozone Hole over the Arctic (Arcturas=Arthur) forms Auroras; the movie “Knowing” with fellow Knight of Malta Nic Cage may ring a Baal; all life on earth died except those taken by Aliens to the Golden Age from UV Radiation.
Trumps 66th Floor 5th Av Pent (5) House is a testament to Antichrist Trumping JESUS, the real 7th and final Trump of God. Time to choose sides, before the 5th Trumpet 1st Woe really begins.
Trumping the Word of God went into high gear on Friday 13th; the University of Southwest Trinity in New Mexico and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan announced God did not really destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah; they seem to have found them at Tall el-Hamman
Brimstone is Thermate
The site in a fertile plain NE of the Dead Sea is Bull Shit; New Mexico’s Southwest Trinity University is following in the footsteps of U of NM who actually created and patented the Brimstone (Aluminum, Magnesium + Sulphur) “Thermate” (not Thermite as Mormon-CIA Liar BYU Physics Professor Stephen Jones claims; Sulphur is used in patented Thermate and only a very few companies use it and have the capability to demolish steel skyscrapers into their own footprint) demolition explosives used to melt the Twin Towers on 9/11/2001.
God said the Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah would be barren and never inhabited again (Is 13:20; Jer 50:40). The Dead Sea sites of Sodom and Gomorrah are on the quite barren site along the SE shore and house the remains of 2 million people God rained fire and brimstone on for sinning against Him
Melted marble buildings, the Pillar of Salt (Lot’s wife) are all there. Why propose people can actually escape God’s Judgment? In Dan 11:41 say Edom, Moab, and Ammon escape the hand of the Antichrist; Well now, that is precisely what the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (Idumea=MOab, Ammon, Edom) is proposing!
Don’t mock God for one second; Sodomy (Ritual Sexual initiation using Adultery, Pedophilia, Anal Sex designed to Blaspheme the Holy Ghost used in high level Witchcraft, Jesuit, Sufi, Masonic initiations) will not go unpunished.
University Southwest NM is working with the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; nintendo freak, Obama pal and 33 degree Grand Orient Lodge Luciferian Mason initiated in Paris, King Abdullah II claims to be Hashemite ie an Edomite descendant of Muhammad and the Quyraish (Korahite Priesthood is Ishmaelite-Edomite + Canaanite wives; God burned them and swallowed them in the Earth=Perishing in the Gainsaying of Core in Jude 7) Tribe of Mecca (Mechus=Adultery) No wonder they claim God never did what the Bible said he did.
Don’t believe this garbage for one second.
Believing this nonsense is tantamount to trusting Turkey to know the location of Noah’s Ark is on Mt Ararat (Turkey-Iraq-Iran border between the Black and Caspian Sea); it’s a bit hard to come FROM the East (Ref Gen 11:2 KJV) to Babylon from Mt Ararat in Turkey isn’t it?
Believing this nonsense is tantamount to trusting Constantine the Great’s mother Druid mother Helena, Saudi Arabia and Egypt to know the location of Mt Sinai is in Egypt and not in Arabia as God said (Gal 4).
God said the Earth was “Stabilized and set on a foundation that shall not be moved” (eg Ps 93:1; Job 26:7) The Focault Pendulum at the Pantheon in Paris where French Revolutionaries are enshrined as Gods, claims to Trump God’s word by claiming a Rotating, Orbiting Earth; an expanding, stationary sphere accounts for Gyroscopic Stability, not a Rotating, Orbiting, Big Bang moving one.
Why not just read Scripture yourself and prove everything by it? Jesus is the Word made Flesh; don’t try and Trump Him!
Crypto, Marrano or Converso is a term for Talmudic Satanists who feign conversion to Christianity while hiding their practices. Their beliefs are 1. Unitary God 2. Messiah has not come but is coming 3. Communal Salvation through the Law of Moses
Donald Trump (Drumpf) was raised Chabad Lubavitch, Jesuit educated (Fordham and Univ of Pennsylvania), initiated Knight of Malta, and a fake Presbyterian. (Tartan is Phoenician Cloth; Kirkin O Tartan celebrates the Assyrian replacement of Israel with Canaanites, Medeans, Babylonians listed in 2 Ki 17:30)
Trump is a Crypto, just like Catholic-Mormon-Catholic-Baptist Marco Rubio and Sephardic-Evangelical Ted Cruz.
Save-The-Planet George Soros Invests In Coal
U.S. Securities and Exchange Act filings indicate that Soros has purchased an initial 1 million shares of Peabody Energy and 553,200 shares of Arch Coal, the two largest publicly traded U.S. coal companies.
In Jan Peabody Energy was $150/share today with the UN and US Government locking up Coal production it’s $11/share Arch Coal was $22/share; today $1.19. This isn’t the first time Grigori Schwartz has collapsed an industry to pick it up for pennies. After the 2008 flooding he picked up farmland along the Mississippi River Valley for bankruptcy prices. In 2010 he used TARP money (Bernanke and Geithner aided this theft) held in the US Treasury to short Silver as it free fell from $47 to $34 in 3 hours.
quick primer on the WWIII and the Trumping of God.
Secret Society Initiations are Luciferian; the first was called the Tower of Babel; (Gate of El, Saturn, Molech, etc) Babylon means Gate of Osiris or On “Heliopolis”. The last is called ISIS “Black Virgin” or “Throne” of the Alternative Messiah :Lucifer”. A Knight is a Sworn servant of the Queen of Heaven “ISIS”; ISIS is the Black Virgin thus the term “Black Knight” or Knight of the Schwarze Sun “Black Sun” (Nazi SS).
ISIS is also called DAESH “Nation of Islam in Levant”. It’s based on the First Race (Shabazz); the First Born Sons: Cain, Canaan, Elam (Persia), Joktan (Arabs), Haran, Lot, Ishmael, Esau. Esau is prophesied to obtain “Dominion” (Gen 27:39-41 AB) and his written intent is to slay his brother Jacob. Brazen eh? The 3rd Beast Kingdom of Esau is Brass.
Anonymous (Anonymus) are Secret Societies whose Initiates are relieved of Care; the first Sumerian Ritual “Begone Dull Care” is today’s Bohemian Grove Ritual; Care is placed at the feet of Molech. Freedom, Liberty, Equality are buzzwords used by Anonymus aka “Il Separatio” meaning Separated or Holy. Anonymus means “Personification of perfect neutrality” symbolized by Pontius Pilate washing his hands at the Crucifixion, the Masonic “White Gloves”, the Anonymous Mask (Guy Fawkes was the Jesuit Scapegoat for the Gunpowder Plot of 5 Nov 1605 to prevent publication of the 1611 Authorized Bible; Thomas Percy (Pierce as in Barbara “Babalon” Pierce/Bush) was the real ring leader or Black wrapped face of ISIS’ “Jihadi John”.
The intent of Anonymous Secret Oaths (Jesuit, Masonic, Sufi etc) is to become outside the system, Free of Laws, Customs, Tax or Cares of the World; Secret Societies provide the tools (Weapons, Opportunity etc) for people to commit Sin.
