[frame_right][/frame_right]Christmas celebrates the birth of Natalis Solis Invicti; Easter the Immaculate Conception of Ishtar with Sol; it’s no surprise Mother’s Day is not what it seems. Magna Mater Day in Phrygia (Turkey) was held in honor of Cybele; in Greece the day honored Rhea, in Egypt, Isis was worshipped as Divine Virgin Mother of God and Pharoah’s, an incarnation of God. God’s “Son” is of course Jesus Christ, also murdered during another spring celebration.
Mothering Sunday was originally celebrated on the 4th Sunday of Lent (40 days Women wept for the pagan son Tammuz. Anglo-Saxons in England celebrated Mary as Mother of God; after that, the day was extended to all Mothers. The Mother’s Day Proclamation of 1870 by Julia Ward Howe was a protest to the needless slaughter of 700,000 of our Nation’s “Sons” during the Civil War; often times brothers slaughtered each other after Abraham Lincoln set the stage and Masons Robert, Jesse and Frank James lit the fuse on cannons aimed at Ft Sumter. Julia Howe adapted the words and music to the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” from a previous campfire song “Canaan’s Happy Shore”. Canaan was conceived in by his father Ham in the tent of Noah ie with his father Ham’s mother. This song was then adapted to “John Brown’s Body” concerning slavery during the Civil War. No big surprise here; Freemason Francis Scott Key wrote the “Star Spangled Banner” watching bombs bursting in mid-air above Ft McHenry from a British troop ship; that song written to an Irish drinking song about a Greek philosopher “Anachreon in Heaven”.
Anna Marie Jarvis lobbied for Mother’s Friendship Day after witnessing the carnage of the Civil War and Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871. In 1908, her daughter and Seminary grad (Chaplains are always on both sides of Wars, claiming God is with both; NOT!) Anna Jarvis took over the reigns from her mother, spearheading the first Mother’s Day National Holiday on behalf of the YMCA. Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Mother’s Day an official National Holiday set on the 2nd Sunday in May on May 9, 1914. Fresh off illegally creating the Federal Reserve, Wilson used the slogan “Re-elect the man who will keep your sons out of war in Europe” in 1916 to win re-election. A liar extraordinaire with no compunction about the intentional sinking of the Lusitania, America’s “Sons” were soon given 3 doses of vaccines at Ft Riley KS leading to the “Spanish Flu” which killed an estimated 50-100 million “Sons” across Europe with 11 million more dead by lead poisoning from weapons supplied by rich elitists such as the DuPont family to both sides of the battlefield.
So much for the history of Mother’s Day and the lying bastards who keep our Mother’s “Sons” dying from disease and needless wars of attrition. WWI ended in “Armistice” as did the Arab-Israeli War and Korean War; isn’;t it conforting to know Mother’s Day celebrations will go on until Jesus returns to put an end to the madness? “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened” Mat 24:22 Thanks God for that! “Honor thy mother” for sure, but keep in mind the origin of this Pagan Holy Day.