[frame_right][/frame_right]Themis (NASA Satellite) confirms Valles Marineris, a 2500 mile long canyon on Mars was created by Plate Techtonics; BS!
Themis is the Greek goddess of Grave Countenance and Austerity; her attribute, a Pair of Scales. Plate techtonics is unique to earth because Earth has “Water”; Water inside, on and outside the Earth. The crust is subjected to Atmospheric drag caused by mountains and uneven Solar Heating; Mars has none of these attributes. Mars is the Roman god of War; Paul passed by Mars’ Hill aka Greek “Areopagus” noting an inscription “TO THE UNKNOWN GOD”. The Areopagus was the High Court of Appeals in Athens; it means “Rock of Aries”. Jesus is God and you can “Know” Him through the Holy Ghost; Aries/Mars the God of War you cannot. Science means “To Know”; Greek “Gnosis”; in 1 Tim 6:12KJV Paul defines Science as “Vain and Profane Babblings”; Profane means “Blasphemous contempt of God”. The Science Journal “Lithosphere” recorded the findings. Lithos means “Precious Stone”; Folks, with all this Austerity coming, make sure you choose the right “Rock” to build you faith on. Jesus is the “Immovable Stone”, cut without hand you can “Know” personally, not an UNKNOWN GOD of War.