[frame_right][/frame_right]33° Freemason and Bohemian Grove Sodomite Clint Eastwood as the Rebuplican National Convention speaker..
His movies “El Torino” and “Changeling” are a clue. Madonna called the Super bowl Americas “Holy of Holies” and herself the “High Priestess”. At the Super Bowl half-time show Madonna performed the complete 7 Acts of Ishtar’s Descent into Hell as recorded on an Assyrian Stele. The avid practitioner of Kaballah who opened her concerts mocking the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ had previously changed her name to Ishtar; the stage act portrayed Ishtar “Queen of Heaven” in full Royal Regalia, carried to the throne by Egyptian soldiers. In Rev 11:8KJV Jesus refers to Jerusalem where the original “Holy of Holies” was as “Spiritual, Sodom and Egypt” Catching on why Clint was chosen? Ishtar then loses her 7 attributes (Crown, Scepter, Ring, Gold, Robes etc) descending to the Netherworld and returning with demons to the feet of the Dark Lord played by Ceelo Green. His name means “Holy of Holies” of the Green Man, Bacchus or Dionysus ie Pale (Chloro) Horse. Read Eze 37:16 and Rev 11:1 concerning Judgment at the Inner Court and Rev 9:11 for a biblical description of the demon releasing event.
In a $10 million Chrysler Auto commercial, Clint Eastwood said “This is America’s Halftime” ie “Descent into Hell”. Chrysler was bailed out by taxpayers, but more subtle is Chrysler’s logo; the Assyrian Sun Disc of Nineveh representative of the Usurper Kings as Sun-gods going by the title “Sargon”. Sargon of Akkad aka Sargon the Great claimed his mother was a “Changeling”, the title of Clint’s movie where Angelina Jolie Pitt (Abaddon is the Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Cute eh?) has her son replaced by a Demon possessed child called a “Changeling”. Historically, Sargon’s mother and wife then became Priestesses (Temple Prostitutes) in the Divine Union aka Sacred Marriage Rites in the Holy of Holies in Babylon and Nineveh. Nimrod? He was the dark skinned “Scapegoat” from NE Africa “Punt” just like Obama. Catching on yet? 1500 years later Sargon II sent Tartan, the Assyrian Army Commander to make a treasonous pact with Ephraim, Mitt Romney’s claimed ancestry which led to Israel’s captivity in 722BC. Sargon means “The King is Legitimate”; Mitt is however not legal to be US President as his father was born in Mexico, fled the Revolution and was never Naturalized a US Citizen. Why Clint chose to talk to Obama in an empty chair is bizarre, but remember, Obama took the stage at the Illinois State Capital where Lincoln was elected, standing next to Michelle in a “Black Widow” Dress (Google this) and used the Lincoln Bible for his botched “Swearing In” (John Roberts is a Sodomite and Jesuit). I believe there is sufficient evidence to conclude Lincoln was murdered at intimate range with a 50 Cal Derringer by his occult practitioner wife Mary Todd and that “Honest Abe” was like Clint Eastwood and Barack Obama, a Sodomite. Why now? Why in Tampa and Why Mitt Romney?
Why now?
In 1312-1313 the Council of Vienne in Occitane (Langue d’ Oc=Green Language) confiscated all property and assets of the Knights Templar, the private Military of the Gnostic Cathars and transferred them to the Knights of Malta to which Paul Ryan is an initiate “In 700 years, the Laurel will grow green again”-Cathar Prophecy. On 12/21/2012, the Pale Horse will be released according to www.One-Heaven.org/ “United States of Free Spirits” Norman Cathars believed incarnation of one’s Spirit in matter was inherently Evil;
Mormons believe their Spirits come from the Stars, specifically “Kolob” meaning “Star”.
12/21/2012 “Day of Divine Judgment” Who Judges? Dan means “Judge”, the Tribe of Israel Mitt claims descent from. Bow to the Golden Calf? Not me! SSDD Folks! On that date, the Chi-Rho will form in the Heavens as the Sun rises through the X formed by the Ecliptic and Milky Way.
