“Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide day from night: and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and for years”
– Genesis 1:14
I won’t go into detail here, my Science articles do that; suffice to say, scripture says Earth is Fixed i.e. not moving and stabilized on an immovable foundation. In other words, Gravity Theory and Heliocentric Theory are Lies. Earth was Created 3 days before the Firmament (Stars) was “Stretched” like a “Curtain” i.e. the “Universe” it is not expanding as Big Bang Theory claims. Space is “Nothing” i.e. a Vacuum, not made of Aether or Dark Matter; experiments done over 100 years ago such as the “Michelson-Morley Experiment” proved this. Time is calculated by measuring the recurring positions of the Sun, Moon and Stars. Precession forms the basis of Astrology to keep track of longer cycles; if the Earth’s had no precession, time would go on for eternity with no perceptible changes. Note: Precession is caused by Axis wobble and measuring the Equinox Sunrise against the backdrop of Fixed Stars in the “Zodiac”. Now, how can one change Time?
Daniel 2:21 states God changed times and seasons, as well as removing and setting up kings and providing knowledge to those with understanding. God did this with the Flood; mountains were pushed up asymmetrically, Earth’s Axis tilted 230 and the Earth began to “Wobble”; Kings? Daniel 4:27 states God sets up the basest (corrupt) of men. Why? He wants nothing more than for you to rely on Him. Daniel 7:25 speaks of a 4th Beast who will “…think to change times and laws” for a period lasting a “time and times and the dividing of time” Ref Daniel 7:25 The latter period of 360 days + 720 days + 180 days is the Great Tribulation obviously changed from a year of 365 days to one of 360 days. Who will think to do this? Antichrist “Alternative Messiah” aka Pale Horse rider “Death”; Hell follows him. Why 2012? The world is passing the Gate of Marduk “Babel”. The final Bricks are being placed on the Tower of Babel.
1st: Israel is not Jewish, much less “God Fearing”; Babylonians and their Chaldean Priests replaced the real Israel 2700 years ago (ref 2 Kings 17:30). Tel Aviv “Spring Hill or Mound” receives Iraqi “Babylon” oil from Baghdad; Jerusalem has the Al Aqsa Mosque where the Jebusite (Canaanite) “Threshing Floor” once stood to worship “El” aka Lucifer; Rabbis revere the Talmud Bavli “Babylonian Talmud”; the Israeli Defense Force “Sayeret Matkal” is called “Battalion 262” simply because Babel is mentioned 262 times in the Old Testament, and the flag of Israel is the Star of Moloch and Chiun (Amos 5:26); Arab and Rabbi both mean “My Master”; Kaballah and Kaaba both derive from “Enclosure”; is it any wonder why US Presidents from Truman to Obama have had a love affair with Arabs as well as Israel? Tel Aviv was named after “Telabib” in Ezekiel 3:15, one of the locations of Babylonian exile in Eastern Syria, a land controlled by Assyrians in the days of Sargon II. Jewish? NO! Not until Jesus makes it Jewish again. Babylonian? YES. Rev 17? NO. Rev 6? YES. “Yes We Can” means “Thank You Satan”. The “Great Work” is making you believe Antichrist if Jesus Christ.
2nd: Jesus will return when Creation is 6000 years old simply because He promised He would (2 Pet 3:8). Can we calculate 6000 years? Sargon “Legitimate King” ascended the world throne as a usurper in 2334BC. There are 1656 years Creation to Flood + 2012 AD; added=6002 years. Did we miss it? No, Jesus was born on 22 Tishri, the 8th day of Feast of Tabernacles 6 BC; he was a “Young Child” of 1 1/2 years when the Magi informed Herod who died in the Spring of 4 BC. Creation may very well be 5996 years old in 2012. Add 3 1/2 years (42 months of 30 days) in the Great Tribulation for a total of 6000 years. Battalion 262 is proof enough Israel is modern day Babylon, but how about B’Nai B’Rith (Covenant Men) “Cinema Unit 6000”? We know them as Hollywood as in “Holy Wood” from the Groves of Adonis. Ever wonder why the British and America are joined to Israel? British means B’Rith-ish “Covenant of Birth”. Here is another way to calculate the age of Creation.
Sargon took the throne of Assyria as the Vernal (Abib) Equinox sun rose in Aries; one precession cycle later (2160 years) the sun rose in Pisces (The Christian Fish Symbol is the Chaldean Labrys); 2160 years later it will rise in Aquarius. There are 1656 years listed from Creation to Flood for a total of 5776. 21 is the age of accountability and 3 1/2 years for Great Tribulation makes 6000. Remember that little incident 2160 years ago with Judah Macabbee cleansing the slaughtered pig from Zerubabbel’s Temple on 25 Kislev “Hanukkah”? That didn’t happen by accident.
Add to these the symbolic date on the Venus (Mayan/Lucifer) Calendar and the Chi-Rho (Royal Christ) symbol on Roman Catholic Cathedrals and 2012 is pretty unique. Now, how does Antichrist change Time?
Brazilian Physicist Dr Fran de Aquino claims EM Scalar Radars like HAARP (Brazil has far larger ones than the HAARP array in Gakona AK) affect Weather and Geo-physical events like Earthquakes and Volcanic eruptions; I agree. He also claims EM energy in the ELF Radio Frequencies affects Gravity Waves, Space and Time; I disagree, and so does scripture. First, Nikola Tesla demonstrated an electric potential energy difference of 50 Volts/Ft; this has nothing to do with Gravity. Space is Nothing, it cannot bend, nor can Waves travel in Space. Time is measured by the Sun, Moon, Stars and their precession with respect to Earth; the only way to affect Time is to alter the Earth’s rotation, and manipulating EM energy inside the earth may do exactly that. His name is a real crowd pleaser; the same last name as Church of Satan co-founder, Temple of Set founder and hidden NSA Chief Gen. Michael Aquino. Fran means “Frankish, Free or Non-Servile” Aquino means “Land under the Hill” referring to the Court of Nobles in Native Shaman mythology where non-human evolved spirits serve the Queen of the Underworld. Michael Aquino’s name means “One who is like God” and “Under the Hill”; make sense why the NSA would build its largest spy facility in Zion, controlled by the Mormon Church with a possible Mormon President? Natives in South America recognized the “Cross” as the “Cross of Set” or “Seti” which is why SETI searches in vain for signs of aliens in the universe. Physics stems from Physic “Art of Healing, To Bring Forth or To Be”; To Be is the same as I Am. Making sense yet? Mitt Romney is a Melchisedek Priest, like “I Am”, a title reserved exclusively for Jesus Christ.
Gravity Waves and/or Gravitons “God Particles” are Rosicrucian nonsense designed to “honor the God of forces” Daniel 11:38. His name is Lucifer aka the Beast rising from the Sea in Rev 13. Now can you see why the 2012 Solstice is Time to wake up folks! Jesus is waiting, but will not open the door; you have to do that before the Gate of Marduk (Babylon) comes up and Time runs out.