Both sides of all Revolutions, Civil Wars and International Wars are financed, armed and instigated by Anonymus; Catholic V Islam; Catholic V Protestant; Zionism V Islam (WWIII) matters not. All wars are planned by 5th Column Traitors outside the system.
Putin and Obama in private meetings in Paris as they were in Antalya the day after the Paris False Flag and the day before Turkey (Turkmen) shot down the Russian Jet. Turkey received all 7 Church Warnings from JESUS in Rev 2-3 because they created most of the world’s religions (Talmud, Kaballah, Russian/Syrian/Greek/Coptic Orthodox)
“The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take councel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed” Ps 83 Prov 1:7 and Ps 83 also say the same thing.
The Confederates ie (Rebels) are Edom: Obadiah describes them as inside the gates of Israel; British means Birthright of Esau; America is Amurru the Edomite shepherd and serpent god; the Red Star of Communism generated Putin; the Red Dragon of China Chairman Mao etc
Ishmalites: Hagarenes, Twelvers or Jafaris are Turkmen, Shia followers of Ayathollahs and Assassins following Agha Kahn IV all trained in Paris Moab: Jordan is Moab, Edom and Ammon aka Idumea; these escape the hand of Antichrist in Dan 11. eg Obama pal King Abdullah II
Hagarenes: Hagar and Ishmael were cast out to Mecca by Abraham. They are the “Twelvers” awaiting the revealing of al-Mahdi.
Gebel: Tyrians- Phoenicians who migrated using Solomon’s “Ships of “Tarshish” all over the world with Astarte aka Our Lady of Byblos or Easter. Tyrian Purple was used to “Set Apart” Royalty and is used in Tekhelet Blue today for use in false Levite Priests
Ammon: The Six Pointed Star has nothing to do with the Nation of Israel, it is the Ammonite Star of Remphan; Chiun in Moab; Molech in Syria/Lebanon; Saturn in Chaldea or El in PHoenicia; Babel means Gate of this Star and can be seen in the European Parliament built as an Unfinished Tower of Babel with Seat #666 Vacant and the Whore riding the Beast our front http://www.moresureword.com/starof.htm.
Amalek: Amalekites are at war with the LORD from Generation to Generation in Ex 17; they are the Ishmaelites who married Canaanite women and Edomites who followed that violation of Abraham’s Covenant with the LORD; during 40 years in the Wilderness they became the Alternative Korahite Priesthood aka Rebels and later Turkmen, the Synagogue of Satan Rabbis, Imams, Fathers and Pastors leading their flocks astray Jesus warned against in Mat 23:8-10.
Philistines: Originally from Crete; Cretans are admitted “Liars, Evil Beasts and Slow Bellies” who originated worship of Zeus seen today by most all Churches, Opus Dei “Work of Zeus”, Jesuits “Militia of Zeus and Minerva”; Cretans found their way into Egypt as the Hyksos aka Amalekites who taught War and Metallurgy to Egyptians. God covered them with Lava on Thera and destroyed their Bull-Minotaur worshipping Palace of Knossos on Crete. The Golden Bull Altars and Apis (Word) Bull is the basis of Wall St and Bullshit.
Midianites: Kennites such as Moses’ wife’s father were subtle in undermining the LORD’s commandments; the Kennites of Kenya (both Michelle/Michael and Barry are Kennites) hide fake Ark of the Covenants, their Priests of Ameru (Serpent Priests) form the American story with the Eagle (Edom) carrying the Serpent.
Jabin: Persished at Endor because Endor is synonymous with Witchcraft, the true Whore of Babylon. Consulters with Familiar Spirits, Necromancers, Sooth Sayers, Astrologers are all Demon controlled entities called Shaman or Witch Doctors.
Ps 83:18 ends this description of the Confederacy with one name JEHOVAH. Obadiah means “Servant of JEHOVAH”; in Ps 68:4 KJV the name is shortened to JAH (not Jah as new bibles use) and in Mat 1:25 JESUS is the promised JAH. Don’t be fooled by the Yashua, Yehoshua, Yahweh, Jah, JahBulon (Masonic Name) Bullshit. There is one NAME and one NAME only which provides Salvation and that is JAH/JESUS.
The Alladdin Script for WWIII
ISIS takes responsibility for the Paris False Flag on the eve of a G-20 conference in Turkey; a Syrian Passport appears; convenient eh?
Turkey PM Ahmet Davutoglu (a Jafari playing role of Jafar) allegedly orders the shoot down of a Russian Jet. Turkmen (aka Neo-Ottoman Jafaris) happen to be at the crash site inside Syria; How can Russia not be involved with this?
Reccip Tayyip Erdogan (330 Mason) manages the Baku-Tiblisi-Ceyhan Oil Pipeline. He also arms, trains, and allegedly supplies 150,000 passports to ISIS for travel worldwide. Bilal Erdogan owns an Oil Shipping business allowing ISIS to sell stolen Iraqi Oil to Turkey for sale from Ceyhan, the hub of SE Asia, Russian and Middle East Oil and Natural Gas; Sumeyye Erdogan (Playing Jasmine) runs a Secret ISIS hospital in Sanliurfa, the start of the Turkish section of the Oil Pipeline from Sanliurfa to Ceyah. No surprise here Turkey is always the “Middle Man”. Turkey received all 7 Church warnings from JESUS (Rev 2-3) because Turkey founded Islam Talmudic Judaism, and Orthodox Religions, all use a Middle Man Priest/Rabbi/Imam. Afghanistan supplies 96% of the world’s Heroin through Turkey. Turkmen Commander Alparslin Celik is at the exact spot inside Syria the Russian Jet was hit.
Genie Energy (Lord Jacob Rothschild, Dickhead Cheney, Rupert “Evil Merodach” Murdoch) miraculously finds one of the largest Oil deposits and is given a 238 SQ Mi license to steal Oil from Israeli occupied Syria in the Golan Heights (Mt Hermon is Mt of the Chief; Gen 6 should ring a Baal) with protection from a UN Army of Blue Helmets (Genie).
Jafaris, a Sultan and a Genie? Now where have we seen that? Oh yeah, Luciferian Mason Walt Disney’s Alladdin. Sultan played by Erdogan. Sultan’s Vizier “Jafar” played by Davutoglu, and the Blue Genie played by the UN Blue Helmet Military soon backed by the US. Almost comical the White House Press “Corp uses Alladdin’s Lamp as its symbol and the US will soon give the Genie power over Jafar.
This Satanic Script has been played out for many years folks: Founder of the Ottoman Empire Osman or Othman I=Osama bin Laden aka CIA asset Tim Osman and UN Space Alien Ambassador M.Othman. Muhammad’s Uncle Abd al Mutallib can even be seen in fake Christmas Bomber Farouk Abdul Mutallib. Muhammad’s wife Fatimah even shows up in Catholic Church “Our Lady of Fatimah” LMFAO
As ridiculous as this Disney Alladdin Script is, WWIII hangs in the balance, pre-planned to usher in Worldwide Economic, Moral and Phsycal Exhaustion and the reign of Lucifer rising as a Phoenix from the ashes http://www.threeworldwars.com/albert-pike2.htm That All Seeing Eye on the $US atop 13 courses of Stones is Lucifer in the Pyramidion (Pyramid means Amid the Pyre or Flames), the perch called the Ben-ben of Heliopolis “City of the Sun”.
