“And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way…and he took not away the pillar of cloud…”
– Ex 13:21-22
[frame_right][/frame_right] First: Assassinate Hamas military leader Ahmed al-Jabari.
Second: Blame Iran. Fajr-5 rockets are of Iranian origin and have the range required to hit targets in Israel from Gaza; Fajr-5 rockets are however 20 feett long, 1000 lbs rockets requiring a 40 foot launcher.
The only way to get them into Gaza is with the aid of Israel.
Fajr means Dawn aka Lucifer, Venus, Eostre, Easter etc. “5” refers to earth, air, fire, water and quintessence (the 5th element needed for man to become God). Fajr-5 rockets were fired into Tel Aviv “Spring Mound” from Gaza. An “accidental” attack on the Al Aqsa Mosque would almost certainly start WWIII pitting
“Political Zionism against Islam”
as 33° Freemason, Sodomite Confederate General Albert Pike predicted in 1871. The next action would almost certainly be the building of the 3rd Temple. The Confederate and British plan was and is to break up the American Union. Is it coincidence all 50 US States filed petitions this week to Secede from the Union?
The southern kingdom of Judah was taken captive to Tel Abib in Babylon where the “men of Cuthah” worshipped “Nergal”, the pagan god of War. Nergal was venerated as an Idol of a Lion (Rothschild Coat of Arms), Mars (Roman god of War) and/or a Rooster heralding the Dawn (Lucifer). In the ruins of the Assyrian King Sennacherib was found a Stele depicting a Lioness mauling an Ethiopian man; whether Obama makes it through a 2nd Term remains to be seen, but Michelle wore a Black Widow Dress on his 1st Election Night for a reason I suspect and his speech in Cairo proclaiming “A new beginning for Islam” was pretty telling. Michelle has family ties to Ethiopian Priests of Ameru who claim to have the original Ark of the Covenant. They don’t.. but again, we’ll just have to see how this plays out with the 3rd Temple rebuilding.
Mormons claim Lehi took Ishmael’s family and Zedekiah’s son Mulek to America; Lehi refers to the Stern Gang and Irgun Terrorists. Scripture ensures us that Zedekiah and all of his sons died (ref 2 Kings 25:7; Jeremiah 52:10). The goal of Lehi aka Mormonism and the Stern Gang is to reclaim the land God promised Abraham called “Eretz Israel” (spanning from the Nile to the Euphrates rivers). Those in covenant with Jesus Christ realize the covenant is through Isaac and Jacob. Those in covenant with Lucifer assume it is through Ishmael and Esau. Herod was Edomite and rebuilding Herod’s Temple is the goal. Herod celebrated Easter (ref Acts 12:4 kjv) whose Rabbit Idol is that of Anammelech (2 Kings 17:30). Make Sense yet?
Nergal/Mars is the “UNKNOWN GOD”
..ignorantly worshiped at Mars’ Hill aka Areopagus in Acts 17:22-24. Mars is Ares, hence Areopagus; Men of Cuthah from Tel Abib are Medes of Iran who instituted Zoroastrianism and the concept of a final battle of “Good versus Evil”; there is no battling God folks!
Modern Israel is a Rothschild/British (Red Shield ie Edomite Shield; B’Rith means Birthright Covenant) creation.
They named Tel Aviv and adopted the six pointed star of Molech (Marduk, Lucifer, Heliopolis, On, Allah) to symbolize man on earth had become god in heaven. The pagans occupying Israel today are “Zionists”, listed in 2 Kings 17:30-32. Mormons hold the same belief in the title Melchisedek.
Jesus is Melchisedek!
Note the journey where this occurred was Succoth to Etham aka Pi-hahiroth at the eastern edge of the “Wilderness” where Pharaoh and the Egyptian army died crossing the Red Sea at the Gulf of Aqaba into Arabia.
Fajr is an Arab name of Lucifer.
Succoth means “Booth”. Jesus was born on Succot aka Feast of Tabernacles (14 Tishrei, 6 BC at Even). The men of Babylon turned Succot into Succoth-benoth “Booths of Daughters” where pagan Sacred Marriages were consummated with incest. Succoth was replaced by Hanukkah in the Inter-testament period and after Constantine merged Paganism with Christianity, Hanukkah was aligned with Christmas. Constantine’s X in the sky refers to 12/21/2012. Christmas is still Dies Natalis Solis Invicti (Nativity of the Un-conquered Sun) Lucifer’s Birthday!