Why Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan? The Donation of Constantine is likely a forgery, however, the document gives the Western Half of the Roman Empire (West of Constantinople/Istanbul) to the Roman Pope as “Vicarious Christ”; Mitt Romney is also a “Vicarious Christ” as a Melchisedek Priest. Jesus is Melchisedek! Constantine was the illegitimate son of Constantius Chlorus (Pale=Chlorus=Pale Horse= Mormon Mitt Romney “White and Delightsome=Laban “To make White” or “To make Bricks”; Remember the White Brick Pyramid at the London Olympics?) and daughter of Druid King/Wizard “Old King Coel”. George Romney has his grave at Dalton in Furness (Wales), a Cistercian Abbey in Wales. Knights Templars were Cistercian Monks and forerunners of today’s Wall St Bankers who use the same Golden Bull Idol Israel worshipped in the days of Moses. Later, the Golden Calf was set up at Beth-el where Laban set up his Chaldean “Heap of Witness” and Dan. Mormon Prophets like Mitt claim Dannite lineage; Remember the Mormon “Dannites”? Same Private Cathar Military folks! Mormons have built some 160 Temples today; New Covenant Temples are made of Flesh not Stone! Today Mormons call the “Dannites” and “Avenging Angels” the “Mormon Mafia”. Dalton in Furness “Daltune” represents the Druid claim to the world as recorded in the “Doomsday Book” commissioned by the Norman King William the Conqueror after the Battle of Hastings in 1066. Paul Ryan is not only a Knight of Malta, he voted for all of Obama’s spending increases (Stimulus, Medicare Expansion, Un-employment extension, Auto bailouts) and now want “Austerity”; the word is synonymous with Lucifer “To Shine”. Not seeing REDRUM in the mirror yet? You will.
Why Tampa?
One has to admit Hurricane Isaac “He Laughs” hitting New Orleans (War of 1812 Battle of New Orleans anyone?) 7 yrs to the day after Hurricane Katrina on the Feast Day of the Beheading of John the Baptist is a bit strange.
Tampa means “Sticks of Fire” Gee, now where did we see Fire Sticks recently? The Olympics perhaps? Romans called these bundle of sticks “Fasces”; We Believe in America is the slogan of the RNC; these same Fasces are over the Oval Office Doors, Supreme Court Doors, Abe Lincoln’s Chair, and the Speaker of the House Rostrum and on all 50 State National Guard Logos contracted out as FEMA prison camp guards. Remember Oliver North? He ran the Iran-Contra drug pipeline Mitt laundered money through Bain Capital for. He said in college, Ann and he used an ironing board for their dining room table and the days Bain was started were “Tough Times”; living in Michigan’s Governor’s Mansion, writing checks from a college Trust Fund for Harvard Law School and making 175%/yr with El Salvadoran “Death Squad” money is tough?
Florida was given to Conquistadores Hernando de Soto by the Pope and King of Spain; he landed in Claus and began murdering natives of that name who later rose up and burned de Soto and his band of soldiers, blood hounds and Inquisition Priests; Tampa “Sticks of Fire” then became the supposed training ground for Osama bin Laden’s “al-Qaeda” hijackers. Mitt praised Obama for killing bin Laden who has to this day never been proven to have been involved with 9/11/2001 or Saddam Hussein, nor has he appeared on an FBI Most Wanted List in connection with the event; the only list I have ever seen him on is a CIA employment application as Tim Osman. One has to admit, living 11 years in a cave with Kidney failure is a bit tough, let alone Seal Team 6 DNA testing and transporting his body 1100 miles in one night in a 130MPH helicopter on the Druid Holy Day of Beltane before being all 30 are taken out with a lucky shot from an RPG. 33° Mason Neil Armstrong, whom Mitt Romney also praised would have had an easier time being photographed (by who?) climbing down the Eagle to the Moon where a 7500 temperature differential and 20,000MPH incoming space bullets awaited the intrepid space err I mean “Dark Matter” traveler.