Obama’s meetings with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Narendra(Recalled that 5 tree Doodle ?? Narendra name is Indra Hindu (Indra’s Paradise ends with the Kalpa Taru “Tree of Eternity”; we saw this in SMOM Nic Cage’s movie Modi modus operandi at the start of the two-week climate summit “will send a strong message to the world about their strong commitment to climate change,” White House Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes said.But those targets and action plans would only hold the global temperature rise by the end of the century to around 2.7 degrees Celsius (4.9 Fahrenheits), he said, still well above the 1.5 C to 2 C (2.7 F to 3.6 F) degrees scientists recommend.
Earlier on Tuesday, US-lead climate talks negotiator Todd Stern said a Paris agreement should build in a review process that lets countries re-assess their targets every five years to put the world closer to a 2-degree (3.6 F)(666) target.
“We can take Syrian refugees is they are Christian…you can prove if you are Christian” Jeb Bush Skull & Bones Satanist, 4 degree Knight of Columbus, 33 degree Luciferian (Satanic) Freemason, Jesuit Knight of Malta, Chabad Luvavitcher, Bohemian Grove, CFR, son of Nazi George Scherff Jr and Aleister Crowley’s “Babalon” Barbara Bush..
added pictures of Kanye West and his NYC “Yeezus” concert to the video. West was stationed on the Float that appeared to show a nuclear bomb devastating New York City. Back in July Peter King Fox News mention a Nuclear Bomb going off inNY
When the lights go out in New York City for the last time, We will have the world” Ayn Rand “Big Apple” refers to Aplu or Apollo aka Apollyon or Abaddon (Destroyer) of Rev 9:11. Dark Knight Rises; I am Legend and others all feature NYC for a reason. Lucent (Lucifer) Technology 6th Floor, 666 Broadway, Inferno program, Styx. Or the Midnight countdown clock on the Virgin Record Bldg at Union Sq Park (Flag held up by the Fasces); UN Satanic Altar; 7 Left Hand forks in Broadway from Columbus Circle to Union Sq or the One World Tower should wake anyone up except Kanye and his Jeezus Blasphemy
Monday Nov 30:
Ophiuchus “Serpent Holder” the 13th Astrological House begins
Paris Climate Summit begins. Nations will be burdened with charges, penalties, reductions in Carbon; US has the largest burden
Paris Lawyer Christine LaGarde manages the IMF (Int’l Monetary Fund), based in Washington DC; on Monday the IMF will add the Chinese Yuan China=Sina=Sin=Cathay=Cathar=Heth=Hittites) to the SDR (Special Drawing Rights) basket ($US, Yen, Pound, Euro) used to value National charges, penalties such as those agreed to by Executive Order in Paris by the Usurper in Chief (Congress could never agree to that) Certainly the $US will be devalued as a result. SDR’s are effectively “Debt Security” set up when Gold and the $US fail.
The US has no Gold; the SDR’s were created when Ft Knox Gold was used to pay for the Vietnam War and Nixon was forced to remove the US from Bretton Woods; Gold went in 8 years from $35/Oz to $1000/Oz as a result.
Now you know why Washington DC is Sovereign and not part of the US; 535 Traitors work their part time in the Capitol (Womb of Zeus) to undermine US Sovereignty led b”y Speaker Paul Ryan (between the Fasces), an Opus Dei (Work of Zeus) sworn servant of Jesuit (Militia of Zeus and Minerva) Pope Francis whose primary focus is Carbon reduction.
Ryan is a T-Party (Tammuz Party) hack set to impose Austerity (French: Harsh, Severe) on the US as directed by the UN, Pope Francis and the IMF. So here we are again at the Exodus with Plagues (SARS II, Ebola; produced at Pasteur Paris and tested by Paris based MSF “Doctors without borders”) , ISIS, Drought, Power Grid failure, Extreme weather about to be unleashed on the US with Hittites on both shores and TPP and TTIP agreements in place.
“A man’s foes shall be they of his own household” Mat 10:36; Mic 7:6 The 3rd Beast in Dan 7:6 rises because traitors in every nation worship and serve the Beast ie Esau’s “Dominion”. Brazen isn’t it? Brazen means “Brass”, an Audacious Trick, Unrestrained, Contemptuous, or Harsh. The 3rd Beast Kingdom is the 3rd part of Daniel’s Gold, Silver, Brass, Iron-Clay Idol (Dan 2:39) Forget your Study Bible notes and take note of “Dominion” (Gen 27:40); Esau obtains this Sovereign Authority to rule; Esau is the 3rd Beast. What does Esau do with it? Hand control over to the 4th Beast of Iron which does not mix with Clay.
Time to choose sides; God fashioned Adam from Red Clay and imparted to him the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit is taken, all Hell will break loose. Nod is the land of the East (Rising Sun) to which Cain was banished. This is all anyone has to guide them until they open the door to the Holy Ghost through JESUS. This is why the Paris designed Statue of Liberty and its Twin in Paris represent ISIS “Throne” facing East to the Rising Sun (On or Osiris) aka the Gate of the Sun “Babylon”. Canaan crossed the Flood “Cursed” through Incest by his father Ham (Black) and his mother; this is why they worship the Black Sun (Nazi SS=Schwarze Sonne), Black Holes, Black Matter, Black Ops (Ops is the wife of Saturn or El aka Babel); Black absorbs Light; Lucifer is the Light Bringer. The Sun casts Light onto the Moon (Arab moon god is Sin or Allah) which is a mirror image or reflection; hence worship of the Sun (Osiris, On, Sol) and its Son, a refllection of the Father (Horus, Tammuz, Attis, MIthra, Dionysis, Zeus); Zeus (Opus=Ops + Dei=Zeus) is the son of Saturn about to return the world to the Saturnian Golden Age.
The Black Horse collapses the Economies of the Earth causing worldwide famine as a Black Hole magically sucks up everything around it; SDR’s are based on paper currency and that based on Gold “He who has the Gold makes the rules” Rothschild=Red=Edomite Shield. An Edomite Elite served by Chattel Slaves totaling less than 500 Million (Georgia Guide Stones) is the Beast Kingdom described by Pope Francis “The triumph of Science is realizing the Earth’s carrying capacity is under 1 Billion people”; the man does not know Jesus or the Father; it he did he would realize Mat 16:18 speaks to the Divinity of Jesus, not Peter; Jesus the only mediator between God in Spirit and Man in Flesh. Where did this ridiculous number come from? 93 is Thelema + Agape, the Universal Ethic, Revealed Religion and Philosophy of Nature transmitted by the demon Aiwass to Aleister Crowley calling for the extermination of 93% of humanity (7% X 7.2B=500M). CERN also believes 93% of the Universe is Dark Matter. You may recall Flt 93 vaporized into a Black Holy in Shankesville; Magic? Hardly it landed in Cleveland. A similar magic to Flt 77 (Crowley’s book Liber 77: Book of the Goat) vaporizing at the Pentagon.