Want proof?
Shamash the Akkadian Sun God (Sin is Allah, the Akkadian Moon god) is the center candle on the Hanukkah Menorah. Now compare your Christmas tree with the Flag of Lebanon (guarded by Hezbollah), America’s 1st Flag and Qatar as you re-read 2 Kings 17:32. Britain’s Chief Rabbi even blamed Iran for the rocket attack.
Netanyahu is Ashkenazi, not Semitic or Jewish, Ashkenaz is a descendant of Japheth, not Shem. Noah prophesied in Genesis 9:27
“God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem: and Canaan shall be his servant..”
Molech is the Canaanite god. The flag of Israel is the Star of Molech and Chiun referred to in Amos 5:26 that caused God to place Israel in Assyrian and Judah/Benjamin in Babylonian captivity.
Saudi Arabia and the US military guard Mt Sinai in northwest Arabia to guard the truth. Saudi Arabia has given Israel overflight authority for attacks on Iran. Saudi Arabia finances arms for Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Free Syrian Army through Qatar. The flag of Qatar is the same as the first US flag – an Evergreen Tree aka “Grove”. Black Water trains mercenaries in Qatar as well; (training Mercenaries in the US and in Arab nations is what they do). The US guards, trains “Freedom Fighters” and transports weapons into Syria from Benghazi and Turkey. Those Freedom Fighters managed to set up the financing arm called the Central Bank of Benghazi in 2 weeks after the start of the Libyan War on Purim.
Pur means Lot. Casting of Lots for Marduk was done by Jews who chose to remain in Persian captivity. Paula Broadwell refers to this as “All In” because there is no turning back. Hamas considers Turkey’s Prime Minister Erodagan a leadership role model.
Israel has called to active duty 30,000 reservists
..and amassed artillery and tanks for the invasion of Gaza.
Egypt has amassed artillery and troops at their border as well.
Mohammad Morsi will visit Gaza today. Remember, he is also Muslim Brotherhood just like Hamas.
Obama will nominate United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice to Secretary of State. She is a Rhodes Scholar mentored by the Brookings Institute. Qatar has the Brookings Institute Doha Center. Their latest publications “Which Path to Persia?” and “Time to Strike Iran”. Susan Rice defends Operation Pillar of Cloud. Susan Rice is mentored by Satanist fake Jew Madeilline Albright, following the script by fellow Atlantic Council mentor General Wes Clark (nee Cohen) who stated in 2007 America will invade 7 nations in 5 years with Libya, Syria and Iran last on the list. Susan Rice’ classmate at Oxford Michael McFaul was accused of tampering with Russian elections. Russia is aligned with Syria and Iran, but note, this does not mean “Gog and Magog” is happening.
the real battle of “Gog and Magog”
is “after the thousand years.” (Ref Eze 38:1; Rev 20:7-8.)
The Pentagon stated today (11/16/12) 75,000 troops will be necessary to secure Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile. Who would be willing to
sacrifice 75,000, presumably US troops?
33° Luciferian Freemason, Skull & Bones aka Brotherhood of Death Society, Papal Knight of Eulogia, Jesuit, Knight of Malta John Kerry (Cohen) will be nominated for Secretary of Defense. Oh, sorry I meant Secretary of War ie Nergal. That is what the office was and is called by Congress (congress is a word derived from Congredi “To meet for War”).
Whose weapons are those?
Iran-Contra delivered them to Iraq, Iran and Libya. Iraq, and now Benghazi delivered them to Syria.
They were financed by drugs
whose profits were
laundered by Mitt Romney through Bain Capital.
Who runs Bain? Susan Rice’ fellow Atlantic Council mentor Orit Gadeish (Israeli Spy and daughter of an IDF General). Russia has just delivered three million chemical masks to Syria. Hey Leon and John, you Knights of Malta wouldn’t
send 75,000 troops to a chemical weapons war, would you?
Both men are mentored by Henry Kissinger (too many Satanic initiations to name) who said,
“Soldiers are dumb stupid animals to be used as fodder in our wars”.
Folks, if you are not in covenant with Jesus Christ by Revelation 6:14 (my best guess is early 2013 based on the X and Chi-Rho symbolically forming on 12/21/2012), it will be too late to do so. When Heaven is rolled as a scroll when it is rolled together and in possession of Jesus Christ in heaven, nobody but a Fool would expect to gain access to the “Book of Life”.