Rosh Hashanah “Trumpets”..
Mabon “Michaelmas”..
Kol Nidre “All Vows”..
Yom Kippur “Atonement”..
Feast of Tabernacles “Sukkot” ..
“In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation”
“Also on the tenth day of the seventh month there shall be a day of atonement: it shall be an holy convocation unto you; and ye shall afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD”
“The fifteenth day of this seventh month shall be the feast of tabernacles for seven days unto the LORD…seven days ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD”
Trumpets (16 Sept), Mabon (21-24 Sept), Kol Nidre (25 Sept), Atonement (26 Sept) and Tabernacles (1 Oct) and the 8th “Great Day” (Oct 8).
Prayers in Synagogue on Yom Kippur determine one’s place in the Book of Life or Book of Death. Thank God He has the real Book of Life in Heaven!!; this is the Rabbinical idea of Atonement.
Rosh Hashanah begins with the blowing of the Ram’s Horn Trumpet “Shofar” commemorating Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his only son Isaac which God replaced with a Ram on Mt Moriah. God would later take a body of Flesh and offer Himself as a suitable sacrifice of God’s only begotton son at that same spot 2000 years later. Abraham cast out Hagar and Ishmael; critical because Iran is run by Ismaili “Twelvers” currently; the missing “h” means God is not with Ismailis; they rely on Shia Imams for guidance. Their Scapegoat is not Jesus Christ or God but Azazel “Wilderness Goat that Departs”, one of 99 names of Satan/Lucifer.
Mabon aka Michaelmas aka Mea’n Fo’mhair is a Pagan/Druid celebration of Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael (Michael is the only scriptural Archangel), accounting of the harvest, and veneration of the “Green Man”. Offerings made to Trees are human sacrifices hung in Thor’s Oaks. Wiccans celebrate “Croning”. Some harvest eh? The US Senate 90 to 1 to draw a “Red Line” on Iran’s uranium enrichment precisely at Midnight, the start of Michaelmas. In Corporate lingo “Fiscal Accounting”. The Supreme Court will convene on the 1st Monday in October, coincident this year with Feast of Tabernacles. All coincidence? Don’t bet on it.
On Sept 25, Talmudic Rabbis will absolve “Sins” against God and write the names of the “Congregation” in their own version of the “Book of Life” for people who plan Sins in advance. They pray for God to absolve all “Vows” made to God for the coming year. Specifically, Sins called “Evil Tongue” such as Slander, False Witness and Scoffing are forgiven. Silly Rabbi, God holds us to every detail of every “Vow” we make or “Oath” we take! This is why He said “Never call any man on earth Rabbi” Recall Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have both donned the “Yarmulke” (Kippah, Zuchetto are Caps of Cybele; Bohemians/Gypsies are descentants of Boii ie Priests of Cybele) at Herod’s Western “Wailing Wall”. Mitt Romney released his 2011 Federal Tax Return this week, lising the USA as a Foreign Country Why? Private Oaths made in Masonry, Jesuits etc absolve the initiate of Oaths made in Public. Mitt’s father/grandfather were Mexican Citizens, not US Citizens. Kol Nidre will absolve men like these of “All Vows” made in 2012-2013. Neat Trick, but God knows all of this.
For men who replaced Jesus’ birth with Succoth-benoth “Booths of Daughters” and move it to Hannukah/Christmas aka “Festival of Lights” and “Dies Natalis Solis Invicti” What offering by fire would be appropriate? According to former Deputy Secretary of State Dr Steve Pieczenik, the Iran War is planned for that date and will lead into WWIII.
Mitt Romney, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Benjamin Netanyahu are all in New York for Yom Kippur and the UN General Assembly.
- 25 nations are assembling the largest military exercise ever at the Straits of Hormuz “Austerity Challenge 12”. America alone has 4 Aircraft Carriers and several Nuclear Submarines.
- 50,000 US troops are stationed on Socotra Is near Yemen; Drones are stationed on Masirah Is at the Straits of Hormuz.
- Russia, Kurdistan, Tajikistan, Kurdistan (Armenia), Belarus, Kyrgystan, Khazakstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan asssembled in Armenia (Kurdistan) last week for their largest military exercise.
- Turkey is amassing armored troops on the Syrian border.
- NAM (Non-aligned Movement) met in Tehran with 150 Nations including the UN to decry western imperialism.
- The TPP (Trans-pacific Partnership) met, treasonously giving International Corporations the right to sue Sovereign Nations and purchase their public and private assets.
- India is moving armored troops to the China Border.
- Egypt is moving troops to the border with Israel.
- Israel is moving tens of thousands of troops to the Golan Heights.
- F-22 Squadrons are deployed within striking distance of Iran.
- The US Federal Reserve is printing $40 Billion/month; a Currency War.
- Canada (A Zionist regime) severed Diplomatic relations with Iran.
- American and European Embassies are under some sort rebellion in 20 Nations.