Draft UN conference from atomic scientists:investment will keep the world within affordable reach of staying below a 2 degree Celsius temperature rise this century, the internationally-agreed defense line against the worst climate impacts
Paris landmark Arc de Triomphe de l’Étoile stands in the center of the
‘Place Charles de Gaulle’ at the western end of the Champs-Élysées. It now has
a massive wind turbine standing in front of it, placed there for COP21
China to build a particle collider twice the size of the Large Hadron Collider
China certainly has the financial muscle to pull off a project of this scale and seems determined to catch up with the US and Europe in its impact on science. According the 2013 Nature Index, China’s contribution to high quality research journals is now second only to the US.
China is planning to enter the Europe- and US-dominated world of experimental physics with (wait for it …) a bang. It has formally announced that it will begin the first phase of construction of an enormous particle accelerator around 2020, which will be twice the size and seven times more powerful than CERN’s Large Hadron Collider
A video surfaces showing Alparslin Celik the son of a Turkish Politician and Turkmen Army Commander shooting at the Russian pilots hanging in their parachutes inside Syria.
Unless planned, how in the world could he get into Syria at the precise location and time?
China to establish a military base in Djibouti – what could this mean for WWiii
Russia and the US have a joint base in Kyrgystan called Kant on the Russian side and Manas on the US side. The flow of military hardware and drugs goes through there.
China and US Camp Lemmonier in Djibouti will serve the same purpose in faking Gog and Magog “Persia, LIbya and Ethiopia…” All sea traffic through the Suez (Zeus backwards) is controlled here
Paris Climate Change Summit
2160 years is the time it takes for the Earth’s Axis to precess 1 Astrological House. 6X6X6=216; 33 + 43 +53 =216; Time or Kronos (Cronus ie Chronometer, Calendar, Clock) is god of the “Golden Age” or Chaos. Time is up folks! Cronus is El; the Gote of El (Babel) is dead ahead; the EU Parliament (Tower of Babel) has Seat #666 vacant but not for long.
Why Paris? Arc de Triomphe (Arch or Gate of Triumph on the Place of the Star “Sirius”, the Star of ISIS), Champs Elysee (Elysium “Field of the Blessed”; aligned with Sirius rising as is the US Capitol Mall), Luxor Obelisk (Luxor=Palace; Obelisk=Baal), Place of Concorde and Palace of Concorde (Agreement with ISIS) and Notre Dame (Our Lady) should suffice to explain why Paris is the House of ISIS; ISIS is “Our Lady”; Phoenicians called her Asherah “Our Lady of the Sea” or Pillars of the Groves in Masonry. JESUS describes her judgment this way “…the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters..the waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations and tongues…the 10 horns…upon the beast…will agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast…” Rev 17:15-17
Why would multitudes of people and nations agree with this Beast? Because Jesus will not open the door, you need to ask Him to receive a Baptism of the Holy Ghost. The vicar of Jesus Pope Francis for example believes in the Big Bang, Evolution, Human caused Global Climate Change and Baptizing Martians; think he is going to open that door? Masons learn the real name of God is a combination of Jah-Baal-Osiris “Jahbulon”; thing they will plead with JESUS? Witches turn the cross upside down, urinate on it and blaspheme Jesus; think they ask Him for help? Jesuits swear to murder pregnant women and tear their babies from their wombs in service to the Black Pope; think they are apt to accept JESUS as the LORD? James said “Above all else Swear Not” Secret Society Initiations all begin with Oath Swearing. Is 2 minutes of humbling yourself before the LORD JESUS worth Eternity in Heaven?
Why now? 1656 years are accounted from Creation to the Flood; 2160 years from Aries to Pisces and 2160 years from Pisces to Aquarius whose symbol is carved into the Obelisk (Baal’s Shaft) in the St Sulpice Cathedral in Paris, marked for the 2015 Solstice (Birth of Sol, Attis, Dionysus, Mithra, Krishna, Horus etc). The St Sulpice Society in fact has stated that 2015 is the start of the Age of Aquarius (Water Pourer). Add these years up and the only viable means to tell Time (Chaos) indicates the Earth is getting close to 6000 years of age, the date Jesus will return to “Destroy those who destroy the Earth” (2 Pet 3:8; Rev 11:8) First, however is the short lived reign of Lucifer, Antichrist and False Prophet.
Roughly 2160 years ago, on 25 Kislev, 165 BC (Roughly because Jesus was born in 6 BC, not at Christmas, nor at the change from BC to AD; Anno Domini is the Year of Lucifer) the Maccabbees “Hammer of God” cleansed Temple, Syrian King Antiochus Epiphanes (Syrian King Bashar al Assad?) had dedicated to Zeus; the US Capitol is the Womb of Zeus; Speaker Paul Ryan is an Opus Dei (Work of Zeus) initiate.
Nov 30-Dec 11, 2015, 40,000 people will meet in Paris (House of Isis) to reach a “Core Agreement”. The hidden meaning here is Core or Kore is the Goddess and Queen of the Underworld and Triple Goddess: Maiden, Earth Mother, Death. She is the central figure in the Eleusinian Mystery School Initiations (Today’s Masonry, Jesuit, Sufi, Shaman etc) which will as Luciferian Mason, Jesuit, Hospitaller John Kerry admitted, create “Order out of Chaos” and a “New World Order” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbz7SyyXbGM
Make no mistake about this out in the open admission, these New World Order Priests like Laurent Fabius and his Global “Climate Chaos” speech and Jesuit Pope Francis in his Earth Encyclical “Laudato Si” (Be Praised), the Teaching Paper of the Jesuit Mother Church St John Lateran or Hidden Frogs, the 3 Unclean Spirits of the Dragon, Antichrist and False Prophet in Rev 12:9;16:13, worship the Earth not God. They will as Jude 7 says “Perish in the Gainsaying of Core” (Common Core ringing a Baal yet?) You don’t need to be part of this; JESUS is still there at your door; open it!
The Core Negotiations and Core Agreements are of course off-limits to Presstitutes and the public, 90% of whom are slated to be exterminated due to the ISIS “False Flag” in Paris. Not coincidentally, this Hannukah (Dec 6-14) “Feast of Dedication” Summit is an Offering of Human Temples to the sun-god Shamash, the center candle on the 9 Branched Hannukah Menorah. On the center candle is the Star of Molech; in Amos 5:2;26 we read that Star is the reason the “Virgin of Israel has fallen” and the reason the LORD removed the name Israel. Modern day Israel is Satanic not Jewish. Hanukkah is also called “Festival of Lights”; Jesus said “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world” Well folks that “Light” is about to go out for the last time; the “Strong Delusion” is quite real! “When the lights go out in New York for the last time, we will have the earth” Atlas Shrugged.