Is it just coincidence George Bush Jr was also in Tampa on 9/11/2001 reading “My Pet Goat” upside down?
or that the American Flag he was photographed in front of was Upside Down? The Upside Down Flag is a symbol of a Nation in distress; is this why Madonna’s Halftime “Holy of Holies” show was “Ishtar’s Descent into Hell” and Clint Eastwood said “This is America’s Halftime”?
Marco Rubio, a Jesuit, Baptist and Mormon introduced Mitt Romney who praised his hometown of Miami being just 90 miles from Cuban tyranny. Is it also coincidence that Mitt Romney got a NAM draft deferment as NAM (Non-aligned Movement) was taking place in Tehran? Raul Castro, a Jesuit trained soldier just like his brother Fidel was there, in the first Middle East location claimed by the Jesuits under Francis Xavier, in the same year Hernando de Soto was claiming Tampa and all of Florida? Amazing isn’t it? NAM was called “Spelly’s War” after Jesuit Cardinal Francis Spellman; Ft Knox gold was used to pay for that war. Now maybe you can see why the RNC platform included a return to the Gold Standard because “He who has the gold, makes the rules”-Mayer Rothschild, the patriarch of British Petroleum aka Anglo-Iranian Oil. You caught that right? On Abadan Island no less. You caught that too right? Abaddan is the “Angel of the Bottomless Pit” aka “Destroyer”. Mitt accused Iran of using Uranium centrifuges for weapons production yet not one accusation from the IAEA to that effect.
Did you see the Debt signs in front if Mitt? The $15.98Trillion sign is the National Debt; notice it is nearing $16T; God’s Wrath is described in Rev 16, this was the 16th Nam Summit decrying American Imperialism and Pope Benedict XVI is the current Roman Pope supposedly #111 out of 112 Popes before Rome burns according to the Prophecy of St Malachi dated about the same time William the Conqueror commissioned the “Doomsday Book”.
Mitt swore a little oath called the Oath of Vengeance..
..to “Avenge the blood of the prophets Joseph and Hyrum Smith on America and the Gentile Race”, but don’t tell that to Mitt, a Son of Israel also sworn to “Consecrate the world’s assets unto the Sons of Israel”. Like Ahmadinejad in Tehran who believes his Divine Mission is to reveal the 12th Imam “al-Mahdi”; Mitt believes he is “The One, Mighty and Strong” who will usher in the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ” When? Right after His “Wrath” at Rev 16. Did you see the other sign with $50Trillion? That’s the unfunded liabilities Paul Ryan wants to fund with “Austerity” cuts to “Entitlements” such as Social Security and Medicare. They are not Entitlements folks, they are “Trust Funds” managed by Liars. Mitt even alluded to this comparing Chinese investments in America to that of Greece which of course is Bankrupt and erupting in Civil War from Austerity. America is a Corporation; Mitt has been nominated for the Office of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and knows full well what Chinese Creditors do to Debtors (Taxpayers) is Foreclosure.
A clear line in the sand was drawn at the RNC between Russia, China, Iran, Syria (aligned) and America-Israel (non-aligned). Netanyahu said “NAM is a stain on humanity”; the Ayatollah Ali Khameini called Romney worked in Capital Management in Boston with him and visited the Wailing Wall last month wearing a Black Yarmulke. The Kippah and Zucchetto is the “Cap of Cybele” worn by the Priests of the “Queen of Heaven”; they are not Jewish in any sense. If you are not Spiritually ready for WWIII you need to get ready. Out of America’s ashes the Phoenix will rise as a New Atlantis and “Babylon”. Out of the flames of Rome, “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…” will rise. Both will be ruled by a person known as the “One” riding a “Pale Horse” called “Death” and “Hell” will follow close behind (Rev 6:7); this 3rd Beast Daniel described in Dan 7:6 who will start the 42 month Great Tribulation when the Mayan Calendar reads at Rev 13 is none other than a return to the Sins of Sodom described in Gen 13:13.
The offer of Salvation will remain on the table until Rev 6:14. I would not wait to accept the Free Gift Jesus provided through His Blood; my best guess is that on 3/13/13 the last Red Heifer will be Sacrificed, and the New World Order built on its ashes.