The Summit is timed with World AIDS Day (Ritual Sodomy is part of the Mystery School Initiations) and NATO’s decision to compel member nations to fight ISIS (Black Virgin or Throne of Antichrist) over Turkey’s Pan-Islamist, Neo-Ottoman (330 Luciferian Mason Erdogan and PM Davutoglu) attack on the Russian Jet in Syria and the shooting of the pilot in his parachute by Erdogan’s son Bilal Erdogan. “We are the riders of the Pale Horse Death. God creates, we decide who lives and who dies. We do this for the good of the Earth” Barbara Marx Hubbard. Make no mistake, people who reject JESUS as God are called “Earth Dwellers” beginning in Rev 13; ISIS is Cybele in Turkey; the Cap of Cybele aka Yarmulke or Kippah is a replacement of the Temple Veil Jesus tore at the Crucifixion. JESUS
The Summit and its World Energy Council says “Today’s unlikely weather events will be tomorrow’s reality” (Zeus is a weather god); “Expect and prepare for regular, extreme weather events and power disruptions caused by Global Climate Change”. The 1991 UN Earth Summit set the framework; participants (Ted Turner, Maurice Strong, Jacques Cousteau etc) called for the elimination of all but 1 Billion people. The Georgia Guide Stones call for all but 500Million. Pope Francis says the “The triumph of Science is realizing Earth’s carrying capacity is under 1 Billion people”.
Global El Nino? Come on folks, El Nino means “Little Boy”, the name of the Atomic Bomb that used Plutonium. Pluto is the God of the Underworld who with Core (Persephone) plunges the world into “Dark Winter”; Disney’s Pluto is a Blood Hound like the ones Conquistadores used; NASA’s pictures of Pluto are identical because it is all Bullshit! Luciferian Mason J Robert Oppenheimer witnessed the creation of Plutonium saying “I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds”; that quote is from Shiva the goddess of destruction aka Core who stands in front of CERN (Cernunnos “Horned One”=”Little Horn” or Antichrist). So the Paris Climate Change Summit in Paris (House of ISIS); NATO Emergency Mtg on ISIS (Black Virgin) and CERN’s attempted creation of Black Matter (Big Bang, Strangelets, Star Gates, Gates of Hell etc) all coincide with Hanukkah 2015. Jesus was Crucified between 2 Thieves forming the 7 Branch Candlestick Moses built for the Temple; Hanukkah replaces that with 8 Branches surrounding the Star of Molech (El, Saturn, Chiun, Remphan, Sikkuth, Milcom) and the Light of Shamash. Did you know Israel has a US taxpayer built radiation hardened bunker called Project 911 at Beit Shamash for the arrival of Satan? Pardon me but why the Hell are you not in a personal relationship with JESUS?
“Talk Turkey” means it’s time to cut the Bullshit
This Thanksgiving we can thank Turkey for starting WWIII; giving us Orthodox Religions; splitting the Roman Catholic Church; giving us Islam; giving us Zionism; giving us the fake Mt Ararat (Noah and his family traveled from the East to Shinar); giving us the Yarmulke; giving us Kabbalah and it’s spawn Freemasonry (Supreme House of the Temple is an exact replica of the Temple of Halicarnassus); giving us Satan’s Seat, the Trojan Horse (Disease), the Amazons, the Talmud, the Midas Touch and the Gordian (Celtic) Knot; the Doctrine of the Nicolaitanes (Elevated Clergy), the Synagogue of Satan (Crypt or Fake Jews) and giving us the Christmas birth of Attis. Satan led by a Red (Edomite) nosed flying (Intoxicated on Amenita Muscaria Mushrooms) Stag. Jesus must love reading that part in the Talmud about losing debates with Rabbis and boiling in Hell in His own excrement. Want to get Holy? Cut the Bullshit and get right with JESUS.
Turkish PM Ahmet Davutoglu “I personally gave the order to shoot down the Russian aircraft” Davutoglu is essentially Vizier to Erdogan, the puppet master. His views are described as Neo-Ottoman ie Satanist and Pan-Islamist ie ISIS, a worldwide Caliphate serving Allah “Sin”
WHO requesting UN Security Council oversight on Ebola II outbreak in Liberia. It seems Paris based MSF (Doctors without Borders), Luciferian Mason Billy Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse and Phoenix Air Ambulance Vaccinating villages causing Ebola is not enough. In 2014 Pasteur Paris “Lost” 2300 vials of SARS Virus.
Jesus forbid His 12 Apostles to go into Samaria (Mat 10), sending them to the “Lost Sheep of Israel” during Passover. He sent a separate group of 70 into Samaria during Feast of Tabernacles (Lk 10), giving them the only instance of guaranteed Salvation (Calvin Lied) “…the spirits are subject to you; because your names are written in heaven”. Samaria became home to “Serpents and Scorpions” ie Babylonians, Medeans, Phoenicians, Canaanites of all stripes who pretended to be Jewish; they believed absolutely nothing in the Old or New Testament; they are today the Synagogue of Satan.
Ebola II may very well be airborne and if so Ebola “Balls” will become the Flagrum used to Scourge the Earth prior to the Crucifixion.
The UN Security Council is now led by Great Britain; British means B’Rith or Birthright Covenant; that being the Covenant God made with Abraham and now claimed by Ishmael and Esau.
WHO Director Margaret Chan managed the 2003 Avian Flu and SARS epidemic, she is an Officer of the British Empire under Prince Phillip who has said he wants to be reincarnated as a “Killer Virus”. SARS II and Ebola II are now underway.
“The Who” song “We won’t get fooled again” tells the story of Esau selling his Birthright for a Bowl of Beans to his brother Jacob (Supplanter); Revolutions in France and Britain (Scotland-England) were instigated by the Jacobites and Jacobins respectively; they were Masons having absolutely no connection to Jacob or Israel. In Scotland they identified each other with Tartan Cloth aka Phoenician (Canaanite) Cloth. Tartan being the name of the Assyrian Army Commander who sent Israel into Diaspora and replaced them with the Canaanites-Babylonians-Medean Satanists we see today in Israel-Samaria.
The 7 Firms Behind The Mammoth Pfizer-Allergan Merger Pfizer and Allergan tapped seven law firms to help guide their $160 billion merger, drawing on relationships with trusted partners from prior transactions and channeling those firms’ experience with megamergers . Just Last October of 2014. Pfizer wasn’t making asocalled vaccine for Ebola. They supposed to be aiding in production
.Pfizer is not involved in developing an Ebola vaccine but may be able to help with production to ensure demands are met.
UN document advocates replacing the populations of Europe with populations from North Africa…A UN document advocates replacing the populations of Europe with populations from North Africa and the Middle East
Speaker Paul Ryan, Make ESEA Reauthorization Bill Public for 64 Days
“Sex before 8 or it’s too late” Jesuit NAMBLA founder Paul Shanley. Got to get these kids to recognize Mommy and Daddy can be 2 Men or 2 Women. Got to get kids to experiment with sex and homosexual relationships in kindergarten http://www.fletcherarmstrongblog.com/hooking-kids-on-sex-even-in-kindergarten-video/
Obama’s CIA handler (1981 Pakistan) Bob Gates is now Boy Scouts of America President and has invited Gay, Minor Attracted Persons (Pedophiles) to become Pederast Scout Masters.
Billionaire Sheldon Anderson Now ,she has Haim Saban .You Want to Be Free and Dead?” – Billionaire Hillary Clinton Donor Says to Sacrifice Civil Liberties for “Safety”
They value their civil liberties more than they value life. I disagree with that. You want to be free and dead? I’d rather be not free and alive
– Billionaire Hillary Clinton donor Haim Saban, 2015
Charlie Sheen -Arrival
HIV-positive response means nothing of any relevance to health : it can be triggered by vaccination, malnutrition, M.S., measles, influenza, papilloma virus wart, Epstein Barr virus, leprosy, glandular fever, hepatitis, syphillis … : over sixty different conditions.
We all have it. It’s just a protein shake up needed to give you the death sequence. From the Labs at Ft Detrick to Paris’ Pastuer and the Malaysian labs comes the wood for the program. The vectors are endless in ways to deliver it. Food, water, PhRMA, vaccines, chemtrails, insect and cosmetic. Enhancement by HAARP and microwave can improve outcome
From AIDS to eBola to the Gamma’s of HAARP and Chemtrailing, we have seen the true war on humanity via the World Terror Organization. From the WHO, CDC and AMA courtesy of dead doctors, the Military Industrial Corporate Complex has fully merged with the Hollywood zionist media and Holyrood east mecca with the use of the vortex science of total spectrum dominance.
From the spectre of disease to the hyle of economics, the committee has released the Charlie Hebe-dough ala Sheen. It’s too bad Charlie has been under the MK-Ultra program of Hollywood, considering his past events in speaking out on 911 and Barry Soetoro. .
Charlie Sheen (Charles=Free Man; Sheen=Shining or Lucifer) is a name change from Carlos Estevez. He is just like Magic Johnson (Seriously?) who magically has not contracted AIDS in 20+ years or Michael AndrewJ Fox (Michael=Who is like God?; J is a change from John in honor of Bonnie and Clyde actor Michael J Pollard; F=6; O=15=1+5=6; X=24=2+4=6; Jesus called Edomite Herod Antipas “That Fox”) who acts his way 20+ years into Parkinson’s or Stephen Hawking (Martyr + Horus) magically has not succumbed to Lou Gehrig’s ALS in 44 years).
Satanists regularly change their names. Bari Obama (Bari=Boat/Barque; Obama=He is with us in Farsi) aka Bari Malik Shabazz (Malik=Molech; Shabazz=Royal Falcon “Horus” after the so-called 1st Race Horites descended from Canaan). John Kerry and Wes Clark are Cohen’s of Samaritan origin. George Soros is Grigori Schwartz (Grigori=Watcher; Schwartz=Black). Karl Marx was Moses Levy Mordechai. The House of Saud were originally Mordechai. Why? God is not mentioned in Esther
Notice John in Michael J Fox (Back to the Future outlined the blaming of Muslims for 9/11 6 years in advance) John means “Jehovah has favored” equivalent with Jean or Evan; Recall Evan Almighty? The Double Meaning side of John is Toilet. al-Qaeda means “Foundation/Throne/Toilet” as does ISIS “Throne”. Blasphemy of God is what Satan requires of his followers plain and simple. America a Christian Nation? Amurru is the Edomite Serpent and Shepherd god; Amar the Canaanite god of the west; Ameru=Serpent. Sean is the Irish form of John; Obama is at the ASEAN (A Sean? or Association of Southeast Asian Nations?) Summit in the Edomite Dictatorship of Malaysia at Kuala Lumpur on 11/22. M Othman is the Malaysian UN Space Alien Ambassador as in Mothman Prophecy. The Captain Phillips ship Maersk Alabama was carrying Bio-weapons that ended up in Kuala Lumpur aboard MH-370 after their Bio-hazard guards were murdered. Asia means “To Rise” as in “Sunrise” “Their backs to the LORD facing the East toward the Rising Sun” in Eze 8 ringing a Baal?
Freeze-Dry Concept for ‘Just-Add-Water’ Vaccines November 19, 2015 Researchers at Brigham Young University have devised a system to create the biological machinery for vaccine production en masse, put it in a freeze-dried state and stockpile it around the country. Then, when a new virus hits, labs can simply add water to a ‘kit’ to rapidly produce vaccines. – See more at: http://globalbiodefense.com/2015/11/19/freeze-dry-concept-for-just-add-water-vaccines/#.dpuf
Jesuit Quack Edward Jenner invented the Vaccine; he used a well known hand infection of Dairy Workers called Cowpox to infect people with Smallpox by culturing diseased cells on Cow Bellies; hence Vaccine means “Of the Cow”
Vaccines prepared ahead of time require the Virus to be known ahead of time. 1918 Spanish Flu, SARS, Ebola, MERS CoV, Avian, Swine Flu and now SARS II were/are all man-made engineered viruses tested in Shanghai, Saudi Arabia-Jordan, and West Africa.
Brigham Young was a 33 degree Mason and Witch, handled by Jesuit Jean Pierre De Smet along with 33 degree Mason MAFIA founder Giuseppe Mazzini and US MAFIA founder, KKK founder, Glutton, Sodomite Confederate Scottish Rite Masonry Sovereign Worshipful Grand Master (Gag Me) Albert Pike. WWIII was planned by these men Aug 15, 1871 (Feast Day of Lucifer and anniversary of the 1st Jesuit Oaths in the Crypt of St Denis Cathedral in Paris on Aug 15, 1534) in writing.
When asked why resurrect the 1918 Flu Virus and engineer it to become airborne human to human transmissible Dr Ron Fouchier said “Because we can” He said “A moderately fatal human to human transmitted virus will become a plague of unimaginable proportion”
WHO Director Margaret Chan managed the 2003 Avian Flu test with Mormon EPA Director Mike Leavitt is an Officer in the British Empire working under Prince Phillip who said “I want to be reincarnated as a killer virus for the good of the earth”
Hindu (Shiva the Destroyer is out front of CERN doing the Dance of Destruction) Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has 1000 doctors sworn to follow his instructions at the ready to staff 1000 Mobile Tent Hospitals with 40YD Bio-Waste Disposal capability. 200+ Operation Garder Plot Civilian INmate Detention Centers have Rail Lines, UN Rail Cars with Shackles, National Guard staffing and incineration capability.
Might someone explain how they know what Virus needs a Vaccine before it manifests?
Irreversible Repercussions Coming Next Week If CERN Fires Up Using Lead Ions?
Could be some beta Test of some sort here.
I’m a Physicist At CERN. We’ve Done Something We Shouldn’t Have Done. Connecting to Other Dimensions Is Real and We Have Achieved Contact!”
Furthermore, Head Physicist named Sandra O’Reilly has gone missing says Dr. Edward Mantill, Particle Physicist at CERN Geneva, Switzerland. The video goes on to say:
CERN will begin using Lead Ions Nov 30-Dec 17, 2015; timed with the 13th Astrological Sign Ophiuchus (Serpent Holder) CERN claims to have produced the God Particle at 8TeV on July 4, 2012 (America’s Natal Chart); the collisions at 13Tev will open the Bottomless Pit (Rev 9:11) NOT!
Turning Lead into Gold is the Alchemical Wedding in Rosicrucianism, a metaphor for turning Man into God in a triumphant return to the Golden Age when “Sons of God saw daughters of Men and took wives of them” Gen 6. The Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz (Red Cross) can be seen in the so-called Rosen Bridge postulated by Zionist moron Einstein whom Nikola Tesla called “A beggar dressed in purple, made king, using dazzling mathematics to obscure truth”
CERN is Cernunnos (Horned One; Antlers annually renew as Snakes shed skin) is “Little Horn”; Shiva the Hindu Destroyer/Transformer was placed out front June 18, 2004 (6, 666, 6) doing the Nataraja (Dance of Destruction); in June 2014 CERN hosted the Opera “Symmetry” doing the same dance. Luciferian Mason, Soviet Spy J Robert Oppenheimer quoted Shiva at the Trinity Atomic Bomb detonation “I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds”. Buckminster Fuller (Geodesic Dome) protégé Barbara Marx Hubbard said “We are the riders of the Pale Horse Death, God creates, we decide who lives and how dies” Oppenheimer was responding to man’s creation of Plutonium (Roman god of the Underworld) from Uranium; Fukushima MOX Fuel (Uranium-Plutonium) is a radioactive death cloud, buoyant in Seawater, referred to as “Bucky Balls”; a Beast from the Sea in every sense.
Glass panels with greetings written in 8 ancient languages were created for the Dec 2015 event; these same languages are written at the Georgia Guide Stones placed by RC Christian (aka Christian Rosenkreutz or Rosicrucians) on Hwy 77 (77 is Aleister Crowley’s Magical manifestation of Spirit in Matter; there are 77 names of Satan in the Satanic bible; 7X7=49 “Jubilee”) in the “Gravestone Capital” of Elberton Georgia (Geo=Earth). The 8th Tetrad (4 consecutive Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles representing the Crucifixion and Birth of God in Flesh “Jesus”) began April 2014; the English Corner Stone “2014” was smashed and replaced with Blood on the Roof. In June 2014 “I am Isis, goddess of love” was written on the stones; Isis the “Black Virgin” means “Throne” of the “Alternative Messiah”.
8 is the number associated with Eternity (8 Saved on Noah’s Ark; JESUS=888); 13 is the number associated with Rebellion (Gen 13:13 “Sins of Sodom”); at 13TeV, CERN intends to produce new particles “Strangelets” existing on different Planes and Times to open the Bottomless Pit. Jesuit sock puppet Stephen (Crown/Martyr) Hawking (Horus) and CERN represent man’s ultimate Trump of God; a return to the Golden Age when “Sons of God saw daughters of man and took wives…” Gen 6
Giants are not Nephilim; Demons have not and cannot mate with human women. CERN’s vain attempt to create a Stargate is a smokescreen for Earth (Magnetic)-Sun (Electro) Weapons. Opening the Abyss for Demons (Rev 9:11) is something God does. Black Holes (Gravitationally wrapped Space-Time), Star Gates/Worm Holes, DNA Sequencing (Ionizing Radiation destroys DNA; it does not create Hybrid or Artificial Genomes) and Strangelets (Anti-matter/Matter particles that caused the Big Bang) are BULLSHIT! Just the names are a dead giveaway: RAMBOS, MACHOS, WIMPS, PEONS, ALICE Matter, God Particles? Come on folks! There is no Gravity, there was no Big Bang and Man will never become a God. The Science behind these theories violates the most basic Thermodynamics and Physics Laws; “Matter and Energy can neither be created nor destroyed” remember?
Think it coincidence CERN is smashing Lead Ions over Hanukkah (Feast of Dedication/Festival of Lights) ending on Saturnalia 2015 as the 7th Shemitah and 8th Tetrad, during the Jubilee Year following the founding of the Church of Satan? Guess again. The New Covenant is made with Temples of Flesh; “Except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved” “Those Days” are the3 last 1260 days, 3 1/2 years (shortened 360 day years), 42 months, not the last 18 months 1week and 1 day after Rev 9:11. Satan is arriving, not Jesus; perhaps on Santa’s (Satan) Sleigh led by a Red (Edomite) nosed Stag holding a Serpent whose Horns have just shed.
DRIVE Act (Develop a Reliable and Innovative Vision for the Economy) goes into effect Jan 1, 2016 if passed. The Highway Trust Fund is broke, as is LUST (Leaking Underground Storage Tank) Trust Fund. The plan is to sell off 100+ Million Bbls of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve at record low prices to foreign countries and in the process re-authorize the Import-Export Bank Charter, the primary vehicle for War Profiteering for Boeing, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin.
Congress intends pass a law preventing the extraction of Oil, Nat Gas and Coal on Federal Lands in accordance with the UN directives, sell off the Strategic Reserves at a very low return, give Foreign Corporations the rights to Federal, State and Personal Assets via TPP and TTIP, remove any Constitutional Legal recourse (TISA Courts) and 6th Amendment Rights to a fair and speedy trial and confiscate the assets and passports of everyone in the nation not able to pay their fair share of the Debt.
Hidden in the nearly 1000 pages is the provision to confiscate your passport if you owe $50,000 in Taxes. Whew, don’t owe that much? Guess again, Every citizen owes a pro-rata share of the $18T National Debt or $60,000.
This is how Debt Slaves are created. The up side to all this is JESUS will forgive every unpayable debt you have if you ask Him. Hell will have 535 new residents shortly, we don’t be one of them.
Here is Knight of Malta, 33 degree Freemason, Bilderberger, CFR, Bohemian Grove John Kerry (Samaritan Kohen) admitting WTC #7 was brought down in a controlled demolition at 5:10PM.
John wants us to believe that amid the terror attacks 8 hrs earlier, demolition explosives were intentionally set in WTC #7 and detonated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbReTl3Uin0
BBC reporter Jane Standley reported WTC #7 falling 23 minutes before it actually fell. http://wtc7.net/bbc.html
John’s good buddy Larry Silverstein made insurance bets on the Trade Center after purchasing the Lease from the NY Port Authority, he admitted “Pulling” WTC#7 on 9/11.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jPzAakHPpk
Pulling a Building of that size requires weeks if not months. WTC #1, #2 #7 were demolished using patented Thermate demolition explosives, not Thermite; Thermate.
Donald Trump Admits There’s Great Ideas In Mein Kampf
Trump said he had leafed through his old first edition copy of Mein Kampf and admitted it was a great read, with a wealth of great information and arguments.
“I mean, the guy was a socialist let’s not forget that, but he had one, maybe two good ideas, he went on to tattoo large groups of troublesome people and rounded them up in prisons and camps, this is what we have to do,” Trump added.
Jesuit Fr Bernhardt Staempfle SJ wrote Mein Kampf and the sequel Zweites Buch. Fr Joseph Himmler SJ and Fr Joseph Stalin SJ ran WWII; no wonder Jesuit Knight of Malta Donald Trump likes it. Brigham Young and Albert Pike shared a Jesuit master in Fr Jean Pierre DeSmet. Behind every evil man is a Jesuit puppeteer.
ISIS is Salafism (Ancestors; Original Principles) interpreted as Wahhabism, originating with the Aqidah (Creed or 7 Tenets) of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (1703-1792). ISIS (Throne) is Lucifer’s vain and ill fated attempt to Trump God and sit on His Throne. ISIS is not Muslim it is Luciferian.
Belief in Allah: Allah (The God) is the 4000+ year old Arab Moon God “Sin”; Lucifer is the “Man of Sin” thus Lucifer’s Trump of God. Allah has 3 daughters: Uzza “Mighty One” is the “Morning Star” (Venus); Jesus is called the Morning Star, as is Lucifer “How art thou fallen from heaven, O’ Lucifer, son of the morning…” Is 14:12KJV. Uzza is also Lucifer’s Trump of God. Al-Lat “The Goddess” is Ishtar (Easter, Ashtoreth, Astarte) all other names of Lucifer, thus Uzza is also Lucifer’s Trump of God. Manat is the Crone Goddess of Fate and Time symbolized by the Crescent “Hilal”; Mormons attaining the Melchisedek Priesthood use the phrase Pey Heylel (Hilal) meaning “Wondrous Lucifer”; Jesus is Melchisedek thus Mormonism is also Lucifer’s Trump of God. Manat is another name of Lucifer, thus Manat is also Lucifer’s Trump of God
Belief in Angels: Gabriel and Michael. Gabriel delivered the Quran to Muhammad of the Quyraish (Korahite Priesthood in Num 16) Tribe of Mecca (Adultery). Gabriel also delivered the Book of Mormon to Joseph Smith; these too are another Trump of God.
Belief in Books (Kutb=Pillar): Wahhabism was advanced by Ibn Sayyid Qutb; Wahhabism is synonymous with “Qutbism”. al-Qaeda (Foundation) was the term coined by Ibn Sayyid Qutb in San Francisco in 1966 “Year One Satan”. Jesus is the “Word made Flesh”, thus the Books are Lucifer’s attempt to Trump God.
Belief in Prophets: “The law and prophets were until John” Lk 16:16 Joseph Smith the Prophet of Mormonism is like Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, Luciferian attempts to Trump God. Salafist Law is Sharia Law (Shar=Revelation) or Revealed Law and proscribe the death penalty for worship of Jesus. JESUS wrote Revelation as Alpha (Beginning) and delivered it to John on Patmos Is, as Omega (End); thus simply another Luciferian attempt to Trump God. 7 Noahide Laws are the equivalent of Salafist Sharia Law also requiring the death penalty for the worship of Jesus. The ancestors here are CHABAD Lubavitch Rebbes (Bloodline descendants) where CHABAD is the 1st 3 levels in Kabballah (Chokmah, Binah, Daat); thus Kabballah (Received tradition) Sharia and Noahide Law are also identical Luciferian attempts to Trump God.
Belief in the Day of Judgment and Resurrection: “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” Heb 9:27 The Judgment Seat is set up at the end of the Millennial (1000 Yr) Reign of Jesus after the 2nd Coming. Lucifer’s Judgment Seat will be set up during the Great Tribulation. “…many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt” Dan 12:2 “Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power…” Rev 20:6 “Whosoever was not found written in the book o flife was cast into the lake of fire” Rev 20:14 Everyone will be Resurrected and Judged; Lucifer (Satan) and people deceived by him will be consigned to Hell for eternity.
Belief in Destiny: John Calvin coined the term “Pre-destination”; thus Salafist Destiny and Calvinism like Mormonism are also Luciferian attempts to Trump God. All one needs to do is open the door to a personal relationship with JESUS; believe He is God in Flesh, the Word made Flesh and source of the Holy Ghost and Salvation is guaranteed.
U.S. Issued Bitcoin Debit Card Launched by Shift
A new Bitcoin debit card has been introduced to the U.S. The fully functional Shift card costs US$10 to order and users can spend US$1,000 a day on purchases with preloaded #Bitcoin. Now Americans can enjoy a card that’s tethered to their Coinbase account and spend Bitcoin on the go.
The Congressional LGBT(Mattachine SocietyNAMBLA) Equality Caucus announced its new “Transg?nder Task Force” to promote “transg?nder rights.”
Same internal rot that destroyed Greece and Rome; NAZI Germany had the Alfred Kinsey Inst and so does the US. Bob Gates has the Boy Scouts promoting Gay/Pedophile Scout Leaders.
Why Syria? Why the Jesuits? Why Russia? Why Saudi Arabia? To Trump (Usurp) the Millennium Reign of Jesus.
Is 17:1 “Damascus shall be a city no more…a ruinous heap” The only words Jesus spoke in Aramaic (Syrian) were from the Cross just before He gave up the Holy Ghost “My God, My God Why hast thou forsaken me” Mat 24:46 matches exactly the words used in Ps 22.
Rev 16:12-13 “the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared…3 unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon…beast…false prophet”. Raqqa (IS Capital) controls 4 dams on the Euphrates and hence the water flow in Iraq (Babylon).
Jesuits consider St John Lateran Basilica the Cathdera (Teaching Seat and Mother of all Religions in the world; Lateran means Hidden Frogs)
They will gather together at Armageddon (Valley of Megiddo).
Israel north to Moscow is the path of Gog and Magog invasion in Eze 38; Rev 20:7-8. Gog and Magog is at the end of the Millennium not now! This is why Saudi Generals are trained in Moscow. In new bible versions Rus or Rosh is also added to the list in Eze 38:2 so Russia can be confused with the War.
Sheba and Dedan (Eze 38:13) are Saudi Arabia, Yemen and the UAE
ISIS is the Black Virgin (in contrast to the Virgin Mother of Jesus Mary) ISIS means “Throne”, is a self created monster designed to produce the Alternative to Jesus (Antichrist) in order to Trump/Usurp His return and Millennial Reign on Earth.
TrilateralCommission spokesperson Feinstein: Launch Internet 2.0 before Terrorists Target Electric grid, air traffic control, dams. Not included Boeing Raytheon DOD . Smokescreen to be exact foe in household
Boeing Raytheon and the DOD signed a $1.29B Arms deal with King Salman Abdulaziz and Obama on Monday; ISIS is financed by Saudi Arabia; the 9/11 supposed hijackers on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia; Obama bowed his first year in office to King Abullah; Saudi military brass are trained in Moscow.
Boeing and Raytheon produce the CHAMP EMP Missile based on the Global Hawk Drone
ISIS’ online presence reportedly includes a 24-hour ‘help desk’encryption
Really Dr. Aaron Brantly, a cyber fellow at the Combating Terrorism Center with the US Military Academy at West Point. According to Brantly, ISIS has “developed a series of different platforms in which they can train one another on digital security to avoid intelligence and law enforcement agencies for the explicit purpose of recruitment, propaganda and operational planning
The publisher for Codeword Barbelon is Lux Verbi (Lux=Light=Lucifer; Luxury=Sexual Intercourse, Debauchery; Verbi=Word) Barbelon is Code for Barbelo Gnosticism is the Divine Feminine; the Triple Goddess; the First Creation; Triple Androgynous Name.
Gnosticism is the Whore of Babylon not the Roman Catholic Church
“Codeword Barbelon” is a new book by PD Stuart nearly identical to one 100 years ago by Jesuit Alexander Hislop called “Two Babylons”; both claim the Roman Catholic Church is Rev 17 MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…; the Whore of Babylon and the Roman Pope is the Antichrist. BULLSHIT! Martin Luther started this nonsense 500 years ago. If you are not in a personal relationship with JESUS you are likely the Whore.
Meteors traveling at over 160,000 mph are falling in large numbers tonight — here’s how to watch
Tonight’s Leonid meteor shower comes from the leftovers of Comet Tempel–Tuttle — named for its two co-founders, Wilhelm Tempel, who saw it first in Dec. 1865, and Horace Parnell Tuttle who independently discovered it soon after in Jan. 1866.